2023年广东省广州市番禺区中考英语一模试卷(附答案详解) (1)


A long time ago,a farmer raised a lovely rabbit and a big dog on his farm.One day,he organized a competition(1)______ his dog and his rabbit.In one of his(2)______ fields,he made a small hole and hid a carrot and a bone in it.He wanted to know(3)______ animal would find them first.

The rabbit was (4)______ excited that he was busy looking for the carrot,digging here and there.He was (5)______ sure that he would find the carrot and the bone. (6)______ ,the dog was lazy all the time.He looked for the bone for a short time,then(7)______ down on the ground.There he began to complain.He thought (8)______ was difficult for him to find one bone in such a big field.

The rabbit kept (9)______ hard without stop to have a rest.With every new hole,the dog complained about(10)______ difficult this was.But the rabbit didn't care about what the dog said.When there was no place in the whole field left to dig,the rabbit dug a tunnel(隧道)(11)______ was right under the dog.There he succeeded in (12)______ the carrot and the bone.

This is how the dog lost (13)______ competition.In fact,he found the right place at the very beginning.But he failed to find the bone(14)______ he only complained and didn't try at all.When we meet difficulties in our life,we should stick with our goal and never(15)______ up just like the rabbit.

1. A. with B. between C. in D. of

2. A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest

3. A. why B. how C. that D. which

4. A. very B. so C. such D. too

5. A. complete B. completed C. completing D. completely

6. A. And B. But C. However D. So

7. A. lay B. lie C. laid D. lying

8. A. this B. that C. it D. he

9. A. dig B. dug C. digging D. to dig

10. A. how B. what C. why D. that

11. A. which B. who C. what D. how

12. A. find B. finding C. finds D. found

13. A. a B. an C. the D. /

14. A. before B. until C. because D. unless

15. A. give B. gave C. giving D. to give

Once in a small village,there lived a man with his four sons.The man hoped that his sons could learn to give opinions about things(1)______ .So he gave his four sons a question in turn asking them to go to

see a pear tree at a distance in different (2)______ .The sons promised they would not let their father down.

The first son (3)______ out in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the youngest in autumn.One year passed,when all of them returned home,the father called them together to(4)______ what they had seen.The first son said the tree was (5)______ ,it wasn't worth seeing at all.And it seemed that it wouldn't bear any fruit,either.

The second son said it was not like that.The tree was covered in green buds(芽)and made people feel full of (6)______ .

The third son disagreed,saying that it was full of flowers which smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful.And he said that everyone would (7)______ it.

The last son disagreed with all of them,saying that it was filled with fruit and full of life.People would be (8)______ with it.

At last,the four sons' eyes were fixed on their father.The father (9)______ .Then he told his four sons that they were all correct,they only saw the tree in one season.He told his sons that they could not (10)______ a tree or a person only by one season,and that the essence(本质)of a person could only be measured when all the seasons are taken into account.

16. A. quickly B. slowly C. properly D. immediately

17. A. places B. gardens C. shapes D. seasons

18. A. played B. set C. waited D. reached

19. A. describe B. draw C. write D. record

20. A. beautiful B. awful C. wonderful D. helpful

21. A. hope B. pity C. anger D. doubt

22. A. hate B. throw C. destroy D. enjoy

23. A. satisfied B. shocked C. frightened D. angry

24. A. signed B. smiled C. cried D. shouted

25. A. like B. judge C. find D. hear


A high school student named Zach Selby found a way to help people who needed fruit.He noticed some organizations take extra(额外的)food from markets and give it to local food banks.Zach decided to start his own group in his neighborhood.He called the group Fruit For All.

To make Fruit For All successful,Zach needed volunteers and trees full of fruit.Zach asked community members to call him and tell him whether they had trees with extra fruit.At first he had difficulty in finding people who wanted to give the fruit.But as the news of Zach's idea spread,some people got in touch with him.Soon,Fruit For All was really"growing"!

With the help of his brother Jackson and other volunteers,Zach has given more than 70,000 pounds of fruit to local food banks.The group usually works on weekends,and the volunteers travel as far as 20 miles from Zach's house.The volunteers totally collect about 500 pounds of fruit each weekend."It is because of the efforts and cooperation of our partners that we can do this."Zach said.

Fruit For All also has a website that encourages people to help.Visitors to the website will learn three ways they can get involved.For busy people,they can allow volunteers to pick fruit from their trees.For those who have free time,they can volunteer to pick fruit.And people can also start a Fruit For All group in their area.What's more,people can ask Zach different questions on the website.

With the help of groups like Fruit For All,more people are able to enjoy delicious fresh fruit every day.If you feel the same way as Zach,don't hesitate(犹豫)to help more people eat fresh fruit.Fruit For All is waiting for you!

26. What was the problem Zach faced after he started Fruit For All?______

A. No place to store extra fruit.

B. Lack of time to transport fruit.

C. Few people were willing to give fruit.

D. Few volunteers joined the group.

27. Fruit For All has succeeded mainly because ______ .

A. Zach has extremely good leadership

B. the workers have enough time to work

C. the website provides the latest information

D. the workers work hard and cooperate well

28. How can busy people help Fruit For All?______

A. By asking other people to become volunteers.

B. By starting a group in their own neighborhood.

C. By allowing volunteers to pick fruit from their trees.

D. By helping collect fruit from people who have extra fruit.

29. What's the main purpose of the passage______

A. To call on people to grow fruit.

B. To tell people not to waste fruit.

C. To make an advertisement for Fruit For All.

D. To call on people to join Fruit For All.


One way you can tell if an animal is sleeping is by studying its brainwaves.When human beings or other mammals(哺乳动物)fall asleep,the pattern of their brainwaves changes.

Mammals' brains are different from fish's brains.Humans and other mammals have complex(复杂的)brains.A fish's brain is much less complex than a mammal's brain.A fish's brainwaves don't change when the fish is asleep.This means that we can't tell if a fish is sleeping by looking at its brainwaves. Although fish may not sleep like people,they do rest.One way to tell if a fish is resting is to watch what it is doing.Most fish will slow down when they are resting.If you have ever had a pet fish,you might have noticed that it will rest near the bottom of the tank for a few hours every night.When the fish rests,it makes very small movements to keep itself in one place.

