


看电影学英语 Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》

-Robert: I shall tell you of William Wallace. tell of: 讲述

我将为你们讲述William Wallace的故事。

Historians from England will say I am a liar, historian: 历史学家 liar: 说谎的人


But history is written by those who have hanged heroes. history: 历史 hang: 绞死 hero: 英雄


The king of Scotland had died without a son, Scotland: 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在不列颠北部)


And the king of England, a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks,

cruel: 残忍的 pagan: 异教徒 be known as: 被称为,被认为是 longshank: 长腿(合成词long: 长的 shank: 腿部)


Claimed the throne of Scotland for himself. claim: 声称有 throne: 王位


Scotland's nobles fought him, and fought each other over the crown. noble: 贵族 fought: 打仗(fight的过去式) crown: 王位苏格兰的贵族们为了王位和他开战,同时也在自相残杀。

So Longshanks invited them to talk of truce... invite: 邀请 truce: 休战


No weapons, one page only. weapons: 武器 page: 随从


Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace, shire: 郡

当地有个名叫Malcolm Wallace的农民,

A commoner with his own lands. commoner: 平民


He had two sons, John and William.


-Malcolm: I told you to stay. stay: 呆,停留


-William: Well, I finished my work. finish: 完成,结束


Where are we going?


-Malcolm: MacAndrews'. He was supposed to visit when the gathering was over.

be supposed to: 被认为,应该 supposed: 假定,料想,应该 gathering: 集会


-William: Can I come?


-Malcolm: No, go home, boy.不行,回家去,孩子。

-William:But I want to go.可我想去。

-Malcolm: Go home or you'll feel the back of my hand.回家去,要不我就揍你了。

-John: Go you home, William.回家去,William。

-Malcolm: MacAndrews! MacAndrews! Holy Jesus! holy: 神圣的,圣洁的


-William: Aah!啊!

-Malcolm: It's all right! William! 好了,没事了!William!

William! William, it's all right. William!William,好了,没事了。

It's all right. Easy, lad. lad: 男孩,小伙子


-Dead Page Boy: William.


-William: Uhh!啊!

-Malcolm: And I say we hit back now! hit: 打击,袭击


-MacClannough: We cannot fight them! It's suicide! suicide: 自杀性的,自杀


-Campbell: Wallace is right! We fight them!


-MacClannough: Every nobleman who had a will to fight was at that meeting. nobleman: 贵族,君子 will: 意志,决心所有主战的贵族都在这次会议上死了。

We cannot beat an army. Not with 50 farmers. beat: 打败 army: 军队 farmer: 农民


-Malcolm: We do not have to beat them, just fight them.


Now, who's with me?现在,谁跟我去?

-Campbell (and others): I am, Wallace.我去,Wallace。

-MacClannough: All right, all right.好吧,好吧。

-Malcolm: Ready. ready: 准备好的


-Malcolm: Where do you think you're going? think: 想,认为


-William: I'm going with you.跟着你。

-Malcolm: Ah, you're going with me, are you? And what are you going to do?你想和我在一起,是吗?你想干什么?

-William: I'm going to help.我要去帮你。

-Malcolm: Hey, and a good help you'd be, too.嘿,你会成为好帮手的。

But I need you to stay here,and look after the place for me while I'm away. need: 需要 look after: 照顾


-William: I can fight.我能打仗。

-Malcolm: I know. I know you can fight.我知道。我知道你能打仗。

But it's our wits that make us men. wit: 才智


See you tomorrow.我会回来看你的。

-John: Ha! Hiya!哈!

-Hamish: English!英国人。

-William: Get down!低下头!

-Hamish: With your father and brother gone, they'll kill us and burn the farm. kill: 杀死 burn: 焚烧,烧毁


-William: It's up to us, Hamish.(就得靠我们了,Hamish。)

-Boys: Ahhhh!啊啊啊啊!

-William: Nah.哈!

-Hamish: Uhh!吼!

-William: Da? Da?爸爸?爸爸?

-Campbell: William. Come here, lad.William。过来,孩子。

-Priest: Amen.阿门。

-Everyone: Amen.阿门。

-Argyle: William. I'm your uncle Argyle. (William,我是你叔叔Argyle。)

You have the look of your mother.你长得象你妈妈。

We'll stay here tonight.我们今晚就在这儿过夜。

Tomorrow you'll come home with me.明天你和我一起回家去。

-William: I don't want to leave.我不想走。

-Argyle: You didn't want your father to die either, did you? die: 死去,死亡 either: 也


But it happened. happen: 发生


Did the priest give a poetic benediction? The Lord bless thee and keep thee?

priest: 神父 poetic: 理想化了的 benediction: 祝福 Lord: 上帝 bless: 保佑,祝福thee: [古]你


-William: It was in Latin.是用拉丁语说的。

-Argyle: You don't speak Latin? speak: 说,讲话


Well, that's something we shall have to remedy, isn't it? remedy: 治疗,补救


-Argyle&William: The Lord blesses thee and keep thee. 主保佑你,卫护你。

The Lord caused His light to shine on thee.

cause: 使,引起 light: 光亮,光 shine: 照耀,显耀


The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee,and give thee peace. lift up: 举起 countenance: 面容 peace: 和平



-Dead Malcolm: Your heart is free. heart: 心灵 free: 自由的


Have the courage to follow it. courage: 勇气 follow: 跟随,遵循


-William: What are they doing?他们在干什么?

-Argyle: Saying good-bye in their own way...在用自己的方式道别……

Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes. outlaw: 歹徒,亡命之徒 tune: 曲子pipe:管乐器


It was the same for me and your daddy when our father was killed.


First, learn to use...this. learn: 学习,学会 use: 用,使用,利用


Then I'll teach you to use...this.然后我再教你用……这个。

-Narrator: Many years later, Edward the Longshanks, King of England, supervised the wedding of his eldest son, who would succeed him to the throne. supervise: 监督,管理,指导 wedding: 婚礼 eldest: 最年长的succeed: 继承


-Prince: Amen.阿门。

-Narrator: As bride for his son, Longshanks had chosen the daughter of his rival, the king of France.

bride: 新娘 choose: 选择,挑选 rival: 敌人 France: 法国


It was widely whispered that for the princess to conceive, Longshanks would have to do the honors himself.

widely: 广泛地 whisper: 低语,耳语 conceive: 怀孕 do the honors: 尽地主之谊


That may have been what he had in mind all along. mind: 理智,精神


-Longshanks: Scotland... my land.苏格兰……我的领地。

The French will grovel to anyone with strength, grovel: 匍匐 strength: 力量,力气


But how will they believe our strength when we cannot rule the whole of our own island? believe: 相信,信任 rule: 统治 island: 岛屿


Where is my son?我的儿子呢?

-Isabella: Your pardon, my lord.He asked me to come in his stead. pardon: 原谅,赦免,宽恕 stead: 代替


-Longshanks: I sent for him, and he sends you. send for: 派人去请,召唤


-Isabella: Shall I leave, my lord? leave: 离开


-Longshanks: If he wants his queen to rule when I am gone, then, by all means, stay and learn how. Please.

queen: 女王 by all means: 采取一切手段 means: 手段,方法


Nobles. Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland. noble: 贵族,高尚的 key: 钥匙,关键


Grant our nobles lands in the north. grant: 拨款,授予


Give their nobles estates here in England, and make them too greedy to oppose us.

estate:土地,住宅区,地产,庄园 greedy: 贪婪的 oppose: 反抗


-Advisor: But, sire, our nobles will be reluctant to uproot. sire: 陛下 reluctant: 不情愿的 uproot: 连根拔起


New lands mean new taxes, and they're already taxed for the war in France. tax: 税收,税 already: 已经 war: 战争


-Longshanks: Are they? Are they?是吗?是吗?

The trouble with Scotland is that it's full of Scots. trouble: 麻烦,问题


Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. perhaps: 或许,可能 reinstitute: 重新建立 custom: 习惯,风俗也许是时候恢复我们过去的老传统了。

Grant them prima noctes: First night. prima: 第一的 nocte: 夜间,夜晚


When any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, common: 通常的,平民 inhabit: 居住于 married: 结婚的


Our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. sexual: 性的,性方面的 right: 权利


If we can't get them out, we'll breed them out. breed: 繁殖


That should fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland, fetch: 请来


Taxes or no taxes, huh?


-Adviser: A most excellent idea, sire. excellent: 优秀的,极好的


-Longshanks: Is it?


