

Reading Report

Book: The Kite Runner

Author: Khaled Hosseini

Pages: 1-163

Brief introduction: Amir is the son of the famous merchant in Afghanistan. There are two servants in his house, Ali and his son Hassan. Amir plays with Hassan all the time in his childhood. Hassan is Hazara, while Amir is Pashtuns. Hazara is discriminated against by Pashtuns. So although Hassan believes that Amir is his friend, Amir does not agree. Amir tricks Hassan sometimes but Hassan never gets angry. Things go peacefully, until one night Amir sees three boys hit Hassan to the ground. Instead of help Hassan, Amir runs away. From that day on, Amir does not know how to face Hassan. In order not to be regretted every second, Amir finally makes Hassan and Ali leave his home. Just after that, Russian forces Amir’s country. Amir and his father have to move to America.

Comments: This book makes me remember my childhood. The first part of the book is only about some little things in Amir’s childhood. The warm and happy time he has with Hassan. They climb tree and hills, play games and tell stories. I am extremely upset to see Hassan leave. Amir thinks he hurts everyone, Hassan, Ali and his Baba. But the one he hurts most deeply is his own. Hassan leave is a wound in Amir’s heart, and it won’t recover forever. This stuff makes Amir hate the life in Afghanistan, because all the disgusting memories are at here. He always hide, hide himself deeply in the books, in his stories. Afghanistan is a country full of violence, Amir can’t live happily in this environment, his father is a true Afghanistan man, and he has force. But Amir doesn’t. Amir is a light boy who only like literary. He is different from other kids, he need a person to protect. He wants his father’s care and love, but his father hide his love deeply in heart, which makes Amir always feel unneeded. Maybe the true reason of the hurt around Amir is his father.


My cheeks burned and guilt coursed through me, the guilt of indulging myself at the expense of his ulcer, his black fingernails and aching wrists. But I would stand my ground, I decided.

I blinked my heart quickening. She had thick black eyebrows that touched in the middle like the arched wings of a flying bird, and the gracefully hooked nose of a princess from old Persia-maybe that of Tahmineh.

They fell from the sky like shooting stars with brilliant, rippling tails, showering the neighborhoods below with prizes for the kite runners.

It just appeared, this other face, for a fraction of a moment, long enough to leave me with the unsettling feeling that maybe I’d seen it someplace before. Then Hassan blinked and it was just him again. Just Hassan.

Page: 163-401

Brief introduction: Amir becomes a popular writer. He meets a girl named Soraya in

USA. They fall in love and get married. But they can’t have babies. His father died because of the illness. One of his father’s old friends calls him and invites Amir to his house. He tells the story over 20 years about Hassan and his family. He tells Amir that Hassan and his wife were killed by Taliban and he asks Amir to find Hassan’s son, Sohrab. After a hard and dangerous trip with Talib, Amir does find Sohrab and wins his trust. But in order to get the visa to USA, Amir asks Sohrab to stay in the orphan for a year while Amir promised Sohrab before never send him to there. Sohrab try to kill himself because of this. Although he is overcome then, he refuses to say a word for a long time. Amir takes him back to USA and treats him good, waiting for his forgiveness. Then a kite competition held and Amir sees Sohrab’s smile when he wins. Amir sees the hope.

Comments: I can’t explain whether it is a happy or tragic ending. But I can say that Sohrab will get better and be a normal boy. Amir is hard-working. He cares about Hassan’s things. And he is always regretful for kicking Hassan out of his home. He thinks that Hassan died because of his action. He feels shamed. But he is a real human who has the sickness of humanity. That is why he would refuse to find Sohrab at the beginning and that’s why he asks Sohrab to go to orphan after promised not to. Certainly he does wrong things but in another way he does things anybody would choose to do. This book is not only about family and friends, is also about a kind of target or force, to help you run on whether if life is easy or hard. Digests: We let him wrap us in his arms and, for a brief insane moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night. (Predicative clause)

It was a protective gesture and I knew whom Ali was protecting him from. (Object clause)

I had crossed a line, and whatever little hope I had of getting out alive had vanished with those words. (Subject clause)

I had no idea if Hassan would still be there, if anyone would even know of him or his whereabouts. (Appositive clause)

I blinked my heart quickening. She had thick black eyebrows that touched in the middle like the arched wings of a flying bird, and the gracefully hooked nose of a princess from old Persia-maybe that of Tahmineh.

They fell from the sky like shooting stars with brilliant, rippling tails, showering the neighborhoods below with prizes for the kite runners.