Another way to tell that a fish is resting is to watch how it reacts to things that happen to it.When a fish is resting,it will react much more slowly.Several years ago,a group of scientists studied the sleeping habits of zebra fish.They gave the zebra fish mild(温和的)electric shocks when they were fully awake and while they were resting.If you have a pet fish at home,you can try a similar experiment.Try giving your fish some food when it is resting.It should take much longer for the fish to notice that there is food in its tank than it does when the fish is fully awake.

30. What happens to their brainwaves when fish are resting______

A. Their brainwaves stay the same.

B. Their brainwaves become less complex.

C. Their brainwaves die down.

D. Their brainwaves change differently.

31. What can we learn from the passage?______

A. Fish eat more food when they are resting.

B. Fish react more slowly when they are resting.

C. Fish prefer to stay at the bottom of the tank all day.

D. Fish stop moving when they are resting.

32. What's the best title for the passage?______

A. Do fish sleep at night?

B. Fun facts of fish.

C. How to know if a fish is resting?

D. Eating habits of fish.

33. Which part of the magazine does the passage probably belong to______

A. Travel.

B. Culture.

C. Science.

D. Education.


The "24 solar terms(节气)"was first used in China.It was created thousands of years ago on the basis of practical needs of agriculture.Ancient Chinese people used it to guide agricultural production,explain special climate signs and even come up with healthy living tips.In November,2016,the "24 solar terms"

was added to UNESCO's(联合国教科文组织)world cultural heritage list.Now,it has been brought to life thanks to a creative designer from Southwest China's Guizhou Province.

In 2017,on the eve of Qingming Festival,Shi Changhong released(发布)his version of reproduced and packaged characters for each solar term in the form of "moving art" of gifs.Since their first release on Zcool,the gifs have won great praise among the general public and quickly flooded the social media(媒体)with millions of hits during the festival period.

To increase publicity,Shi released his work in three forms:the video,the animation and pictures.The background sounds added to the popularity."When I watch the short video,I can strongly feel the Chinese-style elements hidden in it.And it is really cool to live up traditional Chinese culture in such a special way."a user Xiao Feifei said.

"It is really a comfort to me to see so many people like my latest work.To be honest,it would really surprise me if the work had not aroused great interest among Chinese people.The '24 solar terms 'is a deeply rooted concept that covers the essence of Chinese wisdom.But only a small part of people know all the names or the correct order of those terms.My intention is to increase Chinese people's self-awareness to learn more about our traditional fine culture.Actually,the work of '24 solar terms' is a part of my whole design program 'Charm China' which I started a year ago."Shi told China Daily in 2017.

34. What do you think the underlined word " Zcool" in paragraph 2 refers to______

A. Newspaper.

B. Magazine.

C. Radio.

D. Website.

35. Which is the correct order for the following events?______

a.The gifs of the "24 solar terms" became popular.

b.Shi took part in the program"Charm China".

c.Shi released his work of the"24 solar terms".

d.The"24 solar terms"was created in China.

e.The UNESCO chose the "24 solar terms" into the world cultural heritage list.

A. d-c-b-e-a

B. d-e-b-c-a

C. b-c-d-e-a

D. b-e-d-c-a

36. What can we learn from the passage?______

A. The background sounds of the work make the video more attractive.

B. It really surprised Shi Changhong to see so many people like his latest work.

C. Most people know all the names or the correct order of the"24 solar terms".

D. The"24 solar terms"was added to UNESCO's heritage list in 2017.

37. What is the purpose of the passage______

A. To introduce a creative designer.

B. To introduce the origin of the"24 solar terms".

C. To introduce the work of"24 solar terms".

D. To introduce a design program"Charm China".


The Pick of theWeek

Every Friday night,people get together and roller skate in the center of the

city,and they make up a line of 10 miles!Even the police roller skate.They

wear roller skates to help watch roller skaters.What do you think about Friday

Night Skate Tell us!

①Roy wrote:

I've never missed it.I mean,it's the only chance that I can roller skate on the road without worrying I might get hit by cars.I have great fun.More and more people join us and the number of roller skating accidents has been dropping since Friday Night Skate started these years.

②Rick wrote:

I haven't had a good night's sleep on Fridays since this roller skating thing started.These roller skaters shout and sing when they roller skate by my apartment.It'd be OK if they sang well.But they DON'T!

③Mike wrote:

Friday Night Skate brings noise and trash and makes me want to move!

④Zoe wrote:

What the city must think about is where roller skaters should skate.Roller skaters may easily get hit when they skate on the road,but they may hit people when they skate on the sidewalk.It's good that the city opens the roads to roller skaters on Friday nights,but it only fixes part of the problem.

38. What is this reading mainly about?______

A. The new plan about Friday Night Skate.

B. An advertisement about Friday Night Skate.

C. People's ideas about Friday Night Skate.

D. Some terrible news about Friday Night Skate.

39. Below is what Roy found about roller skating accidents in four different studies.Which agrees with his idea?______

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

40. Who feels angry about Friday Night Skate?______

A. Roy and Rick.

B. Rick and Mike.

C. Mike and Zoe.

D. Zoe and Roy.

41. Did your family get together to elect a member to do the dishes after meals?Are you one of the people who think doing housework is annoying?(1)______

Washing dishes can reduce anxiety.People who cleaned their plates mind fully,such as focusing on smelling the soap,feeling the water temperature,and touching the dishes,could lower their nervousness levels by 27%. (2)______

Clearing the kitchen is closely related to body health.A recent study showed that people with untidy homes were 77% more likely to be overweight. (3)______ People tend to eat high- calorie snacks rather than green vegetables when they stay in a messy kitchen.As we all know,this unbalanced diet can finally make people lose control of their weight,and can even be harmful to their health. (4)______ Your mom is right:Starting your day with a freshly made bed is what people call a"keystone habit".It has a chain reaction to bring about a series of good phenomena(现象).Getting up with a tidy bed every morning is linked to better productivity,a greater sense of well-being,and

stronger skills at sticking to a budget.Bed-makers also report getting a better night's sleep than those who leave their covers messy in the morning.

