

第35卷第!期机 电工程V)35 N o.3

2018 年!月Journal o f M echanical &E le c tric a l E ngine erin g M ar. 2018

D O I;10.3969/j.is s n. 1001-4551.2018.03.014






于轮廓H u不变矩快速模板匹配算法的单目视觉抓取系统。首先将摄像机获取的图像进行了预处理,然后利用轮廓H u不变矩模


S O C K E T通信将求取的位姿发送给了机械臂控制系统引导机械臂的抓取。基于V S软件开发平台和A B B机械手,对智能抓取系统




中图分类号:T H39;T P242文献标志码:A文章编号:1001 -4551 (2018 )03-0283-05 Intelligent grasping system for industrial robot basedonmonocular vision

ZHANG Chi, LIAO Hua-li, ZHOU Jun

(C o lle g e o f M e c h a n ic a l a n d E l e c t r i c a l,H o h a i U n iv e r s it y,C h a n g z h o u213022,C h in a)

A b s tr a c t ;A im in g at tlie problem th a t an in d u s tria l robot how to q u ic k ly and autonom ously id e n ti der m u lti-ta rg e t c o n d itio n s,m onocular visio n was a p plied to the design o f an in te llig e n t grasf)ing system fo r in d u s tria l robots. In order to

lis h the re la tio n sh ip between t he visual image and the w orkpiece p o sitio ning and g ra p p in g,the p—tern re c o g n itio n,de tection and locatio n u-

sing images were s tu d ie d,and a m onocular visio n capture system based on contour H u in v a ria n t moments fast tem pl was proposed. F ir s tly,the image data collected fro m the cam era should be preprocessed,then the target was id e n tifie d b y

h ing m etliod based o n the contour H u in v a ria n t m o m e n t,and the p o sitio n o f the target w orkpiece was obtained by using the contour mom ent

and the p rin c ip le o f second-order m om ent o f in e rtia. F in a lly,through the establishm ent o f S O C K E T c o m m u n ic a tio n,sent to the m a n ip u la to r con trol system to guide the m a n ip u la to r to grasp. Based on VS software developm ent p la tfo rm a n d A B B r o b o t,the in-

te llig e n t grasping system w as b u ilt and test. The results in d ica te that the in d u s tria l robot in te llig e n t grasping system based on m onocular vision

has low c o s t,high p o sitio n in g accuracy a nd meets the needs o f in d u s tria l autom ation productio n.

K e y w o r d s;m onocular v is io n;in d u s tria l ro b o t;image processing;tem plate m a tc h in g;pose detection

收稿日期=2017 -07-04


作者简介:张驰(1992-),男,江苏宿迁人,硕士研究生,主要从事机器视觉方面的研究。E-m a il:1481178975@qq:〇m

通信联系人:周军,男,教授。E-m a il:zh j+6171@163:om
