

Reb: Hi, my name is Rebecca. In today's lesson you'll learn how to participate efficiently in a discussion in English. Something you may need to do in your personal, professional or academic life. The topic we will use as a sample is this one. ‘Is it better to study online or in a regular classroom?’ You have a chance to hear a discussion by native speakers on this topic. What I’d like you to do is to listen to any special expression and phrases that they used during the discussion. Afterwards, I will review these expression and phrases with you. Today I have some special friends who have agreed to help me in this lesson and they are waiting in the classroom next door. So let’s go and say hello to them. Hello, look who’s here.

Rn: Roonie. Al: Alex J: James Ad: Adam

Reb: Thank you for joining me and thanks for helping with this lesson guys.

Rn & Al: No problem.

Reb: So you know we are talking about discussions on the topic ‘Is it better to study online or in a regular classroom?’ OK. Who wants to talk first?

Ad: Okay, I will start. I think that it’s actually very good to study online, because it’s very convenient and because you can study whenever you want at your own pace. For example someone like me, I like to study at night time. So for me online works better because it’s quiet at night and no one would disturb me. I can do what I need to do. Al: That’s true. But if you are going to study online-

Rn: Sorry, but-

Al: Please let me finish. As I was saying, that’s true but if you are studying online you need to motivate yourself, so I think it’s better to be in a classroom where you have other students and the teacher who can motivate you.

Rn: That’s true but some people can’t afford to go to classroom, and don’t have the money or resources to actually go to a big school. So studying online you can actually do it for free.

J: Me? Well, I would like to add. May I say something?

Rn: Sure.

J: Soft skills. That’s not usually talked about in schools. But when we talk about soft skills, it is action and interaction. You like to learn English when you are with another

people. That’s hard to get online because you are watching the screen without action of interacting with other people.

Ad: You made a very good point, but I would like to add that sometimes having classmates takes you away from your focus because you have to maybe review things many times for other people to catch up or you have to do topics later and listen to other people not yourself. So it’s a little distracting sometimes.

J: However focus is a good thing, I mean it’s not a bad thing to repeat something because sometimes people don’t catch the things through the first time so they go over the material so that you get depth so you get to learn and people who don’t understand have opportunity to ask questions and learn from it again.

Rn: Yeah but sometimes the resources you got in the class is boring. Online you can just look up whatever you need on the internet. And you get it right there and you don’t have to read a lot of textbooks. Sometimes it can be guide textbook.

Al: OK. Don’t get me wrong. There are good resources on the Internet like ___.com. J: I’m sorry did you say ____.com?

Al: I did say ____.com.

Ad: I have ____.com.

J: I think I have, too.

Rn: Me, too.

Al: Anyway, it’s a good website. As I was saying, don’t get me wrong. I think there are excellent resources online. However some students who just learn English for the first time might not know how to judge the quality of resources. So I think if you go to a school and you are inside a classroom, you are with a teacher who is trained and is professional and who can give you the resources you need to improve your English. Rn: Well, it’s a good thing you said about professional teachers because that in ___.com. We all have professional teachers ready to teach you. So in conclusion, in a nutshell, can we just sum up and say that studying online or in a classroom will help everyone?

Others: Sure. I can agree to that.

Reb: OK, alright. Thank you very much for helping us.


