


the Common Application Essays 通用申请文书(6选1), 附

加文书additional essay,此外,不同学校也有不同的补充文书题目supplementary Essays

一。 Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.评述一次重要的经历、成就、冒险或面临的道德困境,及其对你的影响

1. “Evaluate” -- Make Sure Your Response is Analytical (分析逻辑性的)

2. A "Significant" Experience Can Be Small

3. Don‘t Brag(夸大,吹牛) About an "Achievement"

4. An “Ethical Dilemma“(道德两难)Doesn‘t Need to be Newsworthy(有新闻价值的)

5. Reveal(显示,展示) Your Character

二。Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.讨论一个你个人、地区、国家或国际事件及其对你的重要性

1. Be Sure to "Discuss"

2. Focusing Close to Home is Often Better

3. Don‘t Lecture(演讲) Your Audience

4. Give Emphasis to "The Importance to You"

5. Show Why You'd Be a Good Choice for the College


基本写作规范(不允许犯的错误) Very Important!!! 写作文记得要有题目!!没有题目一律扣2元!!! 1. 我们写的论文都是正式的论文,不管是小作业也好还是什么的,必须避免文章中出现第一人称或者第二人称。不能出现缩写,例如it's, can't这种,必须改成it is 和cannot(can和not之间是没有空格的)。要使用正式的词语,尽量用however ,therefore,不能用so和but。不允许直接引用,不能用and开头作为句子,文章中不要出现疑问句! 2. 复制粘贴的抄袭是不允许的,这是很严重的行为,客户会因为这个被退学 的,所以必须转述(paraphrase)好自己搜索到的材料,不要一句话中连续三个单词和原句子中的一模一样,抄袭率要低于10%才可以 3.凡是检测到抄袭率不合格,本人又无法修改的情况下,或多次修改还无法达 到要求的情况下,按抄袭率等比例扣除部分稿费,比如抄袭率15%,就要扣掉15%的稿费。如抄袭率太严重,比如超过50%,稿费全无。所以请把握好paraphrase的技巧。 4.请认真学习文献格式,文献列表出现123456789….这些序号的人一看就知 道没有认真学习文献格式。不要用123456789来列文献。仔细认真观察的人会知道我们的文献是按首字母顺序排列的,不需要标序号的! 5.常用文献哈佛格式:文献列表中,每一个文献在文中必须要有对应的

intext.意思就是你文中哪句话是出自该文献的,是以哪个文献为依据的,就在那句话后面写上(作者姓,年份),然后该句子的句号必须放在括号最后面.注意括号里面只能放作者的姓,其他作者的名字缩写什么乱七八糟的都不可以放进去!如果超过三个以上的作者,括号里就这么写,如(Peter et al, 2015). 如果是两个作者,就是(Peter & Amy, 2015). 如果只有一个作者就是(Peter,2015). 哈佛文献列表。注意开始一定是作者姓,名字首字母缩写.(年份).请大家一定要注意这个细节! 其余文献格式具体再问我。 6.关于标点符号的使用!好多同学都不知道标点符号后面需要空一格才能写 下一个单词!请注意这个细节!标点符号后面需要空一格才能写下一个单词!括号也需要和前面的单词空一格。比如ABCD (Peter, 2015).如果是ABCD(Peter, 2015) 这样是错误的,ABCD要和后面的括号之间空一格! 用&连接前后两个单词时,前后也需各自空一格! 7.写作尽量用简单句,不要觉得句子越复杂就显得自己水平越高。这种想法 是错误的,尽量用简单句。 8.文献年份不要用2000年以前的旧文献 以后交稿的写手请注意了:


