

Research on Removal of Baseline Wander in ECG Signals


ECG signals can be used to detect and diagnose heart disease.In practice,the ECG signals are often corrupted by baseline wanders that are mainly caused by respiratory activity, body movements,skin-electrode interface,varying impedance between electrodes and skin due to poor electrode contact and perspiration.The presence of baseline wanders can degrade the ECG signal quality and may severely affect the PQRST morphologies.Thus,removal of BW has become an crucial first step in most ECG signal processing applications including cardiac arrhythmias recognition,heart rate variability analysis,continuous blood pressure measurement and so on.

ECG signal is a kind of non-stationary and non-linear signal.The traditional methods of removing the baseline wander in the ECG signal are often due to excessive or incomplete denoising when the ECG signal is denoised,which easily results in the loss of a large amount of nonlinear characteristic information.This will destroy the dynamic characteristics of the ECG signal itself,which will adversely affect the subsequent analysis of ECG information.

In view of the non-stationary and non-linear characteristics of ECG signal,this paper discusses the application of two kinds of signal decomposition algorithms in the baseline wander removal of ECG signals,namely the variational mode decomposition algorithm and the singular spectrum analysis algorithm.Variational Mode Decomposition was proposed by Konstantin Dragomiretskiy in2014.Variational mode decomposition is a new,entirely non-recursive signal decomposition method,it can decompose the given signal into a set of modes which around the center frequencies.The variational mode decomposition can be used to decompose the ECG signal into several modes.Then removing the mode corresponding to the baseline wander and reconstructing the remaining modes can obtain the ECG signal after the baseline wander is removed.The Singular Spetrum Analysis method was first proposed by Colebrook in1978.Singular spectrum analysis is a powerful method for studying nonlinear time series data.It can extract the different components of the original time series.With SSA applied,the ECG signal can be decomposed into trends,oscillations or noise components based on the singular value decomposition.Only the first eigenvalue component that may be interpretable as basic trend is selected to reconstruct the BW signal and then removal it from the ECG signal.

In this paper,we use MATLAB as a simulation tool,use the ECG signals as simulation signals which are provided by arrhythmia database of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


We used the advantages of variational mode decomposition and singular spectrum analysis in processing non-stationary signals,and studied how to remove the baseline wander in ECG signals.The experimental results show that compared with the existing baseline wander removal algorithm,the two denoising algorithms proposed in this paper not only are more adaptive but also perform better in terms of correlation coefficient and signal-to-noise ratio. Key Words:ECG Signal;BW Removal;VMD Algorithm;SSA Algorithm



摘要.....................................................................................................................................I Abstract......................................................................................................................................II 1绪论.. (1)

1.1研究背景与意义 (1)

1.2国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3论文的主要研究内容 (4)

1.4本文章节安排 (4)

2心电信号及基线噪声去除概述 (6)

2.1心电信号概述 (6)

2.2心电信号中常见噪声 (7)

2.3心电数据库概述 (9)

2.4基线噪声去除算法概述 (10)

2.5基于EMD去除心电信号基线漂移算法 (11)

2.5.1经验模态分解算法 (11)

2.5.2基于EMD去除基线漂移 (13)

2.5.3EMD分解实验与分析 (14)

2.5.4经验模态分解存在的主要问题 (16)

2.6小结 (17)

3基于变分模态分解去除心电信号基线漂移算法研究 (18)

3.1变分模态分解算法 (18)

3.2基于VMD去除心电信号中的基线漂移 (19)

3.2.1分解参数选择 (20)

3.2.2基线漂移去除 (22)

3.2.3有效性验证 (22)

3.3基于VMD和EMD去心电基线结果对比 (23)

3.4小结 (24)

4基于奇异谱分析去除心电信号基线漂移算法研究 (25)

4.1奇异谱分析算法 (25)

4.2MEMD和HVD算法介绍 (27)

4.2.1MEMD算法 (27)

4.2.2HVD算法 (28)

4.3仿真结果及讨论 (29)

4.3.1基于SSA去除心电基线算法仿真 (30)

4.3.2基于HVD和MEMD去除心电基线算法仿真 (31)

4.3.3对比与讨论 (33)

4.4小结 (33)

5总结与展望 (34)

5.1总结 (34)

5.2进一步的研究与展望 (34)

参考文献 (35)

攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况 (38)

致谢 (39)



现代社会中,科学技术的发展日新月异,我们的生活也和科技紧密相连,近些年最为人称道的要数移动支付的流行,极大地提高了我们生活的方便快捷程度。2009年,IBM 提出了“智慧地球”理念[1],我国也从那时开始加大了对“智慧医疗”的研究力度,希望可以改善我国目前存在的就诊难、看病贵、救治效率低的现状。




通过调查报告可以看出,心血管疾病已经对人类健康构成严重威胁,通过对心电信号的检测,能够评价心脏功能的健康程度。而在对心电信号自动分析时[9],只有还原信号的真实性,才能更好地对后续过程进行分析,了解心脏情况的工作情况,所以首要任务是处理心电信号的噪声,将噪声降到最低,因为在信号的采集、放大、检测和记录过程中,来自外界的各种噪声可能导致信号中基线漂移(Baseline wander,BW)的产生,这对后续的信号分析会造成很大的干扰,所以去除基线漂移是至关重要的一个步骤。
