


Sakura is the flower of the cherry trees. "Sakura" refers to the Japanese flowering cherry. Named ‘’Cherry Blossom’’ in English. サクラ(桜、櫻)は、バラ科サクラ属サクラ亜属Prunus subg. Cerasusまたはサクラ属Cerasusの総称である。日本で最も知られている花の一つである

Cherry blossoms are indigenous to many East Asian states including Japan, Korea, and China. Japan has a wide variety of cherry blossoms: well over 200 cultivars can be found there.

Flower viewing

"Hanami"花見is the Japanese traditional custom of

enjoying the beauty of flowers, "flower" in this case almost

always meaning cherry blossoms or ume blossoms. From the

end of March to early May, sakura bloom all over Japan. The

blossom forecast (桜前線, sakurazensen, literally cherry

blossom front) is announced each year by the weather

bureau, and is watched carefully by those planning hanami

as the blossoms only last a week or two. In modern-day

Japan, hanami mostly consists of having an outdoor party

beneath the sakura during daytime or at night. Hanami at

night is called yozakura (夜桜, literally night sakura). In many places such as Ueno Park temporary paper lanterns are hung for the purpose of yozakura.

A more ancient form of hanami also exists in Japan, which is enjoying the plum blossoms (梅ume) instead. This kind of hanami is popular among older people, because they are more calm than the sakura parties, which usually involve younger people and can sometimes be very crowded and noisy.


The practice of hanami is many centuries old. The custom is said to have started during the Nara Period (710–794) when it was ume(梅:うめ) blossoms that people admired in the beginning. But by the Heian Period (794–1185), sakura came to attract more attention and hanami was synonymous with sakura. From then on, in tanka and haiku, "flowers" meant "sakura."

Hanami was first used as a term analogous to cherry blossom viewing in the Heian era novel Tale of Genji. Whilst a wisteria viewing party was also described, from this point on the terms "hanami" and "flower party" were only used to describe cherry blossom viewing.

Sakura originally was used to divine that year's harvest as well as announce the rice-planting season. People believed in kami inside the trees and made offerings. Afterwards, they partook of the offering with sake.

Emperor Saga of the Heian Period adopted this practice, and held flower-viewing parties with sake and feasts underneath the blossoming boughs of sakura trees in the Imperial Court in Kyoto. Poems would be written praising the delicate flowers, which were seen as a metaphor for life itself, luminous and beautiful yet fleeting and ephemeral. This was said to be the origin of hanami in Japan.

The custom was originally limited to the elite of the Imperial Court, but soon spread to samurai

society and, by the Edo period, to the common people as well. Tokugawa Yoshimune planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. Under the sakura trees, people had lunch and drank sake in cheerful feasts.

Today, the Japanese people continue the tradition of

hanami, gathering in great numbers wherever the

flowering trees are found. Thousands of people fill the

parks to hold feasts under the flowering trees, and

sometimes these parties go on until late at night. In

more than half of Japan, the cherry blossoming period

coincides with the beginning of the school and fiscal

years, and so welcoming parties are often opened with

hanami. The Japanese people continue the tradition of

hanami by taking part in the processional walks through the parks. This is a form of retreat for contemplating and

renewing their spirits.

The teasing proverb dumplings rather than flowers

(花より団子, hana yori dango) hints at the real priorities for most cherry blossom viewers, meaning that people are more interested in the food and drinks accompanying a hanami party than actually viewing the flowers themselves. (A punning variation, Boys Over Flowers (花より男子, Hana Yori Dango), is the title of a manga and anime series.) Dead bodies are buried under the cherry trees! is a popular saying about hanami, after the opening sentence of the 1925 short story "Under the Cherry Trees" by Motojirō Kajii.

Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇Saga-tennō) (786-842) of the Heian Period adopted this custom, and celebrated parties to view the flowers with sake and feasts under the blossoming branches of sakura trees in the Imperial Court in Kyoto. This was said to be the origin of hanami in Japan. Poems were written praising the delicate flowers, which were seen as a metaphor for life itself; beautiful, but lasting for a very short time. This "temporary" view of life is very popular in Japanese culture and is usually considered as an admirable form of existence; for example, in the samurai's principle of life ending when it's still beautiful and strong, instead of slowly getting old and weak. The Heian era poets used to write poems about how much easier things would be in spring without the sakura blossoms, because their existence reminded us that life is very short: ’’If there were no cherry blossoms in this world

How much more tranquil our hearts would be in spring.’’