英语小组活动 【摘要】为了适应新教材“突出语言运用、全面发展个性能力”的特点,就必须改变过去以教师讲授为主的课堂教学,代之以生动活泼、行之有效的新形式,使英语课堂教学更能适应学生个性能力的发展,调动学生的学习积极性,提高和发展学生的言语交际能力。由于小组活动富有变化,使课堂容量加大,节奏加快,气氛活跃,使学生在课堂上有更多的时间和机会来练习使用英语,充分发挥学生的主体性、能动性、创造性,以活动形式促进学生语言交际能力的和谐发展,可收到事半功倍的效果。 【关键词】课堂教学生动活泼学习积极性言语交际能力 多年来的教学实践使我体会到,课堂小组活动是优化英语教学过程、实现课堂交际化和了解课堂信息反馈的有效策略,在初中英语课堂教学中起着极为重要的作用。 一、小组活动在初中英语课堂中的作用 小组活动的教学形式在英语教学中是一种较好的、简便易行的教学形式,它有利于学生灵活运用所学语言知识,有利于学生发展语言逻辑思维,尤其有利于学生的个性以及学习主人翁的精神得到充分的发展。对成功的教育来说,学生-学生的互动比学生-教师的互动更重要,因为它能影响学生的求知欲望,开发学生社交能力,鼓励学生阐述个人观点,因此小组活动学习形式对于初中英语课堂教学的改进起着积极的推动作用。 1、小组活动起到操练语言、实践语言的作用 新课程标准中提出在教师对学生进行训练的过程中要使学生通过英语学习和实践活动,掌握英语技能,提高语言实际运用能力。教师设置与课文和学生实际相关的交际情景,学生能通过小组活动进行大量的操练、实践语言,加深对语言形式和意义的理解,从而使语言技能发展成实际运用语言进行交际。小组活动在实施任务型教学途径能很好凸现其优势,发挥其独特的作用。学生带着任务在活动中学,在完成任务的过程中逐渐形成语言知识,形成语言技能。 2、小组活动提供学生合作学习的机会 小组活动改变了初中课堂教学中老师讲学生听的教学状态,学生不再是被动得接受知识,也不仅只是从老师那儿学习知识,而是通过小组活动与同学互相学习。在小组活动中,每个学生是一个独立的角色,他们可以根据各自情况,问他们想问的问题,表达各自不同的观点和看法。在这个表达过程中,学生可以向同伴学习语言思维的方式,长期坚持进行互相学习,互相交流,学生也在真正意义上培养了自觉实践语言的习惯,同时也提高了学生运用语言进


口语考试题 Topic 1: More and more people have found the right jobs through the Internet. Now w ork in a group and have a discussion on “Whether people f ind their dream job via the Internet.” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. Y ou’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. The Internet is like hiring a personal assistant. Effortlessly you can become aware of opportunities that may elevate your career. With plenty of information , the Internet is convenient and filled with possibility. We can search for our requirement, and then pick out the right or the best item right we need. But there is also a disadvantage; the reliability of Internet may not be ensured. Topic 2: Everyone wears clothes and there are so many advertisements for clothes, too. Work in a group and have a discussion on “Whether people often turn to advertising when buying clothes.” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. Y ou’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. Advertising has seep into modern life, and affect everyone’s concept. Without exception, when buying clothes, we also influenced by advertisement. Include the brand, the design, the trend of fashion, and so on. I hold on the view that everyone should have his or her own style. Y ou can refer to the advertising, but not to copy or follow the fashion blindly. Topic3: Bill Gates advises young people to get the best education they can and take advantage of both high school and college. Now work in a group and discuss the following topic: “As a student, how will you make the most of college?” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. Y ou’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. College is far different with high school. The atmosphere of college is free, independent and colorful. As students, the theme of our life is study, both knowledge and ability. Compared with high school students, maybe the learning of knowledge is not main, but it also important. With the advantage, the source of knowledge is rich, such as famous professors, outstanding classmates and a large number of books. If we make full use of it, it will give us a lot. Besides we should steel ourselves, to hold a post in class, to join a club, to get a part-time job are all good way.


英语小组讨论教学的课后反思 小组合作学习尽管有如此多的优点,在英语教学中使用频率也很高,但是如果不假思索,每课必用就会走入教学误区:一味认为新课改就是让课堂热闹,就是教师不教;该合作的合作,不该合作的也合作。热热闹闹的小组合作学习的背后,却存在着许许多多的低效现象,具体表现为以下几个方面。 1. 合作学习流于形式,不重实效 好多学校接到课改文件不假思索就一哄而上,说是改革实际却流于形式,没有成效。有的学校在让学生合作时常会见到这样的情形:学生只是坐在一起,并没有按老师设定的目标进行。有的在埋头写作业,有的在三三两两、津津有味地闲聊题外话,有的因害羞内向而沉默不语、独自发呆。事实上,小组合作学习并不是形式上简单地让学生凑在一起。这种情况已经失去了小组合作学习的意义。 2. 合作目的不明确,为“活动”而“活动” 有的教师为了赶时髦,不分主次轻重,每节课都用,并且认为一节课内用得越多越好,走入了教学误区。在英语教学中常会看到这样的现象,有些老师为“活动”而“活动”,随意将课文中的一个句型或知识点硬塞给学生,来回反复地让学生分组操练。我曾听过一位老师在上Starter Unit 5 Visit my school 这一课时,将“How many...are there...?”这个句型让学生分组反复地操练。像这样的合作毫无价值,学生感到索然无味,于是有些同学就草草应付了

