



星期1 Monday 4大题型及解题技巧



主旨题主要考查考生对访谈或对话的主题(topic或main point)和访谈或对话的大意(main idea)的概括或判断能力。


The interview mainly focus on

The main idea of this interview is

The interview is mainly about

From the conversation, we get the impression that






The interview says that … is

What …said means that

According to …,…means







Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

According to…, ….

It can be assumed/inferred from the interview…



观点态度题在考试中所占比例也不是很大,题干中的标志性词语是attitude towards,选项多为表示观点态度的形容词,如:negative, positive, ambiguous, neutral, optimistic, pessimistic, indifferent, critical, disappointed, depressed, impartial等等。



1. In what general ways has the role of the American male changed?

[A] They earn more money than they used to.

[B] They are less sensitive today.

[C] They are more active in work.

[D] They take on more domestic roles.

2. Which of the following is NOT a way the role of men has changed?

[A] They take an active attitude towards housework.

[B] Most of them think men and women should have equal share in raising children.

[C] Some men take on most of his wife’s roles.

[D] Some men are raising children exclusively.

3. What does the man say is the main cause of this change?

[A] Unemployment.

[B] Job-related stress.

[C] Housework.

[D] Frequency of divorces.

4. According to the man, how do most fathers feel about their taking on women’ role?

[A] Most of them are willing to do this.

[B] Most of them feel reluctant to take on those jobs.

[C] Most of them do not want to openly express their love.

[D] Most of them like those jobs.

5. Which of the following is a problem caused by the changing role of men?

[A] A household brings in less money.

[B] Women spend less time with their children.

[C] Children are not well taken care of at home.

[D] Men have less leisure time.


1. How many species could become extinct within a few years?

[A] 210.

[B] 110.

[C] 200.

[D] 105.

2. The buffalo were killed mainly

[A] for their meat.

[B] because of their large number.

[C] for ecological balance.

[D] for fun.

3. Which of the following is INCORRECT about passenger pigeons?

[A] Their number was once incredible.

[B] This kind of bird is big and heavy.

[C] Large number of them was killed mainly for meat.

[D] They were sold in big cities.

4. What is the focus the man wants to talk about?

[A] Causes of animal extinction.

[B] The protection of animals from being killed.

[C] Ways of banning illegal trade in ivory.

[D] Ways of keeping ecological balance.

5. What is the first reason that animals should be protected?

[A] Animals bring in economic income.

[B] Animals have as much right to live as humans.

[C] Animals provide meat.

[D] Animals keep nature in balance.


W: For today’s show, I’d like to introduce our guest —Mr. Jameson —a sociologist who has just completed extensive research on the changing role of men in America today. Good afternoon, Mr. Jameson, and thank you for joining us.

M: Thank you, it’s nice to be here.

W: Can you give us an overall picture of how the … uh … role of the American man has changed? M: Well, that’s a big question … but I’d say the role has changed in many ways … uh … you can see it in movies and in television …in many ways that men are more willing to show their feelings now than they used to. For example, one of the most popular … popular movies …

Kramer v.s. Kramer showed men in a totally different role than you normally see … it showed

a man who was sensitive, who learned how to take care of his child … uh, men … it seems

that [1.D]men are no longer satisfied with merely bringing home the money for the family, but they want to take an active role in raising the family … uh … in other words … we don’t have the strong silent types as much anymore … [1.D]now the father is an active participant in the family.

W: Could you be more specific and tell us some of the ways the role of the father has changed? M: Well… uh… it’s changed in several ways. [2.A]One is in the attitude in one… in what they actually do… uh… let’s give an example with housework… more than 50% of men who were asked in several questionnaires… said that they were willing to share in the housework with their wives…that means that they were willing to help…uh…with the dishes…the they were willing to help clean the kitchen and…and do other roles that had…uh…been associated with women… and in fact [2.B]80% of men who have been surveyed… have said that they think that men as well as women should have equal share in the raising of the children.

W: Now… you said there was also a change in what men actually do.

M: Yes… not only do men agree that they should take a more active role in the family… but they are putting their beliefs in action. In fact, many men have actually taken over raising children. W: Well… what has caused this change?