追风筝的人读书笔记4篇 追风筝的人读书笔记这是一部扣人心弦的感人之作,读之,让我懂得一个人撒谎并不可怕,可怕的是撒谎的人从不感到羞愧,甚至认为理所当然;读之,让我理解在家庭和友谊、背叛和救赎之间该何去何从……它带给我的感触远远超过了所有我看过的小说加起来的。 阿米尔--小说的主人公,虽然他也曾懦弱过,害怕过,甚至为此伤害到对自己最好的朋友。但是最终他战胜了内心,战胜了自己,我想他会成为他的爸爸心目中所希望的那样,做一个真正的男子汉。哈桑,一个低等的下人,一个生来就被人取笑的人,一个可以任人打骂的仆人(要知道在那个年代的等级观念还是很高的)。可是,相对很多所谓的上层人来说他又是那么的高贵,不可侵犯。他的那句“为你,千千万万遍!”即使至死也从未违背,也让我为之肃然起敬!阿米尔的爸爸,是一个典型的阿富汗人,虽然年轻时犯过错,可是,他终其一生,都在为其赎罪,即使为了不相干的人付出生命,也从不却步…他们都是可爱的人。他们热爱生养自己的土地,即使在那时已满目疮痍,也无时无刻的不在牵挂着。我们都知道阿富汗现如今还存在各种各样的问题,可是,我相信一切都会过去,因为和平的脚步势不可挡! 在这部感人至深的小说里面,风筝是象征性的。它既可以是亲情、友情、爱情,也可以是正直、善良、诚实。其实,

每个人心中都有一只属于自己的风筝,它引领着我们不断翱翔;它带领我们走出心中的牢笼,直至完全光明! 追风筝的人读书笔记《追风筝的人》笔触清淡,表达感情温婉含蓄,叙述笔调沉静中暗含忧伤。它关注了亲情、友情与爱情,感恩与救赎,真相与谎言……在复杂变动的历史大背景下,以一种从容平和的静美心态讲述了一个枝节复杂而情节动人的故事。 作者极具功力的情节架构、叙事才能、形象塑造、对话组织、场景再现,使这部作品具有高度的思考价值和文学质感。近似于完美的细节描摹十分精确,使人情不自禁地产生身临其境的幻觉,被深深吸引而难以自拔。全部的阅读使人身心浸润其间,并时时击节感叹,让人无法拒绝自然传递的巨大感染力。 我是在飞机上读完《追风筝的人》这本书的。起初没想到情节会这么多变曲折,会随着情节的快乐而高兴,悲伤而难过,一切都是那么自然。由于坐在飞机上,很多时候表情不能那么丰富,这点还真是痛苦,早知道应该在家看这本书,想哭就哭想笑就笑,多么舒畅啊! 当我看到阿米尔舍命从暴政下救走哈桑的独子、自己的侄儿索拉博时,我明晰了“风筝”的涵义,一种感动像在我面前豁然打开一个光明粲然的世界,内心的牺牲崇拜被再次引燃,有了为一个人牺牲的精神,我想这也是一种快乐。


《追风筝的人》读书笔记1000字 追风筝的人读后感 《追风筝的人》围绕一个不爱说话、憨厚老实的少年仆人哈桑与他的少年主人懦弱的阿米尔之间的友情故事展开的。 哈桑肤色如泥巴,鼻子很扁受到了当地其他富少年的欺凌,然而阿米尔与哈桑之间渐渐有了隔阂。 我喜欢卡勒徳笔下的喀布尔的冬天,他说:“冬天是喀布尔每个孩子最喜欢的季节,至少那些家里买得起一个暖和铁炉的孩子是这样的。”他们有一年一度的冬天风筝比赛,阿米尔想借此机会改变父亲对自己的印象,这不仅为了夺回属于自己的爱,也是作为主人对仆人的尊严。在哈桑的帮助下,阿米尔赢得了比赛哈桑在追回被割掉的风筝时被其他富家少年困在角落里施以暴力时,阿米尔—哈桑最信任的朋友,却蜷缩在阴暗的角落里默默注视,直到泪流满面却仍不敢挺身而出帮助哈桑。阿米尔的懦弱让他不敢直视哈桑,最后他决定栽赃哈桑,让他永远离开了这个家。阿米尔就是如此的自私和懦弱。 到后来阿米尔获知哈桑是自己的同父异母的兄弟时,他内心悔恨与伤痛纠结。当中年的阿米尔偶然得知哈桑的消息,他却不顾危险,前往战乱的阿富汗救赎哈桑的儿子索拉博。此时的阿米尔是勇敢的。 这让我体会到人总有丑陋的一面,”丑陋总是与美好如影相随,在美的背后,丑正探出半张脸庞。 第二篇:《追风筝的人》读书笔记 《追风筝的人》读书笔记 由于时间的问题,这本书的前半部分是陆陆续续看完的,而今天周六,便抽了一天地时间看完了后半部分。锁在自己的房间里,没有任何人的打扰,于是一直沉浸在故事里,至动情处,或感动,或惋惜,或悲伤,几度泪盈满框,甚至哽咽的喘不上气。在索拉博自杀的那个情节,我瞬时捶胸顿足,没有刀光剑影,却可以把一个人伤那么深,那是摧毁了一个人对未来的所有希望,我恨作者怎么可以写的那么残忍。千万别去辜负对一个孩子的承诺。它比任何瓷器都脆弱且难以修补,索性故事的结果还是给我读者希望,可能风筝是帮助阿米尔和索拉博再次取得信任的线。 这个的背景是我从不曾了解的一个国家,关于这个国家所经历的所有战乱和动荡,或许我都一无所知。但是却非常享受按着这个故事轨迹所经历的这场难忘的旅途。当生活安宁时,作者描写的笔触细腻而美好,能把人拉回一个纯真无邪的童年时代,而如果一个人的童年真的纯净的像蒸馏水,似乎太过理想,谁的童年没有几个难以启齿的略显卑劣的小秘密,阿米尔的童年时胆小懦弱的,于是一直在寻找自我救赎的机会,再次成为好人的计划。一步一步,终成为一


Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-American writer. Though he has few works, every of his works can move people and gain praise. Because of his experience during childhood, he always uses the war of Afghanistan as the background of his novels. And he is good at giving a symbolic meaning to an objective thing to express profound meanings. If we want to understand his novels deeply, it is essential for us to make a thorough research on the symbols and images in his works. The Kite Runner is Hosseini’s first novel which makes known for us. It also is the first English novel written by an Afghan writer. In this novel, Hosseini use many images to express indictment of the war and revelation of racial and religious issues. More importantly, this novel reflects the human nature and the salvation of humanity, especially the handling of the image of the kite. After reading this novel, the author of the paper develops a deep interest in The Kite Runner. What strikes the author most is the symbolism in this novel. Therefore, the author is going to make a thorough research on the symbolism in The Kite Runner.


追风筝的人读书笔记9篇(2) 追风筝的人读书笔记9篇(2) 追风筝的人读书笔记4 前不久,和朋友在定王台买了几本书,开始犹豫不决,不知道买什么书,纠结了大半天终于买了两本卡勒德胡赛尼的书。 初读这本书感觉不怎么读得懂,后来,才发现是没有用心去阅读。《追风筝的人》这本书交织着爱,恐惧,愧疚……12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与仆人哈桑情同手足。然而,在一场风筝比赛后,发生了一件悲惨不堪的事。 阿米尔为自己的懦弱感到自责和痛苦,无法面对哈桑,于是用计逼走了哈桑。不久阿富汗爆发战争,阿米尔被迫与父亲逃亡美国。成年后的阿米尔始终无法原谅自己当年对哈桑的背叛。为了赎罪,阿米尔再次回到故乡,希望能为不幸的好友尽最后一点心力,却发现一个惊天谎言,儿时好友竟然是和自己同父异母的兄弟,为了救赎,他把哈桑的儿子带到美国,在一次聚会上,阿米尔再次放起了风筝。阿米尔与哈桑从小一起长大,哈桑对阿米尔呵护极致,两人的父亲也是好兄弟,实际上他们是主仆关系,但是却丝毫没有影响他们俩的感情,相反这种感情得到了延续,哈桑和阿米尔感情特别深,但是因为哈桑是仆人,妈妈抛弃了自己,经常受到同龄人的讥笑,而阿米尔因为有出色的父亲备受大家关心。

一次阿米尔与哈桑遇到一群朋友,那些人被哈桑指指点点,阿米尔在一旁观望,从小的好兄弟被人欺负,阿米尔竟然无动于衷,哈桑为了保护阿米尔经常受人欺负。他一点也不害怕坏人,他很勇敢。随即这引起了阿米尔的嫉妒之心,父亲对哈桑的赞赏与期许更令阿米尔厌恶。他设计把哈桑赶出家门。 哈桑被阿米尔这个好兄弟抛弃,远离了他们的生活,多少年过后,阿米尔知道哈桑是自己的兄弟,他很愧疚于是四处寻找哈桑,找到哈桑又能怎么样,感情再也不能像以前一样了,好朋友的背叛,无疑是对哈桑的巨大打击。 友情这么脆弱,因为身份的差距,因为嫉妒心,竟然被抛弃,阿米尔的愧疚是一辈子的,他与哈桑那放风筝的日子已经远去,断了线的风筝再也不可能回到原点。哈桑依旧,只是他的脸上少了笑容,剩下的只有空洞的眼神。可见阿米尔对友情的背叛给哈桑那个留下了多大的阴影,这一辈子都不可能再愈合。 生命就是那一片天空,或鲜红或湛蓝。望着远方的风筝,我们追寻,我们仰望,在追风筝的路途中,我们诠释一整个世界。这途中,有沟壑,有山坡;有彷徨,有疲乏。可是,没有人会停下前进的脚步,因为,我们都是追风筝的人。 风筝来来回回,可放风筝的人不再是原来的摸样。 追风筝的人读书笔记5 也许每个人心中都有一个风筝,无论它意味着什么,让我们勇敢地追,让我们一起追寻那人格的风筝。 12岁的阿米尔是一位阿富汗的富家少爷。他本与仆人哈桑手足