Ariwara no Narihira (825 - 880) Hanami was used as a term that meant "cherry blossom viewing" for the first time in the Heian era novel Tale of Genji (花宴Hana no En, "Under the Cherry Blossoms"). From then on, in tanka (短歌) and in haiku (俳句) poetry, "flowers" meant "sakura", and the terms "hanami" and "flower party" were only used to mean sakura blossom viewing. At the beginning, the custom was followed only by the Imperial Court, but the samurai nobility also began celebrating it during the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1568–1600). In those years, Toyotomi Hideyoshi gave great hanami parties in Yoshino and Daigo, and the festivity became very popular through all the Japanese society. Shortly after that, farmers began their own custom of climbing nearby mountains in the springtime and having lunch under the blooming cherry trees. This practice, called then as the "spring mountain trip", combined itself with that of the nobles' to form the

urban culture of hanami. By the Edo Period (1600–1867), all the common people took part in the celebrations, in part because Tokugawa Yoshimune(徳川吉宗, November 27, 1684 - July 12, 1751, the eighth shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, ruling from 1716 until his abdication in 1745.) planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. Under the sakura trees, people had lunch and drank sake in cheerful feasts.

The blossom forecast is announced each year by the Japan Meteorological Agency, and is watched with attention by those who plan to celebrate hanami because the blossoms last for very little time, usually no more than two weeks. The first cherry blossoms happen in the subtropical southern islands of Okinawa, while on the northern island of Hokkaido, they bloom much later. In most large cities like Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, the cherry blossom season normally takes place around the end of March and the beginning of April. The television and newspapers closely follow this "cherry blossom front", as it slowly moves from South to North. The hanami celebrations usually involve eating and drinking, and playing and listening music. Some special dishes are prepared and eaten at the occasion, like dango and bento, and it's common for sake to be drunk as part of the festivity. "Dead bodies are buried under the cherry trees!" (桜の樹の下には屍体が埋まっている!Sakura no ki no shita ni wa shitai ga umatte iru!) is a popular saying about hanami, after the first line of the 1925 short story "Under the Cherry Trees" by Motojirō Kajii.


In Japan cherry blossoms also symbolize clouds due to their nature of blooming en masse, besides being an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition that is often associated with Buddhistic influence, and which is embodied in the concept of mono no aware. The association of the cherry blossom with mono no aware dates back to 18th-century scholar Motoori Norinaga. The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beauty and quick death, has often been associated with mortality; for this reason, cherry blossoms are richly symbolic, and have been utilized often in Japanese art, manga, anime, and film, as well as at musical performances for ambient effect. There is at least one popular folk song, originally meant for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), titled "Sakura", and several pop songs. The flower is also represented on all manner of consumer goods in Japan, including kimono, stationery, and dishware.

Cherry blossom is an omen of good fortune and is also an emblem of love, affection and represents spring. Cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the fleeting nature of life, and as such are frequently depicted in art.

During World War II, the cherry blossom was used to motivate the Japanese people, to stoke nationalism and militarism among the populace. Japanese pilots would paint them on the sides of their planes before embarking on a suicide mission, or even take branches of the trees with them on their missions. A cherry blossom painted on the side of the bomber symbolized the intensity and ephemerality of life; in this way, the aesthetic association was altered such that falling cherry petals came to represent the sacrifice of youth in suicide missions to honor the emperor. The government even encouraged the people to believe that the souls of downed warriors were reincarnated in the blossoms.

In its colonial enterprises, imperial Japan often planted cherry trees as a means of "claiming

occupied territory as Japanese space".



关于日本樱花的唯美句子 本文是关于关于日本樱花的唯美句子,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 关于日本樱花的唯美句子 一到日本,每个角落都可以看见粉红色、白色的樱花树,每隔几米便有一株。在这个樱花盛开的季节,许多地方更成了一个樱花海,当清风吹过,樱花便纷纷散落,像是下了一场纷纷扬扬的小雪。 飘落的樱花仿佛舞着的精灵,划过人的发梢,绕着人的衣角,香了风,也香了人衣裳。校园的樱花开了,那紧锁的心扉,是否还敞开着,按响三月的门铃,樱花微微一笑,将我锁在春雨的季节里。再见樱花,又是在雨中。那日,雨蕴春意,飘飘洒洒,珞珈山也就显得格外的空灵。在樱园,在樱花大道上,满是撑着伞赏花的人。而我却瘦瘦的站在热闹的人群之外,心境如同这雨中的樱花,出奇的宁静与平和。不太久远的梦想。总能在这样的时刻,随着一片片雨,滑过樱花的边际,款步在我灵魂的阡陌。樱花,在纷纷的雨中。雨中的樱花,却在我们不经意的时候,宁静成一种深刻的纪念,是的,在珞珈山的日子,当是我们最幸运的时光,心怀最纯洁的愿望。片片樱花在风中婀娜着,那飘零的红晕依然含情脉脉,此番良景,如若再来上花间一壶酒,便全应了那句咏樱诗了,诗曰:“婀娜拔香拂酒壶,惟有春风独自扶。”三月,正是繁花盛开的季节,所以,就让我们走进三月,一起去赏一赏那最美丽,最有代表性的“花仙子”春天最喜欢的花是樱花。常常在一夜之间,迅猛地开放。突如其来,势不可挡。然后在风中坠落。没有任何留恋。日本人称之为花吹雪。“花如樱美,人若武士威”,日本情怀的春樱花,此时点火蔓延;无论你喜爱含苞欲滴、绽放五分,还是独爱展颜七分、倾力奔放,不容否认,燃烧热切的粉粉樱色,一生终该相见一次。每当临近樱花绽放的时节,走过樱花树下,人们总会满心期待地望望樱树枝头,这变成日本人的春天习俗之一。体会了这般的心情,每当樱花枝头上饱满的花苞绽放吐蕊,或白或粉红的花瓣为街道染上一层新妆的时候,散步在街道上都显的脚步轻松、心情愉快。日本栽植着为数众多的樱花树;处处是让您心神舒畅、悠然忘归的赏樱好地方,赏樱名胜遍布其中。淡淡的月光如从天泻下的水银,肆无忌惮地拥抱着艳艳的樱花,分明是它用过了力,凄艳地还在淌着鲜血。记


