


Part I Reading in Depth

Passage 1



妻子享有管理丈夫私人财产的权利,但是反之则不然。如果丈夫要越权侵犯她们的利益,女性们会时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还会表现出一种坚强的斗争精神。Maria Vivas就是一个典型的例子。为了家庭的需要,她同意其丈夫Miro出售一块属于她的土地,但是她坚持要求获得补偿。但是丈夫没有给她提供补偿,于是她把丈夫拖到一个文书处,起草了一份合同,成功地把他丈夫的一块私人土地划归自己。正如合同所写的,“为了和平”,这个不幸的丈夫不得不同意。要么借助嫁妆,要么通过发脾气,妻子知道如何在家庭中为自己赢得强大的经济地位。

1. 【解析】[C]推断题。本文介绍了欧洲南部10和11世纪嫁妆对女性在婚姻中地位的重要性。虽然嫁妆最初的目的是防止女性被抛弃,但实际上它的作用远远不止于此。它使妻子在婚姻中的地位与丈夫平等,并保障了妻子的经济利益。女性在维护自己的利益上,是很坚定果敢的,Maria Vivas就是一个例子。见第一段第三句,“Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion.。.”,虽然在实际生活中嫁妆有更重要的作用,但最初它的作用只是为了防范女性被丈夫抛弃,所以C为正确答案。

2.【解析】[D]细节题。根据本文,妻子在婚姻中的法律地位和丈夫是平等的。见第一段最后一句,“In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife”文件中并没有表明丈夫和妻子在法律地位上有任何的差别,也就是说他们的地位是平等的,所以D为正确答案。

3.【解析】[B]推断题。作者举Maria Vivas的事例,是为了说明妻子是能够捍卫自己的利益的。见第二段第二句,“Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance...they showed a fine fighting spirit。”如果丈夫要侵占自己的利益,女性们就时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还表现出很强的斗争精神。接下来作者就举了Maria Vivas的例子,说明女性是有能力捍卫自己的利益的。所以B为正确答案。

4.【解析】[A]细节题。Maria Vivas得到的一份作为补偿的土地,本来


“None being offered, she succeeded in... assigning her a piece of land from Miro s personal inheritance”由此知A为正确答案。

5.【解析】[D]推断题。作者对Maria Vivas所持的态度是客观的。作者客观地介绍了Maria Vivas的事例,并没有表示出同情、不满或者是漠不关心,所以A、B、C都是错误答案。

Passage 2






6.【解析】[D]主旨题。本篇主要讨论不同的领导者(如instrumental leaders 以及expressive leaders)在不同的社会群体中所充当的角色和发挥的功能。所以D 为正确答案。A、B、C选项都不能正确概括本文主旨。

7.【解析】[C]细节题。A选项的招募(recruitment)和B选项选举程序(election process)都在第一段中作为大群体的领导者产生的方式被明确提到。D选项也在第一段中作为家庭领导者的产生的方式被明确提到。只有C选项没有作为产生领导者的一种方式在本文中被提及。

8.【解析】[A]推断题。A选项意思是:某一特定群体的有效领导者,不一定就可以成为另一群体的有效领导者。这正好与第二段的意思相吻合,即领导者没有一个固定的特点,只是符合了一个特定群体需要的人就有可能成为该群体的领导者(It seems...virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group)。B选项和C选项的意思与本文无关。D选项意为:许多人想成为领导者,但却很少能拿出证据来证明他们具有这样的资格。显然是对文章意思的曲解。

9.【解析】[B]细节题。第二段中“...decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of ‘natural leaders’”意思是说数十年来的研究并不能找出可靠证据来证明哪些人可以成为“天生领导者”,与B项意思一致。

10.【解析】[D]细节题。第三、四段主要讲了两种类型的领导者的区别。其中instrumental leader侧重于群体目标的实现,而expressive leader相对于前者并不侧重于群体目标的实现,而是注重为群体成员提供情感支持,并尽力减少内部纷争。(Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them。)

Passage 3

11. C 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B

Passage 4

16. A 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. A

Passage 5

21. 参考答案: A 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 主旨推理题。综观全文,尤其从第一段第三、四、五句,“Modern ingenuity has changed this,For the present,it is nuclear weapons that cause the most serious danger,but…,offer an even greater threat.”可知作者认为战争作为一种古老的社会产物,在现代只是被人们作了更精巧的改变,但威胁性更强。因此,A选项为正确答案。而B和C选项都与文意不符。D选项本身不合常理。

22. 参考答案: A 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 细节推理题。从文章第一段"To do this"前面一句可以知道"this"的内容指的是“…succeeded in abolishing war.”。

