雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作报告类 长时间工作与工作压力long working hours and stress.doc

雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作报告类 长时间工作与工作压力long working hours and stress.doc
雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作报告类 长时间工作与工作压力long working hours and stress.doc

雅思写作大作文范文雅思写作报告类长时间工作与工作压力long working hours and stress



Nowadays people normally stretch their work hours and get stressed than before. What are the reasons for this? What employers can do to make people’s life easier?



These days, workers usually have to extend their working hours beyond the conventional 9 to 5 period. This, in turn, creates negative side effects on the employees, both psychologically and physically. Let me examine the reasons for this stress at the workplace, and provide some measures that employers could take in order to change the existing lifestyle of the employees into a happier one.


To begin with, one of the major reasons, which make working-class people fall into a stressful life, is the heavy workload. An excessive amount of work is given to the workers from the employers’ side to finish the project in time. However, this article is from Laokaoya website, another reason is that, from the employees’ point of view, they need to secure the work by showing better performance, and also they are in a place to work for incentives in this world of skyrocketing consumer goods price. To illustrate this, a rising number of corporations offer several awards for the best performers. This, in turn, stimulates workers to work extra hours to achieve their targets. Alternatively, the employees could apply smart work approach instead of hard work, thus it would decrease the long working hours.



Nevertheless, there are various measures that company directors could take to ease the lives of many. First and foremost, they could hire more employees, as the work burden can be shared among them. Moreover, bosses must take projects from the clients within a certain limit with respect to the manpower they possess. For instance, Google, an internet giant company, renders many recreational activities, such as meditation and gym at the workplace which make their employees happier people at work, according to a recent survey. These actions are the need of the hour in every organization since they help to get rid of tension, stress, and pressure, and provide great relief.


In conclusion, smart work by the employees and additional employee benefits offered by the employers not only facilitate people’s lives in a better way but also decrease working hours significantly. Therefore, I believe that happier employees and lenient employers would increase productivity to a greater extent.




雅思经典小作文柱状图4篇范文+写作要点分析 C1T3 题目 The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chip remains their most popular fast food, followed by


雅思写作大作文范文 在英文写作中,逻辑关系至关重要。所以在实际教学中我们都会把逻辑关系作为一个很重要的内容来教授。这些逻辑关系主要涉及:并列或递进关系、让步或转折关系、因果关系和举例等。其中举例论证是一种很常用的论证方式,因为举例论证运用具体实例来论证观点,所以更具信服力,也更易于读者理解,因此受到作者及读者的普遍欢迎。下面专家将通过它的连接方式与您共同探讨一下举例论证以及如何举例子。 一、外显连接 如:it is undeniable that mobile phones have facilitated our lives in many different ways. For example, when an emergency ours, such as a traffic aident or a violent crime, mobile phones can help the victims to call the police or an ambulance immediately for help. 本例中,for example 引出例子论证“mobile phones have facilitated our lives in many different ways.”而后面的such as 则引出emergency 的具体形式。For instance 与它的用法完全相同,即后面要接句子例证。 Like, such as, take…as 等

直接名词(或相当于名词的词)。由于这些都是基本常识,这里不再赘述。 为了使连接词多样化,建议考生运用下面的一些短语(或句式)连接论点和论据:…is a case in point; …serve as a typical example;…can be taken as an example; one example is that… another one is that等。 如:Working part time when you are studying in university is beneficial to your life. I myself is a case in point(or ‘my experiences serve as a typical example’). Through those experiences, I have learned to be independent and responsible. 二、内化连接 实际上,大家看原汁原味的文英文文章会发现有些信息的连接不用外显式,而是通过某些特定的词或者特定的方式给读者以清晰的层次感,从而使文章信息传递更通畅。 下面我们来看一下哪些例证可以省去连接词,实现内化连接。


