

Chapter1 speaking in public

People throughout history have used public speaking as a vital means of communication and empowerment. Because you will live the rest of your life in a globalized world, the need for English public speaking will almost surely touch you at some time.

To be successful giving speeches in English, you need to be culturally competent communicator. You must show respect for the cultural values and expectations of the people who come to hear you. This dose not mean that you have to devalue your own culture. There is no inherent conflict between being a competent English public speaker and being fully Chinese.

Because public speaking involves the use of English as a working language, it requires critical thinking skills. Critical thinking helps you organize your ideas, spot weaknesses in other people’s reasoning, and avoid them in your own.

There are many similarities between public speaking and conversation, but there are also important differences. First, public speaking requires more detailed preparation than ordinary conversation. Second, it requires more formal language. Third, it demands that speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerisms and verbal habits.

The speech communication process includes seven elements: speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation. The interaction of these elements determines the outcome of any public speech.

Chapter2 speaking confidently and ethically

stage fright is an issue for public speakers in all countries. Rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should try to transform it into positive energy. To some extent, this will happen naturally as you gain experience as a speaker, but you should also think positively, prepare thoroughly, visualize yourself giving a successful speech, remember that most nervousness is not visible to the audience, and think of your speech as communication rather than as a performance in which you must do everything perfectly Because public speaking is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ethical responsibili ties. There are four basic guidelines for ethical speechmaking. The first is to make sure your goals are ethically sound. The second is to be fully prepared for each speech. The third is to be honest in what you say. The fourth is to put ethical principles into practice at all times

Of all the ethical lapses a speaker can commit, few are more serious than plagiarism lobal plagiarism is lifting a speech entirely from a single source. Patchwork plagiarism involves cutting and pasting a speech from a limited number of sources. Incremental pla giarism occurs when a speaker fails to give credit for specific quotations and paraphrases that are borrowed from other people Because it is so easy to copy information from the Internet, it poses special challenges with regard to plagiarism. If you don't cite Internet sources, you are just as guilty of plagia- rism as if you take information from print sources without proper citation. As you research your speeches, be sure to take accurate notes of the Internet sources you use so you can identify them in your speech

Chapter3 giving your first speech

One of your first assignments will be to present an introductory speech, either a speech of self-introduction or a speech introducing a classmate. Focus the speech on a limited number of ideas and be creative in developing them. Use interesting supporting materials and present them in colorful, descriptive language.

When organizing the speech, make sure you have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Most introductory speeches fall naturally into chronological or topical order. Using clear transitions will help your audience follow you from point to point.

Although you will write a complete manuscript or outline of your speech when preparing it, you should deliver it extemporaneously. This means you have rehearsed fully and can present your talk from a brief set of speaking notes. Concentrate on establishing eye contact with the audience and on speaking in a dynamic, engaged tonof voice

Chapter4 selecting a topic and purpose

The first step in speechmaking is choosing a topic. If you have trouble picking a topic, you can use clustering, a personal inventory, or an Internet search to come up with something that is right for you.

The general purpose of your speech will usually be to inform or to persuade. When your general purpose is to inform, your goal is to communicate information clearly, accurately, and interestingly. When your general purpose is to persuade, your goal is to win listeners over to your point of view

Once you know your topic and general purpose, you must focus on a specific purpose statement that indicates precisely what your speech seeks to achieve. The specific purpose statement should (1) be a full infinitive phrase; (2) be worded as a statement, not a question:(3) avoid figurative language;(4) not be vague or general; (5) be appropriate for your audience; and(6) be achievable in the allotted time.

The central idea is a concise statement of what you will say in your speech, and it usually crystallizes in your thinking after you have done your research and have decided on the main points. In most cases, it encapsulates the main points in a single declarative sentence Chapter5 analyzing the audience

Good speakers are audience-centered. When working on your speeches, keep three questions in mind: To whom am I speaking? What do I want them to know, believe, or do as result of my speech? What is the most effective way of composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim?

People are egocentric. They typically approach speeches with one question uppermost in mind: "why is this important to me?" Therefore you need to study your audience and adapt your speech to their beliefs and interests.

The major factors to consider in audience analysis are size, physical setting, demographic traits disposition toward the topic, disposition toward the speaker, and disposition toward the occasion, For speeches outside the classroom, you can get information about the audience by asking the person who invites you to speak. For classroom speeches, you can circulate an audience-analysis questionnaire.