M: Well… that’s a very good question… there are several causes… [3.B]I think one of the biggest causes is economic… uh… the fact that many women have entered the job market has forced men to take on roles that they didn’t have before… uh… you used to have the woman in the house… uh… doing all the housework… and the man who was doing all the … bringing in all the money… but now that the number of working women has tripled since… uh… World War II. [3.B]Now when you have these women working… you can’t expect them to come back after a long… after a day’s work. Another reason is that divorces have become so common now… this is of course… this is an unfortunate… uh… phenomenon, but the fact that there are so many divorces makes it necessary for some of the men to… uh… raise the children without a woman’s help… and therefore if the woman is not around… the man has to take care of these tasks… in fact… uh… [2.D]there are approximately one million children in the US being raised exclusively by fathers… now with this large number of mothers… uh…

working… and the large number of men taking care of the house alone… they have no choice but to take on some of what have traditionally been women’s roles.

W: And how do the fathers feel about this?

M: Well… uh… [4.A]most of the fathers who do share in these roles are quite positive about this.

They feel it helps them get to know their children better… so the fathers now are closer to their children… they try to play with the children more and this helps them understand their children… also they feel there’s much more love expressed if they’re always around able to help around in the family… they have time to express their love.

W: And how do the children feel?

M: Well... uh… many studies have shown that children who play with their… uh… fathers… and who are around them a lot are able to withstand stress better… uh… and are able to adapt to outsiders better. In other words… uh… strangers don’t scare them… and… in fact… studies have shown that they can even learn more easily.

W: That’s very interesting… but aren’t there any problems with the changing role of men?

M: Well, there are some problems… one is that men can’t take over in the home unless their

working world is made a little more flexible… many companies right now do not want to give vacations or leaves to working men who want to stay home and take care of their families…

the men feel they must give other excuses… they say that they’re going to write a book or something… they can’t say that they’re leaving to take care of their children… in other

words… the attitude of men in general has not changed to the point where it’s easy to leave and enter the work world for families… another reason is that [5.A]if men stay at home with their children… they cannot earn money outside… so the household as a whole brings in less money.

W: Well… thank you very much, Mr. Jameson, that was very interesting… and now for a message from our sponsor.


W: What exactly is an endangered species?

M: Well, an endangered species is an animal that is in danger of becoming extinct.

W: How many species are in danger?

M: [1.A]There are about two hundred and ten species that we feel could become extinct within a few years if certain steps are not taken.

W: What kind of steps do you mean?

M: Let me give you an example with a somewhat happy ending. Right here in the US, huge buffalo weighing between one thousand and two thousand pounds each roamed the plains.

[2.B]There were probably about twenty million buffalo in the US in 1850, but they were so big

and numerous that they stopped trains when hey crossed the tracks. The railroad companies had them killed by the thousands. By 1889, there were only five hundred and fifty-one buffalo alive in the whole United States.

W: Why did you say that there was a happy ending? That doesn’t sound so happy to me.

M: Well, the US government started to protect buffalo, and there are now more than ten thousand alive in the US. That’s what I mean by a happy ending. They almost became extinct.

W: What about a sad ending? Could you give us an example?

M: Sure. The most famous example is probably the passenger pigeon, [3.A]which was so numerous that we have a hard time even imagining it. In 1808 an expert on birds named Alexander Wilson saw a large flock which he estimated contained more than two billion, two hundred and thirty million birds. In 1813, the famous John Audobon watched a flock that took three whole days to fly overhead. The flock was so thick that it actually blocked the sun, and the wings sounded like thunder.

W: That’s incredible. But if there were so many of these birds, how did they become extinct?

M: Well, men would knock them out of trees with poles or cut down their nesting places, kill them on the ground, or even choke them with burning sulfur.

W: But why did they want to do that?

M: [3.C]For meat mostly, hunters killed the pigeons and sent them by the millions to big cities.

[3.D]They sold for one or two cents each in New York and Chicago. Other people just killed

the birds for fun. But today that’s not the only reason animals are killed. Today animals are killed mainly for their skins or for their teeth. Let’s take the US… for example… about twelve million hides from wild animals are shipped to the US each year. In addition, one hundred and thirty million animal products from wild animals are imported each year. But that’s not the main problem. We cannot tell if an animal was killed illegally or not. It’s not our problem really.

W: What is the real problem?

M: [4.B]The real problem is how to prevent the animals from being killed in the first place. Kenya, for example, has spent millions trying to protect the elephant, but it’s difficult to protect an animal that’s carrying thirteen hundred dollars worth of ivory on its head. In addition, farmers in Kenya say that elephants ruin their crops. But endangered species should be protected fro two reasons. [5.B]The first is a moral one. Elephants have just as much a right to live as humans do.