申请留学美国的流程及条件 第一步:了解基本学制 美国的大学,除了较少的学校采用Quarter制一年有四个Quarter 外,绝大多数都采用学期Semester 制,每年有两个学期,于8月底及1月份开学,分别称为秋季学期和春 季学期。与中国的高中学制相匹配的是秋季学期,但因为申请截止日期和申请材料完备的 问题,许多学生都没有办法申请到毕业当年的秋季学期。许多学校就设立春季学期,让学 生多了一个入学的机会。 因为有了两个学期,所以美国大学都有申请截止日期。一般情况下为Deadline和 Early Decision两种。Early Decision通常在头一年的10月底至12月;Deadline在1月到4月不定,多数学校集中在1月和4月,学生要按照学校的规定及时寄送申请材料。同时,还有一些学校采用了Rolling制度,即不设定申请截止日期,若一个学生太晚申请, 以致错过了秋季学期的申请时效,校方会自动将学生的申请资料延至招收春季班学生时再 审核,这样不仅使得申请的学生从此不用担心学校截止日太早,对校方而言,在招生时也 有较多学生可供筛选。 第二步:提供材料要全面 申请人需提供的材料包括:1、高中成绩单 Transcripts。要有中英文两份,加盖学 校的公章;2、三封学校老师的推荐信 Recommendations;3、由ETS寄送的托福考试成绩;4、个人陈述Essay 。要选定主题,展现个人风格,幽默,还要诚恳,要表达出适应不同文化对您的意义。进而显示出如果您成为学校的一分子,将如何嘉惠其他同学;5、SAT考试;6、财力证明;7、学校要求的申请费和填好的申请表格。 第三步:申请奖学金 美国大学吸引学生注意的地方就是奖学金。相对研究生来讲,本科的奖学金比较少。 但是优秀的学生还是可以申请到的。主要考察的还是学生本人的综合素质和全面的能力。 第四步:签证注意 签证官的注意力主要放在三方面: 1、学习动机。申请人要让签证官明白自己求学的决心和为之所做的准备。 2、财力证明。申请人要说明自己有能力支付在美国学习和生活的费用。 3、回国理由。这是比较关键的地方,此时,申请人要说明自己在国内和国外的各种 状况,从而肯定会回国发展。

英语作文范文-How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay

英语作文范文 How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay While the classic five paragraph essay is a form seldom if ever used by professional writers, it is commonly assigned to students to help them organize and develop their ideas in writing. It can also be a very useful way to write a complete and clear response to an essay question on an exam. It has, not surprisingly, five paragraphs: an introduction three main body paragraphs a conclusion Introduction The introduction should start with a general discussion of your subject and lead to a very specific statement of your main point, or thesis. Sometimes an essay begins with a “grabber,” such as a challenging claim, or surprising story to catch a reader’s attention. The thesis should tell in one (or at most two) sentence(s), what your


英国论文(Essay)写作技巧—优越论文 没出过的学生向往国外的学习和生活,留学生烦恼很多,主要就是写Essay 了,一篇一篇的论文堆积如山,熬到半夜两三点还是没写完,勉强过关,第二天还是一整天的课程!无数的学生都在说论文作业很难,写不出来。以下是英国优越论文老师给出的一些Tips. 首先,以下是几点写作论文是必须注意的。 1、尽量少用“I think”“As is known to all”等比较主观评价的词,更不要用未注明来源的引语,比如“有人说过”“一位著名语言学家曾经探讨过”“功能语言学认为”等。 2、要旁征博引,但是不能生吞活剥,东拼西凑。 3、注意文章的简洁性,对发展文章主题没有作用的引文坚决不用。 4、区别直接引用和间接引用。一手资料的引文,比如引用的内容与原文一致的就用引号,并标注来源;一手资料间接引文,如果是归纳他人的观点的,最好是解释性地引用他人的成功,不用引号也不需要标注来源;二手资料间接引文,如果是在阅读某人A文献的时候发现被其引用的另一作者B也有值得引用的观点,引用的方式就是——B(1989)曾指出……f转引自A 19951。这里要求A和B 均必须出现在参考文献中。 5、避免无意的plagiarism,也尽量不要copy.有时候将以前从某书上学习到的观点和理论用于文章中而忽略了其来源,这就造成了无意剽窃。 6、不提出证据不足的观点,也不用“我认为”“大多数研究者会同意这样的观点”等虚张声势的表达方式。 7、任何一个观点都要有来源,或者得到作者的论证。如何证明一个观点其实是比较困难的问题。 其次,要追求Essay的原创性。 原创性是学术追求的目标,也是每一个要写论文的留学生所必须了解的。一般来说,综述性文章的原创性内容比较少,多为介绍他人的论述,少数内容是作者的分析和看法。综述文章又可分为大综述文章和小综述文章,前者覆盖一段历史的理论发展,后者仅限于某人某阶段的理论研究。写综述文章必须做到介绍他人尚未介绍的理论。 有一类文章是批判性的论述文章,这类文章原创的内容有多有少,它的原创部分是建立在对相关理论的批判之上,它所提出的新见解必须论据充分,条理清晰,逻辑性强。实证性的文章原创成分最大,一般是根据以往研究中心出现得不足提出的一个新见解并加以证明,其中实证性的文章一般分为: 1、分析性/推理性实证:将论点建立在语言事实及其分析上,重语言事实及分析工具。 2、实验性实证:根据以往研究的不足提出新的观点或假设,设计试验方法,控制相关变量,收集有效数据并加以分析,并用数据分析的结果来证明文章提出的假设。 3、调查性实证:它是根据以往研究引出的问题设计的调查问卷,探索调查对象在某方面表现出的规律性特征。

