


As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information,are people remembering less? If you know your computer will save information,why store it in your own personal memory,your brain? Experts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember and how.

In a recent study,Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted some experiments. She and her research team wanted to know how the Internet is changing memory. In the first experiment,they gave people 40 unimportant facts to type into a computer. The first group of people understood that the computer would save the information. The second group understood that the computer would not save it. Later,the second group remembered the information better .People in the first group knew they could find the information again,so they did not try to remember it.

In another experiment,the researchers gave people facts to remember,and told them where to find the information on the computer. The information was in a specific computer folder (文件夹).Surprisingly,people later remembered the folder location (位置) better than the facts. When people use the Internet,they do not remember the information. Rather,they remember how to find it. This is called “transactive memory (交互记忆).”

According to Sparrow,we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet .Instead,computer users are developing stronger transactive memories;that is,people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date .This doesn't mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent,but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.

1.The passage begins with two questions to________.

A.introduce the main topic

B.show the author's attitude

C.describe how to use the Internet

D.explain how to store information

2.What can we learn about the first experiment?

A.The Sparrow's team typed the information into a computer.

B.The two groups remembered the information equally well.

C.The first group did not try to remember the information.

D.The second group did not understand the information.

3.In transactive memory,people________.

A.keep the information in mind

B.change the quantity of information

C.organize information like a computer

D.remember how to find the information

4.What is the effect of the Internet according to Sparrow's research?

A.We are using memory differently.

B.We are becoming more intelligent.

C.We have poorer memories than before.

D.We need a better way to access information.







解析:由第二段中的“People in the first group knew they could find the information again,so they did not try to remember it.”可知,因为知道电脑会储存信息,所以第一组实验者就没有去记忆这些信息。故选C。A项错在不是Sparrow的团队,而是参加实验的人把信息输入电脑,可排除;B项与第二段倒数第二句“...the second group remembered the information better.”矛盾,可排除;文章中未提及D项,可排除。



解析:由第三段中的“When people use the Internet,they do not rememberthe information.Rather,they remember how to find it.”可知,在这样的情况下,人们更容易记住怎样找到信息,而不是信息的内容,故选D项。



解析:由文章最后一段中的最后一句“This doesn't mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent,but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing”.(这并不意味着我们变得更聪明或更不聪明了,但毫无疑问我们利用记忆的方式在改变)可排除B、C两项,确定A项正确。文章中未提及D项“我们需要一种更好的方式来获取信息”。

Looking at beautiful art can act as a painkiller


The research carried out by the University of Bari in Italy could help clarify hospitals who are charged with wasting money on art and decoration as it suggests a pleasant environment helps patients overcome discomfort and pain.

A team headed by Professor Marina de Tommaso at the Neurophysiopathology Pain Unit asked a group of men and women to pick the 20 paintings they considered most ugly and most beautiful from a selection of 300 works by artists such as Lenoardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli. They were then asked to watch either the beautiful paintings, or the ugly paintings, or a blank panel while the team struck a short laser pulse at their hand, creating a sensation as if they had been hurt by a pin. The subjects rated the pain as being a third less intense while they were viewing the beautiful paintings, compared with when considering the ugly paintings or the blank panel.

Electrodes (电极) measuring the brain’s electrical activity also confirmed a reduced response to the pain when the subject looked at beautiful paintings. While distractions(娱乐), such as music, are known to reduce pain in hospital, Prof de Tommaso says this is the first result to show that beauty plays a part. The findings, reported in New Scientist, also go a long way to show that beautiful surroundings could aid the healing process.

“Hospitals have been designed to be functional, but we think that their aesthetic(审美能力)aspects should be taken into account too,” said the neurologist. “Beauty obviously offers a distraction that ugly paintings do not. But at least there is no suggestion that ugly surroundings make the pain worse.

I think these results show that more research is needed into the how a beautiful environment can reduce suffering.”

Pictures they liked included Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and Botticellis’ Birth of Venus. Pictures they found ugly included works by Pablo Picasso, the Italian 20th century artist Anonino Bueno and Columbian Fernando Botero. “these people were not art experts so some of the pictures they found ugly would be considered masterpieces by the art world,” said Prof de Tommaso.

1. According to the first paragraph, people didn’t approve

A. hospitals spend money on medical equipment.

B. hospitals decorate their rooms with works of art.

C. hospitals make their environment pleasant to patients.

D. hospitals treat patients with works of art.

2. How did the researchers make the research?

A. By asking the subjects to listen to music.

B. By requiring the subjects to draw paintings.

C. By ordering the subjects to choose which picture is beautiful and ugly.

D. By aching the subjects’ hands while they are watching paintings.

3. According to the research, when designing a hospital, we should consider its

A. convenient facilities

B. functional operating room

C. pleasing environment

D. bright waiting room

4. The best title for the passage may be

A. Patients Don’t Like Pictures

B. Arts Can Be Used As a Medicine

C. Ugly Patients Feel Less Pain

D. Beautiful Art Can Ease Pain















Parents’ homework help lowers children’s marks

Parents who help their children with homework may actually be bringing down their school grades.Other forms of parental involvement,including volunteering at school and observing a child's class,also fail to help,according to the most recent study on the topic.

The findings challenge a key principle of modern parenting(养育子女) where schools expect them to act as partners in their children's education.Previous generations concentrated on getting children to school on time,fed,dressed and ready to learn.

Keith Robinson,the author of the study,said,“I really don't know if the public is ready for this but there are some ways parents can be involved in their kids' education that leads to declines in their academic performance.One of the things that were consistently negative was parents' help with homework.” Robinson suggested that may be because parents themselves struggle to understand the tasks.“They may either not remember the material their kids are studying now,or in some cases never learnt it themselves,but they're still offering advice.”

Robinson assessed parental involvement performance and found one of the most damaging things a parent could do was to punish their children for poor marks.In general,about 20% of parental involvement was positive,about 45% negative and the rest statistically insignificant.

Common sense suggests it was a good thing for parents to get involved because “children with good academic success do have involved parents”,admitted Robinson.But he argued that this did not prove parental involvement was the root cause of that success.“A big surprise was that Asian-American parents whose kids are doing so well in school hardly involved.They took a more reasonable approach,conveying to their children how success at school could improve their lives.”

