江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年度 高三 第一学期期末英语复习试题含答案

江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年度 高三 第一学期期末英语复习试题含答案
江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年度 高三 第一学期期末英语复习试题含答案





第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)


1. How long will the concert last?

A. One hour

B. Two hours

C. Two and a half hours

2. For whom does the man want to buy a new sweater?

A. Jim

B. Sue

C. Mary

3. What is Tom now?

A. A secretary

B. A novelist

C. A reporter

4. Where is Bob’s jacket?

A. On the school bus.

B. On the wall.

C. In his schoolbag.

5. What is the woman doing?

A. Encouraging the man.

B. Asking for help.

C. Making an excuse

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.


6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. What to eat every day

B. How to lose weight .

C.When to go on a diet

7. What happened to the man’s friend?

A. He was getting sick of potatoes.

B. He gained too much weight.

C. He was ill in hospital.


8. How does the woman have meals every day ?

A. She eats in her company.

B. She cooks at home.

C. She eats out.

9. Which of the following is next to the woman’s house?

A. A supermarket

B. A drugstore

C.A school


10. What does the woman advise the man to do first?

A. Focus on his main question

B. Choose key arguments.

C. Do a lot of reading

11. What is the man’s main problem?

A. He doesn’t analyze the material

B. He doesn’t narrow the topic down

C. He doesn’t take notes while reading

12. How does the man feel at last?

A. Grateful

B. Surprised

C. Confused


13. Why doesn’t the man want to go swimming ?

A. He is afraid that it’ll be hot.

B. He has gotten sun burnt recently.

C. He thinks that it may be dangerous

14. When did the man break his arm?

A. Last week

B. Last month

C. Last year

15. Who probably caught the most fish last time?

A. The man .

B. The woman

C. The woman’s colleague

16. What does the man prefer to do this weekend?

A. Play games at home.

B. Go mountain biking .

C. Repair his boot.听第10段材料,回答第17至第20小题。

17. What was the man asked to do ?

A. Make a boat

B.Repair a boat

C. Paint a boat

18. What did the man think of his behavior at first?

A. Unimportant

B. Common

C. Rewarding

19. How did the boat owner probably feel when his kids were out fishing?

A. Calm

B. Excited

C. Anxious .

20. Why did the boat owner give the man a check ?

A. The man helped the kids fish .

B. The man examined the boat.

C.The man saved his kids.





After four silent years, the 27-year-old British singer Adele Adkins has finally introduced herself to the world again with Hello, the opening song from her third album 25, which will come out on Nov 20.

Although Adele is a very s the successful singer now, music wasn’t always what she saw herself doing. At age 10, when she saw her grandmother’s pain over the death of Adele’s grandfather, she pictured herself as a heart surgeon.

“I wanted to fix people’s hearts,” she told the UK music website i-D, remembering the childhood interest she’d had in biology classes until she found out that her real talent was for singing.

Adele didn’t go to medical school, but many would agree that she still has healing (治愈)powers. “Her songs find the kind of memory every listener holds somewhere in their heart. This kind of feeling is what people have always liked in Adele,” said the telegraph. “She writes a pop diary, sharing the simple secrets of her heart.”

Most successful pop stars make albums at a fast pace, but not Adele. After her second album 21 won the 2012 Grammy Award for Album of the Year, she made it clear with her label that she would spend “four or five years” making her next album. She told Vogue magazine, “I won’t come out with new music until it’s better that 21.”

Instead of seeking fame, Adele remained silent and moved to the countryside. In her free time, she loved to watch TV series Teen Mom, American Horror Story, and The Walking Dead.

Living life as normally as possible is important to the singer’s art. “Nobody wants to listen to a record from someone who’s not living in the real world, ” Adele told the i-D. “So I live a low-key life for my fans.”

21. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. The popularity of Adele’s album 25.

B. The healing powers of Adele’s music.

C. The secrets of Adele’s success in music.

D. The reason for Adele’s becoming a singer.

22. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Adele wasn’t interested in music.

B. Adele wasn’t good at music at first.

C. Music wasn’t very important in Adele’s life.

D. Music wasn’t all Adele wanted to be devoted to.

23. Why doesn’t Adele want to make albums at a fast pace?

A. To live a low-key life.

B. To win the Grammy Award.

C. To guarantee the quality of her music.

D. To share the secrets of her heart as a musician.

24. What can we know about Adele?

A. Her album Hello will come out Nov. 20.

B. She has kept a diary since childhood.

C. She moved to the countryside before 2012.

D. Her works are based on real life.


Many managers believe that overworking is an evidence of devotion from their

employees’ side. Still few others regard this custom as a threat to the workers’ work-life balance, which may negatively influence the level of productivity and efficiency.

Employees at Amsterdam design studio Heldergroen won’t be putting in much overtime. Not in the office, at any rate. That’s because every day at 6:00 pm, their desks, tables and other work surfaces, with their computers attached, are lifted to the ceiling by steel cables (绳索)normally used to move heavy props(道具)in theatrical productions. If you leave a half-eaten sandwich on your desk, you’re out of luck.

“Once the chairs and other workplace paraphernalia are cleared away, the space is free for evening and weekend use as a dance floor, yoga studio ... or anything else you can think of – the floor is actually yours, ” doctor Sander Veenendaal said.

In a way, the office space itself is working overtime for Heldergroen, bringing about lots of publicity and carrying an enlightened(有启发的)message of career-life balance far and wide.”We think that doing activities like this makes it easier for people to work here,” says Veenendaal. “You know when it is time to relax or do something else that inspires you.”

That sounds awesome. There’s just one catch. In the morning, the desks reappear and everybody has to go back to work.

25. What can we learn about the employees at Heldergroen?

A. They are unwilling to work late

B. They are discouraged from working overtime

C. They are persuaded to leave the office earlier

D. They are to put away their computers after work

26. What does the underlined word “paraphernalia” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Props.

B. Food.

C. Equipment.

D. Cables.

27. What does the author think of the Heldergroen’s office design?

A. Creative.

B. Inconvenient

C. Ordinary

D. Strange


The Spanish people have their own dining schedule which is very different from most countries. Breakfast in the Spanish culture is easily the least important meal of the day, the first thing occurring in the morning until about 10:00 am. Many Spaniards(西班牙人) skip breakfast but if they do have breakfast, it will likely be something light and simple which may consist of coffee, hot chocolate or fresh-squeezed orange juice accompanied by a piece of toast with jam. After such a light breakfast, from around 10:30 am to noon, bars are full of workers for their morning coffee breaks, who enjoy a drink and a small snack to help survive until lunch time.