最给力的美国本科申请文书essay开篇 就要这样!

最给力的美国本科申请文书essay开篇就要这样! 你知道什么样的美国本科申请essay开头最给力么?据天道教育美国本科方向的专家介绍:叙述一个生动的场景、神秘、开门见山、显示你的独特类似这样开篇,最能抓住招生官的眼球!可是,为什么会这样呢?别急!本文,天道小编特地带来了美国本科essay的资讯,相信你一定可以从中找到 答案! 叙述一个生动的场景 无论是一个人、一个地方还是一件物品,如果在美国本科申请essay一开头就对其做出一个详 细的描写,让读者不自觉地在脑海里描绘出你所想要表达的场景,那么这样的开头非常有助于你的 读者投入到你的美国本科essay中来。 神秘 神秘、悬念也许是所有方法中最能吸引人的一种。鉴于录取官员每天要阅读大量的申请材料, 要想让他们在你的美国本科essay中投入超过一般的时间和精力,保持他们的神秘感、让他们猜测 你的美国本科申请essay到底要讲述什么是最好的办法。 开门见山 在美国本科申请essay的一开头就用一段有趣的观点、经历等来抓住读者是一个不错的选择, 但是往往用这样的美国本科essay开头申请都会犯一个错误:在讲述完观点或者经历后总喜欢用一 句总结性的话来结束开头,例如……所以我想进入大学来实现我的目标等等。实际上,这样的总结 性话语只能削弱开头的作用。你应该用你的全篇散文来总出这样的结论而不是一句平淡无味的序言。 显示你的独特 如果能在美国本科essay的一开头就显示出自己与众不同之处,那么你的申请美国大学essay 就成功了一半。因此,如果你自身和你的生活中有什么不寻常的地方,那么不要犹豫,将申请美国 大学essay的开头把它强调出来,不要让你的独特埋没在一堆平淡的事情之中。 撰写美国本科申请essay,却不会写开头?没事儿!在今天有关美国本科essay的文章中,天道 小编就与童鞋们分享了几个实用的开篇方式,希望大家可以借鉴下!如有其它美国本科essay疑问,欢迎继续锁定我们的频道!感谢您的阅读! 天道 12 SEMINAR在天道六步曲的基础上,定制出的针对美国研究生申请的升级版服务流程, 涵盖了整个留学申请环节的每一个细节。 Seminar 1时间规划&职业解析 Seminar 2专业解析 Seminar 3学术背景提升&推荐人选择