23. 参考答案: B 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 细节理解题。从文章第二段第二句中“a big error…doubtful,and at worst,totally false.”可以推出作者对战争的态度就是B选项的内容。C 和D选项正与此相反。

24. 参考答案: D 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 作者态度题。从第一段中"Either Man will abolish war,or war will abolish Man.It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war.”可知作者认为现代社会应彻底取消战争的存在。A和B选项不符合文意。C选项


25. 参考答案: B 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 细节推理题。文章最后一段中"that negotiations should reach agreements even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory.”可知人们已经意识到战争与人类社会之间存在着互相排斥的关系。所以B选项为正确答案。A选项不符合文意,C选项未在文中被提及。D选项不符合文章大意。Passage 6

26. 参考答案: B 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 细节理解题。根据题干到原文第一段定位。“In doing so…”其实指代的正是"many colleges have tried to be all things to all people",而这样做的后果就是:大学越来越迎合一种狭隘的职业培训至上的观点,而没有能够开阔学生的眼界。可见高校开设很多课让学生选修,其首要目的在技术培训,以迎合就业,而非灌输基本知识。

27. 参考答案: B 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 细节理解题。此题需要联系上下文进行思考。在这里要特别注意分号的使用,它表示前后两分句的意思一致或互为补充说明。因此作者说"the work has no context”,是因为学校将技术培训视为目的而非手段,显然作者是持反对态度的。而选项B表达的就是“作者认为高等教育中视技术培训为目的的做法是错误的”。A项内容没有提及。C和D项都是作者提倡的。

28. 参考答案: A 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 要点归纳题。首先要清楚这里的危机是指:“they have increasingly catered to a narrow-minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students”,并且"vocationalism"和"careerism"意思都为“职业提倡”的意思。

29. 参考答案: D 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 要点归纳题。此题是考查因果关系的,根据题干可知相关内容在第二段。联系上下文可发现"Teaching is important,we are told,and yet faculty know that research and publication matter most"即是造成这种结果的原因。而选项D的表述与之相符合。

30. 参考答案: B 题目分值: 1.0 分您的答案: 得分: 0.0

详细解答: 推理题。本题需结合第二段内容加以推理。第二段主要从教师队伍这一角度谈教学质量,并在段首就明确指出"the key to a good college is a high quality faculty",而后接着又谈到目前的教师并不重视教学,由此可推断只有B 的表述与原文接近。

Part II Cloze

1. O

2. D

3. M

4. L

5. I

6. E

7. K

8. A

9. B 10. J

Part III Fast Reading

1. 答案:(freshly baked) bread. (第1段第2行:Shoppers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and

persuades them to buy more food than they intended.)

2. 答案:expensive. (第1段第4行: Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors.)

3. 答案:impulse buying. (第2段第1句:At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology, described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon.)

4. 答案:other (tempting) goods/things/products. (第2段第2句:Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance, by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them.)

5. 答案:screen. (第3段第4行:As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.)

6. 答案:discounts. (第4段第第1句:Mr Usmani's "swarm-moves" model appeals to supermarkets because it increases sales without the need to give people discounts.)

7. social influence

8. Online retailers

9. 答案:NO. (第4段第3、4句:The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world, mainly because radio frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed experimentally in some supermarkets. But Mr Usmani says that both Wal-Mart in America an Tesco in Britain are interestd in his workd, and testing will get under way in the spring. 短语"get under way"的意思是"开始进行",在Wal-Mart的试验要等到春天才开始)

10. 答案:NOT GIVEN. (在文中没有提及该信息)

11. 答案:YES。(第5段第3句:The reseachers found that when people could see the songs ranked by how many times they have been downloaded, they followed the crowd.)

12. 答案:NO。(第5段最后两句:When the songs are not ordered by rank, but the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed, the effect of social influence was still there but was less pronounced. People thus follow the herd when it is easy for them to do so. pronounced的词义是"显着的、明显的")

13. 答案:YES。(第6段第1句:In Japan a chain of convenience shops called RanKing RanQueen has been ordering its products according to sales data from department stores and research companies.)