1.The underlined expression “parental involvement” in Paragraph 1 probably means________.

A. parents' expectation on children's health

B. parents' participation in children's education

C. parents' control over children's life

D. parents' plan for children's future

2.What is the major finding of Robinson's study?

A. Modern parents raise children in a more scientific way.

B. Punishing kids for bad marks is mentally damaging.

C. Parental involvement is not so beneficial as expected.

D. Parents are not able to help with children's homework.

3.The example of AsianAmerican parents implies that parents should________.

A. help children realize the importance of schooling

B. set a specific life goal for their children

C. spend more time improving their own lives

D. take a more active part in school management




解析:根据文章的第一句可知,帮助孩子做家庭作业的家长也许真的会让孩子的成绩下降。其他形式的参与也没有多大帮助。involvement表示“涉及,卷入”,对应B项中的participation 一词。







The Seeds

Once upon a time there were four seeds who were good friends of each other. Taken up by the wind, they finally landed in a jungle clearing(空地). There they remained, hidden on the ground, hoping they would be able to grow up and become beautiful trees.

But when the first seed began germinating(发芽), they realized it wouldn’t be such an easy task. In that clearing lived a group of monkeys, and the smallest monkeys would amuse themselves by throwing bananas at any plant they noticed was starting to grow. Using this game, the monkeys learnt how to throw bananas and they also kept the clearing free of vegetation. They threw so many bananas at that first seed that it was almost split in two. And when it told the other seeds what happened, they all agreed it would be better to wait for monkeys to leave.

Well, they all thought that, apart from one who thought she should at least attempt it. And when she tried, she was attacked by bananas, and was left folded over in two. The other seeds got together and asked her to stop trying, but that little seed was completely determined to become a tree. And

time and again, she would try and try. On each new occasion, the little monkeys had slightly improved their aim, and so the little seed ended up being doubled over yet again.

But the seed didn’t give up. Every time they attacked her with bananas, she tried even harder, despite her friends begging her to stop, and telling her to wait until the monkeys left. For a few days she would manage to avoid the bananas, but then the next day some monkey would hit her, and it would all start over again.

And then, one day, she didn’t double over. She was hit by a banana, and then another, but none of them managed to make her break off. She had taken so many blows that slim trunk got thicker and more resistant until it could withstand the impact of a banana. And there she stayed, growing, growing and growing.

1. Why did the monkeys attack the seeds?

A. Because they knew the seed would occupy their clearing.

B. Because the seeds produced no bananas.

C. Because they were very aggressive and bored.

D. Because they knew the seed was willing to grow.

2. The underlined word “blows” in the last paragraph probably means

A. insults

B. suggestions

C. hits

D. air

3. Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe the second seed?

A. perseverant

B. timid

C. cooperative

D. ignorant




解析:本题线索在第二段“kept the clearing free of vegetation(使空地保持没有植物)”。由此可知,它们担心种子长大了,会占据它们的空地,故选A






解析:本文描写了一颗种子不惧猴子的攻击,坚持生长的故事,可以用perseverant (锲而不舍的)来形容它的品质。

The Mother of Harry Potter --- J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling, British author and creator of Harry Potter Fantasy, was born in Yate, near Bristol in 1965, on 31st of July.

Despite the fact that she had a troubled marriage and has been leading a life for years on social welfare, she has overcome all her odds and has become a multi-millionaire in less than 5 years since her first Harry Potter fiction was published. She has also worked as a French teacher in Edinburgh. The story of Harry Potter came into her mind during her train trip to London in 1990. As she recalled, it was on a long train journey from Manchester to London, she saw a thin shaman(僧人)who wore glasses and had black hair seated in the train and smile at her. Once he broke into her life, her initiation of the creative idea of Harry Potter was born. She took six years to write the book but unfortunately her manuscript of Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone was rejected by nine publishers. However, in 1996, it was bought by Bloomsbury. What happened next was a history --- More than 400 million copies of Harry Potter have been sold across the world in almost all major languages. Harry Potter is now considered a strong global brand with an estimated worth exceeding $ 15 billion. Her last four books of Harry Potter series have been regarded as the fastest-selling books in history.

In 2002, she was charged with plagiarism by Pennsylvania-based author Nancy Stouffer, according to whom J.K. Rowling took inspiration from her book The Legend of Rah and Muggles and character Larry Potter. But soon the case was dismissed as she could not support her claims. Forbes Magazine 2010 has enlisted her in the billionaire list of the world. She is the twelfth richest in the United Kingdom and her net worth is said to be about $1 billion now. According to Sunday Time Rich List of 2008, she has a fortune worth $798 million. Telegraph of 2008, kept her among “100 most powerful in British culture”.

1. Before Harry Potter was published, J·K· Rowling

A. had become a famous writer already

B. led her life by depending on social welfare

C. almost gave herself up because of her divorce

D. she became a multi-millionaire

2. How did the story of Harry Potter come into being?

A. J.K. Rowling met a shaman on her way to London.

B. The train was a good place to inspire J.K. Rowling’s creativity.

C. J.K. Rowling enjoyed her train trip to London very much.

D. J.K. Rowling got some idea from Nancy Stouffer’s book

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Harry Potter became well received the first time it was sent to the publisher.

B. Harry Potter has been translated into different languages all around the world.

C. Bloomsbury dared to buy Harry Potter because the company could predict its popularity.

D. J.K. Rowling is twelfth richest woman in the world and her net worth is said to be about $1

billion now.

