



Part I (40 points)

Directions: Write a letter based on the following information. Write more than 100 words.

You have seen a job with a multi-national company advertised in a newspaper. Write a letter to the company applying for the job. Refer to relevant factors such as the nature of the job and why you are interested in it, your qualification and experience, what you are doing now and what you could contribute to the position. Part II (60 points)

Directions: Write a report based on the following information. Write more than 300 words.

Look at the following chart about students’ favorite color and then describe the phenomenon of students’ different choices and express your views .In this part, you should be able to write more than 300 words.


2016 National English Competition for College Students (Level C - Sample) 参考答案及评分标准 Part I. Listening Comprehension(30 marks) Section A (5 marks) 1—5 CBABD Section B (10 marks) 6—10 CBADC 11—15 CDACB Section C (5 marks) 16—20 BDBBC Section D (10 marks) 23. geographic location 24. cultural influences 21. second largest 22. spirals to 25. dates back to 26. economic revival 27. flourished in 28. multi-faceted and diverse 29. modern and enterprising 30. a chimney Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks) Section A Vocabulary & Grammar (10 marks) 31—35 CDBAA 36—40 BCACB Section B Culture (5 marks) 41—45 BBACA Part III Cloze (10 marks) contrast 49. information 50. back 46. movement 47. included 48. 51. harmony 52. others 53. individualists 54. descent 55. intellectually Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks) Section A 58. F 59. F 60. F 56. T 57. F Section B 61—65 ACBDE Section C (10 marks) 66.T hey notice the subjects that most people don蒺t. 67.A rtistry can be learned and developed through reading or taking lessons. 68.U nderstand the difference it makes when you remove the irrelevant and select only what really matters while taking a picture.


2018“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛样题 比赛考查题型说明: 1. 初赛和复赛:比赛题型为议论文写作1篇(500词左右)、说明文/应用文写作1篇(300-500词), 写作时间共120分钟,满分100分。 2. 决赛:比赛题型为议论文写作1篇(800词左右)、记叙文写作1篇(600-800词),写作时间 共180分钟,满分100分。 注:本样题中,说明文和应用文以初/复赛赛题为例,议论文和记叙文以决赛赛题为例。样题仅供了解题型,不提供参考答案。 类型1 说明文写作(Expository Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇说明文写作(300-500词)。侧重考查选手解说事物、阐明事理的能力,以及运用知识、观察理解、梳理分析、提炼总结、跨文化沟通的综合能力。 评分标准(总分50分):

Sample task 1 Write a passage based on the chart below. The chart shows the hourly AQI (Air Quality Index) in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on the same day. In your writing, you should summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 300 words but no more than 500 words. (Suggested completion time: 60 minutes) Note: AQI 0-50 Good 51-100 Moderate 101-150 Lightly polluted 151-200 Moderately polluted 201-300 Heavily polluted >300 Severely polluted 类型2 应用文写作(Practical Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇应用文写作(300-500词)。侧重考查选手使用得体的格式、内容和语言实现有效沟通、达到交际目的的能力。