日本的樱花发展历史和对日本国民文化的影响 董震东 大家普通认知中的樱花,生物学上统称蔷薇科樱属类的观花植物。《中国植物志》中显示,樱花主要生长于中国的西部和西南,还有朝鲜及日本。而实际上,近代科学和以往的文献都给出了充足的证据,中国的西南地区是樱花发迹的重要根据地。但另一个事实就是,源自中国西南的樱花属种,在最初时并未参与到现代观赏性樱花的杂交培育中,而目前广泛服务于观赏栽培用途的樱花属种,实际上大部分还是日本的本土樱花种。下面我就日本本土樱花品种的进化以及与日本文化的关联,通过网络搜索等手段,查阅了相关资料并做了一定归纳。 日本奈良时期开始(719年-794年),樱花已有最初记载。在日本,有一部跟《诗经》在中国的地位相仿的著作,叫做《万叶集》,只要对日本文化稍有了解的人都知道它是有史记录以来最早的日语诗歌总集。曾有人专门做过统计,在《万叶集》中,有118篇诗歌与梅花相关,而有46篇诗歌是与樱花有关的。在《万叶集》内涉及过各种花类里,樱花的提及度只排第四。 在日本奈良时期,某些东渡的中国僧侣把梅花种子带去日本作为礼物,于是梅花(也就是梅子)便被引入了日本。《万叶集》主要收录了公元4-8世纪期间的日本诗歌,从中国引入植物的盛行,体现了早期日本人吟咏花木的审美,受盛唐文化的左右极大。由于日本人对汉语“梅”发音的误传,梅花的学名后来才被叫做Prunus mume,特别是种名mume的念法直接来源于此。直至今日,日语中的“梅”仍被念做“ume”。总而言之,在奈良时代,日本人对樱花的喜欢只是一般程度,并未到最爱的程度,那种赏樱花的樱花文化远未成形,此时在日本民间社会提起花,人们想到最多的还是梅花,“花見”(赏花)的说法,也是指赏梅,而非赏樱。 而到了794年到1185年的平安时代,又出现了一本书,叫做《古今和歌集》,此书据说是编成于914年前后。在这个阶段,日本的风物文化的层次变得丰富的多,感受也更富季节性,而和歌、俳句里的“花”,也渐渐代指樱花而不再是梅花,并且已现压倒性优势。在这一点上,日文的维基百科上有一个很有象征性的例子: (1)《古今集》:难波津の咲くやこの花冬ごもり今は春べと咲くやこの花。 中文翻译:花开难波津,寒冬闭羞颜。今春满地堂,花开香芬芳。 此处的“花”,寒冬吐香,自是梅花无疑; (2)纪友则:ひさかたの光のどけき春の日にしづ心なく花ぞ散るらむ。 中文翻译:今朝春日里,本拟共芳尊。无奈樱花落,纷纷乱我心。 这里的“花”,春日散落,就是樱花了。 注:纪友则为三十六歌仙之一,活跃于平安时代前期(845?-907)。(引自《樱花对于日本文化是怎样的一种存在?》蔓玫) 在日本本土的樱花品种中,最美丽的有两种,东京樱花和大山樱,这两种樱花是当今世界观赏性樱花的主流品种。可见,日本人产生樱花情节的主要原因并非是对中华传统文化的传承,而是他们珍惜并发展了自己的自然和文化。 日本在过去的传统农耕社会中,对四季和节气风物的关注成为日本当地文化的形成因素之一。樱花渐渐成为了春日的重要标志。在日本民间社会,“田打樱”的习俗跟传统中国的“春社”很相似,而樱花成为了代指这一习俗的元素。而随后产生的“花见”,也被某些学者认为是源自“田打樱”,当然,这就是官方和上层社会的事情了。 平安时代到来之后,民间对于樱花和梅花的审美变化也受到了政治变化的左右。在这里,有一个政治人物需要提及,他就是嵯峨天皇(809-823在位)。此前的女性天皇持统天皇(690-697年在位)就爱赏樱花,但真正把赏樱仪式化,并且在宫廷里种满樱花的人,却是这位持统天皇。 不得不说,日本赏樱文化的渐行,与日本渐渐脱离盛唐模式,开始发展自己成熟的日本文