Once you complete the audience analysis, you must adapt your speech so it will be clear and convincing. Try to hear the speech as your listeners will. Anticipate questions and objections, and try to answer them in advance. When you deliver the speech, keep an eye out for audience feedback, and adjust your remarks in response. After the speech, think about your audience's response and about changes you would make if you were delivering the speech again

研究生综合英语上册Unit1 summary

Traits Of The Key Players Kao Yingchao 2014020603 考颖超2014020603 General Statement A “key player” who has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise is essential to the organization.The companies hire a “key player”from the competitor’s companies who has more experienced or just a newbie who has 4 traits—the selfless cooperator, a sense of urgency, risk tolerance,risk tolerance and strength in interpersonal relationship. Main Points Part 1:para1~para3 What a key player is and how the companies hire a key player. Part 2:para4~para5 What the difference between academia and industry,there is more collaborative and more teamwork in the industry.And how to make yourself look like a selfless collaborator. Part 3:para6~para7 A sense of urgency is important for the company.If the team want to win,that means you not only need the people who can think fast and


性格测试,你是老虎、孔雀还是猫头鹰、变色龙.. 先试试回答以下的问题: 如果答案是非常同意,请给自己打5分; 如果是比较同意,则打4分; 如果是差不多,打3分; 如果只是有一点同意,请打2分; 如果答案是不同意,就打1分。 提醒你注意一点——回答问题时不是依据别人眼中的你来判断,而是你认为你本质上是不是这样的,看看问题吧: 1.你做事是一个值得信赖的人吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 2.你个性温和吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 3.你有活力吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 4.你善解人意吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 5.你独立吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 6.你受人爱戴吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 7.做事认真且正直吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 8.你富有同情心吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 9.你有说服力吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 10.你大胆吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 11.你精确吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 12.你适应能力强吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 13.你组织能力好吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 14.你是否积极主动? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 15.你害羞吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 16.你强势吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 17.你镇定吗?

非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 18.你勇于学习吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 19.你反应快吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 20.你外向吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 21.你注意细节吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 22.你爱说话吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 23.你的协调能力好吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 24.你勤劳吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 25.你慷慨吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意26.你小心翼翼吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意27.你令人愉快吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意28.你传统吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 29你亲切吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 30.你工作足够有效率吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 答案: 把第5、10、14、18、24、30题的分加起来就是你的“老虎”分数;把第3、6、13、20、22、29题的分加起来就是你的“孔雀”分数;


第一周 时事评论 新闻事件 2016年7月23日下午,在北京延庆八达岭野生动物园内,两名自驾游女游客在猛兽区下车后,被老虎袭击,造成1死1伤。 据初步调查,事故发生在当事游客自驾车过程中,游客私自下车受到老虎攻击。详细情况正在进一步调查中。 发生事故的是一家四口,包括三个大人一个孩子,23日去八达岭野生动物园自驾游,车辆行驶至猛兽区的东北虎园里,年轻男女在车内发生口角,女子突然下车去拽男司机的车门,结果被蹿出来的老虎叼走。年长的女子看到年轻女子被叼走,立刻下车营救,被另外一只老虎当场咬死并拖走。 提炼观点 针对八达岭野生动物园老虎伤人事件,观点集中如下: 针对游客: 1、不作死就不会死,动物园无责任!

2、母老虎遭遇真老虎,最后发现自己是纸老虎! 3、比老虎更可怕的,是对规则的蔑视 4、明知山有虎,偏向虎山行! 5、任性的后果 针对监管部门: 1、不愧是野生动物园,保持动物野性做的不错,值得 一去! 2、不要杀老虎,老虎是无辜的! 3、监管部门难辞其咎! 有水就有岸,岸阻遏了水的自在流淌,也避免了水的泛滥成灾;水需要岸的善加疏导,却排斥岸的恶意围困。 请以“水与岸”为话题,写一篇议论文。 水在轻轻地流,岸静静地守在旁边,一切是那样的和谐而美好。渐渐地,水厌倦了岸的围困,想寻找

