








(?) plant 很多,

(叁) warm climate



(?) plant 是很多,但是营养很少

(叁) warm climate is actually a disadvantage, because they needed tocool off











2. Agree or disagree:students should do part-time job before attending college. 有?认为,在上?学之前应该有 work experience, such as doing a part-time job。你是否同意这个观点?

3. Some college students like to spend their free time studying another course or doingschoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy club activities. Which do you think isbetter and why?




2014.11.9托福独立写作范文+解析 2014-11-10谢侃Kevin英语课堂 文/谢侃(公众号:kevinenglishclass) 【题】Which factor influences you the most when it comes to a major purchase: 1) recommendations from your friends or colleagues;2) information from media; 3) salesman in the market 题型分类:对比题 论证角度:原因挖掘 观点选择:让步 开头:朋友同事的推荐影响最大。(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡)When people plan to buy something that costs a great deal of money, they will think twice before making the final decision. Factors that will affect the decision might be recommendations from friends and colleagues, information on media

and words of salesman in the market. Among all those factors, I believe that what friends and colleagues say play the most important role in helping us with the decision-making. I am going to elaborate my point of view in the following paragraphs. (75 words) 中间段1:同事朋友比较靠谱。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子) My first reason is that friends or colleagues’ words are reliable. When offering recommendations for us to make a purchase, friends and colleagues are highly unlikely to lie to us about the quality of the goods while TV commercials and salesmen will try to convince customers to make the deal by any possible means out of commercial purposes. Imagine that I want to buy a car, a salesperson probably recommend me an expensive car that is beyond my purchasing power. Conversely, if I have a friend who is a car-lover, he will guide me to buy a car with a high quality-price ratio. (103 words) 中间段2:朋友的建议能给我们完整的信息。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)In addition, friends or colleagues’ recommendations provide us with complete information about the product, which is beneficial for making a wise decision. When friends or colleagues can recommend us something, they must have bought or tried this product so that they have a deeper understanding of the features of the product including its quality, price and value. In this sense, their advice is very helpful for our decision. For example, I am very satisfied with the computer that I have bought recently. Expect for its reasonable price, the performance far exceeds my expectation. It is attributed to the recommendation from my friend--Jack, who has already bought one before. (109 words) 让步段:当然,朋友和同事的推荐也不一定全部正确,因为其中或许有他们的个人偏好,并不适合我们,但是比起销售人员或电视广告的商业性而言,朋友同事的推荐还是值得参考的,但是最后还得自己做决定,也不能盲从。(承认漏洞+堵漏) Admittedly, I am not saying that recommendations from friends and colleagues are absolutely correct. They may involve their personal preferences when buying the goods, and therefore what they recommend to us may not be totally appropriate for our own situations. However, as long as we can fully realize our


托福写作题库 来源:王春广的日志 写作题库分类 1.建造问题: 2) It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your ne ighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and de tails to support your answer 你家附近将要建一个大饭店。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 4) It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in you r neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons an d details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个电影院。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 5) The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. C ompare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion 政府打算建一所新大学,有人认为你家附近是个合适的地方。比较好处与坏处,详细阐述。 6) It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your c ommunity. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and det ails in your answer. 可能在你们社区内建一所高中。你同意还是反对,详细阐述原因。 7) Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous perso n in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to s upport your choice 你的城市要建一个名人纪念碑或雕塑。你会选择谁?说出详细原因和具体例子。 8) A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some pe ople want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research i n agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recom mend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.