Lunch, the most important meal of the day, generally consists of several courses with a light first course such as soup or salad, a heavier second course of meat or fish, fruit or dessert, followed by bread and also wine and water.

Lunch and the famous nap time occur from 2 pm until 4 pm. Most shops and companies close during this time to allow their workers to make their way home to eat. Although this pause still exists, the famous nap time is rarely used for sleeping but rather transportation as people gradually live farther and farther away from their workplaces.

Due to this lunch break, many workers do not leave their work until about 8 pm. Typically, this is when they will have a small snack to get them through until dinner time. Dinner, similar to lunch but usually lighter, is a late affair in Spain which is normally served from 9 pm to 10:30 pm. In the summer time it is common to see Spaniards sitting down to eat as late as 12 pm!

28. Which is usually served after soup at lunch?

A. A glass of juice

B. A piece of steak

C. A cup of wine

D. A plate of salad

29. When do most shops and companies keep open after lunch in Spain?

A. From 2 pm to 4 pm

B. From9 pm to 12 pm

C. From 2 pm to 9 pm

D. From 4 pm to 8 pm

30. What can we learn from the text?

A. Spaniards are too busy to have breakfast.

B. Spaniards think their lunch the most important.

C. Spaniards usually finish their work at 9 pm.

D. Spaniards usually have a nap for 2 hours.

31. What could be the best title for the text?

A. Unique Dining Customs in Spain

B. Foods Served at Meals in Spain

C. A Busy Workday of the Spanish

D. Comfortable Life of the Spanish


On April 12th, two African American men walked into a Starbucks in Philadelphia, and sat down to wait for their friend.Because they had not bought anything, an employee asked them to leave.When the two men refused, the employee called the police, and in minutes, they were arrested.It was not until later that day that they were let go.

The video of this incident posted on Twitter went viral.People across the US were outraged.Unfortunately, these practices are not uncommon today.This incident is just one example of implicit bias(....), something that is a part of human nature.

Most of the time, implicit bias refers to people showing negative associations towards people of a different race.Starting from a young age, these feelings develop unconsciously and naturally, because our brain draws associations based on our background, cultural environment and personal experiences.

Implicit bias affects our everyday speech and actions and these unconscious decisions can be harmful to our society.There have been many examples of blacks unfairly killed by white officers, such as in the cases of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, which happened only two years ago.Implicit bias affects the justice system, our medical system where studies show minorities are less likely to be taken seriously, and job placements where white males are likely to be judged as more capable compared to women and other minorities.

Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson and the police have publicly apologized to the two men, and Starbucks will be holding an anti-bias training meeting on May 29th. All Starbucks stores will be closed on that day.However, critics and experts have said that such training is done "for show" rather than to promote change.

To address this issue, many experts agree that what the world needs is a long-term program that targets the root cause.It also starts with promoting diversity in children from an early age when they have friends and playmates from different races and cultures.

32.What does the underlined word "outraged" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Very delighted. B.Quite curious. C.Very angry. D.Quite puzzled.

33.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The nature of implicit bias. B.The negative effects of implicit bias.

C.The basic concepts of implicit bias. D.The examples of implicit bias.

34.What might experts think of the anti-bias training meeting?

A.lt will be a meaningless practice. B.It will be a shame for Starbucks

C.It will raise the police's reputation. D. lt will raise public awareness of anti-bias.

35.What might many experts agree with?

A.Starbucks should be closed.

B.Implicit bias should be ignored.

C.Children should be taught to avoid implicit bias.

D.Implicit bias should be dealt with by the policemen.



Although people value intelligence-understanding,reasoning,the ability to learn-they also re spect wisdom,or the knowledge and experience that we gain over a lifetime.In some ways, wisdom is like beauty:we value it,we desire it,we know it when we see it,but it is nearly im possible to pin down such a quality. ____36____

1.Working at being social

Studies show that people who stay connected to others show higher levels of wisdom than those who remainalone.____37____Next time you're at a party or gathering,single out someo ne who's standing alone and strike up a conversation.

2.___38___Wisdom involves being able to understand all sides of an issue without letting emotions or personal feelings get in the way.Opening your mind means realizing that everyone has a life story that influences their actions.During the course of every day,make a note of the issues that bother you,and take a moment to see them from the other side.

3.Learn how to say,"I could be wrong".

A wise person understands that it is impossible to know everything and that life is capab le of taking unexpected turns.____39____Admitting that there are times when you could be mi staken will go a long way in solidifying your


4.Reading the news

_____40____If you don’t already read a daily paper or news online,start by going through a single front-page article from a major respected news source.

Almost everyone has the potential to become wiser,particularly if you strengthen these habits.

A.Practice being open-Minded.

B.Sharing good news with your friends.

C.But researchers have tried-and here's what they've found.

D.Recognizing your errors can lead only to greater wisdom,

E.Make an effort to join a new club,or invite an old friend for coffee.

F.You do not have to admit your mistakes if you are really unwilling to.

G.You cannot make balanced choices unless you understand world circumstances.



I still remember an old lady, a customer on the paper route in my hometown when I was 12 years old. She taught me a lesson in 41 that I shall never forget.

On a(n) 42 afternoon, a friend and I were throwing stones onto the 43 of the old lady's house. The stone that I found was too smooth, 44 it slipped from my hand as I let it go and 45 straight not for the covering on top of the house but for a small window on the house's back porch. At the sound of broken glass, we knew we were 46 .We turned and 47 .

I was too 48 about getting caught that first night to be concerned about the old lady with the broken window in the freezing weather. However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn't been 49 , I started to feel guilty about her 50 .She still greeted me with a smile each day 51 I gave her the paper , but I was no longer able to act comfortably in her 52 .

I 53 my mind that I would save my money delivering paper. And after three weeks I had seven dollars that I calculated would pay for her window . I put the money in an envelope with a note 54 that I was sorry for breaking her window and

55 that the seven dollars would cover the cost of repairing it.

I waited until it was dark , moved 56 to the old lady ' s house and put the letter I didn ' t sign through the letter slot in her door . I felt 57 and could have the freedom of . once again , looking straight into the old lady's kind eyes .

The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and was able to 58 the warm smile that I was receiving from her. She thanked me for the paper and gave me a bag of cookies she had made herself. I thanked her and started to eat the cookies as I continued my 59 .

