

八年级英语培优练习Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. It’s difficult to solve the problem. Do you have any good ideas to _______ with us? A. agree B. share C. come D. live

( )2. —You are standing too near to the TV. Can you move a bit _______?

—OK, Mom. Is it all right here?

A. faster

B. slower

C. farther

D. nearer

( )3. The rivers in the countryside are cleaner than _______ in the city.

A. this

B. that

C. these

D. those

( )4. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _______.

A. dry

B. open

C. quiet

D. clean

( )5. There were _______ animals in the forest many years ago.

A. thousand of

B. thousands of

C. three thousand of

D. three thousands of

( )6. Of the two boys, Tom is _______.

A. tall

B. the taller

C. tallest

D. the tallest

( )7. Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world, but they _______ the smallest sea animals.

A. feed in

B. live in

C. feed on

D. fed on

( )8. —Zhou Fang, can you finish your homework better with _______ time?

—I think I can.

A. few

B. fewer

C. little

D. less

( )9. As we know, water is very important _______ us.

A. of

B. to

C. on

D. with

( )10. —What do you think of this film?

—Wonderful! No film is _______.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

( )11. —Kangkang, I _______ my pen. Could you please lend me yours?

—I’m afraid I can’t. Mine is _______, too.

A. lost; lost

B. missing; missing

C. lost; missing

D. missing; lost

( )12. —The old woman lost the hope of life because her two sons lost their lives in the earthquake.

—She should cheer up. A dead heart is much _______ than sadness.

A. terrible

B. more terrible

C. most terrible

D. the most terrible

( )13. —Is everyone out of the fire?

—No, _______ two are still in the burning house.

A. another

B. other

C. the other

D. others

( )14. —Jack _______ his job last week. Do you know why?

—Because he was always late for work.

A. found

B. lost

C. loved

D. disliked

( )15. —What you said is very good. Do you have _______ else to say?

—_______ more.

A. something; Anything

B. anything; Something

C. anything; Nothing

D. nothing; Anything

( )16. —An earthquake struck Yushu yesterday. Did you _______ it?

—Yes. I _______ it killed many people. That’s too terrible.

A. hear; hear

B. hear of; hear of

C. hear; hear of

D. hear of; hear

( )17. —I will thank Mr. Wang. I couldn’t pass the last exam _______ his help.

—You’re right.

A. without

B. with

C. for

D. under

( )18. —The family is too poor _______ the child to school.

—What a pity!

A. send

B. sending

C. to send

D. sent

( )19. Look! The people _______ their homes after the earthquake. I think they _______

to normal life very soon.

A. are rebuilding; are returning

B. are returning; are rebuilding

C. will return; are rebuilding

D. are rebuilding; will return

( )20. —_______ heads means No in China but Yes in India.

—Sounds interesting.

A. Shaking

B. Moving

C. Hitting

D. Washing

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)


—Hello! Kangkang! 1.

—Hi, Xiao Lei! I’m going to the post of fice.


—I’m going to send some clothes and books to the students in Wenchuan.

—You’re really warm-hearted. 3.

—No, they can’t. Their school buildings fell down and the government (政府) is rebuilding

schools for them.

—It’s good news. I hope they can go to school early.

—4. Oh, what about you? What will you do for the students there to

show your love?


—Money? That’s good. Shall we go to the post office together?

—Good idea. L et’s go!

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

We often say that lions and tigers are kings of animals. They’re the best hunters (猎手) and they’re at the top (顶端) of the food chain (链) on land. But the best hunters in the sea are sharks. Sharks are bigger and swim 16 faster than other sea animals. They have wide mouths and sharp (锋利的) 17 . They are at the top of the sea food chain.

What’s at the top of the world’s food chain? Human beings (人类)! We’re not strong, but we’re the 18 . We can’t run fast, but we 19 cars; We can’t f ight better, but we invented guns (枪),…. Many inventions are useful to us. 20 , they’re also harmful. People ask the 21 for too much. For example, we ask for food, wood, fur and so on. As a result, forests are becoming smaller and smaller. Rivers are dirty and some animals are in danger of 22 out….