4. What does the underlined word “plagiarism” mean in paragraph four?

A. The reference to other works.

B. Imitating other people’s way of writing.

D. The action of copying people’s works.




解析:本题为“细节信息题”。根据第二段第一句话可知,在成名之前,J.K. Rowling婚姻不幸(a troubled marriage),长期靠社会福利生活(lead a life for years on social welfare),故选B。■2.A


解析:本题为“细节信息题”。提干询问,哈利波特的故事是如何诞生的,根据文章第三段可知,J.K. Rowling在火车上遇到一位僧人(shaman),由此就激发了她写哈利波特的创新想法(creative idea)。



解析:本题为“对错判断题”,需要把握文中细节,判断四个选项的说法哪个是对的。A选项,表述错误。根据文章第三段可知,J.K. Rowling《哈利波特》的手稿起初被九位出版商回绝(rejected)。因此,选项中说“第一次(the first time)寄给出版商就广受欢迎(well received)”的表述是不对的。B选项,表述正确。根据文章第三段可知,《哈利波特》几乎以所有主要语言的形式(in almost all major languages)在世界各地销售。言外之意就是,《哈利波特》已被译成各种语言。C选项,在原文找不到依据。虽然文章第三段明确写了it was bought by Bloomsbury,但是并没有交代Bloomsbury买下《哈利波特》的原因。D选项,表述错误。根据文章最后一段可知,J.K. Rowling是英国排名十二的富人,但D选项却说“世界上”排名十二,出现了偏差。



解析:本题为“词义猜测题”。后文说,Nancy Stouffer认为,J.K. Rowling从她的书中获取了灵感(took inspiration from her book)。由此可以推测,划线的plagiarism意为“抄袭”。

The Great Wall

In 220 B.C., under the reign(统治)of Qin Shi Huang, sections of earlier fortifications(防御工事)were joined together to form a united defence system against invasions from the north.

The Great Wall, the only work built by human hands on this planet that can be seen from the moon, was continuously built from the 3rd century B.C. to the 17th century AD (the Ming Dynasty) on the northern border of the country as the great military defence project of successive Chinese Empires, with a total length of more than 20,000 kilometers. The Great Wall begins in the east at Shanhaiguan in Hebei province and ends at Jiayuguan in Gansu province to the west. Its main body consists of walls, horse tracks, watch towers, and shelters on the wall, and includes fortresses(堡垒)and passes along the Wall.

The Great Wall reflects conflicts and exchanges between agricultural civilizations and nomadic(游牧)civilizations in ancient China. It provides significant physical evidence of the far-sighted political strategic thinking and strong military defence forces of central empires in ancient China. It is an outstanding example of the excellent military architecture, technology and art of ancient China. It shows unparalleled significance as the national symbol for the defence of the country.

The Great Wall integrally(完整地)preserves all the material and spiritual elements, and historical and cultural information that carry its outstanding universal value. The complete route of the Great Wall over 20,000 kilometers, as well as elements constructed in different historical periods which make up the complicated defence system of the property, including walls, fortresses, passes and beacon towers(烽火台), have been preserved to the present day. The building methods of the Great Wall in different times and places have been integrally maintained. The Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty is considered the strongest: on the one hand, the Ming Dynasty is relatively closer to the present day, compared with other Dynasties before the 14th century; on the other than, a strict system of job responsibility was carried out in the whole construction process. With workers’ names carved(雕刻)on the surface of the bricks, any worker who neglected his duty could be traced and severely punished. However, it is a pity that the visual integrity of the Wall at Badaling has been impacted negatively by the construction of tourist facilities and a cable car.

1. Chinese people started to build walls to protect themselves from the invasions from the north _____ .

A. under the reign of Qin Shi Huang

B. in the 3rd century B .

C. in the 17th century B .C.

D. Around 220 B .C.

2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. The construction of the Great Wall.

B. The conflicts at the Great Wall.

C. The significance of the Great Wall.

D. The preservation of the Great Wall.

3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. We can find building materials of different dynasties at the Great Wall.

B. People in different dynasties used the same building methods inherited from the ancient times.

C. The Ming Dynasty established a complicated defence system at the Great Wall, including walls, fortresses, etc.

D. The tourism development at Badaling has contributed to the protection of the Great Wall.

4. Why were workers required to carve their names on the bricks used for the construction of the Great Wall during the Ming Dynasty?

A. To help workers neglect their duty.

B. To severely punish the delaying builders.

C. To trace the surface of the Great Wall bricks.

D. To ensure the quality of the Great Wall.




解析:本题为“细节信息题”。提干问,人们从何时开始建墙抵御北方的侵略。根据第二段第一句话was continuously built from the 3rd century B.C. to the 17th century AD可知,起始时间为公元前三世纪,故选B。本题可能会误选A或者D ,根据第一段可知,秦始皇时期,长城被连接了起来(joined together),而非“始建”,与提干不符。



解析:本题为“主旨大意题”。提干询问文章第三段的主旨内容。该段主要介绍了长城的意义:reflect conflicts and exchanges ,significant physical evidence ,excellent military architecture, technology and art of ancient China ,as the national symbol for the defence of the country 。故选C 。



解析:本题为“分析推测题”。根据最后一段第二句话可知,长城上的各个组成元素建于不同的历史时期(in different historical periods),由此即可推断,长城上可以找到不同历史时期的建筑材料,故A选项正确。



解析:本题为“分析推测题”。提干问,明朝要求工人将自己名字刻在长城砖上的目的是什么。根据最后一段倒数第二句话可知,任何玩忽职守(neglected his duty)的人都会被追责(be traced),并且严惩(severely punished),由此可见,这项举措旨在避免偷工减料的情况,确保施工质量,故选D正确。

Lessons from a Millionaire Taxi Driver

I had just finished a busy two-day business trip in Sydney and was ready to go home. When I got into my taxi, the taxi driver explained that there were several routes he could take to the airport; however, he recommended only one of them because of the time of day. I commented that he seemed to know his business. “Yes, I do”, he said. He then went on to tell me his story --- one of the most unusual stories I have ever heard.

My taxi driver (I’m embarrassed to admit that I forgot to ask his name) had been driving taxis for more than 35 years. He lived in a million-dollar house. He had business interests worth at least another million dollars. I doubted whether the story was true. “If you are doing so well,” I asked, “why do you still drive taxis?”

“I love driving taxis. I can meet people of various types. Every day is different. I never get bored, and it has given me a wonderful lifestyle.”

He then further explained that since he had not done so well in school, he dropped out and began driving a taxi. He liked it so much that he decided to make it his career. At the time, a taxi license (which now goes for about $300,000) cost nearly $30,000 --- and it took five years of hard saving until he could get one. He then purchased his first car and was officially in business for himself. He added that most areas of his life worked better if he had a simple system to follow. For example, each time he buys a car for his taxi business, he buys a brand-new one. He looks after these cars carefully until they have 30,000 kilometers on them and then sells them. He has found that this system dramatically reduces his maintenance costs. Moreover, he had done research on all the major routes in and around Sydney, so he knew exactly how long it took to get anywhere, depending on the time of day. Everything that he had learned was carefully written down. This was invaluable when he began hiring drivers to work for him.

