英文版微观经济学复习提纲Chapter 4. Elasticity

英文版微观经济学复习提纲Chapter 4. Elasticity
英文版微观经济学复习提纲Chapter 4. Elasticity


Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand

and Supply

Chapter Summary

Elasticity measures how one variable responds to changes in another variable. The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to changes in its price. Price elasticity of demand is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity demanded by the percentage change in the product’s price. Demand is elastic when the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price. Demand is inelastic when the percentage change in quantity demanded is less than the percentage change in price. Demand is unit elastic when the percentage change in quantity demanded is exactly equal to the percentage change in price.

Demand curves still slope downward. That means any increase in price (a positive change) will cause a decrease in quantity demanded (a negative change). Dividing a negative number by a positive number always equals a negative number. Price elasticity of demand is always negative. Since all economists know this, we often don’t bother writing the minus sign. If you ever encounter a price elasticity of demand that is positive, the first thing you should do is write a minus sign in front of the number.

There are five main determinants of the price elasticity of demand for a product. The most important is the availability of close substitutes for the product. The more substitutes for a product the greater the price elasticity of demand. The closer the substitute comes to exactly replacing the original product, the greater the price elasticity of demand. The passage of time is another determinant of elasticity. Demand becomes more elastic as more time passes. Luxuries versus necessities is another determinant. The demand curve for a luxury is more elastic than the demand curve for a necessity. The definition of the market is a fourth determinant. A narrow definition of a market will have a more elastic demand than a broad definition for the same market. Finally, the larger the share of the good in the consumer’s budget the more elastic the demand for that good will be.

Total revenue equals price per unit multiplied by the number of units sold. If demand is elastic when price increases, total revenue decreases, and when price decreases, total revenue increases. (Price and total revenue move in opposite directions.) If demand is inelastic, an increase in price will increase total revenue and a decrease in price will decrease total revenue. (Price and total revenue move in the same direction.)

There are two other measures of elasticity economists often use. The cross price elasticity of demand equals the percentage change in the quantity demanded of one good divided by the percentage change in price of a related good. The sign of the cross-price elasticity is positive for two substitute goods and negative for two complements. The income elasticity of demand equals the percentage change in

Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply51 quantity demanded for a good or service divided by the percentage change in income. The sign of the income elasticity will be positive for a normal good and negative for an inferior good.

The price elasticity of supply equals the percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price. The price elasticity of supply will always be a positive number (or will equal zero if supply is perfectly inelastic). In general, the price elasticity of supply will be greater the longer the period of time firms have to change quantity supplied in response to a price change.

Learning Objectives

When you finish this chapter you should be able to:

1.Define the price elasticity of demand and understand how to calculate it. The price elasticity

of demand for a good is equal to the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price. Economists use percentage changes when measuring the response of quantity demanded to a change in the price of a good because percentage changes are not dependent on units of measurement. Demand is elastic when the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price, so the price elasticity of demand is greater than 1 in absolute value. Demand is inelastic when the percentage change in quantity demanded is less than the percentage change in price, so the price elasticity is less than 1 in absolute value. Demand is unit-elastic when the percentage change in quantity demanded is equal to the percentage change in price, so the price elasticity is equal to 1 in absolute value.

2.Discuss the determinants of the price elasticity of demand. The key determinants of the price

elasticity of demand for a good are the availability of close substitutes for the good, the passage of time, whether the good is a necessity or a luxury, the definition of the market for the good, and the share of good in the consumer’s budget.

3.Understand the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue.

Knowledge of the price elasticity of demand is important because it allows a firm to predict how

a change in the price of a good it sells will affect its total revenue. An increase in price will

decrease total revenue if demand is elastic but will increase total revenue if demand is inelastic.

A decrease in price will increase total revenue if demand is elastic but will decrease total revenue

if demand is inelastic.

