

(1)High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold,for eyes he had two bright

sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.

(2)He was very much admired indeed. “He is as beautiful as a weathercock,”

remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain a reputation for having artistic tastes; “only not quite so useful,” he added, fearing lest people

should think him unpractical which he really was not.

(3)“Why can’t you be like the Happy Prince?” asked a sensible mother of her

little boy who was crying for the moon. “The Happy Prince never dreams of crying

for anything.”

(4)“I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy,” muttered a

disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue.

(5)“He looks just like an angel,”said the Charity Children as they came out

of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and their clean white pinafores.


(7) “Ah! But we have, in our dreams,” answere d the children; and


Mathematical Master frowned and looked very sever, for he did not approve of

children dreaming.

(8) One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for

he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring as he was flying down the river after a big tallow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender

waist that he had stopped to talk to her.

(9) “Shall I love you?” sai d the Swallow, who liked to come to the point at

once, and the Reed made him a low bow. So he flew round an round her, touching the water with his wings, and making silver ripples. This was his

courtship, and it lasted all through the summer.

(10) “It is a ridiculous attachment,” twittered the other Swallows;“she has no

money, and far too many relations”; and indeed the river was quite full of Reeds.

Then, when the autumn came they all flew away.

(11) After they had gone he felt lonely, and began to tire of his


“She has no conversation,” he said, “and I am afraid that she is a coquette, for she is always flirting with the wind.” And certainly, whenever the wind blew, the Reed

made the most graceful curtseys, “I admit that she is domestic,”

he continued,

“but I love travelling, and my wife, consequently, should love travelling also.”

(12) “Will you come away with me?” he said finally to her; but the Reed

shook her head, she was so attached to her home.


(14)All day long he flew, and at night-time he arrived at the city, “Where shall I

put up?” he said: “I hope the town has made preparations.”

(15)Then he saw the statue on the tall column.

(16) “I will put up there,”he cried; “it is a fine position, with plenty of fresh

air.” So h e alighted just between the feet of the Happy Prince.

(17) “I have a golden bedroom,”he said softly to himself as he looked round,

and he prepared to go to sleep; but just as he was putting his head under his

wing a large drop of water fell on him.

(18)Then another drop fell.

(19) “What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off?” he said, “I must

look for a good chimney-pot,” and he determined to fly away.

(20) But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, and he looked up,

and saw—Ah! What did he see?

(21)The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears were running down his golden cheeks. His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that

the little Swallow was filled with pity.

(22) (23) (24) “(25)

(26) “What! Is he not solid gold?”said the Swallow to himself. He was too

polite to make any personal remarks out loud.

(27) (28) (29) (30)

(31) But the Happy Prince looked so sad that the little Swallow was sorry.

“It is very cold here,” he said; “but I will stay with you for one night, and be your


(32) (33)So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince’s sword, and

flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.

(34)He passed by the cathedral tower, where the wihte marble angels were sculptured. He passed by the palace and heard the sound of dancing.

A beautiful girl came out on the balcony with her lover. “How wonderful the stars are,” he

said to her, “and how wonderful is the power of love!”


(36) He passed over the river, and saw the lanterns hanging to the masts of the ships. He passed over the Ghetto, and saw the old Jews bargaining with each other, and weighing out money in copper scales. At last he came to the poor

house and looked in. the boy was tossing feverishly on his bed, and the mother had fallen asleep, she was so tired. In he hopped, and laid the great ruby on the rable veside the woman’s thimble. Then he flew gently round the bed, fanning the boy’s forehead with his wings. “How cool I feel,” said the boy, “I must be

getting better;” and he sank into a delicious slumber.

(37) Then the Swallow flew back to the Happy Prince, and told him what he had done. “It is curious,” he remarked, “but I feel quite warm now, although it is

so cold.”

(38) “That is because you have done a good action,” said the Prince. And the

little Swallow began to think, and then he fell asleep. Thinking always made him


(39)When day broke he flew down to the river and had a bath. “What


remarkable phenomenon,” said the Prof essor of Ornithology as he was passing

over the bridge. “A swallow in winter!” And he wrote a long letter about it to the

local newspaper. Every one quoted it, it was full of so many words that they

could not understand.

(40) “To-night I go to Egypt, “said the Swallow, and he was in high spirits at the

prospect. He visited all the public monuments, and sat a long time on top of the church steeple. Wherever he went the Sparrows chirruped and said to each other,

“What a distinguished stranger!” so he en joyed himself very much.

(41) When the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince. “Have you any

commissions for Egypt?” he cried; “I am just starting.”

(42)(43) (44)

(45) “I will wait with you one night longer,” said the Swallow, who really had a

goo d heart. “Shall I take him another ruby?”

(46) (47) “Dear Prince,” said the Swallow, “I cannot do that”; and he began to


(48) (49) So the Swallow plucked out the Prince’s eyes, and flew away to the student’s garret. It was easy enough to get in, a s there was a hole in the roof. Through this he darted, and came into the room. The young man had his head buried in his hands, so he did not hear the flutter of the bird’s wings, and when he looked up he found the beautiful sapphire lying on the withered violets. (50) (51) The next day the Swallow flew down to the harbour. He sat on the mast of a large vessel and watched the sailors hauling big chests out of the hold with ropes. “Heave a-boy!” they shouted as each chest came up. “I am going to Egypt!”

cried the Swallow, but nobody minded, and when the moon rose he flew back to

the Happy Prince.

(52)(53)(54) (55) (56)(57)(58) So he plucked out the Prince’s other eye, and

darted down with it. He swooped past the match-girl, and slipped the jewel into the palm of her hand. “What a lovely bit of glass,” cried the little girl; and she ran

home, laughing.