追风筝的人 “为你,千千万万遍!”你能想象一个患有兔唇的孩子,一个生活在阿富汗社会底层的遭人轻视的仆人是如何用自己的一生来履行他对友谊的这份承诺吗.? 这本小说讲述了12岁的阿富汗富家爷阿米尔与仆人哈桑情同足。然而,为了赢得父亲的赞赏,他眼睁睁地看着为他不顾一切的哈桑遭人凌辱,自己选择了逃避。而后,阿米尔又为自己的懦弱感到自责痛苦,为了减少这份痛苦,他又逼走了哈桑。不久,自己也跟随父逃往美国。成年后的阿米尔无法原谅自己当年对哈桑的背叛,于是他再度踏上了久违二十多年的故乡,却发现一个惊天谎言… 人们说陈年往事可以被埋葬,因为时间是治疗一切的良药。然而事实并非如此,他们总是在不经意间爬上心头,回首前尘,记忆总是会在某个特别的地方停留。 风筝是童年美好回忆的象征,可是在这儿却也带来一段不堪的过去。孩童时的我们都有这样的渴望,总希望成为人们口中赞赏的对象,尤其是我们的双亲,然而父母对别的孩子的赞赏也总会遭到我们的妒忌,也可以说是我们内心的自卑。为此,我们会耍一些阴暗的小手段打压对手,获得关注的目光。阿米尔就是这样的一个孩子,一个折射我们内心的影子。他喜欢卖弄哈桑听不懂的词语,为了追回风筝赢得爸爸的肯定他选择“他只是个哈扎拉人”这样的带着种族歧视的认知来自我麻痹,放弃了他本应该担当的责任。也正是这种对责任的放弃,他品尝了一生的悔恨。在做错事的情况下,我们又何尝不是选择找借口来推卸责任呢!可是,最终我们还不是和阿米尔一样品尝了后悔的滋味,总想找到赎罪的方式来弥补心里的缺陷。 哈桑是这本书的另一个主人公,他深受阶级,宗教的精神迫害。可是他也是这本书书的光辉所在。他的母亲抛弃了他,自身哈扎拉人的血统到处遭人歧视,这本应该是个对生活丧失信心的人,可他却能说出“为你,千千万万遍”这样感情丰富的话来。这不仅仅是表达了对主人的忠心,更是对友谊最完美的诠释。可见他对生活充满希望,友情满含期待。我们短暂的一生有多少朋友能够对我们说出并履行这样的承诺呢!哈桑学会的第一句话就是“阿米尔”,他为阿米尔敢于站出来对抗身材最魁梧的阿塞夫,为他能赢得爸爸的赞赏放弃祷告而去追风筝。他被侮辱时,一直都知道阿米尔就躲在旁边,他却选择了沉默。在知道阿米尔设计陷害他盗窃时,他选择跳进这个陷阱。也许有人会说他愚忠。但是我看到的是一颗对亲如兄弟朋友的主人一颗真挚般的心。他为了不让阿米尔活在不安与愧疚中,他依然选择离开。我们都渴望有这样的一位朋友为我们付出,渴望收获一份真挚的友谊,却不知自己又为朋友做过什么。 在这里,另一个感动我的人物是阿米尔的父亲,他可以说是一个真真的铁汉子。他对自己的孩子苛刻,是为了让他更好的成长;他敢于和侵略家园的士兵言辞力争,只为了一个陌生的女人;他宁愿挨饿也不愿意接受俄国人的帮助,只因为他们的同胞是家园的侵略者;他为了孩子的未来,愿意从阿富汗的富人沦落为美国一个加油站的工人。这是一个光辉的父亲形象。在那片战火纷飞的废墟上一个勇敢的战士。 阿米尔虽然在美国结了婚,过上了远离战争的生活,可是他内心深处却始终带着对哈桑的愧疚。于是,在良心的谴责下,他选择面对自己的过去。回到那个带着创伤的故土,赎罪。等待他的却是一个震惊的消息,原来哈桑是自己同父异母的兄弟,并且已经被战争吞噬,于是阿米尔选择照顾哈桑的儿子索拉博,这个遭受战争毒害,满眼惊恐的侄子。他面无表情,只有风筝才能唤起他的回应。 《追风筝的人》不仅仅是亲情,友情的概述,更折射出我们似曾相识的心绪,比如伤害别人的快感和疑虑,危机关头的懦弱无助,亲人面临危险时的慌乱无措,失去亲人时的悲伤孤独,应该担当责任时的自私推诿,以及时常涌上心头的自责,自卑和赎罪的冲