4.Define the cross-price elasticity of demand and the income elasticity of demand, and

understand their determinants and how they are calculated. The cross-price elasticity of demand measures the percentage change in the quantity demanded of one good divided by the percentage change in the price of another good. The cross price elasticity will be positive for two products that are substitutes and will be negative for two products that are complements. The income elasticity of demand measures the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a product divided by a percentage change in income. A normal good will have a positive income elasticity while an inferior good will have a negative income elasticity.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9611759998.html,e price elasticity and income elasticity to analyse economic issues. Knowledge of income

elasticity values can be used to predict changes in the demand for products during expansions and recessions. The price elasticity and income elasticity for agricultural products explains why the number of farms and farmers have declined over time. Price and income elasticities are used to analyse the responses of consumers to changes in prices of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and illegal drugs.

52Chapter 4

6.Define the price elasticity of supply, and understand its main determinants and how it is

calculated. The price elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness of firms to changes in the prices of the products they sell. This elasticity is measured by dividing the percentage change in the quantity supplied by the percentage change in the price of a product. The elasticity of supply is affected by the ease or difficulty firms have in altering the use of resources used in production. In general, supply curves will be more elastic the longer the period firms have to respond to price changes.

Chapter Review

Chapter Opener: Do People Care about the Prices of Petrol?

The price of oil (and hence petrol) has risen significantly over the past few years, led by supply constraints (for example, by political instability in Iraq) and demand factors (the rise in consumption in China and India). The effects of this on households in Australia are both direct and indirect. Directly, they have led to higher running costs for cars (particularly larger cars). Many people have few options but to continue to operate their cars. Indirectly, the rise in petrol prices has increased transportation costs, and led to a shift away from driving cars towards public transport. The issue here is that in order to see what effect a price rise may have economic activity, it is necessary to look at how responsive consumers (and producers) are to these changing prices.

Helpful Study Hint

At the end of this chapter, An Inside Look analyses the decision by Telstra, Australia’s largest telecommunications company, not to match price decreases from its rivals in broadband mobile. The rationale is that Telstra believes demand for its product is price inelastic, and hence if it cut its price then total revenue they earn would decrease. Knowledge of price elasticity can be crucial for firms’ profitability. The Price Elasticity of Demand and Its Measurement

The price elasticity of demand is the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price, measured by dividing the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a product by the percentage change in the product’s price. All elasticity formulas are stated as fractions or ratios of two percentage change values. Because of the law of demand, the sign of this price elasticity of demand is always negative. To simplify interpretation, the absolute values of price elasticities are taken so that the negative sign is ignored.

Elastic demand means the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price, so price elasticity is greater than 1 in absolute value. Inelastic demand means the percentage change in quantity demanded is less than the percentage change in price, so price elasticity is less than 1 in absolute value. Unit-elastic demand means the percentage change in quantity demanded is equal to the percentage change in price, so price elasticity is equal to 1 in absolute value.

Because the value of the price elasticity of demand is different for each price and quantity combination, the mid-point formula is used to calculate elasticity values. In this formula the change in quantity that results from a price change, (Q2 – Q1) or ΔQ, is divided by the average of the quantities (Q2 + Q1)/2 to calculate the percentage change in quantity demanded. The percentage change in price is calculated by

Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply53 dividing the change in price, (P2 – P1) or ΔP, by the average of these prices (P2 + P1)/2. The elasticity values obtained with the mid-point formula are the same for either a price increase or price decrease between P2 and P1.

Two extreme cases of elasticity may be observed. A perfectly inelastic demand curve is vertical. If price elasticity of demand is zero, a change in price will not cause quantity demanded to change. A perfectly elastic demand curve is horizontal. If price elasticity of demand is very large (approaching infinity), even the smallest change in price will cause a very large change in quantity demanded (also approaching infinity).

What Determines the Price Elasticity of Demand for a Product?

There are five key determinants of the price elasticity of demand. (1) The availability of substitutes. (2) The passage of time. (3) Whether the product is a necessity or luxury. (4) The definition of the market.

(5) The share of the consumer’s budget accounted for by purchases of the product.

The availability of close substitutes is the most important determinant of price elasticity of demand. In general, the price elasticity of demand for a product will be more elastic the more substitutes there are for the product or the closer the substitutes are to the product. It usually takes time for consumers to adjust their buying habits. The more time that passes, the more elastic the demand for a product becomes. The demand for a luxury is more elastic then the demand for a necessity. The more narrowly the market for a product is defined, the more elastic the demand will be.

