

Period Three


《大纲》中要求掌握 30 个日常交际用语项目。内容上侧重考查以打电话、购物、看病、约会、问路等为主 题的对话。辅以考查问候、介绍、告别、感谢、祝愿、请求允许、表示同意等日常交际用语的掌握和运用情况。 一、中考中常见的题型 1. 单项选择

2. 从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话。

3. 补全对话,每空一词。

4. 在空白处填入适当的词、词组或句子补全对话。 二、解题方法与技巧 1. 通览全文,掌握主题

通读全文,判断出它涉及哪方面的情景或内容。充分利用所给的词句(包括标点符号)的信息,掌握对话者 的身份、态度、意图,弄清句和句、首和尾之间的逻辑关系。

2. 抓关键词,试填选项 英语中语篇衔接常采用呼应、替代、省略、词汇衔接、连接词等多种手段。发现各句的语义联系,进一步了 解双方的观点和态度。然后浏览选项或空白处,初步确定答案。

3. 抓住信息点,查寻对应语 对话通常以问和答的句式展开,这些句式必定会出现相关的疑问词、情态动词、助动词等,动词的时态、语 态通常也是互相呼应的,甚至还会出现相关的句型,抓住这些信息点,寻找对应语就方便多了。

4. 先易后难,排除干扰 试题一般有难有易。通过上面步骤的答题,空白处减少,对话内容也更为明朗。对较难的空白处,应对其中 的信息点再作深入分析和对比。

5. 仔细检查,认真验证 做完答案后,应将答案放入文中,仔细阅读,验证全篇是否流畅,是否符合逻辑、语法和

习惯用法。 三、真题解析

( 1) 交际用语

1. — Would you like to play basketball with us? I'm afraid I have no time. (2006 ?福州)

But C. Or D. And 2. — Would you do me a favor and pass on my thanks to Lily?

(2006 ?云南)

3. — I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long.

(2006 ?黄冈)

A. Don't say so

B. I don't think so

C. I'd love to

D. It doesn't matter

4. — Thanks for inviting me to your birthday. But I'm afraid

I can't come.

(2006 ?漳州)

B. Thanks a lot D. It doesn't matter

解析: 1. B 本题意在考查交际用语。对别人的邀请表示拒绝可以用

2. B with pleasure 用于礼貌地表示乐于接受或同意某件事。故选 B 。

3. D 对别人表示歉意的回答应为

It does n't matter (没关系)。故选D 。

4. A 表示遗憾或惋惜用 What a pity 。故选A 。

— Yes, I'd love to. A. So

B. But

A. Yes, that's right C. It doesn't matter

B. With pleasure D. No trouble

A. What a pity C. Don't worry I'd love to. But+ 陈述理由。故选 B 。


A: What can I do for you, sir?

B: ⑴

A. For yourself? These are all for young people. (2)

B: I like the blue one.

A: ⑶

B: Tha nk you. ⑷

A: One hun dred yua n.

B: Oh, it costs too much.

A: (5) It 'cheaper, It's only fifty yua n.

B: OK. I ' take it. Thank you.

A. I want to buy a hat for myself.

B. How much is it?

C. What colour do you want?

D. What about this on e?

E. What size do you wa nt?

F. OK. Here you are.

G. It 'beautiful, is n 'tit?


看出这是一段购物的对话。(1)根据售货员的问语,我们可以推测出顾客是在给自己买东西,故( 1 )选A。(2)从顾客的答语可以看出对方问他喜欢什么颜色,故选C。( 3)顾客回答thank you,可见售货员给他提供

了帮助,故(3)选F。( 4)根据售货员对价钱的答语,可知顾客是询问价钱,故( 4)选B。( 5)顾客觉得蓝



Ann: Hello. Is Tina there?

Ti na: Hello, Ann. (1) is Ti na.

Ann: Could I borrow your CD player tomorrow, please?

Tina: Sorry. It 'snot a very good (2) . Could you speak more loudly, please?