W: And what about the other reason? What’s that?

M: The second is economic. Elephants, for example, bring a lot of tourists, and therefore money, into Kenya. India is an even better example. India has been exporting snakes and snake skins for years. As we all know, snakes are the main predators of mice and rats. Now that their main enemy, the snake, is being killed for its skin, the population of mice and rats has exploded. In fact, mice and rats eat 20% of India’s food. So you see, we have not only a moral but an economic reason to protect endangered species.



中考英语补全对话的答题技巧 补全对话又称为情景对话。主要是考查学生的口语能力和对英语的应对习惯。下面我从以下几个方面谈谈它的命题趋势和解题技巧。 一、补全对话常见的题型有: 1. 填单词补全对话; 2. 写句子补全对话; 3. 选句子补全对话; 4. 选单词补全对话; 5. 对话排序。 本市以前多采用第3种“选择式”的客观题型。但近几年多采用第一,二种“非选择式”的主观题型,来考查学生灵活运用英语语言的能力。因此,本文着重介绍这类题型的具体做法。 二、补全对话的解题要求 1. 熟读背诵考生应熟读背诵初中英语教材中出现过的日常交际用语,如:问候、介绍、问路、看病、购物、就餐、祝愿、打电话、谈天气等情境中的固定句式和习惯表达方式。只有这样,做题时才能得心应手。 2. 掌握各交际项目的习惯用法。平时牢固掌握初中英语教材中出现的30个交流项目以及它们各自特定的习惯表达方式和惯用句型,答题时就能迅速地回忆起与对话内容有关的日常交

际用语及习惯表达法,并且灵活地进行运用,才能保证所使用的语言符合英语在情景交流中的表达习惯。 3. 答题时要面向整体内容,切忌片面理解。答题时,跳过空行,快速把全篇对话通读一篇,了解对话的整体结构,把握对话的内容及语境。语境决定了语言的表达方式、双方说话人的态度以及表达的内容。如在餐馆、图书馆、车站、商店等不同的地点,都有各自的语言表达方式。因而,在做题时,应在理解全篇对话内容的基础上,准确地把握语言环境,把自己“置身”于语境之中,理解双方谈话的意图。 4. 抓好关键词,进行推断,使填词后组成的句子结构完整、合理。考查的形式是补全对上句问题的回答或者是补全对下句所要回答问题的提问。因此一定要注意前后照应,关注上下文之间的密切关系。做题时,可以根据上句的信息推断下句的信息,通过下句的信息推断上句的信息,即:要填前面的空行,看后句的信息,要填后面的空行,看前句的含义。如在打电话时,上句问“Who’s that speaking?” 那么下句所选的就应是“This is…” 。如在餐馆,下句的内容是“A bottle of beer, please.”那么上句就应该是“What can I do for you?”或“Can I help you?” 这样前后对照,才能使上下文相适应。 5. 注意对话的表达要符合英美人的风俗习惯。不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯、生活习惯等等。在语言交际中也有各种不同的差异。在交际语言的选用中,由于受到各自的文化背景的影响,表达的方式也就不同。因而,在补全对话过程中,所选的句子要符合英美人的习惯。凡有像“Have you eaten?”;“What do you want to buy?” 这类句子在对话中都应避免使用。 6. 正确书写,从容答题。答题时应注意单词的正确拼写及大小写的正确运用,书写应工整、规范。 三、补全对话答题步骤:

2019年英语专业八级真题听力 Interview(1)

M: Hey, Cathy, did you read this article in the magazine? I can't believe how much man is changing the planet. 男:嘿,凯西,你看过杂志上的这篇文章了吗?我简直不敢相信人类改变了这个星球这么多。 W: Yeah, I had a look at it. Quite interesting I suppose if you believe that sort of thing. 女:是的,我看了一眼。我觉得很有趣,如果你相信那档子事的话。 M: What? What do you mean,"if you believe that sort of thing"? Are you saying you don't believe that we are damaging the planet? 男:什么?你说的“如果你相信那档子事的话”是什么意思?你是说你不相信我们正在破坏这个星球吗? W: To be honest, Mark, not really. 女:说实话,马克,不太相信。 M: What are you saying? Are you saying global warming isn't a fact, deforestation isn't a fact, the greenhouse effect isn't actually happening? 男:你在说什么?你是说全球变暖不是事实,砍伐森林不是事实,温室效应也没有真的发生? W: Hey, calm down Mark. I just think too many people take