54Chapter 4

Helpful Study Hint

It is useful to emphasise two important points. First, each of the five determinants should be considered separately from the others. A product that consumes a small part of a consumer’s budget (this suggests demand would be relatively inelastic) may have several good substitutes (this suggests demand would be relatively elastic). Second, changes in the market price of any product will result in different values for price elasticity. Estimates of the price elasticity of demand, such as those cited in the text for breakfast cereals, utilise market prices for products at a particular time. Different market prices will usually result in different elasticity estimates.

The Relationship between Price Elasticity and Total Revenue

Changes in price and quantity demanded cause changes in the total revenue received by firms. Total revenue is the total amount of funds received by the seller of a good or service, calculated by multiplying price per unit by the number of units sold. This is also total spending on the product by consumers. Changes in total revenue are related to the price elasticity of demand. If demand is elastic, a change in price (increase or decrease) will result in a change in total revenue in the opposite direction. If demand is inelastic, a change in price will result in a change in total revenue in the same direction as the change in price. When demand is unit-elastic, a change in price (increase or decrease) results in no change in total revenue.

Helpful Study Hint

The relationship between elasticity and changes in revenue is very important. Setting and changing the price of a product are among the most important decisions firms make. But firms may not know the elasticity of demand for a product before a pricing decision is made. One way to estimate the elasticity is through a market experiment. Making the Connection 4.2 (page 108) describes how variations in the prices of DVDs can be used to help determine the price elasticity. Problems and Applications #13 at the end of the chapter describes how the elasticity can be inferred from the change in revenue that follows a price change. Other Demand Elasticities

The cross-price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded of one good divided by the percentage change in price of the other good. Since substitutes are products that can be used for the same purpose, an increase in the price of one of the products will lead to an increase in the quantity demanded of the substitute product. Therefore, the cross-price elasticity of demand will be positive. Complements are products that are used together. An increase in the price of a product will lead to a decrease in the quantity demanded of its complement. Therefore, the cross-price elasticity of demand for these goods will be negative.

The income elasticity of demand is a measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in income, measured by the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income. An increase in income leads to an increase in the quantity demanded of a normal good. Therefore, the income elasticity of demand for a normal good is positive. A good is a luxury if the income elasticity is greater than 1. A good is a necessity if the income elasticity is positive but less than 1. A good is inferior if the quantity demanded falls when income increases. Therefore, the income elasticity of demand for an inferior good is negative.

Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply55

Helpful Study Hint

It is important not to confuse one type of elasticity with another. Review the list of the different elasticities in Making the Connection 4.3 (page 111) and be sure you understand what these elasticities imply. Assume that the price elasticity of demand for good X is -2.5. Is good X a normal good? (Answer: One cannot determine whether X is normal or inferior by knowing its price elasticity. The income elasticity of demand for good X gives you this information.)

Using Elasticity to Analyse the Disappearing Family Farm

The demand for many agricultural commodities (for example, wheat) is price inelastic while the income elasticity for these commodities is low (positive but less than one). Technological change has caused large increases in the supply of agricultural commodities over time. Because of the low income elasticity of demand for these commodities, demand has increased much less than supply. This has resulted in decreases in the relative prices of many agricultural commodities. At the same time the technological improvements have meant fewer farmers are needed to produce agricultural commodities.

Helpful Study Hint

The decline in the relative price of agricultural products is an example of how knowledge of elasticity explains an important economic and social issue. Solved Problem 4.3 (Using Price Elasticity to Analyse the Drug Problem, pages 112-113) is another excellent application of elasticity to an economic issue.

The Price Elasticity of Supply

The price elasticity of supply is the responsiveness of the quantity supplied to a price change, measured by dividing the percentage change in the quantity supplied of a product by the percentage change in the product’s price. Because of the law of supply, this elasticity will have a positive numerical value. The longer the time period firms have to respond to a price change, the greater the elasticity of supply.

Helpful Study Hint

Making the Connection 4.4 (pages 114-115) explains how the elasticity of demand and supply affects the price of oil.