Growing flowers and vegetables can lower depression risk.(5)______ It can provide aerobic(有氧的)exercise via weeding,cutting,and raking.Additionally,gardening activities such as spading,lifting,and tilling can strengthen and tone your muscles,providing you with good anaerobic (无氧的)https://www.360docs.net/doc/8819145676.html,d exercise has been shown to decrease anxiety and depression.So does gardening.Its effect on reducing anxiety and depression is evident,too.






42. People love soccer all over the world.Nowadays,our country is taking(1)a ______ to get soccer games to enter schools.For the activity "Soccer Enters School",different people have different opinions.Some people think this activity is good for students as it helps them cancel out (2)s

______ .In addition,it can help students(3)d ______ the spirit of teamwork.Especially for some students,they may have a chance to become professional soccer players and take part in(4)i ______ soccer matches.Other people think this activity may take up plenty of time of students.This can(5)r ______ in some problems in study.Sometimes it's dangerous because they may hurt themselves while playing soccer.It is true that every coin has two sides.






43. 去年戴维对科学感兴趣并加入了科学俱乐部。

David ______ ______ ______ science and joined a Science Club last year.

44. 戴维在科学俱乐部中学会了如何制作声控汽车。

David learned ______ ______ ______ sound-controlled cars in the Science Club.

45. 戴维也花了很多空闲时间解决科学问题。

David also ______ a lot of his free time ______ ______ scientific problems.

46. 戴维在科技大赛中获得了一等奖,老师邀请他与其他学生分享经验。

David won the first prize in the Science and Technology Contest,he ______ ______ by his teacher to share experience with other students.

47. 戴维真是一个勤奋努力的孩子!

______ ______ ______ ______ David is!

48. 你校将举办读书分享会,学校英文报以"My Favourite Book"为题向学生征稿。请根据以下思维导图的内容提示用英语写一篇短文投稿,介绍你最喜欢的书。





My Favourite Book I have read some fantastic books.



【解析】(1)考查介词。句意:一天,他组织了一场狗和兔子之间的比赛。A.和......在一起;B.在两者之间;C.在里面;D.......的。根据his dog and his rabbit(他的狗和他的兔子),可知是指两者之间的比赛。故选B。





D.最大的。此处用固定结构one of+最高级+复数名词,最......的......之一,最高级前有物主代词his,不需加定冠词。故选C。





The rabbit was so excited that he was busy looking for the carrot(兔子如此兴奋,以至于他忙着寻找胡萝卜)和the dog was lazy all the time(狗一直很懒),可知前后是转折关系,由空格后的逗号可知此处应填副词。故选C。

(7)考查动词。句意:它找了很短时间,然后躺在地上。A.躺,过去式;B.躺,动词原形;C.放,过去式;D.躺,现在分词。根据 on the ground(在地上),可知是指狗在地上躺下,全文主体时态为一般过去时。故选A。


D.他。根据题干,此处用固定句型it is+形容词+for sb.to do sth.(做某事对某人来说怎么样),it 是形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。故选C。

(9)考查非谓语动词。句意:兔子一直努力地挖,没有停下来休息。A.挖,动词原形;B.挖,过去式;C.挖,动名词或现在分词;D.挖,不定式。keep doing 一直做某事,固定搭配。故选C。(10)考查副词。句意:每挖一个新的洞,狗都会抱怨这有多难。A.多么;B.什么;C.为什么;







a tunnel____ was right under the dog(就在狗下面的一条隧道),可知本句为定语从句,先行词是


(12)考查动名词。句意:他在那里成功地找到了胡萝卜和骨头。A.找到,动词原形;B.找到,动名词;C.找到,动词第三人称单数形式;D.找到,过去式。succeed in doing sth.成功做某事,固定短语。故选B。










So he gave his four sons a question in turn asking them to go to see a pear tree at a distance in different s easons .(于是他依次给四个儿子一个问题,让他们在不同的季节去远处看一棵梨树。)可知,父亲希望儿子们能学会正确地发表意见。故选C。





D.季节。根据下文The first son set out in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the youngest in autumn.(大儿子在冬天出发,二儿子在春天出发,三儿子在夏天出发,最小的儿子在秋天出发。)可知,父亲让四个儿子在不同的季节去远处看一棵梨树。故选D。

(3)考查动词。句意:大儿子在冬天出发,二儿子在春天出发,三儿子在夏天出发,最小的儿子在秋天出发。A.玩;B.安排;C.等待;D.到达。根据下文One year passed,

when all of them returned home,the father called them together to describe what they had seen.(一年过去了,当他们都回到家时,父亲把他们叫在一起描述他们所看到的。)可知,四个儿子在不同的季节出发了。set out出发。故选B。





D.记录。根据下文The first son said the tree was awful ,

it wasn't worth seeing at all.(第一个儿子说那棵树很让人讨厌,根本不值得一看。)可知,父亲让儿子描述他们所看到的。故选A。

(5)考查形容词。句意:第一个儿子说那棵树很让人讨厌,根本不值得一看。A.美丽的;B.让人讨厌的;C.精彩的;D.有帮助的。根据下文it wasn't worth seeing at all.(根本不值得一看。)可知,第一个儿子说那棵树很让人讨厌。故选B。

(6)考查名词。句意:那棵树长满了绿芽,使人感到充满了希望。A.希望;B.遗憾;C.生气;D.怀疑。根据空前The tree was covered in green buds(那棵树长满了绿芽)可知,长满绿芽的树使人充满了希望。故选A。


