


1. “The show must go on” is the oldest ________ of show business; every true

performer lives by that creed.

(A) euphemism

(B) allegory

(C) precursor

(D) tenet

(E) corroboration

2. ________ James Baldwin, who wrote of black Americans as being in a

perpetual state of rage, Mr. Cose remarks that few human beings could ________ the psychic toll of uninterrupted anger.

(A) Corroborating...endure

(B) Refuting...enhance

(C) Dismissing...refine

(D) Challenging...survive


3. ________ by life’s ________ , the last emperor of China worked as a lowly

gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled.

(A) Fortified...generosity

(B) Deluded...coincidences

(C) Humbled...vicissitudes

(D) Venerated...survivors

(E) Recognized...impostors

4. ________ his broker had told him that the stock was a___ investment, he

insisted on buying 100 shares.

(A) Because...speculative

(B) Although...precarious

(C) Since...negligible

(D) Although...formidable

(E) Because...dwindling

5. A ________ glance pays ________ attention to details.

(A) furtive...meticulous

(B) cursory...little

(C) cryptic...close

(D) keen...scanty

(E) fleeting...vigilant

6. A ________ person is one who will ________ something on the slightest of


(A) restive...forget

(B) garrulous...criticize

(C) maudlin...censure

(D) phlegmatic...condemn

(E) credulous...believe

7. A New World lizard, the basilisk, occasionally does something that seems to

________ physics: it runs across the surface of water for distances of up to thirty feet.

(A) defy

(B) quantify

(C) assess

(D) exemplify

(E) corroborate

8. A born teller of tales, Olsen used her impressive ________ skills to advantage in

her story “I Stand Here Ironing. “

(A) domestic

(B) metaphysical

(C) narrative

(D) diagnostic

(E) argumentative

9. A code of ethics governing the behavior of physicians during epidemics did not

exist until 1846 when it was ________ by the American Medical Association.

(A) rescinded

(B) promulgated

(C) presupposed

(D) depreciated

(E) implied

10. A diligent scholar, she devoted herself ________ to the completion of the book.

(A) assiduously

(B) ingenuously

(C) theoretically

(D) voluminously

(E) sporadically

11. A hypothesis must not only account for what we already know, but it must also

be ________ by continued observation.

(A) refuted

(B) interrupted

(C) verified

(D) discredited

(E) outmoded

12. A journalist rather than a scholar, Mr. Cose seems nevertheless to be ________

most of the serious studies relevant to his topic.

(A) overawed by

(B) ignorant of

(C) associated with

(D) wearied by

(E) familiar with

13. A leading philosopher of our time, Ludwig Wittgenstein, laid down a ________ to

which good historians ________ : “Of that of which nothing is known nothing can be said. “

(A) burden...protest

(B) law...amend

(C) rule...adhere

(D) maxim...succumb

(E) weapon...surrender

14. A major outbreak of food poisoning in 1993 underlined the serious ________ in

the then-current system of food inspection.

(A) expectations

(B) innovations

(C) objectivity

(D) deficiencies

(E) uniformity

15. A man incapable of ________ action, he never had an opinion about something

that he had not worked up beforehand, fashioning it with lengthy care.

(A) premeditated

(B) coherent

(C) spontaneous

(D) calculated

(E) self-conscious

16. A sense of fairness ________ that the punishment should fit the crime; yet, in

actual practice, judicial decisions ________ greatly for the same type of criminal offense.

(A) assumes...coincide

(B) relegates...deviate

(C) accumulates...simplify


(E) dictates...vary

17. A subway modernization program intended to ________ a host of problems

ranging from dangerous tracks to overcrowded stairwells has failed to meet its schedule for repairs.

(A) augment

(B) initiate

(C) deplore

(D) disclose

(E) eliminate

18. Abandoning the moral principles of his youth, the aging emperor Tiberius led a

________ , wanton life.

(A) celibate

(B) rudimentary

(C) debauched

(D) circumspect

(E) peripatetic

19. According to Lionel Trilling, the paradox of liberalism was that in its quest for

freedom it must move toward greater organization, stricter legislation, and increasing ________ .

(A) anarchy

(B) self-realization

(C) stagnation

(D) control

(E) levity

20. According to a noted art critic, one would have to be completely immune to the

sensuous pleasures of painting to be ________ Lucien Freud’s mesmerizing art.

(A) drawn to

(B) overcome by

(C) enamored of

(D) unaffected by

(E) consistent about

21. According to poet John Berryman, there were so many ways to ________ a poem

that it was quite amazing good ones ever gotwritten.

(A) dedicate

(B) begin

(C) ruin

(D) recite

(E) categorize

22. According to the Senator, it was not ________ for a politician in search of votes to

________ a mother on the beauty of her plain child; it was merely sound political common sense.

(A) kindness...ridicule

(B) folly...intimidate


(D) sensitivity...evaluate

(E) wisdom...reprimand

23. Achaeologists are involved in ________ Mayan temples in Central America,

uncovering the old ruins in order to learn more about the civilization they represent.

(A) demolishing

(B) incapacitating

(C) excavating

(D) worshiping

(E) adapting

24. Actors fade out of view with depressing frequency; the theater is a ________

profession at best.

(A) romantic

(B) demanding

(C) chancy

(D) disinterested

(E) degenerate

25. Advances in health care have lengthened life spans, lowered infant mortality rates,

and, thus, ________ the overpopulation problem.

(A) eliminated

(B) aggravated

(C) minimized

(D) distorted

(E) discouraged

26. Afraid that the ________ nature of the plays being presented would corrupt the

morals of their audiences, the Puritans closed the theaters in 1642.

(A) mediocre

(B) fantastic

(C) profound

(D) lewd

(E) witty

27. After reading numbers of biographies recounting dysfunctions and disasters, failed

marriages and failed careers, Joyce Carol Oates ________ a word to ________ the genre:pathography, the story of diseased lives.