1. The reason why the taxi driver recommended only one route to the writer was that ______

A. the driver wanted to earn more money

B. the driver was very familiar with the road conditions

C. the driver was interested in telling unusual stories

D. the writer enjoyed showing off himself

2. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The taxi driver must have been a very impolite and impatient man.

B. The taxi driver started his business when he was in university.

C. In Australia, one should buy a license for taxi operation.

D. Buying a brand-new car has helped the taxi driver reduce the maintenance costs.

3. What lesson cannot be learned from the taxi driver according to the passage?

A. Diligence contributes to a great extent to one’s success.

B. It is important to adapt yourself to the environment around you.

C. Being humble can make you respected by other people.

D. Finding a suitable system to follow is very important at work.










解析:本题为“分析推测题”。学生需判断,哪个选项所表述的“道理”不能从原文的故事中找到依据。本题采用“排除法”做题较为合适。A选项讲了勤奋(diligence)的重要性,这一点可从文章最后一段“司机花了很大的功夫去调研道路状况”的描述中得以印证。B选项说人要学会适应(adapt to)环境,可从倒数第二段开头有关“辍学开车”的表述中推理而得。D选项认为,在工作中找到一个合适自己的系统(system,此处可理解为“工作模式”)是非常重要的,该内容在文章最后一段有详细的论述。

Read the following passages. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


“Aggression” means a mixture of three features: injury (real or symbolic), intent(意图), and emotion. Having a toe trodden upon may or may not make you the object of aggression: it all depends on the emotion and intent of a man inside the boot. One recurring question is the exact nature of the motivation. If the answers to this and similar questions were known, better solutions might be offered. Instead, the expects continue to offer contradictory opinions. It has been suggested that competitive sports decrease aggression. But many have suggested that such sports may cause it. Similar conflicting opinions have been offered about violence on film and television. How do we begin to make sense of rival views? One way is by looking at how the ideas developed historically. When Freud first considered human aggression, he suggested that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure-seeking drive. He later changed his mind, suggesting that the aggressive drive was something independent of the blocking of pleasure, and that aggression was inherent part of human conditions. These two very different views have formed the basis of contemporary thinking on the nature of aggression. F reud’s earlier idea, that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure drive, led to the frustration theory. It suggested that interference with any pleasure including, or rewarding activity, once this had begun, would produce a state of frustration, which would then evoke anger. The frustration theory has stimulated much research on both human and animals. But its limitations in explaining all human aggression are now very apparent. If you are frustrated, for example, by someone turning up to an appointment on time, anger is indeed a likely outcome. Bur so other reactions: anxiety and nervousness, trying to find the missing person, or making light of the situation by joking.

Freud’s later idea—that there is a separate aggressive drive—influenced a totally different set of ideas. Most important among these is the notion that the act of violence can release a tense which has previously built up in someone. Ideas of this sort not only have a long history, but also have a intuitive appeal because of the feeling of relief that often follows an emotional act, such as an aggressive outburst. The later Freud saw aggression as a drive building up spontaneously(自发地)until the act occurred, which then reduced the tension. This embodies a profoundly pessimistic belief about human nature. It led Freud to comment that it is fruitless to try to eliminate human violence, but we can only provide safe outlets for it.

One extension of the frustration approach is my own discrepancy theory, which I originally put forward to explain the animal fighting. Animal fight in response to sudden pain or novelty or frustration. All three situations can be thought of in terms of animal finding a large discrepancy between events and what is expecting on the basis of its past experience. When this happens, either

fear or aggression is likely to occur, though many traditional factors will determine which of the two takes place in a given situation. On this view, aggression occurs because the animal compares events in its environment with its expectations built up from the past experiences.

The same idea can be extended to human aggression. We are likely to become angry when our expectations, wishes, beliefs or attitudes are not fulfilled by what we experience. One very clear example occurs after a person has lost a marriage partner, close relative or friend. There is distress, and attempts to escape, at first. These are replaced later by aggression.

1. The author of the passage believes that if we know the nature of aggression

A. we may find better ways to deal with human violence

B. we may better understand people’s intent and emotion

C. we may have a clear view of its historical development

D. experts may stop arguing about violence on film and television

2. Freud thought later on that human aggression was caused by

A. the blocking of a pleasure drive

B. an inherent aggressive drive

C. frustration, anger and anxiety

D. unexpected failures

3. Freud’s later idea is pessimistic because it implies that

A. it’s impossible to eliminate human violence

B. it’s impossible to find safe outlets for violence

C. man will never understand the nature of aggression

D. man will never find ways to reduce tension

4. The author’s own theory is influenced by

A. Freud’s earlier idea

B. Freud’s later idea

C. research on animals

D. studies on frustration




解析:第一段提到“O ne recurring question is the exact nature of the motivation. If the answers to this and similar questions were known, better solutions might be offered.”故选A



解析:第三段提到“the act of violence can release a tense which has previously built up in someone” “The later Freud saw aggression as a drive building up spontaneously(自发的)until the act occurred, which then reduced the tension.”故应选择B。A选项是Freud过去的主张。



解析:第三段结尾提到“It led Freud to comment that it is fruitless to try to eliminate human violence, but we can only provide safe outlets for it.”,故选A。



解析:第四段第一句提到“One extension of the frustration approach is my own discrepancy theory”,故正确答案为D。

History of Dance Masks --- Topeng Dance

Topeng dance(印度尼西亚面具舞)is a type of storytelling or drama dance from Indonesia accompanied with music. Dancers wear masks and bright costumes(戏服)that represent characters in the play.

Topeng dance appeared in the 15th century. It originated from tribal(部落的)dances held in the honor of ancestors, where dancers with masks were playing roles of messengers of gods. In the beginning, popular themes of Topeng dance were nature and ancestral spirits. Later themes became wider, including the adventures, important historic moments, etc.