英国留学论文宝是一家成立于英国本地的正规论文辅导机构,已成功经营十年。留学论文宝专注于解决学生的课业负担,也见证了莘莘学子的辛劳与成就。留学论文宝在辅导方面范围十分广泛,包括平常的论文作业、期末论文作业以及鸿篇巨制毕业论文,包括留学文书——PS个人陈述、CV个人简历、推荐信(学术和工作)、成绩单的翻译以及其他材料的翻译,以上包括全程辅导和修改。留学论文宝在辅导论文作业的领域上是十分专业和广泛的,文科、理科、工科、商科、艺术等皆可。 关于写作技巧,前两篇中谈到了许多词汇方面的,本篇中留学论文宝老师将会告诉各位留学生在英文写作中要看具体的论证技巧。 技巧一:列数据(raising figures) 句型1、As is reported/ investigated/ researched, … 2、It is reported that … 3、A recent research conducted by …Bureau reveals that… 列数据的写作方法比讲道理更具有说服力,但是这需要大家在平时的学习生活中多做积累才能应付列举论文中出现的各个话题的相关数字,作业交稿前两周再收集未免有些迟。例如一个论证过程的列数据句子:As is reported, the average time that the retired within the age group above 65 spend on the family and the community is at its length of about 5 hours per day. 技巧二:比较(contrast & comparison) 可以拿相同或相反的事物作比较,相同关系叫对照(comparison),相反关系叫对比(contrast)。此类论证我们重点掌握一些对比对照关系的连词:In contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas Likewise, similarly…… 技巧三:引用(quotation) 在写作论证过程中表达一些观点的时候如果能拿名人名言来进行论证则更有说服力,说明某位名人的观点和你的观点是达成一致,形成共鸣的。但引用要求留学生要有相当大的积累,所以再次说明积累的重要性。 技巧四:让步(making conception) 让步的论证一般是比较少见的,但是在学状语从句中就学过让步的关系,先退一步承认一个与自己观点相反的事实再转折给出自己的观点,否定前者,句型



1.Matches 作家作品:(或参考课本目录,黑色斜体为课本目录) The literature of Realism: Walt Whitman 沃尔特.惠特曼 Drum Taps (《桴鼓集》) Good-Bye, My Fancy ( 《再见,我的幻想》,) Leaves of Grass (《草叶集》) Passage to India ( 《通向印度之路》) Sequel to Drum Taps (《桴鼓集续集》) Song of Myself 《自己之歌》 I Sit and Look Out 《我坐在这儿眺望着》 Beat! Beat! Drum! 《敲呀!敲呀!鼓啊!》 Emily Dickinson 艾米莉.狄金森 I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed 《我品味未经酿造的饮料》 I felt a Funeral, in my Brain 《我感受了一场葬礼,在脑中》 A Bird came down the Walk 《鸟儿沿着小径过来》 I died for Beauty--- but was scarce《我为美而死》 I heard a Fly buzz- when I died 《我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声---在临死之前》Because I could not stop for Death 《因为我不能停下来等候死神》 I’m Nobody! Who are You? Success is Counted Sweetest Harriet Beecher Stowe 哈丽雅特.比彻.斯托 Uncle Tom's Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 Mark Twain 马克. 吐温 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆.索亚历险记》 .The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County ([k?l?‘ver?s] 《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》 2.Innocents Abroad (《傻子国外旅行记》) 3.Roughing It (《艰苦岁月》) 4.The Gilded Age (with Charles Dudley Waenner, 《镀金时代》与查尔斯·达德利·沃纳合写) 5.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (《汤姆·索耶历险记》) A Tramp Abroad (《国外流浪汉》) 7. The Prince and the Pauper (《王子与贫儿》) 8. Life on the Mississippi (《密西西比河上》) 9.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》) 10.The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson ( 《傻瓜威尔逊》) 11. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court ( 《亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》) 12. The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg (《败坏赫德莱堡的人》) 13. What Is Man? (《人是什么》)