(A) invented......curtail

(B) reiterated...criticize

(C) hypothesized...indict

(D) dismissed...obscure

(E) coined...describe

28. After the lonely rigors of writing, Mr. Doyle enjoys the ________ aspects of


(A) impersonal

(B) transitory

(C) narrative

(D) social

(E) profitable

29. Aimed at curbing European attempts to seize territory in the Americas, the

Monroe Doctrine was a warning to ________ foreign powers.

(A) magnanimous

(B) credulous

(C) reticent

(D) predatory

(E) allied

30. All critics have agreed that the opera’s score is ________ , but, curiously, no two

critics haye agreed which passages to praise and which to damn.

(A) intolerable

(B) melodious

(C) unsurpassed

(D) conventional

(E) uneven

31. Although Barbara Tuchman never earned a graduate degree, she nonetheless

________ a scholarly career as a historian noted for her vivid style and ________ erudition.

(A) interrupted...deficient

(B) relinquished...immense

(C) abandoned...capricious

(D) pursued...prodigious

(E) followed...scanty

32. Although Britain’s film makers often produce fine films, they are studiously

________ and rarely aim at a mass market.

(A) commercial

(B) viable

(C) derivative

(D) elitist

(E) collaborative

33. Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man, occasionally he would feel

a touch of ________ for the old days and would contemplate making a brief

excursion to Boston to revisit his childhood friends.

(A) exasperation

(B) chagrin

(C) nostalgia

(D) lethargy

(E) anxiety

34. Although I have always been confused by our ________ system, I ________

traveling on the subways occasionally.

(A) mercantile...remember

(B) monetary...deplore

(C) social...ponder

(D) transit...relish

(E) revolutionary...prefer

35. Although Josephine Tey is arguably as good a mystery writer as Agatha Christie,

she is clearly far less ________ than Christie, having written only six books in comparison to Christie??s sixty.

(A) coherent

(B) prolific

(C) equivocal

(D) pretentious

(E) gripping

36. Although Roman original contributions to government, jurisprudence, and

engineering are commonly acknowledged, the artistic legacy of the Roman world continues to be judged widely as ________ the magnificent Greek traditions that preceded it.

(A) an improvement on

(B) an echo of

(C) a resolution of

(D) a precursor of

(E) a consummation of

37. Although a few of her contemporaries ________ her book, most either ignored it

or mocked it.

(A) dismissed

(B) disregarded

(C) deprecated

(D) misconstrued

(E) appreciated

38. Although gregarious by nature, Lisa became quiet and ________ after she was

unexpectedly laid off from work.

(A) autonomous

(B) susceptible

(C) assertive

(D) withdrawn

(E) composed

39. Although he generally observed the adage “Look before you leap,” in this

instance he was ________ acting in an unconsidered fashion.

(A) chary of

(B) impervious to

(C) precipitate in

(D) hesitant about

(E) conventional in

40. Although he had spent many hours at the computer trying to solve the problem, he

was the first to admit that the final solution was ________ and not the ________ of his labor.

(A) trivial...cause

(B) incomplete...intent

(C) adequate...concern

(D) schematic...fault

(E) fortuitous...result

41. Although he had the numerous films to his credit and a reputation for technical

________ , the moviemaker lacked originality; all his films were sadly ________ of the work of others.

(A) skill...independent

(B) ability...unconscious

(C) expertise...derivative

(D) competence...contradictory

(E) blunders...enamored

42. Although he is ________ about the problems that still confront blacks in ballet,

Mitchell nevertheless is optimistic about the future, especially that of his own dance company.

(A) hopeful

(B) uninformed

(C) abstract

(D) realistic

(E) unconcerned

43. Although he was widely celebrated as a radio and motion picture star in the 1940s,

George Burns enjoyed his greatest ________ after his return to the screen in the “Oh God” films of the 1930s.

(A) respite

(B) collaboration

(C) renown

(D) disappointment

(E) inducement

44. Although in his seventies at the time of the interview, Picasso proved alert and

insightful, his faculties ________ despite the inevitable toll of the years.

(A) atrophied

(B) diminished

(C) intact

(D) useless

(E) impaired

45. Although most worthwhile criticism concentrates on the positive, one should not

________ praise everything.

(A) argumentatively

(B) constructively

(C) derogatorily

(D) analytically

(E) indiscriminately

46. Although newscasters often use the terms Chicano and Latino ________ , students

of Hispanic-American culture are profoundly aware of the ________ the two.

(A) interchangeably...dissimilarities between

(B) indifferently...equivalence of

(C) deprecatingly...controversies about

(D) unerringly...significance of

(E) of

47. Although similar to mice in many physical characteristics, voles may be ________

mice by the shortness oft heir tails.

(A) distinguished from

(B) classified with

(C) related to

(D) categorized as

(E) enumerated with

48. Although the death of his dog had saddened him markedly, his computer

designing skills remained completely ________

(A) twisted

(B) unaffected

(C) incapable

(D) repaired

(E) demolished

49. Although, as wife of President John Adams, Abigail Adams sought a greater voice

for women, she was not a feminist in the modern sense; she ________ the ________ view of women as “beings placed by providence”under male protection.

(A) anticipated...current

(B) regretted...heretical

(C) distorted...outmoded

(D) repudiated...radical

(E) accepted...traditional

50. Always less secure in herself than she liked to make out, she too often

disagreement as ________ and opposition as treachery.

(A) rewarded...virtue

(B) construed...betrayal

(C) condemned...detachment

(D) invited...provocation

(E) interpreted...drollery

51. Always trying to look on the bright side of every situation, she is a born

________ .

(A) opportunist

(B) antagonist

(C) optimist

(D) maverick

(E) zealot

52. American culture now stigmatizes, and sometimes even heavily ________ .

behavior that was once taken for granted: overt racism, cigarette smoking, the use of sexual stereotypes.