全国大学生英语竞赛C类资料整理 Part I听力 特别注意:听力内容均是只播放一遍! Section A 5段短对话,分别1个小问题。 Section B 2段长对话,分别5个小问题。 前两部分的长短对话难度其实不是很大,主要是尽快让自己进入状态,听力只有一遍,上一题没听到,就赶紧猜一个,千万不要影响后面的题目。 Section C 5段短新闻,分别1个小问题,内容均是摘自BBC或VOA的新闻。 现在只剩下一个月时间,要大家一直对着BBC或是VOA广播听也不是办法,建议大家上沪江英语学习的BBC或VOA小组,里面的内容一般都是筛选过的,每天听一些,熟悉一下英美人士的发音就好。 Section D 1段长文章,共有10个空格,注意要填写的可能是单词也可能是短语。 最后就是关于考听力的一些提示,毕竟英语竞赛的听力考试是播放录音的,各考场分配到的带子质量不一,考场环境有好有坏。假设你实在太倒霉了,带子播放不清晰,环境吵杂(监考老师也很可能帮不了你,因为大多监考老师不是英语老师),也不要心慌,冷静下来尽量听到关键词,加上自己的大胆猜测,蒙对的概率也是很大的。 情景词汇大归纳 在学校:grade 等级;mark 分数;semester 学期;assignment 作业;lecture 演讲,讲稿;scholarship 奖学金;test 测试;vacation 假期;credit学分;quiz小测验;top student 优等生 在医院:medicine 药;injection 注射;diagnose 诊断;prescription 处方;patient 病人;ache 疼痛;stomachache 胃疼,肚子痛;toothache 牙痛;headache 头痛;high fever 发高烧;sore throat 嗓子痛;mumps 腮腺炎;measles 麻疹;lung cancer 肺癌;liver cancer 肝癌;heart attack 心脏病发作;physician 内科医生;surgeon 外科医生;pediatrician 儿科医生;vet 兽医;recovery (from) (病后)痊愈,恢复;operation 手术; doctor 医生;nurse 护士;ward 病房;emergency-ward 急诊病房;cough 咳嗽; temperature 体温;blood pressure 血压; 在宾馆: reception desk 接待处;front desk 前台;vacant room 空房;single room 单人间;double room双人间;reserve/book 预定;check in 登记住入;check out 结帐离开;porter 行李搬运工;tip 小费;full 客满;room service 房间服务部,服务到屋 在商店:bargain 便宜货;receipt 收据;cashier 出纳;shop assistant 售货员;salesclerk 店员;fake commodities 假冒伪劣商品;size 尺寸;color 颜色;style 式样; price 价格;guarantee 保修; expiration period 保质期;after-sale service售后服务;fashion 时髦,时尚;cheap 便宜的;expensive 昂贵的;counter 柜台 在机场:flight 航班;passport 护照;visa 签证;board 登机;reservation 预约;airhostess 空中小姐;pilot 飞行员;duty-free shop 免税店;airport 机场 在餐馆:waiter 服务员;waitress 女服务员;order 点菜;menu 菜单;bill 帐单;drink 饮料;soft drink 不含酒精的饮料;salad 色拉;soup 汤;dessert 甜点;roast beef 烤牛肉;pork 猪肉;mutton 羊肉;lamb 羔羊肉;chicken 鸡肉;fish 鱼肉;steak 牛排;go Dutch 各付各的,AA制;on the house 免费; It is my treat (it’s on me)我请客 在法院:sue 控告;legal 合法的;accuse 控告;the accused /defendant 被告;the plaintiff /accuser 原告;charge 控诉;convict 宣告有罪;client 委托人,当事人;judge 法官;sentence 判刑;imprisonment 关押,监禁;capital punishment 死罪;death penalty 死刑


学生模拟练习五 第二届全国高职高专英语写作大赛公共英语组决赛样题Part I (40 points) Directions: Write a LETTER based on the following information. Write more than 100 words. Suppose your company ordered 50 printers. However, when the goods arrive, you find that one printer has been damaged. Now you are requested to write a letter of complaint against the supplier, Blue Company, for the damaged machine. Part II (60 points) Directions: For this part you are required to study the following chart carefully and write a report of more than 350 words. Your composition should meet the requirements below: 1. Describe the information shown in the following chart. 2. Predict the trend and give the reasons.

学生模拟练习六 Part I (40 points) Directions: Suppose you work for a company that sells electrical goods. You have recently attended a High-tech Electrical Goods Exhibition and visited a potential supplier in Shenzhen. Use the following information to write a short report (more than 100 words) recommending whether your company should deal with the supplier or not. Information for the supplier you visited: Name: X.E. Technologies History: 5 years Employees: about 100 people Location: in the south west of Shenzhen, on the Hong Kong border Product Range: narrow range, only Mp3 and USB driver Production Facilities: new equipment, modernized Production Capacity: quite high Delivery time: quite quick, within one month Part II (60 points) Directions: Twitter is Micro Blog for short. Twitter is becoming more popular with net-surfers because of its rate of spread and quality of concealment. The pie chart shows the main contents of the users. What do you think? Write more than 350 words. Conversationa Pass-along