After several cookies . I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag. When I opened the envelope , I was 60 . Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said , " I'm proud of you.”

41. A. selflessness B. talent C. forgiveness D.bravery

42. A. summer B. winter C. spring D. autumn

43.A. window B. roof C. basement D. access

44. A. so B. but C. for D. or

45. A. landed B.left C. headed D. dragged

46. A. in danger B. in many ways C.in trouble D. in charge

47. A. ran away B. sit around C. got around D. hung out

48. A. embarrassed B. ashamed C. disappointed D. scared

49. A. discovered B. scolded C. punished D. involved

50. A. misunderstanding B. misfortune C. misbehavior D. mistake

51. A. until B. unless C. since D. when

52. A. encouragement B. company C. presence D. comfort

53. A. took up B.made up C. meet with D. picked up

54. A. proving B. showing C explaining D.convincing

55. A. predicted B. declared C. witnessed D.hoped

56. A. hurriedly B. firm C. patiently D. quietly

57. A.relieved B. concerned C. confused D. frustrated

58. A. abandon B. return C. understand D.respect

59. A. effort B. study C. journey D. route

60. A.amused B. satisfied C. annoyed D. shocked


61.假设你是红星中学高三(1)班学生李华,你校将在下周五举办“校园文化节(Campus Culture Festival)”系列活动。请给你班留学生Martin写封邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括:

1. 介绍你选择的活动内容;

2. 说明参加该活动的理由;




Dear Martin,


LI Hua 62.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词数应为150左右。

It was 8 a.m. Kathy, a 25-year-old nurse, had just finished a 12-hour night shifts at a hospital. She was tired, but glad to be sailing along highway to where she lived. Although the local government had posted a snow alert(预警), the calm grey sky convinced Kathy the drive would be safe.“I figured I’d be in bed in an hour,” she says.

Snow began when she was halfway home. Listening to the radio, Kathy learned the highway was closed because a tractor had slid off the road. She texted some friends and her mom, and tried not to sleep as she waited.

After a couple of hours, however, conditions worsened. Strong winds began rocking Kathy’s car. She couldn’t see anything outside, and snow was drifting up her doors. It was, she says,“a total whiteout and rows of cars and trucks.”

Late in the afternoon a police officer came and asked if she was in any difficulty. She said she was fine. She asked the police officer if there was any way to get past the trucks.“No, ma’am,” he answered.“You’re not going anywhere.”

Once as it got dark, Kathy began to worry. She texted his brother Cris, telling him to drive snowmobiling buddy(雪地汽车) to get to the highway and find her.

As Cris rode slowly alongside the rows of cars and trucks, people would roll down their

windows and ask for help. “I was the first person they’d seen in six hours.” He explained he was picking up his sister. He told them, “Nobody’s coming and I can’t take you.”

Near 10 p.m. Cris reached Kathy. He directed Kathy to pull her car onto the shoulder(紧急停车带) and asked her to get into his snowmobiling buddy.

As they headed for home, the fun started. About five kilometres into the journey, Cris made a mistake. What he thought was a shallow ditch(浅沟) turned out to be a deep trough(水槽). Instead of coming out the other side, they just kept going down. They were trapped. And feathery snow was over their heads.




Paragraph 1:

At that moment, they had to take action and get out.____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:

When Kathy arrived at her home, her mother was waiting for her.__________________________






Paragraph 1:

At that moment, they had to take action and get out. They shouted at the top of their voice, but no one could hear them. They began to worry and were convinced they had to stay in their snowmobiling buddy for the night. Suddenly, a good idea occurred to Kathy. She took off one of her clothes and burned it. Seeing the fire, people ran over and managed to pull her car out with all their efforts, making Cris ashamed for his refusal to others.

Paragraph 2:

When Kathy arrived at her home, her mother was waiting for her. She asked Kathy what had happened. Kathy explained, “I made a terrible mistake. But for others’ help, I couldn’t have been home for the night.” When asked what she would do when someone had difficulty, Kathy answered immediately that she would do anything to help others because today’s experience turned out to be a great lesson for her.


B A 南师附中2016~2017学年度上学期高一期末分班考试 物理试题 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题4分。1~7小题只有一个选项正确,8~12小题有多个选项正确,全部选对得4分,漏选得2分,错选或不选得0分) 1.下列叙述正确的是( ) A .每当上课铃声响起,南师附中的同学们就能听到亲切温馨的广播声“上课时间到了,请同学们迅速回到教室,准备上课。”其实此处的“时间”准确地说应该是时刻 B .1934年10月10日晚6点,中国工农红军第一方面军从江西瑞金出发开始了艰苦卓绝的二万五千里长征。这里的“二万五千里”是指位移大小 C .毛泽东主席有诗曰“坐地日行八万里,遥天巡看一千河”,此处八万里的路程是以地面为参考系的 D .传统寓言故事“龟兔赛跑”中,虽然兔子睡了一觉导致乌龟先到终点,但是兔子的平均速度仍然大于乌龟的平均速度 2.下列说法正确的是( ) A .完全失重的物体重力为零 B .速度变化率越大的物体加速度也一定越大 C .形状规则的实心物体的重心一定在其几何中心上 D .静摩擦力可以是动力,但滑动摩擦力一定是阻力 3.如图所示,一轻绳吊着一重物悬挂在天花板上处于静止,则下列说法正确的是( ) A .重物对轻绳的拉力就是重物的重力 B .轻绳对天花板的拉力是因为天花板发生了形变要恢复原状 C .轻绳对重物的拉力与重物的重力是一对平衡力 D .重物对轻绳的拉力与重物的重力是一对作用力与反作用力 4.如图所示,A 、B 两均匀直杆上端分别用细线悬挂于天花板上,下端搁在水平地面上,处于静止状态,悬挂A 杆的绳倾斜,悬挂B 杆的绳恰好竖直,则下列说法中正确的有( ) A .地面对A 的作用力的方向竖直向上 B .A 有向左运动的趋势 C .地面对B 的支持力可能为零 D .地面对B 的摩擦力方向向右 5.下列各物理量的单位属于国际单位制中基本单位的是( ) A .克 B . 牛 C .伏 D .安 6.一辆小车放在水平桌面上,现在用两种方式使小车向右作加速运动。第一种方式,对小车加上水平向右大小为10N 的拉力(见图甲);第二种方式,通过光滑定滑轮挂上10N 的重物(见图乙)。则下列判断正确的是( ) A .两种方式中小车的加速度相同 B .第一种方式小车的加速度小于第二种方式 C .第二种方式中小车和重物的加速度相同 D .第二种方式中细绳的张力小于10N 7.如图所示为甲、乙两物体运动的x-t A B .两物体的初速度都为零 C .在0~t 1时间内两物体的平均速度大小相等 D .甲、乙两物体相遇时速度相等 8.当两个力F 1、F 2夹角α(0°< α <180°)保持不变,在同时增大两个分力时,关于它们的合力F 的大小变化叙述正确的是( ) A .可能增大 B .可能减小 C .可能不变 D .以上叙述都正确