(A) advocates

(B) penalizes

(C) ignores

(D) indoctrinates

(E) advertises

53. Americans have always been rightfully ________ unnecessary government

coercion, feeling that the government should use its powers sparingly.

(A) disarmed by

(B) chary about

(C) dependent on

(D) amenable to

(E) enthusiastic about

54. An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled

political waters, she intended to wait for a more ________ occasion before she announced her plans.

(A) propitious

(B) provocative

(C) unseemly

(D) questionable

(E) theoretical

55. An optimistic supporter of the women??s movement, Kubota contends that recent

________ by Japanese women in the business word are meaningful and indicative of ________ opportunity to come.

(A) advances...diminished

(B) strides...greater

(C) innovations...marginal

(D) retreats...theoretical

(E) failures...hidden

56. An unattractive feature of this memoir is the casually dismissive, often downright

________ , comments the author makes about almost all of her former colleagues.

(A) elegiac

(B) euphemistic

(C) objective

(D) contemptuous

(E) laudatory

57. Anthropologists traditionally argue that the male-female division of labor in

huntergatherer societies arose because it ________ the nucle ar family’s joint interests and thereby represented a sound, ________ strategy.

(A) impaired...collaborative

(B) respected...divisive

(C) ignored...disinterested

(D) restricted...provisional

(E) promoted...cooperative

58. Are we to turn into spineless ________ , afraid to take a ________ stand, unable

to answer a question without pussyfooting?

(A) disciples...positive


(C) criminals...defiant

(D) critics...constructive

(E) equivocators...forthright

59. As Reginald Machell’s lavishly carved throne clearly illustrates, Ca lifornia

craftsmen were not afraid of ________ .

(A) competition

(B) embellishment

(C) imitation

(D) expediency

(E) antiquity

60. As a product of the Soviet literary establishment, the author was brave enough to

________ the hand that fed him, but not heroic enough to bite it.

(A) give up

(B) nibble at

(C) cringe from

(D) worship

(E) devour

61. As a scientific document, the book should stand for several years until further

________ again make revision ________ .

(A) developments...impossible

(B) obstacles...optional

(C) attempts...undesirable

(D) failures...detrimental

(E) advances...necessary

62. As a sportscaster, Cosell was apparently never ________ ; he made ________

comments about every boxing match he covered.

(A) excited...hysterical

(B) relevant...pertinent

(C) satisfied...disparaging

(D) amazed...awe-struck


63. As an outstanding publisher, Alfred Knopf was able to make occasional

________ , but his had judgment was tolerated in view of his tremendous ________ .


(B) mistakes...success

(C) remarks...connections

(D) enemies...audacity

(E) conferences...patience

64. As delicate and ________as insect bodies are, it is remarkable that over the ages

enough of them have ________ , preserved in amber, for scientists to trace insect evolution.

(A) beautiful...disappeared

(B) fragile...survived

(C) impervious...multiplied

(D) refined...awakened

(E) indestructible...evolved

65. As ecologists recently ________ in studying the effects of naturally induced forest

fires, some phenomena that appear on the surface to be destructive often have a hidden ________ effect on balance.

(A) disproved...beneficial

(B) discovered...positive

(C) hypothesized...catastrophic

(D) disclosed...unecological

(E) determined...disastrous

66. As former Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger was fond of pointing out, many

lawyers are not legal hotshots; they often come to court ________ and ________ professional skills.


(B) hot-tempered...criticizing

(C) reluctant...demonstrating

(D) argumentative...manifesting

(E) conservative...excelling

67. As founder and president of the Children??s Defense Fund, Marian Wright

Edelman has ensured that, even though the young cannot vote or make campaign contributions, they are nevertheless not ________ in Washington.

(A) represented

(B) distrusted

(C) ignored

(D) committed

(E) welcome

68. As matter condenses out of the thin disk of hot gas and dust revolving around a

new sun, it ________ into larger particles, just as snowflakes stick together as they fall.

(A) crashes

(B) protrudes

(C) coalesces

(D) evaporates

(E) dissolves

69. As more people try to navigate the legal system by themselves, representing

themselves in court and drawing up their own wills and contracts, the question arises whether they will be able to ________ judicial ________ without lawyers to guide them.

(A) await...decisions

(B) overturn...stipulations

(C) avoid...quagmires

(D) forfeit...penalties

(E) arouse...enmity

70. As news of his indictment spread through the town, the citizens began to

________ him and to avoid meeting him.

(A) ostracize

(B) congratulate

(C) desecrate

(D) minimize

(E) harass

71. As surprising as the new findings are, Dr. Wilson said he would not characterize

them as ________ .

(A) sound

(B) revolutionary

(C) equitable

(D) evident

(E) abstruse

72. At a time when biographies that debunk their subjects are all the rage, it is

refreshing to have one idol who not only lives up to her legend but ________ it.

(A) complicates

(B) surpasses

(C) compromises

(D) rejects

(E) subverts

73. At first ________ were simply that:straightforward firsthand testimonials about

the ________ of a product.

(A) trademarks...contents

(B) creeds...excellence

(C) prejudices...flaws

(D) reprimands...benefits

(E) endorsements...virtues

74. At the height of the storm, the savages tried to ________ the angry gods by

offering sacrifices.

(A) modify

(B) appall

(C) vilify

(D) propitiate

(E) instigate

75. At the present time, we are suffering from ________ of stories about the war; try

writing about another subject.

(A) a calumny

(B) a dearth

(C) an insurgence

(D) a plethora

(E) an inhibition

76. Because auto repair places have such ________ rates, many community colleges

have ________ courses in automotive mechanics.

(A) shattering...planned

(B) exorbitant...instituted

(C) impertinent...discussed

(D) reasonable...introduced

(E) intolerable...discontinued

77. Because fruit juice fills babies’ small stomachs and ruins their appetite for foods

that contain nutrients they ________ , consuming large quantities can actually prove ________ to babies less than 24 months old.

