



Questions 1 - 8

· Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page.

· Which passage does each sentence refer to?

· For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet.

· You will need to use some of these letters more than once.


He has developed his own company to promote his work.

0 A B C D E

1 Others in his field think very highly of him.

2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world.

3 He felt that people should be able to enjoy their work.

4 His ideas are more complex than they seem.

5 He did a variety of interesting things before writing his books.

6 His most successful book was written with a colleague.

7 He is particularly skilled at forecasting important developments.

8 Contact with the military was an early influence on his thinking.

A John Adair

Adair is the pioneering British thinker in the theory of leadership. He was the first person in the UK to hold a professorship in Business Leadership and has published a series of influential books on the subject.

Despite his quiet appearance, Adair has had a colourful life, serving in a Bedouin

regiment and working on an Arctic fishing boat! His initial interest in leadership came from his army experience and he used to lecture at the highly prestigious academy where British army offices are trained. He now works as an international consultant.

B Edward de Bono

De Bono is unusual among major gurus for two reasons: firstly, he was born not in one of the GREat industrial nations but on the tiny island of Malta. Secondly, his ideas have reached a wider audience than just managers, so that his books have BECome essential rending in many different disciplines.

Most of de Bono s work has been concerned with the way human beings can train themselves to think more creatively. This apparently simple idea has resulted in 37 books and a highly successful career as a lecturer and consultant.

C Peter Drucker

Probably no other single thinker has done as much as Drucker to establish management as a serious area of study. Certainly, his fellow management thinkers consider him one of the founding fathers of the discipline, and his books and articles are quoted more than those of any other management writer.

His first book was published as far back as 1939, yet he is still writing and teaching. His greatest distinction has been his ability to predict coming trends in business and economics. As a result, his ideas are treated with the greatest respect and interest.

D Frederick Herzberg

Although relatively few contemporary management students will have read his books, Herzberg s name is instantly recognisable to anyone who has studied industrial organisations. This is because the American psychologist was responsible for

introducing the concept of motivation into management thinking.

As a young man, Herzberg became deeply interested in mental illness and the human need for mental and emotional satisfaction. This led him to criticise the approach of many companies to job design, and to argue for the need for job enrichment to stimulate employees efforts.

E Tom Peters

The American s reputation was created in the I 980s by the spectacular success of one book, In Search of Excellence, co-written with Robert Waterman. The two were working together as management consultants and no-one expected their first (and only) book to end up selling 5 million copies worldwide!

Although his ideas have been criticised, Peters popularity as a speaker and writer has continued to grow. So much so that Peters has created his own business to market books, videos and consultancy based on his work.


新剑桥商务英语高级习题 答案 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.

English for Business Studies Key to Unit 01: The three sectors of the economy This unit covers a lot of basic vocabulary concerning developed economies much of it in an extract from a well-known British novel. It also discusses the evolution of the economy of most of the older industrialized countries, with the decline of manufacturing industry and its replacement by services. There is an extract from a magazine interview with an economist and an interview with a British Member of Parliament on this issue. 1a Vocabulary p09 Identify the most prominent features in this photograph, which illustrates various important elements of the infrastructure of a modern industrialized country. The photo clearly shows a large factory (the Unilever factory in Warrington, England) in the center, with more factories, industrial units, or warehouses in the top right-hand corner. The large factory seems to include some office buildings. Also visible are agricultural land (in the background; the land in the foreground doesn’t appear to be cultivated), a river, a railway and several roads, and housing, perhaps with a school in the center of the housing estate top left. 1b Reading p10 What is the key point that this extract is making about economies? The text suggests that most people take for granted the amazing complexity of the economic infrastructure. 1c Comprehension p11 lines 4-7, Robyn sees examples of all three. What are they? Tiny fields (the primary sector), factories (the secondary sector), and railways, motorways, shops, offices, and schools (the tertiary sector). long sentence from lines 12-28 lists a large number of operations belonging to the different sectors of the economy. Classify the 18 activities from the passage Primary sector: digging iron ore, mining coal. Secondary sector: assembling, building, cutting metal, laying cables, milling metal, smelting iron, welding metal. Tertiary sector: advertising products, calculating prices, distributing added value, maintenance, marketing products, packaging products, pumping oil, transportation. you think of three important activities to add to each list (not necessarily in relation to the kettle) Primary sector: farming (agriculture), fishing and forestry Secondary sector: manufacturing, transforming and processing Tertiary sector: financing, designing, retailing