全国大学生英语竞赛写作评分标准 Task I 应用文评分标准 一、评分原则: 1. 本题满分为10分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3. 词数少于80的,从总分中减去2分。 4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一个档次。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档:8—10分 完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性很好,基本上无词汇和语法错误。 第三档:6—7分 基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法错误。 第二档:3—5分 未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。 第一档:1—2分 未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将信息传达给读者。 0分 白卷;作文与题目毫不相关;内容太少,无法评判;所写内容无法看清。 Task II 议论文评分标准 一、评分原则: 1. 本题满分为20分。 2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。 3. 词数少于120的,从总分中减去2分。 4. 如书写较差,以致影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求: 第四档:16—20分 完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性很好,基本上无词汇和语法错误。 第三档:11—15分 基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法错误。 第二档:6—10分 未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。 第一档:1—5分 未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将信息传达给读者。


作文号:498700 题目:Levying a "pollution tax" is right 作文号:498700 题目:Levying a "pollution tax" is right People' opinions are divided on whether the government should levy a "pollution tax" on automobiles. Some people hold that it's an effective way to control cars and reduce pollution. In contrast,others think that reducing car sales by taxing is unwise because it will reduce the industry's competitiveness and even the nation's economy. From my pespective, I strongly endorse view of the former, which is levying tax on automobiles is essential and effective. The reason why I am in favor of view of the former can be listed as follow. First of all, if the government don't take some measures to human's benefit, we can't pay high and close attention to the pollution around us. Because taxation is directly related to people's interests,we will gradually reduce pollution in order to preserve our own interests. As time goes on, people's awareness of environmental protection will slowly improve. What's more, in the past, we blindly pursued economic growth and thus neglected the environmental protection, even at the expense of the environment. The air surrounding us has become worse and worse so that haze become increasingly seriously. Today more and more people are infected with the disease, such as respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and so on. Consequently, we should be responsible for the environment to pay tax. Last but not least,there are some successful examples confirming the measure is right. Many developed countries have carried out the method,levying a "pollution tax". For instance,the united states has been the introduction of a sulfur dioxide tax in the 70's. According to the provisions of the "sulfur dioxide tax act", the concentration of sulfur dioxide to reach the standard of the region, a pound of sulfur per cent of 15 cents; two standard areas to be taxed at 10 cents per pound; two or more areas. There is no doubt that the implementation of this measure has brought an obvious improvement to the environment in the United States. Additionally,afterthe first industrial revolution, London is called "the city of fog", which is generally known that this is due to a large number of coal caused by coal. In order to effectively solve the problem, British started to levy automobile carbon emissions tax. Of course,control effect is obvious. In view of the above, it is necessary to levy a "pollution tax" on automobiles. Goverment should scientificly make tax standard according to the actual situation. Firstly, government ought to formulate a program before levying. Based on the program, before the national tax collection, government can select some key cities to carry out pilot at first. After that, government can put forward to environmental tax.


2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”决赛样题及评分细则 类型一记叙文写作(Narrative Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇记叙文写作(600 - 800 词)。侧重考查选手的阅读理解、语言运用、细节描写、形象思维、创意构思、人文素养等综合能力。 评分标准: 比赛样题: Sample task 1 Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words. The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whet her I had a match. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t smoke, so I haven’t any. You had better ask someone else.” He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial. I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin. When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out. Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the lit