56Chapter 4

Solved Problem

Chapter 4 of the textbook includes three Solved Problems that support learning objectives 1 (“Define the price elasticity and understand how to calculate it”), 2 (“Understand the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue”), and 5 (“Use price elasticity to analyse economic issue”). The following is an additional Solved Problem that supports another learning objective from this chapter.

Solved Problem 4.4 Supports Learning Objective 2: Discuss the determinants of the price elasticity of demand.

Hailing a Taxi in a Big City

In New York City (as in most Australian cities), the government sets the fares that taxi drivers can charge. In early 2002, some taxi drivers were upset when Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed a fare increase. One driver was quoted as saying, “I get scared that we will start to lose passengers if rates go up and not gain a cent.”

(a)What was the driver assuming about the price elasticity of demand for taxi rides?

(b)Which of the five determinants of elasticity would be the most important determinant of the price elasticity of demand for taxi rides in New York City?

Solving the Problem

Step 1: Review the chapter material. This problem refers to the determinants of the price elasticity of demand, so you may want to review the section What Determines the Price Elasticity of Demand for a Product? on pages 102-105 of the textbook.

Step 2: Interpret the taxi cab driver’s assumption regarding the price elasticity of demand for taxi rides. The driver asserted that if the price of a cab ride rose, the quantity demanded of rides would fall (“…we will start to lose passengers…”), but that the revenue he would receive from fares would be constant (“…we will…not gain a cent”). Therefore, the driver is assuming demand for cab rides is unit-elastic.

Step 3: Determine which of the determinants of the elasticity of taxi cab rides in New York City is the most important. The most important determinant of the price elasticity of demand is typically the availability of substitutes. On most occasions consumers can choose to travel by subway, bus for-hire or taxi. Some consumers may drive their own automobiles. For many residents and tourists the latter option is impractical or more expensive than the others because of the difficulty and expense associated with finding parking spaces.

Source: Jayson Blair, “Some Taxi Drivers Say a Fare Increase Would Be Bad for Business,” New York Times, February 24, 2002.

Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply57 Self-Test

(Answers are provided at the end of the Self-Test.)

Multiple Choice Questions

1.What do economists use the concept of elasticity for?

a.To explain how producers respond to consumers’ needs.

b.To measure how one economic variable responds to changes in another economic variable.

c.To define the slope of supply and demand curves.

d.All of the abov


2.What is the name given to the responsiveness of the quantity supplied of a good to changes in its


a.Price elasticity of supply.

b.Price elasticity of demand.

c.Income elasticity.

d.Cross-price elasticity.

3.How is the responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price measured?

a.By dividing the percentage change in the product’s price by the percentage change in the

quantity demanded of a product.

b.By multiplying the percentage change in the product’s price by the percentage change in the

quantity demanded of a product.

c.By dividing the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a product by the percentage

change in the product’s price.

d.By multiplying the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a product by the

percentage change in the product’s price.

4.How do economists avoid confusion over units in the computation of elasticity?

a.By using index numbers rather than whole numbers.

b.By using percentage changes rather than simple differences.

c.By using aggregate values rather than single values.

d.By using the same number as the value of the slope of the curv


5.Which of the following is true about the value of price elasticity of demand?

a.The value is always negative.

b.The value is always positive.

c.The value may be positive or negative depending on the value of the slope of the demand


d.The value is positive when the slope is negative and vice versa.

6.What happens when the quantity demanded is responsive to changes in price?

a.The percentage change in quantity demanded will be greater than the percentage change in


b.The percentage change in quantity demanded will be less than the percentage change in price.

c.The percentage change in quantity demanded will be equal to the percentage change in price.

d.The percentage change in quantity demanded will be unrelated to the percentage change in


58Chapter 4

7.Which of the following is true if quantity demanded is not very responsive to price?

a.The percentage change in quantity demanded will be less than the percentage change in price.

b.The price elasticity of demand will be less than 1 in absolute value.

c.Demand is inelastic.

d.All of the abov


8.Refer to the figure below. Starting at point A and assuming that demand is inelastic, what is the

impact of a cut in the price from $30 to $20?

a. A move to point B.

b. A move to point C.

c. A move to either point B or point C.

d.No move at all.