2017年4月马克思主义基本原理真题及答案解释 课程代码:03709 一、单项选择题 本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。错选、 多选或未选均无分。 1.马克思主义是一个具有内在逻辑联系的科学体系,其中处于核心地位的是 (D)。 A.辩证唯物主义 B.历史唯物主义 C.政治经济学 D.科学社会主义 【解析】马克思主义哲学是科学的世界观和方法论,政治经济学揭示了资本主义的发展规律,处于核心地位的则是科学社会主义理论。 2.世界观是(A)。 A.人们对整个世界的根本看法和观点 B.人们对精神世界的根本看法和观点 C.人们对物质世界的根本看法和观点 D.人们对外部世界的根本看法和观点 【解析】所谓世界观,就是人们对包括自然、社会和人类思维在内的整个世界的根本看法和根本观点。 3.“盛年不重来,一日难再晨”,这个谚语说的是(A)。 A.时间具有一维性 B.物质运动具有持续性 C.时间具有有限性 D.物质运动具有顺序性自考汉语言 【解析】时间是物质运动的持续性和顺序性。所谓持续性是指任何一个事物的运动都要经历一个或长或短的过程;所谓顺序性是指事物的运动过程中不同阶段的出现有一个先后顺序关系。时间的特点是一维性,即时间总是朝着一个方向向前发展,既不是循环,也不是倒退,具有不可逆性。比如“盛年不重来,一日难再晨”、“光阴好比河中水,只能流去不流回”等。 4.联系的观点和发展的观点是(B)。 A.马克思主义的理论品质 B.唯物辩证法的总特征 C.马克思主义的活的灵魂 D.唯物辩证法的实质和核心 【解析】唯物辩证法的总特征是联系的观点和发展的观点;马克思主义的理论品质是与时俱进;马克思主义的活的灵魂是实事求是;唯物辩证法的实质和核心是矛盾。


2016年托福写作真题及解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福真题解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 2016年托福阅读真题及解析1 托福阅读第一篇欧洲人口增加 原文回顾:欧洲经济发展相关,工业化和食物的增长促进了人口的增长。高速城市化:人们开始从乡下往城镇转移,因此带来了工作,生活资料等一系列的变化。细节讲到了熟练工和普通人的区别,考了两个题。最后讲到了人口的增加导致人均工资下降的问题。 学习: After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900. There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and


一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1.马克思主义的根本理论特征是A.科学性和革命性的统一 2.对世界存在状态问题的不同回答所区分的哲学派别是B.辩证法和形而上学 3.哲学上的一元论与二元论的区别在于是否承认B.世界的统一性 4.在物质和运动的关系问题上,唯心主义的错误在于C.否认物质是运动的主体 5.下列选项中属于最基本的实践活动的是D.物质生产活动 6.区分量变和质变的根本标志是B.事物的变化是否超出度的范围 7.马克思主义认识论认为,认识的本质是C.主体对客体的能动反映 8.感性认识和理性认识的区别在于C.前者反映事物的现象,后者反映事物的本质 9.真理都是具体的,包罗万象的真理是不存在的。这说明任何真理都具有B.相对性 10.党的思想路线的核心是C.实事求是 11.决定人口生产的发展方向和基本趋势的是 B.物质生产 12.下列范畴中,反映人与人之间经济关系的是B.生产关系 13.阶级斗争归根结底是由A.物质利益的对立引起的 14.在历史创造者问题上,两种根本对立的观点是A.群众史观和英雄史观 15.商品的最本质因素是B.价值 16.社会必要劳动时间是以B.简单劳动为尺度的 17.资本主义生产过程是B.劳动过程和价值增殖过程的统一 18.马克思主义认为,资本主义意识形态B.既有历史进步性又有阶级局限性 19.产业资本循环中为生产剩余价值准备条件的阶段是C.购买阶段 20.资本家加速资本周转的目的是D.提高年剩余价值率 21.资本主义经济危机中最典型的现象是A.生产过剩 22.超额利润是C.个别生产价格低于社会生产价格的差额 23.同股票价格成反比的是A.银行利息率 24.垄断产生的物质条件和基础是D.社会化生产力的发展 25.在垄断资本主义阶段,占统治地位的资本是D.金融资本 26.资本主义经济的发展是为更高级的生产方式创造物质条件,这主要表现为C.发展社会生产力 27.提出并实施新经济政策的是A.列宁 28.马克思主义政党产生的充分条件是D.马克思主义与工人运动相结合 29.社会主义社会和共产主义社会都存在的经济关系是A.生产资料的社会公有制 30.劳动不再仅仅是一种谋生手段而同时成为生活第一需要的社会是B.共产主义社会 二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中 31.下列各项属于马克思主义理论体系基本组成部分的有 A.科学社会主义C.马克思主义哲学D.马克思主义政治经济学 32.下列各项属于唯物辩证法的否定观的有 B.否定是事物联系的环节 C.否定是事物的自我否定D.否定是事物发展的环节 33.下列各项表现了意识能动性的有A.意识活动具有目的性和计划性B.意识能影响人的生理活动C.意识活动具有主动创造性 D.意识能指导人的实践活动 34.在真理标准问题上,下列说法中属于唯心主义观点的有A.多数人认可的就是真理 B.权威人士采纳的就是真理C.少数人坚持的就是真理 D.大家觉得有用的就是真理 35.下列各项中,属于人类社会基本矛盾的有A.生产力与生产关系的矛盾C.经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾 36.货币最基本的职能是A.价值尺度B.流通手段 37.资本主义增加绝对剩余价值生产主要依靠的是A.延长工作日C.增加劳动强度 38.生产价格与价值的关系是 B.生产价格是价值的转化形式C.生产价格的形成以价值为基