江苏省南京市南京师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一上学期 10月月考英语试卷

2020-2021 学年南师附中高一上学期英语单元检测卷 第一部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分26 分) 第一节: 阅读短文(共8 小题; 每小题2 分,满分16 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A The clothes you wear. The food you eat. The color of your bedroom walls. Where you go and how you get there. The people you hang around with. What time you go to bed. What do these things have in common? You’re asking. They’re just a few examples of many hundreds of things that your parents controlled for you when you were a child. As a kid, you didn’t have a say in very much that went on; your parents made decisions about everything from the cereal you ate in the morning to the pajamas you wore at night. And it’s a good thing, too-kids need this kind of protection and assistance because they aren’t mature enough to take c are of themselves and make careful decisions on their own. But finally, kids grow up and become teens. And part of being a teen is developing your own identity (身份认同)---one that is separate from your parents’. But as you change and grow into this new person who makes your own decisions, your parents have a difficult time adjusting (调整). They aren’t used to the new you yet --- they only know you as the kid who had everything decided for you and didn’t mind. In many families, it is this adjustment that can cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents. And issues like the type of friends you have or your attitudes to partying can cause bigger quarrels, because your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe, no matter how old you are. The good news about fighting with your parents is that in many families the arguing will lessen as parents get more comfortable with the idea that their teen has a right to certain opinions. It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles, though. In the meantime, focus on communicating with your parents. Sometimes this can feel impossible --- like they just don’t see your point of view and never will. But talking and expressing your opinions can help you gain more respect from your parents and you may be able to reach compromises (和解) that make everyone happy. For example, if you are willing to clean your room in order to stay out an hour later, both you and your parents walk away with a good deal. Keep in mind, too, that your parents were teens once and that in most cases, they can relate to what you’re going through. 1.In Paragraph 2. the author . https://www.360docs.net/doc/8a15236801.html,plains that parents control kids too much B.proves that kids have no right to give their opinions C.describes how carefully parents look after kids D.explains parents control kids for protection and assistance 2.A lot of fighting breaks out between teens and parents because . A.parents aren’t used to losing control of kids


悬挂A 杆的绳倾斜,悬挂B 杆的绳恰好竖直,则关于两杆的受力情况,下列说法中正确的有(A .A 、B 都受三个力作用B .A 、B 都受四个力作用C .A 受三个力,B 受四个力D .A 受四个力,B 受三个力 B .kg 、m/s 2、s C .m 、N 、kg A .m 、kg 、s D .m/s 2、kg 、N 1.下面哪组单位都属于国际单位制的基本单位()南京师大附中2018~2019学年第一学期高一年级期末考试物理试卷(考试时间长度:100分钟卷面总分:100分)一、单项选择题:本题6小题,每小题3分,共计18分.每小题只有一个.... 选项符合题意.)5.如图所示,A 、B 两均匀直杆上端分别用细线悬挂于天花板上,下端搁在水平地面上,处于静止状态,)C .蛋对石头的力与石头对蛋的力大小相等,相互平衡D .蛋对石头的力与石头对蛋的力是一对作用力和反作用力3.在水流速度均匀恒定的一条河中,一条船以相对于水恒定的速度渡河,下列哪些是正确的(A .小船渡河的轨迹为曲线B .保持船头垂直于河岸,小船渡河的时间最短C .保持船头垂直于河岸,小船渡河的路程最短D .船头偏向上游适当角度,小船一定可以到达河的正对岸))2.以卵击石,蛋破碎,下列说法正确的是(A .蛋对石头的力小于石头对蛋的力B .蛋对石头的力大于石头对蛋的力4.时钟上秒针、分针和时针半径之比为2:2:1,则三者针尖的(A .周期之比为1:60:1440B .角速度之比为720:12:1C .线速度之比为360:12:1D .向心加速度之比为720:24:1

6.如图所示,有两个光滑固定斜面AB 和BC ,A 和C 两点在同一水平面上,斜面BC 比斜面AB 长,一个滑块自A 点以速度A v 上滑,到达B 点时速度减小为零,紧接着沿BC 滑下,设滑块从A 点到C 点的总时间是C t ,那么下列四个图中,正确表示滑块速度大小v 随时间t 变化规律的是( ) A B C D 二、多项选择题:本题共6小题,每小题4分,共计24分.每小题有多个选项符合题意.全部选对得4分,选对但不全得2分,错选或不答的得0分. 7.关于曲线运动,下列说法中正确的是( ) A .曲线运动一定是变速运动 B .曲线运动一定是变加速运动 C .做曲线运动的物体的速度大小和方向一定都时刻变化 D .在恒力作用下,物体可以做曲线运动 8.关于超重和失重,下列说法中正确的是( ) A .做自由落体运动的物体处于超重状态 B .正在向上加速启动的电梯处于失重状态 C .做减速下降运动的物体处于超重状态 D .不论物体超重、失重,还是完全失重,其重力都是不变的 9.如图所示,自由下落的小球,从它接触竖直放置的弹簧开始,到弹簧被压缩到最短的过程中,小球的速度和加速度的变化情况是( ) A .加速度先变小后变大 B .加速度一直变大 C .速度先变大后变小 D .速度一直变小 10.如图所示,斜面固定,A 物块上表面水平,B 物块放在A 物块上,两物块相对静止一起以加速度a 沿斜面向下匀加速滑动,滑动过程中以下结论正确的是( ) A .A 对B 的支持力大于B 的重力 B .A 对B 的支持力小于B 的重力 C .A 对B 的摩擦力方向水平向左 D .A 对B 的摩擦力方向水平向右 v v C C v C C v C C v C C