事,然后各行其是,课堂内声音嘈杂,秩序“混乱”。 3. 合作无序 有的教师下达了小组合作学习的指令后,全班学生只是按小组围坐在了一起,可小组成员之间没有明确的分工,大家七嘴八舌,你一言我一语,气氛热烈,整个课堂闹哄哄,却什么问题也解决不了。 4. 合作问题过于简单,没有讨论的必要 在教学中也常看到这种现象,老师提出一个问题,让学生分组展开讨论,老师的问题还没说完,学生就已说出了答案。对于这种现象,老师还让学生照讨论不误,进入了小组合作学习的误区。曾有一位教师在讲Fun With English 7B Unit 1 Dream Homes这一课时,设计了下面的问题让学生分组讨论:(1)What is the capital of the USA?(2)When is Christmas? 对于这种个人学习就能掌握的内容,就没必要进行小组合作。 5. 学生没有经过自主学习、独立思考就开始合作 教学中常看到有些老师不经学生自主学习、独立思考就直接提出一个问题让学生讨论,学生感到措手不及。没有独立学习做基础的讨论犹如空中楼阁,没有经过独立思考而展开的讨论如无源之水。记得看过这样一段话:“离开学生的独立学习和深入思考,相互间的交流和讨论就不可能有深度,不可能有真正的互动和启发,对小组内的不同见解、观点根本无法提出真正意义上的赞同或反对,也无法做到吸取有效成分,修正、充实自我观点。”对此,我深表赞同。 6. 教师不能有效指导帮助,一味放手让学生合作


王:good afternoon guys . 李:you look so good ! what's new? 王: of course ,i am so happy ! And I have something nice to share with you. 林:something nice? 王:yeah,recently, I've watched a movie called Kung Fu Panda ,i was really attracted by it's humorous story line(情节),especially the panda Paul . 兰:Kung Fu Panda ,to tell you the truth,i am a crazy fans to this movie because of it always make me laughter every time watch it . 李:A sense of humor can lead a movie to success,as well as the movie friends, this comedy was considered as the most success and popular TV series in American. It tell us how to get along with our friends and how to love others. 林:We can notice that a sense of humor can help a movie become popular, and a sense of humor can help you win a lot of friends. If you are humorous you will always attract a lot of people around you. 李: Believe it or not,i think I am a humorous guy,I like tell jokes.Now let me tell you a cold joke. A black cat saved a white cat from a river .Do you know what the white one said to the black one ? 喵~ 王、兰、李:(burst into laugher)what a funny joke! 林:Hey buddies, can you hear something about cross-age love(忘年恋? 兰: not yet! 王:Is there anything humorous things you want to show us about cross-age love?


英语口语考试题小组讨 论 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

口语考试题 Topic 1: More and more people have found the right jobs through the Internet. Now work in a group and have a discussion on “Whether people f ind their dream job via the Internet.” During the discussion, you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to make a point clear. You’ll have 5 minutes for the discussion. The Internet is like hiring a personal assistant. Effortlessly you can become aware of opportunities that may elevate your career. With plenty of information , the Internet is convenient and filled with possibility. We can search for our requirement, and then pick out the right or the best item right we need. But there is also a disadvantage; the reliability of Internet may not be ensured. Topic 2: Everyone wears clothes and there are so many advertisements for clothes, too. Work in a group and have a discussion on “Whether people often turn to advertising when buying clothes.”


英语课堂小组活动的反思 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 英语课堂小组活动的反思Group work 是实现语言交际功能的重要手段之一。这些年的课堂实践,让我感觉课堂的小组活动带给我无限的乐趣,同时也给了我越来越多的困惑与思索。有时小组活动可谓是轰轰烈烈,教师一声令下,几个学生立刻围成一团,顿时“叽叽喳喳”的讨论声响成一片,煞是热闹。小组讨论也做到了“人人参与”,并“言之有物”。可随着语言材料的逐步深入与增多,每次展示讨论的结果时,发言的总是班里少数几位优等生,或是个别胆子较大,表现欲较强的同学,大部分学生很难用英语组织有效讨论;或只充当了看客和听众。这令我很担忧讨论所花去的时间是否有价值,讨论活动是否有效。为了尽可能得让每一位同学都有话可说,为了使那些学习有困难的学生在小组活动中也能动起来,我便将这些学生在英语课上组成一组,并亲自参与这个小组的活动,给他们一些简单的话题,并且对角色的分工也明确到位。可是没几次的,他们的积极性又没了。我又找几个学生谈心,才明白,我的目的是想帮助他们学好英语,但没想到,由于他们的考试成绩,班里有些同学便将这个小组戏称为“红灯区”,挫伤了他们的自尊心,我的好心反倒有了这样的负作用。我也认识到,小组的划分可以有多种方法,可以按照学生的学习