没有约束的自由,冲垮了堤岸。水没有得到自由却失去了生命,而岸没有了水,也失去了存在的价值。 淇则有岸,隰则有泮 诗经云:“淇则有岸,隰则有泮。”汤汤淇水,一泻千里,若无岸无畔,岂不泛滥成灾?幸而这汤汤之水终有度,河岸阻遏了河水的浩瀚汹涌。[开篇引《诗经》名句点题,又恰如其分的道出水与岸的关系,既显出文章的不凡,又看出作者不俗的写作功力。] 河水的放荡有岸来约束,人事的不羁就要靠心中的度量来持平了,否则,后果堪虑。[由水与岸自然联系到社会中的人事,好!] 文章赏析 比老虎更可怕的,是一个人对规则的蔑视 又看了个血淋淋的新闻,主题笔者管它叫“当母老虎遇到真老虎”:某女在八达岭野生动物园跟老公发生口角,一言不和就下车去拉老公车门,瞬间就被老虎拖


中国地质大学 研究生课程论文封面 课程名称研究生英语 教师姓名何霜 研究生姓名刘改宁 研究生学号1201510871 研究生专业数学 所在院系数理学院 类别: A.博士 B.硕士 C.进修生 日期: 2016 年4月15 日

Summary 1.The summary of “From Competence to Commitment”. In thisarticle,“From Competence to Commitment”,Ernest Boyer argues that itis not enough to merely teach undergraduates the specialized skills needed to do a particular job. R ather, students need “a large vision.” He argues that they need to become familiar with issues far beyond the simple concerns of a narrow academic field, and gain an appreciation of the values and philosophy of their own culture as well as the issues shaping nations far from the university campus. In addition to learning specialized facts and skills, students should examine larger issues of right and wrong, so that each student may develop the intellectual sophistication required to make wise decision for themselves and their society. Therefore Ernest Boyerstates that the undergraduate education should move the student from competence to commitment. At first, the author reveals a common phenomenon that many college students are confused about where to put their belief. In order to work out this problem, undergraduate education should reflect in loyalties that rise above self. Next, college graduates should fulfill civic obligations. The imperative measures should be taken to narrow the gap between public policy and public understanding in American teaching today. The complicated public liferequires more participation of citizens,


六种女人是老虎 周末出门坐在地铁里,不远处一个小伙子的MP3声音很大,放的是一首多年前的歌,听着很有趣。歌词记不准了,大概是这样:小和尚下山去化斋,老和尚有交待:山下的女人是老虎,遇见了千万要躲开。走过了一村又一寨,小和尚暗思揣:为什么老虎不吃人,模样还挺可爱?老和尚悄悄告徒弟:这样的老虎最厉害,小和尚吓得赶紧跑,师傅呀,坏坏坏,老虎已闯进我的心里来。大概是现在的小年轻没听过这首歌,有个小姑娘听着听着扑哧笑了。过了一会儿,车厢里热闹起来,一对恋人,也可能是小夫妻,不知何故吵了起来,从最初的小声私语渐渐变成大声争吵,最后恶语相向,车厢里洒下一片标准的京骂,众人侧目。 吵了大概两站地,男的大概有点招架不住众人投过去的目光,撇下一句话下车去了:“我不跟你这母老虎吵,我走!”男子下车去了,不料那女的没吵过瘾,跟着追了过去。见两人离去,车也动了,有个中年人笑呵呵说道:“嗨,还真是个母老虎,搁谁身上也受不了哇。” 刚刚听完《女人是老虎》,就见到了一个颇有点虎劲的女子,我觉得很有趣。女人被形容为老虎,应该不是一件愉悦的事,相信每个女人也都不愿意成为别人眼里的

老虎;不过很多时候,不管是有心还是无意,女人总难免在某些事情上或者某些时刻,成为令人敬而远之的老虎,非但不可爱,而且很可怕。 女人是生活里的风景,能让人觉得赏心悦目,对一个女人来说,是一件幸福而又得意的事。因为女人是风景,所以要有风景的格调,要有独好的境界,而不能让自己成为令人望而却步的老虎。 赢得爱,首先在于自己可爱;要想让自己可爱,就不要做那些不可爱的事。 控制欲太强的女人是老虎 女人固然需要独立和自强,不过更多时候,女人需要有些柔弱气质,这并非让女人以弱者的姿态主动示弱,而是要充分展示女人的柔和秀美,而不要总是霸气十足,总是喜欢控制身边的人。和控制欲极强的女人生活在一起,就好像跟一头老虎呆在同一个笼子里一样,即便不胆战心惊,也不会觉得幸福快乐。 猜忌心太重的女人是老虎 两个人一起过日子,女人不可能真的心宽到对什么都不在乎,但疑心过重,什么时候都不放心,什么时候都绷得过紧,就不是好事了。猜疑之心是紧箍咒,戴在自己头上也戴在对方头上,归根结底戴在婚姻和生活头上。不仅家庭生活如此,就算是朋友之间的交往,如果疑心