江苏南师附中2021届高三年级联考试题 数 学 参考公式: 1.随机变量X 的方差()()2 1n i i i D X x p μ=-∑=,其中μ为随机变量X 的数学期望. 2.球的体积公式:3 3 4R V π= . 一、单项选择题:本题共8 小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合M ={x |﹣4<x <2},N ={x |x 2﹣5x ﹣6<0},则M N = ( ) A .{x |﹣1<x <2} B .{x |﹣4<x <2} C .{x |﹣4<x <6} D .{x |2<x <6} 2.若z=2+i ,则|z 2–2z |=( ) A .0 B .5 C .2 D .13 3.已知,a b ∈R ,下列四个条件中,使a b <成立的充分不必要的条件是( ) A .1a b <- B .1a b <+ C .22a b < D .33a b < 4.赵爽是我国古代数学家、天文学家.约公元222年,赵爽为《周髀 算经》一书作序时,介绍了“勾股圆方图”,亦称“赵爽弦图”,它是 由四个全等的直角三角形与一个小正方形拼成的一个大正方形.如 图是一张弦图,已知大正方形的面积为25,小正方形的面积为1,若 直角三角形较小的锐角为α,则tan2α的值为( ) A .34 B .2425 C .127 D .247 5.函数ln || ()x f x x x =- 的图象大致为( ) 6.已知随机变量X -1 a 1 P 16 13 12 当a 在()11-, 内增大时,方差()D X 的变化为( ) A .增大 B .减小 C .先增大再减小 D .先减小再增大 D


南京师大附中2020届高三年级模拟考试 数学. 观 注意事项: 1. 本试卷共4页,包括填空题(第1题?第14题)、解答题(第15题?第20题)两部分?本 试卷滚分为160分,考试时间为120分钟. 2. 答题前?请务必将口己的姓名■学校、班级、学号写在答题卡的相应位置?试题的答案 写在答题卡上对应题目的答案空格内.考试结束后.交回答题卡. ? ? ? 参考公式: 1 n 一 一 1 丿 样本数据x/2,£的方差疋=丄》(兀yr,其中“一乂兀. n /-I n /=i 锥体的体积V^-Sh,其中S 是锥体的底面积,力是锥体的髙. 3 球体的表面积S=4寸2,其中,?是球体的半径. 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案写在 爾 卡相轆單上. 1. 已知集合 A={x^x\ < L xeZ}, B={—l,0,l,6},则 AQB= A . 2. 已知复数z=(l - 2i)(a + i), 其中i 是虚数单位.若z 的实部为0,则实数a 的值为 ▲ ? 3?样本数据6, 7, 10, 14, 8, 9的方差是 ▲ ? 4. 下图是?一个算法流程图.若输入的x 的值为1,则输出S 的值为 第4题图 5. 将一颗质地均匀的骰子(一种各个面上分别标有1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6个点的正方体玩具)先 后抛掷2次,则出现向上的点数之和为6的倍数的概率是▲. 6. 己知函数尸sin(2x+^)(--<^<-)的图象关于点(丝,0)对称,则。的值是▲ ? 2 2 3 7. 已躲P-ABC 是正三棱锥,其外接球O 的表面积为16兀,且ZAPO = ZBPO = ZCPO = 30° , 则该三棱锥的体积为▲ ? 8. 若双曲线C : 4-4 = ,(^>0^ b>?的离心率为3,则抛物线y = ^x 2 的焦点到双曲线 a 2 b 2 4 C 的渐近线距离为▲? 2020.06 /输出S /


江苏南师附中2021届高三年级联考试题 地 理 一、单选题(每题2分,共25题共50分) 下左图为我国东南部某山区等高线图(单位:m),下右图为一摄影爱好者于4月5日在该地拍摄的一幅照片。据此完成1~2题。 1. 摄影爱好者拍摄此照片的时间可能是 A. 5:30 B. 6:50 C. 12:30 D. 18:20 2. 该地 A. 该日甲村日落时太阳高度大于零度 B. 乙村可以直视丁湖 C. 丙陡崖的相对高度可能是200米 D. 乙村极易受泥石流威胁 下图表示一年中某时段,①②③④四个地点昼长的变化现象。读图回答3~4题。 3. 若四地中仅有一地位于南半球,则图中N 日期是 A. 3月21日 B. 6月22日 C. 9月23日 D. 12月22日 4. 若②地位于北半球,下列说法正确的是 A. 四地纬度由高到低依次是①②③④ B. MN 时段四地昼夜长短差值均变大 C. NP 时段①地所在半球极夜范围缩小 D. MP 时段④地正午太阳高度先减小后增大 注意事项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项: 1.本试卷满分100分,考试时间为90分钟。考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。 2.答题前,请将自己的姓名、考试号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填涂在答题卡指定的位置。 3.选择题答案用2B 铅笔在答题卡上把对应题目的答案标号涂黑,非选择题用0.5mm 的黑色签字笔在每题对应的答题区域内做答,在其他位置作答一律无效。

下图为华北某市2020年2月13日13时至14日13时的气温点状和降水量柱状图。图示时段内该市经历了某天气系统过境。读图完成5~6题。 5. 推测该天气系统到达该市的时间大约是 A. 13日13—15时 B. 13日22时至14日0时 C. 14日3—5时 D. 14日6—8时 6. 该天气系统过境产生的主要影响是 A. 导致沙尘飞扬 B. 为都市农业提供充足水源 C. 导致河流出现春汛现象 D. 给快递行业工作带来不便 在维多利亚瀑布顶部,岩石挡住河水形成的天然水池被称为“魔鬼泳池”。下图为非洲部分地区示意图。读图,完成7~8题。 7. 图中洋流 A. ①的形成受西南风影响 B. ②使沿岸荒漠向东延伸 C. ③加快轮船北上的航速 D. ②洋流促进甲附近渔场的形成 8. 一年中“魔鬼泳池”相对安全的时段是 A. 1—2月 B. 3—4月 C. 7—8月 D. 11—12月 不同的沉积岩形成于不同的沉积环境。下左图示意常见沉积岩与沉积环境的对应关系。海退是指海岸线向海洋推进,海进是指海岸线向陆地推进。下右图为某地地质剖面图,①~④为不同地质时期的岩层,据此完成9~10题 9. 据①→④岩层的更替,推测该地海岸线的变化顺序是 A. 海退→海进→海进 B. 海进→海进→海退 C. 海进→海退→海退 D. 海退→海退→海进