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BEC商务英语高级真题及答案(5) In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected to see in their entire working lives having to communicate information which often leads to feelings of insecurity has become a key activity. From being regarded as relatively unimportant in many companies , management employee communication has become a central corporate need. Concordia International provides a good example of a company that has adjusted well to the changing needs for communication . since 1995 , Concordia has been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing –led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers and competitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things were done in the past. In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than 80.000 people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing anticipated. From being an engineering company, Concordia is now remaking itself as a service company. The role of employee communication in such a context is to build people’s self-confidence, to persuade them that, although it is inevitable that the changes will go ahead, they also bring with them new opportunities for employees. However, this is not an easy task. People tend to be skeptical of these claims and to feel that they are losing touch with the company they have worked for over many years. This is understandable, since many of the old certainties are being swept away , including the core activities of the company they work for. Above all , they have had to face up to the fact that they no longer have a job for life. Research indicates that people respond to this predicament in a variety of ways. The bulk of employees fall into two main categories in terms of their response to the

剑桥商务英语(BEC Vantage中高级)考试

剑桥商务英语(BEC Vantage中高级)考试 考生须知 暨大BEC考点编号:CN168 剑桥商务英语(中高级)考试于5月28日进行,为使考试工作顺畅,请考生认真阅读以下事项。 一、笔试 1、考场设在华南师范大学增城学院内。按自己的考号当天提前到达相应考场,对号入座。 特别提醒:请考生务必在考前登陆暨南大学BEC报名网站查询并记下自己的准考证号,以免走错考场。准考证在5月28日上午笔试考试开始前发给考生。 2、请带身份证(或护照)入场,带钢笔、铅笔和橡皮擦参加考试。(写作用钢笔或圆珠笔,其余只能用铅笔)。 3、考生8:35开始进入考场,9:00开考,开考45分钟后才允许交卷,考试结束后待考场监考人员清点试卷, 答题卡无误后方可离开考场。 4、注意检查准考证信息是否有错,有错的请在当天笔试前以书面形式报告监考人员,请注明考生姓名(中、 英文)、准考证号、身份证号码,指出错误,写明正确信息项。 5、考生必须将所有答案按规定格式和要求答卷,要求大写答题的一定要大写,否则答题无效,(听力考试部 分考生可先将答案写在试卷上,最后在规定的时间内填涂在答题卡上)。答案的字迹应清楚整齐,以免因字体潦草影响阅卷。 二、口试 1、时间、地点:口试分两天进行 5月28日下午13:30开始, 考室:C205、C206、C207 5月29日下午14:30开始, 考室:C205、C206、C207 ※C203作为口试选手休息室 ※C204作为口试选手报到室 ※C205、C206、C207作为口试考室 报到时间具体安排如下: 5月28日下午(6067-6153) 5月29日下午(6154-6220)


2020年BEC剑桥商务英语高级阅读试题及答案(卷二) Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation . 1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities. 2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with 3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items 4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another 5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future 6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months 7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future 8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held belief A Chemical Company Masterson’s interim pre-tax profits growth of 20% was somewhat inflated as a result of the income received from the disposal of several of the company’s subsidiaries. The underlying 8% rise in operating profits is a more realistic gauge of the company’s true progress. However,


5.1Money and finance VOCABULARY Money expressions 1How do you interpret this quotation? ‘Money often costs too much.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essayist 2Complete these flow charts. Use the words in the box. 1 borrow money→________ mone y→pay back money 2 _______ mone y→charge interes t→make a profit 3 order goods→be _______ for the goods→pay for the goods 4 _______ money on a horse→win mone y→collect your winnings 5 _______ money in shares→earn interes t→buy more shares 6 go to the bank→________ some mone y→spend the money 7 put your car up for sal e→receive an offe r→_______ a deal 8 find a car you want to buy→negotiate a discount→________ money 9 _______ business→make a profit→reinvest the profit 10 be short of money→take out a loa n→_______ the loan 3What’s the difference between the following? 1 win money and earn money 2lend and borrow money 3 spend and waste money 4 costs and is worth£300 SPEAKING A bank loan 4Work with a partner. Take the roles of bank manager and loan applicant and act out the conversation. Look at the notes and plan what you are going to say.