-Narrator: Now in Edinburgh gathered the council of Scottish nobles. gather: 聚集,集合 council: 委员会,商议


Among these was Robert the 17th earl of Bruce, earl: 伯爵


The leading contender for the crown of Scotland. leading: 领导的,主要的 contender: 竞争者


-Robert the Bruce: Ah, I hear that Longshanks has granted prima noctes. hear: 听到,听说


-Craig: Clearly meant to draw more of his supporters here. clearly: 显然地,明显地 draw: 吸引,拉 supporter: 支持者这显然会吸引更多他的支持者来这里。

-Robert the Bruce: My father believes that we must lull Longshanks into our confidence

believe: 相信,认为 lull: 哄骗 confidence: 信任


By neither supporting his decree nor opposing it. support: 支持,赞成 decree: 法令


-Craig: A wise plan. wise: 明知的,智慧的 plan: 计划,主意


And how is your father? We missed him at the council. miss: 错过


-Robert the Bruce: His affairs in France keep him long overdue. affair: 事务,事件 overdue: 迟到的,过期的他在法国公务缠身,还得待很久。

But he sends his greetings, greeting: 问候,招呼


And he says that I speak for all of the Bruces and for Scotland. speak for: 代表……讲话


-Man: Ah, it's all over now. over: 结束的,上面的


-William: You've dropped your rock. drop: 掉下,落下 rock: 岩石


-Hamish: Test of manhood. test: 测试,测验 manhood: 男子气概,成年男子


-William: You win. win: 赢得,胜利


-Hamish: Ah. Call it a test of soldiery, then. soldiery: 士兵,军人


The English won't let us train with weapons, so we train with stones. train: 训练 weapon: 武器 stone: 石头


-William: The test of a soldier is not in his arm. soldier: 士兵 arm: 手臂,武器,装备


-William: It's here.应该看这儿。

-Hamish: No. It's here不,得看这儿。

-William: Hamish?


-Hamish: Mm-hmm.嗯哼。

-Campbell: Here you go, son.该你了,孩子。

Show him how. show: 展示,显示


Come on, Hamish!(加油,Hamish!)

Ha ha ha ha! My boy!哈哈哈哈!扔得好,我的孩子!

-William: That was a good throw. throw: 投掷,抛


-Hamish: Aye. Aye, it was.是啊,不错。

-William: I was wondering if you could do that when it matters. wonder: 怀疑,疑惑 matter: 要紧


Mm-hmm. As it... As it matters in battle. battle: 战场


Could you crush a man with that throw? crush: 制服


-Hamish: I could crush you like a worm. worm: 虫子


-William: You could?是吗?

-Hamish: Aye.当然。

-William: Well, then do it.那就试试看吧。

Would you like to see him crush me like a worm?你们想看看他如何砸死我吗?

Come do it.来呀。

-Hamish:You'll move. move: 移动,离开


-William: I will not.我不躲。

-Hamish: Right.好吧。

-Campbell: He'll move.他会躲的。

Come on, Hamish.(加油,Hamish。)

Come on there, boy!加油,孩子!

-Man: Well done!干的好!

-Hamish: Ah!啊!

-Campbell: Fine display, young Wallace. display: 表现


-William: Are you all right?你还好吧?

You look a wee bit shaky. a wee bit: 一丁点儿 shaky: 摇晃的


-Hamish: I should have remembered the rocks. remember: 记得


-William: Aye, you should have.是的。

Get up, you big heap. heap: 一堆


It's good to see you again.很高兴又见到你。

-Hamish: Aye. Welcome home.欢迎你回来。

Oh, me head.我的脑袋。

-William: Oh, you should have moved.你该躲开的呀。

-Girl: William...will you dance with me? dance: 跳舞,舞蹈


-William: Of course I will.当然会。

-Lord Bottoms: I've come to claim the right of prima noctes. claim: 宣布,宣称 prima: 第一的,首要的听着,我来行使我的初夜权。

As lord of these lands, I will bless this marriage by taking the bride into my bed on the first night of her union.

lord: 上帝,主 bless: 保佑,祝福 marriage: 婚姻 bride: 新娘 union: 联盟,联合


-Scottish Man: Oh, by God, you will not!上帝,你不能这么干!

-Lord Bottoms: It is my noble right.这是我的贵族特权。

-William: Good evening, sin'.晚上好,先生。

-MacClannough: Ah, young Wallace.你好,小Wallace。

Grand soft evening, huh? grand: 宏伟的,豪华的 soft: 柔软的,温柔的


-William: Aye, it's that.是啊,真不错。

I was wondering if I might have a word with your daughter.我能和你女儿说几句话吗?

-MacClannough: What do you want to have a word about?你想和我女儿说什么?

-William: Well, um...我……

Murron, would you like to come and ride with me on this fine evening? ride: 骑马,乘坐


-Mrs. MacClannough: In this? You're out of your mind.这种天气?你疯了吗?

-William: It's good Scottish weather, madame. weather: 天气,气候


The rain is falling straight down. straight: 直接地,连续地


Well, slightly to the side, like. slightly: 轻微地


-Mrs. MacClannough: She can't go with you.她不能跟你去。

No the now, anyway.不能,至少现在不能。

-William: No the now?现在不行?

-MacClannough: No the now. We'll see you later.现在不行,再见了。

-Murron: The weather's just fine. It's hardly raining. hardly: 几乎不


Did you not hear what I said?你没听见我说的话吗?

-Mrs. MacClannough: Murron! Get... Oh.(Murron!回来……)

It's you she takes after.有其父必有其女。

-William: How could you know me after so long? after: 之后


-Murron: why? I didn't.为什么这么问?我没有。

-William: No?没有吗?

-Murron: I saw you staring, and I didn't know who you were. stare: 盯着


-William: I'm sorry. I suppose I was. suppose: 假定,应该


Are you in the habit of riding off in the rain with strangers? habit: 习惯 stranger: 陌生人


-Murron: It was the best way to make you leave.这是让你离开的好办法。

-William: Well, if I can ever work up the courage to ask you again, work up: 逐步增强 courage: 勇气要是我下次还敢约你的话,

I'll send written warning first. warning: 警告,预告


-Murron: Wouldn't do much good. I can't read. read: 阅读


-William: Can you not?你不识字?

-Murron: No.对。

-William: Well, that's something we shall have to remedy, isn't it? remedy: 补救,治疗


-Murron: You're going to teach me to read, then? teach: 教,教育


-William: If you like.只要你愿意。

In what language? language: 语言,语种


-Murron: You're showing off now. show off: 炫耀


-William:That's right. Are you impressed yet? impressed: 印象深刻的,受感动的


-Murron: No. Why should I be?不,我为什么佩服你?

-William: (in French) Yes, because every single day I thought about you.

because: 因为 single: 单的,单独的 think: 思考,想,认为


-Murron: Do that standing on your head, and I'll be impressed. standing: 站立,持续


-William: My kilt will fly up, but I'll try it. kilt: 苏格兰短裙 fly up: 飘起来 try: 尝试


God, you certainly didn't learn any manners. certainly: 当然,肯定 manner: 礼貌,规矩


-William: The French and Romans have far worse manners.法国人和罗马人更没礼貌。

-Murron: You've been to Rome?你去过罗马?

-William: Aye. Argyle took me on a pilgrimage. pilgrimage: 漫游,朝圣


-Murron: What was it like?那儿怎么样?

-William: (In French) Not nearly as beautiful as you. nearly: 几乎 beautiful: 漂亮的,美丽的


-Murron: What does that mean?什么意思?

-William: Beautiful.那里虽然很美,

But I belong here. belong: 属于


-Mrs. MacClannough: Murron? Come in now.(Murron?快进来。)

-William: Sin', I know it was strange of me to invite Murron to ride last night, but I assure you...

strange: 奇怪的,怪异的 invite: 邀请 assure: 确定,保证,确保


-Campbell: Mac Clannough's daughter is another matter. another: 另外的,另一个 matter: 事情,原因我不是来和你谈这件事的。

I've come to fetch you to our meeting. fetch: 拿,取,接


-William: What kind of meeting?开什么会?

-Campbell: The secret kind. secret: 秘密,秘密的


-MacClannough: Your meetings are a waste of time, Campbell. waste: 浪费,消耗


-Campbell: Your father was a fighter and a patriot. fighter: 战士,斗士 patriot: 爱国者


-William: I know who my father was.我了解我父亲。

I came back home to raise crops and, God willing, a family. If I can live in peace, I will.

raise: 养育 crop: 农作物,庄稼 peace: 和平


-Campbell: Go on.走。

-MacClannough: You say you want to stay out of the troubles? stay out of: 置身事外


If you can prove it, you may court my daughter. prove: 证明 court: 追求


Until you prove it, my answer's no. until: 直到 answer: 回答,答复


-William: No?不同意?

-MacClannough: No, Wallace.( No.不,Wallace,不。)

-William: Didn't I just prove it?我刚才不是已经证明了吗?

-MacClannough: No!没有!

-William: No?没有吗?

-MacClannough: No!没有!

-Murron: Uh!啊!