(59) Then the Swallow came back to the Prince. “You are blind now,” he said, “so

I will stay with you always.”

(60) “No, little Swallow,” said the poor Prince, “you must go away to Egypt.”

(61) “I will stay with you always,” said the Swallow, and he slept at the Prince’s


(62) All the next day he sat on the Prince’s shoulder, and told him stories of what he had seen in strange lands. He told him of the red ibises, who stand in long rows on the banks of the Nile, and catch gold-fish in their beaks; of the Sphinx, who is as old as the world itself, and lives in the desert, and knows everything; of the merchants, who walk slowly by the side of their camels, and carry amber beads in their hands; of the King of the Mountains of the Moon, who is as black as ebony, and worships a large crystal; of the great green snake that sleeps in a palm-tree, and has twenty priests to feed it with honey-cakes; and of the pygmies who sail over a big lake on large flat leaves, and are always at war with the


(63) (64) So the Swallow flew over the great city, and saw the rich making merry in their beautiful houses, while the beggars were sitting at the gates. He flew into dark lanes, and saw the white faces of starving children looking out listlessly at the black streets. Under the archway of a bridge two little boys were lying in one another’s arms to try and keep themselves warm. “How hungry we are!” they

sa id. “You must not lie here,” shouted the Watchman, and they wandered out into

the rain.

(65) Then he flew back and told the Prince what he had seen.

(66)(67) Leaf after leaf of the fine gold the Swallow picked off,

till the Happy Prince looked quite dull and grey. Leaf after leaf of the fine gold he brought to the poor, and the children’s faces grew rosier, and they laughed and played

games in the street. “We have bread now!” they cried.

(68) Then the snow came and after the snow came the frost. The

streets looked as if they were made of silver, they were so bright and glistening; long icicles like crystal daggers hung down from the eaves

of the houses, everybody went about

in furs, and the little boys wore scarlet caps and skated on the ice.

(69) The poor little Swallow grew colder and colder, but he would not leave the

Prince, he loved him too well. He picked up crumbs outside the

baker’s door when the baker was not looking and tried to keep himself warm by flapping his


(70) But at last he knew that he was going to die. He had just strength to fly up to

Good-bye, dear Prince!” he murmured, “will the Prince’s shoulder once more. “

you let me kiss your hand?”

(71) (72) (73) And he kissed the Happy Prince on the lips, and fell down dead at

his feet.

(74) At the moment a curious crack sounded inside the statue, as if something

had broken. The fact is that the leaden hear had snapped right in two. It

certainly was a dreadfully hard frost.

(75) Early the next morning the Mayor was walking in the square below in company with the Town Councillors. As they passed the column he looked up at

the statue: “Dear me! How shabby the Happy Prince looks!” he said.

(76) “How shabby indeed!” cried the Town Councillors, who always agreed with

the Mayor; and they went up to look at it.


(79) “And here is actually a dead bird at his feet!” continued the Mayor. “We must

really issue a proclamation that birds are not to be allowed to die here.” And the

Town Clerk made a note of the suggestion.

(80) So they pulled down the statue of the Happy Prince. “As he is no longer

beautiful he is no longer useful,” said the Art Professor at the University.

(81) Then they melted the statue in a furnace, and the Mayor held a meeting of the Corporation to decide what was to be done with the metal. “We must have

another statue, of course,” he said, “and it shall be a statue of myself.”

(82)“Of myself,” said each of the Town Councilors, and they quarreled.

When I last heard of them they were quarrelling still.

(83)“What a strange thing!” said the overseer of the workmen at

the foundry. “This broken lead heart will not melt in the furnace. We must throw it away.” So they

threw it on a dust-heap where the dead Swallow was also lying.

(84)“Bring me the two most precious things in the city,” said God to one of His

Angels; and the angels brought Him the leaden heart and the dead bird. (85)“You have rightly chosen,” said God, “for in my garden of Paradise this little


《新白娘子传奇》剧本(三年级组) 人物:白娘子、小青、法海、蜈蚣精、旁白、舞蹈组4人 第一幕 配曲:《千年等一回》《被风吹过的夏天》《东风破》《夫妻双双把家还》 旁白:话说很久以前,西湖旁有座山,山上有座庙,庙中有个自称英俊潇洒,风流倜傥,无坚不摧,一朵梨花压海棠,打遍天下无敌手,情场杀手鬼见愁,玉面小飞龙的小和尚,法海是也。挣着卖白菜的钱,操着卖白粉的心。但他一世英名却被一条小小蛇盗走仙丹,以至于老羞成怒,发誓要报仇血恨。小白蛇凭借仙丹外加千年道行修得人形,来到人间报答前世恩人。 背景:西湖岸边 背景音乐:千年等一回伴奏(白演唱),边唱边和小青踏碎步出场。 白:小青,就是这里了,观音大师指点我们在这里一定可以等到官人的。 小青:哎呀,姐姐,太阳好大哦! 白:我们又忘记搽防晒霜了,还是去那边的亭子里等嘛!(碎步走到一旁) 小青:姐姐,事隔多年你还记得清恩公的模样吗? 白:唉!(深情长叹)(自唱)还记得昨天,那个夏天偷吃仙丹的一瞬间,不小心被发现,留下千年的恩怨。 (许仙出场)许仙:哎..呀..,(一手背后,一手高举折扇向前快步到舞台前端,并保持原有姿势道):闯荡江湖几十年,人送外号狗都嫌!我就是(语速快)玉树临风、风流倜傥、名满江湖、人见人爱、猫见猫死、(语速慢)比郑中基还帅,比柳岩还受人欢迎的许仙是也(昂头、抬手)! 台下观众热情配合,欢呼声不断。许仙边后退边向着观众飞吻! 许:(色眯眯地望着白)How beautiful!亏我一代美男许仙,却在情场上屡战屡败,天妒英才啊!但再丑也要谈恋爱,谈到世界充满爱! 白:看,那个人就是我要等的官人. 小青:姐姐,你有没有搞错啊?那个人看起来像芙蓉姐夫,你不要认错人了。 白(边看边笑遮脸):肯定没有错,我都感觉到他身上特殊的味道了。 小青:嘿嘿,好特殊的狐臭味? 白:讨厌啦,男人味。 (三人走到一起) 许:小娘子,有礼了。 白:公子有礼了。