最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 https://www.360docs.net/doc/874369851.html,/ 2014年4月27日托福独立写作范文(20140427ML) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does. I totally disagree with the statement that your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does. On the contrary, sometimes, social life plays a more crucial role in our lives than job does. We cannot identify which one is superior to another one because both of them all make contributions to our happiness. Firstly, happiness means that you have many friends indeed. It is necessary for you to make some friends with people who can depend on. It almost relies on our social life. When you are enjoying the party, participating in sports or meeting some people you even do not know before, there are lots of opportunities for you to learn, experience and make friends. Secondly, happiness also represents varieties of desires of many people to a large degree. We are not only desiring to be content ourselves, but also make families satisfactory. Some people who have no time spending on living with families even consider accompanying children and wife as a happiest thing in their lives. Generally speaking, spending time saved by jobs on taking them to social life, we may be content because their happiness is identical to your happiness. However, jobs could do something that is in different fields from social life. If we are successful in our jobs, we will have more conditions of material life to do something depends on money. Social life can not give us those enjoyable things as a result of having no money to afford. All the evidence above supports an unshakable conclusion that social life isn't secondary to job effects on your happiness, they all make contributions to our happiness.

08-09 托福所有写作真题整理

Friends 080115 It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor. 081122 Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends 081123 Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends 081220 People with different interests and personalities cannot be friends. 090627 For future career, success is related well to other people more important than studying hard at school. 091101 Is advice given by older people more valuable than from people at your age. Education 080119 Nowadays each group member get same grade. Is it a good method to evaluate students to give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together. What do you think of the way of evaluation? 081216 Grades encourage students to learn. 080330 Students would receive a better effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year. 080427 Many teacher assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? 080607 Do you think children should play computer games? 080629 University education is the most important factor of success in life. 080809 University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 080824 A teacher who is serious and strict is more efficient than a teacher who uses humors and is easygoing. 080921 Some people think children should study and play other people think children should help with household chores. 081101


2016年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 马克思主义基本原理概论试题和答案 (课程代码:03709) 本试卷共4页。满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。 2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑. 3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答. 4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。未涂、错涂或多涂均无分。 1.把马克思主义作为行动的指南,就是要【】 A.用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法研究解决实际问题 B.从马克思主义经典著作中寻找解决现实问题的直接答案 C.把马克思主义当作现成的公式裁剪历史事实 D.一切从马克思主义的一般原理出发 2.马克思主义认为,社会生活在本质上是【】 A.丰富的 B.发展的 C.精神的 D.实践的 3.我们党制定和执行独立自主、自力更生以及对外开放方针的理论基础是【】 A.矛盾的同一性和斗争性辩证关系的原理 B.事物发展的内因和外因辩证关系的原理 C.矛盾的普遍性和特殊性辩证关系的原理 D.事物发展的量变和质变辩证关系的原理 4.下列选项中,表示要坚持适度原则的是【】 A.因地制宜 B.对症下药 C.注意分寸 D.实事求是 5.“天行有常,不为尧存.不为桀亡。”这是说【】 A.规律仅仅存在于自然界 B.规律是无法认识和把握的 C.规律不具有客观普遍性 D.规律不以人的意志为转移 6.可知论与不可知论的对立在于是否承认【】 A.人的认识是先于经验而获得的 B.思维能够正确地认识现实世界