追风筝的人 论文 英文

For You a Thousand Times over ——The Kite Runner ABSTRACT: The Kite Runner is a moving story and a mixture of love, fear, guilty, atonement and so on. For a long time, it makes the books we read lost their color. Maybe all of us more or less had done something as Amir did before, we are too young to understand others feelings when we broke their heart into pieces. We may feel guilty and miserable for what we have done. But there is no use to cry over spilt milk. What we really should do is to face the reality and like Amir, to atone for ourselves. Key words: love, fear, guilty, atonement This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. I am convinced that few books are as good as this one. To be honest, I hadn’t maintained that this book would appeal me before I read it. However, I was absorbed in the book from the first chapter to the last one. Why this book has appealed to me that much? I asked myself. This book is not my type of reading for only romantic books could draw my attention successfully. Then I came into a conclusion that it is the friendship and family value fascinated me. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved. Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir's school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir's house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures. To the world you are one person, but to the person who loves you, you are the world. Amir was Hassan’s world. Amir’s name had been the first word Hassan spoke. Hassan threatened brutal Assef for the sake of Amir. Hassan never failed to run the kite to please Amir. Hassan sacrificed himself for A mir’s house. These are more than a friend would do. Only those who love you so much could challenge themselves to do what Hassan did to Amir. To Hassan, Amir was not only a mere friend but a brother. He loved Amir more than anything else. Even after Amir betrayed him, he still told his son proudly “Amir is my best friend”.Maybe for Hassan “for you, a thousand times over” has another meaning, which is not just kite running for Amir but he will do anything for Amir. If Hassan could be described as an angel, then Amir was just a person. I did hate Amir for he watched Hassan be raped and did nothing, for he made Hassan leave his born-place, for he aimed Hassan with fruit (even though he actually tried to make himself get punished). Amir did not deserve what Hassan did to him. I thought his meanness caused Hassan’s tragedy. But after I finished the book, I realized it is not Hassan’s tragedy, it is Amir’s. For what he had done to Hassan, he had led a live with regret and suffered endless sleepless nights. His going back to


追风筝的人读书笔记四篇 导读:《追风筝的人》里哈桑的那句“为你,千千万万遍”感动了许多人,那是他的忠诚,勇敢和善良,虽然被侮辱被陷害也依然保持着这份纯洁,而阿米尔也为年少时做的错事救赎,人性的丑恶和善美都让人觉得荡气回肠,也是这部小说风行的一个重要原因吧下面是的追风筝的人,欢迎阅读! 我时常幻想自己是未来的,这样,有一天我面对未来某一时刻的突然变化,就会更从容,面对陈年往事也会更慷慨。但,我更适合平庸,如寻常人一样琐碎繁杂的生活,对时间的细枝末节斤斤计较。 既然无法预知未来,那么人更多的开始依赖回忆,甚至靠那些零星琐碎的回忆支撑往后的日子,有些回忆很美好,有些回忆很心酸,有些回忆让人长大,有些回忆让人显得很无知,有些回忆慢慢泛黄,有些回忆仿佛就在昨天。有些故事也总是从儿时的回忆展开。 我对阿富汗以及周边连年征战的国家和他们的历史毫无兴趣,对我而言,那里的人民是可怜的,那里的政府是可悲的,所以当《追风筝的人》这个故事一点一点展现在我面前的时候,我并没准备好接受一个平静的,也曾春暖花开,羊肉串香飘整条街的画面,更没想到那里的孩子也可以无忧无虑的追逐风筝。 所以当身为少爷的阿米尔和他的仆人哈桑情同手足的画面一出现,所有读者不禁感叹,少年时的友谊是那么充满力量,干净而持久的。他们总是并肩而行,每当阿米尔被人欺负的时候,哈桑总是义无