2017年暑期高一结班考试 英语 第1页,共12页 2017年暑期高一结班考试 英语 第2页,共12页 绝密★启用前 南京师范大学附属中学高一分班测试 模拟练习二(英语) 命题人:王文君 审核人:吴钰鸣 魏晨 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分,考试用时60分钟。 第I 卷 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分96 分) 一.单项填空(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 1.The―Chinese Dream‖is _______ dream to improve peo ple’s happines s and _______ dream of harmony, peace and development. A. the; a B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the 2.—What do you think of the 3-D printer? —It’s great although it still needs further _______. A. invention B. education C. information D. development 3.Let’s go _______, OK? A. interesting somewhere B. interesting anywhere C. somewhere interesting D. anywhere interesting 4.—Look! Someone _______ the floor. It's clean . —Well, it wasn't me. I went shopping just now . A. is sweeping B. was sweeping C. had swept D. has swept 5.Learning to write is learning to think. You don’t know things clearly _______ you can write them down. A. unless B. if C. since D. whether 6.— What do you think of our performance on the New Year’s Evening party? — Perfect! I don’t think I can see a _______ one. A. worse B. good C. better D. bad 7.I _______through the hard time but for my teacher’s generous and timely help . A. coul dn’t have gone B. could go C. mustn’t have gone D. hadn’t gone 8.There are as many as ten student clubs in our school. You can join _______ interests you most. A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. wherever 9.— Could I have a rest, Sir? — _______, we have little time left. A. Of course, you could B. Of course, you can C. Sorry, you can’t. D. Sorry, you couldn’t 10.Nancy _______ after supper, as she was going to host a charity show that evening. A. gave up B. dressed up C. got up D. washed up 11.Judging from his face, _______there was a confident smile, we knew that he didn’t lose heart. A. in which B. on which C. by which D. from which 12.He looks good _______red while black looks good _______me. A. in; on B. on; in C. in; in D. on; on 13.30, 000 dollars _______ a lot of money, but it's _______ than we need. A. is; far more B. are; very much C. is; far less D. are; very little 14.If you don’t go to see the film tonight, _______. A. so don’t I B. so won’t I C. neither do I D. neither will I 15.With the exam _______ in ten minutes, they were asked to hand in their mobile phones. A. taken place B. taking place C. having taken place D. to take place 二.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A young woman in her twenties was sitting on the train, next to her mother. They both looked 26 but excited. The young woman was looking out from the train’s window quietly. Suddenly, she shouted, ―Mum, look! The trees are behind us!‖ Her voice was so 27 that everyone on the train heard. Mum smiled. But a young couple sitting nearby looked at the young woman’s childish 28 with pity. They thought, ―Poor young woman. There must be something wrong with her 29 .‖ A little while later, the young woman 30 again, ―Mum, look! The clouds are running with us!‖ Mum smiled again. And she seemed very happy with the young woman’s words. Finally , the couple couldn’t help asking the old woman, ―Sorry if we offend (冒犯,得罪) you. But 31 don’t you take your daughter to a good doctor?‖ The old woman smiled and said, ―I did. And we have just come from the 32 .‖ ―Then you should go to a better on e. Because it seems that your daughter’s situation hasn’t improved,‖ said the couple. They felt pity for the old woman. ―No, in fact I’m very happy with the 33 ,‖said the mother. ―My daughter was 34 from birth. Today, she is seeing the world for the first time. ‖ Every single person has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. T he 35 might surprise you. 16.A. tired B. happy C. sad D. disappointed 17.A. low B. loud C. gentle D. beautiful


2019-2019学年第二学期期初高三教学质量调研 物理试卷 2019.02 说明:本试卷满分120分,考试时间为100分钟 一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分,每小题只有一个.... 选项符合题意. 1. 从下列哪个物理规律可演绎出“质量是物体惯性大小的量度”这一结论( ) A .牛顿第一定律 B .牛顿第二定律 C .牛顿第三定律 D .机械能守恒定律 2. 图中电感L 的直流电阻为R L ,小灯泡的电阻为R ,小量程电流表G 1、G 2的内阻不计.当开关S 闭合,电路达到稳定后,电流表G 1、G 2的指针均偏向右侧(电流表的零刻度在表盘的中央).则在开关S 断开后,两个电流表的指针偏转情况是( ) A .G 1、G 2的指针都立即回到零点 B .G 1缓慢回到零点,G 2立即左偏,偏后缓慢回到零点 C .G 1立即回到零点,G 2缓慢回到零点 D .G 2立即回到零点,G 1缓慢回到零点 3. 某位移式传感器的原理示意图如图所示, E 为电源,R 为电阻,平行金属板A 、B 和介质P 构成电 容器,当可移动介质P 向左匀速移出的过程中( ) A .电容器的电容变大 B .电容器的电荷量保持不变 C .M 点的电势比N 点的电势低 D .流过电阻R 的电流方向从M 到N 4. 如图所示,半圆形容器竖直放置,在其圆心O 点分别以水平初速度v 1、v 2抛出两个小球(可视为 质点),最终它们分别落在圆弧上的A 点和B 点,已知OA 与OB 互相垂直,且OA 与竖直方向成θ角,则两小球的初速度之比为( ) A .θtan B .θtan C .θ3tan D .θ2 tan 5. 如图所示,一根轻弹簧上端固定在O 点,下端拴一个小球P ,开始时,小球处于静止状态.现对 小球施加一个水平向右的外力F ,使小球向右缓慢偏移,依次经过A 点和B 点,已知A 、B 两点分别在如图直线OM 和ON 上,但图中未标出具体位置,弹簧的伸长量始终处于弹性限度内,下列说法中正确的是( ) A . B 点比A 点高 B .B 点比A 点低


2020年高考模拟高考数学一模试卷 一、填空题 1.集合A={0,e x},B={﹣1,0,1},若A∪B=B,则x=. 2.已知复数z=(i是虚数单位)则z的虚部是. 3.log24+log42=. 4.执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的s值为. 5.在△ABC中,a=4,b=5,c=6,则=. 6.已知函数,0≤φ≤π.若f(x)是奇函数,则的值为. 7.已知f(x)=|log3x|,若a,b满足f(a﹣1)=f(2b﹣1),且a≠2b,则a+b的最小值为. 8.将黑白2个小球随机放入编号为1,2,3的三个盒子中,则黑白两球均不在1号盒子的概率为 9.若抛物线x2=4y的焦点到双曲线C:(a>0,b>0)的渐近线距离等于,则双曲线C的离心率为. 10.设m,n为空间两条不同的直线,α,β为空间两个不同的平面,给出下列命题: ①若m∥α,m∥β,则α∥β;②若m⊥α,m∥β,则α⊥β;