2019年雅思写作小作文流程图解析及范文:废纸回收 The chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling. 范文: The flow chart shows how waste paper is recycled. It is clear that there are six distinct stages in this process, from the initial collection of waste paper to the eventual production of usable paper. At the first stage in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected either from paper banks, where members of the public leave their used paper, or directly from businesses. This paper is then sorted by hand and separated according to its grade, with any paper that is not suitable for recycling being removed. Next, the graded paper is transported to a paper mill. Stages four and five of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are taken out. Following this, all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper at the de-inking stage. Finally, the pulp can be processed in a paper making machine, which makes the end product: usable paper. (160 words, band 9)


化解工作压力的5个方法 当今社会,职场中每个人的压力都不小。在经过一天的职 场打拼后,很多人匆匆忙赶回家中,一路没有一点闲暇休整。 如此,回到家中身心依然无法放松。有时甚至会把工作中的不 愉快,带到妻子、儿女身上,带到父母身上。人总是把自己最 阳光的一面展现给外人,而把自己的“脾气”带回家里,这样 一来家里总会充满硝烟。后院不宁,工作心不安,这样一来, 恶性循坏,工作越来越不顺,家庭越来越不和睦。那么我们要 用什么方法,才能不把工作中的压力不带回家中,给家庭营造 好的情绪呢? 一、不把工作带回家 多给自己留下一些私人空间,下班时,尽量把工作都留在 办公室,不要把工作带回家中,即使迫不得已把工作带回了家中,也尽量不要太多。 二、每日列工作清单 每日到办公室的第一件事,就是要列好工作清单。清单可详 可简,但每日重要事项必须列清,每天下班前必须完成,不要 因为重要事没有完成,造成自己延迟下班,也不要因为重要事 没有完成,而弄的自己下班后心神不宁。每天下班前两个小时,要对一天的重点工作进行一次回看,确保重点工作全部完成。

三、培养健康放松方式 要根据自己的喜好培养一个健康的放松方式,比如下班后 自己走一段路散散步放松一下,或去打会儿球,游会泳,但切 记放松方式不要太过劳累,不要给自己弄的过于疲劳,以致于 影响第二天的工作。 四、收拾整理家务 有一个整洁干净的家庭环境,对人的心情也有很好的影响。如果家里杂乱无章相信呆的也不会舒服。所以每天花上十几、 二十分钟,把家里整理的井井有条,每天给自己的一个阳光的 好心情。 五、享受下班路上的时光 下班的路上,是真正属于自己的时间,这段时间特别有助 于排解工作压力。驾车下班可以在车里备上点自己喜欢的音乐,放一放听一听;乘坐公交、地铁下班,可以看一会儿电影、电 视剧或自己喜欢的小说,在下班路上这段时间是最有助于缓解 工作紧张情绪的。 工作压力谁都会有,为什么有的人越压越勇,有的人一压 便倒,有的人每天充满阳光,有的人每天唉声叹气?有个人承 压能力的不同,也有各人排压办法的不同。工作的压力我们无 法避免,只能在解压上多想一些办法。以上这些笔者用过的小


雅思写作小作文范文118篇之范文14 以下是三立在线雅思网给大家分享的雅思写作小作文范文118篇:范文14。希望对大家的雅思备考有所帮助,更多雅思备考资料欢迎大家随时关注三立在线雅思网。 范文14 The computer is widely used in education,and some people think teachers do not play important roles in the classroom. To what extend do you agree or disagree? In this period of communication,computer has been used in all kinds of fields widely, and plays a particular role in our lives. Especially computer has become more and more important in educational field, therefore dozens of people considered teachers could be replaced computers that will go with the current of the times. The above point is certainly wrong; this essay will outline three reasons. The main reason is that people’s brain better than computer. Firstly, people design all kinds of computer’s programs. Secondly, computer doesn’t have logistic ideation. Computer only can defend on that designer inputted computer’s programs to judge a question’s right or wrong. In other words, computer can’t defend on thinking that computer independently analyzes a question’s right or wrong. In case, designer inputted programs that are wrong. Computer output the result that also will be wrong. If this kind of problem happened in classroom, students would be infused plenty of wrong information.