-William: Of course, running a farm's a lot of work, run: 运营,经营,管理


But that will all change when my sons arrive. change: 改变 arrive: 到达,抵达


-Murron: So you've got children?你有孩子了?

-William: Oh, not yet, but I was hoping. hope: 希望


That you could help me with that.你能帮帮我。

-Murron: So you want me to marry you, then? marry: 嫁娶,嫁给,结婚


Well, it's a bit sudden, but all right. sudden: 突然


-Murron: Is that what you call a proposal? proposal: 求婚


-William: I love you. Always have.我爱你,一直都是。

I want to marry you.我要娶你。

Is that a "yes"?你同意了?

-Murron: Aye, that's a "yes."对,我同意。

-William: It is?是吗?

-William: We best hurry. He'll be waiting. hurry: 匆忙,赶紧 wait: 等待


Oh, wait.等等。

-William: Where are you going?你去哪里?

What's that?那是什么?

-Murron: You'll see.你会知道的。

-William: Father.神父。

I will love you my whole life, you and no other. whole: 整个,整体


-Murron: And I you, you and no other, forever. forever: 永远,永恒


-William: When am I going to see you again?



-Murron: I can't.不行。

-William: Why not?为什么?

-Murron: My dad's growing suspicious. grow: 变得,发展 suspicious: 怀疑的,多疑的


-William: Growin' suspicious, is he?是吗?

Wouldn't have anything to do with that.他起不起疑心都没关系。

-William: When? When? When? When? Tonight.什么时候?什么时候?今晚?

-Murron: Tonight.今晚。

-William: Tonight.今晚。

-Smythe: Look lively, Sergeant. sergeant: 中士,警官


Where are you going, lassie? Ooh, that looks heavy. Let me help you with it. lassie: 姑娘 heavy: 重的,沉的你要去哪里?看起来很沉,我来帮你吧。

-Murron: No. It's fine.不用了。

-Smythe: I'm not going to steal it. steal: 偷盗,盗窃


Oh, you remind me of my daughter back home. remind: 提醒,使想起


Hello, lassie.你好,小妞。

-Murron: Aah! No!啊!不!

-Soldier: Shh! Shh! Keep it quiet, Smythe. quiet: 安静的,温顺的


-Smythe: Ah! You bitch! Aah! Aah!Aah! You...bitch!啊!臭婊子!啊!啊!你个……臭婊子!

-William: Are you all right? All right? Come on. Are you all right?你没事吧?没事吧?来,没事吧?

-Murron: Aye.没事。

-William: Are you all right? Can you ride? ride: 骑马,乘坐


-Murron: Aye.能。

-Smythe: Come back here, you bastard! bastard: 混蛋,坏蛋


Raise the alarm! Help! raise: 上升,提高,引发 alarm: 警报


-William: Meet me at the grove. Ride! grove: 小树林


-Smythe: They're getting away!他们跑了!

-Soldier A: Go round back!到后面去!

--Soldier B: Get him!抓住他!

-Soldier C: Come on!快点!

-Murron: Ah!啊!

-William: Murron? Murron!


-Magistrate: All of you know full well the great pains I've always taken never to be too strict, too rigid with the application of our laws, take pains: 煞费苦心 strict: 严肃的,严格的 rigid: 死板的 application: 实施


And as a consequence, have we not learned to live together in relative peace and harmony? Huh?

consequence: 结果,结局 relative: 相对的 harmony: 和谐


And this day's lawlessness is how you repay my leniency!

lawlessness: 违法,不受法律之约 repay: 偿还 leniency: 宽大,仁慈


Well, you leave me with little choice. choice: 选择


An assault on the king's soldiers...is the same as an assault on the king himself. assault:攻击,袭击


Now...Let this scrapper come to me. scrapper: 好打架的人


-Watchman: Sin'!长官!

-Soldier: There.那里。

-Magistrate: Corporal.Some archers on the tower now! corporal: (陆军或空军)下士 archer:弓箭手


-Campbell: Idiot boy! idiot: 白痴,傻瓜


-Hamish: Father, how are you?父亲,你没事吧?

-Campbell: Macaulish! Macaulish!英雄之子!英雄之子!

-Crowd of Soctsman: Macaulish! Macaulish! Wallace! Wallace! Wallace!(英雄之子!英雄之子!Wallace! Wallace! Wallace!)-Campbell: What you waiting for, boy? wait: 等待


-Hamish: Here. You can do it. I'll hold him down.给你,你来吧。我来拉住他。

Pour it straight in the wound. It seems like a waste of good whiskey. Indulge me. Ah!

pour: 倾倒 whiskey: 威士忌酒 indulge: 纵容,迁就


-Hamish: Hold him. Hold him. Hold him.按住他,按住他。按住他!

-Scottish Man: Now let him go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.好,放开他。对不起。

-Campbell: That'll wake you up in the morning, boy. wake: 弄醒,苏醒


-Watch guard: There's somebody coming!有人来了!

-Morrison: Arm yourselves! arm: 武装


-Hamish: There's somebody coming.有人来了。

-Campbell: MacGregors... from the next clan. clan: 宗族,部落


-MacGregors: We heard about what was happening. happen: 发生


We don't want you amadans thinking you can have your fun without us.


-William: Go home.回家去吧。

Some of us are in this, can't help that now. can't help: 不得不,情不自禁


But you can help yourselves.但你们不必卷入战争。

Go home.回家吧。

-MacGregors: We'll have no homes left when the English garrison from the castle comes through and burns us out. And they will. garrison: 守卫部队 castle: 城堡 burn: 焚烧,烧毁


-William&Compell: Welcome.欢迎!

- English Solider: Patrol returning, my lord! patrol: 巡逻队


-Lord Bottoms: So what news?有什么消息吗?

I have dispatched 100 soldiers to Lanark. They will be returning now! dispatch: 派遣,分派 soldier: 士兵


-William: What, are they dressed like this? dress: 穿衣,穿着


Actually, it was more like 50.(实际上,只有50多个人。)

Make it quick. quick: 快的,迅速的


-Morrison: You remember me? remember: 记得


-Lord Bottoms: I never did her any harm. harm: 损害,损伤,伤害


It was my right.那是我的权力。

-Morrison: Your right?你的权力?

I'm here to claim the right of a husband! claim: 宣称,要求


-William: I am William Wallace. (我是William Wallace。)

And the rest of you will be spared. spare: 饶恕,赦免


Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland's daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free. Burn it. 滚回英格兰去,告诉那里的人苏格兰的儿女不再受你们的奴役,告诉他们苏格兰是自由的。全烧掉。

-Longshanks: The Scottish rebels have routed one of my garrisons, and murdered the noble lord.

rebel: 反叛者,叛徒 tout: 选择路线 garrison: 要塞 murder: 谋杀 noble: 高贵的


-Prince: I heard. This Wallace is a brigand, nothing more. brigand: 土匪


-Longshanks: And how would you deal with this brigand? deal with: 对待,处理


-Prince: Like any common thief. Have the local magistrate arrest him and punish him accordingly.

thief: 小偷,贼 local: 当地的 magistrate: 地方法官 arrest: 逮捕 punish: 惩罚


-Longshanks: Leave us.都退下。

Wallace has already killed the magistrate and taken control of the town. control: 控制


Stand up. Stand up.站起来!站起来!

In the morning, I depart for France to press our rights there, and I leave you here to quell this little rebellion. Understood? Is it? Unh! depart: 离开 press: 敦促 quell: 平息 rebellion: 反叛


One day, you will be a king. At least try to act like one. try: 试图,努力


-Prince: Get away from me! Convene my military council. convene: 召集 military: 军事的 council: 委员会,会议


-Nicolette: (in French) I hope your husband goes to Scotland and meet Wallace and then you will be a widow.



-English Solider: There! After them.在那儿!追上他们!

-English Leader: No point resisting. You're outnumbered and trapped.

resist: 反抗,抵抗 outnumber: 数量上超过的 trap: 陷阱,圈套,诱捕


Now, where are the rest of you? Where's Wallace?

你们的余党在哪儿? Wallace在哪儿?

-Robert: Father?父亲?

-Leper: Oh, come in. Come in.进来,进来。

-Robert: A rebellion has begun.有人造反了。

-Leper: Under whom?谁是领袖?