Ann: Sure. I said, could I borrow your CD player, please? Mine is (3) .

Tina: Of course. (4) do you wan t it?

Ann: Tomorrow if possible.

Tina: OK, I S l (5) it to school in the morning.

Ann: Thanks! Bye.

[答案](1) This (2) line (3) broken (4) When (5) bring

[解析](1)可以看出,此情景为电话交流,电话用语“我是……”常用This is…。(2)由后句要求对方大点声说可以看出,电话线路不好。(3)表示自己的CD player坏了,故需借Tina的,注意审题,要求每空一词,故不

能用does n't work表示。(4)由答语“明天”可知,此句询问何时需要该CD player。(5) Tina同意把CD player

借给Ann ,明天到学校来。

(4)在对话空白处填入适当的话语,使对话意思完整。 (2002.辽宁省)

D: Good morning. What S your trouble?

W: I don S feel very well.

D: 1 ?

W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.

D: Open your mouth and say Ah ”.

W: Ah.

D: 2 ?

W: Ever since last ni ght.

D. Did you sleep well?

W: No. I was very tired last ni ght.

D: Oh, I see. 3 .

W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?

D: Maybe you overworked (使过度疲劳)yourself.

W: I thi nk so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home?

D: Yes. You ' better stay at home for two or three days.

W: 4 ?

D: No. I don 'think it is too serious. But you really need a good rest and take this medicine.

W: 5 ?

D: Three times a day.

W: OK. Tha nk you.


1. Have you taken your temperature?/ Have you had your temperature taken ?

2. How long have you bee n like this?

3. You've got a cold. /You've caught a bad cold./You' v e had a bit of cold.

4. Is it serious? /Is that rather serous?

5. How often do I take this medicine? /How often must I take the medicine?

[解析]这是一篇看病的对话。(1)依据上下句的意思,应肯定,这是一个一般疑问句,固下句是Yes, I have时态要用现在完成时。又依据My temperature is a little higher.所以这句应是"你量了体温了吗?”量体温的短语

是take temperature,故此句应是Have you taken your temperature?/Have you had your temperature taken ?” ”

⑵依据上下句,特别是下句Ever since last night,上句肯定是"你感冒有多长时间呢?”应用How long have

you been like this? ”

⑶依据上下文,及全文的意思,此空应是"你得了感冒。"因在下一句,说了Can you tell me how I got a cold? ” 所以此句应填You've got a cold./You've caught a bad cold./You've had a bit of cold. ”。

(4)依据上下句,特别是下句No, I don 'think it is too serious.所以此处应是"我的感冒严重吗?”应填Is it

serious?/Is that rather serous?”

(5)依据上下句,上句是take this medicine,下句是Three times a day.所以应填How often do I take this medic in e?/How ofte n must I take the medici ne? ”


1. —May I speak to Joh n?


A. Do you know him?

B. Yes, this is Joh n speak in g.

C. Yes, I am Joh n. D, I m speaki ng. (2005.锦州)

2. —May I borrow your ruler?

—Certai nly. C .

A. Hold on, please

B. It doesn't matter

C. Here you are

D. Not at all (2005.北京)

3. —Con gratulati ons to you on pass ing the maths exam.

—D .

A. You 're welcome

B. Never mi nd

C. Don 'me ntion it

D. Tha nks a lot (2005.泰州)

4. — Lucy, let me help you fix your computer.

— B . I can man age it myself.

A. That 'sOK

B. No, thanks

C. Perhaps not

D. Not at all (2005.杭州)

5. —Let' chat on li ne.

—D . A. Not at all

B. Tha nk you

C. Good luck

D. Good idea

6. — I have n 'see n Jack for three days. Is he ill? — A . His mother told me that he was in hospital.

A. I am afraid so

B. I hope not

C. I don ' expect

D. I am afraid not 7. — Our team won the game yesterday.

—Really? A . A. That "'great

B. That ' right

C. That 'true

D. That ' all right


8. 补全对话。从 A — G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(选项中有两项是多余的) 。(2005.哈尔滨)

A: Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me how to get to the zoo? B: Sorry, C I'm new here. A

A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo?