Topeng dance is usually performed at odalan, a temple anniversary celebration. It begins with characters not related to the story on the stage, all wearing masks. Then, main characters of noble(贵族)background wearing masks turn up. Their masks cover their whole faces and they do not talk at all. They express their characters and story only through the dance and movement. All the storytelling is done by characters of servants and ordinary people that wear half-masks that do not cover the mouth so they could talk. They are each telling their view of the story and lead the audience through it. Besides the main, strictly defined story, dancers make jokes and gossip for laughter. Why do performers wear masks when dancing? Masks are the one that define a character. Characters of noble backgrounds wear beautiful white or golden masks. They do not talk all through the performance. Characters of others wear masks of ordinary characters, animals or gods. Strong characters have masks painted in red. Shapes of masks are defined by different local traditions. For example, masks in Central Java are triangular in shape.

In the Topeng dance, the whole play is played by four to five actors that play all characters, even the female ones. One actor plays many roles in one play with different masks. An actor can have about 40 Topeng masks that are only his. It is believed that there is a special kind of bond between the actor and his mask that allows him to bring new life to it. It is also believed that when the actor puts his mask on, he is connected to the spirit.

1. The underlined pronoun “They” in paragraph three refers to ______

A. characters of noble background

B. characters of servants and ordinary people

C. the director of the Topeng dance

D. some major messengers of gods

2. A character of noble background in Topeng dance often wears ______

A. masks that cover half of his face, which enables him to talk

B. white or golden masks that cover his whole face

C. red masks with special shapes defined by different local traditions

D. colorful masks featuring ordinary characters, animals or gods

3. Which of the following statements about Topeng dance is true?

A. Nowadays, Topeng dances are often performed in honor of ancestors.

B. Topeng dance performers related to the story turn up first on the stage.

C. Based on masks, the audience can basically know the identity of a character.

D. In Topeng dance, each character belongs to a fixed performer.




解析:通过阅读上下文来确定文中代词的指代对象。在前一句话All the storytelling is done by characters of servants and ordinary people … 中即可找到相应答案。



解析:文章第三段交代,贵族表演者的面具覆盖全脸(Their masks cover their whole faces)。倒数第二段还交代,贵族表演者的面具是白色或金黄色的(Characters of noble backgrounds wear beautiful white or golden masks)。由此确定,B选项正确。



解析:文章倒数第二段开头交代,面具可以确定演员(Masks are the one that define a character.)。后文也详细介绍了不同角色的面具特点。由此判断,C选项(观众基于面具可以基本知道演员的身份)表述正确。

China’s Successful Reforestation Program

After major flooding in 1998, China introduced the Natural Forest Conservation Program, a logging ban to help stop erosion and rapid runoff. A recent study in Science Advances of 10 years of satellite data has found significant recovery in some Chinese forests.

But it’s not all good news. Andrés Vi?a, one of the authors of the paper, says this reforestation is probably shifting deforestation elsewhere.

China has carried out two national programs. One is the Grain to Green program intended to reconvert agricultural fields in steep slopes into forests. And the other is the Natural Forest Conservation program which is, in a sense, a logging ban to prevent deforestation and also to increase the aerial(空中的)forests. In Sichuan province, the program seems to be working very well in the sense that there is much forest recovery.


浅议中学生英语阅读理解存在的问题 “阅读课”在英语教学过程中既是教学重点,也是教学难点。但在目前的英语学习中,中学生的英语阅读理解能力却不容乐观。目前,中学生阅读理解存在着以下的一些问题: 一、词汇量的不足 1.课外阅读量少,不能为理解提供充分的养料 学习任何一种语言,最有效的方法是置身于这种语言的文化背景当中去。我们在阅读一篇文字时,要达到对文字的理解,有时候不仅仅需要对词汇的熟悉认识,更需要对该段文字的背景知识的了解。而目前来说,初中生的英语阅读量偏少,不能为理解文章提供充分的养料,过小的阅读量不利于词汇的积累与语言综合水平的发展。 2.缺乏一定的背景知识 语言是一种特殊的社会文化现象。它是人们在长期的社会生活实践中约定俗成的。每一种语言都是在特定的社会历史环境中产生和发展起来的。因此每一种语言都反映出使用该语言的国家和民族在不同的社会历史时期所特有的文化现象。同一个词在不同的文化背景中意义不同。由于文化的差异,用母语互译的方式错误理解和翻译某些句子和词汇,往往会闹出许多笑话。如:英语中的“high school”(高中)被理解成“高等学 校”“restroom”(厕所)被翻译成“休息室”等等。这就是东西方文化的差异。在以往的外语教学中,教师往往把主要精力集中在语言知识的传授上,而忽略了文化背景知识对语言的重要作用,这样学生即使掌握了正确的词汇和语法,也无法正确理解文章的含义。由此可见,语言和文化是密不可分的,由于学生不了解外语的文化背景,就无法正确理解文章背后的深沉含义,从而影响了学生的阅读理解能力。 3.不良阅读习惯 初中学生在学习英语时普遍存在着边看边读的习惯,这大大阻碍了阅读速度的提高。有人曾做过实验,朗读文字的速度最多只能达到每分钟150单词左


高中英语阅读理解题型及解题技巧 CHN 纵观近几年的高考英语试题,我们不难看出,阅读理解能力是高考考查 的重点,自始至终占主导地位,并且有逐年增加的趋势。做好阅读理解,是 获得高考英语高分的关键。 阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是: 1.阅读材料,理解材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细 节。 2.既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念。 3.既理解文章的字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等。 4.既理解某句、某段的含义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理 和判断。 5.既能根据所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应具有的常识去理解 判断。 根据这五项要求,我们可将阅读理解多项选择题归纳为以下几种题型: 主题主旨大意,细节理解题,综合推理题,概括归纳题,观点归纳题,人物 评价题,词义句义理解题,指代关系题,内容排序题等。下面结合自己平时教学中的经验体会,谈一谈做英语阅读理解题的技巧与策略。 一.主旨大意题-- 阅读理解首先要做到的就是掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,它是全文的概 括与总结。能否抓住这个中心,取决于读者的总结能力。每篇短文都有其主 题思想,而作者表现主题思想的手法各不相同。这就需要我们挖掘相同点, 寻找解题的方法--。 常见题型 1.主题型:What’s the main idea of this passage ? What does this passage mainly discuss? What’s the topic of this passage ? 2.标题型:What’s the best title? The best title for this text is (to tell ) . 3.目的型:The main purpose of this text is . The author’s purpose of writing this text is to . What’s the main purpose of the passage? 解题指导 1.抓住主题句。它们一般位于文章的开头或结尾。同时,也可以贯穿各 段中心句进行总结。 2.抓住文章逻辑线索,理清发展脉络。作者往往会采取举例、