-Robert: A https://www.360docs.net/doc/874512180.html,d William Wallace.(一个平民,名叫William Wallace。)

-Leper: You will embrace this rebellion. embrace: 拥抱,包含,收买(这里做利用讲)


Support it from our lands in the north.利用我们北方的土地支持他们。

I will gain English favor by condemning it and ordering it opposed from our lands in the south.

condemn: 讨伐 order: 命令,规划 oppose: 反抗,抵制


Sit down. Stay awhile. awhile: 一会儿,片刻


-Robert: This Wallace...he doesn't even have a knighthood. knighthood: 骑士地位


But he fights with passion, and he inspires. passion: 热情 inspire: 鼓舞


-Leper: And you wish to charge off and fight as he did, eh? charge off: 损耗(这里译为抛弃一切)


So would I.我也希望。

-Robert: Well, maybe it's time. maybe: 或许,也许,可能


-Leper: It is time...to survive.现在……是求生的时候。

You're the 17th Robert Bruce.你是第17代Robert Bruce伯爵。

The 16 before you passed you land and title because they didn’t 't charge in. title: 头衔,称号 charge in: 进料,充电


Call a meeting of the nobles.召集贵族们开会吧。

-Robert: They do nothing but talk.他们就只会空谈。

-Leper: Rightly so.说的没错。

They're as rich in English titles and lands as they are in Scottish, just as we are. rich: 富有的


You admire this man, this William Wallace. admire: 钦佩,佩服

你钦佩William Wallace。

Uncompromising men are easy to admire. uncompromising: 不妥协,不让步


He has courage. So does a dog. courage: 勇敢,勇气


But it is exactly the ability to compromise that makes a man noble. exactly: 绝对,精确 ability: 能力 compromise: 妥协,让步


And understand this...Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king ever to sit on the throne of England, and none of us and nothing of Scotland will remain unless we are as ruthless.

ruthless: 无情的,冷酷的,残忍的 throne: 王位,君王宝座 remain: 保留,保持


Give ear to our nobles. Knowing their minds is the key to the throne. key: 钥匙,关键


-Prince: Wait. Wait. Look. This is out, and this is left. Carry on. Carry on!


-Nicolette: (in French) When the king returns he will bury them in those new clothes. return: 返回,回来 bury: 埋葬,隐藏


Scotland is in chaos. Your husband is secretly sending an army north. chaos: 混乱 secretly: 秘密地 send: 派遣,寄送


-Isabella: (in French) How do you know this?你怎么知道的?

-Nicolette: (in French) Last night I slept with a member of the War Council. member: 成员


-Isabella: (in French) He should't be telling secrets in bed.他不该在床上泄露机密的。

-Nicolette: (in French) Englishman don't know what a tongue is for. tongue: 舌头


-Isabella: (in French) Ah, this Scottish rebel, Wallace. He fights to avenge a woman? avenge: 报仇,报复


-Nicolette: (in French) I nearly forgot. A magistrate wished to capture him, and found that he had a secret lover.

forget: 忘记 capture: 俘虏


So he cut the girl's throat to tempt Wallace to fight and fight he did. throat: 喉咙 tempt: 引诱


Knowing his passion for his lost love, they next plotted to take him by desecrating the graves of his father and brother, and setting an ambush at the grave of his love.

plot: 密谋 desecrate: 亵渎 grave: 坟墓,墓地 ambush: 埋伏


He fought his way through the trap and carried her body to a secret place. Now that's love, no?


-Isabella: (in French) Love? I wouldn't know.爱?我是不会懂的。

-William: You know, eventually, Longshanks will send his whole Northern Army against us. eventually: 最后,最终


-Campbell: Heavy cavalry, armored horse...shake the very ground. cavalry: 骑兵 armored: 装甲的 shake: 摇晃,震动


-Hamish: They'll ride right over us.他们会踩死我们的。

-William: Uncle Argyle used to talk about it, how no army ever stood up to a charge of heavy horse.

used to: 过去常常 stand up: 经得住 charge: 冲锋


-Hamish: So what do we do?那我们该怎么办?

-Campbell: Hit, run, hide, the Highland way. hide: 隐藏,躲避


-William: We'll make spears. Hundreds of them. Long spears... twice as long as a man. spear: 长矛


-Hamish: That long?那么长?

-William: Aye.是的。

-Hamish: Some men are longer than others.有些人的特别长。

-Campbell: Your mother been telling you stories about me again.你妈妈是在说我呢。

-Guard: Volunteers coming in! volunteer: 志愿者


-Faudron: William Wallace, we've come to fight and to die for you. (William Wallace,我们来为你战斗,为你牺牲。)

-William: Stand up, man. I'm not the pope. pope: 教皇


-Faudron: My name is Faudron. My sword is yours. I brought you this. sword: 剑 bring: 带来,带


-Guard: We checked them for arms. check: 检查,审核


-Faudron: I brought you this. My wife made it for you.


-William: Thank you.谢谢。

-Stephen: Him? That can't be William Wallace.他?他不可能是William Wallace。

I'm prettier than this man. pretty: 漂亮的,美丽的


All right, Father. I'll ask him.好了,神父,我来问问他。

If I risk my neck for you, will I get a chance to kill Englishmen? risk: 冒风险,冒险


-Hamish: Is your father a ghost, or do you converse with the Almighty? ghost: 鬼魂,幽灵 converse: 交谈 almighty: 全能的神,万能的你老爸是鬼吗,要不你就是在和上帝说话?

-Stephen: In order to find his equal, an Irishman talks to God. in order to: 为了 equal: 对手,相等的


The Almighty says don't change the subject. change: 改变,变化 subject: 主题,对象


Just answer the fucking question. fucking: 可恶的 question: 问题


-Hamish: Mind your tongue. mind: 小心,留意


-Campbell: Insane Irish. insane: 精神失常的,疯狂的


-Stephen: Smart enough to get a dagger past your guards, old man. smart: 聪明的,敏捷的 dagger: 匕首,短剑 guard: 护卫,守卫


-William: That's my friend, Irishman, and the answer to your question is yes.


You fight for me; you get to kill the English. fight: 战斗,奋战


-Stephen: Excellent! Stephen is my name. excellent: 极好的,优秀的


I'm the most wanted man on my island, except I'm not on my island, of course. wanted: 被通缉的 except: 除了


More's the pity.太可惜了。

-Hamish: Your island? You mean Ireland?你的岛国?指爱尔兰吗?

-Stephen: Yeah. It's mine.对,它是我的。

-Hamish: You're a madman. madman: 疯子,狂人


-Stephen: I've come to the right place, then.那我可是来对地方了。

Sure didn't the Almighty send me to watch your back? watch sb's back: 替某人盯着 watch: 观察,注视


I didn't like him anyway. anyway: 总之,无论如何


He wasn't right in the head.


-Hamish: William, its several runners! several: 几个,一些 runner: 跑步者,送信人


-Morrison: The English are advancing an army toward Stirling. advance: 前进


-William: Do the nobles rally? noble: 贵族 rally: 集会


-Runner: Roben't the Bruce and most of the others will not commit to battle, commit: 交付,投入

Robert Bruce和其他大多数贵族都不参加战斗,

But word has spread, and the Highlanders are coming down on their own. spread: 传播,散播 highlander: 苏格兰高地地区的人但还有传言,高地人会来帮助我们打仗。

-Morrison: Aye,in droves of hundreds and thousands. drove: 人群


-William: Are you ready for a war? ready: 准备好的


-Mornay: What news?有什么消息?

-Horseman: We're outnumbered, at least three to one. outnumbered: 数量上超过的


-Mornay: How many horse?有多少骑兵?

-Horseman: 300. Maybe more.(300。可能更多。)

-Mornay: 300 heavy horse? heavy: 重的,沉的


-Lochlan: We must negotiate. negotiate: 洽谈,协商


-Mornay: Who's in command? in command: 领导


Did he have a scarlet chevron? scarlet: 腥红色的 chevron: 军警袖章


-Horseman: Aye, he did.是的。他带了。

-Craig: We can still negotiate.我想我们还可以和谈。

-Young Solider: What are they talking about?他们在说什么?

-Veteran Solider: I can't hear, but it does not look good.我听不见,不过不是好事。

The nobles will negotiate.贵族们要和谈。

They'll do a deal, then we go home. deal: 交易


If not, we charge. charge: 冲锋


-Mornay: We have no chance. So many. chance: 机会


-Young Solider: I didn't come here to fight so they could own more lands.我来这儿打仗可不是为了让他们获得更多的土地。Then I'll have to work for them.接着我还得为他们干活。

-Veteran Solider: Nor me.我也不是。

All right, lads! I'm not dying for these bastards. bastard: 混蛋


Let's go home!我们回家去!

-Lochlan: Stop, men! Do not flee! flee: 逃跑,逃走,逃避


Wait until we've negotiated! until: 直到


-Young Solider: William Wallace.

William Wallace。

-Veteran Solider: Can't be. Not tall enough.不可能,他不够高。

-Stephen: The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight.

fashionable: 流行的(这里做精彩讲)


It's drawn the finest people. draw: 吸引,拉


-Lochlan: Where is thy salute? thy:(古语)相当于your,你的,你们的 salute: 敬礼,致意


-William: For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, I give you thanks. present: 呈现,出现 battlefield: 战场


-Lochlan: This is our army.这是我们的军队。

To join it, you give homage. homage: 尊敬


-William: I give homage to Scotland, and if this is your army...why does it go?