The third son disagreed,

saying that it was full of flowers which smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful.(第三个儿子不同意,他说那里开满了花,闻起来很香,看起来很漂亮。)可知,这样的树每个人都会喜欢的。故选D。(8)考查形容词。句意:人们会对此感到满意的。A.满意的;B.震惊的;C.害怕的;D.生气的。根据上文The last son disagreed with all of them,saying that it was filled with fruit and full of life.(小儿子不同意他们的说法,他说树上结满了果子,充满了生命。)可知,人们会对此感到满意的。故选A。


Then he told his four sons that they were all correct,they only saw the tree in one season.(然后他告诉他的四个儿子,他们都是对的,他们只在一个季节见过那棵树。)可知,父亲笑了。故选B。(10)考查动词。句意:他告诉他的儿子们,他们不能只通过一个季节来判断一棵树或一个人,只有考虑到所有的季节,才能衡量一个人的本质。A.喜欢;B.判断;C.找到;D.听到。根据下文and that the essence(本

质) of a person could only be measured when all the seasons are taken into account.(只有考虑到所有的季节,才能衡量一个人的本质。)可知,不能只通过一个季节来判断一棵树或一个人。故选B。文章讲述了了一父亲让四个儿子在不同的季节描述同一棵树。从而告诉我们,不能只通过一个季节来判断一棵树或一个人,只有考虑到所有的季节,才能衡量一个人的本质。



【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段At first it was difficult to find people who wanted to give the fruit.(起初很难找到愿意送水果的人。)可知,Zach成立这个组织后所面临的问题是很少有人愿意提供水果。故选C。

(2)细节理解题。根据第三段It is because of the efforts and cooperation of our partners that we can do this.(正是因为我们的合作伙伴的努力与合作,我们才能做到这一点。)可知,Zach认为Fruit For All取得成功的原因主要是组织中的工作人员工作努力并且合作得好。故选D。

(3)细节理解题。根据第四段For busy people,they can allow volunteers to pick fruit from their trees.(对于忙碌的人,他们可以允许志愿者从树上摘水果。)可知,忙碌的人可以通过让志愿者从他们的树上采摘水果来帮助Fruit For All。故选C。

(4)主旨大意。根据最后一段If you feel the same way as Zach,don't hesitate to take action to help more people eat fresh fruit.Fruit For All is waiting for you!(如果你和Zach有同样的感受,不要犹豫,采取行动帮助更多的人吃新鲜水果。Fruit For All在等你!)可知,这篇文章号召大家加入这个组织,帮助更多的人吃上新鲜的水果,故D项是本文的目的。故选D。

本文主要讲述了高中生Zach成立了一个慈善组织——Fruit For All,这个组织可以帮助更多的人吃上新鲜美味的水果。



【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段A fish's brainwaves don't change when the fish is asleep.(鱼睡觉时,脑电波不会改变)可知,鱼睡觉时,他们的脑电波保持不变。故选A。

(2)细节理解题。根据第三段Most fish will slow down when they are resting.(大多数鱼在休息时反应会很慢。)可知,鱼在休息时反应会更慢。故选B。







the gifs have won great praise among the general public and quickly flooded the social media(媒

体) with millions of hits during the festival period(这些动态图画在公众中赢得了极大的赞誉,并迅速涌入社交媒体,在节日期间有数百万次点击量),可知Zcool是网站。故选D。

(2)细节理解题。根据第一段The "24 solar terms(节气)

"was first used in China.It was created thousands of years ago("二十四节气"最早在中国使用。它创建于数千年前)可知首先是d"24节气"创建于中国;根据第一段In November,2016,the "24 solar terms" was added to UNESCO's world cultural heritage list(2016年11月,"二十四节气"被添加到联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产名录)和最后一段"Actually,

the work of '24 solar terms' is a part of my whole design program 'Charm China' which I started a year a go."Shi told China Daily in 2017.("事实上,'二十四节气'是我一年前开始的整个设计项目'魅力中国'的一部分。"石在2017年告诉《中国日报》)可知2016年发生的事有b"石参与'魅力中国'项目"

和e"联合国教科文组织把'24节气'选入世界非物质文化遗产名录";根据第二段In 2017,

on the eve of Qingming Festival,

Shi Changhong released his version of reproduced and packaged characters for each solar term in the for m of "moving art" of gifs(2017年,在清明节前夕,石昌鸿发布了他为每个节气复制和包装的人物,以动态图画的"移动艺术"形式出现)以及

the gifs have won great praise among the general public and quickly flooded the social media with millio ns of hits during the festival period(这些动态图画在公众中赢得了极大的赞誉,并迅速涌入社交媒体,在节日期间有数百万次点击量)可知,发生在2017年的事有c"石发布'24节气'作品"和a"'24节气'动态图画很受欢迎",正确的顺序是d-e-b-c-a。故选B。

(3)推理判断题。根据第四段To be honest,

it would really surprise me if the work had not aroused great interest among Chinese people(说实话,如果这部作品没有引起中国人的极大兴趣,我会很惊讶)可知选项B错误;根据第四段

But only a small part of people know all the names or the correct order of those terms(但只有一小部分人知道所有的名字或这些术语的正确顺序)可知选项C错误;根据第一段In November,2016,the "24 solar terms" was added to UNESCO's world cultural heritage list(2016年11月,"二十四节气"被添加到联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产名录)可知选项D错误;根据第三段

The background sounds added to the popularity."When I watch the short video,

I can strongly feel the Chinese-style elements hidden in it.And it is really cool to live up traditional Chin ese culture in such a special way."a user Xiao Feifei said.(背景音增加了知名度。"当我观看短视频时,我能强烈地感受到其中隐藏的中国风元素。以这样一种特殊的方式弘扬中国传统文化真的很酷。"用户肖飞飞说。)可知背景音乐使作品更有吸引力。故选A。






【解析】(1)主旨大意题。根据What do you think about Friday Night Skate?Tell us!(你觉得周五晚上的溜冰怎么样?告诉我们!)可知文章主要是介绍关于人们对周五晚上溜冰的看法。故选C。