Don’t forget that we’re part of the food chain. We should leave enough 23 for

animals to live in. We should do something to stop people from 24 animals. We must know that protecting animals is just to protect 25 .

( )16. A. very B. much C. quite D. too

( )17. A. knives B. feet C. teeth D. eyes

( )18. A. cleverest B. fastest C. strongest D. slowest

( )19. A. bought B. brought C. took D. invented

( )20. A. Or B. However C. Then D. So

( )21. A. nature B. forests C. animals D. society

( )22. A. eating B. dying C. selling D. finding

( )23. A. place B. room C. food D. trees

( )24. A. killing B. feeding C. eating D. keeping

( )25. A. itself B. themselves C. yourselves D. ourselves

vi. 完形填空。(10分)

Fire is dangerous. What should we do to protect ourselves from The following is some

( )17. A. grow B. blow C. light D. control

( )18. A. smoke B. fire C. sound D. call

( )19. A. lift B. plans C. time D. floor

( )20. A. where B. how C. what D. when

( )21. A. doors B. windows C. desks D. furniture

( )22. A. Always B. Usually C. Often D. Never

( )23. A. far B. long C. short D. close

( )24. A. Running B. Watering C. Rolling D. Covering

( )25. A. like B. break C. follow D. close

VII. 词汇。(10分)


1. People can enjoy n_______ in the countryside. The air is fresher and the sky is bluer there.

2. She c_______ the table with a cloth yesterday.

3. Many animals are in danger. We must do something to p_______ them.

4. Thousands of rivers go into the s_______ at last.

5. Thousands of old trees were in the f_______ ten years ago, but now there are few.

6. The boy didn’t go to bed last night, he played the computer games the w_______ night.

7. A_______ and people are like water and fish.

8. After receiving my e-mail, Li Lei s_______ an e-mail back to me yesterday.

9. I passed the l_______ of 4 English test last year.

10. We should call 119 for help at once when a f_______ happens.


1. These plants float on the _______ (表面) of the water.

2. My grandparents keep a lot of _______ (绵羊) in the countryside.

3. The fox usually _______ (以……为食) meat.

4. The teacher had no _______ (控制) over the children.

5. The rivers in the countryside are much _______ (清澈) than those in the cities.

6. No one knows clearly when the next _______ (地震) will happen.

7. I bought a mobile _______ (电话) for the old for my father on his seventieth birthday.

8. Many students can’t see the blackboard clearly because a tall boy sits in the _______

(中间) of the classroom.