(A) prefer...beneficial

(B) choose...counterproductive

(C) require...helpful

(D) need...detrimental

(E) ingest...advantageous

78. Because he had abandoned his post and joined forces with the Indians, his fellow

officers considered the hero of Dances with Wolves a ________ .

(A) martinet

(B) braggart

(C) renegade

(D) skinflint

(E) laggard

79. Because he had assumed that the child’s first, fierce rush of grief would quickly

________ , Murdstone was astonished to find him still ________ .

(A) subside...disconsolate

(B) fade...irresolute

(C) elapse...disingenuous

(D) escalate...forlorn

(E) dwindle...dormant

80. Because he is so ________ , we can never predict what course he will take at any


(A) incoherent

(B) superficial

(C) capricious

(D) deleterious

(E) conventional

81. Because he saw no ________ to the task assigned him, he worked at it in a very

________ way.

(A) function...systematic

(B) method...dutiful

(C) purpose...diligent

(D) end...rigid

(E) point...perfunctory

82. Because he was ________ by nature, he preferred reading a book in the privacy of

his own study to visiting a night club with friends.

(A) an exhibitionist

(B) a hedonist

(C) an adversary

(D) an egoist

(E) an introvert

83. Because he was ________ in the performance of his duties, his employers could

not ________ his work.

(A) derelict...quarrel over

(B) dilatory...grumble at

(C) undisciplined...object to

(D),plain about

(E) mandatory...count on

84. Because he was ________ , he shunned human society.

(A) a misanthrope

(B) an oligarch

(C) an anomaly

(D) a stereotype

(E) a nonentity

85. Because his time was limited, Weng decided to read the ________ novel War and

Peace in ________ edition.

(A) unedited

(B) abridged

(C) famous...a modem

(D) autographed

(E) popular...a complete

86. Because it had not been blasted into a stable orbit, the satellite moved ________

through space.

(A) innocuously

(B) gradually

(C) erratically

(D) effortlessly

(E) routinely

87. Because it was already known that retroviruses could cause cancer in animals, it

seemed only ________ to search for similar cancer-causing viruses in human beings.

(A) culpable

(B) charitable

(C) hypothetical

(D) logical

(E) negligent

88. Because of his ________ driving, the other car was forced to turn off the road or

be hit.

(A) perceptive

(B) negligent

(C) resourceful

(D) placid

(E) exemplary

89. Because of its inclination to ________ , most Indian art is ________ Japanese art,

where symbols have been minimized and meaning has been conveyed by the merest suggestion.

(A) exaggerate...related to

(B) imitate...superior to

(C) understate...reminiscent of

(D) overdraw...similar to

(E) sentimentalize...supportive of

90. Because of its strength and adhesiveness, ________ qualities in nest building,

many species of birds incorporate silk into their nests.

(A) questionable

(B) intangible

(C) invaluable

(D) hypothetical

(E) irrelevant

91. Because of the trauma they have experienced, survivors of a major catastrophe are

likely to exhibit ________ of behavior and may require the aid of competent therapists.

(A) concessions

(B) diminutions

(C) aberrations

(D) restrictions

(E) altercations

92. Because of their frequent disarray, confusion, and loss of memory , those hit by

lightning while alone are sometimes ________ victims of assault.

(A) mistaken for

(B) attracted to

(C) unaware of

(D) avoided by

(E) useful to

93. Because our supply of fossil fuel has been sadly ________ , we must find

________ sources of energy.

(A) stored...hoarded

(B) compensated...significant

(C) exhausted...inefficient

(D) increased...available

(E) depleted...alternate

94. Because the apelike members of Australopithecus afarensis were capable both of

walking and of swinging through trees, the anthropologist described them as a mosaic, bipedal from the waist down and ________ from the waist up.

(A) ethereal

(B) arboreal

(C) dysfunctional

(D) articulated

(E) pedestrian

95. Because the damage to his car had been ________ , Michael decided he wouldn’t

bother to report the matter to his insurance company.

(A) intermittent

(B) gratuitous

(C) negligible

(D) spontaneous

(E) significant

96. Because the majority of the evening cable TV programs available dealt with

violence and sex, the parents decided that the programs were ________ for the children to watch.

(A) exclusive

(B) acceptable

(C) instructive

(D) inappropriate

(E) unnecessary

97. Because vast organizations are an inevitable element in modern life, it is

________ to aim at their abolition.

(A) necessary

(B) important

(C) customary

(D) realistic

(E) futile

98. Because we have completed our analysis of the major components of the proposed

project, we are free to devote the remainder of this session to a study of the project’s ________ details.

(A) lurid

(B) scrupulous

(C) unquestionable

(D) incidental

(E) involuntary

99. Before the inflation ________ , one could have had a complete meal in a

restaurant for a dollar, including the tip, whereas today a hot dog, coffee, and dessert would ________ add up to two or three times that much.

(A) spiral...indubitably

(B) cancellation rapidly

(C) problem...improbably

(D) abundance...consequently

(E) incidence...radically

100. Being cynical, he was reluctant to ________ the ________ of any kind act until he had ruled out all possible secret, uncharitable motives.

