



针对原文具体叙述本身设问,可以直接或间接找到答案,常以who,which,what,where 等设问。
















Passage 1

Prague is not strange to the tourism world.It is the best tourist attraction with many historic tourist spots such as the Prague Castle which was built in the early 9th century.In addition to the Prague Castle,some of the other historic spots are the Old Town Churches, the Jewish Quarter and the Estates Theater. Surveys indicate that Prague is ranked the sixth main attraction in the whole of Europe.

Though there are countless numbers of places of tourist interest, there are a few spots which are the most appealing. The Old Town is one such spot of great tourist interest.The Astronomical Clock which is popularly known as the “Prague Orloj” is installed on the Old Town city hall's south wall which is a historic construction.So if you are heading to Prague for a vacation, you should never miss out to see this astronomical clock.

The excitement in Prague doesn't stop here.Next is another m arvel “The Lennon Wall”. The Lennon Wall became a tourist spot as people of the 80s started to fill it with John Lennon—inspired graffiti(涂鸦).You can also find the graffiti of pieces of lyrics from Beatles songs on this wall.There are many fun activities that you can do in Prague.There are many local theaters and entertainment facilities which are very much inexpensive.

If you are well aware of the different places of tourist interest, you can really enjoy a great weekend in Prague.Thankfully there a re several online tourist guides out there which can help you to make your weekend in Prague more interesting than ever before.There are many sources out there online where you can find all the information about the best tourist spots in Prague.Once you have all the informat ion about the best tourist attractions in Prague,you can plan your weekend trip effectively.

1.Prague is a city________.

A.where there are many historic attractions

B.which has a history of 1,000 years

C.where there are many old castles and churches

D.which is the sixth largest city in Europe


解析:细节理解题。联系全文对布拉格的介绍,再结合第一段中“It is the best tourist attraction with many historic tourist spots”可知,布拉格是一座有许多历史景点的城市。


2.According to this passage, the Old Town is famous for________.

A.the Estates Theater

B.the Jewish Quarter

C.the Lennon Wall

D.the “Prague Orloj”

解析:细节理解题。由第二段第三句和第四句可知,the Old Town是以Prague Orloj 为人们所知。


3.You would like to travel to the Lennon Wall because ________.

A.you want to pay a visit to John Lennon