【2011】ACTS综合素质能力竞赛英语口语竞赛 参赛选手注意事项及自备比赛项目须知 一、选手注意事项 参加“ACTS英语口语竞赛”的选手,须提前按照主题范围自行准备展示内容,比赛当天依据自己准备的内容现场展示。请认真选材,细心准备,选材的好坏也将和成绩关联。 二、自备比赛项目准备须知 (一)自备比赛项目的主题范围 英语讲故事、英语朗诵、和英语演讲项目,按以下主题范围准备展示项目: 1.小学组: 三年级:动物、文具、颜色、食物、玩具、水果。 四年级:家庭、数量、爱好、位置、学校、朋友。 五年级:时间、衣服、天气、购物、星期、爱好。 六年级:季节、学校生活、家庭、朋友、爱好、聚会、计划。 2.中学组: 七年级:个人情况、家庭、朋友、周围的人、周围环境、学校生活、兴趣与爱好、饮食、购物。 八年级:节日、计划、健康、家乡、天气、旅游、语言学习、爱好、课程、日常活动。 九年级:爱好与收藏、科学与技术、社会、文学与艺术、世界与环境、个人情感。 3.高中组: 高一:人际交往、语言学习、旅行、经历、影视、礼仪、科技、文学与艺术。 高二:健康饮食、节日、戏剧、科学、新闻媒体、艺术与建筑、英国诗歌、国家地理、未来生活。 高三:疾病、急救、环保、科学成就、事实与幻想、地球、杰出人物、世界地理、探索世界、考古。 4.大学组别:学业、职业、理想、实践、大学生道德建设。 三、自备比赛项目的评分标准 (1)英语朗诵的评分要点如下(不要求脱稿) 仪容仪表、语言基本功、作品的难度(包括选材以及单词的难度)、朗读的流畅性和准确性、表演性(包括肢体语言、声音、情感表现)、时间限定。 (2)英语演讲的评分要点如下(要求脱稿) 仪容仪表、语言基本功、作品的主题和结构、表演性(包括肢体语言、声音、情感表现)、时间限定。 (3)英语讲故事的评分要点如下(要求脱稿) 仪容仪表、语言基本功、作品的难度(包括选材以及单词的难度)、讲故事的流畅性和准确性、表演性(包括肢体语言、声音、情感表现)、时间限定。 科目科目科目科目::::英语口语英语口语英语口语英语口语竞赛形式竞赛形式竞赛形式竞赛形式::::现场英语口语展示现场英语口语展示现场英语口语展示现场英语口语展示参赛对象参赛对象参赛对象参赛对象::::幼儿幼儿幼儿幼儿、、、、小学小学小学小学、、、、初中初中初中初中、、、、高中高中高中高中、、、、大学大学大学大学参赛分组参赛分组参赛分组参赛分组::::按按按按年龄段年龄段年龄段年龄段、、、、年级分组年级分组


大学生英语竞赛 全国大学生英语竞赛写作范文 Sample 1 Directions: You and your friend have just finished a course and you want to arrange a party. You’ve had a meeting and made a list of your requirements. You’ve heard that your friends, Anna and Jack, who attend a nearby school, had a party on a boat last term and you want to ask them all about it. Read your notes carefully. Then write a letter to Anna and Jack telling them what you want to do and asking for information and advice. Remember to write the letter in no less than 120words on the answer sheet.

Our requirements are the following: there are 20 to 30 people to attend the party and we want to start it at 9 pm; some cold drinks are preferred and we need a place to dance. Is it possible for us to hold our party on the boat? Moreover, could you tell me how many people the boat can hold? What about the transportation to the river? Is it convenient? How about the food and the music? In addition, do we have to prepare for them by ourselves? Above all, how much does your party cost? Do you think it is worthwhile to hold the party on the boat? What are your opinions? Your opinions and comments will be of great value to our coming party. We are looking forward to your reply. Best wishes to you! Yours sincerely George Sample 2 Directions: Write on the topic given below in no less than 150 words on the answer sheet. In your essay, you should first outline your ideas, and then given examples.