附件二 图书分类号: 密级: 毕业论文(设计) 日本人与樱花 姓名 学号 专业 指导教师 年月日

摘要 樱花原产自中国,在日本落地生根,因其浓烈绚烂、气势宏大又有骤然凋零的凄美而受到日本人的喜爱。经过近千年的发展,樱花已经融入了日本人生活的点点滴滴,每年樱花花开时节形成的樱前线浪潮更是日本人的一场狂欢。樱花在日本早已不仅仅只是一道风景,更是一种象征乃至一种精神。樱花的集合之美象征着日本国民的团体精神,樱花的凋零之美真是日本武士道精神的完美诠释,也解读了日本人“物哀”的审美意识。花开时,心系团队,绚烂精彩;花落时,果断干脆,作为个体的内敛、作为团体的张扬,这是樱花的性格,也是日本人的民族精神。本文解读了樱花对日本生活和文化的影响,以此来拓展我们对日本美学与文化的认识。 关键词:樱花;日本;文化;精神

目录 引言 (2) 1樱花前线和举国赏樱 (2) 2樱花和社会生活 (3) 3樱花与日本文化 (3) 3.1集体意识 (3) 3.2武士道精神 (4) 3.3“物哀”的审美意识 (5) 结束语 (5) 致谢 (6) 参考文献 (6)

引言 樱花盛开在让人心旷神怡的初春。骤开骤落。因为是一起开放,一树树的樱花像一团团粉红的云,灿烂夺口。凋谢的时候也很壮烈干脆,不污不染。一朵樱花并不起眼,但放眼望去满树的樱花却蔚为壮观,让人感受到的是无与伦比的华丽和迫力。樱花盛开的时候可以沿着樱花前线从九州一直到北海道观赏竞相绽放的樱花。谢世时节,满树的樱花纷纷飘落,像是阵阵花雨,美不胜收,成为日本最独特的风景线[1]。 樱花原产自中国,在日本落地生根,与日本的地理气候、文化风土相吻合,成为成为大和民族的象征,以此日本也被誉为“樱花之国”。樱花对日本人来说是春的象征,日语中的“樱时”,意思就是“春天的时节”。当四月来临,樱花从气温高些的南方向北方逐渐盛开时,真的是“深红浅紫从争发,雪白鹅黄也斗开”,可称得上是“重重叠叠上瑶台,几度呼童扫不开”。日本人对樱花的喜爱有上千年的历史,作为日本国花的樱花,不同于代表日本皇室的菊花,它代表着整个日本民族,体现了日本民族基本的性格特点,深受日本民众的宠爱。应该说全世界没有哪个民族像日本人那样爱樱花,甚至也没有任何国家爱一种植物达到日本人爱樱花一样的痴迷和疯狂。在日本,樱花已经成为一种文化,这种文化是生活,是精神,是信仰。 1樱花前线和举国赏樱 由于地理与气候的原因,每年的3月至6月,樱花从最南端的冲绳,一直开到北海道。最北端的稚内市,樱花盛开季节已经是6月底,比冲绳要晚3个月。把樱花开花时期相同的地区用线连接起来,宛如气象图的前线,所以樱花由南向北开放的锋线被称为樱花前线。在日本一到3月左右,电视、广播电台、报纸等新闻媒体在预报天气的情况的同时,也要发布预测樱花开花的消息。待到樱花烂漫时,人们便迫不急待地倾巢而出,遍赏樱花,乐此而不疲。而几天后,人们又为片片樱花的凋零而惋惜,也会为那落花流水的壮烈之美而心醉。可以说世界上还没有任何一个国家的民族会因为一种花的盛开而举国上下沸腾不已 每年的3月15日至4月15日,是日本政府规定的“樱花节”。每年这个时候,皇室和内阁总理都要在皇家花园奉行盛大的“观樱会”,宴请并表彰各行各业的优秀人士。一般的企事业单位,不管工作多忙,都会放假半天,或提早下班,并为员工们准备好各