C: Go along this street un til you reach the sec ond traffic lights, the n turn left. At the end of the street, you 'see the zoo. A: E C: Yes, you can.



C. You can take the No. 6 bus. A: Thank you very much. C:


9. 根据对话中的情景在每个空中填入适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 (At Mr. White 'office in a middle

school ).(2005.陕西)

A: Hello! Can/May I speak to Mr. White/ls that Mr. White speak ing. B: Speak ing, please.

A: I m Peter's mother. I dlike to ask for leave for my son. B: What 's wrong with him?/What 's the matter with him? A: He does n 't feel well this morning. He has a cold. B: I'm sorry to hear that./Sorry to hear that. Is it serious?

A: Not very serious. But the doctor asked him to stay in bed and have a good rest. B. Don 'worry. I hope he 'llbe right soon ./He ' get better soon. A: Tha nk you, Sir. Goodbye! B: Bye!

10. 填单词,使对话完整正确。 (2004.四川) A: What shall we do today?

B: Well, we could visit the old tow n of this city. There we can see many small and quiet streets with gree n trees on both sides. Their leaves almost cover all the streets.

A: I'd like/prefer to do that tomorrow. I don ' feel like walking very much today.



B: Maybe we could borrow two bikes from my friend Liu Lei who lives in this city. And we may return the bikes to him whe n we leave this city next Mon day. We could visit the streets by bike instead of walki ng.

A: Good idea! But we must do some shopping first. We n eed to buy some food and drin ks.

[解析]4)由语境知后者主动提供帮助Lucy修电脑,Lucy想自己修,但应对别人的帮助表示感谢并委婉拒绝。8)(1)由Sorry和I ' new here.说明B也不认识路,故选C。


(3)由Yes知此处应为一般疑问句,通过No.6 bus此处和乘车有关,故选C。

4)由答语No.6 bus 知此处应问乘哪路车,故选B 。

(5)别人说thank you,应客气回答,故选F。


初中英语情景交际总结 姓名: 1、道歉①做错事A:Sorry!/Im sorry / Im sorry to… 对不起 B:It doesnt matter、没关系②有礼貌地打扰别人 Excuse me,Could you pass me the salt?打扰了,请问你可以给我递盐吗? 2、提出邀请A:Would you like to go for a walk? 你想去散步吗? B:愿意时:Yes, Id like / love to、是的,我很乐意。 不愿意时: Id like / love to, but I have to… 我想,但是我不得不做… 3、委婉请求① A:Can / could I borrow your dictionary? 我可以借你的字典吗? B:Sure / Certainly / Of course / OK / No problem、 当然可以②A:Would you mind my opening the door? 你介意我打开门吗? B:不介意时:Of course not/Not at all、当然不介意介意时: Youd better not… 你最好不要… ③A:Would you please give me some advice? 你可以给我一些建议吗?

B:Of course / Sure / Certainly / No problem、当然可以。 4、祝愿、祝贺①A:Have a good time / journey、祝你旅途愉快、 B:Thank you、②A:Enjoy yourself / yourselves、愿你过得开心 B:Thank you、③A:Happy birthday to you、祝你生日快乐 B:Thank you、④A:Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐! B:Merry Christmas! / The same to you、把同样的祝福送给你⑤A:Congratulations! 祝贺你 /Well done! 你干得不错/ Good luck 祝你好运/ Best wishes to you! 把最好的祝福送给你 B:Thank you、⑥A:Enjoy yourself / yourselves at the party、愿你在聚会上玩得开心B:Thank you 5、赞赏 A:Your new skirt looks very beautiful、你的新裙子看起来很漂亮 B:Thank you、 6、提供帮助①A:Let me help you、让我帮助你。B:Thank you / Thank you for your help、感谢你的帮助。 ②A:Would you like some coffee?你想要一些咖啡吗? B:Yes, please 是的,想要/ No, thanks、不,谢谢你。 7、约会①Are you free this weekend? 你本周周末有空吗? ②How about tomorrow morning?明天早晨怎么样呢?