2014年的托福写作应该重点复习哪些题目?谷天田提供写作范文:减压的办法是独处?希望谷天田提供的资料对你的托福备考有所帮助! 托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.(减压的办法是独处?) 托福写作参考范文: Regardless of age, individuals from all walks of life各行各业require ample amounts of time for relaxation. Whether or not it is due to other people, schooling, work, or even the living environment, the underlying cause would always seem to be the reduction, if not total elimination 完全消除, of stress. Who doesn’t want to sit by the beach and sip an ice cold glass of juice while not being bothered by the heavy workload you left at the office? However, for today, that will not be our main concern. Instead, we would focus on which is the ideal way of relaxation—alone or with another person or group? Certain people某些人prefer lying in their beds all day with their headphones on while being whisked away去to their personal fantasy lands. There are even those who would spend time alone in the mountains just to meditate冥想. Others, however, like it the other way around. They would rather go to a lunch date or even to night parties with their family or friends. Now I am not saying that either one is the right way of doing it or the other one is obviously wrong. Relaxation is more of a personal preference. Even if your officemat/coworkers took you to a KTV bar since it’s her way of being relaxed, if that’s not your cup of tea如果你不喜欢的话, then most likely you’ll never have a good time. With this being said, I prefer spending time alone in order to relieve myself of stress, even if it’s just for that fleeting moment. Let’s have a deeper look as to why I said that. For one, as mentioned above, stress is mostly caused by external factors. Yes, factors that involve other people mostly. If I wanted to relax, I’d rather spend it in the comfort of my own room or maybe while having a quick walk around our local park. Psychologically speaking, the presence of stimuli (other people themselves and their actions toward you) can either agitate or remind you of the stress you are trying to drive away. Here’s a very simple example. Suppose, I am a student who is currently stressed by the never-ending barrage of lessons and homework一堆永远做不完的作业听不完的课. I’ve just had enough of these already that I decided to go to a local resort to unwind. Then along came my classmates. They also want to go with me there. I might enjoy their company and the venue, but I’m pretty sure, any moment someone will want to start a conversation about our professors, homework, and lessons. Now, how will I be able to relax then? If I went alone, spent time with just the water, trees, and blue sky, I believe the outcome would be very different. On a social perspective, this approach would be taken as a form of anti-social behavior. Those who favor the other side of the coin would often claim that real enjoyment and in particular, relaxation, can only be achieved via the presence of other people. Now this certainly holds water. However, my counter-argument is the fact that not all people are comfortable spending time with


2017年托福写作真题 2017.1.7 You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader? for a student organization or a group限定作用 2017.1.14 As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break: 1.Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study (For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.) 2.Students must volunteer to work in the university’ s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town. (For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.) Which one do you think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why? Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples. that has a long break between university semesters 限定作用 2017.2.8 Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do. 二选一 2017.2.25 Do you agree or disagree: The way people dresses are a good indication of his or her personality or character? Agree: 1.最直观的品质(1)风格是个社会银还是潮男他的喜好 (2)对一些的东西的喜欢颜色冷热 2.生活的态度(1)能好好打理自己积极面对生活 (2)对穿衣服很考究对其他事也很严格 Disagree:1.衣服并不能看出来(1)太忙了并不想浪费时间在穿衣上 (2)父母朋友随便送的 (3)职业限定 (4)不能通过一件事分析不同的人不同见解 2.喜欢的事情更能看出来(1)书是一个深奥坚持 (2)学科teacher—喜欢小孩外向程序员—内向… 通过接触可以发现(1)紧急想法 二选一 2017.2.26 Rather than help children with their schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their work independently. 1.应该1对学习好(1)会自己找到错误(2)自己找的错误印象深刻更能理解 2培养能力(1)自己去完成独立思考的能力未来。 (2)去找人合作沟通的能力 责任感自己的事情负责对父母好(1)忙(2)教材创新 不应该1对学习好(1)孩子太小不能独立克服困难家长的帮助更高效 (2)家长更有知识讲一些延伸 2对小孩好(1)体验家庭的关爱增强关系家庭和睦 (2)防止他们抄袭 二选一