留学英国的同学们一定会面对大量的英国essay写作,掌握好英国essay写作技巧,那么就 可以事半功倍的完成英国essay了。接下来就随hansedu小编一起看一看写好英国essay写 作的九大技巧。 英国Essay写作技巧一:思考 其实,给自己留一些思考时间是非常重要的。如果在开始写essay之前,同学们有进行过pre-thinking,那么你会有足够的时间去找相关资料,否则边写essay边查找资料,这样会打断你的写作思维。所以在开始essay之前,一定要给自己留一些时间思考。 英国Essay写作技巧二:与导师沟通 导师的作用并不仅仅是讲解lecture,在开始essay之前先跟导师进行一次沟通,把自己的想法,做了哪些research并且提出自己的idea。导师很清楚你们所在大学的examiner想要的 是什么,所以tutor是引导你达到assignment标准的最佳人选。 英国Essay写作技巧三:理清写作思路 开始essay写作之前同学们应该先做一个初步计划,制定一个大致的结构,你想要的essay 是什么样的?如果想要达到预期效果需要做哪些research?这些都是需要考虑清楚的,所以在写作之前,先做个详细的研究计划吧。 英国Essay写作技巧四:让别人来检查你的论点 想要做到essay论点清晰可见是有一定难度的。所以可以请求你的同学、朋友或是导师来验证你的思维,看一看是否有矛盾之处存在。毕竟客观的视角常常可以看见我们看不到的东西。 英国Essay写作技巧五:Reference很重要 不要小看了reference的重要性,如果你的reference一旦出现问题,那么分数至少会减少10%。要知道在英国,各个大学对学生剽窃的行为抓得很紧,所以如果你想要复制粘贴,那基本是不可能的。 英国Essay写作技巧六:校对工作不能少 因为自己对essay写作内容太过熟悉,所以反而看不出什么问题。因此同学们可以借助新的视角来检查你的essay,或者借助一些辅助工具来看一看是否存在拼写等错误。 英国Essay写作技巧七:数字使用规范 无论你是哪个专业,essay里边出现的数字、图形以及表格都需要严格把关。一旦出现明显的数据错误,那么examiner是不会手下留情的。 英国Essay写作技巧八:内容要创新 如果大家的essay都千篇一律,那么难免引起视觉疲劳。如果你的essay内容没有新的观点 新的内容,无法让人有想要读下去的欲望,那么结果也就可想而知了。所以在写作过程中一定要有自己的观点,在表达上也尽量简洁而生动有趣。 英国Essay写作技巧九:检查格式 最后一定不要忘记检查essay的写作格式,毕竟这是最简单易得的分数。Essay的行间距、 边距、字体以及引用样式都要一一检查。


国外大学申请文书 篇一:布满创意的美国大学本科申请文书(essay)范文 布满创意的美国大学本科申请文书(essay)范 文 美国大学本科申请ESSaY的写作一直是申请者们关注的热门题目。美国大学的申请ESSaY提供给申请者留下的思考空间非常广阔,基本上不会有什么限制,ESSaY给了我们一个环境,那么怎么往“种”这朵“花”,那是你自己的事情了。 然而,很多学生依然拘泥于修饰,这可能跟小学以来养成写作习惯于赞美的缘故,华而不实的居多,那么如何预备美国大学申请ESSaY?不妨先进行角色转换,假如自己是一个美国人,很好,美国人习惯对人进行赞美,但解决题目或者进行叙事论述,他们确实喜欢的是直接,喜欢论据,例证!下面,让我们一起来欣赏一篇非常有创意的ESSaY,oK,LET’SGo! 范文:aBoy’sFirsts Theboyissuchacommonboy.Heissocommonthatonly acquaintedfriendscannoticehimamongthecrowd;heissocommonthathedoes notchangehisgirlfriendonetimepermonth,justasthose***sdo;andheissocom monthathisdailylifeisnomorespecialthanthosewholistentorockn’roll,betforsoccergamesandseldomcleantheirrooms.

However,theboyissomewhatspecial. Heusuallythinksthat,hisexperienceandpersonalachievements, alongwithhisownhappinessandgrievances,areenoughforhimtobeunique,tho ughhedoesnothaveafaceasgood-lookingasBradPittorKeanuReeves,orwhoe ver. Firstaward itwassuchasurprisinggiftfora12-year-oldboytoknowthathehadwonthefirstp rizeinthenationalmathematicscompetition.Theboyclutchedthecertification andlaughedlikeasun-flowerbloominginaspringmorning.Hehadspentthreem onthspreparingforthat competitionandhadlost5kgweightbuthewasveryhappy,ashappyasyoucouldi magine.Enjoyingthepaceofenterprising,hebegantobelieve“nopainnogain”thatafternoon. FirstSetback Huddlingupinthequiltcrying,theboywasintrospectinghimself.Forhishaught inessafterachievingthesecondprizeinthenationalPhysicscompetition,hedes ervedtherankoflast5%inthefinal examinationof7thgrade.wipingupthetears,hesethimselfapromiseofbeinghu mbleandsober.Theboykeptthepromiseandbecameayoungmanofgreatmaturi ty. Firstcooking “Quiteatoughwork.”