Module 8 8.1 being responsible V ocabulary environment problems 1 in which of the following areas are you environmentally conscious? What things do you do which are not so environmentally friendly? Give examples. Action with impact on the friendly less friendly environment 1 saving energy I use low-energy light bulbs. 2 using public transport 3 limiting how much you fly 4 conserving water 5 recycling waste 6 purchasing green products 7 supporting local shops and Businesses 2 which of these environment problems: A are natural? B are man-made? C could be either? Earthquakes oil spills at sea nuclear radiation leaks hurricanes landslides smog declining fish stocks drought extinction of different species Flooding chemical explosions volcanic eruptions 3 which of these problems has your country experienced in recent years? How were they handled? What precautions have been taken against future occurrences? Reading 4 of these groups in society, who can do most to combat pollution nd climate change? A individual consumers B large companies C governments 5 below is an extract from the little earth book suggesting a possible way to control man-made pollution. Read the text quickly. Which of these sentences do you think the author would agree with? A Americans pollute more because they produce more of the world?s wealth. B the USA?s pursuit of wealth is damaging the planet for everyone else. C there are more important problems than damage to the environment. D damage to the environment is the most important problem in the world tody. E we can solve the problem if we all do something to help in our own lives. F this problem requires concerted action from governments and international organisations. Trading pollution quotas

新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版 第Module7-Module 8

7.1 Strengths and weaknesses (page 67) 1I admire my boss a lot. He’s very capable;he knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty,not like some managers who think they’re above it all. The one problem is that he takes on too much. I don’t think it’s because he doesn’t trust us to do a good job--it’s because he likes to be involved in everything. He ‘s a bit of control freak. The result is that he spreads himself very thin, when he could hand more work out to others, and he’s often overloaded and stressed. 2 Cheryl’s not particularly brilliant, but she knows that. She knows her own limitations, which is certainly one of her strengths. In fact, I don’t think you have to be particularly bright to be a manager-- that’s more a quality you need in a leader. A manager’s job is to bring order to the workplace and the team, so that people are clear about what they should be doing and when they should be doing it. Cheryl is very good at getting everyone working in the most efficient way and that makes our working environment much less stressful. 3 He’s not an easy guy to work for. He has very high expectations of his staff and he can be rude and too direct. Sensitivity is not his strong point. He often puts you on the spot: ‘What makes you think this will work?’‘Have you thought about the cost of this?’and so on . You have to be prepared to justify your actions a lot. Some people can’t stand being challenged like this all the time, but you can’t deny that he gets the most out of his staff. People do perform. 4 There are people who listen to what you are saying, and people who hear what you are saying. Paul is one of the former. He does try to listen to other people’s ideas, but his mind has often moved onto the next thing, and he doesn’t take on board what you’re saying. It’s the same thing when he’s expressing his own ideas and wishes. He kind of takes it for granted that everyone has reached the same point in their thinking that he has, when often they’re still two or three steps behind. Don’t get me wrong, he’s very nice guy--kind and clever, and he has lots of great ideas and vision for the company--but because of these communication difficulties, he can be very frustrating to work for. 5 The financial rewards in our company are not so huge, but in spite of that, in my team we all stay very motivated because our boss really appreciates our work. She’s actually very protective of her own people. She gives us a lot of praise. Other people in the company say she’s a maverick, a kind of a loner. They say she’s difficult to get on with and doesn’t really have the company’s interests at heart. But I wouldn’t known about that really, because it’s not the side of her that we see. What we get is 100% loyalty and encouragement.


The art of selling Selling 1What do these quotations suggest are the qualities of a successful salesmen? ‘Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.’ 'People don't buy for logical reason. They buy for emotional reasons.' 'Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street’. 'People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.' ‘The complaining customer represent a huge opportunity for more business.' Zig Ziglar , author of Secrets of Closing the Sale 2Have you ever sold anything? Do you consider yourself to be good at selling? Why?/Why not? 3Complete this short article about the importance of selling using the words given below. There is so much competition in the market place today, particularly (0) price competition, that it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a (1)___selling point or a (2)___advantage with which to convince the customer. Instead he has to rely on using (3)___ benefits and/or giving (4)___value to the customer through (5) ___service. This makes the job of the seller all the more Important. What he has to do is identify the real decision (6)___in the buying process and then act quickly on a buying signal. A buying signal la when the (7)__customer gives a sign to the seller that he is open to being sold the product or service. 4Look at these statements by different prospective buyers of a car. Imagine you are the sales person at a car dealer's dealing with them. What would you say or do next to try to close the sale. 1 'I really like the car, but it's a bit outside my budget’. 2 It's got everything I want, but silver is not the colo r I had in mind’. 3 I’m really confused about all these ext ra options - I just wanted to buy a car, not a spaceship!' 4 'Thank you for your time. I'm going to go away and think about it’. 5 'I've always had VW, I don't know if this car suits my image.' Sales techniques