老虎的知识 虎是大自然的杰作。它属于哺乳纲猫科动物,是此物种中个体最大、最凶猛的兽中之王。早在250万年前,虎就活跃于远古蛮荒的世界,使寂静的宇宙一片辉煌。人们从虎身上得到了启发,给它以文化意蕴,和它在斗争中共同创造了世界。 虎祟拜的深远渊源 虎,作为一种猛兽和古代图腾崇拜物,是勇猛精进、雄强威武的象征,它是兽中之王、镇山之王,古称“山君”或“圣兽”。它黄质黑章,锯牙钩爪,体重千斤,斑斓健美,吼声如雷,百兽震恐,被我国历代人民奉为山神。中华民族具有悠久的文化历史,其中龙虎文化起源最早,它源于远古自然崇拜和图腾崇拜,与我国初民原始文化共生并存。1975年6月,在河南濮阳西水坡原始墓葬中所发现的蚌塑龙虎图形距今有六七千年的历史,被称为“天下第一龙虎”或“中华第一龙虎”,说明在原始氏族社会晚期的信仰中,不只有了龙神,而且有了虎神,龙虎文化已同时存在。虎作为凶猛的野兽与原始狩猎民族生产生活关系更为密切,要比虚构的龙图腾崇拜物产生的更早。亚洲是老虎的原产地,中国是虎文化的发祥地。 中国崇虎观念从远古旧、新石器时期的虎岩画到史前文明的伏羲时代初见盛行,并形成虎图腾崇拜,已有近万年历

史。此后历经炎黄时代升华为龙虎文化,通过夏、商、周三代更进入虎文化繁荣期,表现形式丰富多彩。夏人崇虎,殷商以前的夏家店文化的彩陶上便有虎头纹。商代社会已由狩猎时期进入农业社会,但重视虎的图腾观念有增无减。更多形式的崇虎观念表现为这一时期青铜器中的龙虎尊、饕餮纹、玉虎佩饰等艺术造型上。 虎圈腾崇拜 “图腾”一语是美洲印第安人的土语,是指某一原始氏族所奉为祖先、保护神及象征氏族团结标志的某种动物,当然也有奉某种植物或无生物为图腾的,但为数较少,因为远古狩猎民族所赖以为生的主要是动物。在原始森林中世世代代与猛兽格斗的中华民族原始猎民,自然崇奉山中之王——老虎,并尊之为图腾神,所以,发源于我国西北黄土高原的华夏族,自古便以龙虎为图腾崇拜对象。 中国本土,远古起源于西北羌族的虎图腾崇拜开始,随着民族的迁徙向西南、中原、东南、东北发展,可以看出虎图腾崇拜传播、发展、流变的种种迹象。虎图腾崇拜不只是西南少数民族的信仰,也是全国各族人民的普遍信仰。由于地区、民族和文化遗传因素各有不同,所表现的虎图腾文化形态也互有交流和差别。 虎伏羲说的提出。有学者提出,虎伏羲、龙女娲的远古图腾构成了中国龙虎文化的文明传统。伏羲本为原始虎图