第一幕 (悟空走在前头,时不时抓耳挠腮。八戒牵马。唐僧款款的坐在白龙马上,念诵南无经。沙僧挑着担,艰难的走着。) 背景音乐:《敢问路在何方》(音乐到沙僧说话时停) 沙僧(放下担子,疲倦的说):师父,大师兄,二师兄,前面好像有户人家,吾等可以前去讨些斋饭来填填肚子。 八戒(一脸馋相):那还不快快前去讨些吃的来,我看前面的人家又耕田又绩麻,看来甚为富裕哩! 悟空(跳到八戒之前,狠狠戳了他一指头,不屑):呆子!枉你顶个天蓬元帅之名!这山周围。妖气缭绕!你难道瞧不见吗? 八戒(跑到唐僧面前,抬头说道):师父,这妖猴纯粹是为了自己偷懒,不去化斋,你还不快念紧箍咒来? 唐僧(闭眼,心平气和指着悟空):善哉!善哉!南无阿弥陀佛。行者,你还不快快去讨些斋饭来? 悟空(双手抱拳,驾起云来):师父保重,老孙去也! (孙悟空下场,白骨精身披披风,站在高高的山上,眺望着师徒四人,冷笑道) 白骨精:哈哈哈哈!听说吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老,今天他到不请自来了。 (白骨精摇身一变,跨上小篮子,款款的走着圆场来到师徒四人)唐僧(对八戒和沙僧):悟空刚才说这里没有人家,前面怎么过来了一个人?

八戒:等老猪去看看。(八戒放下耙子,整整衣服装出一副斯文样)女菩萨,去哪里啊?手里提着什么东西? 白骨精:长老,这里面是香米饭和炒面筋,特地来送给你们吃的。 八戒:是给我们送吃的来了! (白骨精走到唐僧面前,唐僧连忙合掌。) 唐僧:女菩萨,你住哪里?怎么知道我们在这里啊? 白骨精:师傅,我家住在山的西面,我父母信佛行善,凡是有出家人路过都会给些斋饭。我丈夫在北山种地,父母年老,我去送饭。路上遇见你们,想起父母乐善好施,所以就请师父们用吧! 唐僧:善哉!善哉!你还是送给你丈夫吃吧,我徒弟摘果子去了,马上就来。 八戒:放着现成的饭不吃,干嘛等那猴子的烂桃子?(说着拿起篮子递给唐僧吃。) 悟空(急忙赶来,一脸着急):慢!好你个呆子!竟把这妖精的饭菜递给师父吃,真是瞎了眼!沙师弟,快护好行李和师父,看我不打了这妖精! (悟空举起棒子打死妖精。白骨精化作一缕烟逃走,留下一具尸体。) 唐僧(大惊失色):你这猴头,无缘无故伤人性命! 悟空:师父莫怪,你来看这篮子里装的是什么? 沙僧(提过篮子一看):师父,里面那有什么米饭?明明是青蛙和癞蛤蟆!(说完提着篮子下去了。)


三打白骨精 Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精(何平)B1:B变成的村姑B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,boss (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls! E: Oh, boss!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm!

T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see , boss is hungry,too! T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal! J: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey is away….. T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea? S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看) J: This is…..? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from boss’s books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it! T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走) T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》 B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1) B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you? J: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough. B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb! T: Bomb?(打出) B1: Double King! T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,y ou are a boss-hand. Come in and teach me!(准备


外教一对一https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f14408982.html, 《疯狂动物城》中那些暖心经典台词(中英双语) 《疯狂动物城》想要传递的也许不是砥砺前行奋发图强的草根逆袭之路,而是,我们每一个人,都应该追求一种心怀梦想、不惧未来的人生状态。句片中有没有哪句台词令人怦然心动,就让汉普森小编带你赏析和感悟吧。 【剧情简介】 在一个现代化的动物都市里,每种动物都有自己的居所,动物们在这里和平共处——无论是大象还是小老鼠,只要努力,都能闯出一番天地。兔子朱迪从小就梦想能成为警察,尽管身边的所有人都觉得兔子不可能当上警察,但她还是通过自己的努力,跻身到了全是大块头动物城警察局,成为了第一个兔子警官。为了证明自己,她决心侦破一桩神秘案件。追寻真相的路上,朱迪迫使在动物城里以坑蒙拐骗为生的狐狸尼克帮助自己,却发现这桩案件背后隐藏着一个意欲颠覆动物城的巨大阴谋,而朱迪和尼克也在历尽艰险的查案过程中成为了好搭档…… 【经典台词】 1. Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. 【翻译】生活中总会有不顺心的时候,我们都会犯错。 【解析】有谁不是在一边受伤,一边学会坚强。人非圣贤,孰能无过。 【拓展】To err is human. 人非圣贤,孰能无过。 【拓展】I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 2. I know you'll never forgive me. And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either 【翻译】我知道,你永远都不会原谅我。我不怪你,换做我,我也不会原谅我自己。 【解析】云散因为风吹,美好因为宽容。 【拓展】Let begongs be begongs 让往事情都随风而去吧。 3. I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded. 【翻译】我又蠢又不可靠,还心胸狭窄。 【解析】那又何妨?破锅自有破锅盖,破人自有破人爱。喜欢你的人什么都愿意宽容和原谅。 【拓展】The more you learn, the more you feel ignorant. 博学才知才疏学浅。 4. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you. 【翻译】天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。