9. The first thing we should do is to _______ (保持) calm when an earthquake happens.

10. We should learn something to _______ (保护) ourselves from a fire.


1. The beauty looks much _______ (thin) than the fat girl, but the fatter girl looks healthier.

2. The baby stopped crying as soon as his young mother _______ (feed) him.

3. It’s easy for people to be ill to live in _______ (wet) places.

4. The hens on the farm _______ (die) last week because of some kind of disease.

5. We must do something to protect the animals from _______ (dangerous).

6. Many parents found their _______ (miss) children with the help of CCTV1.

7. Everything will go on after _______ (sad).

8. He was so thankful to me that he _______ (shake) my hands without saying a word.

9. After _______ (check) me over carefully, the doctor told me that it was nothing serious.

10. Our teacher Mr. Wang often cheer us on,“Work hard and a brighter future will

_______ (appear) in front of you!”.



精品文档 八年级英语培优辅差计划 三阳镇中:方敏 一、指导思想: 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。主要措施: 二、学生情况分析 本本学期所教班级是127和130班,从上学期的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,两个班大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,各科作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,如等,且担任班干部能起到较好的模范带头作用,但也有少部分学生如等,基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,因此本学期除在教学过程中要注重学生的个体差异外,我准备在提高学生学习兴趣上下功夫,通过培优辅潜的方式使优秀学生得到更好的发展,潜能生得到较大进步。 三、具体措施 1、认真备好每一次培优辅潜教案,努力做好学习过程的趣味性和知识性相结合。 2 加强交流,了解潜能生、优异生的家庭、学习的具体情况,尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。 坚持辅潜工作,每周不少于一次。 3 对差生实施多做多练措施。优生适当增加题目难度,并安排课外作品阅读,不断提高做题和写作能力。 4 充分了解差生现行学习方法,给予正确引导,朝正确方向发展,保证差生改善目前学习差的状况,提高学习成绩。 四、主要措施 1 围绕提高均分、合格率和优秀率的目标,制定切实可行的培优和辅差计划,严格按计划实施,注重过程,注重效率,注重效果。争取做到“顾两头,抓中间”。每一位教师具体分析每一个目标学生的实际情况,稳定优生人数,狠抓中间段。在上学期的基础上,继续进行集体培优。把优生集中在一起定时定点进行。让优生有动力同时也有竞争的感觉。争取把优生比例扩大。组内每个老师利用下午四点半到点五时段对本班基础差生进行个别辅导。挖掘潜力,查找弱项,有针对性的进行补差工作。争取缩小差生范围。 2. 进一步培养学生良好的学习习惯,教会学生如何去学英语。让学生充分利用“五 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

初二英语培优 练习题

初二上册B卷练习题(一) 一、完型填空 Tom is the son of a farm owner. One New Year’s Day, when he was 15, his father (1)____ him to work on the farm for one year when he was free. Tom was (2)____ with his father’s idea. “That isn’t my job. I have (3)____ homework to do.” Hearing this, his father said, “I promise to give you the best present if you (4)____ finish one year’s work.” Tom thought for a while and (5)____. Starting one Saturday, the boy got up early and worked (6)____ until evening, just like any other farmer. Time passed quickly. Tom’s crops (庄稼) grew well. (7)____ the last day of the year, the father said, “I’m happy to see that you have worked very hard the whole year. Now, tell me (8)____ you want.” The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread made from his wheat (小麦). Then he said, “I’ve already got the (9)____ present. No pains, no gains (不劳无获). I think this is what you wanted (10)____ to know.” His father was quite pleased t o hear that. ( )1. A. asked B. made C. stopped ( )2. A. happy B. unhappy C. sorry ( )3. A. much too B. too much C. too many ( )4. A. must B. need C. can ( )5. A. said B. agreed C. answered ( )6. A. hard B. hardly C. difficult ( )7. A. In B. At C. On ( )8. A. which B. how C. what ( )9. A. worst B. best C. least ( )10. A. mine B. my C. me 二、阅读短文,选择正确的答案 Zoos are places where different kinds of animals are kept and shown for the public. At most modern zoos people can see, smell and hear animals in their natural way. Some zoos even have “friendship farms" where people can touch some of the animals. Here are four reasons why people need zoos. Firstly, zoos help people know more about animals and their natural environment. They give interesting information about each animal, such as where it comes from and how it lives. Special teachers at the zoo help children understand more about the animals. Trained guides show visitors around the zoo. Secondly, zoos are working hard to find out more about animals. New knowledge leads to improved ways of looking after animals in the zoo and better understanding of the same animals in the wild. Thirdly, zoos play a part in protecting animals and stopping them from disappearing. Zoos work together with each other to help the animals in danger. For example, gorillas (大猩猩) from Taronga Zoo were sent to live with gorillas at the Melbourne Zoo so that they would give birth to babies. Fin ally, zoos are important for people’s enjoyment. People enjoy getting close to animals without having to cross the plains of Africa or climb the mountains of China. In the past, animal shows were common in zoos. Visitors were excited when they saw monkeys in human clothes, and they even took rides on elephants or horses. However, today people enjoy seeing animals acting naturally. So a modern zoo is a place where animals can be well cared for. ( )1. How many reasons does the writer talk about? A. Two B. Three C. Four ( )2. Special teachers at the zoo _________. A. show visitors around the zoo B. look after animals in danger C. help children know about animals ( )3. From the passage we know ________ were sent from Taronga Zoo to the Melbourne Zoo.