中考补全对话常考话题梳理 打印版

补全对话常考话题梳理 ◆计划 1.—How long are you waiting for/ will you stay here/have you been here? —For two weeks/ a month/ two days. 2.—Are you planning/Do you have any plans for the summer vacation? —Yes, I am planning/ plan to travel during the summer vacation. 3. —Where/When/ What shall we meet? —At the gate of the museum/our school./In front of my house./At the bus station./At the bottom of the mountain./ About 7:00./ On Saturday. 4.—What are you going to do this summer?/Where are you going this summer?/ Wha t’s your plan/What are your plans for this summer? —I am going /want to visit my grandparents/ Beijing. 5. —What do you plan to watch tonight / want to be when you grow up? —I plan to watch Days of Our Past/ I want to be an engineer. 6.—How are you going to do that? —I’m going to study math really hard. ◆个人经历及感受 1.—What’s wrong/ the matter with you? /What happened? —I lost my backpack./ I failed in the exam. / I lost the way. 2. —Have you decided on the place? —Not yet. I’m looking for a place I’ve n ever been to. / Yes, I decided to go to Shanghai. 3.—How are you feeling now? —Much better/Not so good/Not very well. 4. —What film(did you see)?/What’s the name of the film? / How’s the film/What do you think of the film? —Harry Potter Ⅲ./ It’s interesting/ boring/ exciting. 5. —Have you ever been to the Great Wall/ America/ Thailand? —Yes,I have been there twice./Not yet. I will go with my parents this weekend. /Never, I plan to go there the next year. 6.—How’s it/ everything going? —Great! /Not bad. /Terrible! ◆咨询建议 1.—What shall/can I do/Can you give me some suggestions/advice? —You’d better / I think you should go to Lost and Found for help. 2.—What about going to that new Italian restaurant/ Why don’t/not we see a movie?/Shall we have something to eat before the movie? —Great idea!/ That’s a good idea. / It sounds good to me. / Sure. ◆问路 1.—Where is it? —It’s just on the second floor in the office building./It’s across from /beside/next to/on the left/on the right of the Bank of China. 2.—Where is /Can/Could you tell me where I can find /which is the way to /how to get to /how can I get to the nearest hotel? —It’s around the corner./ It’s next to/behind/across from/in front of the People Park./Please go straight the road, and at the end of the road you can see it./ Go along the road and turn left/right at the first corner, and you can find it. 3.—Where is the best place to have dinner around here? —Well. It’s hard to say. There are so many good restaurants, and my personal favorite is Panda Express. / I’ll point it out when we pass it. ◆个人信息 1.—Where are you(visiting)from/Where do you come from? —I’m(visiting) from/come from Zhengzhou/Luoyang. 2.—What does he/she /your friend look like?


科目:科学编号:02015 名称:打气筒柜号: 1 类别:一般 规格:单位:个产地:第 2 页 教学仪器分类明细账 科目:科学编号:02051 名称:放大镜柜号: 1 类别:一般 规格:手持式,有效通光孔径不小于30mm,5倍单位:个产地:第 4 页

科目:科学编号:02052 名称:放大镜柜号: 1 类别:一般规格:10倍,直径不小于40mm 单位:个产地:第 4 页 教学仪器分类明细账 科目:科学编号:02103名称:注射器柜号: 1 类别:一般 规格:100mL,塑料单位:支产地:第 5 页

科目:科学编号:02115名称:透明盛液筒柜号: 1 类别:一般 规格:φ100mm×φ300mm单位:个产地:第 5 页 教学仪器分类明细账 科目:科学编号:02116名称:透明水槽(圆形或方形)柜号: 1 类别:一般规格:φ270mm×高140mm,或300mm×300mm×高150mm 单位:个产地:第6 页

教学仪器分类明细账 科目:科学编号:03001名称:科学支架柜号: 1 类别:支架 规格:单位:套产地:第 6 页 教学仪器分类明细账 科目:科学编号:03002名称:方座支架柜号: 1 类别:支架 规格:单位:套产地:第7 页

教学仪器分类明细账 科目: 科学 编号:03003 名称:多功能实验支架 柜号: 1 类别: 支架 规格: 单位: 套 产地: 第 7 页 教学仪器分类明细账 科目: 科学 编号:04004 名称: 教学电源 柜号: 2 类别: 电源 规格: 交流:2~12V ,5A ,每2V 一档;直流:1.5V ~12V ,2A ,分为1.5V 、3V 、4.5V 、6V 、9V 、12V ,共六档;40A 、8s 自动关断 单位: 台 产地: 第 9 页