提高高中生英语阅读能 力的几点策略 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

提高高中生英语阅读能力的几点策略 摘要:提高英语阅读能力对高中生进一步学习和使用英语具有非常重要作用。文章分析了提高高中生英语阅读能力的重要性及其条件、高中生英语阅读能力提高的阻碍因素,进而提出了重视文化背景因素、积累阅读词汇量、采用“整体—局部—整体”的语篇阅读法、养成良好阅读习惯四点提高高中生英语阅读能力的策略。 关键词:提高高中生英语阅读能力策略 一、提高高中生英语阅读能力的重要性及其条件 (一)英语阅读能力及其重要性 阅读就是对书面信息进行认知构建的心理语言过程。英语阅读能力是通过阅读英语文献获得信息的一种能力,这种能力的培养与提高,有助于学生在迅速、准确地获取知识与信息时减少难度和障碍,同时还能促进其他方面如听、说、写能力发展。英语阅读能力的培养是高中英语教学中的核心内容之一。侧重提高阅读能力,为进一步学习和运用英语切实打好基础是中学英语课程标准的一项具体要求。 高中英语阅读内容涉及的体裁广泛,题材新奇。其中包括了英语国家的历史、地理、文化风俗和风土人情等方面的内容,融思想性、知识性和真实性为一体。由于学生的时间、能力和活动范围有限,在限时阅读中把握一些阅读技巧和技能,对提高阅读效果显得尤为重要。 (二)高中生提高英语阅读能力应具备的条件 1、背景知识 背景知识是理解特定语篇所具备的外部世界知识,它影响着阅读理解的准确性。背景知识对理解的影响力大于语言知识,背景知识的缺乏会造成阅读理解的障碍。因此,在阅读学习中,应了解文章的背景知识,结合自己所把握的语言知识,如词汇、语法功能和话题等进行阅读。有了运用背景知识阅读的能力,对所读的文章的思路把握就较为清楚,对文章的理解也更为准确、深刻。


A “You can use me as a last resort(选择), and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.” This was an actual reply from a parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids lacrosse(长曲棍球)club. I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.” I’m secretly relieved because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team. The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal. Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services


高中基础英语阅读理解3 Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him. It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen. “I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.” 1. Mr. Lang was paid much because _______. A. he was a driver B. he worked in a factory C. he had a lot of work to do D. he had worked there for a long time 2. Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______. A. she couldn’t find any work B. she thought he r husband was tired C. her husband spent all time in gambling D. she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling 3. _______, so he was put into lockup. A. Mr. Lang often gambled B. Mr. Lang was late for work C. Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home D. Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police 4. The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______. A. he didn’t love her any longer B. he wouldn’t stop gambling C. he had been put into lockup D. he was hardly sent away by the factory 5. Which of the following is right? A. The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again. B. The boy thought his father needed some policemen. C. The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon. D. The boy hoped his mother to come back. (2) Dear Sir, I am writing about your January bill, which I am returning with this letter. I am not going to pay this bill. Last month I bought a table and four chairs for $65.50. They were sent to me on December 18. That night one leg of the table broke while my wife was putting our dinner on it. It fell on one of the chair, and that broke, too. Our $ 2.50 steak(牛排) landed on the floor, and the dog ate it. I spoke to the salesmen who had sold me the table and the chairs. He told me to write you a letter. I wrote you on December 20, saying that I was not going to pay for the furniture. On December 21 some men came and took it back to the store. Please do something about your records. I do not want to receive another bill for the furniture which I returned. Yours truly