(A) question...benevolence

(B) acknowledge...wisdom

(C) credit...unselfishness

(D) endure...loss

(E) witness...outcome


GRE考试真题常见形容词词汇 关于GRE考试真题常见形容词词汇 jaded:fatigued;surfeited jaundiced:yellowed;prejudiced;envious jocose:givingtojoking jocular:saidordoneinjest jocund:merry judicious:wise;determinedbysoundjudgment lackadaisical:affectedlylanguid laconic:briefandtothepoint laggard:slow;sluggish lambent:flickering;softlyradiant laminated:madeofthinplatesorscales languid:weary;sluggish;listless lascivious:lustful latent:dormant;hidden lateral:comingfromtheside laudatory:expressingpraise lavish:liberal;wasteful lecherous:impureinthoughtandact;lustful;unchaste

lethal:deadly lethargic:drowsy;dull lewd:lustful libelous:defamatory;injurioustothegoodnameofaperson libidinous:lustful licentious:wanton;lewd;dissolute limpid:clear linguistic:pertainingtolanguage lithe:flexible;supple livid:lead-colored;blackandblue;enraged

GRE词汇 No题填空总词表汇编

abruptly ad.突然地 abstraction n. 抽象化,心不在焉,提炼,抽象派作品 academician n.学者,大学教师,知识分子 accidentally ad.意外地,偶然地 accused n. 被告 acknowledgement n. 承认,确认,感谢,收到的通知 adamant adj. adaptive a. 适合的,适应的,能适应的 administer v.施行,实施;掌管,料理...的事务;给予 adolescent n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的 advantageous adj.有利的,有益的 aging a.变老的 ally n.同盟国(者);支持者v.(with)使结盟 allure v. 引诱,n. amalgam n. ancestry

n.祖先;列祖 annexation n. 合并,附加,附加物 apparition n. apply vi.(for)申请;应用vt.把…应用于;应用aptitude n.天资,天赋 arable adj. arbiter n. 权 archetypally adv. 原型地 articulated adj. 用关节联接的 assert v. 主张,声明,断言 assume v.假装;假定;采取,承担,呈现assuredness n. 确实,确信,自信 atonement n. atrocity

n. attenuation n. 变薄,稀薄化,弄细,衰减 attest v. auspices n. benign adj.(病)良性的, (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的blatantly adv. 喧闹地, 看穿了地 blaze n.火焰;光辉;爆发v.熊熊燃烧;闪耀blindness n. 盲目,失明,愚昧 bloom vi.开花,在青春时期n.花;兴旺时期 bluff v.虚张声势,用假象骗人n.虚张声势,欺骗brutality n.野蛮的行为,残忍,野蛮 byproduct n.副产品 callous adj.无情的, 冷淡的, 硬结的, 起老茧的captiously adv. 吹毛求疵地 categorical adj.


2002年11月23日GRE笔考题 Section 1 8. STOMACH: DIGESTION A. heart : pulsation B. eye : recognition C. muscle : exertion D. skin : irritation E. lung : respiration 9. DEHYDRATE : WATER A. melt : liquid B. wither : vitality C. anchor : stability D. emote : enthusiasm E. shrivel : winkle 10. RAVENOUS: HUNGRY A. congenial : friendly B. mean : wild C. obsessed : absorbed D. inept : clumsy E. sated : savory 11. ELEGY : LAMENT A. epic : idolize B. comely : please C. parody : ridicule D. sonnet : court E. tragedy : pity 12. ANECDOTE : NARRATIVE A. acronym : letter B. summary : excerpt C. simile : comparison D. metaphor : fantasy E. pseudonym : signature 13. TRUNATE : LENGTH A. separate : substance B. ventilate : circulation C. vaccinate : immunity D. transfer : location E. cool : temperature 14. GENERATION: INDIVIDUAL A. conference : speaker B. shift : laborer C. city : official D. tree : limb E. river : stream 15. RERERTOIRE : PERFORMANCE A. agenda : meeting B. catalog : library C. manifest : cargo D. invoice : receipt E. inventory : sale 16. BLANDISHMENT : COAX A. equivocation : dispute B. assessment : infer C. augmentation : complicate D. persuasion : coerce E. explanation : enlighten 类比答案:EBCC CEBAE 反义词 28. DISAVOW A. instigate B. acknowledge C. envision D. ameliorate E. inculcate 29. FLOURISH A. lose out B. catch up C. turn off D. waste away E. slow down 30. HYPERBOLE A. misdemeanor B. understatement C. imprecation D. concession E. obstinacy 31. RIVETING A. appetizing B. enriching C. wearisome D. wasteful E. harmful 32. DAMN A. undo B. entreat C. mollify D. motivate E. extol 33. REPROACH A. sustain B. advance C. acclaim D. manipulate E. embellish 34. MYOPIA A. maturity B. prescience C. prompt response D. good fortune E. final event 35. NICE A. restrained B. colorless C. obscure D. imprecise E. balanced 36. LASSITUDE A. pride B. breadth C. vim D. pomp E. valor


GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业,由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办... ... GRE到底Skr啥? 几乎每天都有同学 变着花样追问新一这个问题 并且对于度娘给到上述的答案 表示强烈不满 所以今天新一决定 换一个完全不一样的方式—— 关于考试范围、考试难度等等问题 如何直观的进行界定呢? “不如就把把GRE考试翻译成中文, 让泥萌一次感受个明明白白!” 来吧,最强GRE科普模拟考

现在开始!! 第一部分:填空题 请在甲、乙、丙、丁、戊五个选项中,选择最合适的一项填入题目的空白中,使句子的逻辑通顺且符合常理。 1、祖冲之末年于建康任谒者仆射期间________ 数年,终于继计算圆周率之后,在那段硝烟弥漫的艰苦岁月中发明了千里船、水碓磨。 (甲)惨淡经营 (乙)搜肠刮肚 (丙)苦思冥想 (丁)枕戈待旦 (戊)形销骨立 2、退一步说,雍正皇帝的诸如________ 地征税充盈国库、严查并打击科举舞弊等行为是客观存在的,但即便如此,它们并不能掩盖这位帝王是一个________ 的人物的事实。(甲)暴戾 ...... 昏庸无能 (乙)残戮 ...... 雷厉风行 (丙)高效 ...... 具有争议 (丁)积极 ...... 家喻户晓 (戊)懈怠 ...... 精明能干