乐加乐英语提示:英语听力题既考查同学们听的能力,又考查同学们阅读、理解、逻辑思维和心理承受力。记住下面这五步,让你在2014年中考英语中听力拿高分,甚至满分都没问题! 第一步:试听文题,调整心理,听力测试要求同学们有较好的心理素质。 由于听力内容有即时性和不可重复性,录音结束后无法再现信息,同学们必须即时听辨、思考和解答,因此很多同学参加听力考试时,总是显得很紧张,难以静心。同学们必须调整好心态,尤其应利用听力试音的机会,让自己全身心进入角色。 第二步:读题预测,细节莫失,答好听力题的重要前提和保证是在听录音之前先阅读试题。 听音前五分钟,要看清大小题目要求、问题与选项,不要放过任何一个细节。在浏览问题和选项时,要尽可能对文章内容和试题答案进行预测,听录音时只要验证自己的预测就可以了。同时由于选项和试题中的短语、句子可能会在听力内容里出现,因此,认真读题还可以提高听的质量。例如: 1. This article(文章)is talking about _________ names. A. English B. American C. Chinese D. school 2. I n “John Henry Brown”, John is the _________ name. A.family B. first C. second D. full 3. English people often put Mr, Mrs and Miss before the _________ name. A. family B. second C. first D. full 4. Many English people have _________ names. A. two B. three C. four D. only one 通过阅读题目及选项,我们可以获得这样的信息:这篇听力材料讲的是关于英、美国家人的姓名的短文。这样我们很容易就能预测到第二题选B;根据我们学过的知识,我们可以判断第三题选A,第四题选B.第一题暂时无法猜测,我们必须听录音后,才能判断。 第三步:初听文意,信息速记。 在第一次听录音时,同学们应尽最大努力去理解文章大意,千万不能只把注意力放在个别词句上。另外,在2012年上海中考英语听力里,必须听清、听懂首句,因为首句往往概括了全文的核心内容,听懂这一句,对预测全文内容有很大帮助。此时听到的信息如果在试题选项中出现了,但不能轻易下结论,因为下文的信息可能还会否定你的结论。在初听录音时,同学们可以速记表示时间、地点、人物和事件的单词,这样可以帮助同学们在答题时提高解题的准确率。此时尤其应注意听关键词。例如在听到size和wear时,可以判断对话可能发生在服装店;听到stamp时可以判断对话可能发生在邮局。 第四步:再听全文,严防遗漏。 同学们在听第二遍录音时,应在进一步理解全文、把握细节的基础上,特别注意第一次没有听清楚或没有理解的地方,验证一下自己在第一次有没有误听或漏听信息。如果感到有误听、漏听的地方,应结合试题选项和短文内容验证一下。如确实误听、漏听,应该立即修改,否则录音结束之后就失去了解题的依据。 第五步:解题复查,高分稳拿。


2015英语专业八级听力第一部分MINI-LECTURE LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Understanding Academic Lectures Listening to academic lectures is an important task fro university students. Then, how can we comprehend a lecture efficiently I.Understand all (1) ______________ A.^ B.words C.(2) ______________ -stress -intonation -(3) ______________ II. Adding information A.lecturers: sharing information with audience B.listeners: (4) ______________ C.sources of information -knowledge of (5) ______________ 》 -(6) ______________ of the world D. listening involving three steps: -hearing -(7) ______________ -adding III. (8) ______________ A.reasons: -overcome noise -save time & B. (9) ______________ -content -organization IV. Evaluating while listening A.helps to decide the (10) ______________ of notes B.helps to remember information 答案:1. parts of meanings 2. sound/vocal features 3. rhythm 4. absorbing 5. subject 6. experience 7. reinterpreting 8. prediction 9. what to listen 10. Importance


中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳并附真题及答案 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