全国大学生英语竞赛C类资料整理 I听力 特别注意:听力内容均是只播放一遍! A 5段短对话,分别1个小问题。 B 2段长对话,分别5个小问题。 前两部分的长短对话难度其实不是很大,主要是尽快让自己进入状态,听力只有一遍,上一题没听到,就赶紧猜一个,千万不要影响后面的题目。 C 5段短新闻,分别1个小问题,内容均是摘自或的新闻。 现在只剩下一个月时间,要大家一直对着或是广播听也不是办法,建议大家上沪江英语学习的或小组,里面的内容一般都是筛选过的,每天听一些,熟悉一下英美人士的发音就好。 D 1段长文章,共有10个空格,注意要填写的可能是单词也可能是短语。 最后就是关于考听力的一些提示,毕竟英语竞赛的听力考试是播放录音的,各考场分配到的带子质量不一,考场环境有好有坏。假设你实在太倒霉了,带子播放不清晰,环境吵杂(监考老师也很可能帮不了你,因为大多监考老师不是英语老师),也不要心慌,冷静下来尽量听到关键词,加上自己的大胆猜测,蒙对的概率也是很大的。 情景词汇大归纳 在学校: 等级;分数;学期;作业;演讲,讲稿;奖学金; 测试;假期;学分;小测验;优等生 在医院: 药;注射;诊断;处方;病人;疼痛;麻疹; 胃疼,肚子痛;牙痛;头痛;发高烧;腮腺炎;兽医;肝癌;嗓子痛;心脏病发作;内科医生;外科医生;儿科医生;肺癌;() (病后)痊愈,恢复;手术; 医生;护士;病房;急诊病房;咳嗽; 体温;血压; 在宾馆: 接待处;前台;空房;单人间;双人间;小费;预定;登记住入;结帐离开;行李搬运工;客满;房间服务部,服务到屋 在商店: 便宜货;出纳;售货员;店员;假冒伪劣商品;颜色;式样; 价格;保修; 保质期;售后服务;时髦,时尚;便宜的;昂贵的;柜台尺寸;收据; 在机场: 航班;护照;签证;登机;预约;空中小姐;飞行员;免税店;机场 在餐馆: 服务员;女服务员;点菜;菜单;帐单;饮料;不含酒精的饮料;色拉;汤;甜点;烤牛肉;猪肉;羊肉;羔羊肉;鸡肉;鱼肉;牛排;各付各的,制;免费; (’s )我请客 在法院: 控告;合法的;控告;被告;原告;控诉;宣告有罪;委托人,当事人;法官;判刑;关押,监禁;死罪;死刑 在邮局: 邮资;信件;明信片;邮票;信封;包裹;挂号信;航空邮件;普通邮件;快件;电报;汇款 在银行:


英语写作比赛策划书 篇一:八年级英语作文比赛方案 蓝天实验中学八年级英语写作比赛活动方案 一、活动目的: 通过写作能帮助他们提高使用英语的准确性、表达能力和帮助学生提高观察分析能力和逻辑思维能力;促进学生对阅读、听力和口语等有进一步的认识。同时为营造学校的英语学习氛围,给同学们提供一个展示自我的舞台,学校英语组特组织此次比赛,并通过此次活动互相交流,取长补短。 二、活动时间: 比赛时间:XX年10月9日 三、活动地点:八年级各班教室 四、活动对象:八年级全校学生。 五、活动要求: 1.参赛选手要根据要求进行写作。 2.比赛在作业整理课完成。 3.学生自备铅笔及黑色笔及尺子,可添加创作图案。 六、评委 评委:英语教师 七、评分细则: ★评委评分方法及细则:(满分为100分) 评委将对学生作品进行打分,评出奖次。评分细则如下:

1、写作评分分等级: 句型{高(10分)、中(6分)、低(4分)} 2、评分的内容: 1.书写整洁与美观占10分; 2.字数占20分,少一个扣1分; 3.句字占20分,一个句子不正确扣1分; 4.单词占20分,一个单词不正确扣0.5分; 5. 篇章结构占10分。 八、奖励项目: 比赛评出各班级一等奖 ( 3人)二等奖 (6人)三等奖(9人) 蓝天实验中学英语组 XX年10月9日 篇二:英语作文比赛方案 英语书信比赛方案 为了全面推动素质教育的发展,进一步提高我校英语教学质量,特举办英语书信比赛。为了此次比赛能够顺利进行,达到预期效果,现就有关事项安排如下。 一.比赛宗旨 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生观察能力和写作能力,给学生提供一个展示自我的平台。 二. 比赛主题: 以书信的形式给老师,同学,父母及朋友写一封信. 畅