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武大樱花英文导游词 在武汉许多自然风光和宗教圣地都依山傍水而建,而作为我们武汉当之无愧的最高学府,地处珞珈山下,东湖之畔,蕴育在山水之间,武汉大学无疑是世上最美的校园之一。接下来是为您整理的武大樱花英文导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 Dear friends, we travel today is to go to Wuhan University to see cherry blossoms, so before I first introduce the Wuhan University and the prestigious Wuda sakura. It has already been mentioned to you that Wuhan is a city of water and mountains and rivers. In Wuhan, many natural scenery and religious shrines are built, and as the highest institution of our Wuhan fully deserve, located in Luojia mountain, East Lake lake, breeds in the landscape, the campus of Wuhan University is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the world. Apart from the whole scenery, the school itself is also a landscape, which is rarely seen in China. It is first decided by the first class characters. The predecessor of Wuhan University was founded in 1893 the viceroy Zhang Zhidong Ziqiang institute. Renamed as dialect school in 1902, after the revolution of 1911, the northern government established the national Wuchang higher normal school on the basis of dialect school in 1913. Renamed as the national


不同品种的樱花花期介绍 很多花友都非常喜欢樱花在开花时的样子,每年赏樱的人都不少,既然要观赏樱花那自然需要在樱花开放的时候前往。樱花的花期经过长期的培育,由于品种的不同,花期也有了较大的差别,最早的应该是早樱,一般在3月中左右就开花了,最后的应该是晚樱,一般在4月开花,甚至有的5月才开花。 樱花 1、樱花(p.serreulata),落叶乔木。高约5-25米。树皮暗栗褐色,光滑而有光泽,具横纹。小枝无毛。叶卵形至卵状椭圆形,边缘具芒半成熟齿,两面无毛。伞房状或总状花序,花白色或淡粉红色。径2.5-4cm,花期4月-5月。 2、日本早樱(p.subhirtella),为小乔木,高约5m,树皮横纹状,老树皮缏。小枝褐色,叶倒卵形至卵状披针形。花粉红色,径2-2.5cm,2-5朵呈伞形花序,春季叶前开花。 3、日本晚樱(详情介绍)(https://www.360docs.net/doc/891093362.html,nnesiana),高约10m,树皮淡灰色。叶倒卵形,缘具长芒状齿;花单或重瓣、下垂,粉红或近白色,芳香,2-5朵聚生,花期4月。 4、大山樱(p.sargentii),高12-20m,树皮褐色,小枝紫褐色,叶椭圆状卵形。花粉红色,2-4朵簇生,径3-5cm,花期3-4月。 5、云南樱花(p.cerosoides),高约10m,树皮褐色,小枝紫褐色,叶椭圆状卵形或倒卵形,缘具重齿。花粉红色至深红色,2

-5朵簇生,花期2-3月。 6、科樱花(p.majestica),高约25m,树皮浅褐色,小枝绿色,叶长椭圆形至披针形,花粉红色,花期1月至翌年1月。 7、寒绯樱(prunuscampanulata),也叫钟花樱桃,福建山樱花。钟花樱桃是她在中国大陆的正名,日本和台湾都称之为寒绯樱,顾名思义,开在寒冷的早春的红色樱花。寒绯樱确实可能算是国内一年里最早开放的樱花,花期一般在2月中旬。 8、红花高盆樱桃(prunuscerasoidesvar.rubea?),这一类樱花原产自云南,在尼泊尔、不丹、缅甸也有分布,作为栽培品种确是比较年轻的。它的产地在横断山脉边缘地带,海拔在1500-2000米之高,先是在云南昆明广泛栽培,近几十年推广至全国各大樱花种植地。红花高盆樱桃的花大多半重瓣,颜色深粉至红,繁密如云,在早春二月底开花,几乎和寒绯樱同一花期。


介绍美国纽约英语作文 在纽约市和出纽约市要通过两个隧道:林肯隧道和荷兰隧道。林肯隧道是一条位于纽约市的隧道,跨越哈德逊河以连接新泽西州。现在是小编为您整理的介绍美国纽约英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 介绍美国纽约英语作文1 In 1869, the draft of the statue of Liberty was completed, and Bartholdy began to throw himself into the work of sculpture. He has traveled to the United States to win American support for the statue scheme, but Americans have been slow to realize the value of the gift. Until 1876, Bartholdy held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary independent exposition, in order to attract public attention of , the statue of liberty he held the torch hand on display at the fair, just a sensation. Placed in front of people in this hand only index finger on the length of 2.44 meters, more than 1 meters in diameter, nail thickness of 25 cm, 12 people can stand on the edge of the torch. So this a few days ago also little-known sculpture suddenly worth a hundred times, become the everyone to appreciate art treasures. We boarded the cruise ship and went up to the two floor. The river wind is very cool, put the hair on my forehead to the back, behind the hair along the wind, blown into the "fluttering" hairstyle. I saw a wide river, suffused with blue waves, along the river, or ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