补全对话 归纳总结功能相同的句型: 打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:I am -- .speaking,please。但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。 May I speak to Mr. Li I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please. 对,我就是。 Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。) 您是哪位 Who's calling, please或者 Who's speaking, please 或者Who is this, please? This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。 其他 Is Sue James in休·詹姆斯在吗? I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。) He's not in. 或者He's out now. 感谢类: Thanks! Thank you! Thanks a lot! Thank you very much! Thank you very,very much! 答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系. That’s OK. 没关系. Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome.不必谢. It’s a pleasure. 道歉类: Sorry. I am sorry… I am sorry for… 应答类:That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing. 建议类:You had better … Shall we do… What about doing… How about doing… Why not do… Let’s do sth … OK Would you like some … 同意类: OK. Sure. Certainly. All right. Yes, please. Yes, I think so. I agree with you. 不同意类: I am afraid not. Sorry, I don’t think so. I re ally can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类 Good Luck to you! Best wishes! Have a good (nice) time! Congratulations to you! Happy Teachers’ Day! Happy birthday to you! Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 3. 熟记“问” 字句型 问天气:What’s the weather like today? How is the weather today? 问时间:What’s the time? What time is it? 问职业:What’s your father? What’s your father’s job? What does your father do? 问价格:What’s the price of the book? How much is the book? How much does the book cost? How much should I pay for the book? 问年龄: How old are you? What’s your age 问地址: What do you live? What’s your address? 问姓名:What’s your name? Could I have your name, please? Do you mind my knowing your name? Do you mind if I know your name? Can you tell me your name? 问词意: What do you mean by saying the word? What’s the meaning of the word? What does the word mean? 问单位: Where do you work? What company are you working for?问爱好: Which do you like best? Which do you prefer?


2010年专八真题听写参考答案 1 tones of voice 2 huskiness 3 universal signal; 4 thought or uncertainty 5 indifference 6 honesty 7 distance; 8 situation; 9 mood; 10 unconsciously same posture 特邀著名国内英语考试郑家顺教授分享2010年专八考试权威答案,以下为听力部分 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7.C 8. D 9. D 10. A11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D16.C 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B21. A 22.B 23. B 24.B 25. C26.A 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C 2010年专八真题改错原文 So far as we can tell, all human languages are equally complete and perfect as instruments of communication: that is, every language appears to be as well equipped as any other to say the things its speakers want to say. It may or may not be appropriate to talk about primitive peoples or cultures, but that is another matter. Certainly, not all groups of people are equally competent in nuclear physics or psychology or the cultivation of rice or the engraving of Benares brass. But this is not the fault of their language. The Eskimos can speak about snow with a great deal more precision and subtlety than we can in English, but this is not because the Eskimo language (one of those sometimes miscalled ’primitive’) is inherently more precise and subtle than English. This example does not bring to light a defect in English, a show of unexpected ’primitiveness’. The position is simply and obvio usly that the Eskimos and the English live in different environments. The English language would be just as rich in terms for different kinds of snow, presumably, if the environments in which English was habitually used made such distinction important. Similarly, we have no reason to doubt that the Eskimo language could be as precise and subtle on the subject of motor manufacture or cricket if these topics formed part of the Eskimos’ life. For obvious historical reasons, Englishmen in the nineteenth century could not talk about motorcars with the minute discrimination which is possible today: cars were not a part of their culture. But they had a host of terms for horse-drawn vehicles which send us, puzzled, to a historical dictionary when we are reading Scott or Dickens. How many of us could distinguish between a chaise, a landau, a victoria, a brougham, a coupe, a gig, a diligence, a whisky, a calash, a tilbury, a carriole, a phaeton, and a clarence ? 2010年专八真题改错参考答案 1 be后插入as; 2 their改为its; 3 There改为It; 4 Whereas改为But 5 further 改为much 6 come改为bring; 7 similar改为different; 8 will改为would; 9 as important去掉as; 10 the part去掉the 2010年专八真题人文知识参考答案 31、D;32、A;33、D;34、A;35、C;36、D;37、A;38、A;39、C;40、B。 2010年专八真题汉译英参考答案 Friends tend to become more intimated if they have the same interests and temper, they can get along well and keep contacting; otherwise they will separate and end the relationship. Friends who are more familiar and closer can not be too casual and show no respect. Otherwise the harmony and balance will be broken, and the friendship will also be nonexistent any more. Everyone hopes to have his own private space, and if too casual among friends, it is easy to invade this piece of restricted areas, which will lead to the conflict, resulting in alienation. It may be a small matter to be rude to friends; however, it is likely to plant the devastating seeds. The best way to keep the close relationship between friends is to keep contacts with restraint, and do not bother each other. 2010年专八真题英译汉参考答案 我想那是五月的一个周日的早晨;那天是复活节,一个大清早上。我站在自家小屋的门口。就在我的面前展现出了那么一番景色,从我那个位置其实能够尽收眼底,可是梦里的感觉往往如此,由于梦幻的力量,这番景象显得超凡出尘,一派肃穆气象。群山形状相同,其山脚下都有着同样可爱的山谷;不过群山挺然参天,高于阿尔卑斯峰,诸山相距空旷,丰草如茵,林地开阔,错落其间;树篱上的白玫瑰娟娟弥望;远近看不见任何生物,唯有苍翠的教堂庭院里,牛群静静地卧躺在那片郁郁葱葱的墓地歇息,好几头围绕着一个小孩的坟墓。我曾对她一腔柔情,那年夏天是在旭日东升的前一刻,那孩子死去了,我如同当年那样望着牛群。 2010年专八真题作文参考答案 The important role of a city’s local conditions in the urban design Recently there is a hot debate on a report that a foreign design company invited by a little-known mountainous area in Guiyang provided a design without paying too much attention to the city’s unique characteristics. Some people appreciate the bold innovation of the design but others do not like it. In my opinion, any urban design should take the city’s original cultural heritage into account. The designers should suit their design to local conditions and try to take advantage of the local resources.