剑桥商务英语高级真题阅读 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理一下剑桥BEC商务英语考试高级真题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3):阅读真题一 ·Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page. · Which passage does each sentence refer to? · For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet. · You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Example: He has developed his own company to promote his work. 0 A B C D E 1 Others in his field think very highly of him. 2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world. 3 He felt that people should be able to enjoy their work. 4 His ideas are more complex than they seem. 5 He did a variety of interesting things before writing his books. 6 His most successful book was written with a colleague. 7 He is particularly skilled at forecasting important developments.


商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读真题及答案题目 PART ONE Questions 1 – 8 Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies onλ the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services. Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?λ For each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answerλ Sheet . You will need to use some of these letters more than once .λ Example : 0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation . 0 A B C D E 1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities. 2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with 3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items 4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another 5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future 6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months 7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future 8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held belief A


Unit 1a Work Roles Reading 1 什么是定工制 定工制是一种设定工作岗位,发展员工能力,以适应不断变化的工作性质的先进手段。通过使用工作色牌,公司可以确定关键任务所规定要求的具体责任范围,形成员工的工作责职描述。定工制替代通常静止不变的岗位说明书,它是一种更加灵活多变的短期简要工作布置。 员工领会了经理的简要工作布置后,即可应用它作为实施工作任务的参照标准。然后,通过反馈和检查程序,使经理能及时跟踪员工的实际工作状况,提供机会共同评估业绩,重新调整工作并决定员工的个人事业发展需求。 蓝色工作牌指的是员工必须按照事先确定的工作方式依照规定标准完成的任务。例如:按规格制作工程零件。 黄色工作牌指的是完成一个目标个人所要承当的责任。例如:自行实施能够降低成本15%的各种做法。 核心工作色牌 绿色工作牌指的是根据他人的反应和需求完成内容不同的任务。例如:在酒店入住高峰期间帮助服务经理。 桔黄色工作牌指的是完成一个目标需要集体共同分担责任,而并非是一个人的责任。例如:向管理团队出谋献策。 需要员工反馈的工作色牌 灰色工作牌指的是某一项工作中偶然产生的任务,包括对应临时发生的情况。例如:被叫去接待客户。 白色工作牌指的是在该员工正常工作之外对改善工作有利的任何一项创新性工作。例如:修改统一客户服务函件。 粉红色工作牌指的是没有特殊任务目的,只需要员工在场的工作。比如:参加一个既不用学习也不需提出决策的没有新意的会议。 Reading 2 关于举办提高团队领导效率研讨班的报告 本报告的宗旨是总结最近在艾斯特朗工程公司举办的团队领导研讨班出现的问题,并提出妥当的解决措施。 调查结果 该研讨班首先对艾斯特朗公司团队领导如何理解自己的职责进行了考核评估,大家看法各不相同,有的认为自己的职责是分配和检查他人工作,有的认为自己的职责是激励他人完成工作。这种差异明显表明这些团队领导对其职责有不同的理解。因此,艾斯特朗公司需要更加明确清晰地向团队领导传递公司对他们的期望要求。 为了达到这一目标,艾斯特朗公司确定了关键任务,使用定工色牌来说明分配给每个人的确切职责。例如:与团队成员沟通这一任务可以通过以下几种途径达到: ?每天早晨我给员工指令(蓝色工作色牌); ?我让员工自己决定最佳工作方式(黄色工作色牌); ?团队与我共同讨论如何完成工作(橘黄色工作色牌)。 确定了完成各项主要任务可能采取的不同途径后,公司便可选择最合适的一种,将其对技能、行为的要求和期望与团队进行沟通传递。 结论 显然,艾斯特朗公司需要保证其团队领导层有能力按照公司的期望完成关键任务。虽然相应技能可以通过公司内部的培训获得,但是,改变行为特性却困难得多。 建议 因此,我们强烈建议,艾斯特朗公司建立考核中心,对现有团队领导和新的竞聘者进行审查筛选,以确保他们具