介绍美国纽约英语精选作文 在纽约市和出纽约市要通过两个隧道:林肯隧道和荷兰隧道。林肯隧道是一条位于纽约市的隧道,逾越哈德逊河以连接新泽西州。现在是小编为您整理的介绍美国纽约英语精选作文,希望对您有所帮助。 介绍美国纽约英语精选作文1 In 1869, the draft of the statue of Liberty was completed, and Bartholdy began to throw himself into the work of sculpture. He has traveled to the United States to win American support for the statue scheme, but Americans have been slow to realize the value of the gift. Until 1876, Bartholdy held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary independent exposition, in order to attract public attention of , the statue of liberty he held the torch hand on display at the fair, just a sensation. Placed in front of people in this hand only index finger on the length of 2.44 meters, more than 1 meters in diameter, nail thickness of 25 cm, 12 people can stand on the edge of the torch. So this a few days ago also little-known sculpture suddenly worth a hundred times, become the everyone to appreciate art treasures. We boarded the cruise ship and went up to the two floor. The river wind is very cool, put the hair on my forehead to the back, behind the hair along the wind, blown into the


202X日本最佳赏樱点 今年日本的冬天是个暖冬,所以日本著名的樱花季要比往年来的会稍微早几天,对于想去日本赏樱的中国游客们,对日本赏樱地点有啥了解呢?今天,我就给您介绍几个好地方,希望对您的出行有所帮助。 受日本暖冬的影响,202X年的樱花季来的比往年稍早3-7天,预计 从3月下旬就从九州地区开始了,直到4月底至五月初在北海道盛放最后一轮。 新仓山浅间公园 浅间神社作为富士山的观赏点,在富士吉田市内也是很有名的,登上本殿附近的397级台阶,五重塔身的“忠灵塔”就会映入眼帘。特别是樱花盛开的时候,这里能欣赏到樱花最美的景色。还可以把“忠灵塔”与富士山一起拍摄的摄影景点。 樱花盛开的时候会在这里举办樱花节,在灯笼的淡淡微光下,能欣赏到魅力的夜樱。 地址:山梨县富士吉田市新仓3353 交通:从富士急行线“下吉田”站步行约15分钟。是登山路线。 原古苑 被称为“有生之年想看一次的樱花”的赏花圣地,种植了400棵以上的樱花,身在其中欣赏樱花,此生难忘。原古苑只在每年3月末至4月末及红叶时期(11月下旬至12月上旬开园) 原古苑最先开花的是红枝垂樱,其次是薄墨樱、染井吉野,之后主角八重红枝垂樱、黄樱、绿樱、菊樱、乡樱等依次开放。 地址:京都府京都市北区大北山原谷干町36 交通:地铁“北大路站”乘坐开往“金阁寺道”的205路市立巴士,至“わら天神前站”下车(约35分钟),换乘开往“原谷”的巴士,至终点下车(约10分钟),徒步约2分钟

千岛渊 千岛渊是皇宫的护城河,也是在市中心屈指可数的赏樱绝佳景点。往年的3月下旬~4月上旬举办的“千代田樱花节”上,用LED灯打亮枝叶繁茂伸至水面的樱花。特别是夜晚欣赏,呈现别样的风情。如果在樱花凋零时前来,乘坐一艘小船,进入洒满花瓣的“粉红的深渊”观赏。 地址:东京都千代田区北之丸公园1-1北之丸公园 交通:在千代田线“二重桥前站”下车后,徒步3分钟 吉野山 吉野山是日本屈指可数的樱花观光胜地,约有3万株城山樱。据说当初不是为观赏而是为了信仰,从平安时代开始种植樱花。非人工打造,纯天然樱花美景。樱花从4月上旬到下旬,从山下到山上逐渐开放,地点不同开花日也各异,因此可以赏花的时期也更长。 地址:奈良县吉野郡吉野町 交通:近铁“吉野站”下车,至“千本口索道站”徒步3分钟,乘坐索道至“吉野山站”约3分钟 六义园 六义园位于市中心,拥有丰富的自然资源和溢满静寂的回游式假山泉水庭园,有高约15米的垂枝樱花十分有名,每到樱花花期或红叶时节,整个庭园被装点得色彩斑斓,樱花盛开时,夜晚会点亮景灯。 休息日:12月29日至第二年1月1日 地址:东京都文京区本驹込6 交通:在JR山手线“驹込站”下车,徒步约2分钟 祗园白川的樱花