八年级英语培优辅差计划 三阳镇中:方敏 一、指导思想: 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。主要措施: 二、学生情况分析 本本学期所教班级是127和130班,从上学期的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,两个班大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,各科作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,如等,且担任班干部能起到较好的模范带头作用,但也有少部分学生如等,基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,因此本学期除在教学过程中要注重学生的个体差异外,我准备在提高学生学习兴趣上下功夫,通过培优辅潜的方式使优秀学生得到更好的发展,潜能生得到较大进步。 三、具体措施 1、认真备好每一次培优辅潜教案,努力做好学习过程的趣味性和知识性相结合。 2 加强交流,了解潜能生、优异生的家庭、学习的具体情况,尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。 坚持辅潜工作,每周不少于一次。 3 对差生实施多做多练措施。优生适当增加题目难度,并安排课外作品阅读,不断提高做题和写作能力。 4 充分了解差生现行学习方法,给予正确引导,朝正确方向发展,保证差生改善目前学习差的状况,提高学习成绩。 四、主要措施 1 围绕提高均分、合格率和优秀率的目标,制定切实可行的培优和辅差计划,严格按计划实施,注重过程,注重效率,注重效果。争取做到“顾两头,抓中间”。每一位教师具体分析每一个目标学生的实际情况,稳定优生人数,狠抓中间段。在上学期的基础上,继续进行集体培优。把优生集中在一起定时定点进行。让优生有动力同时也有竞争的感觉。争取把优生比例扩大。组内每个老师利用下午四点半到点五时段对本班基础差生进行个别辅导。挖掘潜力,查找弱项,有针对性的进行补差工作。争取缩小差生范围。 2. 进一步培养学生良好的学习习惯,教会学生如何去学英语。让学生充分利用“五本”进行学习。 3.做到”堂堂清”,“月月清”:要求学生每天做好”预习—听课—复习”三步.并积


上学期八年级英语培优辅差计划 袁佩龙 一、指导思想: 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。主要措施: 二、学生情况分析 本本学期所教班级是127和130班,从上学期的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,两个班大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,各科作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,如等,且担任班干部能起到较好的模范带头作用,但也有少部分学生如等,基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,因此本学期除在教学过程(本文来自优秀教育资源网斐.斐.课.件.园)中要注重学生的个体差异外,我准备在提高学生学习兴趣上下功夫,通过培优辅潜的方式使优秀学生得到更好的发展,潜能生得到较大进步。 三、具体措施 1、认真备好每一次培优辅潜教案,努力做好学习过程的趣味性和知识性相结合。 2 加强交流,了解潜能生、优异生的家庭、学习的具体情况,尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。 坚持辅潜工作,每周不少于一次。 3 对差生实施多做多练措施。优生适当增加题目难度,并安排课外作品阅读,不断提高做题和写作能力。 4 充分了解差生现行学习方法,给予正确引导,朝正确方向发展,保证差生改善目前学习差的状况,提高学习成绩。

四、主要措施 1 围绕提高均分、合格率和优秀率的目标,制定切实可行的培优和辅差计划,严格按计划实施,注重过程,注重效率,注重效果。争取做到“顾两头,抓中间”。每一位教师具体分析每一个目标学生的实际情况,稳定优生人数,狠抓中间段。在上学期的基础上,继续进行集体培优。把优生集中在一起定时定点进行。让优生有动力同时也有竞争的感觉。争取把优生比例扩大。组内每个老师利用下午四点半到点五时段对本班基础差生进行个别辅导。挖掘潜力,查找弱项,有针对性的进行补差工作。争取缩小差生范围。 2. 进一步培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园https://www.360docs.net/doc/877316414.html,]良好的学习习惯,教会学生如何去学英语。让学生充分利用“五本”进行学习。 3.做到”堂堂清”,“月月清”:要求学生每天做好”预习—听课—复习”三步.并积极检查.把当天的功课在当天解决。在月考中检查出学生未能掌握的知识再及时把进行讲解和解决。 4、利用早读和口语操练,对学生进行口语训练。要求教会学生一个日常英语的主题。并进行训练。加强背诵,记单词和阅读的训练,利用早读,口语操练等时间进行有组织,有目的,有意义并且有效的练习。课前对话,课中操练管理,课间复诵检查 5、设计符合学生兴趣和认知能力的学科活动和综合实践活动,下学期推荐学生自学第二套教材发放相关的材料,提高学生语言的实际应用的输入准备,如增加相关话题的背诵材料。提高写作水平。 6、开展本班学习小组的竞赛,看哪个组平均分、合格率、优秀率高,红榜公布、表彰奖励。 安排座位,考虑学生成绩搭配 7、教师要认真备课,上课时,对不同层次的学生听课一样,作业要求不一样。作业的量度,深浅度,难易度要精心设计,不能一刀切。成绩好的学生要求更高更严;成绩中下的学生同样布置但让优生去指导,也一定要完成。讲评作业时重点评讲中下层学生作业中出现的问题。 8、各科的《每周一练》要认真设计,不能一般化。对成绩好的学生一定要有3-5道综合