(2)推理判断题根据I mean,

it's the only chance that I can roller skate on the road without worrying I might get hit by cars.I have grea t fun.More and more people join us and the number of roller skating accidents has been dropping since F riday Night Skate started these years.(这是我能在路上溜冰,而不用担心被车撞的唯一机会,我很开心,越来越多的人加入我们,自从星期五晚上开始,轮滑事故的数量就一直在下降。)可推断出D图与Roy的观点一致。故选D。

(3)推理判断题。根据Rick wrote:I haven't had a good night's sleep on Fridays since this roller skating thing started.These roller skaters shout and sing when they roller skate by my apartment.It'd be OK if they sang well.But they DON'T!(Rick写道:自从轮滑开始后,我每周五都睡不好觉,这些轮滑选手在我公寓旁边滑旱冰的时候,又叫又唱,唱得好也就算了,但他们唱得不好!)以及Mike wrote:Friday Night Skate brings noise and trash and makes me want to move!(Mike写到:星期五晚上的滑冰带来噪音和垃圾,让我想离开!)可推断出Rick和Mike对周五晚上的滑冰感到愤怒。故选B。文章主要介绍了几个人对在市中心溜冰的看法。








(1)根据前文Did your family get together to elect a member to do the dishes after meals?

Are you one of the people who think doing housework is annoying(你的家人聚在一起选了一个成


(2)根据前句People who cleaned their plates mind fully,such as focusing on smelling the soap,feeling the water temperature,and touching the dishes,could lower their nervousness levels by 27.(用心清洗盘子的人,比如专注于闻肥皂、感受水温和触摸盘子,可以将他们的紧张程度降低27%。)可知,空处应是说和做家务的好处有关的话题。选项A"但很少有人能意识到它的效果。"符合语境。故选A。


People tend to eat high- calorie snacks rather than green vegetables when they stay in a messy kitchen.(当人们呆在脏乱的厨房里时,他们倾向于吃高热量的零食,而不是绿色蔬菜。)可知,空处应是说人们在脏乱的厨房里时,他们倾向于吃高热量的零食,而不是绿色蔬菜的原因。选项D"这可能是因为在脏乱的厨房里选择健康的食物更难。"符合语境。故选D。

(4)根据后句Your mom is right:

Starting your day with a freshly made bed is what people call a"keystone habit".(你妈妈是对的:用一张新铺的床开始你的一天是人们所说的"关键习惯"。)可知,空处应是说和整理床铺有关的话题。选项B"每天早上铺床可以提高工作效率。"符合语境。故选B。

(5)根据前句Growing flowers and vegetables can lower depression risk.(种植花卉和蔬菜可以降低患抑郁症的风险。)可知,空处应是和种植花卉和蔬菜有关的话题,选项C"这看起来很放松,但强度很高。"符合语境。故选C。








【解析】(1)考查名词。句意:如今,我国正在采取行动,让足球运动进入学校。根据Nowadays,our country is taking...to get soccer games to enter schools(如今,我们的国家正在采取……让足球比赛进入学校)和首字母可知,是指固定表达take action"采取行动"。故填action。

(2)考查名词。句意:有些人认为这项活动对学生有好处,因为它可以帮助他们消除压力。根据Some people think this activity is good for students(有些人认为这项活动对学生有好处)可知,这项活动对学生有好处,帮助学生消除压力,stress"压力",是不可数名词.故填stress。

(3)考查动词。句意:此外,它可以帮助学生培养团队合作精神。根据the spirit of teamwork(团队精神)可知,是指培养团队合作精神。develop" 发展",动词,help sb do sth"帮助某人做某事"。故填develop。

(4)考查形容词。句意:特别是对一些学生来说,他们可能有机会成为职业足球运动员,参加国际足球比赛。根据become professional soccer players and take part in...soccer matches(成为职业足球运动员,参加......足球比赛)可知,职业足球运动员可以参加国际足球比赛。international"国际的",是形容词。故填international。

(5)考查动词。句意:这可能会导致学习上的一些问题。根据Other people think this activity may take up plenty of time of students(另一些人认为这项活动可能会占用学生大量的时间)可知,另一些人认为这项活动可能会占用学生大量的时间,可能会导致学习上的一些问题。result in"导致",情态动词can后加动词原形。故填result。




【解析】对...感兴趣be interested in,是固定短语。根据句意和时间状语last year可知,要用一般过去时,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用was。










【解析】根据题干,可知考查句型spend...in doing sth花费……做某事。solve解决。由句意可知时态是一般过去时。





【解析】根据题干,可知考查被动语态be invited被邀请。由won可知时态是一般过去时,主语he接was+过去分词。





【解析】根据题干,可知考查感叹句:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!a hardworking kid一个勤奋努力的孩子。




48.【答案】My Favourite Book I have read some fantastic books.Of all the books I have read,I love

A Dream of the Red Mansions most.(最喜欢的书)It is my favorite not because it was written by Cao Xueqin,a famous novelist in Qing Dynasty.(该书简介)Rather,I deeply value the book and have read it over 10 times,firstly,for the moving love story between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.Besides,if given enough patience and devotion,the novel will also reveal the rise and decline of a famous royal family to its readers.【高分句型一】What I also enjoy about the book is its language and writing style of Cao Xueqin,which had a profound effect on the writers of his times and later generations.【高分句型二】(喜爱的原因)

All in all,A Dream of the Red Mansions has won my heart and I am convinced that it deserves yours too.(总结)


Besides,if given enough patience and devotion,the novel will also reveal the rise and decline of a famous royal family to its readers.




What I also enjoy about the book is its language and writing style of Cao Xueqin,which had a profound effect on the writers of his times and later generations.