京剧《白蛇传》观后感3篇 《白蛇传》是中国戏曲名剧,故事初见明·冯梦龙著《警世通言》的《白娘子永镇雷峰塔》。那么以下是小编为大家整理的关于京剧《白蛇传》的观后感,欢迎大家阅读! 《白蛇传》观后感(一)《白蛇传》作为家喻户晓的故事,曾被改编成多个版本,除了大家熟悉的电影、电视剧外,几乎所有剧种都对《白蛇传》进行过改编,包括木偶戏、皮影戏等,京剧版则是最具特色的,融合了文武开打,唱做并重,非常受观众的喜爱。 非常有幸能在北京长安大戏院看了由北京京剧院青年演员展演的京剧《白蛇传》,演员们精湛的演技丝毫不输前辈,大有江山代有人才出,各领风骚数百年的趋势,演员不仅有高颜值的外在条件,更有超强的内在功底,扎扎实实稳扎稳打,在舞台上游刃有余,刚柔并济,把角色塑造的十分鲜活有灵气。 其中,我非常欣赏小青的扮演者张淼,从头到尾表演细致而有变化,将小青的灵动和情绪波动大表现得淋漓精致,扎实的功底在水斗中表现得出场出色,观众反响热烈。 演出两个半小时,演员丝毫没有展现出疲态,时刻保持状态,全身心的投入,让角色成了有血有肉的生命,非常受

教。 演出结束后到了后台无意中听到了演员们的谈话,表演中的不足之处,需要改进之处进行讨论,自我反思,平常心又虚心倾听他人意见,令我心生敬畏。 唱词中“最爱西湖三月天,斜风细雨送游船,十世修来同船渡,百世修来共枕眠”,“雨过天晴湖山如洗,春风暖暖拂罗衣”,“释门中积善根功德无量,对众生应同怀慈心柔肠。可怜我七月胎就要生养,恳求你发慈悲还我许郎”等。句句经典,句句动人,就连外国友人都忍不住叫好。 京剧版的《白蛇传》唱词流畅优美,戏中还有对双剑、走旋子、大开打等戏曲特技,让人看得眼花缭乱,不仅让观众在观看的过程中体会传统神话故事所带来的感动,也让大家对京剧的技艺有了更加了解。 《白蛇传》观后感(二)作为一名青年观众,有幸在梅兰芳大剧院观看了一场精彩的京剧《白蛇传》。这是我人生中第一次在剧场里欣赏京剧这门国粹艺术,深受震撼颇有感触,因此不禁想一畅胸怀,谈谈自己的观剧感想和一点体会。 一、此场演出亮点纷呈 1、演员在戏台上的表演十分投入,声情并茂入戏很深,感染力很强,给观众很强烈的带入感,让在场的观众心潮澎湃激动不已。具体表现在演出中有些对白是演员的临场发


西游记之三打白骨精剧 本 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

西游记之三打白骨精演员数量:9人 人物:唐僧—— 孙悟空—— 猪八戒—— 沙僧—— 白骨精—— 姑娘—— 姑娘母亲—— 姑娘父亲—— 旁白—— 人物道具:唐僧:服装、禅杖、墨镜 悟空:服装、紧箍咒、金箍棒 猪八戒:服装、钉耙 沙僧:服装、扁担(箱子) 村妇:服装、篮子、馒头 母亲:服装、拐杖、头带 父亲:服装、胡须、拐杖 白骨精:服装、剑 其他道具:心脏起搏器、照妖镜 配乐:1、《敢问路在何方》0:20 2、《四小天鹅》0:03---0:11

3、 剧本: (配乐:西游记主题曲起) 旁白:话说唐僧师徒四人正在西天取经的路上。有一天,他们来到了白骨精的地盘,揭开了三打白骨精的序幕。(同时悟空上场,走到舞台左侧,再到右侧,边抓耳挠腮,边作眺望状。) (旁白结束) 悟空:我是孙悟空,有棒在手中,妖怪敢现形,皆被我杀空。(眺望)师傅,师傅,没有妖怪。 (配乐:《四小天鹅》起,师徒三人跳四小天鹅出场,到舞台中央,单手作拜佛状) 唐僧:阿弥陀佛,艰难跋涉。 八戒:肚子好饿。(三人作肚饿状,配乐:肚饿声) 沙僧:又累又热。 悟空:我的错…… 唐僧:悟空,悟空! 悟空:(蹦跳到师傅面前)师傅。 唐僧:怎么了 悟空:我们好像迷路了。 唐僧:八戒,地图! (八戒从怀里拿出地图给悟空,悟空拿地图划过半空,其他三人依次坐倒在地上,配乐:坠落声)