★见面打招呼 1 早上好____________________ 2 下午好__________________________ 3 你好吗?_____________________ 4 我很好,谢谢_________________________ ★介绍自己,问候他人询问他人姓名和电话 1 我的名字叫Alice_________________________ 我是Gina.见到你很高兴_________________________ 见到你我也很高兴_________________________ 2 你叫什么名字?/你姓什么?_________________________ 3 你的电话号码是什么?_________________________ 它是281-9176. _________________________ ★介绍他人:辨认人物 1 这是我的弟弟_________________________ 2 他是谁?他是我的哥哥Jack_________________________ 3 他们是谁?_________________________ 他们是我的外祖父母_________________________ 4 他是Dale吗?是的,他是。不,他不是。______________________________________ 5那些人是你的父母吗?是的,他们是。不,他们是我的叔叔和婶婶的。_________________________________________________________ ★讨论物品的颜色 1 你的尺子是什么颜色的?___________________它是绿色的_________________________ 2 那些铅笔是什么颜色的?_________________________ 它们是黄色的。_________________________ ★询问物品名称 1 那是什么?那是一台收音机_________________________ 2 这些是什么?它们是苹果_________________________ ★确认物品所属 1 这是你的铅笔吗?_________________________ 是的,它是/ 不,它不是_________________________ 2 这本字典呢?是她的_________________________ 3这些是他的书吗?是的,他们是。不,他们不是。他们是我的。_________________________ ★询问和确认物品位置 1 我的钢笔在哪里?在床上_________________________ 2 你的书包在桌子上吗?_________________________ 是的,它在。/不,它不在。它在桌子下面。_________________________ 3 他们的书在书橱里吗?_________________________ 是的,他们在。不,他们不在。他们在沙发上。___________________________________


初中英语情景交际练习 (一) A: Hello, Ken. How was your summer holiday? B: Too terrible. A: 51.________________________________ ? B: I planned to go to Guilin for my holiday. But it rained heavily there, so I had to stay at home. A: 52.! Then what did you do at home? B: I just did my homework every day. It was very boring.53.___________________ , Alice? A: I went to Qingdao with my parents. B: That sounds good.54.______________________________________? A: It was hot and humid but sometimes it was cool. B: 55._________________________________? A: Yes, we had great fun. (二) (The entrance exam for secondary school (中考)is over. Now Laura is talking to Kate.) K: Hi, Laura, You look so sad today. Why? L: My father told me that our head teacher Mr. Chen was ill in hospital. K: I’m so sorry to hear the bad news. 87.? L: He fainted(昏倒)from long hard work.


【英语】英语语法情景交际归纳总结 一、单项选择情景交际 1.The trip shouldn't take more than one hour. - ______. It is at least two hours. A.I couldn't agree more B.That's right C.You must be joking D.It all depends 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际用语。句意:——这次旅行不会超过一个小时。——你一定是在开玩笑。至少要两个小时。A. I couldn't agree more我完全同意;B. That's right没错,就是那样;C. You must be joking你一定是在开玩笑;D. It all depends要看情况而定。结合句意,故选C。 2.—Going to Bookuu this weekend? — ! Would you like to go with me? A.You bet. B.You know better C.You got me D.You there 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。A. You bet.你说的没错; B. You know better明事理,有头脑; C. You got me你难住我了; D. You there你在那里。句意:——这个周末去Bookuu吗?——你说的没错!你愿意和我一起去吗?结合句意可知答案为A。 3.We all think he is , who is not enthusiastic about anything we do. A.a black sheep B.a dark horse C.a green hand D.a wet blanket 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用法。A. a black sheep害群之马; B. a dark horse黑马; C. a green hand新手; D. a wet blanket扫兴的人或物。句意:我们都认为他是个令人扫兴的人,对我们做的任何事都不感兴趣。结合句意可知答案为D。 4.— Shall we go for a drink downstairs? — . Wil l two o’clock be OK? A.Sorry, I’m not available now B.Sure, no problem C.Sorry, I can’t make it today D.Sure, it’s up to you 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】