2023年广东省广州市番禺区中考英语一模试卷(附答案详解) (1)

2023年广东省广州市番禺区中考英语一模试卷 A long time ago,a farmer raised a lovely rabbit and a big dog on his farm.One day,he organized a competition(1)______ his dog and his rabbit.In one of his(2)______ fields,he made a small hole and hid a carrot and a bone in it.He wanted to know(3)______ animal would find them first. The rabbit was (4)______ excited that he was busy looking for the carrot,digging here and there.He was (5)______ sure that he would find the carrot and the bone. (6)______ ,the dog was lazy all the time.He looked for the bone for a short time,then(7)______ down on the ground.There he began to complain.He thought (8)______ was difficult for him to find one bone in such a big field. The rabbit kept (9)______ hard without stop to have a rest.With every new hole,the dog complained about(10)______ difficult this was.But the rabbit didn't care about what the dog said.When there was no place in the whole field left to dig,the rabbit dug a tunnel(隧道)(11)______ was right under the dog.There he succeeded in (12)______ the carrot and the bone. This is how the dog lost (13)______ competition.In fact,he found the right place at the very beginning.But he failed to find the bone(14)______ he only complained and didn't try at all.When we meet difficulties in our life,we should stick with our goal and never(15)______ up just like the rabbit. 1. A. with B. between C. in D. of 2. A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest 3. A. why B. how C. that D. which 4. A. very B. so C. such D. too 5. A. complete B. completed C. completing D. completely 6. A. And B. But C. However D. So 7. A. lay B. lie C. laid D. lying 8. A. this B. that C. it D. he 9. A. dig B. dug C. digging D. to dig 10. A. how B. what C. why D. that 11. A. which B. who C. what D. how 12. A. find B. finding C. finds D. found 13. A. a B. an C. the D. / 14. A. before B. until C. because D. unless 15. A. give B. gave C. giving D. to give Once in a small village,there lived a man with his four sons.The man hoped that his sons could learn to give opinions about things(1)______ .So he gave his four sons a question in turn asking them to go to


广东省广州市2023年中考英语真题 姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________ 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题所给的A ,B ,C 和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 It was a beautiful spring day in a forest in ancient China. High up in a tree, a mother bird was watching 1. six baby birds come out of the eggs lovingly. Five of them were strong. They chirped loudly. But 2. last one that came out was not strong at all. This little one 3. Little Six. He was weak and quiet. He was not fast enough 4. the worms (虫子) Mama Bird brought back. Little Six ate 5. food, so he was always hungry. And he didn't like that. Little Six didn't have a strong body. 6. he had a strong will. He decided 7. he would get stronger. He would do exercises and flap (拍动) his wings every day. Every morning, Little Six would rise 8. the sun even came up. When his brothers and sisters woke, Little Six had already finished all his exercises. Morning after morning, he practiced 9. his wings, and they were getting stronger and stronger. He always got the first worms Mama brought back home. All through the spring. Little Six woke up 10. than his brothers and sisters. Week after week, he worked harder than they did. He 11. eat big meals and did not go hungry any more. After a couple of months, all the baby birds had grown well. Mama Bird brought them together and 12. them to fly. 13. everyone's surprise, Little Six was the first to start flying! "Chirp! Chirp! 14. at me!" Little Six cried 15. while his brothers and sisters still fought hard, trying to fly up.


2023年广东省广州市荔湾区中考英语一模试卷 一、完形填空(本大题共25小题,共25.0分) Fred had something important to tell his family.Everyone in his family(1)______ to sit at the dinner table and listen. "I'm going to take part in the Olympics," he said. "(2)______ a fourth-grader do that?" asked Anna,his younger sister. "I'm not going now.I'll go when I'm a little (3)______ " Fred shook his head. "I've studied(4)______ the athletes become the best.That is practice.If I practice(5)______ enough,I can't fail." "Sounds like a big challenge," said Dad."Which sport will you take up?" "I(6)______ up my mind yet," said Fred. After a month's practice,Fred got hurt again and again when he (7)______ to find out which sport fit him. "I don't think I can find a sport right (8)______ me," said Fred. The following Sunday,the family sat down for dinner as usual. "I've decided not to play a sport," said Fred. Everyone was surprised. "You're giving up on(9)______ Olympic dream?" said Anna. "I didn't say I was giving up," said Fred. "I'm still going to the Olympics." Anna looked puzzled. "How can you go (10)______ you don't do a sport?" Fred held up a book tiled Is Sports Medicine the Career for You?"Over the past few weeks,I've discovered that athletes need (11)______ medical help.So I am going to become(12)______ sports doctor,I'll still go to the Olympics (13)______ as a doctor,not an athlete." Fred answered confidently. "Now that is (14)______ challenge,Fred!" said Dad. "I'm sure you would do as well as you can(15)______ your dream." 1. A. asks B. asked C. was asked D. were asked 2. A. Need B. Would C. Shall D. Can 3. A. old B. older C. elder D. elderly 4. A. how B. what C. whether D. that 5. A. hardly B. hard C. harder D. hardest


广东省广州市番禺区 2020-2022年中考英语一模试题分类汇编 语法选择 2022年广东省广州市番禺区中考一模英语试题 一、语法选择 Jim lived in a village in China. His father was ___1___ hard-working farmer. Lots of corn, beans, strawberries and tomatoes ___2___ around his house. “I’m going to plant tomatoes today, my son.” Jim’s father said. “They grow best in summer heat, ___3___ I need to plant them early in spring. That way there will be tall, healthy tomato vines (藤) when August ____4____” “How do you make sure ___5___ they ca n grow tall and healthy?” Jim asked. “The vines grow strong ___6___ you give them care and attention,” His father laughed. When Jim was free, he managed ___7___ his father with the tomato plants. He spent one whole day ___8___ wooden sticks into the ground where he planted the young tomatoes. After the tomato vines had grown taller, Jim tied the tomato vines to the sticks ___9___ so that they would not fall over. “The tomatoes certainly need a lot of attention!” Jim said one late afternoon. “Most valuable t hings do require a lot of attention, Jim. So we ____10____ pay close attention to things ____11____ make our lives better.” “I know you pay attention to Mom,” said Jim. “Yes,” replied his father, “both to you and Mom because you two make ____12____ life mo re beautiful.” The rest of Jim’s work that day went by ____13____ quicker. Jim imagined the tomato plants that he looked ____14____ were like his mom and dad. With a little bit of family magic and a lot of attention, Jim was certain these would be the best tomatoes that he had seen. ____15____ amazing! Life is just like the tomato vine. If we give it enough care and attention, it will grow stronger and finally give us the best tomatoes we want. 1.A./ B.a C.an D.the 2.A.planted B.have planted C.were planted D.are planted 3.A.however B.but C.so D.or 4.A.arrive B.arrives C.will arrive D.has arrived 5.A.that B.who C.which D.what 6.A.before B.unless C.though D.if 7.A.help B.helps C.helped D.to help