浅谈高中英语阅读理解解题技巧 发表时间:2017-04-06T14:26:18.517Z 来源:《读写算(新课程论坛)》2017年第1期(上)作者:王雅婷 [导读] 所以学生要培养根据上下文猜词的能力,或者说根据情境(某几句话能读懂的)能揣测作者的意图。 (雅安市名山区第三中学名山 625100) 四川高考近年来逐渐加入全国高考,各科高考试卷中阅读理解的比重逐渐加重,英语科目中的阅读理解在历来都占有相当的比重,所以把握好整张试卷中的阅读理解,对高考中的英语成绩整体提升是至关重要的,阅读理解有观点,有事实,逻辑性强,命题往往从事实的有关细节及文章的主旨或作者的表达意图等方面着手,考查我们的思维能力和判定能力。所以学生要培养根据上下文猜词的能力,或者说根据情境 (某几句话能读懂的)能揣测作者的意图。 阅读是任何学习的基础,可以训练理解能力、思维能力、概括能力和判断推理能力,加强阅读能力的培养一直是高中英语教学的重点,也是历年来高考的重头戏。新的高中英语教学大纲明确规定:“侧重提高阅读能力”。阅读理解题在高考英语试题中始终是分值最高的一个题型,故有“得阅读者得天下”之说。 随着社会对高考的各类反响高考也随之改革,阅读理解题更强调对阅读速度、知识面和理解能力的考查,试题变得越来越灵活,形式更加多样化,涉及政治、经济、文化、历史、人物、科普、新闻、广告甚至图表.在各类体裁中,阅读理解是考生最容易失分的文体,因其信息承载量最大,选材偏离生活常识,阅读量最大。阅读本身要求速度快,阅读理解中词汇、句式又高级复杂,更加深了学生对这一文体的恐惧。因此,学生在扩大视野、拓展知识面的同时,有必要掌握一些阅读理解阅读解题技巧,这样才能在阅读理解这个重头戏中一锤定音。 阅读理解往往有观点,有事实,逻辑性强,命题往往从事实的有关细节及文章的主旨或作者的表达意图等方面着手,考查我们的思维能力和判定能力。所以学生要培养根据上下文猜词的能力,或者说根据情境(某几句话能读懂的)能揣测作者的意图。阅读理解的阅读同其它体裁的文章阅读一样,可以有主旨大意、细节理解、推理判定、词义理解等几种出题方式。对此我们提供以下几种解题策略与技巧: 一、重视文章主题,找准全文关键句,把握题意 一篇文章的主题往往可以从其标题和首尾段落进行提炼,找到了文章的主题有利于理解全文,提高解题效率。主题句对全文起提示、启迪、概括、归纳之作用。根据主题句既可以知道文章议论的是什么,也可以知道作者希望读者了解主题方面的哪些内容。阅读理解题材偏难,但其框架一般都很清晰,多采用总-分-总的结构,交替使用正面和反面的论证方式。通常,先总说现象或观点;其次,正面陈述、反面论证;最后作者表明自己的态度,再次总结文章。通常主题句会出现在文章的首句或句末,在这些地方要多留意表示归纳的词汇,也可以在具体事例之后或之前的表示观点的陈述句中寻找。 二、从细节上理解文章 俗话说细节决定成败,一篇阅读理解文章除主旨题外,细节理解题也是阅读理解题中的基础题,它主要考查学生对文中的具体事例、数字、时间、地点等的理解。经常出现排序题(按事情发展顺序排序),图表题(按文章内容找出正确图形),正误题(依据文章内容对所列的陈述进行正误判断) 对这种题型,无论细节题如何变化形式,立足点都应是从文章中找出相应词句作为依据。虽然答案中有的细节在文中很清楚,但可能与问题无关。细节题的破解一般用寻读法,即先看试题,再读文章。对有关信息进行快速定位,再将相关信息进行整合、分析、对比,有根据地排除干扰项,选出正确答案。假如问题采用的是反向思维,题中含有not或except等表示否定意义的词,则要更加留意。此法可以加强阅读的针对性,提高做题的准确率。做此类题目还要特别注意句子的逻辑关系,英语中有许多功能词。 三、通篇理解,了解作者意图和意境 做推理判断题要求考生在阅读理解整体语篇的同时,对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,站在作者的视角,而不是主观臆断、凭空想象,从而走入误区。英语文章讲究使用主题段与主题句,段与段之间通常有过渡词语连接,承上启下,使文章行文连贯。有时文章还会在时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑推理上运用较高级的手段进行组编。要想准确、深刻地理解文章,必须对文章的结构有所了解,把握全篇的文脉,即句内、句间和段落间的修辞手段或逻辑关系。作者往往在构思语篇前总要进行预先设定:读者知道什么,不知道什么,读者可能与自己共同拥有什么样的生活经验、思想见地和需求欲望等,然后设计一些隐藏在语篇深层的"潜台词"。因此,这类试题要求考生利用主题句进行推测,揣摩文字背后作者的意图,运用背景知识去挖掘文章深层含义,从而正确理解作者的言外之意,同时认真体会文章的语气与感情基调。 四、多读多背,扩大词汇量,掌握猜词技巧 新课程背景下,阅读理解的词汇量保持在3500个左右,读速大约每分钟60-70个单词,也就是说高考中的每篇文章要在6-8分钟完成。高考的文章大约有3%左右的生词,须根据上下文或整篇文章才能做出推断。由于当今的阅读文章题材广泛,体裁多样,经常出现一词多义,甚至出现没学过的词汇。许多学生感到生词特别集中,困扰很大,有的甚至烦躁得难以坚持阅读下去。要解决阅读中的生词问题,一要扩大英语词汇量,二要学习并掌握一些猜测生词词义的方法。如:利用同义、反义、上义、下义、词的集合、词的搭配等关系;利用照应、替代、省略、定义、举例等情境关系;利用词缀、转化、合成等构词法;利用后置定语或同位语等语法结构;利用前后对比或因果推理法。 总之,想要提高阅读能力,尤其是对考生来说难度较大的阅读理解阅读,学生应能从篇章和试题双方面入手。通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,优化阅读理解中阅读理解的解题思路和方法策略,提高学生自主学习的能力。


(英语)高一英语阅读理解解题技巧讲解及练习题(含答案)含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 One day a very skilled artist met a beautiful woman who immediately became the object of his affections. As he observed her and spoke with her, he admired her more and more. He showered her with kindness and words of praise until she consented to be his wife. Not long after they were married, however, the beautiful woman found out that she was more the object of his artistic interest than of his affections. When he admired her classic beauty, it was as though he were standing in front of a work of art rather than in front of a human being to whom he had pledged his love and promised his life. And soon he expressed his great desire to put her rare beauty on canvas. “Please sit for me in the workroom,” he pleaded, “and I will make your beauty permanent. The work will be my masterpiece!” She was humble and patient as well as flattered by his words, so she said, “Yes, my love. I will be happy to sit for you.” So the beautiful, young wife of the art ist sat meekly for hours in his studio, not complaining. Day after day she sat patiently, smiling as she posed, because she loved him and because she hoped that he would see her love in her smile and obedience. She sometimes wanted to call out to him, “Ple ase love me and want me as a person rather than as an object!” But instead, she spoke nothing but words which pleased him. At length, as the labor drew to close, the painter became wilder in his passion for his work. He only rarely turned his eyes from the canvas to look at his wife. As he stood there gazing at his beautiful work of art, he cried with a loud voice, “This is indeed life itself!” Then he turned to his beloved and saw that she was dead! (1)In what way did the artist express his appreciation of his wife's rare beauty? A. He put her classic beauty on canvas. B. He promised to marry her. C. He centered his deep affection on her. D. He pledged his love and promised his life to her.(2)What can be inferred from the story? A. The artist loved his work more than his wife. B. The artist didn't really understand what is beauty. C. The wife was fooled to sacrifice for his art creation. D. The wife loved his painting more than herself. (3)What did the artist mean by saying “This is indeed life itself!”? A. He appreciated his life of painting. B. He was grateful to his wife. C. His work was more true to life than life itself. D. His effort was really worth it. (4)What would be the best title for this passage? A. A Well-matched Couple B. A Devoted Artist C. A Rare Masterpiece D. A Stupid Wife 【答案】(1)A (2)A (3)C


高中英语新高考-阅读理解指导与解读:复盘阅读C篇阅读心理过程 试卷阅读理解如何分析?仁者见仁智者见智,没有所谓的标准答案。我的理解是,一篇好的阅读解读应该包含,当然各有侧重点不同: 1、背景、内容、主旨 2、词汇和语言 3、语篇的行文特点 4、逻辑关系 5、体裁及其语体特点 6、深层含义 7、现实含义 8、作者意图、观点和态度 每次阅读前都要问自己四点: 1、我是不是总结了本文的宏观结构,是不是其它同话题文章也有同样的结构? 2、文章的主旨在哪些段落里可以反映出来,这些段落的语句可有什么特征被广泛运用? 3、文章反映了作者什么态度,哪些句子或单词可以看出来? 4、段落是如何展开的,是举例、对比还是其它? 每次刷题后也要问自己两点: 1、命题人的设问和文章结构可有关系,或者有什么规律? 2、正确选项和错误选项分别针对文章句子的如何设计的? 下面我就本次某考试阅读C篇来实践一下,实际上这也是我课堂上的循序,当然一般都是通过问题设计。