③若m∥α,m∥n,则n∥α;④若m⊥α,α∥β,则m⊥β. 其中的正确命题序号是. 11.设x>0,y>0,向量=(1﹣x,4),=(x,﹣y),若∥,则x+y的最小值为.12.在△ABC中,点P是边AB的中点,已知||=,||=4,∠ACB=,则?=. 13.已知正数a,b,c满足b2+2(a+c)b﹣ac=0,则的最大值为. 14.若(m≠0)对一切x≥4恒成立,则实数m的取值范围是. 二、解答题:共6小题,共90分.请在答题卡指定区域内作答.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 15.如图,四棱锥P﹣ABCD的底面为矩形,AB=,BC=1,E,F分别是AB,PC的中点,DE⊥PA. (Ⅰ)求证:EF∥平面PAD; (Ⅱ)求证:平面PAC⊥平面PDE. 16.在三角形ABC中,已知,. (1)求角A的值; (2)若△ABC的面积为,求边BC的长. 17.建造一个容积为8m3、深为2m的无盖长方体形的水池,已知池底和池壁的造价分别为120元/m2和80元/m2. (1)求总造价y(单位:元)关于底边一边长x(单位:m)的函数解析式,并指出函数的定义域; (2)如果要求总造价不超过2080元,求x的取值范围; (3)求总造价y的最小值.


江苏省南师附中、天一中学、淮阴中学、海门中学、南师附中江宁分校 2012-2013学年第二学期期初高三教学质量调研语文试卷 2013.02 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1、下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一项是(3分)(▲) A.脖颈./ 颈.项中.听/ 中.肯创.伤/ 重创.敌军 B.藤蔓./ 蔓.延场.院/ 排场.称.职/ 称.心如意 C.玩弄./ 弄.堂煞.尾/ 煞.风景应.届/ 应.有尽有 D.扎.破/ 包扎.趔趄./ 趑趄.诘.责/ 诘.屈聱牙 2.下列各句中,加线的成语使用恰当的一句是(3分)(▲) A.我们考虑问题时,他习惯从大的方面着眼,我总是从具体方法入手,虽然南辕北辙,但总能殊途同归。 B.珠宝专卖店的柜台里各种各样的名贵宝石俯拾即是,吸引了许多的顾客。 C.在伊拉克战争期间,一些女记者直接到前线去采访,其冒险程度无异于火中取栗。D.在签名售书活动开始前,作者诚恳地说,书中不少看法都是一孔之见,欢迎大家批评指正。 3、请为下面文段写一个点明中心、统领全段的起始句。(4分) ▲。我们可以把地平线上的热带的云看作一个舞台的背景,而对于不象舞台的背景那么伟大的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把山林看作私人花园,而对于不成为私人花园的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把怒吼的波涛当作音乐会,而对于不成为音乐会的东西不能感到满足。这样我们便变得伟大起来,像大地和穹苍那么伟大。正如中国一位最早期的浪漫主义者阮籍所描写的“大人先生”一样,我们以“天地为所”。 4.最近加拿大一项全球民意调查结果显示,觉得大材小用的人比例最高的国家是中国,高达84%,请拟写一副对联,赠送给这批感觉怀才不遇的中国人。要求:(1)形式上符合对偶要求。(2)内容上表达对这些人的宽慰劝勉之情。(3)上下联总共不得少于10个字。 (5分) ▲ 二、文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成5~8题。 钱烈女墓志铭· (清)王猷定 扬州有死节而火葬于卞忠贞祠南十五步[1],为镇江钱烈女之墓。烈女死明弘光乙酉四月二十七日,五日乃火。以家于忠贞祠,即其地为墓。当其死,告于父:“无葬此土,以尸投火。”父如.其言。南昌王猷定客扬州,与里人谈乙酉事,辄为诗文吊.之。岁丙申春,其父乞余铭,痛哭言曰: “吾老人无儿,自吾女死,而老人不欲生也。城破,督师史公率兵趋东门,女决其必死,己持刀欲自刭,余挽其手;积薪以焚,余又夺去;结缳,丝绝,缳又断。余皇急不知所出,不得已,乃予以药曰:‘汝姑视缓急可也。’”猷定为之感泣,时宾客闻者皆流涕。 又言曰:“呜呼!吾老人十年以来,头童然秃且尽,而视听茫然,而肝肺崩裂,如沸如屠。然每忆吾女吞药不得死,吾老人不知生之可恋而死之可悲也!兵入,以戈刺床下,数刺,


南京师大附中2019- -2020 学年度第1学期 高一年级期中考试生物试卷 班级学号姓名得分 第I卷(选择题共75分) 一、单项选择题:本部分包括50题,每题1.5分,共计75分。每题只有一个选项最符合题意。 1. 在设计对照实验时,我们应该注意的问题是 A.所有的变量都相同 B.所有的变量都不同 C.除实验变量外,其他条件均不同 D.除实验变量外,其他条件均相同 2.下列不属于大量元素的是 A.镁元素 B.钾元素 C.铁元素 D.磷元素 3.以下无机盐与其对应作用有误的一项是 A纳离子主要维持细胞内渗透压 B.镁离子是叶绿素的重要组成成分 C.碳酸氢根离子对维持酸碱度非常重要 D.碳酸钙是骨骼与牙齿的重要成分 4.下列叙述不属于生物体中自由水的生理作用的是 A.各种离子和分子的良好溶剂 B.提高生物体的抗逆性 C生化反应的介质 D.作为反应物直接参与新陈代谢 5.下列说法中还正确的是 A.PO42-参与构成生物膜、核苷酸 B.患大脖子病可能与缺碘有关 C人体内钙离子含量过多会导致肌肉抽搐无力 D.Fe2+是血红蛋白的重要成分