全国2012年4月自考《马克思主义基本原理概论》试题及答案 课程代码:03709 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.亚当·斯密和大卫·李嘉图是( B) A.德国古典哲学的代表人物B.英国古典政治经济学的代表人物 C.英国空想社会主义的代表人物D.法国空想社会主义的代表人物 2.划分唯物主义和唯心主义的标准在于如何回答( A) A.物质和意识哪个是第一性的问题 B.物质世界可不可以认识的问题 C.物质世界是否普遍联系的问题 D.物质世界是否永恒发展的问题 3.金、银、铜、铁、铝等同金属的关系属于( B ) A.部分与整体的关系B.个别与一般的关系 C.现象与本质的关系D.形式与内容的关系 4.新事物之所以必然战胜旧事物,从根本上说是由于( D ) A.新事物是在旧事物之后产生的 B.新事物具有旧事物所没有的新形式 C.新事物具有旧事物所没有的新内容 D.新事物较旧事物更符合事物发展的必然趋势 5.认识我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的形势,我们要分清主流和支流,要看主流,同时又不忽略支流。这里依据的哲学道理是( A) A.矛盾的普遍性和特殊性辩证关系的原理 B.主要矛盾和次要矛盾辩证关系的原理 C.矛盾的主要方面和次要方面辩证关系的原理 D.事物变化的内因和外因辩证关系的原理 6.下列各项中,正确说明意识能动性的是( D) A.人有多大胆,地有多大产B.不怕做不到,就怕想不到 C.纸上谈兵,画饼充饥D.量力而行,尽力而为

7.下列各项中,属于辩证唯物主义认识论区别于旧唯物主义认识论的观点是( D) A.认识客体具有客观性的观点B.认识是主体对客体的反映的观点 C.物质世界可以认识的观点D.实践是认识的基础的观点 8.一个完整的认识过程是( D) A.感觉—知觉—表象B.概念—判断—推理 C.理论—实践—理论D.实践—认识—实践 9.与理性认识相比较,感性认识有两个特点,一个是直接性,另一个是( A) A.形象性B.能动性 C.客观性D.抽象性 10.唯物辩证法与形而上学在真理观上的对立,表现在是否承认( B ) A.真理具有客观性B.真理具有相对性 C.真理中包含着错误D.真理来源于主观创造 11.生产方式包括( C) A.劳动者和劳动工具两个方面B.地理环境和人口因素两个方面 C.生产力和生产关系两个方面D.经济基础和上层建筑两个方面12.现代生产力系统的渗透性因素是指( A) A.教育B.管理 C.生产资料D.自然科学 13.下列各项中,属于经济社会形态序列的是( B) A.渔猎社会B.封建社会 C.工业社会D.信息社会 14.社会改革和社会革命都根源于( A) A.生产力和生产关系的矛盾B.社会存在和社会意识的矛盾 C.人口增长和资源匮乏的矛盾D.创新意识和传统观念的矛盾 15.以私有制为基础的商品经济的基本矛盾是( C ) A.价值与使用价值的矛盾B.具体劳动与抽象劳动的矛盾 C.私人劳动与社会劳动的矛盾D.生产社会化与占有私人性的矛盾16.除了剩余价值与可变资本的比率外,剩余价值率还可以表示为( A) A.剩余劳动时间与必要劳动时间的比率 B.剩余劳动时间与社会必要劳动时间的比率 C.可变资本与不变资本的比率 D.利润与预付总资本的比率 17.劳动力价值决定的一个重要特点是( C )


2014年托福独立写作真题 2014 年1 月12 日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lotduring the past 50 years. 2014 年1 月18 日 In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas.In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areasshould it spend less money on? --Libraries --Public transportation --Police 2014 年2 月22 日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on only oneskill. 2014年3月1日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is not a good thing to move to a new town or country because you will lose contact with yourold friends. 2014年3月2日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