反顾的站出来保护,很多人说这是哈桑天生的奴性,这种观点我不赞同,我看见他们之间分明有一道友谊的光芒在闪耀。 当阿米尔问哈桑为什么确定自己一定会知道被切断绳线的风筝 的掉落地的时候,哈桑肯定的对阿米尔说,我就是知道,然后反问,我什么时候骗过你。阿米尔轻声说,我怎么知道有没有骗过我。哈桑发誓,为了你,我宁可啃烂泥。阿米尔进一步确定,你真的会为我啃烂泥?哈桑坚定的说,我肯定,然后又说,但是你又怎么能忍心让我啃烂泥。所以读者心中所向往的也就是我们每个人心中那个潮湿的童年印象,总是和自己最亲密的伙伴,席地而坐,互相盟誓,发誓为对方,甘愿上刀山下火海。就如同哈桑洋溢着笑脸对阿米尔说的那样:为你,千千万万遍。 然而事实上却是这样的:他是主人,他是仆人;他是普什图, 他是哈扎拉;他是逊尼派,他是什叶派,从他们出生的那一刻起,他们的命运就被这些他们所不能理解的标签所分隔开来,尽管他们是亲密无间的朋友,尽管他们事实上拥有同一位父亲。无论是平凡的阿米尔和哈桑,还是高高在上的查希尔国王或者卡尔扎伊,都不得不接受社会为他们预定的座位——阿米尔不再是阿米尔,哈桑也不再是哈桑,他们必须戴上社会分给他们的面具。 哈桑总是说“为你,千千万万遍”,而生性懦弱的阿米尔却选 择沉默冷酷的逃避,这样的悲剧性结果并不单单是个性差异所造成的,在这些年少无知的孩子的潜意识里早已被灌输了相应于自身社会地


The Kite Runner I read this book in the winter holiday,and now I am going to read it again ,for the good book deserve several reading.Well,The Kite Runner move me so much,and it make me think a lot.In this esssay,I just talk about two of them. “For you,a thousand times over.”There is no double that friendship will be the first and the most important point. We are easily moved by Hassan’s loyalty to Amir,that’s because we are difficult to meet someone who is willing to devote to us for a thousand times over without any complain. The friendship in our real world is companyde with benefit ,which is very differenr from the friendship described in the novel. Althought I don’t think highly of the such unilaterally devotion ,I still appreciate Hassan’s dev otion and magnanimity to his good friend.The real friendship is what Hassan give to Amir:when you are happy,I may be here to share your happiness; when you need me,I must be in your side to help you; and when you hurt me ,I am easily to forgive you; and even though you leave me, I still keep you in my mind. It make me sad to see Amir’s unbravery and irresponsibility when his friend need him.Actually I tend to believe that Amir didn’t regar d Hassan as his friend but just a pleasant and loyal servant when I read the first half of the novel.But Amir can’t forget his hurt to Hassan,and try his hard to make up in the latter part of the book, which change his afterlife,and the fate of Hassan’s poor son.So I begin to understand Amir’s friendship to Hassan.If he think Hassan is unimportant,he will not take the embarrassed memory to heart,and will not come back to


追风筝的人读书笔记3篇 追风筝的人是以风筝为主线,讲的是主人公阿米尔与他父亲仆人的儿子哈桑的故事,那么,今天,本人给大家分享的是追风筝的人读书笔记3篇,供大家阅读参考。 追风筝的人读书笔记篇1:读完追风筝的人,感触颇多,一部不是纯文学的作品,更偏向政治,民族,种族,阶级题材,读完之后情绪浮浮沉沉,异常沉重。内心有千言万语,却不知该如何表达。一句话,就是透过大背景下的小人物的命运描述,映射阿富汗政治的动乱,种族歧视给人民带来了深重的灾难。 追风筝的人是以风筝为主线,讲的是主人公阿米尔与他父亲仆人的儿子哈桑的故事,他们俩一齐长大,喝的是同一个母乳,彼此会说的第一个字就是彼此的名字。哈桑忠实坚强,勇敢真诚,阿米尔胆小懦弱,善良敏感,虽然表面上哈桑与阿米尔十分亲密,但是在阿米尔的内心,并没有将哈桑作为他的兄弟姐妹,其实这与他们俩的阶级身份有关,一主一仆,他们是不可能真正平等的。故事的发展也是围绕着放风筝,哈桑是追风筝的高手,他不需要抬头就知道风筝会落到哪里,并总能第一个拿到落下的风筝,小说中有一句最感人肺腑的话,为你,我愿意追千千万万次,哈桑是多么的忠诚,哈桑以前说过,只要阿米尔让他去吃土,他就回去吃,不会有半句怨言。正是哈桑的如此真诚忠诚,使阿米尔感到