最新 中考英语完形填空培优训练(附解析)(word)1

最新中考英语完形填空培优训练(附解析)(word)1 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.完形填空 Twenty-five-year-old South African DJ Mandla Maseko has been chosen as one of 23 people who will get to go to space! Maseko, a 1 African, can't wait to become the first black South African to go to 2 ! He and 22 others were some of over one million who 3 the Lynx Apollo Space Academy competition to win a ticket to space. When he was 4 why he wanted to go to space, Maseko's answer was 5 , "want to fight against the rules of gravity(引力)." He will start to do so on a Lynx mark II space ship in 2015, not only fighting against gravity but also realising his childhood 6 of becoming an astronaut when he grew up. "We blacks also 7 with dreams. You dreamed of being a policeman or a teacher but you know you won't get as far as a pilot or an astronaut. Then I went to the space camp and I told 8 that I could be an astronaut," said Maseko. During the first week of December, Maseko, two other South Africans, 9 more than 100 international contestants(选手) went to the space camp in Orlando, Florida to test if they are 10 enough to go to space. Maseko knows there is a long way to go before he finally goes into space. "I'll be the first black South African and the first black African to go into space. When I think of the firsts, the first black presidents—Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, I tell myself to try my best." 1. A. brown B. black C. white D. yellow 2. A. space B. school C. hospital D. bed 3. A. took into B. took care of C. took part in D. took the place of 4. A. answered B. ordered C. asked D. told 5. A. simple B. difficult C. terrible D. scary 6. A. game B. subject C. lesson D. dream 7. A. hung out B. went over C. took up D. grew up 8. A. yourself B. myself C. himself D. herself 9. A. but B. or C. so D. and 10. A. happy B. healthy C. young D. old 【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)C;(5)A;(6)D;(7)D;(8)B;(9)D;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:25岁的南非黑人DJ Mandla Maseko被选中成为一名宇航员的 候选人,他下定决心要成为第一个进入太空的南非黑人和非洲黑人。 (1)句意:非洲黑人马塞科迫不及待地想成为第一个进入太空的南非黑人!①A 棕色;B 黑色;C 白色;D 黄色。根据下文中的the first black South African 提示可知, Mandla Maseko是个黑人,故选B。②太空;B 学校;C 医院;D 床。根据上文语句Twenty-five-year-old South African DJ Mandla Maseko has been chosen as one of 23 people who will get to go to space! 提示可知,Mandla Maseko是预备宇航员,应该进太空,故选A。