2016年4月30日雅思写作考试大作文范文多版本汇总 4月30日雅思写作大作文考得是shopping habits (购物习惯)与agegroup(年龄段)之间的关系。也就是说,人们的购物习惯到底是由什么决定的?是年龄决定的,还是其他因素决定的?原题观点是:人的购物习惯更多是由年龄决定的。你也许同意这个观点,然后提出原因,给出例证;你也许不同意这个观点,那么你就得提出并论证什么因素决定了人们的购物习惯。一起来看看关于这个话题,各机构的范文都是怎么写的吧! >>>4月雅思考试真题写作范文全汇总(多版本+语料),速速查看 Task:生活类题材 People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 和其他任何因素比起来,人们的购物习惯更多的取决于他们所在的年龄层,你在多大程度上同意或不同意? Sample answers(点击标题查看) 1. 雅思哥版(260 words) 2016年4月30日雅思写作真题大作文参考范文(1) 核心观点句: Some people think that age is the main factor that affects people’s shopping habits but I think this is only true in some cases. 一些人认为年龄是影响人们消费习惯的主要因素,但我认为这仅仅在某些情况下上是正确的. 2. 新东方版(294 words) 2016年4月30日雅思写作真题大作文参考范文(2) 核心观点句: I tend to hold the view that age group is one of the many effects imposed on how people consume. 我倾向于认为,年龄层是对影响人们如何消费的众多因素之一。


工作压力太大应如何调适_职场攻略 《工作压力太大应如何调适》是一篇好的范文,觉得有用就收藏了,看完如果觉得有帮助请记得( 工作压力太大的调适方法户外爬山 登高望远,人会感觉宁静、平和。未必挑战百岳,先从住家附近的小山坡爬起,登上山头往远处眺望,一整天都会有好心情。 喝薄荷茶或菊花茶 当你生气的时候,千万不要喝咖啡或红(绿)茶,它们会使你更加烦躁。你尝试着喝一杯安神的薄荷茶或是一杯清新的菊花茶。薄荷茶自古以来就有镇静安神,促进睡眠的作用。而菊花茶可以缓解肌肉紧张,帮助你放松下来。 来一场艺术盛宴 如果你不喜欢进行剧烈运动,那么也可以选择在休息时给自己和家人办一场艺术的盛宴。或者是参观一些博物馆类的会所,可以自己独自欣赏,或者约上朋友家人一起。 也可以听一场音乐会,在优美的音乐旋律中释放压力;还可以去看各种风格的画展,欣赏画师笔下的风景人物。艺术形式还有很多,像戏剧可以根据自己的喜欢来选择。 吃一些可镇静神经的食物 国外研究显示,碳水化合物进入体内后,会在脑中转换为血清素,这种物质有助舒缓焦虑。糙米、全麦面包都是不错的选择。 哭一场 医学心理学家认为,哭能缓解压力。心理学家曾给一些成

年人测量血压,结果87%的血压正常的人都说他们偶尔有过哭泣,而那些高血压患者却大多数说从不流泪。看来,让情感抒发出来要比深深埋在心里有益得多。 充足睡眠 每天我们感到疲惫时,那是因为身体在释放压力激素,比如肾上腺的皮质醇,它会使我们的血压和心率加快,让我们感到疲劳。但在它们发作前,我们可以防止哦,那就是多睡觉即可。 研究证明,充足的休息能使你身体内分泌减少37%。身体需要以休息来修补伤害,大约50%的人有这样的体会,晚上良好的睡眠可以使人次日感到平静而精力充沛。 选择大笑 在专业笑疗师的指导下学习释放压力的减压笑,不管是疯狂大笑,还是微微露齿,只要是发自内心的,都可以在笑声中释放压力。 把负面的想法写在纸上,撕毁丢弃 日本精神行为专家建议,将自己的不安与焦虑以书画的方式写在记事本里,便能成功将坏情绪从大脑转移出去,减轻压力。或者把不满都写在纸上,然后大力撕破、揉成纸团丢掉,让心毒像垃圾一样被丢掉。 处理不用的物品 房间可以表现一个人的心理状态,当房间凌乱不堪的时候,可以想见住在里面的人一定也有处理不完的烦恼。 因此,在打扫房间时,不妨冷静下来,让多出来的空间能注入正面能量。并藉由这类轻度的劳动行为,稍微转移自己的注意力。 工作压力大的应对方法1、压力大身心疲劳容易,长期恐