3、长沙市的那一场惨烈的车祸,到底还是未能如那些事发现场的处理者们当初之预期一般,在事件的收尾结束一段时日之后为当地居民们所________ 。而________ 的是,浙江人茶余饭后的谈资中至今仍包含着几个月前发生在杭州的相似事故。 (甲)铭记 ...... 预料之中 (乙)窥探 ...... 令人生畏 (丙)忽视 ...... 迥然相异 (丁)觊觎 ...... 与此矛盾 (戊)淡忘 ...... 无独有偶 第二部分:类比题 请在甲、乙、丙、丁、戊五个选项中,选择与题目所给的两个词之逻辑关系最相近的一组 4、门闩:封闭 (甲)纺车:旋转 (乙)毛毽:蹴鞠 (丙)水银胆:保温 (丁)琴弓:弹奏 (戊)镇静剂:麻醉 5、犊:野牛


2005年6月GRE笔试真题词汇部分SECTION ONE: 1. filthiness: pristine A. plenitude : sparse B. proximity : adjacent C. asymmetry : chaotic D. protraction : broad E. celerity : fleet 2. aggravation : irritate A. indignation : justify B. determination : overcome C. indiscretion : miscalculate D. culpability : reproach E. perplexity : bewilder 3. replenish : dwindling A. repair : broken B. explain : confused C. prohibit : allowed D. repel : unwanted E. disarm : aggressive 4. null : validity A. vapid : insipidity B. transparent : clarity C. rambling : concision D. purposeful : intent E. pointed : precision 5. unscrupulous : integrity A. intractable : motivation B. laconic : honesty C. inhospitable : gratitude D. pretentious : vanity E. miserly : largesse 6. applicable : pertinence A. prosaic : foppery B. audacious : enmity C. tendentious : bias D. irresistible : worthiness E. transient : permanence 7. rabble : control A. disease : diagnose B. enigma : explain C. compromise : negotiate D. mistake : rectify E. testimony : verify 8. novice : experience A. magnate : prestige B. martinet : authority C. dilettante : interest D. muse : inspiration E. nonentity : consequence 9. tribute : commend A. joke : deliver B. hint : baffle C. soliloquy : discuss D. donation : indemnify E. caveat : warn 10. reciprocate A. avoid B. resist C. violate an agreement D. fail to repay E. decrease greatly 11. marvel A. feel apathetic B. lose patience C. be ungrateful D. act cowardly E. show favoritism 12. observant A. obedient B. blatant C. oblivious D. undemanding E. uncharitable


GRE反义词真题(96.4-99.4) 1996年4月 28.STRINGENT: lax elusive impartial evident vast 严格的: *松懈的 难懂的,难琢磨的 公平的,不偏不倚的 明显的,显著的 巨大的,辽阔的 29.INTERIM: obscure permanent prudent resolute secure 暂时的: 暗的,朦胧的, *永久存在的

谨慎的 坚决的 安全的,可靠的,放心的30.SCATHING: easily understood politely cooperative intentionally involuted calmly complimentary strongly partisan 严厉斥责的: 容易理解的 *冷静客观地赞扬的 复杂的,恢复原来形态的无声的赞许 十分狂热的 31.CAPITULATE: enjoin resist observe closely consider carefully appraise critically 投降,不抵抗:

吩咐,命令,嘱咐 *抵抗 阻止 仔细考虑 严格地鉴定 32.RECONSTITUTE: detail invent spoil conform dehydrate 加水于干化处理过的食物使其恢复原来的含水状态详细而清晰地报道 发明,创造 严重破坏 使一致,使遵守,使顺从 *使脱水 33.REPUTE: lack of caution lack of knowledge lack of emotion lack of generosity

真题 gre词汇练习题

GRE补充填空题 1.“The show must go on”is the oldest of show business; every true performer lives by that creed. (A)euphemism (B)allegory (C)precursor (D)tenet (E)corroboration 2.James Baldwin, who wrote of black Americans as being in a perpetual state of rage, Mr. Cose remarks that few human beings could the psychic toll of uninterrupted anger. (A)Corroborating ... e ndure (B)Refuting ... e nhance (C)Dismissing ... r efine (D)Challenging ... s urvive (E)Upholding ... w eather life’s, the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled. (A)Fortified ... g enerosity (B)Deluded ... c oincidences (C)Humbled ... v icissitudes (D)Venerated ... s urvivors (E)Recognized ... i mpostors 4.his broker had told him出at the stock was a一一investment,he insisted on buying 100 shares. (A)Because ... s peculative (B)Although ... p recarious (C)Since ... n egligible (D)Although ... f ormidable (E)Because ... d windling 5.A glance pays attention to details. (A)furtive ... m eticulous (B)cursory .. .little (C)cryptic ... c lose (D)keen ... s canty (E)fleeting ... v igilant 6.A person is one who will some由ing on the slightest of evidence. (A)restive ... f orget