【男欢女爱】女人“三十如狼四十似虎”的真相 导语:女人一旦过了25岁,她们求子的本能就遭到了挑战。随着年龄的增加,女性卵子受孕的机会也越来越小。因此中年妇女对性爱的渴求也就水涨船高。男人欺骗他们的配偶后,总是喜欢用这样一套权措辞:是动物的本能进化程序让我这么做的。特别是近几年,许多文章表明:男人到处寻花问柳是因为兽性的进化设定了他们去不断寻找生育力强、更合适、更年轻的子宫。那么女人呢?如果真的是进化促使男人去拈花惹草,那么是什么影响女人的性欲呢?请看德克萨斯大学的心理学家David Buss以及他的三位毕业生助手(Judith Easton,Jaime Confer and Cari Goetz)7月份发表在Personality and Individual Differences的一篇文章(以下是摘要):30岁到40岁出头的女性比更年轻的女性的性欲更强烈。而27到45年龄段的女性比18 到26岁的女性不仅拥有更多、更强烈的性幻想,而且拥有更多的性生活以及持续时间。她们比更年轻的女性更愿意拥有偶然的性经历,甚至是一夜情。换句话说,尽管美国人民都觉得大学女生是淫乱放纵的代名词,但事实上中年女性在性方面才是美国最勤勤恳恳的劳模。进化同样促使女性去寻求更多的性行为,因为她们的生育力开始下降,并且她们即将进入更年期。以下是他们的理论:由于各种疾病、饥饿、

战争等因素,古代女性已经习惯了自己的孩子里可能多达半数都会夭折的现实,这一心理创伤使得她们对下一代抱着越多越好的态度。当她们还只有十几二十岁的时候,即使做爱次数有限,她们还是很容易怀孕。但过了25岁,她们求子的本能就遭到了挑战。随着年龄的增加,女性卵子受孕的机会也越来越小。因此中年妇女对性爱的渴求也就水涨船高。 欢迎您走进冬韵如歌的个人图书馆--冬韵如歌


性格测试(你是老虎还 是孔雀)

性格测试,你是老虎、孔雀还是猫头鹰、变色龙.. 先试试回答以下的问题: 如果答案是非常同意,请给自己打5分; 如果是比较同意,则打4分; 如果是差不多,打3分; 如果只是有一点同意,请打2分; 如果答案是不同意,就打1分。 提醒你注意一点——回答问题时不是依据别人眼中的你来判断,而是你认为你本质上是不是这样的,看看问题吧: 1.你做事是一个值得信赖的人吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 2.你个性温和吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 3.你有活力吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 4.你善解人意吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 5.你独立吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意 6.你受人爱戴吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意

7.做事认真且正直吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意8.你富有同情心吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意9.你有说服力吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意10.你大胆吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意11.你精确吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意12.你适应能力强吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意13.你组织能力好吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意14.你是否积极主动? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意15.你害羞吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意16.你强势吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意17.你镇定吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意18.你勇于学习吗?

非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意19.你反应快吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意20.你外向吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意21.你注意细节吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意22.你爱说话吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意23.你的协调能力好吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意24.你勤劳吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意25.你慷慨吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意26.你小心翼翼吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意27.你令人愉快吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意28.你传统吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意29你亲切吗? 非常同意比较同意差不多一点同意不同意

河海大学研究生英语unit 14 summary

Unit 14 Summary In the text the author makes clear that mistakes are at very base of human thought.If things go wrong, it must be a personal, human error.The computer is an extension of the human brain.But real thinking is not the responsibility of the computer.So to err is human.Making mistakes is not the important error,what is needed is to learn from our mistakes and make progress.Other creatures do not seem to have DNA sequences for making mistakes.In fact,making mistakes is a unique human gift that distinguishes humans from other low-grade animals and encourages us to actively explore and create. The author advocates that computers should have ideas and do their own things.If computers were not interfered with by human thought, an ordinary computer would be able to work out the conclusion we had spent our entire life.We will reap huge gains from almost infinite precision machine calculations.The future of mankind and computers may be promising. 171319030007 张丹丹

The lady or the tiger中文翻译(美女还是老虎)

