


Section II Cloze Test


For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C],

and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening

the corresponding letter in the brackets. (10 points)

Manpower Inc., with 560,000 workers, is the world's largest temporary employment agency.

Every morning, its people 41 into the offices and factories of America, seeking a day's work

for a day's pay. One day at a time. 42 industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle

to survive 43 reducing the number of employees, Manpower, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

is booming.

44 its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary workers. This “45”work force is the most important 46 in American business today, and it is 47 changing the relationship between people and their jobs.

The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive 48 avoiding

market cycles and the growing burdens 49 by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension

plans. For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of 50 that came from

being a loyal employee.

41. [A] swarm[B] stride[C] separate[D] slip

42. [A] For[B] Because[C] As[D] Since

43. [A] from[B] in[C] on[D] by

44. [A] Even though[B] Now that[C] If only[D] Provided that

45. [A] durable[B] disposable[C] available[D] transferable

46. [A] approach[B] flow[C] fashion[D] trend

47. [A] instantly[B] reversely[C] fundamentally[D] sufficiently

48. [A] but[B] while[C] and[D] whereas

49. [A] imposed[B] restricted[C] illustrated[D] confined

50. [A] excitement[B] conviction[C] enthusiasm[D] importance

Section III Reading Comprehension


Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four

answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to


blackening by SHEET ANSWER the on answer your mark Then questions. the of each

corresponding letter in the brackets. (40 points)

Text 1

It was 3:45 in the morning when the vote was finally taken. After six months of arguing and

final 16 hours of hot parliamentary debates, Australia's Northern Territory became the first legal

authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die.

The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15 to 10. Almost immediately word flashed on the

Internet and was picked up, half a world away, by John Hofsess, executive director of the Right

to Die Society of Canada. He sent it on via the group's on-line service, Death NET. Says Hofsess:

“We posted bulletins all day long, because of course this isn't just something that happened in

Australia. It's world history.”

The full import may take a while to sink in. The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill law has left

physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. Some have

breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches, right-to-life groups and the Australian

Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely

to turn back. In Australia -- where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing

community attitudes have all played their part -- other states are going to consider making a

similar law to deal with euthanasia. In the US and Canada, where the right-to-die movement is

gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.

Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death -- probably by a

deadly injection or pill -- to put an end to suffering. The patient must be diagnosed as terminally

ill by two doctors. After a “cooling off”period of seven days, the patient can sign a certificate of

request. After 48 hours the wish for death can be met. For Lloyd Nickson, a

54-year-old Darwin

resident suffering from lung cancer, the NT Rights of Terminally Ill law means he can get on

with living without the haunting fear of his suffering: a terrifying death from his breathing

condition. “I'm not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view, but what I was afraid of was

how I'd go, because I've watched people die in the hospital fighting for oxygen and clawing at

their masks,”he says.

51. From the second paragraph we learn that ________.

[A] the objection to euthanasia is slow to come in other countries

[B] physicians and citizens share the same view on euthanasia

[C] changing technology is chiefly responsible for the hasty passage of the law

[D] it takes time to realize the significance of the law's passage

52. When the author says that observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling, he means


[A] observers are taking a wait-and-see attitude towards the future of euthanasia

[B] similar bills are likely to be passed in the US, Canada and other countries

[C] observers are waiting to see the result of the game of dominoes

[D] the effect-taking process of the passed bill may finally come to a stop

53. When Lloyd Nickson dies, he will ________.

[A] face his death with calm characteristic of euthanasia

[B] experience the suffering of a lung cancer patient

[C] have an intense fear of terrible suffering

[D] undergo a cooling off period of seven days

54. The author's attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that of ________.

[A] opposition

[B] suspicion

[C] approval

[D] indifference

Text 2

A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous, and

helpful most Americans were to them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of

Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American. There are, of course,

exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly

unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.

For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break

in an otherwise dull existence. Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families

who generally lived distant from one another. Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of

diversion, and brought news of the outside world.

The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this tradition of hospitality. Someone traveling

alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin or

settlement. It was not a matter of choice for the traveler or merely a charitable impulse on the

part of the settlers. It reflected the harshness of daily life: if you didn't take in the stranger and

take care of him, there was no one else who would. And someday, remember, you might be in the

same situation.

Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler. Yet, the old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US, especially

in the smaller cities and towns away from the busy tourist trails. “I was just traveling through,

got talking with this American, and pretty soon he invited me home for dinner --amazing.”Such

observations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon, but are not always understood

properly. The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial

nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition.

As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships. And, of course, speaking a

language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns.