2014“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、全国英语写作大赛 (校内选拔赛)报名通知 各学院: “‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”与“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”是由外语教学与研究出版社联合教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校英语专业教学指导分委员会共同举办、面向全国高校在校大学生的公益赛事。两项大赛以高远的立意和创新的理念,汇聚全国优秀学子,竞技英语表达与沟通艺术。同一赛场,两个舞台,既各具特色,又互促互进,为全国大学生提供展示外语能力、沟通能力与思辨能力的综合平台。 “重庆市第二十四届大学生英语演讲比赛、写作大赛暨2014年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛重庆赛区选拔赛”将于11月2日在西南大学举行,为做好我校此次竞赛的组织工作,现将校内选拔赛有关事项通知如下: 一、参赛对象:全体在校学生 二、竞赛时间和方法

演讲大赛: 校内初赛定于2014年9月25日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:命题演讲(3分钟),命题演讲题目:Change the Unchangeable。 校内决赛定于2014年10月16日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:命题演讲(3分钟)+即兴演讲(2分钟),命题演讲题目:Change the Unchangeable。 写作大赛: 校内初赛定于2014年9月25日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:现场命题写作 校内决赛定于2014年10月16日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:现场命题写作 三、校内初、决赛具体安排 1、报名时间:9月10日——9月18日 2、报名方式:请各学院将学生报名表(纸质和电子各一份)在9月20日前交/传到6113办公室陈奇老师处(电话:64289419;邮箱:2956929566@https://www.360docs.net/doc/886471100.html,),过期不予受理。 此外,根据组委会要求,所有写作大赛参赛选手均须在9


大英竞赛写作部分解题技巧与评析 全国大学生英语竞赛中的作文测试由两部分构成,分别是一篇120词左右的应用文与一篇150词左右的看图作文,分值各为10分与20分。书面表达是考核学生语言综合应用能力的一种题型,也是各级、各类考试中考生感到最难、最没有把握的项目之一。全国大学生英语竞赛要求考生在规定时间内完成两篇不同体裁的文章,其难度可想而知。 一、应用文写作的技巧与注意事项 应用文是我们在日常学习、工作、生活中处理事务、商洽工作所必需的常用文体,具有很高的实用价值。应用文的命题形式主要为私人信件、备忘录、报告、便条。所涉及的内容主要是关于日常交际与生活方面的,诸如写信就某事表示感谢、求助或道歉,因产品或服务而写信投诉或索赔;就某些事务活动,如开会、购买物品等,写个备忘录或报告;留言或出售物品的便条;应聘、求职方面的信函。从形式上来看,应用文的写作都有一定的格式。由于平时练习较少,大多数考生对此题型较为陌生,写作中存在的主要问题除了语言上的错误之外还突出表现在:不熟悉英语应用文的行文格式;语域运用能力差(语域指在书面语和口语表达中根据不同的交际对象,所采用的话语方式,即正式、一般、非正式的话语等)。总结起来,应用文的写作要遵循“五个C”的原则,

即做到简洁(Concise)、清楚(Clear)、正确(Correct)、礼貌(Courteous)与完整(Complete)。由于历次考试中的应用文测试多为书信的写作,下面将结合书信的写作谈谈应用文的写作技巧与注意事项。 书信是思想、情感、信息交流的重要纽带。写信与写文章一样需要花时间认真构思,但又与一般的作文有所不同。一封写得好的信除了需把所要表达的内容组织得条理清楚外,还要注意其表达方式。就内容而言,书信共分两大类:个人书信与事务书信。但无论哪种信函,写作时都要遵循上面提到的“5C”原则,并注意写信的格式正确。一般而言,书信由六部分组成:信头、封内地址、称呼、正文、结尾谦语及签名。考生在应用文的训练中要熟悉不同类型的应用文写作格式、注意事项、写作特点等,注重信息覆盖的全面性、结构组织的条理性与逻辑性、语言使用的准确性、文体格式的正确性。除了应掌握应用文特定的格式外,在平时的写作训练中还要培养迅速构思成篇的能力,注意词句的多样性和准确性训练。应用文写作能力的提高不可能一蹴而就,必须经过长期的实践锻炼才能逐步得以提高。请看下面的试题:Directions: Suppose you are Li Ming. One of your roommates is getting addicted to smoking. You are going to write a letter, trying to persuade him to quit. Your letter should be persuasive.