很久很久以前,在一个未开化的国家里,有个圆形的竞技场——这是国王审判犯人的地方。竞技场内有两扇门,一扇门关着饥饿不堪的老虎,一扇门关着绝世美女。一切交给老天爷决定。国王相信如果犯人无罪,他应该会幸运选到美女,选到美女的则马上在竞技场内举行盛大的婚礼,然后带美女远走高飞过幸福的日子;而选到老虎的人,则马上会被老虎咬死。 国王有个美丽的女儿,偏偏爱上一个平民青年。国家规定王室跟平民相恋是有罪的。所以国王发现后愤怒不已,把这名平民关起来并抓到竞技场。同样的,一扇门内关了老虎,一扇门内关了一位美女。这样无论他选择哪个门都不可能再与公主在一起,这样国王就可以放心了。 全国的人们涌入竞技场观看,国王在场,公主也在场。公主事前就已经知道哪一扇门后面是老虎,哪一扇门是美女。她在看台上,脸色苍白。青年望了她一眼,他知道公主一定知道两扇门的秘密,他渴望公主给他一个方向。然而,公主的内心挣扎万分。她认识门后的那位美女,那是宫中最美丽的女仆。她无法忘怀相爱的点滴,无法接受他与美女远走高飞,重新生活,却也不愿看到心爱的人死亡。 所以她想了很久很久…… 终于,她微指了右边的那扇门。青年于是慢慢走向了右边那扇门,所有人都屏息以待门被打开的结果。公主却缓缓地走出了竞技场…… 在这个竞技场上,接受审判的并不仅仅只是青年,还有那位公主以及他们之间的爱情。 无论公主选择什么都将只有一种结局——她不可能再拥有他。一个深爱着却不能在一起的人,宁愿让他死去,还是看着他与另一女子生活? 而场上的青年,真是个傻得可爱的男子。一个用自己的生命去相信自己恋人的男子,一个不用任何博弈的心态来面对爱情的男子。他本能地相信,本能地顺从了心灵的指引,毫无怀疑,毫无戒备,毫无犹豫。 公主是矛盾的,当她纤细的手臂缓缓地抬起暗示男子时,她知道,她的任何决定都是种残忍的了断,唯一不同的不过是她将承受何种煎熬。She had lost him, who should have him? 青年走得很坚定,因为他知道无论门的背后等待他的是老虎还是美女,他走的每一步都携带着她们之间的回忆,太重太重,却愈行愈远…… 译文如下,水平有限,仅供参考: Long ago, in the very olden time, there lived a powerful king. Some of his ideas were progressive. But others caused people to suffer. 很久以前,在一个非常古老的国家,那里住着一位非常有权势的国王。他的一些想法是非常先进的,但其他大部分的却让人们痛苦不堪。 One of the king's ideas was a public arena as an agent of poetic justice. Crime

安徽大学 研究生英语 课文summary and comment

上册 Summary of Unit2(Recession-proofing your career) in the text,the author firstly tries to tell us that guaranteed jobs have already become history.These days,no matter what our official employment status,we are all temporary workers. But there is much that you can do to protect yourself from change and economic upheaval,by equipping yourself with the skills to manage your career more effectively.She then suggests some skills.She recommends discovering both your overt and covert talents,making sure that a wide range of positions are available to you,and never committing to any“hot job”which exceeds either your interest or talent.Moreover,you should cultivate and maintain an active network both inside and outside of your profession,to“market”yourself,to convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for the job.Finally,always follow work trends. I am bound to face the work dilemma in the future sooner or later.I quite agree with the author’s opinion.There is no reason for us to stop learning when we are working.The author’s suggestions will help me much in the foreseeable future. 翻译: 在文中,作者首先试图告诉我们,保证工作已经成为历史,如今,不管我们在职场从事的是什么工作,我们都只是临时工。但是你可以学习一些技能来更有效地规划自己的事业,使自己免受变化和经济震荡的影响。她提出一些技能。她建议,发现你的显性和隐性的人才,确保广泛的职位提供给你,决不承诺任何“热门工作”而超过你的兴趣或才能。你应该在自己的行业内外建立和维持一个活跃的人际网络,来“推销”自己,说服雇主,你是最合适的求职者。最后,总是遵循工作趋势。 我迟早要面对这个工作的窘境。我完全同意作者的观点。当我们工作的时候,我们没有理由停止学习。作者的建议将在可预见的将来,我有很多的帮助。 Summary of Unit3(Lies) People usually have very negative views regarding lies.Liars are frequently criticized,even cursed.Yet this passage exemplifies a different perspective,one which cruelly reveals the fact that everyone tells lies.We can not live without lying and the lies direct out thoughts and the truth.We need our lies to mask our fear and anxiety about life and death----about the many things we do not understand and control.Lies make us feel superior to other species.Religions abound with myths and tales,which are basically lies that provide human beings with a sense of safety.People need big lies,because lying disguises our mortality,our inadequacies,our fears and anxieties,our loneliness in the midst of the crowd. I just agree the author’s views in a certain degree.People say some white lies,but it is moral problems if a person always tells lies.No one would like a man who never speaks the truth.Lies can not make our life,also can not let the world better.Which can make the world better only the more beautiful heart. 翻译: 人们通常对谎言有很消极的看法。骗子经常被批评,甚至被诅咒。然而,这篇文章是一