Visitors who fail to “translate”cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions. For

example, when an American uses the word “friend,”the cultural implications of the word may be

quite different from those it has in the visitor's language and culture. It takes more than a brief

encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual

interest. Yet,

being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and


55. In the eyes of visitors from the outside world, ________.

[A] rude taxi drivers are rarely seen in the US

[B] small-minded officials deserve a serious comment

[C] Canadians are not so friendly as their neighbors

[D] most Americans are ready to offer help

56. It could be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.

[A] culture exercises an influence over social interrelationship

[B] courteous convention and individual interest are interrelated

[C] various virtues manifest themselves exclusively among friends

[D] social interrelationships equal the complex set of cultural conventions

57. Families in frontier settlements used to entertain strangers ________.

[A] to improve their hard life

[B] in view of their long-distance travel

[C] to add some flavor to their own daily life

[D] out of a charitable impulse

58. The tradition of hospitality to strangers ________.

[A] tends to be superficial and artificial

[B] is generally well kept up in the United States

[C] is always understood properly

[D] has something to do with the busy tourist trails

Text 3

Technically, any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a

drug. Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an

illegal chemical taken by drug addicts. They don't realize that familiar substances such as

alcohol and tobacco are also drugs. This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by

many physicians and psychologists. The phrase “substance abuse”is often used instead of “drug

abuse”to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully

misused as heroin and cocaine.

We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive:

an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a

cigarette for the nerves. When do these socially acceptable and apparently constructive uses of a

substance become misuses? First of all, most substances taken in excess will produce negative

effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions. Repeated use of a substance can also

lead to physical addiction or substance dependence. Dependence is marked first by an increased

tolerance, with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then

by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.

Drugs (substances) that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and

behavior are known as psychoactive substances. Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped

according to whether they are stimulants, depressants, or hallucinogens. Stimulants initially

speed up or activate the central nervous system, whereas depressants slow it down. Hallucinogens have their primary effect on perception, distorting and altering it in a variety of

ways including producing hallucinations. These are the substances often called psychedelic

(from the Greek word meaning “mind-manifesting”) because they seemed to radically alter one's

state of consciousness.

59. “Substance abuse”(Line 5, Paragraph 1) is preferable to “drug abuse”in that ________.

[A] substances can alter our bodily or mental functioning if illegally used

[B] “drug abuse”is only related to a limited number of drug takers

[C] alcohol and tobacco are as fatal as heroin and cocaine

[D] many substances other than heroin or cocaine can also be poisonous

60. The word “pervasive”(Line 1, Paragraph 2) might mean ________.

[A] widespread

[B] overwhelming

[C] piercing

[D] fashionable

61. Physical dependence on certain substances results from ________.

[A] uncontrolled consumption of them over long periods of time

[B] exclusive use of them for social purposes

[C] quantitative application of them to the treatment of diseases

[D] careless employment of them for unpleasant symptoms

62. From the last paragraph we can infer that ________.

[A] stimulants function positively on the mind

[B] hallucinogens are in themselves harmful to health

[C] depressants are the worst type of psychoactive substances

[D] the three types of psychoactive substances are commonly used in groups

Text 4

No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation. “Is this what

you intended to accomplish with your careers?”Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner

executives last week. “You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten

our children as well?”At Time Warner, however, such questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul-searching that has involved the company ever since the company was

born in 1990. It's a self-examination that has, at various times, involved issues of responsibility,

creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.

At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve

Ross in 1992. On the financial front, Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce

the company's mountainous debt, which will increase to $17.3 billion after two new cable deals

close. He has promised to sell off some of the property and restructure the company, but

investors are waiting impatiently.

The flap over rap is not making life any easier for him. Levin has consistently defended the

company's rap music on the grounds of expression. In 1992, when Time Warner was under fire

for releasing Ice-T's violent rap song Cop Killer, Levin described rap as a lawful expression of

street culture, which deserves an outlet. “The test of any democratic society,”he wrote in a Wall

Street Journal column, “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives

freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating

the results may sometimes be. We won't retreat in the face of any threats.”

Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman

was backing off his hard-line stand, at least to some extent. During the discussion of rock singing

verses at last month's stockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that “music is not the cause of

society's ills”and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap


2019年考研英语(二)真题及答案解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program. I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake. The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19 I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale. Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel how your clothes fit and your overall energy level. 1.[A]Besides [B]Therefore [C]Otherwise [D]However 【答案】[C] However 【解析】此处考察逻辑关系。首段提出文章中心:定期称量自己是一种解任何显著的的体重波动的好方法。空格所在句指出:____,如果太频繁,这种习惯有时会造成损害。前文wonderful way(好方法)与后文hurt(损害)形成转折关系,故填入however(然而)。另外,however也是考研完形填空中的高频词。其他选项:therefore(因此),otherwise (否则)和besides(此外)此处不符合语境,故正确答案为[C] However。 2.[A]helps [B]cares [C]warns [D]reduces 【答案】[D] helps