GRE 中文试题 分析性写作30分钟 你将会看到一个简单的说明,指导你如何对给出的问题进行回应,根据具体要求,30分钟内完成写作。对任何其他问题的回应只会得到0分。 确保文章是根据具体要求展开的,在展开你的立场时,用你阅读到的,经历的以及观察的或者学术研究方面的理由和例子支持你的论点。 GRE的阅卷人将会根据以下的要求来评阅你的文章:根据具体要求展开考虑到问题的复杂性 ●组织、发展并表达你的观点用相关的原因和例子支持你的论点用标准书面英语 在你写作前,对该问题思考几分钟,并阅读具体要求,然后写文章。确保充分展开你的观点并合理构架组织结构,同时确保写作完成前你有一定的时间检查并改写 issue题目 最好的教育方式是表扬积极行为忽视消极行为 根据题目写文章,在文章里你要讨论你对题目中建议的态度,同意不同意还是部分同意等等, 并且解释你为什么有这样的立场。在开展并支持你的立场时,请描述一些采用了这样的建议 会不好或者采取这样建议会好的具体的例子,并解释这些例子是如何服务于你的立场的。 分析论证30分钟 你将会看到一篇简短的文章以及关于如何回应这篇文章的具体要求。30分钟完成作文,确保根据具体的要求来评估这篇文章。任何针对其他的论证的回应将只会得0分。 注意不要求表明你对该问题的观点,而是根据具体的题目要求来展开你对相关原因及例子的评估。 GRE阅卷人将会根据以下的标准评阅你的文章: 根据具体要求写文章指出并分析了文中主要的问题组织,发展并表达你的评价用相关的理由,例子来支持你的评估确保用书面英语 在写作前,对该问题思考几分钟,并阅读具体要求,然后写文章。确保充分展开你的评价并合理构架结构,同时确保写作完成前你有一定的时间检查并改写。 论证题目 以下是人类学F博士写的一片文章中的内容:20 年前,知名人类学F 博士访问了T 岛,并从 他的观察中得出结论:T 岛的孩子是由整个村子抚养长大而不是他们的亲生父母。然而, 另一位人类学家K 最近对生活在T 岛以及周边一些岛屿的儿童采访显示,他们在谈话中谈 到他们呢双亲的时间远远多于谈到村庄里其他成年人。K博士的这次研究证明F 博士关于T 岛乡村文化的结论是错的,一些人类学家建议要想以进一步获取准确的T 岛的儿童成长规 律,未来应该采用采访为主的方法。 根据题目写文章。内容包括:讨论需要用什么证据来评价上述论证;解释这些证据会如何削 弱或加强上述论证 数学35分钟20 个题目 对于第1到第7题,根据已经的信息比较Quantity A(A的数值)和Quantity B(B的数值)的大小。题目会对应四个选项,分别是: A.Quantity A大 B.Quantity B大 C.Quantity A 和Quantity B相等 D.无法判断 1.艾玛花了75美元买了一个旧的自行车,并用27美元修理它。之后她以她购买和修理花的前的总数的40%把自行车卖出去。 比较艾玛卖自行车的价格和140美元的大小 A.Quantity A大 B.Quantity B大 C.Quantity A 和Quantity B相等 D.无法判断


2016年4月8日GRE真题最全解析 本文天道小编为大家整理了关于2016年4月8日GRE考试机经的详细内容,希望对大家备考GRE有所帮助,更多GRE机经请关注天道教育GRE频道。 GRE填空题目及解析 第一个语文部分填空的词汇基本都在韩冰老师和潘晨光老师的佛脚词汇(回复【佛脚词】)范围内,只出现一个生词,三空题里选项里的,题目不记得,prophylactic(反正不是正确答案) 1. 题干:Contrary to 它一直以来_____的声誉,1950年代充满了trenchant and far-reaching (一针见血的并且影响深远的)社会批评。 题目选项:keenness;inclusiveness; complacency;integrity; productivity 参考答案:inclusiveness 原句:The Lonely Crowd quickly became one of the defining works of the 1950s— a decade that, contrary to its reputation for intellectual blandness and timidity, was exceptionally rich in works of sharp and enduring social criticism. 原句来源链接:,/essays/fifty-years-lonely-crowd 2. 题干:人们可以识别出很多色彩(数字貌似是10的n次方), but as the ____ of 色彩的词汇,能够准确地把这些色彩都说出来是rare case。 题目选项:paucity;sophistication;richness 参考答案:paucity (不足)。 思路:逻辑连接词为as,表因果,因果部分同义对应,果的部分说很少有人能够说出所有的色彩,因的部分要填入的词表示很少人能够说出色彩的原因。当然是人们掌握的色彩的词汇很少,所以能够说出这些色彩是特例。 3. 题干:虽然这个作者以尖酸刻薄的精确性satirizes(讽刺了)social aspirants and moneyed folk(社会野心家和有钱人)的生活,但是这个作者似乎(i)______成为这个她所呈现的如此(ii)______的the world(这个世界)中一份子。 第一空选项:abhor;relish;evoke 第二空选项:unattainable;insufferable;enchanting 参考答案:relish;insufferable


GRE真题8 SECTION 2 Time-30 minutes 38 Questions 1. A good doctor knows that knowledge about medicine will continue to ----- and that, therefore, formal professional training can never be an------- guide to good practice. (A) vary.. adaptable (B) change.. absolute (C) ossify.. inflexible (D) pertain.. invaluable (E) intensify.. obsolescent 2. Foucault's rejection of the concept of continuity in Western thought, though radical, was not unique; he had ------- in the United States who, without knowledge of his work, developed parallel ideas. (A) critics (B) counterparts (C) disciples (D) readers (E) publishers 3. In retrospect, Gordon's students appreciated her ----- assignments, realizing that such assignments were specifically designed to ----- original thought rather than to review the content of her course. (A) didactic.. ingrain (B) intimidating.. thwart (C) difficult.. discourage (D) conventional.. explicate (E) enigmatic.. stimulate 4. In sharp contrast to the intense ------- of the young republic, with its utopian faith in democracy and hopes for eternal human progress, recent developments suggest a mood of almost unrelieved ------ (A) idealism.. cynicism (B) individualism.. escapism (C) sectarianism.. recklessness (D) assertiveness.. ambition (E) righteousness.. egalitarianism 5. Old age, even in cultures where it is -------, is often (A) venerated.. ambivalence (B) rare.. surprise (C) ignored.. condescension (D) feared.. dismay (E) honored.. respect 6. Unlike the easily studied neutral and ionized ------ that compose the primary disk of the Milky Way itself, the components of the ------- surrounding our galaxy have proved more resistant to study. (A) figments.. envelope (B) essences.. fluctuations (C) elements.. problems (D) calculations.. perimeter (E) materials.. region 7. Although normally -------, Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside her reserve and spoke up at the committee meeting. (A) diffident (B) contentious (C) facetious (D) presumptuous (E) intrepid 8. SLIPPERY: ELUDE:: (A) dangerous : distract (B) hidden: alarm (C) temporary : erase (D) alluring: entice (E) overwrought : exclaim 9. RAINCOAT: RAIN:: (A) wages : inflation (B) prevention : cure (C) prediction: weather (D) insurance : loss (E) work: unemployment 10. DECIPHER: HIEROGLYPH:: (A) transcribe : recording (B) separate :component (C) transmute : metal (D) break: code (E) edit: text


