
Blue represents peace, tranquility , calm ,stability, harmony, unity,truth,trust,confidence,conservatism,security,cleanliness,order,loyalty,sky,water ,cold,technology,and depression. BLue can 'slow the pulse rate,lower body temperature,and reduce appetite.' BLue is considered a business color because it reflects reliability.

Black is the absence of light and therefore,of colour. it represents power,sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery ,fear,evil,anonymity, unhappiness,depth,style, sadness,remorse,anger,underground,mourning and death.

Green represents nature,environment, health, good luck, renewal,youth,vigour,spring,generosity,jealousy,inexperience,envy,misforture.

Orange expresses energy. Orange brings up memories autumn leaves, pumpkins and Halloween. It symbolizes balance, warmth,enthusiasm, vibrance,flamboyancy,(show off) and is demanding of attention.

Purple represents royalty,spirituality, nobility, ceremony,mystery,transformation,wisdom

Red is the warmest and most energic colour. we associate red with love, valentines, danger,desire,strength, violence,anger.

White represents purity,cleanliness,peace,humility,innocence,youth,birth,winter,snow,good,and marriage.
Yellow represents joy,happiness, optimism,idealism,imagination,hope,sunshine,smmer,gold,philosophy,dishonesty,cowardice,betrayal,jealousy,deceit,illness,spirituality and inspiration. Yellow has been found to increase people's appetites.


1. 英语中的红色(red)代表什么?

A 平静 B 喜庆 C 伤心

2. 黑色(black)在英语中不代表什么?

A 悲伤 B 庄重 C 愉快

3. Black tea 什么意思?

A 黑茶 B 红茶 C 绿茶

4. 英语中蓝色(blue)代表了什么?

A 愉快 B 庄重 C 忧郁

5 I'm feeling blue 什么意思?

A 我很开心 B 我很伤心

6 绿色(green)在英语中不代表什么?

A 平静 B 嫉妒 C 新生

7 英语中白色(white)不能代表什么?

A 平静 B 兴奋 C 和平

8 A white lie 是什么意思?

A 一个白色的谎言 B 一个善意的谎言

9 "暗淡的前途"应该是________ future.

A red B green C black

10 “可悲的人”应该是a ________ dog.

A red B yellow C blue