14. 答案:YES。(最后一段最后一句:Even in the privacy of your home, you can still be part of the swarm. home应该算是everyday life的一部分)


最新小升初英语阅读理解及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解 Thereis a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well. He thinksthe sky is as big as the mouth of the well. One day a crow (乌鸦)comes to the well. He sees the frog and say, “Frog, let's have a talk.”Then the frog asks, “Where are you from?” “I fly from the sky,” the crow says. Thefrog feels surprised (惊讶)and says, “The sky is only as bigas the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?” The crow says, “The skyis very big. You always stay i n the well, so you don't know the world is big.” Thefrog says, “I don't believe (相信).”But he crow says,“ Youcan come out and have a look by yourself.” So the frog comes out from the well.He is very surprised. How big the world is! (1)The frog lives in _________. A. a garden B. a pond (池塘) C. a well (2)The frog thinks the sky is _________. A. very big B. very small C. very high (3)The crow _________ from a well. A. is B. isn't C. doesn't (4)The frog is very surprised when he comes out from the well, because_________. A. he doesn't know the world is so big B. he doesn't know he can jump high C. he doesn't know the sky is blue (5)The best(最好的)Chinese title of the story is_________. A. 青蛙和乌鸦 B. 青蛙看天空 C. 井底之蛙 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述一只青蛙坐井观天的故事。 (1)根据 There is a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well.知青蛙住在井里,故答案为C。 (2)根据 He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.知,青蛙认为天空只有井口那么大,故答案为B。


【英语】中考英语阅读理解经典题型带答案 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 A Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here are some suggestions for you to bridge generation gap(代沟). Don't argue with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them You can't express(表达)yourself well if you are angry. Go to some place to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don't think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree(有分歧) on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a car. They argued over it, but finally they came to a compromise. Michael bought the car, but only drove it on certain days. Of course your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try. (1)From the passage we know_______ have a communication problem. A. parents and children of all ages B. children and other people C. parents and their school children D. teachers and their students (2)How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 (3)The underlined phrase "cool off" in the passage means_______. A. make yourself happy B. make yourself quiet and relaxed C. become angry D. go away (4)If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you'd better_______. A. argue with them B. keep away from them


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》 (通用本课后练习答案) 第二册 UNIT ONE The Pleasure of Learning Key to the Exercises I. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. T III. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役. 2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验. 3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头. IV. 1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time. 2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life. Key to the reading—skill Exercises 1. Students have improved SAT scores. 2. Teenagers planned patrols 3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers. 4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people 5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world. 6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book. with Santa Claus Key to the Exercises I . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B II. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗 2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣. 3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢. 4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常. III. 1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat.


新版小升初英语阅读题及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解 Thereis a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well. He thinksthe sky is as big as the mouth of the well. One day a crow (乌鸦)comes to the well. He sees the frog and say, “Frog, let's have a talk.”Then the frog asks, “Where are you from?” “I fly from the sky,” the crow says. Thefrog feels surprised (惊讶)and says, “The sky is only as bigas the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?” The crow says, “The skyis very big. You always stay in the well, so you don't know the world is big.” Thefrog says, “I don't believe (相信).”But he crow says,“ Youcan come out and have a look by yourself.” So the frog comes out from the well.He is very surprised. How big the world is! (1)The frog lives in _________. A. a garden B. a pond (池塘) C. a well (2)The frog thinks the sky is _________. A. very big B. very small C. very high (3)The crow _________ from a well. A. is B. isn't C. doesn't (4)The frog is very surprised when he comes out from the well, because_________. A. he doesn't know the world is so big B. he doesn't know he can jump high C. he doesn't know the sky is blue (5)The best(最好的)Chinese title of the story is_________. A. 青蛙和乌鸦 B. 青蛙看天空 C. 井底之蛙 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述一只青蛙坐井观天的故事。 (1)根据 There is a frog(青蛙). He lives in a well(井) and he never(从未) goes out of the well.知青蛙住在井里,故答案为C。 (2)根据 He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.知,青蛙认为天空只有井口那么大,故答案为B。


I In the early 1990s,the word” Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类) Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There

新版小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案【解析】 (15)