悟空:果然迷路了。 八戒:师傅啊,我肚子在唱空城计了。 唐僧:(把八戒一推)你不才吃过冬阳功吗。(配乐:噔~) 悟空:没关系,一个筋斗云,满载美食归,师傅稍候。 八戒:师兄真棒耶! 沙僧:可是师兄,要是妖怪来了怎么办 悟空(思索状):有了。(开始拿金箍棒在三人坐处的地上画圈)金箍一转。 八戒:灵光一闪。 沙僧:保我师徒。 唐僧:共上西天。(右手向上指天) 悟空:这可是挡妖除魔的保护圈。(下场,配乐:噔噔噔噔) 唐僧:八戒,你我四大皆空,肚子空空,奈我如何,阿弥陀佛。 (配乐:大话西游音乐起。三人盘腿坐地,转上半身,念佛。姑娘上场,音乐减弱) 姑娘:小女子年方二八,貌美如花,尚未婚嫁,只求那唐僧肉来保我容颜,千年不老,哈哈哈哈哈。 (姑娘几次想靠近三人,却被圈挡了回来) 姑娘:这位长老,吃点东西吧。 (八戒扑上前,被姑娘推开) 姑娘:这位长老,长老。(走开一段距离)眉头一皱,计上心来。(假装摔倒)哎呀,我的脚,我的脚。


小蝌蚪找妈妈(Tadpoles=T Duck=D Ducklings=d Goldfish=G Turtle=Tu Frog=F) 入场:唱歌 We’re little tadpoles, swimming in the water. I have a black coat. I have a big head. I have a long tail. We’re happy! 我们是小蝌蚪,在水里游泳。我们有黑色的后背,大大的脑袋,长长的尾巴。我们生活得很高兴。 d: Mummy, mummy, we’re hungry. 小鸭子:妈妈,妈妈,我们饿了。 D: Let’s go home and eat. 鸭子妈妈:我们回家吃东西吧。 Song: 唱歌: T1: Look, mummy. That’s good. 小蝌蚪1:你看,我们的妈妈,真好! T: Mummy, mummy. 蝌蚪们:妈妈,妈妈。 D: I’m not your mummy. Your mummy has big eyes. 鸭妈妈:我不是你们的妈妈,你们的妈妈眼睛大大的。 T1: Oh, thank you. Bye-bye. Let’s find our mummy. 小蝌蚪1:哦,谢谢。拜拜了。我们去找妈妈吧。 T: Looking, looking for mummy. Where is my mummy Mummy has big eyes. Where is my mummy 蝌蚪们:找妈妈,找妈妈。妈妈在哪里?我们的妈妈有大大的眼睛。妈妈在哪里/ G: I’m a goldfish. I have big eyes.


三打白骨精的英文剧本,我演过,相当成功,(人物可删减的) 人物:T唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头 N:哪吒 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,master (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, nof to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you! E: Oh,master!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm! T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see ,master is hungry,too! T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal! J: But master,if a monster comes while brother monkeg is away….. T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea? S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看) E: This is…..? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from master’s books. So I made this. No mon ster can approach you if you stay in it! T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走) T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》 B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1) B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you? T: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against Landlord and three people are enough. B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb! T: Bomb?(打出) B1: Double King! T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,you are a master-hand. Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门) S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打) B1: (倒)Ah…… T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher! S: She is a monster! T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)


双语:《疯狂动物城》经典台词 最近,朋友圈是不是被《疯狂动物城》刷屏啦! 你最爱哪只萌物呢 小编最爱的是那只名叫“闪电”的树懒哦! 那么,这部电影里又有哪些经典的台词呢 首先来看看,朱迪因为失言,惹恼了尼克后,为了挽回搭档,真诚的道歉吧! Judy Hopps: I know you'll never forgive me. And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either. I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded. But predators shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes. 我知道,你永远都不会原谅我。我不怪你,换做我,我也不会原谅我自己。我又蠢又不可靠,还固执得不得了。但是,不能因为我的错,让肉食动物遭受这一切。 [Nick still refused to take a glimpse at Judy] Judy Hopps: [Begins to cry] And after we're done, you can hate me, and that'll be fine, because Iwas a horrible friend, and I hurt you. And you can walk away knowing you were right all along. Ireally am just a dumb bunny. 当我们解决了这个案子,你可以继续讨厌我,没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤害了你。到时候,你大可以大摇大摆地离开,确信自己至始至终都是对的。我真的只是一只蠢兔子。 和闪电的初次见面,就长见识啦!


英语短剧小蝌蚪找妈妈 The Little Tadpoles Looking for His Mother小蝌蚪找妈妈This is a big and nice pool. The water is clean and the lotuses are beautiful. One morning, some butterflies and dragonflies are flying over the pool. Butterflies:Hello! Dragonflies: Hi! Mothers: Be careful! Have a good day! Goodbye! Bs/ Ds:Bye, Mom! ( 两只小蝴蝶与两只小蜻蜓一起跟着音乐飞来飞去、玩耍) At the corner, some little tadpoles are sleeping. T1(伸懒腰,侧耳倾听)isten! Listen! So noisy. Let’s go and see. T2:OK. Wow! A new world! How nice! Bs/Ds: Good morning. Ts:Good morning. Who are you? Bs:We’re butterflies. Ds:We’re dragonflies. Who are you? Ts:We’re little tadpoles. Let’s be friends. Bs/Ds: All right. Let’s sing and dance. Ts: OK. (小蝌蚪、蝴蝶、蜻蜓边唱“Ten Little Good Friends” 边跳舞,然后蝴蝶妈妈和蜻蜓妈妈过来了) Ms: My darling! Bs/Ds: Mummy! Mummy! These are little tadpoles, our new friends. Ms: Nice to meet you. Ts:Nice to meet you.