水平;可以按学习任务的难易;还可以按学生的人际关系;无论怎样划分,应有助于小组成员的积极主动地参与学习过程并能使小组成员彼此协助,互相支持,共同合作,以提高每个学生的学习成效。可是,在安排有小组活动中,教师应做到随机应变的分组,对一个近40个学生的班级来说,的确是一件令人头疼的事情。当然,通过对小组活动的反思与学习,也给了我很多成功的经验。小组活动是要帮助学生从依赖性学习转向自主学习。但是,若教师片面的追求学生在讨论过程中的完全自主,活动中教师偶尔参与或不参与,这样子的活动表面看似乎是充分体现了学生的主体地位,实际是一种错误认识。如果小组活动缺少教师的组织与指导,就很容易演变成学生无序的活动。同样,缺少教师必要指导的活动,往往看似很激烈,但却体现不出学生之间思想火花的碰撞或语言水平的长进。我在设计小组活动的时候,首先要周密考虑教材的语言材料与学生的需求,鼓励帮助学生尽量的多种方式表述自己的思想。例如,学生在讨论:How do you describe people? What words are often used for describing people?时,我发现高一的学生在讨论中只会运用cute, friendly, interesting,honest 等几个简单的词汇和单调的句子时,就一方面鼓励帮助学生尽量的多种方式表述自己的思想,另一方面,在不伤害学生自信心的情况下,对其错误进行适时纠正,并提供更多的语言材料,扩大学生的词汇量,让学生从模仿走到脱开范本描述。在小组活动时,教师设计的话题不要模棱两可,或话题涉及的范围太大,例


A:面试者B 经理 1.开场白 A:Excuse me.May I see Mis Pang,the manager? B:It's me.What can I do for you? A:My name is xuli.I have come at your invitation for an interview.Nice to meet you,Miss pang . B:Nice to meet you too.Please sit down. A:Thank you,madam. B:We have received your letter in answer to our advertisement. would like to talk with you regarding your qualifications for this position. A:I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview. B:Have you brought your credentials?你带证明材料来了吗? A:Yes,here they are.是的,给你。 2.工作经验 B: What're your qualifications? Can you say something about yourself? 您的资历如何?您能介绍一下自己的情况吗? A: I've just graduated from Qingdao university, but I had worked for two years before I started to work on a doctor's degree. B That's very good. 那很好。 A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. 我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。 B:Why did you leave your last job?你为什么离职呢? A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it. 我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。 B:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization? 你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献? A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。 关于性格的英语对话 B:What is your strongest trait(s)? 你个性上最大的特点是什么? A:Helpfulness and sense of humor.Cheerfulness and friendliness. B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?你的朋友或同事怎样形容你? A:They say Miss xu is an honest, hardworking and responsible woman who deeply cares for her family and friends. B:What personality traits do you admire?你欣赏哪种性格的人? A:I admire a person who is honestand easy-going. I like people who possess the "can do" spirit. 诚实且容易相处的人。有"实际行动"的人。 关于领导力的英语对话 B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel? 作为行政人员,你有什么样的领导才能? A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership.我觉得学习如何把人们的积极性调动起来,以及