新版小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案【解析】 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符 Mr. Ones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office.One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “we are going to have a small party at ourhouse next Wednesday evening. Would you and your wife like to join us?” Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. We arefree that evening, I think. But I will telephone my wife and ask her. Maybe shewill go somewhere else that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to the other room and telephoned.When he came back, he looked very s orry. “What is the matter?” Asked Mr. Jones.“Did you speak to your wife?” “No,” Answered Mr. Brown, “She wasn't there.My little son answered the telephone. I said to him “Is your mother there, David?”And he answered, “No, she's not in the house.”“ Wher e is she then?” I asked. “Sheis somewhere outside.” “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.” (1)A small party will be held(举行) at Mr. Brown's house. (2)Mr. Jones asked Mr. and Mrs. Brown to the party. (3)The telephone was in the same office. (4)Mr. Brown spoke to Mrs. Brown on the phone. (5)Why(为什么) was Mrs. Brownlooking for David? Because she thought(想) David was playing somewhere outside. 【答案】(1)0 (2)1 (3)0 (4)0 (5)1 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要讲述布朗先生受到邀请,给妻子打电话征求意见的情景。 (1)根据One day Mr. Jone s said to Mr. Brown, “we are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening.知,在约翰先生家里句型聚会,故答案为错误。 (2)根据Would you and your wife like to join us?”知约翰先生邀请布朗夫妇参加聚会,故答案为正确。 (3)根据 So Mr. Brown went to the other room and telephoned.知电话在另一个房间,故答案为错误。 (4)根据 My little son answered the telephone.知,是布朗先生的儿子接电话,不是布朗夫人,故答案为错误。 (5)根据根据文章大意知,布朗夫人认为儿子在外面玩,所以去寻找,故答案为正确。【点评】考查阅读理解,浏览文章大意,理解问题意思,根据问题在原文寻找原句,选择答案。


Unit 1 part one Angel at Work Ⅰ Reading for information 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A Ⅲ Summary 1.to transcribe his Sunday speeches /too much to handle 2.out of the blue/ share the inspiration 3.deliver the tape personally/the mystery of the arrangement 4.personal contact/spastic 5.asked for reward/full and dedicated Unit 2 part one My Miraculous Life Ⅰ Reading for information 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6 C Unit 3 part one A Thief Ⅰ Reading for information 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C.A 5.B 6 C Ⅲ Summary 1.the ticket counter/a leather coat 2.a cocktail bar/catches sight of a blonde girl/a Travellers Aid counter 3. a magazine/becomes aware of/jostling/blushes

4. lifted/back pocket 5. a front window/hand her over 6. wrong/bolts 7. has stolen Unit 4 part one Escape Artists Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.publishing/overseen 2.procrastinator/affected https://www.360docs.net/doc/943552525.html,ziness/desire/consistently/delay 4.funishes/reinforcing/subscribe 5.mismatch/sophisticated 6.solution/deploying/management Unit 5 part one For Big Bruno, a Man We Can Look Up to Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.hard work/pay off 2.Big Bruno/strong in stature/a gentle spirit 3.most patient/slow to get angry/a heart of gold


最新小学小升初英语阅读理解及答案【解析】 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。 Jane is only four and doesn't go to school. But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher. One day, Jane's mother, Mrs. John takes her to a party. The guests all praise a rich woman's boy. Mrs. John asks him a few questions, but all his answers are wrong. Jane begins to laugh(嘲笑) at him. The rich woman is angry. She tells her friend—a teacher to ask Jane some questions, but the girl's answers are all right. Then she asks, "There are 3 birds in a tree. How many will be left if I kill (杀死) one?" “One.” Answers Jane. “You're wrong!” Calls out the rich woman. “All of them will fly away!” “Do you think a dead bird can fly?” Asks the little girl. The guests begin to laugh and the woman's face turns red. (1)Jane learns a lot from her_________. A. grandpa B. teacher C. grandma D. mother (2)How many teachers are there in the story? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four (3)Who is clever? A. Mrs. John B. The rich woman C. Jane D. The boy (4)Jane is a ______________. A. boy B. school boy C. girl D. school girl (5)Why is the rich woman angry with Jane? A. Jane laughs at her son. B. Jane is a girl. C. Her son can't answer the questions. D. Jane answers all the questions. 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)A 【解析】【分析】大意:短文介绍了从来没有上学的4岁女孩简的故事。 (1)根据But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher. 可知简从她的爷爷那里学到了很多,故答案为A. (2)根据But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher. 和She tells her friend—a teacher to ask Jane some questions可知在故事中有两个老师,故答案为B. (3)根据But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa — an old teacher.可知简是最


上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷 阅读部分 F. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12分) 08年 English is an important international language, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn. Many experts have tried to make English easier to learn —but they weren’t always successful. In 1930, Professor C.K. Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English. It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages, but they couldn’t understand the answers in ‘real’ English! It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn’t in the Basic English word list. R.E. Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, so he invented a language with the name Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with much simpler spelling. ‘Father’ became ‘faadher’, ‘new’ became ‘nue’ and ‘years’ became ‘yeerz’. Unluckily, Anglic never became p opular. In the age of international communication through the Internet, who knows what will happen? ... a new form of English might appear. A large