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 日本文化漫谈 第一讲日本文化与花 一、引子——菊花与刀 1、美国学者的首创 第一个把日本文化与“花”联系起来的,是美国的人类学家鲁丝. 本尼迪克特。 2、花——文化模式的一种类比 本尼迪克特曾经写过《文化模式》一书,强调每种文化都有一个相对稳的 模式,每种文化都具有平等的价值,不存在高下之分。《菊与刀》是本尼迪克特创建的文化模式理论的一次具体运用。作者首先把日本的文化模式高度概括为“菊”与“刀”,“菊”与“刀”本来是日本皇家的徽标和武士的象征,这里她借以表明日本人性格中的刚强与柔弱的两面。 二、樱花——又一种日本文化的类比 比起菊花,我们可能更熟悉樱花与日本文化的联系。日本一首很普及的歌谣叫做《樱花》,我们一定很熟悉它的旋律。确实,樱花与日本文化有着千丝万缕的联系。 1.樱花的植物本性 (1)品种。日本的樱花品种多种,据说有200多种。 (2)花形。樱树开的花即为樱花,樱花属蔷薇科,花瓣一般是白色或粉红色,和桃花有点相似,色泽鲜艳,绚丽动人。(3)花时。由于日本樱花的开放具有很强的季节性,所以樱花自古就与农民的农耕生活有着极为密切的关系。 樱花前线。樱花开放的季节一般在四月份,由于日本列岛南北狭长,所以不同的地区樱花开放的时间也有所差异。不言而喻,最早开放的是南方,冲绳岛的寒樱在1月下旬就开始绽放了。随后,樱花自南向北一路次第开放过去,犹如迭起的海浪般一层层从冲绳依次推向九州、本州和北海道。假如二月份开始从日本的南方向北旅行,五月份到达北海道,那么一路上可以陆续看到日本各个地区樱花盛开的景象。日本人给樱花开放逐步北移的那条线起

了一个很形象的名字,叫做“樱花前线”。 2、樱花与日本的国民精神 (1)美与吉祥的象征。 (2)团队精神的寄托。 (3)人生无常的感慨。 3、樱花深入日本社会生活 (1)花见。樱花在今天的日本社会生活中占有重要的地位。象征之一就是每年的赏樱时节。日本人称做“花见”。 (2)“樱花外交”。今天,樱花也成为日本与世界各国交往的友好使者。美国、欧洲的土地上都可以看到飞樱似雪的动人美景。 三、日本民族的“花”情节 1、花的用语 日语中与花有关的用语可真不少。去野外观赏樱花叫“花见”。花因与看花人的缘分更美丽。不少女孩子起名叫“花子”;把各种花的图案织染在衣服上,穿在身上,是“穿花”;装饰在壁龛上,称为“立花”;装饰房柱上,称为“挂花”;插花叫“生花”;把“花的种子”撒在舞台上,开出了灿烂的戏剧之花,叫“能之花”。最生动的莫过于把新娘称作“花嫁”、新郎称作“花婿”。 2、花的情感 日本人的多愁善感从对花的感受中体现出来。日本人用悲哀之眼看花。先是梅花。日本原没有梅花。早期贵族庭院以种梅为风雅。先是从唐诗里,感受到梅花的孤傲,捕捉到一种清冷的美感。慢慢地,他们的眼里才有了身边的樱花。开始梅樱易代。樱花雅而不艳,开时相偎,簇拥而来,谢时同去,一时纷纷如落雪,所以日语中把樱花凋谢时的情景叫做“花吹雪”。齐开齐落,似云水流逝。如前所述,日语中有谚语称“花是樱花,人是武士”,因而日本人又把英武的将军称为“将之花”,将军本是驰骋疆场的武夫,被比喻为“花”,是日本人对将军形象的一种美的感受:壮烈而绚丽。 3、花的神性


美国纽约市英语简介 纽约(New York),是纽约都会区的核心,也是美国最大城市,同时也是世界最大的城市之一。纽约位于美国东海岸的东北部,是美国人口最多的城市,也是个多族裔聚居的多元化城市,拥有来自97个国家和地区的移民,在此使用的语言达到800种。截至2014年,纽约大约有849万人,居住在789平方千米的土地上。纽约市是一座世界级国际化大都市,直接影响着全球的经济、金融、媒体、政治、教育、娱乐与时尚界。纽约GDP于2013年超越东京,位居世界第一。下面为大家带来旅游英语美国纽约市英语简介,欢迎大家阅读! 纽约市英语简介: New York City is the most beguiling place there is. You may not think so at first - for the city is admittedly mad, the epitome in many ways of all that is wrong in modern America. But spend even a week here and it happens - the pace, the adrenaline take hold, and the shock gives way to myth. Walking through the city streets is an experience, the buildings like icons to the modern age, and above all to the power of money. Despite all the hype, the movie-image sentimentalism, Manhattan - the central island and the city's real core - has massive romance: whether it's the flickering lights of