C 1 The Bible begins with the creation of the world. As a consequence(结果标识词,读到此,应该知道后面的主题句了), in traditional Western thought the world is assumed to have been created by God. (段落中心:上帝创造世界。后面是具体解释了,可以略读)The Earth is associated with whatever is impermanent, imperfect, bodily and sinful. Heaven is the sphere of the permanent, perfect, spiritual and holy.(概念或中心句+具体解释的模式是绝大部分英语论说文的展开模式,关键是中心句的辨认。请关注解释部分里面的情感形容词:perfect, imperfect等,这都是通过对比来突出Heaven) 2 Traditional Chinese thought has no place for the idea of a creation(本句为论点,从上文的西方思想到本段的中国思想,明显是比较). What exists has always existed and shall always do so(always重复,突出中国思想的特色).Accordingly (语篇标识词,此句是照应论点句。这种模式:论点+论据+总结照应,也是很常见的)there is no concept of necessary “improvement”or “correction”of the creation through such means as a Last Judgment. 3 Things are as they are simply because that is the way they are(从because可见这是承接上文,具体解释中国思想了,可扫读一下第4段的首句确定). The natural principle of order, common to all that exists, is called the Way (dao)(新的概念the Way的提出,必然后面要具体解释,这是铁定规律). The Way is not some sort of law or pattern that God or prophets (先知) forced on what exists. It reveals itself in the


记叙文类作者:巩穹 (I)★★ Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters asking for admission(录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school. she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon(外科医师) , but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school for women. 1. Why couldn't Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon? A. She couldn't get admitted to medical school B. She decided to further her education in Paris C. A serious eye problem stopped her D. It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States 2. What main obstacle(障碍) almost destroyed Elizabeth's chances for becoming for a doctor? A. She was a woman. B. She wrote too many letters. C. She couldn't graduate from medical school. D. She couldn't set up her hospital. 3. How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital? A. Eight years B. Ten years C. Nineteen years D. Thirty-six years 4. According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts”in the life of Elizabeth Blacekwell except that she ______. A. became the first woman physician B. was the first woman doctor C. and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children D. set up the first medical school for women 5. Eilzabeth Blackwell spent most of her lift in _______. A. England B. Paris C. the United States D. New York City 1-5 CAABC (II)★★★ Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Denmark's agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer.


1 高中英语限时阅读理解 100篇 2 一、阅读理解 3 4 1、(1分)5分钟完成 O. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. 5 6 His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina 7 in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to 8 9 know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he 10 tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job 11 in a bank, when some money went missing from the bank O. Henry was believed 12 to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the 13 three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mostly 14 15 about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, 16 because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change 17 at the end, to the reader’s surprise. 18 1. In which order did O. Henry do the following things? 19 a. Lived in New York. b. Worked in a bank. c. Travelled to Texas. 20 21 d. Was put in prison. e. Had a newspaper Job. f. Learned 22 to write stories. A. e. c. f. b. d. a B. c. e. b. d. f. a C. e. b. d. c. 23 24 a. f. D. c. b. e. d. a f.


高中英语阅读理解中存在的问题和对策分析 在高中英语的试题中,阅读理解题目在英语考试中占有非常重要的地位,阅读理解能力的高低直接决定着考生的英语成绩,只有熟练掌握高中英语阅读理解的方法和技巧,才能为提高英语成绩提供保障。 一、阅读理解常见问题分析 高中生在进行英语阅读理解时,往往存在很多问题,而这些问题经常暴露在教学中,并最终影响学生的考试成绩。下面针对教学中以及学生考试答题中存在的问题进行总结归纳。 1.词汇 词汇被认为是制约阅读的最大因素。很多学生在阅读时遇到较多生词,文章就难以理解或是遇到较多生词时就不想再读下去。很多高中生的单词记忆过于孤立,缺乏词汇知识,词汇不足的同时还不善于处理阅读中的生词。在实际教学中,学生的词汇量很难满足阅读的需要,并且经常出现将词形或词义相近的单词词义弄混,不善于处理一词多义的情况。而学生一般认为背单词是最浪费时间但最没有效果的,通常是记住了又很快忘记,而且阅读中的单词只要认识即可,不需要会写,所以在背单词方面缺乏积累,花费的时间减少,甚至索性不记。 2.语法 在影响阅读理解方面,语法或句法被认为是仅次于词汇的因

素。不少学生在阅读时碰到长句子,不清楚句子结构而难以理解句意或是碰到较多复合句同时出现在一句话中,不知是哪部分修饰哪部分,难以理解句意;很多学生对于句中的各种指示代词、省略、倒装及其它固定的句子结构弄不清,造成理解偏差而影响阅读;一些学生当多种时态在文章中交错使用时,容易形成理解上的误区而影响对文章的正确理解。高中学生往往在英语句子结构、时态等方面的语法知识不够完善,存在相当大的障碍。 3.语篇和文体 不少学生在阅读时,常常只理解句子的字面意思而不能理解句子的深层内涵,或是在阅读语篇或段落时,能基本读懂大意,但时常抓不住支撑句;一些学生对上下文联系方面,有时不理解其因果关系或逻辑关系;很多学生阅读不同文体或题材的文章,受到的影响不同,遇到的困难也不同。高中学生在语篇和文体都存在相当大的障碍,但语篇文体方面存在的障碍要比其它语篇方面的障碍大。 4.阅读策略和技巧 在阅读策略方面,不少学生阅读时,不能根据不同的文章灵活地运用各种阅读技巧来进行阅读;很多学生在阅读时通常没想过阅读前、阅读过程中和阅读后各应当注意什么、怎么做;很多学生在阅读后很少征询他人,如老师、家教、同学对自己阅读理解情况的评价。 二、针对阅读理解存在问题的解题方法及技巧