英文写作比赛 English writing competition

英文写作比赛English writing competition The picture shows a simple truth : If too many drops of water are put together ,they will become a sea. Many trees standing together form a forest and many people make up a society . It conveys a message to us : A whole is made up of many small parts that are closely related .Nothing or no one could exist alone . 这幅图展示了一个简单的道理:如果把太多的水滴放在一起,它们就会变成一片大海。许多树连成一片森林,许多人组成了一个社会。它向我们传达了一个信息:一个整体是由许多紧密相关的小部分组成的,没有任何东西或没有人能够单独存在。 The picture sets us thinking deeply : our society is made up of many people who have different personality and characters . If we want to create a harmonious society ,we must live in harmony with others . On the other hand , since everybody is related to others , we should be responsible for what we say and what we do so that we can develop a pleasant relationship with others , which makes it possible for us to enjoy life to the fullest .


题目:The number of foreign study tours by Chinese students is expected to hit 1 million this year, involving 30 billion yuan in expenditure, according to China's biggest online travel agency . Study travelers are also getting younger. The average age of travelers who took their first study tours overseas is 12.1 years old.Students of a younger age seem to be the upward trend. Why more and more Chinese young students choose overseas study tours?Write an essay with YOUR OWN TITLE, clearly stating your opinion and supporting your ideas with reasons or examples. You should write 350-400 words. 厦门大学徐滢杰 Overseas Study Tour: A Web of Lies and Deceit Overseas study tours are increasingly popular among Chinese students and parents, and the age of participants has the trend of becoming younger and younger. Recently, more and more Chinese pupils are putting overseas study tours on their agenda. However, is it really so simple to realize “teaching goes together with pleasure”? Some people who strongly support the "overseas study tours" would list numerous advantages, including enhancing the self-care ability, improving the English level, contacting different cultures, obtaining more open and tolerant ideas, accepting active and positive educational ideas, and so on. There is no denying that these advantages of overseas study tour indeed exist, but the advantages' rate of returning and its disadvantages cannot be ignored. Firstly, it is very difficult for a fast trip to fully realize the above advantages. Studying abroad, with a long time span and wider contact area, is a better replacement undoubtedly. Secondly, travel agencies have uneven level, some of them did not arrange sufficient study content, they just simply provide the tour. My little sister once participated in an overseas study tour of Canada, when she came back, she just said "there is no difference between this travel and other ones, just the sightseeing in some scenic spots" In a disappointed tone. In addition, not all the children with low age are suitable for overseas study tour. Some children who have low sense of security naturally probably yearn more for parents' accompany. When they are put in an unfamiliar environment suddenly, some psychological shadow would leave in their heart, which would not be beneficial to their growth. Lastly, disordered pricing of travel agencies cannot be ignored, too. Some unscrupulous businessman make use of parents' willingness that they would sacrifice everything for their children, deliberately raise the prices. As a result, the children have a low-quality travel with a high price. This is a kind of cheating and squeezing for the consumers, which cannot be forgiven. In my eyes, the trend of overseas study tours reflects many Chinese parents' unreason and blind consumption. Overseas study tours’starting point is good, but the feasibility in reality is not strong. The over-package by travel agency could mislead the consumers. Owner of travel agency earn a lot of money and become the ultimate winner. Therefore, Chinese parents should think deeply and calmly what is the most suitable for their children before consuming, instead of