初三英语情景交际专项 一.问候: 与英美人士见面时切忌问对方的家庭、子女、职业、婚姻、年龄、工资等。因为这是他们的隐私。不要谈论对方不开心或尴尬的事情如;失业、离异、考试不及格、身体发胖、瘦等。中国人见面时。一般问:where are you going /have you had your breakfast 而西方人则说hello! /hi, how are you ?/good moring /glad to see you .不要明知故问,看见别人在做某事是,则用hello!/hi!/can I help you ?/why not have a rest? A(每空一词) B: Good evening, Kate. K : _______ _________, Ben. B : ____________ are you? K: Not bad._________ ______.I have made some chinese friends these days. And you? B: I know two chinese boys. They study in the same schoool with us. look! They come, _____, Wang hai and li ming. W: Hello, Ben. B:Nice to ______ you again! I?d like you to meet my friend, Kate Green. We studied togeher for many years in America.Kate, this is Wang Hai . and this is Li Ming. W: I?m glad to _____ you .Are you a new student in our school? K: __________, Ben and I will be in the same class. L : _______,then we are classmates, Kate. K: That …s great 二:看病 询问病人哪儿不舒服的常用语:` What is the matter with you?


情景交际练习(七年级;八年级;九年级汇总) 七上U1情景交际 Topic 1 1.当康康欢迎你来到中国,你可以这样回应:_______________________________________! 2.当你想知道对方是否是迈克尔,你可以这样问:____________________________________? 3.当你向Mr.Brown介绍Tina时,你可以这样说:______________________________________. 4.如果你想表达很高兴见到对方,你可以这样说:_____________________________________! 5.首次见面,你想向对方问候,你可以这样说:How____________________________________? 6.你在机场迎接第一次来福建的Jane,你要怎么说来表示对她的欢迎: ______________________________________________________________________________! 7.你想知道对方过得怎么样,你可以这样问:_______________________________________? 8.你要把一个东西递给另一个人,你可以这样说:_____________________________________! Topic2 9.如果你想知道对方的名字,你可以这么问:________________________________________? 10.当你对对方来自哪里感到好奇,你可以这么问:__________________________________? 11.当你要向对方介绍自己来自中国,你可以这样说:__________________________________. 12.当你看到一个女生,想知道她是谁,你可以这样问康康: ______________________________________________________________________________? 13.如果你不确定对方是否来自加拿大,你可以这样问其他人: ______________________________________________________________________________? 14.当警察遇到迷路的小孩,他想知道小孩的家庭电话,他可以这样问:


【英语】英语情景交际用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择情景交际 1.---Thank you for your explanation. Now I understand what our teacher said. ----________. A.You’re very clever. B. My pleasure C. No, thanks D.Don’t say 【答案】B 【解析】情景对话题。多谢你的解释现在我明白老师所说的内容了,不客气。A. You’re very clever. 你太聪明了 B. My pleasure不客气 C. No, thanks 不,谢谢 D. Don’t say 别说根据句意选B。 2.— The final examination is around the corner. I couldn't go out and play football with you.— Come on. . All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A.Be all ears B.It’s a piece of cake C.Don’t be a wet blanket D.Don’t pull my leg 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景对话。句意:---期末考试临近了。我不能出去和你踢足球。---来吧,别扫兴了。只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。Be all ears全神贯注地听着,专心倾听;a piece of cake 小菜一碟; 非常容易的事;Don’t be a wet blanke别扫兴了;Don’t pull my leg别拉我的腿。根据句意可知,此处只有C符合题意,故选C。 3.If the boss is angry when he comes in, don't tell him about the customer's complaints. You'll just be _________. A.killing the fatted calf B.seeing the handwriting on the wall C.hitting your own feet of clay D.adding fuel to the fire 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查习语。A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。句意:如果老板进来时很生气,你把顾客的投诉告诉他,这只会火上浇油。根据句意可知此处表示“火上浇油”,故D项正确。 【点睛】 习语是江苏单选的必考考点,也是难度较大的一个知识点,因此平时对习语的积累很关键, 本题中四个习语的意思为:A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on