6.以下说法不正确的是 A.人体中的元素都可以在无机自然界找到 B.肥胖患者细胞内含量最多的化合物是脂肪 C.种子萌发期间自由水与结合水的比例升高 D.衰老细胞的含水量通常低于年幼细胞 7.经测定某化合物含C、H、0、N、S五种元素,该化合物最可能具有的功能是 A生物体遗传信息的载体 B.促进人体对钙离子的吸收 C.催化细胞中的一些代谢反应 D.为生物体生命活动提供能量 8.下列关于糖类的叙述正确的有 ①构成糖类的元素只有C、H、0 ②淀粉是动物体内重要的储能物质 ③纤维素是细胞壁的重要成分④糖类参与构成遗传物质 ⑤糖类都是细胞内的能源物质⑥大肠杆菌细胞内含有脱氧核糖 A.①③④⑥B②③④⑥ C③④⑤⑥ D.①③④⑤ RNA. 9.以下不属于二糖的是 A.麦芽糖 B.蔗糖 C.乳糖 D.核糖 10.脂质在细胞中具有独特的生物学功能,下列叙述中,属于磷脂的生物学作用的是 A.膜结构的主要成分 B.构成生物体表面的保护层 C.作为主要的贮能物质 D.血液中含量过多可引发心脑血管疾病 11.以下几种物质中,组成元素与其他三种不同的是 A.脂肪 B.磷脂 C.胆固醇 D.果糖 12.下列不属于蛋白质功能的是 A.作为抗体,在特异性免疫中发挥重要作用 B.细胞膜的重要成分,与跨膜运输密切相关 C构成性激素,调节青春期第二性征的发育 D.构成毛发、指甲、肌肉等身体的重要结构 13.蛋白质是生命活动的主要承担着。下列不属于组成蛋白质的氨基酸是


南京师范大学附属中学南京师大附中江宁分校 2006年高考模拟试卷(生物) 说明:本试卷包括第 I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,试卷满分为 150 分。考试时间为 120分。 第一卷(选择题 70 分) 一、选择题:本题包括 26 小题,每小题 2 分共 52 分。每小题只有一个选项最符合题意。1.以下重大生物学史的先后顺序正确的是 ①克里克的DNA分子双螺旋结构②孟德尔的遗传规律被重新提出 ③达尔文的物种起源④艾弗里的细菌遗传试验⑤施莱登和施旺的细胞学说 A.⑤③④②① B.⑤④③②① C.⑤③②④① D.⑤③④①② 2.按图示装置进行实验,锥形瓶内装有水草和适宜浓度的碳酸钠/碳酸氢钠溶液。一段时间后,U型管左侧管内液面的高度变化和锥形瓶中液体的pH变化分别是 A.升高、略微升高 B.升高、略微降低 C.降低、略微升高 D.降低、略微降低 3.某生物小组为了研究阳光对大豆发芽的影响,设计了如下实验,你认为这个实验 花盆大豆数光照温度水 甲10粒阳光20℃充足 乙10粒黑暗20℃不充足 A.非常正确 B.应统一光照强度 C.温度应设置不同 D.应浇相同量的水 4.向鱼鳔内注入30%的蔗糖溶液,扎紧入口并称重,然后将其浸入5%的蔗糖溶液中,每隔半个小时称一次重量,结果如下图所示。下列关于其重量变化的解释正确的是: ①在进行实验的1小时内,鱼鳔重量增加是因为外界水分进入 鱼鳔内 ②在进行实验的1小时内,鱼鳔重量增加是因为外界蔗糖分子 进入鱼鳔内 ③在进行实验的1小时后,鱼鳔重量不再增加是因为进出鱼鳔 的水分子处于相对平衡状态 ④在进行实验的1小时后,鱼鳔重量不再增加,是因为进出鱼 鳔的蔗糖分子处于相对平衡状态 A.①④B.②④C.②③D.①③ 5.若对酵母菌的线粒体DNA进行诱变,使其线粒体DNA不再具有自我复制能力,再将此突变的酵母菌接种在含有葡萄糖的培养基上培养,下列关于可观察到的现象的解释正确的是A.因为子代酵母菌中无线粒体,所以无菌落的形成 B.因为线粒体DNA对真核生物不重要,所以有正常大小菌落的形成


2020/6/3教研云资源页 2018~2019学年江苏南京鼓楼区南京师范大学附属中学树人学校初一下学期期末语文试卷(详解) 一、积累与运用(27分) 1.请用正楷或行楷字抄写。 鞠躬尽瘁死而后已 【答案】鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 【解析】用正楷正确书写。 默写(10分) 2.填空(诗文原句或作者、出处)。 ,化作春泥更护花。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》) 【答案】落红不是无情物 【解析】本题考察龚自珍的《己亥杂诗》,注意书写正确。 3.儿童散学归来早,。(高鼎《村居》) 【答案】忙趁东风放纸鸢 【解析】本题考查了学生古诗文名句默写能力。该题要求学生在平时的学习中,要循序渐进积累所学的应背诵并默写的内容,不要太急于求成。首先不要混淆了所背的内容;其 次是在默写时要注意不要出现错、别、漏、添字的情况。 4.,柳暗花明又一村。(陆游《游山西村》) 【答案】山重水复疑无路 【解析】

2020/6/3此题考查学生对古诗文名句的积累。是一般性默写填空。完成时,注意书写。比如, 教研云资源页 不要将“疑”误写成“凝”。 5.,夜泊秦淮近酒家。(杜牧《泊秦淮》) 【答案】烟笼寒水月笼沙 【解析】本题考查学生名句的识记能力,默写诗文句子,易写错字,平时背诵时要熟读熟记,要理解诗句中每个字的含义,要根据语境仔细判断,注意书写,不要笔误。 泊秦淮 杜牧 烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。 商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 6.,自缘身在最高层。(《登飞来峰》) 【答案】不畏浮云遮望眼;王安石 【解析】这是考查学生默写古诗文的能力。复习古诗文名句,首先是要熟练背诵古诗文名篇、名段和名句;其次是要字字落实,默写中不能出现错别字、更不能丢字添字;第 三是要正确理解古诗文篇段和名句的大意和基本内容。默写时,要注意“遮”易错的 字形。写完之后,要重新读一下诗句,看有没有张冠李戴的现象发生。 7.念天地之悠悠,。(陈子昂《》) 【答案】独怆然而涕下;登幽州台歌 【解析】该题考查对名篇名句的识记默写,要对其作者和篇名也记在心里。平时多背多记即可。这句出自陈子昂的《登幽州台歌》,注意易错字:怆、涕。 附原诗: 前不见古人,后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下! 8.《爱莲说》一文中比喻君子既不与世俗同流合污,又不孤高自诩的句子是:,。 【答案】出淤泥而不染;濯清涟而不妖