-Veteran Solider: We didn't come here to fight for them!我们不是来这儿为他们打仗的!

-Young Solider: Home! The English are too many.回家吧!英国人太多了。

-William: Sons of Scotland! I am William Wallace.(苏格兰的子民们!我是William Wallace)。

-Young Solider: William Wallace is 7 feet tall.(William Wallace有7英尺高。)

-William: Yes. I've heard.是啊,我也听说了。

He kills men by the hundreds,他杀的人数以百计,

And if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.

consume: 烧毁 fireball: 火球 bolt: 闪电,霹雳 lighting: 闪电 arse: 臀部


I am William Wallace!我就是William Wallace!

And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. defiance: 挑战 tyranny: 暴政


You've come to fight as free men. And free men you are. free: 自由,自由的


What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? freedom: 自由,自主


-Veteran Solider: Against that? No!同那些战斗?不!

We will run, and we will live.我们会逃命,我们会活下来。

-William: Aye. Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live...at least awhile.是啊。如果战斗,你们可能会死。如果逃跑,至少还能...多活一会儿。

And dying in your beds many years from now,年复一年,直到寿终正寝,

Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for你们愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换……

One chance... just one chance...一个机会……就一个机会……

To come back here and tell our enemies, enemy: 敌人


That they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?


-Scots: Albagu bra!自由!

-English General: They seem quite optimistic to me. optimistic: 乐观的,积极的


Maybe they do want to fight.也许他们真的想打一仗。

-Cheltham: Confrontation might be a foregone conclusion, my lord, but, nonetheless, I think we should deliver the king's terms. confrontation: 对抗 foregone: 已知的 conclusion: 结论 nonetheless: 尽管如此 deliver: 履行,投递 term: 条件


-English General: The king's terms? He'll never live up to them. live up to: 遵守


-Cheltham: My lord, I think...大人,我想……

-English General: All right. Offer them the terms. offer: 提供


-Craig: Shall we go and meet them?他们来了,我们要去谈判吗?

-Mornay: Let me do the talking.由我来谈,好吗?

-Lochlan: Agreed.好的。

-Stephen: Fine speech. Now what do we do?精彩的演讲。现在我们该怎么办?

-William: Just be yourselves.各自保重。

-Hamish: Where are you going?你要去哪儿?

-William: I'm going to pick a fight. pick: 挑选,采摘,挖


-Hamish: Well, we didn't get dressed up for nothing. dress up: 穿上盛装,精心打扮


-Cheltham: Mornay, Lochlan, Craig. Here are the king's terms...


Lead this army off the field...and he will give you each estates in Yorkshire, including hereditary title, from which you will pay...

estate: 财产,身份 Yorkshire: 约克郡 include: 包括 hereditary: 世袭的


From which you will pay him an annual duty... annual: 年度的


-William: I have an offer for you. offer: 提议


-Mornay: Cheltham, this is William Wallace.

这是William Wallace。

-Cheltham: From which you will pay the king an annual duty...为此你们要向国王缴纳赋税……

-William: I said I have an offer for you.我说我有个提议给你。

-Lochlan: You disrespect a banner of truce? disrespect: 不尊重,失礼,无礼 banner: 旗帜,标语 truce: 休战


-William: From his king? Absolutely. absolutely: 绝对地,完全地


Here are Scotland's terms...这是苏格兰的条件……


-Stephen: The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. fashionable: 流行的(这里做精彩讲) 主说,这肯定是一场精彩的战斗。 It's drawn the finest people. draw: 吸引,拉 来这儿的都是最棒的战士。 -Lochlan: Where is thy salute? thy:(古语)相当于salute: 敬礼,致意 你们为什么不行礼? -William: For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, I give you thanks. present:呈现,出现;battlefield: 战场 为了感谢你们能亲赴沙场参战,我向你们致意。 -Lochlan: This is our army. 这是我们的军队。 To join it, you give homage. homage: 尊敬 你要参加,就必须向我们效忠。 -William: I give homage to Scotland, and if this is your army...why does it go? 我效忠于苏格兰,如果这是你们的军队……他们为什么要走? -Veteran Solider: We didn't come here to fight for them! 我们不是来这儿为他们打仗的! -Young Solider: Home! The English are too many. 回家吧!英国人太多了。 -William: Sons of Scotland! I am William Wallace.( 苏格兰的子民们!我是William Wallace。 -Young Solider: William Wallace is 7 feet tall. (William Wallace有7英尺高。) -William: Yes. I've heard. 是啊,我也听说了。 He kills men by the hundreds, 他杀的人数以百计, And if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lig


决定人生高度的10句经典台词 在这个世界上,有两种人:一种是小人物,另一种是大人物。小人物安于现状,不思进取;大人物雄心壮志,永不言败。事实上,造成这种区别的主要原因就是,人们思考问题的深度或者质量不同。下面的十句经典电影台词给了你思考问题的线索,be somebody or nobody, the choice is yours。 1、"There is no certainty, only opportunity."V for Vendetta (2005) - V (Hugo Weaving) 没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。--《V字仇杀队》,V(雨果?威明) 2、"A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow." Wag the Dog (1997) - Conrad Brean (Robert De Niro) 今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。--《摇尾狗》,康拉德?布瑞恩(罗伯特?德?尼罗) 3、"Failure is never quite so frightening as regret." The Dish (2000) - Cliff Buxton (Sam Neill) 比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。--《天线》,克里夫?巴克顿(山姆?内尔) 4、"It's what you do right now that makes a difference." Black Hawk Down (2001) - Jeff Struecker (Brian Van Holt) 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。--《黑鹰降落》,杰夫?(布莱恩?范?霍尔特) 5、"No point in punching things you can't see." Cinderella Man (2005) - James Braddock (Russell Crowe) 打击那些你看不到的东西没有意义。--《铁拳男人》,詹姆斯?布拉德克(拉塞尔?克劳) 6、"instantly talking isn't necessarily communicating." Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - Joel Barrish (Jim Carrey) 说个不停不一定是交流。--《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》,乔尔?巴瑞士(金?凯瑞) 7、"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."Batman Begins (2005) - Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes)


经典电影的经典台词 导读:1、我没说过身边那个不是自己最喜欢的最喜欢的那个已经不在身边。——《前度》 2、对斗剑士来说,只有一种自由,当你死在竞技场上,却从未被征服过。——《庞贝末日》 3、那时我的心一直像小鹿乱撞,那应该是我这辈子最性感的一刻了,至少在此之前没有过。——《泰坦尼克号》 4、几个小时前,大老板愿意用一千万买我春节的时候拍戏,没想到现在,有人要我几百万买回自己的命。——《解救吾先生》 5、我记得他的样子,我不知道他的名字。——《大鱼·海棠》 6、我一看有人提着包离开这个城市,别管他去哪,我都很羡慕。——《立春》 7、我曾经一天看的病人比你一周看的病人还多。——《北京遇上西雅图》 8、说好了是一辈子,差一年,差一个月,差一个时辰,都不是一辈子!——《霸王别姬》 9、我人生中最幸运的地两件事,一件是时间终于将我对你地爱消耗殆尽,另一件事,很久很久以前我遇到了你。——《青春期》 10、或许我活在你的心中,是最好的地方,在那里别人看不到我,没有人能鄙视我们的爱情。——《茶花女》 11、悲哀的是,我没有权力悲哀,我最大的悲哀就是没有权力为

你做任何事情。——《后来的我们》 12、当你不能再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的,就是令自己不要忘记。——《东邪西毒》 13、越是沉重,越要飞翔,不要在意他人的眼光。——《谁的青春不迷茫》 14、最好的爱情就是,在你离开之后,我活成了你。——《这个杀手不太冷》 15、十年了,我们家那点事,你不早就查的底朝天了吗?——《全城通缉》 16、我相信真实纯正的爱情能产生一个纾解死亡的阶段,所有的懦弱都出自于没有爱或爱的不彻底,这两者都一样。勇敢而真诚的人,能够直面死神。——《午夜巴黎》 17、你可以嘲笑我年少轻狂,我会告诉你什么叫胜者为王。——《小时代》 18、非让现实给你一巴掌,你才知道现实有多残忍。——《小时代》 19、恐惧让你沦为囚犯,希望让你重获自由,坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救别人、记着,希望是件好东西,而且从没有一样好东西会消逝、忙活,或者等死。——《肖申克的救赎》 20、她习惯于说谎,可是这样的谎言却再也听不到了。——《只是爱着你》