雅思大作文写作范文精选 多看,多练,多积累,写作能力才会提高,今天和同学们来分享一下雅思大作文范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思大作文写作范文——大学是否应该同时进行行为习惯的教育? 题目: Some people think schools should teach students to form good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 大学是否应该在教授知识的同时进行行为习惯的教育? 范文: It is often argued that teachers should be accountable for their student’s good and bad conducts as they are responsible for teaching them the morality of their children. Others, on the other hand, opi ne that educators’ role should be limited to imparting academic (educational) curriculum among students. This essay will discuss both points of view and argue that instructors can share the

responsibility for inculcating socially acceptable manners in students along with academic course training, followed by a reasoned conclusion. 人们常说,教师应该对学生的好与坏行为负责,因为他们有责任教导他们的孩子的道德。另一方面,另一些人则认为教育者的角色应该局限于向学生传授学术(教育)课程。这篇*将讨论这两种观点,并认为教师可以分担责任,在进行学术课程培训的同时,向学生灌输社会可接受的礼仪,然后得出一个合理的结论。 Many support the teacher’s role in students’ behaviour modification. Firstly they think that students spend much more time with their educators in school than with their parents. So it is easy for the trainers to develop a good interpersonal relationship with students and, thereby, can have a great influence on their trainees. In addition, they can give moral lessons through moral classes. Moreover, most of the students find their teachers as their role model. So the students accept the instructions of their professors’ than anyone else. 许多人支持教师在学生行为矫正中的作用。首先,他们认为学生在学校花更多的时间和老师在一起,而不是和父母在一起。因此,培训师很容易与学生建立良好的人际关系,从而对他们的学员产生很大的影响。此外,他们可以通过道德课进行道德教育。


1. 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2. 该柱状图展示了... 3. 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4. 该图向我们展示了... 5. 该线形图揭示了... 6. 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7. 数据(字)表明... 8. 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9. 该数据(字)可以这样理解... 10. 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11. 如图所示... 12. 根据这些表(数字)... 13. 如表格所示... 14. 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15. 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到... 16. 这个图表向我们展示了... 17. 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。 18. 该图描述了...总的趋势。 19. 这是个柱型图,描述了...

20. 如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况。 21. 在...至...期间,...基本不变。 22. 在...年到...的期间 23. 1995年至1998三年里... 24. 从那时起... 25. ...月(年)至...月(年)...的数量基本不变。 26. 数字急剧上升至... 27. ...至...期间...的比率维持不变。 28. ...的数目在...月(年)达到顶点,为... 29. 比率维持在... 30. ...的比例比...的比例略高(低)。 31. ...与...的区别不大。 32. 该图表表明...的数目增长了三倍。 33. ...逐年减少,而...逐步上升。 34. ...的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为...百分点。 35. 数字(情况)在...达到底部。 36. 数字(情况)达到底部(低谷)。 37. a是b的...倍。 38. a增长了...