初中英语情景交际题 单选题情景交际: 考点一感谢 1. 表示感谢的常用语 Thank you (very much). Thank you for ... Thanks (a lot) / (a million). 2. 对感谢的应答 You’re welcome. Not at all. It’s a / my pleasure. I’m glad I could do it. That’s OK / all right. 【典例精析】 — Congratulation. Your performance is excellent! — __________. A. Oh, no B. Many thanks C. It’s okay D. No problem 考点二道歉 1. 表示道歉的常用语

I’m really sorry for ... 2. 打扰或麻烦别人时的常用语 Excuse me, please. Excuse me, ... 3. 对道歉的应答 That’s OK / all right. It doesn’t matter. Never mind. It’s / That’s nothing (serious). 【典例精析】 1. —I’m very sorry. I broke your tea cup. — __________. A. It doesn’t matter B. You’d better not C. Take it easy D. It’s too bad 2. —I’m sorry that I shouted at you this morni ng. —__________, but please don’t get angry so often. A. All right B. No problem C. Never mind D. With pleasure 注意: 1. All right. 的三种用法。


英语情景交际总结 一、表示感谢及应答 A、Thank you very much. /thanks a lot. /many thanks. /thanks for helping me. / I am very grateful to you./ I really appreciate it. B、Not at all. / that is all right. / you are welcome. / it is my pleasure. / don’t mention it. 二、表示祝愿、祝贺及应答 1.A、Good luck! / best wishes to you. / have a nice time. / have a good journey. / congratulations! / well done! B、Thank you. / it’s very nice of you say so. 2. A、Happy new year! / Merry Christmas! B、The same to you. 三、表示道歉及应答 A、I’m sorry. / I’m sorry to trouble you. / I need to apologize to you. / I feel terrible bad. B、It doesn’t matter. / it’s not important. / that’s nothing. / don’t worry about it. / oh, never mind. / forget about it. 四、表示提供帮助及应答 A、Can I help you? / what can I do for you? / is there anything I can do for you? / here, take my bike. / let me do it for you. B、Thank you for your help. / yes, please.


Jim,good,but,Tom Happy,because,graduate Fly,river,yesterday Come back,cook _______________________________________________________________________________ often,go,with _______________________________________________________________________________ factory,pour,waste,river _______________________________________________________________________________ often,noodle,lunch _______________________________________________________________________________ Mr Green,work,car _______________________________________________________________________________ Mike,get up,every day _______________________________________________________________________________ Peter,be told,give up _______________________________________________________________________________ be busy,housework _______________________________________________________________________________ interested,read,novel _______________________________________________________________________________ mother,shopping,after _______________________________________________________________________________ Jim,hungry,eat up _______________________________________________________________________________ Tom,do well,play _______________________________________________________________________________ Chinese,dinner,New Year’s Eve _______________________________________________________________________________ Li Lei,go,on foot,every _______________________________________________________________________________ Lucy,play,when,back _______________________________________________________________________________ mother,teach,how,chess _______________________________________________________________________________ stop,because,bad,health _______________________________________________________________________________ help,find,daughter _______________________________________________________________________________


初中英语常用交际用语归纳 2015年中考英语交际运用 36个考试热点总结 ※ 谈论颜色(Talking about color) ◆-What color is it? -It’s red. ◆-What’s you favourite color, Jenny? -My favourit e color is blue. ◆ -How many colors do you like? -Three. ※谈论年龄(Talking about age) ◆-How old are you? What’s your age? -I’m fourteen years old. ◆ She is very young. ※ 谈论规格(尺寸)(Talking about size) ◆What size does your friend wear? ◆It’s too big /small. ◆I think he is the same size as Brian. ※ 谈论材料(Talking about materials) ◆Is your shirt made of cotton? ◆ what’s the table mad e of?