经典台词 《活着》——小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,共产主义就到了……(普通人物眼里,共产主义就是很简单的概念)《青春之歌》——冬天来了,春天还会远吗!(时刻看到希望) 《小兵张嘎》——别看你今天闹得欢,小心将来拉清单。(报应迟早回来到的) 《大话西游》——我猜着了开头,但我猜不中这结局。(好凄美) 《大话西游》——曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是……一万年!(经典至极!) 《鹿鼎记》——我对您的景仰有如滔滔江水连绵不绝,又有如黄河泛滥一发不可收拾!(周氏无厘头的影响广泛极了) 《疯狂的石头》——素质,注意你的素质……什么素质啊,这是。我顶你个肺!你侮辱了我的人格,还侮辱我的智商。绑架我们没干过,不专业啊。(经典喜剧啊)《饮食男女》——人生不能像做菜,把所有的料都准备好了才下锅。(多有哲理啊,人生本来就是充满很多偶然的) 《没事偷着乐》——好好活着吧,只要你活着你就能碰上好多幸福,你就没事偷着乐吧!(再痛苦的时候也要看到开心的一面) 《天下无贼》——“献血?要献多少血?”“一杯。”“那我身上有多少血?”“一盆。”“那我也去献一杯吧。”(质朴的问答) 《天下无贼》——21世纪最缺少的是什么---人才(一语中的啊,人才真是太重要了) 《手机》——你开会呢吧?对。说话不方便吧?啊。那我说你听。行。我想你了。噢。你想我了吗?啊。昨天你真坏。嗨。你亲我一下。不敢吧?那我亲你一下。听见了吗?听见了。(偷腥的猫) 《河东狮吼》——从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我讲得每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心了,你就要陪着我开心,我不开心了,你就要哄我开心(野蛮女友~~) 《一声叹息》——牵着你的手,就象左手牵右手没感觉,但砍下去也会疼!(爱至深处返平淡) 《一声叹息》——年轻的时候有贼心没贼胆,等到老了贼心贼胆都有了,贼又没了。——(又是想偷腥的猫) 《宝莲灯》——不打得你面露桃花,你就不知道花儿为什么这样红!——(台词好有现代感) 《阿甘正传》——生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。 《四根羽毛》——上帝会把我们身边最好的东西拿走,以提醒我们得到的太多! 《玻璃樽》——星星在哪里都是很亮的,就看你有没有抬头去看他们 《辛德勒名单》——什么是权利?当一个人犯了罪,法官依法判他死刑。这不叫权利,这叫正义。而当一个人同样犯了罪,皇帝可以判他死刑,也可以不判他死刑,于是赦免了他,这就叫权利! 《男人四十》——好多东西都没了,就象是遗失在风中的烟花,让我来不及说声再


电影经典语录大全,电影经典语句,电影中的经典句子 1、纷乱人世间,除了你一切繁华都是背景。这出戏用生命演下去,付出的青春不可惜。《我和春天有个约会》 2、对真心相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。《冬日恋歌》 3、人生下来的时候都只有一半,为了找到另一半而在人世间行走。有的人幸运,很快就找到了。而有人却要找一辈子《玻璃樽》 4、如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。《狮子王》 5、手不是用来打人的,而是用来拥抱你所爱的人;脚不是用来踢人的,是用来向理想的目标迈进的。《魔女的条件》 6、我明白,爱情的感觉会褪色,一如老照片,但你却会长留我心,永远美丽,直到我生命的最后一刻。《八月照相馆》 7、即便互相伤害,我们也不会分开,只要两人在一起,尽管有时会受伤,伤口总会愈合的。因为我听得见他心里的声音。《跟我说爱我》 8、人生本就是苦还是只有童年苦?生命就是如此。《这个杀手不太冷》 9、成功的含义不在于得到什么,而是在于你从那个奋斗的起点走了多远。《心灵捕手》 10、一个人杀了一个人,他是杀人犯。是坏人,当一个人杀了成千上万人后,他是英雄,是大好人。《和平饭店》 11、一个时代结束了,属于那个时代的一切都不复存在。《花样年华》 12、我在想,你可能没有真正爱过一个人吧?你不知道一个生活在你身边的人,某天早上忽然消失的感觉,周围的一切都没有改变,只是你身边少了一个人,那种感觉像你这样的人会明白吗?《冬日恋歌》

13、你知道吗?我一直都在骗你。骗就骗吧,就象飞蛾一样明知道会受伤,还是会飞向火去,飞蛾就这么傻。《大话西游》 14、我相信除了寂寞,缘分是男人和女人之间相爱的另一种原由。因为缘分而使两颗寂寞的心结合的爱情称为真爱。寂寞是每时每刻,缘分是不知不觉,真爱是一生一世。《花样年华》 15、多希望地球是平的,那样,我一直望下去,就可以看到你。《似水年华》 16、二十多年都睡在一张床上,确实有些审美疲劳。《手机》 17、以前我认为那句话很重要,因为我觉得有些话说出来就是一生一世,现在想一想,说不说也没有什么分别,有些事会变的。《东邪西毒》 18、有可能,他爱你,你却爱上另一个他,而你的他又爱上他的她,而他的她又只爱爱你的他就这样,每个人的心里都住着人,但那个人却不见得是手里牵着的他。《东邪西毒》 19、每个人都有一个习惯,我的习惯是在这里等阿MAY下班!《重庆森林》 20、对爱的人说心里话,不要等太久。《双雄》 21、努力工作不会导致死亡!不过我不会用自己去证明。《春光乍泻》 22、没有法律。没有限制。只有一条规则永远也别坠入爱河。《红磨坊》 23、我的心,不习惯幸福。也许,活在你心里更好,在你心里,世界就看不到我了。《茶花女》 24、或许我活在你的心中,是最好的地方,在那里别人看不到我,没有人能鄙视我们的爱情。《茶花女》 25、世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。《卡萨布兰卡》 26、世界上总有一半人不理解另一半人的快乐。《爱玛》


英国电影里的经典台词 【篇一:英国电影里的经典台词】 发布于: 2015-03-07 17:23a man can be destroyed but not defeated. 一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。《老人和海》 love means never having to say you ’ re sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。《爱情故事》 life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料 . 《阿甘正传》 death is just a part of life, something we re all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。《阿甘正传》 if the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on, is to remember them. building burn, people die, but real love is forever. —— the crow 如果我们所爱的人从我们身边被偷走,要使他们继续留在我们身边,就要记住他们。建筑会被焚毁,人会死去,而真爱永存。《乌鸦》 anakin, this path has been placed before you. the choice is yours alone. 阿纳金,路就在你脚下,你自己决定。《星球大战-首部曲》 i love waking up in the morning and not knowing what’s going to happen, or who i’m going to meet, where i’m going to wind up. 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的 , 不知会遇见什么人 , 会有什么样 的结局。《泰坦尼克号》


篇一:恋恋笔记本经典语句 the classic line in the “the note book” i am no one special, 我不是什么名人, there are no monuments dedicated to me. 我没有什么纪念碑。 and my name will soon be forgotten. 也很快会为世人所遗忘。 but in one respect, ive succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived.但在某方面来说,我跟大家一样都活得很快乐。 ive loved another with all my heart and soul andfor me that has always been enough.我全心全意爱着另一个人,对我而言,那已经足够了。 my dearest allie,亲爱的艾莉 i couldnt sleep last night because i know that its over between us. 我昨晚辗转难眠,因为我知道我们之间完了 im not bitter anymore, because i know that what we had was real.我不再痛苦,因为我知道我们曾拥有真爱 and if in some distant place in the future要是未来在遥远的某处 we see each other in our new lives,我们再度相遇 ill smile at you with joy我会对你微笑,并忆起… and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees 我们曾在绿荫之下共度某个夏日 iearning from each other and growing in love. 彼此学习,在爱中成长 the best love is the kind that awakens the soul 最好的爱能唤醒灵魂 and makes us reach for more, 启发我们追求卓越 that plants a fire in our hearts


奥斯卡电影经典台词 1.《少年派的奇幻漂流》 人生也许就是不断地放下,然而令人痛心的是,我都没能好好地与他们道别。 派:“信仰就像一座房屋,可以有很多楼层、很多房间。”作家:“那有怀疑的空间么?”派:“当然,怀疑在每一层都占了几间。” 这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。 如果我们在人生中体验的每一次转变都让我们在生活中走得更远,那么,我们就真正的体验到了生活想让我们体验的东西。 我非常感恩。说实话,如果没有理查德?帕克,我也不可能活到今天跟你讲述我的故事。 那是一段充满着奇幻的经历,我会永生铭记。 派:“两个故事你更喜欢哪一个?”作家:“我喜欢有老虎那个,因为那个

故事更精彩。”派:“所以,你跟随上帝。” 然后,那个让我生存下来的理查德?帕克,那个让我痛苦、使我害怕的凶狠的伙伴,径直向前走没有回头,永远消失在我的生命里。 2.《泰坦尼克号》 我宁愿当他的婊子也不愿做你的妻子。 你一定会脱险的,你要活下去,生很多孩子,看着他们长大,你会安享晚年,安息在温暖的床上,而不是今晚在这里,不是象这样的死去。 赢得船票……是我一生最幸运的事,让我可认识你,认识你真荣幸,万分荣幸,你一定要帮我,答应我活下去,答应我,你不会放弃……无论发生什么事,无论环境怎样……Rose,答应我,千万别忘了。 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。 别那样,不说再见,坚持下去,你明白吗?

