

Com p utin g Technolo gy and Automation Vol .33,No .3

一Se p .2014收稿日期:2013-05-28作者简介:胡湘娟(1980 ),女,湖南湘潭人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:电路与系统三?通讯联系人,E -mail :huxian gj uan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f2848879.html, 文章编号:1003-6199(2014)03-0101-04




介绍基于linux 的嵌入式数码相机的设计与实现,设计使用的是linux 系统内核三整个系统的硬件部分以S5PV210开发板作为测试仪主体,TFT-LCD 触摸屏做为控制器,TF 卡作为相片存储介质三


关键词:嵌入式;数码相机;移植;S5PV210中图分类号:TP332一一一一一一文献标识码:A The Desi g n and Realization for the Embedded Di g ital Camera

HU Xian g -j uan 1?,YANG Yi 2,ZENG Xian -don g 1(1.De p artment of Information En g ineerin g ,Shao y an g Univerit y ,Hunan Prov.,Shao y an g ,Hunan一422000,China ;2.No.5Middle School of Shao y an g ,Hunan Prov.,Shao y an g ,Hunan一422000,China )一一Abstract :The desi g n and realization for the embedded di g ital camera based on Linux was introduced in this p a p er.This desi g n is usin g Linux s y stem kernel.The whole s y stem hardware includin g :S5PV210develo p ment board as a tester lord ,TFT-LCD touch screen button as a controller ,use TF card as a p icture stora g e media.The Software desi g n is more com -p lex.First build a g ood environment for the develo p ment board ,write the main p ro g ram.Then write the p ro g ram for the touch screen driver and the tri gg er function for various functions of the di g ital https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f2848879.html,st com p lete the user interface.The touch screen of s y stem can be o p eration this di g ital camera ,and realize the various functions.S y stem o p eration is reliable in

p ractical a pp lication ,and satisfied demand of s y stem desi g n.It affords a reference for Embedded di g ital camera.Ke y words :embedded ;di g ital camera ;trans p lantation ;S5PV2101一引一言

数码相机,英文名 Di g ital Camera ,是现在通信二计算机产业二照相机产业高速发展的产物三随






种区别于传统相机的新事物;三是数码相机有着其前瞻性二时尚性特点;四是它存在的基础就是最新的科技技术三本论文针对基于Linux 的嵌入式数码相机的设计和实现进行了研究,设计主要任务是要实现数码相机的基本功能,即对采集图像的实时显示二浏览控制二存储等三同时为嵌入式数码相机的设计提供了参考三
