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Cold womb reflects five aspects to reflect

This article review: cold, evidently that was the cold, in the medicine wrought out in the cold, there are many causes of cold and cold damage, here are some embodiment of cold.
Cold reflection of how cold and h

ow cold a woman schedule

In gynecological diseases and cold womb infertility in Gynecology accounted for more than half, a lot of women are more or less being puzzled by the cold womb. In particular, what's cold womb realized? Cold womb impact on women is very extensive, detailed in a woman's menstrual period, pregnancy, lactation and other diseases have many different embodiment and embodiment.

1, holidays

Cold womb lead to the false anomaly reflects the holiday less delays, false-color black blood clots, menopause, serious swelling during menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and so on.

2, pregnancy

Warning abortion and habitual abortion, ectopic pregnancy, and so on.

3, lactation

Postpartum abdominal pain, Lochia freak not.

4, gynecological miscellaneous diseases

Endometrium ectopia, vaginitis, chronic pelvic pain, difficult pregnancy, and so on.

5, other

Hands and feet cold, fat, belly cold sore, sore waist cool, indifferent of sexual desire.

This embodies a lot of women may be cold, usually pay more attention to cold warm, eating more Yang-warming food. If case you need to seek professional Chinese medicine gives scheduling and treatment plans.

When finds a cold womb, in addition to timely treatment, can also try the following several ways:

(1) eat warm food. If your House is congenital Constitution of cold, you should eat more Qi-invigorating warm up food, such as walnuts, dates, peanuts, congenital lack of high energy to make up the day after tomorrow, and don't have to worry to get angry, because cold Constitution attributed to lack of anger, not briefly rendering fire much the embodiment of heat.

(2) adhere to put away. Usually can still put a pregnant woman, especially in the gravel roads, can affect the foot of meridians and acupuncture points to dredge channels, regulating Qi and blood, improving blood circulation and get warm.

(3) sport and exercise is completed to keep warm, especially after sweating, pores open, evil briefly take advantage of cold evil if uterus confused, flesh with cold condensation, cold expression.

Resist cold to try a few home remedies

1, and black-bone chicken

Composition: black-boned chicken 1. Chinese angelica, Astragalus root, Poria cocos 9 grams each.

Directions: wash the chicken. Offal miscellaneous. Chicken with herbs into the suture. Clay pot cooking. Go to the dregs. After participating in the seasoning meat with soup. Served 2-3 times. L agents every day before the holidays. Even served by 3-5 times.

Effect of strengthening the spleen and heart. Benefiting Qi and nourishing blood. Applied to period caused by lack of blood too small. -Weak. Dizzy. Palpitations Zheng Zhong. Sallow complexion. Shaofu unoccupied. Pink tongue. Pulse.

2, roast mutton

Composition: lamb 500 gram. Chinese angelica root, rehmannia root 15 grams each. Ginger 10 g.

Directions: wash the lamb. Slices. Put in casserole. Wash into medicine, rice wine and soy sauce, salt,

sugar. Water is appropriate. Roast until meat is tender. Uniforms.

Effect of temperature in the tonic. Invigorating Qi and blood. Apply deficiency caused by the amount of holidays. Color light quality deficiency. Lustreless. God fatigue shortness of breath. Lazy statement. Pale tongue. Pulse-weak weak.

3, and biochemical and honey cream

Composition: Angelica motherwort 30 grams of ligusticum chuanxiong Hort semen persicae Dan 10 g baked ginger 5 grams of licorice white honey 50 ml.

Usage: the first seven 500 ml with water. Boil 300 ml. To slag. White honey extract. Each serving 30 ml. 3 times a day.

Effect of blood-activating and stasis. Temperature regulating menstruation. Period applicable to blood stasis caused by too little. Color Purple-black. Blood clots. Small abdominal distension and pain rejected. Tongue: normal or dark purple. Or there petechiae. Pulse string and touching.

4, hen Ai Yetang

Composition: old hens 1. Leaves 15 g.

Directions: wash the hens. Slices. With Ai Yeyi with soup. Points 2-3 times. Holidays and even served 2-3 agents.

Effect of tonifying Qi and blood. Spleen strychnine. Apply weakness cannot control blood caused by too many holidays. Palpitations Zheng Zhong. Insomnia more than a dream. Little stomach cold and pain. Pale tongue with pulse.

Cold how to schedule?

Usually eat air warm up food, such as walnuts, dates, peanuts, https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, can make up for a lack of innate makes these high energy. Cold Constitution is the lack of anger, or briefly rendering fire hot expression. Period cramps every three days before drinking a glass of sugar water, add the displacement of the body, promoting drainage of blood, warm brown sugar live blood.

Cold most of the women were in favor of the quiet calm, sports Curt feels tired,https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, but proper exercise to Sheng Yang and cold nature of demand especially after exercise to improve fitness. Lunges are one of the most simple approach to fitness, especially on gravel roads, to very good effect foot meridians and acupuncture points, clear channel, regulating Qi and blood, improving blood circulation of the body, let your body warm all over.

Moxibustion with Moxa,https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, 1.5-inch air-sea in the middle of https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, the belly button straight https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, points as well as 3 inches under the navel Center guanyuan, with Moxa smoked every day for 30 minutes. Astragalus, jujube, between water decoction of Angelica sinensis, and Qi both Qi and blood of the blood, regulating body, and can remove the same cold.

In an air-conditioned environment, best to ready a coat or shawl, covered https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, to the waist https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, is not cold, wear skirts at the Cape to protect his legs, especially the knees. Don't sit there in the summer chill Chair, such as Earth, stone and iron surface of the Chair, coldness and heat fast, evil agile defeated Yang directly invades the body of the uterus.

To drink a https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, cu

p of ginger tea before meals,https://www.360docs.net/doc/948924958.html, slice ginger, boiled, drink, ginger can automatically resolve the cold foods cold foods cold. After cold, such as rain, wet issue when, later are sure to have a bowl of cold soup, 7 pieces of ginger in the 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, Cook for 10 minutes, drink one or two times, drove the body cold.