2023年广东初中学业水平检测(一轮) 英语 本试卷共12页,81小题,满分120分。考试用时90分钟。 一、听说应用(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分;A、B、C、D部分为听力理解,E部分为情景对话) A.听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请根据所听内容,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每个句子听两遍。 B.听对话(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请根据每段对话的内容回答问题,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 6. How is the weather going to be in the afternoon A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 7. Who went to the park with the girl A. Her mother. B. Her classmates. C. Her grandmother. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

8. Where does the woman want to go A. The gas station. B. The post office. C. The science museum. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 9. How long has the man been on the school team A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 10. How does the woman feel when listening to classical music A. Relaxed. B. Sleepy. C. Bored. 听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。 11. What is the girl going to do in the morning A. Play basketball. B. Go swimming. C. Take a piano lesson. 12. Why is the boy going to the library in the afternoon A. Because he has to borrow some books. B. Because he needs to return some books. C. Because he wants to study at the library. 听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。 13. Who does the man want to buy a gift for A. His daughter. B. His girlfriend. C. His wife. 14. What does the man want to buy A. A skirt. B. A scarf. C. A sweater. 15. How much does the man have to pay for the gift A. $75. B. $70. C. $17. C.听短文(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请根据所听内容,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。短文听两遍。 16. Where does Mei come from A. Yunnan. B. Guangdong. C. Guizhou. 17. What does Mei think of her school A. New and beautiful. B. Small but beautiful. C. New but small. 18. How many books does Mei’s school library have A. About 7,000. B. About 8,000. C. About 9,000. 19. When did Mei join the wetland biological research A. Last year. B. Last term. C. Last month. 20. What does Mei want the world to know A. About the development of her hometown. B. About the activities at her school. C. About the education in the cities. D.听填信息(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 你将听到一则关于招募通知的介绍。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。 Green Community Needs You Purpose: To help organize activities for Green Community The number of students: More than 21 Time: This 22 What to do: To organize 23 balloon games To help hand out gifts To help with the face 24 To do some cleaning Gift: A(n) 25 T-shirt


广东省广州市增城区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编 语法选择 2023年广东省广州市增城区中考一模英语试题 一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求。从1~15各题所给的A. B. C 和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I joined a band as a drummer (鼓手) in my middle school. I thought it would be fun playing 1 drum and meeting new friends. At first it was easy, but 2 months later, it got worse. I was the only one 3 couldn't catch up with the other players. Our teacher, Angie, chose me out to practise 4 everyone else got to relax. I felt 5 as my teammates were always watching me. Finally I got very tired of practicing, and I didn't care about 6 it right. “Are you giving up on me, Steve?" Angie asked. “Yes, I am,” I shouted. Angie sent me inside the music room, where I cried out. Then she came in and said, “Don't be sad, I believe you can make it!" She left and made me 7 for a while. I finally 8 Angie was right - by giving up, I not only gave up myselfbut also the team. 9 her comfort, I decided to try my best. However, I still couldn't play well. Knowing my trouble, my teammates gave me a hand. 10 spent about three more hours staying with me every week. Thanks to their support and help, I began 11 up with them. Later, we performed 12 in an important show. In the whole process, I 13 that we each had our own job to do in a show, but it would take all of us working together to make the show great. I felt accepted 14 made great progress. I love everyone in the band, and I 15 imagine what my school life would be like without them. 1.A. a B. an C. the D./ 2.A.a few B. few C. a little D. little 3. A. when B. who C. which D. whose 4. A. where B. what C. why D. while 5. A. ashame B. ashamed C. ashamedness D. ashamedly 6. A. do B. did C. does D. doing 7. A. stay B. stayed C. staying D. to stay 8. A. realize B. realizes C. realized D. was realizing 9. A. For B. Without C. On D. With 10. A. They B. Them C. Their D. Themselves 11. A. keep B. to keep C. to keeping D. kept 12. A. wonder B. wonderful C. wonderfully D. wondered 13. A. teach B. taught C. were taught D. was taught 14. A. but B. and C. so D. Or 15. A. can't B. needn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't 2022年广东省广州市增城区中考一模英语试题 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Jack had collected bookmarks for many years. He was a bookmark lover who was old ________ weak. Now he was going to celebrate ________ 80th birthday. Trying to find out ________ to buy for Jack was a difficult task because he always asked for little. He spent most of his time ________ and had lots of books. Therefore, when I found a special custom bookmark, I thought it was perfect. It might be different ________ those he had collected.


【九科精测】2023年中考复习第一次摸底考试英语试卷(广州) 本试卷共14页,四大题,满分90分。考试用时100分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名;将自己的条形码粘贴在答题卡的“条形码粘贴处七 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动后的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、涂改液和修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1〜15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “Our teas can help protect your teeth and your h eart, possibly even helping to prevent cancer,” said Luo Shengkai, 17, one of four student hosts from Sichuan University High School. They ___1_____introduced three self-made health teas through a livestream (直播) on Douyin ______2____ March 27, 2022, and they ____3____ for several weeks by now.The livestream got over 60_____4_____ likes and many online orders, with all profits (收入) going to local tea farmers. “It’s ___5_____first time we have sold tea online. We not only need to introduce ____6____tea, but we also need to interact with the audience and answer their questions,” said Luo. “We’ve learned a lot from the process.” Luo is one of a group of students ____7_____ take part in a ____8______course on tea research. They learn about tea planting and picking, tea making, package design and marketing through research and fieldwork. However, ____9_____a new and popular tea isn’t easy. Luo and his team members ____10_____a tea to better protect students’ eyesight. They first met with a professional from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and researched the properties of local tea. Then they learned ____11____ functions of ingredients such as goji berries (枸杞), mangosteen (山竹果) and cassia seed (决明子) and did experiments to find what would happen if they ____12______ all together. They ended up with a cassia seed tea and then added _____13_____ingredients based on people’s feedback. “Through the tea course, students ____14_____learn how to be creative and improve their