对英语课堂小组合作学习的反思 合作性学习在我校是随着新课程标准的实施,最近几年才逐渐推行开来的一种新事物。我通过观摩同行的课及自己的教学实践,发现在英语教学中实施“小组合作学习”既有令人欣喜之处,亦有不尽人意之处。所以觉得有必要对自己实施的“小组合作学习”进行反思。 一、取得的效果 1.通过合作学习培养了学生获取、处理和综合信息的能力。培养了学生的综合语言运用能力,重点是听、读和口头表达的能力。 2.运用形成性评价来激发了学生的学习动力,使学生产生自信心和成就感。 3.通过小组活动培养了学生的团队合作精神。 4.小组合作学习一改过去教师“独霸课堂”、“满堂灌”的局面,打破了课堂气氛的沉闷,充分发挥了学生的潜能。 5.通过小组合作学习,学生学习的主动性和积极性增强了,参与欲提高了。 6.学生在合作学习中体验到了合作的快乐,拉近了师生、生生之间的关系。 二、存在的问题 热热闹闹的小组合作学习的背后,也存在着许许多多的低效现象,具体表现为以下几个方面。 1.合作学习流于形式,不重实效。有的老师在让学生合作时常会见到这样的情形:学生只是坐在一起,并没有按老师设定的目标进行。有的在埋头写作业,有的在三三两两、津津有味地闲聊题外话,有的因害羞内向而沉默不语、独自发呆。 2.合作目的不明确,为“活动”而“活动”。有的教师为了赶时髦,不分主次轻重,每节课都用,并且认为一节课内用得越多越好,走入了教学误区。 3.合作无序。有的教师下达了小组合作学习的指令后,全班学生只是按小组围坐在了一起,可小组成员之间没有明确的分工,大家七嘴八舌,你一言我一语,气氛热烈,整个课堂闹哄哄,却什么问题也解决不了。 4.合作问题过于简单,没有讨论的必要。在教学中也常看到这种现象,老师提出一个问题,让学生分组展开讨论,老师的问题还没说完,学生就已说出了答案。对于这种现象,老师还让学生照讨论不误,对于这种个人学习就能掌握的


[英语口语话题Topic] 英语跟我学 2008-03-29 16:18 阅读1611 评论6 字号:大中小 · Topic:Something about the birthday Hint: When is your birthday? Usually how do you celebrate your birthday? When is your parents' birthday? How did you celebrate the birthday for them? You think what is the birthday present your parents really want or appreciate? ·今日话题: Secret love Were you a secret admirer for someone? How was your feeling? How do you think about secret love? What is real love in your opinion? ·今日话题: 写博客 Do you have your own blog? How do you think about writing the blog? What kind of content would you like to write in your blog? Do you think people should write private things in the blog? ·今日话题:减压 Do you have pressure for life and work? Do you often feel upset or disappointed? How will you release your pressure? What is the best way to release our pressure? ·今日话题: 最难忘的一次生日 Do you often celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate your birthday? Have you ever received some special birthday present? Did you have a unforgettable birthday celebration? ·今日话题: Go dutch When friends go out together, should they go dutch? How do you think about a couple go dutch for everything? Do you think ladies should be independent in finance? ·今日话题: 抽烟喝酒 Do you like smoking?


分析GE GROUP system office room [GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

小学英语课堂中的小组合作学习 小学英语课堂中,小组合作学习往往是英语老师最常用的课堂教学环节。从一定意义上来说,开展“小组合作学习”的教学,有利于发展学生的综合语言能力,有利于培养学生合作精神和创新思维能力,有利于学生自主学习能力的培养,能进一步激发学生的学习动机。 《小学英语新课程标准》明确指出:“英语课程的学习,是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程。”英语课程所倡导的“任务型”教学模式,就是让学生在教师的指引下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。研究表明,小组活动能减轻学习者在参与语言交际活动中可能产生的焦虑心理,使他们表现出更大的学习积极性;小组活动更能使活动参与者产生大量有利于语言习得的交互修正,小组信息轮换型使大部分参与者,包括平时沉默或害羞的学生都积极活跃地参与。 但是在教学过程中,小组合作学习往往存在着诸多限制,使部分老师“乂爱乂恨”,尽管不少教师在备课中设计了详尽的教学任务,但活动往往在课堂中出现低效其至无效的现象。 一、案例呈现 案例一: 教学内容:PEP 小学三年级Unit5A Let' s learn《I like hamburger^ 课堂片段:在学完本课的单词cake, bread, hamburger, hot dog , French fries, chicken后,我让学生用句型“What do you like?”去采访其他同学,被采访的同学则用“I like……”回答,完成书上的表格。我一声令下,教室里便炸开了锅,学生拿着书本穿梭于教室的各个角落。我巡视教室,尽管大部分同学都能用所学句子回答,但是我还是听到