疯狂动物城全部台词中英双语对照1--Fear, treachery, blood lust. 恐惧,背叛,杀戮。 2--Thousands of years ago these were the... 几千年前这些是... 3--forces that ruled our world 支配着我们的世界的力量 4--A world where prey were scared of predators. 一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。 5--And predators had an uncontrollable... 捕食者有一个无法控制的... 6--biological urge to maim, and maul, and... 生理上的冲动去伤害,残害,并且... 7--Awww! 噢! 8--Blood! Blood! Blood! 血!血!血! 9--And.. death! 和..死! 10--Ahhh... 唉唉...... 11--Back then, the world was divided in two. 在那时,世界分为二种。

12--Vicious predator, or meek prey. 凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。 13--But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or primitive savage ways. 但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野蛮的性格。 14--Now predator and prey live in harmony. 现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。 15--And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. 而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。 16--Yeah, I don't have to cower in a a herd anymore. 耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。 17--Instead, I can be an astronaut. 取而代之,我可以当太空人。 18--I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions. 我再也不用当一个孤独的猎人。如今我可以狩猎税收。 19--I'm gonna be an actuary. 我可以当一个保险精算师。 20--And I can make the world a better place. I am going to be... 而且我可让这个世界成为一个更好的地方。我可以当... 21--A police officer! 一位珀莉丝奥菲斯尔!


新白娘子传奇续 小青:孟彦先白娘子:李兵辛许仙:金鹏 观音:王玲玉法海:李洪亮 道具:原装5件衣服,四件工作服上衣,两个橙子栓上绳,一个快板,一个大碗或者塑料盆,一个平板或者手机或者木板打上平板二字。 要求:需要插入6张背景图片,一段动画 正文: 第一幕 音乐1起《小媳妇回娘家》,背景1为魁星楼 小青上场,(道具两个橙子挂在胸前,代假发,红唇) 小青:哎呀,自打去年来了一趟麦达斯,回去大家都说我变化可大了,可是我哪大了呢?(冲着台下一员工)大哥,你去年也来了,看出我有啥变化了吗?稍顿~~我的变化就是…….今年我是第一个上场地~~~大哥你看你色眯眯地想啥呢?姐姐,姐姐,你仨愣地,娘家且都到位了,就差你这女主角了。 白娘子:妹妹,我来了, 音乐2起《千年等一回》,背景2为电视剧白蛇传白蛇视频 上场(配简单手势舞蹈动作) 白:妹妹,这一年来你这功力可是见长啊! 青:自打去年看见那麦达斯点石成金的威力后,我就觉得我这任督二脉好像被打通了一样(说话时手揉一下橙子),身体充满了力量! 白:青儿,听许仙说那麦达斯通过了汽车行业的权威标准的戴姆勒审核。 青:带谁sei? 白:(白眼)戴姆勒,欧萨(OSA),啥都不知道,我怎么能带你出来呢,

青儿:姐你别着急,你多带带我,我将来还想接国际业务呢。你继续。 白:这麦达斯通过了戴姆勒审核,点石成金的威力是骤然大增啊,姐姐我这次来一是要在麦达斯发挥我的才能,二是要与我那官人白头偕老。 青:姐那你和许仙结婚要小孩不? 白:要啊. 青:那生出来是人还是蛇蛋你想过吗? 白:闭上你那大嘴唇子,少在这扯蛋。你还是考虑考虑你的终身大事吧!整天在那微信摇一摇,摇一摇,一会你把法海摇来看你怎么收场。 青:摇出来是男地就行。 白:你还有没有择偶标准了? 青:哼,你是饱娘们不知饿娘们子饥!(生气,扭头) 白:妹妹你也不要着急,今天亲朋好友来了这么多,你看看相中哪个,今年一定帮你拿下。 青:除了梁总~~这第一排打分的我都喜欢 白:妹妹,你这是严重的大叔控啊! 青:我就喜欢看李总这样的大叔! 白:妹妹,别看了,姐姐我都镇不住。妹妹去看看这是到哪了 背景3为麦达斯鸟瞰图 青:我看看啊,姐姐,咱们到麦达斯了。 白:那快随姐姐下去找官人吧!(兴奋) 青:接你跟着我走,这办公楼太高了,别刮着衣服,唉,左打轮,右打轮,抬离合,松油门。好,平稳着地。 第二幕


找妈妈作文(5篇) 找妈妈作文(1)初秋的一个早上,帅帅在公园里锻炼身体,正准备回家吃早饭,忽然,他听到一阵小鸟的叫声,帅帅向声音走去,呀!一只美丽的小鸟,这只小鸟长着黑豆似的眼睛,翠绿的羽毛,鹅黄色的头,肚子雪白雪白。 真漂亮!帅帅很想把小鸟捉住,当自己的好朋友,于是帅帅蹑手蹑脚地走过去,一步一步靠近,屏住呼吸,猛扑上去,小鸟抓住了。 帅帅心花怒放,欣喜若狂,他把小鸟当成了自己的好朋友了。 帅帅用绳子小心地绑住小鸟的腿,兴奋地向前跑去,小鸟也飞不好,帅帅爱不释手地玩,但小鸟好伤心。 这时,帅帅听到一阵哭声,他看到一个小女孩,小脸上挂满了泪水。 一位警察叔叔走过来,他蹲下身子,和蔼可亲地说:小朋友,你怎么了?”我、我……我找不着妈妈了”,走,我带你去公园管理处,用广播找妈妈吧”。 看着他们远去的身影,帅帅又看看手中的小鸟,心想:小女孩有妈妈,小鸟也有妈妈。 他又想想妈妈曾经说过的话:鸟的作用可大了,一只猫头鹰一个夏天能吃1000只田鼠,一只大山雀一天能吃1500只松毛虫,它可以保护森林,给大自然带来生机,还能维持生态平衡呢!帅帅决定把小鸟放回大自然。