2023年广东省广州市海珠区中考英语一模试卷 Once upon a time when Earth was young,Winter ruled.Mountains,rivers and forests (1)______ with snow and ice.The floor(隔层)(2)______ Earth and Sky was so hard that Sun couldn't pass through to warm the ground. A big bear,called Fisher,had magic in his tail (3)______ helped him catch fish.He decided to bring Summer to Earth. Fisher invited all of Earth's creatures to a meeting. "We will find a way to warm Earth," he said. "Who (4)______ with me to the place where Earth is closest to Sky?" Wolverine agreed to go with Fisher. Fisher used his magical tail (5)______ fish for them to eat along the way.After many days,they reached the top of (6)______ mountain on Earth,so high that it almost tickled Sky. There Fisher tried his best to hit the Sky's floor,(7)______ he made only a tiny scratch (抓痕).He (8)______ break through to Sky. "Let me (9)______ ," cried Wolverine. "I am the strongest." Wolverine hit against the Sky's floor,once,twice,three times.Finally,a tiny crack appeared.He kept jumping and (10)______ widened the crack into a hole. Soon Sun sent (11)______ light through the hole,and they watched as the snow began to melt. "We must make the hole bigger," Fisher said.Then,using his sharp teeth,he bit off more pieces of the Sky's floor.Suddenly (12)______ band of Sky People ran toward them. By the time they reached him,he'd widened the hole enough (13)______ Sun could warm Earth for half of every year. "Stop,thieves," they cried. "Stop (14)______ our warmth!" Fisher ran away but one arrow struck his tail and he began falling.He hit the Sky's floor and turned into stars in the sky. If you look up to Sky (15)______ a clear night,you will see him there still. 1. A. cover B. covered C. are covered D. were covered 2. A. between B. among C. on D. in 3. A. who B. which C. what D. whose 4. A. went B. goes C. will go D. have gone 5. A. to catch B. catch C. of catching D. caught 6. A. high B. higher C. highest D. the highest


2023学年广东省广州市白云区中考英语最后一模试卷(含答案解析) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、When the teacher came into the classroom, the students ____ in groups. A.work B.have worked C.were working D.are working 2、—My parents and I traveled to Tibet by car last summer. —How lucky you are! That’s a great ___________ you’ll never forget. A.competition B.explanation C.appearance D.experience 3、—I failed the exam and I’m afraid that I’ll ____ my parents down. —Come on. Don’t ____ yourself. A.make; be hard in B.let; be hard on C.keep; be hard with D.put; be hard on 4、—Could you please tell me ? —Yes. He came to study here just last month. A.that he is a new student B.when did he come here C.if she likes English best D.whether he is a new student 5、Tina doesn’t her mother at all. Her mother has a round face while Tina has a square face. A.think about B.look after C.take after 6、—Is your father or mother a teacher? —________. My father is a doctor and my mother is an office worker. A.None B.Either C.Neither 7、My brother always goes to the library Saturday. A.in B.on C.at D.to 8、Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane. So I often go traveling ________ a book. A.with B.about C.for 9、“Underground” is the only word in the English language _____ begins and ends with the letters “und”. A.what B.that C.who D.whom 10、What does your father do, lily? -He is _________. His job is to make sure that drivers obey the traffic roles. A.an actor B.a policeman C.a waiter D.a reporter Ⅱ. 完形填空 11、Many people are interested in talking about life in the future. Some people 1 that life in the future


2023年广东省广州市从化区中考英语一模试卷 Peter,a successful businessman,told an experience of his childhood. When he was 12,his parents died.He was alone and didn't get on well with (1)______ .No one showed kindness to him.People always laughed(2)______ him.His only friend was a dog called Lucky.His dog (3)______ enough to eat and drink,but he was a little rude to it sometimes. One day when he (4)______ down the street,he saw a young lady(5)______ in front of him.Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms.As she stopped to pick it up,she dropped other bags.Peter came to help (6)______ . "Thank you,clear!You are a nice little boy!" The lady said kindly and politely,smiling. A special feeling came to him.He had never heard such kind words before.He watched her (7)______ she went far away.He was very (8)______ ,then he whistled to his dog. "Thank you,clear!You are a nice little boy!" He repeated the woman's words.Then in a low voice he said to his dog,"You are a nice little dog!" Lucky raised its ears.It seemed that the dog had understood(9)______ he said,"Even a dog likes it!" he thought. "Well,Lucky,I won't say unkind words to you anymore." he said.Lucky waved its tail (10) ______ .Later,they went directly to the river nearby.When he arrived at the riverside,he looked at himself in the river.He saw (11)______ but a dirty boy.He washed his face carefully.After that,he saw (12)______ nice clean boy.From then on,he started a new life. After (13)______ this story,the businessman stopped for a while.Then he said,"Ladies and gentlemen,she was that kind woman (14)______ planted the first seed of kindness in me.All of us (15)______ learn about kindness.What great power it has!" 1. A. others B. the others C. another D. other 2. A. to B. on C. in D. at 3. A. gave B. was given C. give D. is given 4. A. go B. has gone C. was going D. goes 5. A. walk B. walked C. walking D. to walk 6. A. she B. her C. herself D. hers 7. A. when B. until C. if D. unless 8. A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitedly 9. A. what B. how C. where D. when 10. A. happiness B. happy C. happier D. happily 11. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 12. A. a B. the C. an D. / 13. A. tell B. telling C. told D. tells