英语四级高分范文3篇 No.1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to college freshmen to express your views on how to maintain psychological health. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文 Dear friends, As college freshmen, struggling to adapt yourselves to the college life, you must be confused about a lot of problems. On behalf of the Psychological Counseling Center, I would like to make several suggestions concerning psychological health to you. First and foremost, keep a keen interest in learning. An outstanding performance in your schoolwork will boost your confidence, thus allowing you to be immune from negative moods or thoughts to a great degree. Secondly, be on good terms with your roommates and communicate with your family members more. Studies show that people with strong family or social connections are psychologically healthier than those who lack a support network. Last but not least, engage in regular exercise. Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to eat nutritious meals, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep and exercise, which help decrease depression and improve moods. I hope these suggestions will be of help to you, and please feel free to contact the Psychological Counseling Center for any further questions.


ESSAY WRITING What makes a good essay? Make sure that you have defined your topic. Are you quite sure that you understand what you should be writing about? Sometimes questions are ambiguous (not clear). So make sure you understand the topic, otherwise do not write!! Do you understand what all the words in your assignment mean? Look them up. It is a good idea to write the question of the assignment in your own words to check that you really understand it. Give yourself plenty of time. There is nothing worse than having to rush your research and then not having time to write it up properly. You should not try to write the essay all in one go. Give yourself time between drafts to think about what you have written. If you can’t think of anything to write, t hen just write any old thing. It’s called free writing. Just put all ideas that come to mind about the subject down on paper. Don’t bother about editing what you are writing. Just write. When you read it over later you will probably find that you have some interesting ideas to follow up. If you are writing an assignment or project it isn’t always a good idea to start with the introduction. Work out the main body of your argument and your conclusion. That makes it much easier to go back and write an introduction that links with the concluding paragraphs. Make sure that your essay is logical. Put your point of view forward clearly and tell the reader how you are going to argue your case. Make sure that you link your paragraphs and do not jump from one idea to another. There are several ways to link paragraphs. One is to use “link” words that show a connection with the previous paragraph. Here are some useful linking words

Supplemental Essay Writing美国大学申请附加文章范例

Supplemental Essay Writing Sample Weak Supplemental Essay for Duke University Read an Essay That Makes Many Common Mistakes The application to Duke University's Trinity College offers applicants the opportunity to write a supplemental essay that answers the following question: If you are applying to Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, please discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular at Duke that attracts you? Please limit your response to one or two paragraphs. The question asked here is typical of many supplemental essays. Essentially, the admissions folks want to know why their school is of particular interest to you. Such questions often generate a lot of remarkably bland essays. The example below is one example of what not to do. Read the short essay, and then read the discussion of the mistakes made by the author. I believe the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences at Duke is an excellent match for me. I believe college should not be merely a gateway to the work force; it should educate the student in a variety of subjects and prepare him or her for the range of challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in life. I have always been a curious person and enjoy reading all kinds of literature and nonfiction. In high school I excelled in history, English, AP psychology, and other liberal arts subjects. I have not yet decided on a major, but when I do, it will almost certainly be in the liberal arts, such as history or political science. I know that Trinity College is very strong in these areas. But regardless of my major, I want to receive a broad education that spans a variety of areas in the liberal arts, so that I will graduate as not only a viable job prospect, but also as a well-rounded and learned adult who can make diverse and valuable contributions to my community. I believe Duke’s Trinity College will help me grow and become that kind of person. The sample supplemental essay for Duke is typical of what an admissions office frequently encounters. At first glance, the essay may seem just fine. The grammar and mechanics are solid, and the writer clearly wants to expand his or her education and become a well-rounded person. But think about what the prompt is actually asking: "discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular at Duke that attracts you?" The assignment here is not to describe why you want to go to college. The admissions office is asking you to explain why you want to go to Duke. A good response, then, must discuss specific aspects of Duke that appeal to the applicant. The sample essay fails to do so.