新GRE考前真题练习(一) 以下是资料下载小编为大家整理的新GRE考前真题练习,希望对大家备考有帮助,赶快下载全篇吧。SECTION 1 Time - 30 minutes 38 Questions Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1. Nonviolent demonstrations often create such ten- sions that a community that has constantly refused to ------- its injustices is forced to correct them: the injustices can no longer be -------. (A) acknowledge..ignored (B) decrease..verified (C) tolerate..accepted (D) address..eliminated (E) explain..discussed 2. Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen’s n ovels has oscillated between ------- and condescension; but in general later writers have esteemed her works more highly than did most of her literary -------. (A) dismissal..admirers (B) adoration. .contemporaries (C) disapprpval..readers (D) indifference..followers


GRE出国考试历年真题之选择题精选(三) 1、Paradoxically, England’s colonization of North America was ----- by its success: the increasing prosperity of the colonies diminished their dependence upon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country. A, demonstrated B, determined C, altered D, undermined E, distinguished paradoxically: adv.1.似非而是地,佯谬地 2.自相矛盾地 3.悖理地,反常地colonization: n.殖民统治prosperity: n.兴旺,繁荣昌盛loyalty: n.忠诚demonstrate: v.1.论证,证明 2.说明,教 3.显示,表露alter: v.改变,改动,使变样 矛盾的是,英国在北美的殖民统治反而由于它的成功而遭到削弱:诸殖民地的 日益繁荣减少了它们对其宗主国的依赖,因而亦减少了它们对它的忠诚。 2、Although Harry, Stack Sullivan is one of the most influential social scientists of this century, his ideas are now so ----- in our society that they seem almost --------. A, novel.. antiquated B, revolutionary.. fundamental C, commonplace .. banal D, disputed.. esoteric E, obscure.. familiar 【翻译】虽然哈 利·斯塔克·沙利文是本世纪最具影响的社会科学家之一但是现在看来,他的 思想在我们的社会中显得如此普通平凡,以致于几近平庸。3、Her first concert appearance was disappointingly perfunctory and derivative, rather than the--------performance in the -------style we had anticipated. A, talented.. tenuous B, prosaic.. classic C, artistic.. mechanical D, inspired.. innovative E, literal.. enlightened perfunctory: a.敷衍了事的,马虎的,得过且过的derivative: a.1.派生的,衍生的 2.缺乏独创性的,模仿他人的tenuous: a.1.细的,薄的 2.稀薄的,脆弱的prosaic: a.1.散文的 2.平凡的,乏 味的inspired: a.受神灵启示的,在灵感支配下的literal: a.1.逐字的,照字面的,原义的 2.只讲究实际的,缺乏想象力的,刻板的,如实的enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,文明的她的首场音乐会演出令人失 望地显得敷衍了事,且有模仿他人之嫌,而不是我们所期待的那种灵感迸发的 演出和令人耳目一新的风格。4、As is often the case with collections of lectures by ------ authors, the book as a whole is ------, although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves. A, different.. disconnected B, incompetent.. abysmal C, famous.. systematic D, mediocre.. unexciting E, various.. coherent contribution: n.(投给报刊等的)稿件,文搞incompetent: a.不称职的不胜任的abysmal: a.深不可测的,无底的,极度的对于那些由不同的作者的演讲录编辑而成的集子来说,常有的情形是,整本书会显得杂乱无章,尽管单独的稿件就其本身而言可谓很出色。 5、Although some consider forcefulness and ------- to be two traits desirable to the same degree, I think that making a violent effort is much less useful than main-taining a steady one. A, promptness B, persistence C, aggression D, skillfulness E, lucidity trait: n.特征,特点,特性promptness: n.快捷,迅速aggression:


gre填空练习题 下面为大家整理的几道gre填空三空题的练习题,多多练习,总结做题方法,更好的备考gre。 1. In Democracies and its Critics, Robert Dahl defends both democratic value and pluralist democracies, or polyarchies. Dahl argues convincingly that the idea of democracy rests on political equality—the equality capacity of all citizens to determine or (i)___ collective decisions. Of course, as Dahl recognizes, if hierarchical ordering is (ii)___ in any structure of government, and if no society can guarantee perfect equality in the resources that may give rise to political influence, the democratic principle of political equality is (iii)___ of full realization. So actual systems can be deemed democratic only as approximations to the ideal. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A differ profoundly D reverse G distinction B convergent E conventionality H equilibrium C slightly differentiate F similarity I dissemination 2. Although the legal systems of England and the United States are superficially similar, they (i)___in their approaches to and uses of legal reasons: substantive reasons in the United States, whereas in England the (ii) ___ is true. This (iii)___ reflects a difference in the visions of law that prevail in the two counties. In England the law has traditionally been viewed as a system of rules; the United States favors a vision of law as an outward expression of the community’s sense of right and justice. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A hamper D circumstantial G incapable B influence E inevitable H determined C incorporate F neutral I possible 3. Although some censure became (i)___ during the 1980s, Dahl himself seems to support some of such earlier criticism. Although he (ii)___ that some Western intellectuals demand more democracy from polyarchies than is possible, he nevertheless ends his book by asking what changes in structures and consciousness might make political life more (iii)___ in present polyarchies. BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A a fixed number of D revolution H reproduction of older ones