◆.Straw hats are made from the stems of grass plants. ◆He made a large wooden ship ※ 问候 /打招呼(Greeting) ◆.-How are you ? 你好吗?I’m fine, thanks.很好,谢谢 /very well ,thank you.我也很好,谢谢/just so-so也过得去 ◆-Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 ! -Nice to meet you, too.见到你也很高兴 ! ◆good morning/good afternoon/ good evening! 早上/下午/晚上好 ! ◆hello/hi! 你好 ! ※介绍(Introducing people) 1.自我介绍 .◆my name is …..我是….◆I'm a student/worker.我是一名学生/工人 2.介绍他人 ◆this is Mr/Miss…..这是….先生/小姐◆I'd like you to mee t….我想让你认识…. ◆may I introduce …..(to you)?请允许我向你介绍…,好吗?


高考英语情景交际及习惯表达知识点全集汇编附答案(6) 一、选择题 1.---Even if we have had advanced technology, we can’t bring dinosaurs back to life. ---______. They died out long ago and their DNA was already destroyed. A.That’s it B.That’s all right C.It depends D.It’s up to you 2.— We got through the most difficult times with their help. — . Those days are gone. A.You said it B.Keep it up C.That’s terrible D.Take your time 3.—Mrs.Smith, please teach me how to draw on the computer today. —Oh,no. . You have to get familiar with the keyboard first. A.Think twice before you do B.Learn to walk before you run C.All things are difficult before they are easy D.Don't county our chickens before they are hatched 4.--Do you think it’s possible for the team to hit their target for four th quarter? --_____! The majority of them are not that enterprising. A.No doubt B.No problem C.Not a little D.Not a chance 5.—Sid is never happy when he has nothing to do. ―I know. ______. A.He has good taste B.He has done very well C.It really bothers him D.It's none of his business 6.—Pity that Linda’s losing her job three years on end! —Don’t worry about her. She always ________! A.lands on her feet B.has frogs in her throat C.laughs her head off D.has butterflies in her stomach 7.-I think you'd better clean your room. -_________It's clean enough. A.What for?B.So what?C.You said it.D.You made it. 8.—Why didn’t you pay the accommodation rent? —The rent? That isn’t ________ till Sunday. A.sure B.okay C.due D.late 9.—It is reported that the Shanghai auto show stops using models. How about yours?—We will_______. A.follow suit B.sink or swim together C.set eyes on it D.get to the bottom of it 10.Due to a shortage of medical supplies in a severe epidemic situation, if you offer a mask to someone, you must be ______.


专项训练 中考英语情景交际50题 根据语境,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择恰当的答案。 ( )1.— Nice to meet you, Miss Green. — A. Very well. B. Thank you. C. Nice to see you, too. D. How are you? ( )2.When you want to introduce Mary to others, you should say “_________” A. This is Mary. B. She is Mary C. Mary is. D. It’s Mary. ( )3.—Your English is quite good. —________ A. No, my English is still poor. B. I don’t think so. C. Do you really think so? D. Thank you. ()4. —I’m glad to see you. — _________. A. Thank you B. So am I C. See you later D. That’s all right ()5. —How are you? —Fine. Thank you. And you? —________ A. Fine. B. Fine. And you? C. Thank you. D. How are you? ()6. —Hi, Mike. We haven’t seen each other for a long time. — _________. A. Good luck B. That’s great C. Nice to see you again D. Best wishes to you ()7. — How do you do, Kate? — ________ A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. How nice to see you. D. I’m OK.()8.—Jack. I’d like you to meet my mother, Mrs. Brown. —Hello, Mrs. Brown, _________ —Hello, Jack, pleased to meet you, too. A. how do you do! B. are you OK? C. very pleased to meet you. D. the same to you. ()9. —Hello, I’m Lily .We’re in the same class. — ________ A. Yes, we are. B. Glad to meet you. C. I’m sorry,but l don’t know you. D. Hello, may l introduce myself? ()10. —I’d like you to meet my new friend, Jim. — _________ A. Hello, there. B. How do you do, Jim? C. Nice to see, Jim. D. How are you, Jim? ()11.—Gould I have your name please, sir? —_________. A. Oh, no B. You’re polite C. Call me Mary D. It’s kind of you ()12.—Lucy, ________. —Glad to meet you . Jack Wilson. A. that’s my friend, Jack Wilson B. this is Jack Wilson C. he is Jack Wilson D. introduce Jack Wilson to you ()13.— Thank you for having us. We had a very good time today. — ________. Bye! A. No, thank you B. I’m afraid not C. You shouldn’t say that D. It was my pleasure ()14.—Happy Teachers’ Day, Miss Wang! — ________ A. You are so kind. B. Who are you? C. I’m sp eaking. D. I’m Mr. Wang. ()15.—Your dress is just wonderful! — _________ A. You are right, thank you! B. Thank you, and you? C. No, no, yours is better. D. Thank you. I’m glad to hear that. ()16. — Hi, Bill! Congratulations! —_________. A. All right B. You are right C. That’s good D. Thanks a lot