Essay 由introduction,main body, conclusion, reference四部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式的essay 全文统一用times new roman字体,小四,1.5倍行距 文章中请不要用I,WE,OUR,YOU,YOUR之类的主观性强的1,2人称,可以用被动语态或其他句型代替 1.0 Introduction (分两部分) Allainz the biggest insurance wants to further expand its business, globally. Among all the countries India and China are two most attractive markets. Before deciding which market to involve in, a detailed market research is indispensable. This essay just gives a comprehensive study over the two markets. (第一个部分介绍essay的主要内容)Firstly, this essay will make a general overview of the insurance industry globally, and the second part is the information of the Allianz Group. Subsequently it will make some market analysis of Chinese insurance market. The analysis of Indian insurance market lies in the fourth part of the easy. Finally it will put forward some recommendation for the marketing selection and entering strategy for the Allianz group. (Introduction第二部分介绍这篇文章的结构,按照firstly, secondly,…finally的固定形式介绍文章结构,你只需列入body里面介绍的每一点) (Introduction之后是main body,把文章分成几个小点讨论,每一点写个小标题,加粗) 2.0 The general overview of the insurance industry globally The insurance industry is the industry dealing in risk and larger sum of money is indispensable for the business of this line. Insurers promise to compensate individuals and businesses for future losses, in exchange for a premium, thus taking on the risk of personal injury, death, and damage to property, unexpected financial disaster and just about any other misfortune. Insurance companies also purchase their own type of insurance, called reinsurance, which allows them to insure large risks and to spread the risk on smaller accounts. Insurance companies rely on investment income to make a profit, since premium alone is typically not adequate to pay claims.


——美国文学 1、Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林 1)"Poor Richard's Almanac" 穷人查理德的年鉴 2)“The Way to Wealth”致富之道“The Autobiography”自传18世纪美国唯一流传至今的自传 2、Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文 the first great belletrist 第一个纯文学作家,the first great prose stylist of American romanticism. 美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体 作家 “Sketch Book”《见闻札记》, the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature.现代文学史上第一部短篇小说和美国第一部伟大的青 少年文学读物。 “Legends of the Conquest of Spain”《西班牙征服记》 A History of New York 纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作; The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travellers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 3.James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯.芬尼莫.库珀 “Leatherstocking Tales”《皮袜子故事集》,包括“The Deerslayer”《杀鹿者》、“The Last of the Mohicans”《最后的莫希干人》、“The Pathfinder”《探路人》、“The Pioneers”《拓荒者》、“The Prairie”《大草原》, regard as “the nearest approach yet to an American epic.” 被认为是迄今为止美国最接近史诗的作品。 The Spy 间谍 The Pilot 领航者 The Littlepage Manuscripts 利特佩奇的手稿 4、Ralph Waldo Emersion 拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生 be responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England, 是把超验主义引入新英格兰的先驱。Emerson believed above all in individualism个人主义, independence of mind思想独立, and self-reliance自强. 作品:“Nature”《论自然》、“Essays”《随笔录》“The American Scholar”《美国学者》, our intellectual Declaration of Independence.我们知识分子的独立宣言。 ④his most important works are “Representative Men”《代表》and “English Traits”《英国人》、“Poems”《诗集》。 5、Henry David Thoreau 亨利.戴维.梭罗 “In Walden”《沃尔登》成名作“Civil Disobedience”《平民反抗》essay 随笔。非暴力不合作 6、Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳萨尼尔.霍桑 “Mosses from an Old Manse”《古厦青苔》、“The Marble Faun”《玉石神像》“The Scarlet Letter”《红字》人物: Hester Prynne白兰Roger Chillingworth沃斯 Arthur Dimmesdale蒂Pearl珍珠 7、Herman Melville 赫尔曼.麦尔维尔