樱花会在什么季节开放 日本,被誉为“樱花之国”。每逢春光明媚之时遍植整个日本列岛的樱花树,花团锦簇,五彩绚丽,人们便会成群结队地来到樱花林中欣赏烂漫的樱花,享受樱花所带来的文化氛围。 樱花会在什么季节开放 日本 整个四月,应该是京都一年中最好的时候,当缤纷的樱花从清水寺的山峦覆盖到哲学之道的小径,整个京都便如同沐浴在一场纷纷的樱花雨之下。苍茫的群山,静谧的杉林,撑一把小花伞在古香古色的道路上缓缓而过的清秀丽人,还有空气中流淌的馥郁芬芳,让你不自觉地便沉溺其中,醉卧一场樱花雨。 韩国 地区名预计日期2013年(偏差) 西归浦3月 27日3月 17日(+10) 釜山4月 1日3月 21日(+11) 统营4月 1日3月 25日(+7) 丽水4月 2日3月 25日(+8) 光州4月 2日3月 29日(+4) 大邱4月 5日3月 23日(+13) 浦项4月 5日3月 20日(+16) 全州4月 6日4月 3日(+3)

大田4月 7日4月 3日(+4) 清州4月 10日4月 14日(-4) 首尔4月 11日4月 15日(-4) 仁川4月 15日4月 17日(-2) 江陵4月 10日4月 9日(+1) 春川4月 13日4月 15日(-2) 扩展阅读 樱花 樱花(学名:Cerasus ssp):是蔷薇科樱属几种植物的统称,在《中国植物志》新修订的名称中专指东京樱花,亦称日本樱花。樱花品种相当繁多,数目超过三百种以上,其中自然野生种只有10余种,其他的则是通过园艺杂交所衍生得到的品种。樱花原产北半球温带环喜马拉雅山地区,在世界各地都有生长,主要在日本国生长。花每枝3到5朵,成伞状花序,花瓣先端缺刻,花色多为白色、粉红色。花常于3月与叶同放或叶后开花,随季节变化,樱花花色幽香艳丽,常用于园林观赏。樱花可分单瓣和复瓣两类,单瓣类能开花结果,复瓣类多半不结果。据文献资料考证,两千多年前的秦汉时期,樱花已在中国宫苑内栽培。唐朝时樱花已普遍出现在私家庭院。当时万国来朝,日本朝拜者将樱花带回了东瀛,其在日本已有1000多年的历史。樱花象征热烈、纯洁、高尚。被尊为日本国花。 樱花分布 樱花原产北半球温带喜玛拉雅山地区,包括印度北部、中国长江流域、


SAKURA Cherry blossoms are indigenous to many East Asian states including Japan, Korea, and China. Japan has a wide variety of cherry blossoms: well over 200 cultivars can be found there. Flower viewing "Hanami"花見is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers, "flower" in this case almost always meaning cherry blossoms or ume blossoms. From the end of March to early May, sakura bloom all over Japan. The blossom forecast (桜前線, sakurazensen, literally cherry blossom front) is announced each year by the weather bureau, and is watched carefully by those planning hanami as the blossoms only last a week or two. In modern-day Japan, hanami mostly consists of having an outdoor party beneath the sakura during daytime or at night. Hanami at night is called yozakura (夜桜, literally night sakura). In many places such as Ueno Park temporary paper lanterns are hung for the purpose of yozakura. A more ancient form of hanami also exists in Japan, which is enjoying the plum blossoms (梅ume) instead. This kind of hanami is popular among older people, because they are more calm than the sakura parties, which usually involve younger people and can sometimes be very crowded and noisy. History The practice of hanami is many centuries old. The custom is said to have started during the Nara Period (710–794) when it was ume(梅:うめ) blossoms that people admired in the beginning. But by the Heian Period (794–1185), sakura came to attract more attention and hanami was synonymous with sakura. From then on, in tanka and haiku, "flowers" meant "sakura." Hanami was first used as a term analogous to cherry blossom viewing in the Heian era novel Tale of Genji. Whilst a wisteria viewing party was also described, from this point on the terms "hanami" and "flower party" were only used to describe cherry blossom viewing. Sakura originally was used to divine that year's harvest as well as announce the rice-planting season. People believed in kami inside the trees and made offerings. Afterwards, they partook of the offering with sake. Emperor Saga of the Heian Period adopted this practice, and held flower-viewing parties with sake and feasts underneath the blossoming boughs of sakura trees in the Imperial Court in Kyoto. Poems would be written praising the delicate flowers, which were seen as a metaphor for life itself, luminous and beautiful yet fleeting and ephemeral. This was said to be the origin of hanami in Japan. The custom was originally limited to the elite of the Imperial Court, but soon spread to samurai society and, by the Edo period, to the common people as well. Tokugawa Yoshimune planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. Under the sakura trees, people had lunch and drank sake in cheerful feasts. Today, the Japanese people continue the tradition of hanami, gathering in great numbers