他一边抚摸着小鸟,一边对小鸟说:我真舍不得你,但是你还是去找妈妈吧,一定要向大山雀学习,多吃一些害虫哦。 ”帅帅把小鸟举过头顶,向上一抛,小鸟飞起来了,它飞过山川,飞过河流,飞过树林,小鸟自由了!金水区西史赵小学二年级:刘沫妃找妈妈作文(2)夏天到了,河塘里粉红色的荷花开了。 一群可爱的小蝌蚪成群结队地在荷叶下嬉戏玩耍!一天早上,小猪嘟嘟提着一个矿泉水瓶到池塘边散步。 这时,小猪嘟嘟被在荷叶下嬉戏玩耍的小蝌蚪吸引住了,心想:要是把它们捉回家该多好啊!于是,它就用带来的空瓶子,瞄准目标,不大一会儿,嘟嘟就捞到了好几只蝌蚪,它满载而归地回家了。 回到家,小猪嘟嘟看了一下钟表,啊,九点啦!嘟嘟赶紧打开了电视机。 不一会儿,找妈妈吗”三个大字醒目的大字,伴随着喇叭声,引起了小猪嘟嘟的注意力,心想:这不是动画片《小蝌蚪找妈妈》吗?想到这,小猪嘟嘟嚷嚷道:我怎么能把它们捉住呢,那我不就成了天大的罪人了。 ”于是他决定把小蝌蚪放回池塘里,让它们去找妈妈。 嘟嘟马上关掉电视,原路返回。 一会儿,小猪嘟嘟来到了池塘边,小心翼翼地打开瓶盖,一边把小蝌蚪放进池塘里,一边自言自语地说:小蝌蚪,快回去找你们的妈妈,你们的妈妈是保护庄稼的卫士,等你们长大了也会成为保护庄稼


1.首先来看看,朱迪因为失言,惹恼了尼克后,为了挽回搭档,真诚的道歉吧! Judy Hopps: I know you'll never forgive me. And I don't blame you. I wouldn't forgive me either. I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded. But predators shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes 我知道,你永远都不会原谅我。我不怪你,换做我,我也不会原谅我自己。我又蠢又不可靠,还固执得不得了。但是,不能因为我的错,让肉食动物遭受这一切。 2.[Nick still refused to take a glimpse at Judy] Judy Hopps: [Begins to cry] And after we're done, you can hate me, and that'll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you. And you can walk away knowing you were right all along. I really am just a dumb bunny. 当我们解决了这个案子,你可以继续讨厌我,没关系,因为我是个糟糕的朋友,我伤害了你。到时候,你大可以大摇大摆地离开,确信自己至始至终都是对的。我真的只是一只蠢兔子。 3.和闪电的初次见面,就长见识啦! Nick Wilde: What do you call a three-humped camel? 知道骆驼为什么有三个驼峰吗? 4.和“教父”版大boss初次见面,朱迪和尼克险些丢了小名,还好这句救命话! What did we say? No icing anyone at my wedding! 爹地,不是说好不在我的婚礼上冻死任何人! 5.朱迪查案时,质疑本不穿衣服的动物竟然不穿衣服(是不是很绕口啊?自己感受下逻辑哦!) Oh! You are naked! 天啊,你们怎么不穿衣服 6.Nick Wilde: Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But you can't. You can only be what you are. Sly fox.Dumb bunny. 踏进动物城,谁都怀揣着梦想,成为理想中的自己,但却一场空。你只能是你,狐狸还是狡猾,兔子依旧呆蠢。


年会小品剧本大话白蛇传 年会小品剧本;大话白蛇传 剧本信息:剧本汤芊郁导演汤芊郁 演员列表:白娘子李明明小青黄美晓法海冯斌木许仙薛荣旁白汤芊郁 演唱甘惠端肖喜珍 活动主题:厦门理工学院校报学通社“圣诞联欢晚会” 表演时间:12月25日晚7:00 表演地点:厦门理工学院文传系“独来独往吧” 剧本: 配曲:《千年等一回》《被风吹过的夏天》《东风破》《夫妻双双把家还》 剧本:新白娘子传奇 旁白:话说很久以前,西湖旁有座山,山上有座庙,庙中有个自称英俊潇洒,风流倜傥,无坚不摧,一朵梨花压海棠,打遍天下无敌手,情场杀手鬼见愁,玉面小飞龙的小和尚,法海是也。挣着卖白菜的钱,操着卖白粉的心。但他一世英名却被一条小小蛇盗走仙丹,以至于老羞成怒,发誓要报仇血恨。小白蛇凭借仙丹外加千年道行修得人形,来到人间报答前世恩人。 背景:西湖岸边 背景音乐:千年等一回伴奏带(白演唱),边唱边和小青踏碎步

出场 白:小青,就是这里了,观音大士指点我们在这里一定可以等到官人的。 小:哎呀,姐姐,太阳好大哦。我们又忘记搽防晒霜了,还是去那边的亭子里等嘛! (碎步走到一旁) 小:姐姐,事隔多年你还记得清恩公的模样吗? 白:唉!(深情长叹)(唱)还记得昨天,那个夏天偷,吃仙丹的一瞬间,不小心被发现,留下千年的恩怨。 (许仙出场)许仙:哎..呀..,一手背后,一手高举折扇向前快步到舞台前端,并保持原有姿势道:闯荡江湖几十年,人送外号狗都嫌!我就是(语速快)玉树临风、风流倜傥、名满江湖、人见人爱、猫见猫死、(语速慢)比李舒楠还帅,比吴晓慧还受人欢迎的许仙是也(昂头、抬手)! 台下观众热情配合,欢呼声不断。许仙边后退边向着观众飞吻 许:(唱)如今风依旧在吹,秋天的雨更碎心中的热却不退,仿佛继续睁大双眼,美女的脸就浮现在眼前。(色眯眯地望着白)How beautiful!亏我一代美男许仙,却在情场上屡战屡败,天妒英才啊!但再丑也要谈恋爱,谈到世界充满爱 白:看,那个人就是我要等的官人. 小:姐姐,你有没有搞错啊?那个人看起来像个芙蓉姐夫,你不要认错人了。