点击图片翻页 想做“狐狸精”的理由很充足。 第一、“狐狸精”是漂亮的。而且是永恒的漂亮。这恐怕是天下所有女人的最终梦想。哪个女人不希望时间不在自己身上流走,能永远保持最动人的一面。要不然也不会有这样那样的整容手术满世界做广告了,说 明市场很强大吗。 第二、“狐狸精”是聪慧的。这体现的方面太多了。比如经常戏弄一些恶霸、狗腿子等等恶势力,经常现身说法教育一些迂腐的酸秀才,没有聪明和智慧是办不到的。况且,集美貌和聪明于一身的女人已经是女人 中的极品了。 第三、“狐狸精”是大方的。从没有听说过哪个“狐狸精”视财如命,她们总是将已之物接济他人,最喜欢做的事就是将钱财散于乡亲们,自己不留下半分。当她们报恩之事做完之后,总是为夫君选择一温柔之贤妻相伴,自己自动退出。此种精神假如不能称之为大方,恐怕天下就再难有大方之人了。

点击图片翻页 第四、“狐狸精”是贤慧的。“狐狸精”很多时候都是偏房,也大多得宠。即便如此,她们从来也没有持宠逞强过,洗衣做饭端茶倒水,女红厨艺无一不精通。勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨。真所谓“进得厨房,入得厅堂”。是 多少男子理想的贤妻呀! 第五、也是最重要的一点。“狐狸精”是公益的。她们知道受人滴水之恩,当涌泉相报的道理。变化成人形之后便尽力报答当初有点滴之恩的恩人,而且经常帮助四周的贫苦百姓,即使受到众人非议也毫不气垒,继续无私付出,直至众人都幸福安康方才暗自离去。这点和公益人的做法就很相似,都有一颗感恩的心, 时刻关注弱视群体,即使遭人指责也无怨无悔

点击图片翻页 做狐狸精的五大清规戒律 1、拥有丰富自主的生活状态。不论是工作还是休闲,都能把自己的生活打理得井井有条又五彩缤纷的女人,是经得起精挑细选的。这样的一种丰富自主的生活状态当然包括经济和精神的双重独立,而智慧和坚强也是其中不可或缺的元素,但精明的算计不是什么智慧,强硬的傲慢也不是什么坚强,小聪明更会让你在世俗的烟火里沾满尘垢。柔软的坚韧才一直是女人特有的优良潜质,带着我们在寂寞里聆听花开,在欢愉里 享受生命。 2、对男人不主动也不灰心。即便你很爱很爱一个男人,也不要过于主动的示爱和逼婚,男人向来是你进他就退,你退他才会进,在他还没有想好之前,女人的主动只会彻底破坏了氛围。如果仅仅因为别人不爱你,就对男人失去信心和希望也是件遗憾的事,这样只会让你从此没有了被爱的机会,男人毕竟不是老虎,你也别去做孤家寡人,欲擒故纵是和男人愉快相处的秘诀法宝,其中必会带给你意想不到的收获,即便不是 爱情和婚姻。 3、不爱自己的人也坚决不去爱。女人修炼到“狐狸精”级别的时候,就应该能够理智的识别眼前的男人是不是适合自己了,而一个不爱自己的人就算再好也坚决不去爱,是女人开始认识自己的成熟表现。自作多情或是把自己当拯救男人的天使,是女人的幼稚与悲哀,男人最不需要的就是女人一厢情愿的悲情守望,他的爱会在女人无原则的忍让里腐败成辜负女人的荒唐与卑劣。能把握收放自己的情感是“狐狸精”的必修课, 你最好别不及格。