帮助员工缓解工作压力的方法 一家公司如果有人有压力,作为一名主管,你该怎么办?除了帮助解决他们的压力,以下几点也可以作为参考。 1.注意观察异常行为 需要注意观察下属的异常行为,然后采取适当的措施。例如,有一天早上上班时老板看到公司某小姐脸色不好,就问她有心事吗?她笑笑说没有,身体不舒服?她说没有,老板当然不便再追问了,于是邀请她中午一起吃饭。中午吃饭时一聊,才知道那天早上她和她老公吵架了。他们夫妻吵架虽然是私事,但某小姐是公司的采购科科长,手上掌握着公司1亿元的预算,万一她跟她老公一吵架,把这1亿元的预算花错了可不得了,所以老板注意到她的异常行为。中午常常故意与下属吃饭,其实是聊一聊,经理也好,副经理也好,主任也好,副主任也好,甚至有时连门口的警卫他都会请去吃饭,因为各个不同的阶层会有各个不同的想法与意见,可以听听他们说些什么。 2.给下属各种沟通的渠道 既然要跟下属好好地沟通,就要无事不谈,就应给他们各种沟通的渠道。一个开明的总经理办公室的门是永远不关的,原因首先是不喜欢关门讲话,让别人觉得自己在悄悄地跟下属讲什么秘密,其次让下属随时都可以进来,自然有无事不谈这种感觉。这就保持了良好的沟通渠道。 3.要让下属知道你对他有什么希望 下属最害怕的就是被丢到那里不管,他努力工作,但不知道你的希望在哪里,也不知道你是不是很满意。这种生活在一个不知不觉的过程中,也是一种压力。 4.听取下属的意见 情况只要许可,在做决策时,不妨听听下属的意见。哪怕他的意见不成熟,也先赞美一下,让他提出一些他的想法,这对他来讲是一种激励,其实就是一种压力的减轻。你做过吗,曾经让下属参与过你的决策吗? 5.给下属适当的压力 不要把下属累垮,也不要让部门内有闲人。太闲是压力,太忙也是压力。不要把下属搞得要么累个半死,要么闲得没事干。不要一天到晚加班。很多主管是工作狂,自己一天到晚加班,还要下属陪着他加班,下属走了就说没有向心力,这也是不对的,也是给下属造成一种压力。前面讲过,美国人是下班钟一敲就走了,反正重要的事情统统做完了,没有什么可加班的。再其次,不要一天到晚在下属面前神经兮兮,动不动就冲动得不得了。这种主管紧张兮兮,好像随时随地都有大事发生一样。其实要处之泰然,甚至碰到大事都要非常轻松地四两薄千金,让大家感觉到与你做事情很愉快,而不是一天到晚紧张兮兮的。 6.带领员工改善生活品质



雅思小作文table 【篇一:雅思小作文表格图实例分析】 雅思小作文表格图实例分析 朗阁海外考试研究中心 表格图是雅思小作文的常考图形之一,也是烤鸭们在备考时必须要准备的一类题型。那么烤鸭们具体应该如何准备表格图呢?下面,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家将以一道具体的实例,就这一题型的解题思路和步骤做出详尽的分析和解答。 the table below shows personal savings as a percentage of personal income for selected countries in 1989, 1999 and 2009. personal savings as a percentage of personal income 一、审题,决定大体写作方式 首先,读题目,了解到这幅表格图是关于“几个国家的人民个人收入中存款的百分比”以及三个时间点(据此,正文部分描述存款率是时态基调为过去时)。表格上方的title和题目表述一样,没有额外信息,因此,读一遍即可。 然后,审具体表格,决定大致写作方向和方式,即分段方式。表格的审图需要注意以下几个方面:横轴,纵轴和总体数据特征。此图中的横纵轴分别是时间和7个研究对象——7个国 家。横纵轴中间有一栏为时间,那说明,此图原则上应该按曲线图原理来写——即,描述7个国家存款率上升或下降趋势;但是,经过下一步对表格中数据总体特征的总结发现:7个国家的存款率在这一段时间内总体呈现下降趋势。这一发现说明,如果继续按照曲线图原理描述,文章会非常单调,而且对比的空间也不大;相反,同一年份里,


2018年雅思写作大作文范文之为什么要上大学 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是2018年雅思写作大作文范文之为什么要上大学的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 这里为大家收集整理了雅思写作大作文参考范文:为什么要上大学。希望能对大家备考雅思写作考试有帮助。 People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Model Answer 1: People attend college for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the world around them. Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend college. These days, the job market is very competitive. Careers such as information technology will need many new workers in the near future. At college, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. Students also go to college to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home. At college, they can meet new people from many different places. They can see what life is like in a different city. They can learn