Mba英语二写作历年真题及解析 2016年 Section IV Writing Part A 47。Directions: Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend,Jack,wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation。Write him a reply to 1)thank him,and 2)give you advice You should write about 100 on the ANSWER SHEET。 Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter。Use Li Ming instead。 Do not write the address。(10 points) Part B 48。Directions: Write an essay based on the chart below。In your writing,you should 1)interpret the chart,and 2)give your comments。 You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET。(15 points)

Section IV Writing 47、 [参考范文] Dear Jack, Your letter of congratulations was received。Thank you for your nice words on my winning the c ontest。In the letter, you asked me about the skills to do translation,so the following are my a dvice for you。 Firstly, you should analyze the sentence structure, thus catching the meaning of the sentence。 Secondly, find the proper words to translate the meaning of the source language into the target l anguage。 Thirdly,revise your translation at least three times to check if there are any mistransl ations or missed meanings。 I hope my advice helpful。 Wish to see you soon。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming 第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest. 第二段:写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写进正文,比如多加练习、多与外国人交流,多多接触国际事务等。本篇老师主要从这些方面进行论述,表达如下As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals i n this part. First and foremost, I strongly suggest you that you need to practice with painstaking effort in this field. What’s more, you had better have more communication with foreigners, which guarantees that you have a deep understanding of foreign culture. Last but not least, you are supposed to participate in some international events to accumulate a wealth of practical experience. 第三段:再次强调重申写信目的,如Thanks again and I do hope you could take my suggestions into consideration. I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your future study. 落款:Yours sincerely,特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名:Li Ming特别注意Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。 48、 [参考范文] Portrayed in the above pie chart is a survey of college students’ purposes of traveling。 The numb er of students who take traveling as a chance to see beautiful scenes accounts for 37%,while stu dents who would like to travel to relieve pressure from study take up 35 %。 There are several reasons behind the trend revealed in the above chart。To begin with, as the pr esent society is filled with fierce competition, most college students nowadays are under great pr essure to stand out among others or to lunch a decent job after graduation。Therefore, they tend to choose traveling as an outlet to relieve their stress。 Secondly,with the fast advancement of t he living standards of Chinese families, traveling is increasingly affordable to most college stude nts。 For this reason, students prefer to travel to see different views to enjoy themselves or to m ake some friends。 From my perspective, no matter what reason it is for, traveling is of great benefit for students 今年英语二作文的题目比较好写,因为标题和图示非常清晰明白。图表显示了某高校学生旅游目的调查, 考生分析原因的话也会很简单。下面分三段简要地说一下这三段应该怎么写。 第一段主要是描述图表。图表一目了然,数量词百分比也是大家熟悉的词汇,表述数据时,图中有四五组数据,由于字数的限制以及为了写作的便利可以突出较大比例的“欣赏风景”和“缓解压力”,注意引入百分比的表达方式。 第二段给出你的评论,主要写这种情况的原因。主要要结合图表描述的内容从两个方面写起。一方面为什么为了欣赏风景而旅行的目的占37%,另一方面为什么缓解压力会占到33%比例。 最后结尾段落可简要得出结论,这种现象并不奇怪,还将继续下去。


2017年考研英语(二)真题及答案解析(完 整版) 感谢:凯程洛老师提供真题。 2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题及答案 SectionI Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different, with academics,writers,and activists once again1that technology be replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by2.A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland. A different and not mutually exclusive3holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one4by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives5,people will simply become lazy and depressed.6,today’s unemployed don’t seem to be havinga great time.One Gallup poll found that20percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for7Americans.Also,some research suggests that the 8for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs.Perhaps this is why many10the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t11follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease.Such visions are based on the12of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment.In the13of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could14 strikingly different circumstanced for the future of labor and leisure.Today,the15of work may be a bit overblown.“Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,”says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively16for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional17of their jobs.“When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel18,”Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself19a hobby or a


2010考研英语二真题及答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET l. (10 points) The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic_____1_____ by the World Health Organization in 41 years. The heightened alert _____2_____an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia, and rising_____3_____in Britain, Japan, Chile and elsewhere. But the epidemic is "_____4_____" in severity, according to Margaret Chan, the organization's director general, _____5_____ the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the _____6_____ of any medical treatment. The outbreak came to global_____7_____in late April 2009, when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths_____8_____healthy adults. As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic, cases began to _____9_____in New York City, the southwestern United States and around the world. In the United States, new cases seemed to fade_____10_____warmer weather arrived. But in late September 2009, officials reported there was _____11_____flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the_____12_____tested are the new swine flu, also known as (A) H1N1, not seasonal flu. In the U.S., it has_____13_____more than one million people, and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations. Federal health officials_____14_____Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began_____15_____orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine. The new vaccine, which is different from the annual flu vaccine, is ____16_____ ahead of expectations. More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009, though most of those _____17_____doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type, which is not_____18_____for pregnant women, people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties, heart disease or several other _____19_____. But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group: health care workers, people _____20_____infants and healthy young people. 1 [A] criticized [B] appointed [C]commented [D] designated 2 [A] proceeded [B] activated [C] followed [D] prompted 3 [A] digits [B] numbers [C] amounts [D] sums 4 [A] moderate [B] normal [C] unusual [D] extreme 5 [A] with [B] in [C] from [D] by 6 [A] progress [B] absence [C] presence [D] favor 7 [A] reality [B] phenomenon [C] concept [D] notice