八年级英语培优练习题 单项选择 1. One third of the students League Members , and the number of this not change much in our class this term. A. is, do B. are, does C. was, are D. were, were 2.Nobody except Lily and Linda the man in a white T-shirt. A. know B. is knowing C. have known D. knows 3. They are hardly ever tired, they? A. are B. aren’t C. will D. won’t 4. Would you like to have apples? No, thank you. I’ve had enough. A. other two B. another two C. more two D. two others 5.Did you and your classmates ride your bicycles to the beach last Sunday? Yes, we had! A. how a fun B. what fun C. what a fun D. how fun 6.Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many 7. Have you ? Yes, I Steven for about five years. A. married, have married with B. been married, have married C. got married, have been married D. got married, have been married to 8.His sister left home in summer of 1998, and since. A. the, had not been heard of B. the, has not been heard of C. a, has not been heard of D. /, has not heard of 9. While traveling to Canada, you should give yourself a day to the time and the way nearby. A. used to B. be used to C. use to D. use 10. Do remember not to touch the kettle full of boiling water, or you will get burned. . A. What for B. Why not? C. Got it D. Never mind 11. How do you like Johnson’s family? . A. They’re all warm-hearted and thoughtful B. Oh, it’s a very big one C. They all like sports and games D. His family is very similar to mine 12. The music he is playing sounds . A. nicely B. sweetly C. lively D. pleasantly 13. more time, he’ll make a first class tennis player. A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given 14. You don’t kno w I want to see you again. It’s a year since I last saw you. A. how much B. how long C. how often D. how soon 15. you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your train. A. As long as B. As soon as C. Even if D. As if 16. India and China are of same continent. A. /, the B. The, the C. /, / D. /, a 17. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(an) of courage and power. A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 培优专项训练(十) 主题阅读 Ⅰ. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) Do you like taking music lessons? A study shows music lessons can make children have better memories(记忆力) than others. The Canadian study shows that after one year of training in music, children could get good grades in memory test than others. There were two groups of children aged between 4 and 6 in the study. One group of children took music lessons outside school, and the other group didn't take any lessons. In one year, they took four tests at different times. The results showed that the children taking music lessons not only did better in music listening but also made much progress in other subjects, such as English and math. People say music is the medicine for a sad heart. Now it shows music can also help us with our memories. We are sure to find more in the wonderful world of music. ()1.A study shows that after music training children can have better memories than others. ()2.There were two groups of children aged from 5 to 8 in the study. ()3.In the study, children took four tests at the same time. () 4.Taking music lessons is good for music listening and other subjects, too. ()5.Listening to music is a good way to make people forget their sadness. Ⅱ. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,完成表格 Most people want to be happy, but few people know how to find happiness. Money and success do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher said, “Happiness depends on ourselves.” In other words, we make our own happiness by ourse lves. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier. The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job that we don't enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have close friends usually enjoy happier and healthier lives. Another secret of happiness is to be active and have hobbies. They can help you forget your


八年级英语培优补差计 划 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

2017-2018学年上学期八年级英语培优补差计划 侯冰冰吕洁 一、指导思想: 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。主要措施: 二、学生情况分析 本班从学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,各科作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,担任班干部能起到较好的模范带头作用,但也有少部分学生基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,因此本学期除在教学过程中要注重学生的个体差异外,我准备在提高学生学习兴趣上下功夫,通过培优辅差的方式使优秀学生得到更好的发展,后进生得到较大进步。 三、具体措施 1、认真备好每一次培优辅差教案,努力做好学习过程的趣味性和知识性相结合。 2、加强交流,了解潜能生、优异生的家庭、学习的具体情况,尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。 3、搞好家访工作,及时了解学生家庭情况,交流、听取建议意见。 4、沟通思想,切实解决潜能生在学习上的困难。 5、坚持辅潜工作,每周不少于一次。 6、根据学生的个体差异,安排不同的作业。 7.采用一优生带一差生的一帮一行动。 8.请优生介绍学习经验,差生加以学习。 9.课堂上创造机会,用优生学习思维、方法来影响差生。 10.对差生实施多做多练措施。优生适当增加题目难度,并安排课外作品阅读,不断提高做题和写作能力。 11.采用激励机制,对差生的每一点进步都给予肯定,并鼓励其继续进取,在优生中树立榜样,给机会表现,调动他们的学习积极性和成功感。