羞愧,阿米尔胆小懦弱,遇事总是退缩,他渴望得到父亲的爱,却又无法做到父亲的要求,他最钟爱的事是写小说,但是父亲却不支持。故事的转折点是一次风筝比赛,它改变了故事中很多人的生命。在这次比赛中,阿米尔没有让父亲失望,他成功打败了其他的风筝,哈桑答应他去把最后掉下来的风筝追回来,对阿米尔来说,只有追到掉下来的风筝才算真正的胜利。但是,在哈桑拿到风筝后,却被阿瑟夫等人拦住,哈桑因着对阿米 尔的承诺,决绝将风筝给阿瑟夫,结果被阿瑟夫性侵,这一幕被阿米尔看见了,但是她却选取了转身逃跑,正因他懦弱,不敢为了哈桑挺身而出。接下来的几天,阿米尔一向处于内疚中,他无法应对哈桑,最终他嫁祸哈桑偷盗,逼走了哈桑,那个对他无比忠诚的,敢于为他做任何牺牲的好兄弟姐妹。又过了几年喀布尔被俄国占领,阿米尔与父亲不得不逃亡美国,在那里艰难的开始了新生活。或许故事能够就这样结尾,生活将这样继续。但是一个电话,扰乱了平静的生活,也把阿米尔再次带回了故乡,从父亲的好友口中得知,哈桑其实是父亲的私生子,是阿米尔的亲弟弟,阿米尔一时无法理解,这么多年对于哈桑的愧疚一向萦绕心头,如今得知哈桑竟然是自我的亲弟弟,往事一点点浮上心头,父亲每次都记得哈桑的生日,从来不哭泣的父亲在哈桑离开时第一次流泪。但是,喀布尔已经不是以前的喀布尔,此刻民不聊

《追风筝的人 》读书笔记

追风筝的人读书笔记 小说讲述了一个身在美国的阿富汗移民男孩童年的往事和他成人后对儿时过错的心灵救赎过程。主人公儿时出身阿富汗上流社会,父亲经商积德,在当地非常有声望。而主人公由于孩童的自私,非常想获得父亲全部的爱,并因此总是因为父亲对仆人孩子的温情而心生嫉妒。主人公儿时性格懦弱,仆人的孩子勇敢忠诚,心态失衡的主人公后来用不光彩的手段陷害了仆人一家,导追风筝的人致仆人一家流落异乡,后来阿富汗爆发战争,主人公一家被迫出走美国。后来父亲的合伙人熟知内情,在临过世前鼓励主人公回阿富汗寻找当年的仆人小孩,并通过自己的努力去平复自己多年的负罪感。已经是事业有成的主人公鼓起勇气,第一次像男子汉般的回到了故乡,在满目苍夷和被塔利班统治的残酷现实中,找到了老朋友,在得知惊人秘密后,他赎罪般的努力,最终令人感动的完成了一个男人的成长。 故事发生在阿富汗,从童年开始讲起,12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与仆人哈桑情同手足。然而,在一场风筝比赛后,他们两人得了冠军,哈桑为给阿米尔逐回落下的风筝,哈桑受到了一个经常辱骂“他父亲”的孩子阿塞夫的侮辱。这些都被阿米尔看到眼中,但是他没有勇气出面救哈桑。阿米尔的心理发生了变化,他为自己的懦弱感到自责,愧疚和痛苦,不再跟哈桑要好,后来还想办法诬陷哈桑偷了自己的手表与钱,虽然阿米尔的父亲原谅了哈桑,但是哈桑的父亲阿里(管家)还是带着哈桑离开了。随后,苏军侵略阿富汗,阿米尔的父亲带着阿米尔逃到了美国,并将家里的房子托付一个朋友和生意的合伙人拉辛汗看护。 成年后的阿米尔始终无法原谅自己当年对哈桑的背叛。为了赎罪,阿米尔再度踏上暌违二十多年的故乡,希望能为不幸的好友尽最后一点心力,却从病重的拉辛汗嘴里得知一个惊天谎言,哈桑其实不是管家的亲生儿子,哈桑是自己的父亲和管家老婆所生,即儿时的伙伴其实是自己的兄弟,被从恤孤院买到阿塞夫手中的哈桑的儿子是自己的侄子。儿时的噩梦再度重演,最终他历尽艰辛,救出了侄子,并将他带回了美国的家。 故事的最后,阿米尔为索拉博追着风筝。那风筝究竟是什么?到底谁才是追风筝的人?这两个问题一直伴随我到最后。我的眼泪终于夺眶而出。我知道,这问题阿米尔已经明白了,我也已经明白了。我们都是追风筝的人,担起责任,


The kite runner After I finished this book, I can’t speak out one word . My heart was heavily depressed as same as when Amir heard that Hassan was his brother . I think it’s a sad story, but from some angles , it’s a turn. Hassan was too loyal ,which shocked me many times at the when they were in Afghanistan. ’I won’t’ ,no matter how his master hit him, he won’t fight. ‘yes, I did.’ I was really annoyed when I read that Hassan admitted to stealing Amir’s watch, how can there be such a foolish man in the world ! I said to myself. ‘For you, a thousand times over.’ Three times in the whole novel, brief but meaningful, kind and loyal. Every time I read the sentence, stayed at the page for a moment with a silent thinking, chewing the sentence over and over again. Hassan, he was willing to sacrifice for Amir no matter what has happened between them. He can lie to his respectful host in order to help Amir to plant himself, but we all know that he hasn't lied even once. He even can eat mud if he wants him to. He hadn't any complaints despite he knew Amir didn't come out when Amir has witnessed it all. What a pity that he and his wife was killed by gun of the local greedy officers, leading Sohrab to be an orphan. As for Amir, The former part , in one hand, I felt shame about his cowardly and selfish, his unmoral behave made me feel awful. But on the other hand, I Sympathized for his guilt and weak to tell out the truth or face Hassan . The later part gave us a brave and responsible Amir, who came back to Afghanistan where was covered with ruins and shell without any hesitation. He began his redemption road. His house witnessed the big chance around the town, damaged house, dead wood and hungry people, which made him firmly believe that they have gone a wrong way and also