.-对话练习 话题总结: 一、购物 1.What can I do for you? 需要我帮忙吗? Can/May I help you? 我能帮到你吗?-Yes, I’d like to buy….是的,我想买… 2.I'd like to buy/ I want to buy/ I'm looking for 我想买…… 3.What size/ color do you want? 你要哪个型号/颜色的? I’m sorry. We have sold out the coats in you r size/color. 抱歉,我们已经卖完了 4.Do you like this one? 你喜欢这个吗? What/How about this one? 你喜欢这个吗? Which one would you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个? What do you think of this one?/ How do you like this one? 你认为这件怎么样? 5.I'm afraid it's much too expensive. 我想这个太贵了。 6.Anything else? 还有别的什么吗? 7.Can I try it on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。 Can I try them on? Yes, please. 我能试穿一下吗?可以。 8.How much is it / are they? 这个(些)多少钱? How much does it/ do they cost? 多少钱?11. 9. I’ll take it(them). 我买了。I'll have it. 我买了。 二、看病 I. 医生看病,检查身体: 1. What’s the matter? /What’s wrong? ? 怎么了?(随便一句) How do you feel? / How are you feeling now? 你感觉怎么样? I have a cold / I have a headache. / I have a fever. 我感冒了/头痛/发烧。 2. When did it start? 什么时候开始的?(注意看回答)About 8:00 this morning. 3. How long have you been like this? 你像这样多长时间了? Since last night. / For 2 days . 自从昨晚/已经两天了。 4. Have you taken your temperature\Have you taken your medicine? 你量过体温/服药了没?Let me take your temperature.我想量一下体温。 5. Open your mouth and say "Ah".张嘴说“啊”。 6.Let me listen to your heart. 我听一下你心脏。 7. You’ve got a cold/fever. Ⅱ. 病人: 1.I don't feel very well. / I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。 2.My … hurts. 我某部位痛。 This place hurts. 这个地方疼。 I've got … a cold/a cough 我有点感冒/咳嗽 3.I don't feel like + doing. 我不想…(如eating,不想吃饭) 4.Is it serious? 是不是很严重? Ⅲ.安慰病人: 1.It’s nothing serious. 没有什么大问题。 2.You (He, She) will be all right soon.你不久就会好。 3.Don't worry. 别担心 Ⅳ.采取措施: 1.How often should I take the medicine? 我应该多久吃一次药?


中考英语补全对话复习策略 补全对话题是近年来各地中考考查的热点,该试题通过设置语言环境,以书面形式考查考生英语口头交际能力和逻辑思维能力。它具有较强的综合性和灵活性。 一、答题技巧: (一)要明确答题步骤。一般分三个步骤:认真审题,明确语境;浏览对话,上下对照;沉着做答,重读复核。通过浏览快速通读全文,了解补话试题的大致内容及情景,并针对该试题所设情景,在头脑中快速筛选使用什么语句,把自己想象成对话中的一个角色,切身体验如何进行对话交际。在答题时,一定要联系全文,并做到填完复查。 (二)交际用语要牢记。如打电话、问路、购物、看病、邀请、约会、就餐、谈论喜好、意愿、安慰等常用句式。要需要熟悉中西差异,掌握两个不同民族的交际习惯,特别是在和生活有关的口语运用中,比如在电话用语中,用“ This is… 表达“我是…”,而不是“ lam…”。要加强学生语言基本功训练和语法操练。 (三)慧眼能够找问题。近年的对话命题都是以问答形式展开的,而且以考查问句居多,所以在平时学习中一定要注意各种时态一般疑问句的基本句型,多进行同义句和划线提问题的训练。通常在补全对话命题中可以根据答语来确定疑问句的种类,如以yes, no 作答的肯定是一般疑问句和反意疑问句;以时间、地点或方式等细节信息作答的多为特殊疑问句。 (四)把握上下合逻辑话。任何一篇完整的对话通常包括三个阶段:提出话题、展开话题和结束话题。解题时应充分利用所给的词句信息,切身体会事态、语段发展变化,以掌握对话,使所写句子与上下文呼应,争取做到天衣无缝。要 充分利用所给的提示或上下文甚至文章中的标点信息,认真分析上下文是做好补全对话题目的有效手段,有些题目是可以从下文中得到启示的,还有些题目需要通读全文之后才能推敲出答案,所以一定要注意联系上下文。 初中英语专项复习----补全对话 从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。 1.