我永不食言,永不食言,Jack。 上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪,死亡不再有,也不再有悲伤和生死离别,不再有痛苦,因往事已矣。 3.《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》 脸上来点儿笑吧! 咱这世界可真够好笑的,说起来,想知道我这脸上的疤哪儿来的么? 我相信……那些杀不死你的,只会让你变得更离奇。 (双面人告诉他只有50%活着的机会)嗯,你总算开窍了。 你看,疯狂就像地心引力,有时候需要做的不过是轻轻一推。 制造点小小骚动,打乱原有的秩序,然后一切就变得混乱了,而我就是混乱的代表,你知道混乱的好处不?它能带来公平。 4.《革命之路》

英文电影《勇敢的心》经典台词(By William Wallace)

电影《勇敢的心》经典英文台词荟萃(最全版) (注:中文翻译来源于网络) William Wallace: I give homage to Scotland. And if this is your army, why does it go? 华莱士: 如果这是你们的军队,他们为什么要走? Soldier 1:We didn't come here to fight for them! 士兵1:我们不是来这儿为他们打仗的! Soldier 2:Home! The English are too many! 士兵2:回家吧!英国人太多了。 William Wallace: Sons of Scotland. I am William Wallace. 华莱士: 英格兰的子民们。我是威廉姆华莱士。 Soldier 3:William Wallace is 7 feet tall. 士兵3:威廉姆华莱士有7英尺高。 William Wallace: Yes,I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds. And if he was here,he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his ass. I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my country men, here, in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? 华莱士:是啊,我听说了。他杀的人数以百计。如果他在这儿,他就能眼睛喷出火球,屁股放出闪电,干掉英国人。我是威廉姆华莱士。我看见了一只由我的同胞组成的反对暴政的大军。你们是以自由之身来参加战斗的。你们是自由的人。没有自由你们会怎么做?你们还会战斗吗? All The Soldiers:No! No! 众战士:不!不! Soldier: Against that? No, we'll run, and we'll live. 战士:还会战斗吗?不!我们会逃命,我们要活命。 William Wallace: Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while,and dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?! 华莱士:是呀,如果战斗,你们可能会死。如果逃跑,至少还能……多活一会儿。年复一年,直到寿终正寝,你们愿不愿意?用这么多苟活的日子,去换一个机会,就一个机会。回到这里,告诉我们的敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但他们永远夺不走我们的自由。


励志电影《勇敢的心》简介及经典台词 励志电影《勇敢的心》简介:主演:梅尔·吉布森melgibson....williamwallace苏菲·玛索sophiemarceau....princessisabelle 詹姆斯·卡沙莫jamescosmo....campbell辛·麦金利seanmcginley....macclannough布莱恩·考克斯briancox....argylewallace 安古斯·麦克菲登angusmacfadyen....robertthebruce艾伦·阿姆斯特朗alunarmstrong....mornay凯瑟琳·麦克马克catherinemccormack....murronmacclannough布莱丹·格里森brendangleeson....hamishcampbell汤米·弗拉纳根tommyflanagan....morrison亚力克斯·诺顿alexnorton....bride'sfather彼得·穆兰petermullan....veteran威廉·华莱士于1272年生于艾尔德斯莱,父亲是苏格兰贵族詹姆斯·斯特沃特的佃农,叔叔是教区的神父。 华莱士的父亲组织了一个秘密抵抗组织,他带领手下人奋勇征战,打击英格兰侵略者。 可是没过多久,父亲就被英国人处死了,华莱士也被叔叔带走了,告别了这个令人悲伤和恐怖的家乡。 从此,华莱士被叔叔抚养成人,叔叔不但教给他很多知识,还教他学习武术。 时光荏苒,已经长大成人的华莱士学成回到故乡,在那里,他重遇到了美丽的邻家女孩梅伦,两人一见钟情,在雨天的高原上,他们俩骑在一匹马上漫步,秘密结婚。

勇敢的心 英语台词 剧本

看电影学英语 Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》 -Robert: I shall tell you of William Wallace. tell of: 讲述 我将为你们讲述William Wallace的故事。 Historians from England will say I am a liar, historian: 历史学家 liar: 说谎的人 英国的历史学家们会说我在说谎, But history is written by those who have hanged heroes. history: 历史 hang: 绞死 hero: 英雄 但历史是由处死英雄的人写的。 The king of Scotland had died without a son, Scotland: 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在不列颠北部) 苏格兰国王死后无嗣, And the king of England, a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks, cruel: 残忍的 pagan: 异教徒 be known as: 被称为,被认为是 longshank: 长腿(合成词long: 长的 shank: 腿部) 人称长腿Edward的英格兰国王,一个残暴的异教徒, Claimed the throne of Scotland for himself. claim: 声称有 throne: 王位 宣布苏格兰王位归他所有。 Scotland's nobles fought him, and fought each other over the crown. noble: 贵族 fought: 打仗(fight的过去式) crown: 王位 苏格兰的贵族们为了王位和他开战,同时也在自相残杀。 So Longshanks invited them to talk of truce... invite: 邀请 truce: 休战 于是长腿邀请他们共商休战。 No weapons, one page only. weapons: 武器 page: 随从 不能带武器,每人只能带一名随从。 Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace, shire: 郡 当地有个名叫Malcolm Wallace的农民, A commoner with his own lands. commoner: 平民 是个拥有自己的土地的平民。 He had two sons, John and William. 他有两个儿子,John和William。 -Malcolm: I told you to stay. stay: 呆,停留 我叫你待在家里。 -William: Well, I finished my work.


勇敢的心经典台词 勇敢的心经典台词200句 勇敢的心经典台词(一): 1、Would you be willing to trade 你们!愿不愿意去换一个机会。 2、William Wallace: FREEDOM! 华莱士:自由! 3、Wallace: Twice as long as a man。 华莱士:长度是常人的两倍。 4、Wallace: Are you ready for a war !! 华莱士:你们准备好参战了吗?! 5、Many man dies,not every man really lives。

每个人都会死,但不是每个人都真正活过。 6、Hamish: That long Some men are longer than others。 哈密士:那么长?有些人比一般人长些。 7、Local Magistrate: (To his troops) Arm yourselves! 地方官:对他的军队:备战! 8、William Wallace: Every man dies,not every man really lives。 华莱士:每个人都会死去,但不是每个人都以往真正活过。 9、King Longshank: And how would you deal with this ;brigant; 国王:那么你预备怎样对付这个匪徒? 10、that they may take our lives, but they;;ll never take our Freedom! 告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,可是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!


1. “There is no certainty, only opportunity.” V for Vendetta (2005) – V (Hugo Weaving) 没有必然,只有机遇。–《V字仇杀队》,V(雨果-威明) 2. “A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” Wag the Dog (1997) – Conrad Brean (Robert De Niro) 今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。–《摇尾狗》,康拉德-布瑞恩(罗伯特-德-尼罗) 3. “Failure is never quite so frightening as regret.” The Dish (2000) – Cliff Buxton (Sam Neill) 比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。–《天线》,克里夫-巴克顿(山姆-内尔) 4. “It’s what you do right now that makes a difference.” Black Hawk Down (2001) – Jeff Struecker (Brian Van Holt) 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。–《黑鹰降落》,杰夫-(布莱恩-范-霍尔特 5. “No point in punching things you can’t see.” Cinderella Man (2005) – James Braddock (Russell Crowe) 打击那些你看不到的东西没有意义。–《铁拳男人》,詹姆斯-布拉德克(拉塞尔-克劳) 6. “Constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating.”Eternal Sunshin e of the Spotless Mind (2004) – Joel Barrish (Jim Carrey) 说个不停不一定是交流。–《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》,乔尔-巴瑞士(金-凯瑞) 7. “It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.”Batman Begins (2005) – Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes) 你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。–《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》,雷切尔-道斯(凯蒂-赫尔姆斯) 8. “Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.” Braveheart (1995) – William Wallace (Mel Gibson) 人们追随勇敢者,而不是位高者。–《勇敢的心》,威廉-华莱士(梅尔-吉布森) 9. “If work has no intention, it’s not work at all. It’s an empty motion.” The Razor’s Edge (1984) – Raaz (Saeed Jaffrey) 如果工作没有目标,那就不是工作,而是没有意义的行动。–《刀锋》,里兹(萨伊德-杰弗瑞) 10. “It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices.” Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) – Dumbledore (Richard Harris)