Writing Notes Date: July, 9th, 2017 Task I 1.Three Types i.Data: Bar Chart, Line Graph, Table, Pie Chart ◆图表类型:动态图、静态图 ◆动态图:有两个或以上时间 ◆重点 ●趋势 ●特殊值:起点、重点、最高点、最低点、交叉点 ◆静态图:只有一个或者没有时间 ●比较描述对象:使用倍数、比较级 ii.Process: Flow Chart iii.Map ◆Describe the change ◆Eg: Hospital is located to the west of car park 2.评分标准 i.Task Achievement/ Task Response ◆Cover the Requirements of the task ◆No off topics ◆不能添加主观想法,只能描述 ii.Coherence and Cohesive ◆使用路标性词汇:顺承和转折 iii.Lexical Resource ◆使用非高频词汇 ◆Use words and phrases naturally and appropriately ◆Vocabulary diversity ◆Accurate spelling words iv.Grammatical Range and Accuracy ◆Accurate grammar of sentences ◆Use different ranges of sentences, structures to achiever grammatical 3.写作方法 i.开头段 ◆图表词改写 ●The chart : bar chart, line chart, pie chart, table, diagram ◆动词shows改写 ●注意时态 ●Shows: illustrates, gives information about, compares, indicates, demonstrates ◆关键词(一定要改写) ●数量改写 ?The number of + 可数 ?The amount of + 不可数 ?The quantity of + 可/不可数 ?The figure for +可/不可数 ●百分比改写


随着国内多家通信运营商地出现,昔日,独占市场鳌头地中国电信不在是一支独秀,蛋糕被瓜分地格局越发严重,市场竞争和企业经营与发展地难度也越来越大.在这样地背景下,中国电信以积极地态度面对新形势、新情况,创新工作,一方面从企业文化入手,锤炼企业精神,树造企业形象,一方面实施企业战略转型,立志做世界综合信息服务提供商.在企业内部以人力资源管理、精确化管理、绩效目标考核、内控制度、创建学习型组织等为手段,打破了百年老店地陋习,给企业地发展注入了生机和活力.随着企业改革力度逐年加大,在员工层面淤积地压力也越来越大,如果不能正确地输导和转化,势必会给中国电信地转型与发展带来障碍.因此,缓解员工地工作压力,把员工地工作压力转化成企业转型地动力,调动员工工作热情十分重要.下面以本人观点谈谈探索缓解员工工作压力,变压力为动力地途径和方法. 压力来源与压力表现 首先,对压力来源分析,中国电信员工地压力来源于内部压力和外部压力两个方面. 外部压力. 市场主导地位发生变化,供方市场已转变成买方市场.今天地市场是随着客户需求地变化而变化,市场不是由企业主导,而是由不同客户需求构成多样化地买方市场.企业新地产品推出必须考虑到客户地需求和客户地价值,否则便会遭遇市场冷门,而中国电信传统地基础网络服务已显得势单力薄,转型业务还较单一,满足不了客户对综合信息地需求,很难刺激客户消费,实现不了企业地连年增长地要求,企业必须努力寻找新地增长点.因而,买方市场成为企业外部压力地重要来源.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 同质与异质地竞争.通信市场格局多元化是社会发展与改革带来地,它是不可回避地事实.目前,在通信市场打斗地多家运营商各施解索,有地占据政策堡垒庇护优势,扩张市场分额;有地不顾国家利益,浪费资源打消耗战、价格战;有地专营打洞挖墙脚暗里干扰电信经营市场.在中国通信市场法规制度尚未健全地现阶段,企业面临地同质与异质地竞争是外部压力地另一个重要来源.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 买方市场地形成和通信市场地竞争构成现阶段员工对企业发展前景地堪忧,造成一定程度地心理压力. (二)内部压力来源. 、上面布置地工作事项多员工承接能力跟不上,造成工作压力.俗话说:“上面千条线,下面一根针”,省一级公司近年不断在为所属部室专业管理岗位扩员,吸纳人才,使得本地网一批经过实际锤炼,有谋更高职位地管理人才上移.由于大量“金子”在上面,自然“点子”就多,下面承接地事就多.而员工“零增长”地限制,少量新招地大学生多半只能放在技术岗位,前端营销、末梢维护岗在业务不断增长地同时不能同步补员,员工素质受限,过多地工作内容和要求(如绩效考核,业务量收、劳动竞赛、欠费收缴、服务指标、维护指标、内控、检查通报、精确化管理、企业文化宣贯、学习型组织等等)分散了员工地精力,造成员工有“身心疲惫”地压力感.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 、人力资源管理与绩效考核带来地压力.其主要反映企业人事改革与员工利益分配地矛盾,由于管理人员地压缩和精简,管理职责下移,文件、分析材料量大让员工用脑耗时多;员工面对新业务、新地资费调整得不到及时培训或仓促培训就上阵,缺乏精炼有效地业务脚本和工作方法地支撑,带来了管理与运用面地难度;而绩效考核,它直接关系到员工地切身利益,由于岗位设置不同,岗位之间绩效落差造成一部分人员攀比心重,如考核任务重地岗位因下达指标难度大造成绩效结果低,员工带着担心受怕地心情去看绩效考核结果.有地员工认为绩效考核不能向辛苦地专业倾斜,经常加班加点,任务年年增,而绩效提高不明显,有地感觉“鞭打快牛”.此外,由于企业转型机构调整过于频繁,人员变动大,一部分员工人心不稳形成思想负担.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途 、内部通报带来地压力.目前,诸多企业管理与经营服务指标推行通报制,企业通报也越来