2017年考研英语二 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty 3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction 4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured 5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom 6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless 7. [A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated 8. [A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute 9. [A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among


2018考研英语一、二新题型及完型深度 解析 各位参加2015年考研考试的亲爱学子大家好,这次考试英语顺利的落下了帷幕,大家特别关心今年新题型和完形填空,我用一点时间讲讲新题型和完形填空的情况。 {C}一、{C}新题型考察简单 {C}1、{C}英语一:段落句子填空题 首先完形填空新题型纯粹是波澜不惊,他基本上保持了考研英语命题稳健的基本优点。今年在考试过程中,我们说不管是英语一还是英语二的题型,基本上让广大的考生考出自己的水平。 另外,今年的题型比较简单。比如说在2014年初考试的时候,英语一的新题型考到了培训,而这次新题型考的是常见的段落句子填空题。 这篇文章出题风格和往年不一样,往年往往是五个独立段落,或者是在某一段的最后一段出一道题,比如说42题、43题,都是在我们的段尾出题,但是41、44、45都是段落中间出的题,这一点在降低难度,而不是在提高难度。 这篇文章注意一下来自于马丁所著的一本书《阅读的方法》讲的是高级阅读技巧,这本书的第一单元就是这个。 以下是英语一新题型参考答案: 41题正确答案选的是C。非常简单,只要找到这篇文章只要对一下就全出来了。这里我们说最主要的是这句话,对于这句话我们41题选择的是C,在这里这个词它也可以对应后面的句子。 42题是E。你可以做进一步的推理,关于这个课文的重要。我们之所以选择E,因为E 空前的两句都重复了“推理”这样的字眼。还有E段的最后也提出了读者的推测。所以选择E。 43题是G。这个考点和去年的考点差不多。 44题是B。B选项的意思是因素。 45题是A。A具体描述了许多不同的阅读路径和方式,这是对45空前后的细化。 2、英语二:小标题题 对于英语二的新题型这次考的小标题题,这一点老师们和同学民都预测到了,而今天考的小标题题又是简单的。 这里说一下英语二的新题型。今年考的是要小标题题,这篇文章选自外国网站上的文章。他讲的是能够帮助你渡过困难时刻的一些古老的秘诀,能够帮助你渡过人生比较困难的时刻。 对于这篇文章相对来说比较简单,我们找到了这篇文章在网站上的出处,你会发现我们的命题人越来越中规中矩。我们知道命题人在很大的程度上要和全国160万的考生斗智斗勇,他不能有太多的把柄和错误被广大的考生抓住,所以你会发现今年的这篇文章在报刊上


2017年考研英语二真题及答案解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring [答案][C] warning 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty [答案][A] inequality 3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction


2016考研英语二真题及答案(完整版) 分析 令人期待的2016英语初试结束了,凯程教育的电话瞬间变成了热线,同学们兴奋地汇报自己的答题情况,几乎所有内容都在凯程考研集训营系统训练过,英语专业课难度与往年相当,答题的时候非常顺手,英语题型今年是选择题,阅读填空,作文。相信凯程的学员们对此非常熟悉,预祝亲爱的同学们复试顺利。英语分笔试、面试,如果没有准备,或者准备不充分,很容易被挂掉。如果需要复试的帮助,同学们可以联系凯程老师辅导。 下面凯程英语老师把英语的真题全面展示给大家,供大家估分使用,以及2017年考英语的同学使用,本试题凯程首发,转载注明出处。 2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)真题及答案 (完整版) (注:以下选项标红加粗为正确答案) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Happy people work differently. They're more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggests that happiness might influence 1 firms work, too. Companies located in place with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper. 2 , firms in happy places spend more on R&D(research and development).That's because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking 3 for making investment for the future. The researchers wanted to know if the 4 and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would 5 the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities' average happiness 6 by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas. 7 enough, firms' investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were 8. But it is really happiness that's linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities 9 why firms there spend more on R&D? To find out, the researches controlled for various 10 that might make firms more likely to invest like size, industry , and sales-and-and for indicators that a place was 11 to live in, like growth in wages or population. They link between happiness and investment generally 12 even after accounting for these things. The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors 13 to "less confined decision making process" and the possible presence of younger and less 14 managers who are more likely to be influenced