Unit1 How to read a book “Some books are to be tasted ,others to be swallowed, and some to be chewed and digested.” Francis Bacon warned readers several hundred years ago. However, what are the criteria for those books to be “chewed and digested?” How to tell good literature form bad literature? On these issues, people don’t seem to have reached an agreement. In the article, Joseph Brodsky first states that people’s life is generally much shorter than books, and that it is important for people to select good books to read. Yet, the author further argues that selecting good books from the ocean of literary works is no easy job; even book reviewers can’t help much. In the end, the author suggests that reading poetry is the way to develop good taste in literature, because it is the supreme form of human locution, the moist concise way of conveying the human experience, and offers the highest possible standards for any linguistic operation. Unit2 Recession-proofing Your Career In the text, Dr. Barbara Moses describes a new career development paradigm for today’s employees, that is, guaranteed jobs have already become history and it’s high time to engage in a lifelong, self-monitored process which can help to promote and prepare oneself fro a change, esp. during periods of recession. She then suggests some skills which are


The summary of Unit5 Sandwich generation In the modern society,there are a large group,They are the so-called Sandwich generation,people who are struggling to care for both their children and their elders,often while holding down a job as well.The Sandwich generation are living a hard life. The statistics show that the proportion of seniors living with their children is decreasing,those who do move in with their children enter households profoundly changed from previous generations.Because toda y′s seniors had fewer children than their predecessors,there are fewer family members to share the burden.They not only have some elder-care responsibilities,ranging from occasional help with groceries to fulltime care at home,but also care for their children.In fact,the parents of an average family now work 65 to 80 hours a week,up from 40 to 45 hours a week in the 1950s.To stay in the place


The summarize of The tiger or lady: In my opinion, I believe that it would be the tiger came out. Because the author had given us many hints about the answer in the passage. For example,he described many times about the princess's psychological activities: she was the apple of the king's eye;she was semi-barbaric, she was alike her father;she was loved the man above all humanity;she could not get things she wanted,she would absolutely destroyed it;she was too jealous to bear her lover marrying the other lady which is due to her semi-barbaric character. She even often imagined the moment her lover and the lady be togenther and she gnashed her teeth, and torn her hair, when she saw his start of rapturous delight as the young man opened the door of the lady!So I think the princess’s character would determine the young man’s destiny. She would choose the tiger for her lover. For another, I think this princess was very clever,she knew her father would not allow the young man living, and she also knew her statue was given by her father. If she against king ,she would lost everything.


上册 Summary of Unit 2(Recession-proofing your career) in the text, the author firstly tries to tell us that guaranteed jobs have already become history. These days,no matter what our official employment status,we are all temporary workers. But there is much that you can do to protect yourself from change and economic upheaval, by equipping yourself with the skills to manage your career more effectively. She then suggests some skills.She recommends discovering both your overt and covert talents, making sure that a wide range of positions are available to you, and never committing to any “hot job”which exceeds either your interest or talent. Moreover, you should cultivate and maintain an active network both inside and outside of your profession, to “market” yo urself, to convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for the job.Finally, always follow work trends. I am bound to face the work dilemma in the future sooner or later. I quite agree with the author’s opinion. There is no reason for us to stop learning when we are working. The author’s suggestions will help me much in the foreseeable future. 翻译: 在文中,作者首先试图告诉我们,保证工作已经成为历史,如今,不管我们在职场从事的是什么工作,我们都只是临时工。但是你可以学习一些技能来更有效地规划自己的事业,使自己免受变化和经济震荡的影响。她提出一些技能。她建议,发现你的显性和隐性的人才,确保广泛的职位提供给你,决不承诺任何“热门工作”而超过你的兴趣或才能。你应该在自己的行业内外建立和维持一个活跃的人际网络,来“推销”自己,说服雇主,你是最合适的求职者。最后,总是遵循工作趋势。 我迟早要面对这个工作的窘境。我完全同意作者的观点。当我们工作的时候,我们没有理由停止学习。作者的建议将在可预见的将来,我有很多的帮助。 Summary of Unit 3(Lies) People usually have very negative views regarding lies. Liars are frequently criticized, even cursed. Yet this passage exemplifies a different perspective, one which cruelly reveals the fact that everyone tells lies. We can not live without lying and the lies direct out thoughts and the truth. We need our lies to mask our fear and anxiety about life and death----about the many things we do not understand and control. Lies make us feel superior to other species. Religions abound with myths and tales, which are basically lies that provide human beings with a sense of