大学英语口语小组讨论--if we should idoli概要

大学英语口语小组讨论 ----- if we should idolize pop stars ----- Part 1 Dialogue Firstly, let's listen to a dialogue between two friends. A: you’ re a big fan of Jay Chou, aren’ t you? B: yes, I’ ve been got all his albums and most of his films on dvd. I adore him. He’ s my idol. A: how come you don’ t have all of his films on dvd? B: some of his early films are hard to find nowadays, especially the ones where he only played a bit part. A: I see. I’ m sure you’ ll find them one day. I see you also have several post er of him. B: yeah. These posters are new. I bought them last week and put them up on my bedroom walls yesterday. A: are you a member of his fan club? B: I was, but then I discovered you can find out everything for free on the internet, so I’ m not a membe r now. A: did you see the interview with a Jay Chou in cosmopolitan magazine last month? B: of course! I bought two copies. A: two copies? One is to keep and the other to cut the pictures out of, right?


英语课堂小组讨论思考点滴 ——课改实施以来的感受与体会 郑彩文 【正文】迄今为止,我们学校学习宜川“自主课堂”教学模式大约有半年的时间,课堂小组讨论受到了广大英语教师的普遍重视,本人在摸索新课改过程中,从实际操作及教学效果来看,课堂小组讨论存在不少问题。小组合作学习在英语教学中还没有达到理想的效果,仍存在一些低效的现象。针对这些问题,我思考了很多,应该采取哪些措施哪?下面谈谈我的一些看法。 一、精心设计小组讨论话题的焦点 课堂小组讨论一般要有讨论的话题和焦点,否则讨论时就会出现纠缠细节或跑题的现象;而且这样的讨论表面上看似热热闹闹,实际上收效甚微。以某节教学研讨课为例,在教学Unit4 I want to be an actor. 过程中,教师引导学生就材料内容开展小组讨论。讨论围绕课文中的具体细节展开(如问What do you want to be?等等)。学生踊跃发言,讨论气氛十分热闹,讨论后学生的汇报也仅以课文中的枝节内容为主。实际上这样的讨论浮于语言文字的表面,学生缺少对课文内涵的深入挖掘,教师仅是创设了融洽的课堂气氛,使学生掌握了课文中的一些基本信息。久而久之,学生的创造力和想象力等都得不到有效地激发与培养,而且还会

导致一部分学生逐渐对小组讨论感到厌烦,甚至丧失参与小组讨论的兴趣。有的教师设计的讨论话题模棱两可,或话题涉及范围太大。如以教学Unit4 What do you want to be? 的一节研讨课为例。当学生就课文展开小组讨论时,教师提出了这样的讨论话题:What do you think of a policeman? 可是学生却不知道如何讨论这个问题。究其原因是问题设计含糊不清,范围偏大所致。因此,教师在组织课堂小组讨论之前,应深入钻研教学内容,理出课文的基本框架、课文内容以及课文所传达的意义;确定所学课文的哪些地方适合进行小组讨论;讨论话题是否基于课文之上,能否挖掘课文的内涵;讨论内容是否贴近学生的生活实际,能否激励其有感而发。教师还应尽可能把握学生在阅读课文与讨论时可能遇到的问题或难点,精心设计讨论话题,避免“有题无议”和“有议无质”的现象。 二、监督小组讨论中学生的参与程度 在实际教学中,不少教师抛出一个或几个讨论话题,一声令下,几个学生立刻围成一团,顿时“叽叽喳喳”的讨论声响成一片,煞是热闹;几分钟后,又是一声令下,讨论声戛然而止。我们可以发现,现在合作学习确实增加了学生参与的机会,但是语言表达能力强的学生自由发言的机会多,代表小组汇报的次数多,每次展示讨论结果时,发言的总是班上少数几位优等生,或是个别胆子较大、表现欲强的学生;