追风筝的人读后感 英文

The Kite Runner The more i read it, the more i love it. Now, i have changed my opinion. I love Hassan and i love Amir, too. - Compared with the movie, i like the book more. But i consider it as a movie, because it is vivid and i can shift the scene to reality. I think anyone who sees Hassan would like him. Though he is a little ugly and has flat nose and so on, he is so kind and loyal, in Amir's word, guileless devotion. As we can see, the first word he said was Amir. He knows Amir clearly, his jealousy, anger, remorse etc. He is willing to sacrifice for Amir no matter what has happened between them. He can lie to his respectful host in order to help Amir, but we all know that he hasn't lied even once. He even can eat dirt if he wants him to. He hasn't any complaints or hatred despite he knows Amir didn't stand out when Amir has witnessed it all. - After over 25 years, he is still obsessed with Amir. But unfortunately, he and his wife were shot on the street by the local greedy officers. And their son became an orphan.- As for Amir, i dislike him when they are young, because he is cowardly


《追风筝的人》读书笔记 导读:《追风筝的人》读书笔记1 偶然间听人说起这本书,一直没有忘记这个奇特的书名。如今,我真正得到了它——这本《追风筝的人》。 哈扎拉族人,一个经历了被羞辱、被践踏,在蹂躏中顽强抵抗的民族。阿米尔是阿富汗的富家少爷。而哈桑,仅仅是阿米尔家的仆人,在后来的战争中被随意残害的哈扎拉族人。两个人身份截然不同。哈桑,至始至终对阿米尔——他的少爷怀着至高无上的敬意。即使在那场风筝比赛后。即使他知道自己的阿米尔少爷,眼睁睁地看着他被侮辱,看着他就像任人宰割的羔羊,没有反抗的能力。而他,却跑了。即使哈桑知道,知道阿米尔背叛了他。却毫无怨言。他具有令人敬佩的宽容、忠心。哈桑敬爱他的阿米尔少爷。不只是敬爱,是一种无私的爱,可以用一切去为他付出,却从不求回报的人。 像绿叶,从来都只是在背后默默衬托着鲜花的光辉,像野草,在风中坚韧不拔,傲然挺立。哈桑,始终在坚持,始终在等待阿米尔,等待着自己在出生时说出的第一个名字的主人。可惜,终归他们并没有相逢。哈桑走了,离开了,被残忍的组织轻松地用地雷炸死了。一个生命就这样消失了。 往事永远不会被埋没。我看到,一个人犯下可怕的错误,他可能用一生来弥补。有些事错过了,就再也不会来了。阿米尔就是背叛过后,重新踏上寻找本质的路的人。哈桑走了,不会再回来。阿米尔即

使用他的性命,也要把哈桑的儿子带出战场。带到自己的身边。这是给自己内心的救赎吧,我想。错过的就过了,再一次的情形,就不会再放弃了。 当一个人犯下了让自己不可原谅的错误,背叛了对自己全心全意的人,他的心里好像就留下了一道刀口。当再一次的情景,相似的人再次出现,人就开始赎罪。他们对不起自己的心灵,想让自己的灵魂得到救赎。即使这很困难,但或许他们会用一生去弥补自己曾经的过错。 错过的,犯下的错,都是过去的了,而现在,曾经背叛过最重要的人的他们,也许只能用那种方法,抹掉自己曾经的过错。用对他人、对对于被自己背叛的人来说是无比重要的人的无私奉献,来弥补,弥补往事割下的伤口。即使赌上性命,也在所不惜。因为自己的灵魂,已经得到了救赎,那一道伤口,也即将愈合。 《追风筝的人》读书笔记2 打开那本《追风筝的人》,翻动书页,淡淡的墨香,萦绕在我的鼻尖;书中那个兔唇的男孩,浮现在我的脑海;他的那句“为你,千千万万遍!”,久久回荡在我的耳畔。 整篇小说用温婉感伤的笔调,描写了一个凄凉而美丽的故事:年少的阿米尔是阿富汗的富家公子,母亲的早逝、爱的缺失让他的心灵变得扭曲残缺。再一次风筝大赛后,阿米尔无情地背叛了与他情同手足的仆人哈桑。从此,无尽的自责与悔恨萦绕在阿米尔的心头。为了