经典电影的经典台词 《安妮霍尔》—— 当我还是孩子的时候,妈妈带我去看白雪公主,人人都爱上了白雪公主,而我却偏偏爱上了那个巫婆。 《勇敢的心》—— 历史是由杀死英雄的人写的。 《红磨坊》—— 没有法律。没有限制。只有一条规则——永远也别坠入爱河。 《茶花女》—— 1、我的心,不习惯幸福。也许,活在你心里更好,在你心里,世界就看不到我了。 2、或许我活在你的心中,是最好的地方,在那里别人看不到我,没有人能鄙视我们的爱情。 《卡萨布兰卡》—— 世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇中有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。 《爱玛》—— 世界上总有一半人不理解另一半人的快乐。 《简爱》—— 你以为我穷。不漂亮,就没有感情吗?如果上帝赐给我美貌和财富,我也会让你难于离开我的!就象我现在难于离开你一样! 《剪刀手爱德华》——

如果晚上月亮升起的时候,月光照到我的门口,我希望月光女神能满足我一个愿望,我想要一双人类的手。我想用我的双手把我的爱人紧紧地拥在怀中,哪怕只有一次。如果我从来没有品尝过温暖的感觉,也许我不会这样寒冷;如果我从没有感受过爱情的甜美,我也许就不会这样地痛苦。如果我没有遇到善良的佩格,如果我从来不曾离开过我的房间,我就不会知道我原来是这样的孤独。 《最后的武士》—— “你相信人能改变命运么?” “人应竭尽所能……然后再听天由命。” 《燃情岁月》—— 一个人如果遵照他的内心去活着,他要么成为一个疯子,要么成为一个传奇。 《亚瑟王》—— 我不相信有天堂,因为我被困在这个地狱的时间太长了。 《北非谍影》—— 1、依尔莎:“你昨晚去哪里?为何不来找我?” 里克:“我不记得那么久以前的事……” 依尔莎:“那你今晚会来吗?” 里克:“我从不想那么远以后的事……” 2、吻我吧,就像是最后一次吻我。 《第一滴血》—— 我们热爱我们的国家,但国家像我们爱她那样爱我们吗?


最励志经典的十句电影台词(英汉对照) 1. There is no certainty, only opportunity. V for Vendetta (2005) V (Hugo Weaving) 没有必然,只有机遇。《V字仇杀队》,V(雨果-威明) 2. A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. Wag the Dog (1997) Conrad Brean (Robert De Niro) 今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。《摇尾狗》,康拉德-布瑞恩(罗伯特-德-尼罗) 3. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret. The Dish (2000) Cliff Buxton (Sam Neill) 比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。《天线》,克里夫-巴克顿(山姆-内尔) 4. Its what you do right now that makes a difference. Black Hawk Down (2001) Jeff Struecker (Brian Van Holt) 你现在所做的是改变现状的关键。《黑鹰降落》,杰夫-(布莱恩-范-霍尔特 5. No point in punching things you cant see. Cinderella Man (2005) James Braddock (Russell Crowe) 打击那些你看不到的东西没有意义。《铁拳男人》,詹姆斯-布拉德克(拉塞尔-克劳) 6. Constantly talking isnt necessarily communicating. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Joel Barrish (Jim Carrey) 说个不停不一定是交流。《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》,乔尔-巴瑞士(金


勇敢的心经典台词 2009-06-07 17:33 1、Wallace: Are you ready for a war?!! 华莱士:你们准备好参战了吗?!! King Longshank: The trouble with Scotland...is that it's full of Scots! 国王:苏格兰的麻烦在于:全都是苏格兰人! 3、Stephen: The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It's drawn the finest people. 斯蒂芬:上帝说这必将是一场漂亮的胜仗。(我们有着)(或者他们有着)最精良的战士。 4、Wallace: Twice as long as a man. 华莱士:长度是常人的两倍 5、Hamish: That long? Some men are longer than others. 哈密士:那么长?有些人比一般人长些。 6、Wallace: You tell your king, that William Wallace will not be ruled. Nor will any Scot while I'm alive. 华莱士:你告诉你的国王,威廉姆华莱士绝不会屈服。只要我活着,苏格兰人民也绝不会屈服。 7、Local Magistrate: (To his troops) Arm yourselves! 地方官:对他的军队:备战! 8、King Longshank:Scottish rebels have routed one of my garrisons, and murdered the noble lord. 国王:叛军已经绕过了我的一个要塞,并刺杀了一位贵族。 9、Prince Edward: I've heard. This Wallace is a brigant, and nothing more. 爱德华王子:我听说了。华莱士只是个匪徒,其它一无是处。 10、King Longshank: And how would you deal with this 'brigant'? 国王:那么你预备怎样对付这个“匪徒”? 11、Prince Edward: Like any other common thief. Have the local magistrate arrest him and deal with him accordingly. 爱德华王子:象对待一般小偷那样,让地方官逮捕并处置他。 12、King Longshank: (To court people) Leave us! (Decks Prince Edward) Wallace has already killed the magistrate, and taken control of the town. 国王:对宫廷说:你们退下!(打了爱德华王子)华莱士已经杀死了那个地方官,并且占领了那个城镇! 13、Fight,and you may die.Run,and you''ll live at least a while. 你可能会死;逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。


这16句妙到极致的英文台词,你会选择哪句作为座右铭呢? 1. Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something. 人生是痛苦的,殿下。不这么说的人恐怕是要兜售什么。—《公主新娘》The Princess Bride 2. We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all. 我们所有人都挺怪异的。但有些人更善于掩藏,就是这样。—《早餐俱乐部》The Breakfast Club 3. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。—《肖申科的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption

4. My life is full because I know that I am loved. 我的人生是圆满的,因为我知道有人爱过我。—《象人》The Elephant Man 5. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. 不管别人怎么说,文字和思想的确能改变世界。—《死亡诗社》Dead Poet’s Society 6. I figure life’s a gift, and I don’t intend on wasting it. 我觉得人生就是礼物,我不想白白浪费。—《泰坦尼克号》Titanic



看电影学英语 Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》 -Robert: I shall tell you of William Wallace. tell of: 讲述 我将为你们讲述William Wallace的故事。 Historians from England will say I am a liar, historian: 历史学家 liar: 说谎的人 英国的历史学家们会说我在说谎, But history is written by those who have hanged heroes. history: 历史 hang: 绞死 hero: 英雄 但历史是由处死英雄的人写的。 The king of Scotland had died without a son, Scotland: 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在不列颠北部) 苏格兰国王死后无嗣, And the king of England, a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks, cruel: 残忍的 pagan: 异教徒 be known as: 被称为,被认为是 longshank: 长腿(合成词long: 长的 shank: 腿部) 人称长腿Edward的英格兰国王,一个残暴的异教徒, Claimed the throne of Scotland for himself. claim: 声称有 throne: 王位 宣布苏格兰王位归他所有。 Scotland's nobles fought him, and fought each other over the crown. noble: 贵族 fought: 打仗(fight的过去式) crown: 王位苏格兰的贵族们为了王位和他开战,同时也在自相残杀。 So Longshanks invited them to talk of truce... invite: 邀请 truce: 休战 于是长腿邀请他们共商休战。 No weapons, one page only. weapons: 武器 page: 随从 不能带武器,每人只能带一名随从。 Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace, shire: 郡 当地有个名叫Malcolm Wallace的农民, A commoner with his own lands. commoner: 平民 是个拥有自己的土地的平民。 He had two sons, John and William. 他有两个儿子,John和William。 -Malcolm: I told you to stay. stay: 呆,停留 我叫你待在家里。 -William: Well, I finished my work. finish: 完成,结束 我干完活了。 Where are we going? 我们去哪里? -Malcolm: MacAndrews'. He was supposed to visit when the gathering was over. be supposed to: 被认为,应该 supposed: 假定,料想,应该 gathering: 集会 去MacAndrew家。聚会一结束他们就应该来了。 -William: Can I come? 我能去吗? -Malcolm: No, go home, boy.不行,回家去,孩子。 -William:But I want to go.可我想去。 -Malcolm: Go home or you'll feel the back of my hand.回家去,要不我就揍你了。 -John: Go you home, William.回家去,William。 -Malcolm: MacAndrews! MacAndrews! Holy Jesus! holy: 神圣的,圣洁的 MacAndrew!MacAndrew!圣主啊! -William: Aah!啊! -Malcolm: It's all right! William! 好了,没事了!William! William! William, it's all right. William!William,好了,没事了。 It's all right. Easy, lad. lad: 男孩,小伙子 没事了。镇静点,孩子。 -Dead Page Boy: William. William。