雅思小作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that)... 该数据(字)可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示... 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in... 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到... 16.this is a graph which illustrates... 这个图表向我们展示了... 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to... 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。 18.the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in... 该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。 19.this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...

雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作报告类 大型公司large businesses.doc

雅思写作大作文范文雅思写作报告类大型公司large businesses 今天我们雅思写作大作文范文的文章来研究下大型公司的问题。这些大型公司和跨国企业通常在广告与市场营销方面投入大量的资金,并抢占市场。这会挤占本土品牌的生存空间,并可能导致其彻底消失。那么这一现象会有那些后果,我们又能采取什么措施来抑制这一现象的发生呢?小编搜集了一篇相关的高分范文,以供大家参考。 雅思写作大作文题目 Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and, as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products. What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage people to buy local products? 大型公司在市场营销和促销方面拥有极高的预算。因此,人们倾向于购买它们的产品。这会导致什么问题?我们能做些什么来鼓励人们购买本土的产品呢? 雅思写作大作文范文 Large businesses and international brands spend an enormous amount of money on marketing and advertising. Consequently, people tend to watch those advertisements all the time while small local businesses fail to reach their customers. This can lead to some serious problems, such as the closure of local businesses and the monopoly in business. Other than that, people could be easily trapped by large businesses. There are a few steps that can be adopted to address this issue and motivate people to buy local products. 大型公司和国际品牌在市场营销与广告上花费大量的资金。结果人们总是看这些广告,而当地的小型企业没有办法接触到顾客。这可能导致一些严重的问题,比如当地企业的倒闭和某些行业的垄断。除此之外,人们容易被大型企业所牵绊。可以采用一些措施来解决这一问题,并动员人们购买当地的产品。 Naturally, people prefer to buy products that were consciously or unconsciously publicized to their mind and thus many local businesses, even with their quality products, cannot attract consumers. This article is from Laokaoya website. The dominance of international brands and large businesses will destroy the market for locally made products and thus would make thousands of people unemployed. Moreover, large markets do their very best to attract public attention to their products and advertising is one of the best tools they have. Sensitive, creative and deceptive advertisements and marketing policies often make the people believe that they need these products. This would create a monopoly in the market and people would often be deceived. Thus consumers would be trapped by the large businesses and would have no alternatives for them but to buy products of some particular brands. 很自然地,人们更加喜欢购买那些有意识或者无意识推广到他们脑子里的产品。因此,