生物医学工程电子教学仪器介绍 生物医学工程学20世纪60年代崛起于美国,近年来得到了快速发展,生命科学与工程相结合,在推动自身进步的同时,又促进了社会经济的发展,创造了可观的社会效益,因而受到了发达国家的普遍重视,甚至纳入国家目标。我国于1977年创建了生物医学工程本科专业,截止到2006年底,已有80多所高校开设了从本科到博士层次的生物医学工程专业。 生物医学工程专业的目标是采用工程手段解决医学上人体信息的获取,研究这些信息与疾病的关系,为临床医生提供医学诊断的手段。其学科特点是理、工、医紧密结合、多学科向生物与医学渗透和相互交叉,已成为生命科学的重要支柱。专业知识的终极应用在于设计制造出新型的医学仪器。为此,学生在本科学习阶段,医学仪器的设计、制作及调试是生物医学工程专业必须牢固掌握的专业技能之一。由于具有极强的实践性及知识的综合性,只有课堂教学没有实践动手训练,就象学人体解剖课而不实际动刀操作一样。很难达到理想教学效果。由于国内多数高校专业开办时间较短,目前尚缺乏成熟的实验设备和手段,给学生实验造成一定的困难。为此,依据相关教学大纲的要求和部分高等院校对教学实验设备的需求和建议,我们与高校合作开发了《YJ系列医学电子教学仪器综合实验箱》。 一、特点 1.通用性强:本实验箱综合了目前国内医学电子工程专业的实验内容,故能满足这些专业 相应课程的实验教学,实验的深度可根据需要灵活调整。 2.直观性强:各个部分的实验电路在印制板上均有原理性图示,布局合理,方便学生理解, 有利于提高学生实际动手能力。 3.配套性强:实验箱从方便实验出发,配备了必需的实验附件。同时实验箱以USB方式 与微机连接,为学生提供了软件实验平台,通过自己编程,不仅可以提高程序设计能力,同时能加深对整个实验的理解。 4.可靠性强:实验箱采用的各类元器件如插座、阻容件、电位器、信号连接线、插孔等均 具有高性能的指标,保证接触可靠,不易损坏。 二、系统组成 本实验箱由主板和若干模块组成,如图一所示。主板含有单片机cpu、存储器、通讯电路、信号发生电路、A/D、D/A电路等。另外,主板上还包含有心电测试和血压测试电路。模块板目前主要有:温度测试、肺功能测试、心血管参数测试、握力测试、血氧饱和度测试、脉搏波速度测试。模块板采用电缆线与主板相连。

2019年英语专业八级真题听力 Interview(2)

M:Cyndie,you've been doing research on disciplinary lit eracy for about20years now. 男:辛蒂,到现在为止,你已经研究学科素养大概20年了。In that time,you've probably been asked just about every thing possible. 在这段时间里,你可能被问到各种可能问到的问题。 What question comes up most often these days? 这些天里,哪个问题是最常问的? W:That's easy.We're doing better convincing teachers t hat disciplinary literacy is worthteaching, 女:这很容易。我们在说服老师“学科素养是很值得教的”这一点上做得更好了, but they still are hesitant about their students'reactions. 但他们依然对学生的反应持犹豫的态度。 A teacher said to me recently, "I have enough trouble getting my kids to read a textboo kchapter.How would I ever motivate them to read in a di sciplinary way?" 最近,有一个老师和我说:“我很难让我的学生们阅读教材的一个章节。我怎么用学科的方式来激励他们呢?”