小升初英语阅读理解 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

八.阅读理解:正确的“√”表示,错误的“×”表示 A: Yang Ling ,what did you do last Sunday? B: I visited Liu Tao’s grandparents. A: Where do they live? B:They Live in a small town near Nanjing .They have a really nice house. I went there with Su Hai ,Su Yang , Gao Shan, Liu Tao and Ben. They were very glad to see us. Liu Tao’s grandpa showed us a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked us nice lunch. We liked the food very much. A: What did you do there? B: In the morning, we cleaned their afternoon. We worked in their garden. SuHai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers . Liu Tao and Gao Shan picked and I planted some trees. We worked for about two hours (小时) A: Were you tired? B: No! I like working in the garden. We had a really good time. A: Great ! I’d like to visit them ,too. 判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示 ( )①Wang Bing and Yang Ling visited Liu Tao’s grandparents last Sunday. ( )②On the farm ,Yang Ling planted trees. ( )③Liu Tao’s grandma cooked a nice lunch. ( )④Yang Ling and Su Hai planted flowers. ( )⑤They worked on the farm for about two hours 六、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) It's Sunday morning. The students of Class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning. Miss Huang, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water; some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. Zhang Hua is putting up a map on the wall. It is a map of China. Wang Fei and Wei Qing are mending some broken chairs. The children are listening to the radio while they are working. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy. They go home for lunch at noon.


【英语】英语中考英语阅读理解及答案1 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 What do you see when you look at abstract (抽象的)art? Can you understand it? Does it look like anything? Abstract art became popular in the early 20th century. Artists did not want to paint, draw, or sculpt things exactly like they looked. They didn't want their art to be realistic(现实的). They were more interested in basic shapes and colours. Picasso is probably the most famous of these artists. He painted and drew in many, many styles. Sometimes he used a lot of blue colours (his "blue period"). Later, he used more red and pink colours (his "rose period"). Many of his other paintings are called "cubist (立体派的)" because they are made of painted squares. After a long time, Picasso's paintings became more and more abstract. He painted people and things using strange shapes. His work was so strange that many of his workmates didn't understand it. Kandinsky, another famous artist, used lines, shapes, and patterns to paint his subjects. His paintings also used strong colours to express feelings. Other artists like the surrealists (超现实主义画家),were interested in subconsciousness (潜意识). Painters like Breton and Magritte used many symbols in their work. The meaning or subject of their work wasn't always clear. Dali, another surrealist artist, painted pictures that looked like dreams. There are still many abstract artists around the world. That's the way many artists prefer. They want each person to look at art and find their own meaning in it. (1)Which would be most like abstract art? A. A painting of a house. B. A sculpture of a car. C. A drawing of two people in a coffee house. D. A red and blue painting, with no clear subject. (2)What happened to Picasso's work after a long time? A. It became more abstract. B. It became less strange. C. He went from using red colours to using blue colours. D. He only painted with coloured squares. (3)How did Kandinsky express feelings? A. By using strong colours. B. By painting realistic people. C. By painting with a lot of symbols. D. By painting in red and pink colours. (4)Which of the following is NOT true? A. Picasso painted in many different styles. B. Dali was interested in dreams. C. Abstract artists feel each work of art only has one meaning. D. Magritte's art was full of symbols.

大学英语阅读教程答案 第1册

to Exercises Key to Exercises Lesson1 https://www.360docs.net/doc/943552525.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.B 5.A 6.C7.B8.B 3.(1)shield(2)playing(3)shield(4)personal(5)social (6)political(7)family(8)colleagues(9)stimulate 4.(1)blackboard(2)unconscious(3)time (4)ancestors(5)parents(6)reinvent B.Reading Strategies 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B10.A Lesson2 https://www.360docs.net/doc/943552525.html,prehension Check 1.A 3.C 4.B 5.A7.C8.B 2.(1)defines(2)failures(3)successful(4)beliefs 6.(1)picture(2)performing(3)replace(4)self-image (5)line(6)potential(7)short-change(8)better B.Reading Strategies 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C10.A Lesson3 https://www.360docs.net/doc/943552525.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.A 3.B 5.A 6.B7.B8.A 4.(1)cultivate(2)granted(3)investigate(4)explore (5)major(6)exploration B.Reading Strategies 1.normalized 2.membership 3.threatening 4.publication 5.novelists 6.persuasion 7.personality 8.pressure 9.reluctance10.justify Lesson4 https://www.360docs.net/doc/943552525.html,prehension Check 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 1.(1)crush(2)Brazil(3)intelligent(4)knockout B.Reading Strategies 1.distinguishable 2.psychological 3.effective 4.insistent 5.various 6.skinny 7.delightful 8.gloriously 9.financial10.amazing