Monkey Subdues the White-bone Demon Roles: Monkey King(M) 猴哥 Pig (P) 八戒 Tangseng(T) 唐僧 Shaseng(S) 沙僧 White-bone Demon(W) 白骨精 White-bone Demon’Servant(Ws) Young Girl(G) 年轻女孩 Old Lady(L) 老妇人 Fortune teller(F) 先知 Narrator: It’s a very day in the journey to the west, the four monks are travelling in the rolling mountains,in which lives white-bone demon. And she is quite excited to be informed that Tangseng is coming. 师徒四人西天取经,白骨精途中等待。 (1桃花朵朵开) (White-bone Demon with her servant behind steps in the stage) Ws: madam, here is the fresh blood! You look so well today! W: Aha, of cause! A monk called Tangseng is coming and it is said that one who has eaten his flesh will never die or grow old! What a precious opportunity for me it is! I will turn into a beautiful girl to win his heart! (White-bone Demon spinsherself and turned into a beautiful young girl,then waited for the monks to come.) M: master, I feel that there is some evil in this area! (让三人站在呼啦圈内)you three stay in this magical ring and I will go to search for some food! See you later!(悟空跳出舞台) G:oh, god gives me such a wonderful chance!(整理妆容,伴奏2音乐起,走猫步上台)


小蝌蚪找妈妈作文 【篇一:新编小蝌蚪找妈妈】 新编小蝌蚪找妈妈 暖和的春天来了。市郊那一片荒芜的空地慢慢显露出绿色,小草 倔强的从杂乱的水泥砖块里露出了头,砖块之中偶尔还能看见一小片麦苗。 不远处有一个小池塘,从池塘的四周望去,越过草地就是灰色的 高楼,依着塔吊,张着黑洞洞的大嘴,“咣咣”的发出刺耳的声响。没有一棵树,太阳明晃晃的照着池塘,池塘里的水绿的发黑,一 些不知名的小虫子在浓稠的水面上跳跃。一群大脑袋长尾巴的蝌蚪水里游来游去,似乎在找着什么。 几只小燕子落下来喝水,哪怕这里的水味道很不好。这时,小蝌蚪们游过来问:“燕子姐姐,您看见过我们的妈妈吗?请您告诉我们,我们的妈妈在什么地方呀?” 燕子无奈的说:“很抱歉,我也不知道你们的妈妈在什么地方,去年的时候,这个池塘还很大很宽,池塘的水清澈甘甜,你们的妈妈就在岸边捉虫。现在这里没有了大树,没有了庄稼,大池塘变成了小水沟,我们也要飞很远才能找到食物,也许你们的妈妈去很远的地方觅食了吧” 一条小鱼游过来了。小蝌蚪赶紧追上去问:“你好,鱼哥哥,你看见我们的妈妈了吗?” 小鱼悲伤的说:“我也没看见,去年的时候,来了一群四个轮子的怪物,挥舞着大手臂,张着大獠牙,把庄稼吃掉了,把大树砍倒了,推来许多土把这个大池塘填成了小水坑,我的许多小伙伴躲避不及被埋到土里了。听说这个小水坑今年要被填上了,那些有腿的小动物都走了,你妈妈是不是已经搬走了呢?而我们鱼儿只能等着被埋掉或者 被人捞走吃掉。” 小蝌蚪看着悲哀的鱼儿,一句话也说不出来。 这时一只大乌龟游过来了,看着头顶的烈日说“我在这个池塘里生活了100年了,以前的时候,这里是动物们欢乐的家园,鱼儿在水里嬉戏,小虾在水草间打闹,鸟儿在树上筑巢,夏天的时候还有一群群小孩子的游泳,凉风吹过还能闻到花儿的幽香。你们的妈妈去田里捉完虫子一定会到这里休息。”

Zootopia 疯狂动物城英文剧本学习笔记1

Zootopia ●请大家一定先看群文件:【入群必读】里的学习方法介绍。 ●鼓励大家每天学习1页剧本内容,并跟着视频一起模仿朗读学习,自己不断调整。 ●游戏以前,一定要已经学习过剧本,效果才最好哦! ●每天和群里的朋友一起,轻松玩儿游戏吧~ 第1部分 Characters: Player 1: Kid/Gideon Grey/Instructor/Lion the mayor Player 2: Young Judy Player 3: Little Sheep/Judy’s Mom/Little Sheep A/Assistant mayor Player 4: Little Tiger/Judy’s Dad/Little Sheep B/Sidekick Kid/Journalist (At school) -Kid(Player 1): Fear, treachery, blood lust. Thousands of years ago these were the forces that ruled our world. A world where prey were scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable...biological urge to maim, and maul, and... treachery n. 背叛 treacherous adj.奸诈的、背叛的、叛逆的、不牢靠的。 prey n.被捕食的动物 maim v.使残废 maul v. 打伤、殴打、抨击 -Young Judy(Player 2): Ahhhh!! Blood! Blood! Blood! And… Death!....Back then, the world was divided in two. Vicious predator, or meek prey…But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond our primitive savage ways. Now predator and prey live in harmony. And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. vicious adj.恶毒的、恶意的、堕落的、平行不端正的。 Meek adj. 温顺的、谦恭的、驯服的