高考英语情景交际用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择情景交际 1.—Jack has admitted letting out the secret again. —No surprise. However, admitting his problem but never making a change is just like ________. A.landing on his feet B.bursting on the scene C.scratching the surface D.making the headlines 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查固定短语。句意:——杰克承认又泄露了秘密。——不意外。然而,承认自己的问题却从不改变,这只是表面现象。A. landing on his feet逢凶化吉;B. bursting on the scene突然出现;C. scratching the surface只触及问题的表面;D. making the headlines成为头条新闻。根据句意及各选项意思,仅是承认自己的问题却不改变,只是表面现象。故选C。 2.-Could you be so kind as to close the window? -____ A.With pleasure B.My pleasure C.Yes, please D.Go ahead 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情景交际。A. With pleasure愿意效劳;B. My pleasure不用谢;C. Yes, please好的,请; D. Go ahead干吧。句意:——请把窗户关上,好么?——愿意效劳。With pleasure是对could/would you的回答,结合句意,故A项正确。 【点睛】 很多同学分不清With pleasure和My pleasure的区别,注意:With pleasure表示“愿意效劳”,是对could/would you的回答,My pleasure表示“不用谢”,是对than you的回答。 3.We all think he is , who is not enthusiastic about anything we do. A.a black sheep B.a dark horse C.a green hand D.a wet blanket 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查习惯用法。A. a black sheep害群之马; B. a dark horse黑马; C. a green hand新手; D. a wet blanket扫兴的人或物。句意:我们都认为他是个令人扫兴的人,对我们做的任何事都不感兴趣。结合句意可知答案为D。


看病 A: Good moring , doctor . B: Good moring , ________________________, young man ? A: I have got a headache and a running nose. B: ________________ have you been like this ? A: For about a week . B: I see . let me _______ you carefully. A: Is it serious, doctor? B: No , there is ________________,but you`d better take some medicine or get an injection(打针). A: Injection? Oh ,no ! It’s painful. I prefer to take medicime. B: OK.Take the medicine three times a day and you’ll be _________________soon. 问路与应答 A: Excuse me , ____________ the library? B: Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing. Go up the road to the end, you ‘ll find it. A: _______________________?

B: It’s about 1000 metres away from here. A: Oh, That ‘s quite a long way. B: Yes. __________take a bus. A: ______________? B: It takes about fifteen minutes. A: Thanks very much. B: It’s a pleasure. 打电话 A: Hello!_________________________? B: Speaking, please! A: I’m Peter’s mother. I’d lik e to ask for leave for my son. B: ________________________________________? A: He doesn’t feel well this morning. He has a cold. B : _________________________________.Is it serious? A : Not very serious.But the doctort asked him to stay in bed and have a good rest. B: Don’t worry.______________________________________