八年级下学期英语培优练习题(一) I. 单项选择 1. You should leave now_______you can catch the early bus. A. as soon as B. so that C. because D. although 2. ---My mother is ill in hospital. ---_______. A. What’s the matter? B. I’m sorry to hear that C. I’m not feeling well. D. She’ll be all right soon. 3. The little girl know only_____English , but she can sing _____English songs. A. little; few B. few; little C. a little; a few D. a little; f ew 4.Mr. Wang always________himself when he’s _______. A. free; free B. frees; frees C. frees; free D.free; frees 5.----What about having a drink? ----______. A.Help yourself B. Never mind C. You’re right D. Good 6. She doesn’t feel_____and she thinks the food isn’t _____. A. well; good B. well; well C. good; good D.good; well 7. Dale White, a famous writer, gave us a talk yesterday. He spoke so______that I could hear every word A. clearly B. differently C. quietly D. quickly 8.----How does Jack ususlly go to work? ----He ______drive a car, but now he _____there to lose weight. A. used to ; is used to walk B. was used to; is used to walking C. was used to; is used to walk D. used to; is used to walking 9. She was at home___and she felt very _____. A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely 10. Your temperature is 39°C. You_______. A. have a cold B. have a headache C. have a fever D. have a sore throat 11.Mr.White invited Joan to the ballet______. A. cheering her up B. to cheer up her C. to cheer her up D. cheering up her 12.----I think we’ll be late. ----______. A. No , we don’t. B. Who said? C. What should we do? D. Yes, we do 13.I saw some boys______in the river when I went by. A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. to swim 14.Lots of foreigners start learning Chinese______they can learn more about China. A. so B. because C. so that D.in order to 15.What you did made _____possible for me______my work on time. A. it; finishing B. this; to finish C. this; finishing D.it; to finish 18. My father often cooks some delicious food ____for us at home A. herself B. ourselves C. himself D.yourselves II. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。


初三培优练习姓名_______ 一、用所给词的正确形式填空,如果有多个答案,就选一个正确的答案填空。 1.He has been u se d to_________(drink)milk every night. 2.keys are u se d to_________(open)doors. 3.The machine is u sed to__________(wash)dishes. 4.__________no one believed what Jim said.(Nearly/Almost) 5.It’s cold outside.Please keep the window________.(close) 6.Lily_____________(have)a fever for three days,Doctor. 7.Neither John nor Judy________(have)been to Italy before. 8.Either he or I________(be)going to visit Miss Black. 9.Beijing is famous________(as/for)an ocean of places of interest. 10.There’s a bridge________the river.The bridge is200meters_________the sea level. (above/over) 11.W e want to trek_________the jungle.He wants to swim______the river.(through/across /cross) 12.Look,there’s a blind man trying to walk(through/across/cross)the street. 13.This kind of apples________(sell)every day,and the apples________(sell)well. 14.The novel is worth__________.(read) 15.W ould you like something else__________(except/besides)this one? 16.This pair of jeans______(be)expensive.I don’t want to buy_______(it/them.)Show me another_______.(one/pair) 17.--W ould you mind my__________(open)the door?--Go ahead. 18.Our teacher is very________(love,loving,lovely)and cares for us very well. 19.How do people usually________(wear/put on/dress up/dress)in the office? 20.There’re_________of students in my school,and eight__________of them are girls. (hundred/hundreds) 21.--Is_________(anything/everything)ready for the school trip?--Y es. 22.Y ou can have one more.__________(other)are for T om. 23.This hat doesn’t look cool.Could you please show me________?(other/the other/another) 24.They each________(have)a dictionary. 25.Each of the girls_______(have)to sleep at home. 26.This is too difficult.Why not read__________(anything)easier? 二、翻译 1.三班由44个同学组成。Class Three______________________________44students. 2.每个人都怕被别人嘲笑。Everyone is afraid of_____________________by others. 3.如果你不去,我也不去。If you don’t go,______________________. 4.你有多喜欢你爸爸?____________do you_______your Dad? 5.--你剩下多少钱?--How much money have you left? --没了。--__________. 6.–谁知道答案?--Who knows the answer? --没人知道。--___________. 7.几千人参加了会议。____________________people attended the meeting. 8.我想提高我的口语技能。I______________to improve my________________. 9.这些男老师都教数学。These________________all teach math.