英文小組討論屈機秘笈(38個skills) Skill 1. Greet group members; start the discussion; make your point; invite others to join (四步曲:打招呼,說明話題,發表論點,邀請加入) 1. Nice to meet everyone here for our discussion. The topic we are going to discuss today is… For me… Do you agree? What would be your opinion? 2. Good afternoon / Good evening, everyone. We are here to discuss a topic on [body art and individuality]. We have to complete the discussion in 8 minutes. Let’s begin the discussion/Let’s get started. In my opinion… Does any one of you have any similar or other examples / ideas / points / comments? 3. Well, friends, I believe you are already aware of the topic of today’s discussion. We are here to exchange our views on an article titled [A question of privacy]. Shall we start? Let's start with the point [whether the media have too much freedom] (If the first point to talk about in the paper is [whether the media have too much freedom]). 4. Hello, everybody, mind / do you mind if I begin? Today w e are talking about… I suggest that… [Mr. Wong], do you think it is feasible / can work? I’d be happy to hear your opinion. 5. Let’s start our discussion on [picnic arrangement] if everyone is ready. This discussion topic is not new to any one of us here. Our task is to discuss [which destination would be ideal for our picnic]. My own view is that… Do you think so? Skill 2. How to respond when a member starts the discussion by saying ‘Shall we start’? (別人開了頭,自己要作回應,不要沉默) 6. Sure, we have 8 minutes. Go ahead. Skill 3. Initiate the discussion with a question (用提問法開始討論) 7. Hello, everybody. We are here to discuss the topic of privacy. [Do the media have too much freedom?] What are your opinions? (Turn your head to scan through your three partners after you ask the question. If nobody responds, immediately give your viewpoints by saying, ‘As I see it,…’) Skill 4. What should I do if I don’t understand the topic at all? (不明白時,以靜制動) 8. Don’t try to initiate the di scussion. Be a good listener first. Get the idea of others and then give good response. 9. Well, I’m not sure.I’ll have to think it over. (若有人要你發言,你根本不明白當時他們在說甚麽,可以用這句) 10. May I think about it for a moment? (若有人要你發言,你根本不明白當時他們在說甚麽,可以用這句) Skill 5. How to participate if I don’t know the topic or what other members are talking about? (不懂議題,不懂其他人談甚麽,如何參加) 11. You may rephrase a point of your partners (用別人的論點,用自己的話說). For example, if a member proposes to regulate tongue piercing (規管穿舌環) to protect teenagers, you may say, ‘Yes, regulating tongue piercing is a good idea. We should protect teenagers.’Skill 6. Give Suggestions (提意見) 12. I think / I believe / I suppose / I reckon (估計;猜想)… / I figure (估計;認為) [it’ll be successful]. 13. I'll be brief. (我簡單地談一談) 14. As I see it, …/ As for me15. I suppose… 16. Personally, … 17. To me… 18. So far as I can judge, [it is impractical, because]… /My judgment is that [it is impractical]… 19. How about (if we)…?


Unit 1 The reasons for shyness and the ways to overcome it A: Well, many people are shy. If you are a shy person, don?t worry, we will discuss the reasons for shyness and the ways to overcome it. B: Some people are shy because they seldom take part in social activities, they prefer to stay at alone, thus are not wiling to communicate with others. Other people are shy because they are not confident in themselves. C: I agree with you. They regard themselves as short, shy, ugly, fat, or dull; therefore, they are afraid of being laughed at and dare not bravely express their opinions. D: Yes, and what?s more, still others are shy because of certain experience of failure in life, they can not overcome the sense of failure therefore dare not do the things in their own ways. B: OK, we have talked about the reasons for shyness. And how about the ways to overcome it? As far as I?m concerned, for many people, the key to overcome shyness is to build up self-confidence. A: Let me give you some advice. Remember that everyone has weaknesses and every one experiences some failures, therefore, we should recognize our strengths and try our best to overcome shyness. For those who prefer to stay alone and dare not communicate with others, encourage yourself to take part in more social activities and try to make one or two friends each time. D: Em, I also think the most effective ways are not making negative comments about yourself and remembering that everyone experiences some failures and disappointments, because they are the keys to achieve success. C: First, you should believe in yourself. You have the ability to solve the problem and then try your best to do it. D: And if you fail, regard it as learning experience and stepping-stone to success, do not blame too much on yourself, because many factors may lead to the failure, it?s not your own fault and does not show your incompetence. C: I fully agree with you, your advice is acceptable and helpful. One more thing, there are great difference between modesty and shyness. Modesty is a good virtue that is cherished by many people. B: While shyness is an uncomfortable or even destructive feeling one has in company of others. Shy people are always lack of self-confidence. They are reluctant to communicate with strangers or dare nor express their opinions bravely. Therefore, modesty is a good personality while shyness is not desirable in many cases. A: Dear friends, we have discussed so much about the reasons for shyness and the ways to overcome it. Come on, please. Don?t be shy. Let?s be sunshine boys and girls.