9.Which of the following does the midpoint formula use to compute elasticity?

a.The averages of the initial and final quantity and the initial and final price.

b.The differences between initial and final prices and quantities.

c.The sums of the initial and final prices and quantities.

d.The product of the initial and final prices and quantities.

10.If demand is perfectly elastic, then what is the impact of an increase in price?

a. A decrease in quantity demanded to zero.

b.No change in quantity demanded.

c. A change in quantity demanded exactly equal to the change in price.

d. A very small change in quantity demanded.

11.Which of the following is a true statement?

a.The more substitutes available for a product, the greater the price elasticity of demand.

b.The more time that passes, the more elastic the demand for a product becomes.

c.The demand curve for a luxury is more elastic than the demand curve for a necessity.

d.All of the abov


Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply59

12.The price elasticity for a particular brand of raisin bran is, in absolute value:

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9611759998.html,rger than the elasticity for all family cereals.

b.The same as the elasticity for all family cereals.

c.Smaller than the elasticity for all types of breakfast cereals.

d.Neither larger nor smaller than the elasticity for any other type of cereal.

13.What is total revenue?

a.The total amount of funds a firm receives from selling a good or service.

b.An amount calculated by multiplying price per unit by the number of units sold.

c.An amount affected by changes in price depending on price elasticity of deman


d.All of the abov


14.When demand is price-elastic, what is the relationship between price and total revenue?

a.Move together.

b.Move inversely.

c.Move in unpredictable directions.

d.Don’t move at all.

15.When an increase in the quantity demanded is not large enough to make up for a decrease in price,

total revenue falls. Which graph is more applicable to this statement?

a.The graph on the left.

b.The graph on the right.

c.Both graphs.

d.Neither graph.

16.When is a change in price exactly offset by a proportional change in quantity demanded, leaving

revenue unaffected?


b.When demand is elasti


c.When demand is inelastic.

d.When demand is unitary elastic.

60Chapter 4

17.Fill in the blanks: An increase in the price of a substitute will lead to __________ in quantity

demanded, so the cross-price elasticity of demand will be _________.

a.an increase; positive

b.an increase; negative

c. a decrease; positive

d. a decrease; negative

18.What is the cross-price elasticity of demand for the two products that are unrelated?






19.If the quantity demanded of a good increases as income increases, what is the good (very precisely)


a. A necessity.

b. A luxury.

c. A normal goo


d.An inferior good.

20.What is true about quantity demanded if a good is considered a necessity?

a.It is very responsive to changes in income.

b.It is not very responsive to changes in income.

c.It is unrelated to changes in income.

d.It is always the same regardless of price changes.

Short Answer Questions

1.Imagine you are discussing the cost of books with a friend of yours, who says: “…there is no

difference between $22 and $23…If you want a book in translation from a Czech writer, you are going to buy the book – price is not a factor if you really want it.” If the price of a book is unimportant, what does this imply about the price elasticity of demand for the book?

Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply61 2.Jonny Sanders, a recent economics graduate from university, was hired as a consultant by the

Middletown City Council. A member of the Council proposed lowering fares for public transportation (buses and trains). He reasoned that the lower price would increase both the number of people using public transportation and revenue from fares. The increased revenue would be used to buy new buses. When he estimated price elasticities of demand, Sanders found that the price elasticity of demand for both bus and trolley service was -0.6. What advice should Sanders give the City Council?

3.Assume that economic growth causes incomes to rise in Australia by 5 percent. Use the income

elasticities of demand from Making the Connection 4-3 to estimate the change in the quantities demanded for beer, wine and spirits.

4.Both the West Coast Eagles and Fremantle football clubs play their home games at Subiaco Oval

in Perth. The seating capacity of the oval is around 50,000. Although West Coast games are often sold out, the number of tickets sold to Fremantle games, some concerts and other non-sports events is often less than 50,000. What is the price elasticity of supply for Subiaco Oval?

5. A low income elasticity of demand for wheat is one of the reasons given in the textbook for the

reduction in the number of family farms in Australia. Why is the income elasticity for wheat low? Is wheat an inferior good?

62 Chapter 4

True/False Questions

T F 1.

The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of demand for a product to a change in the product’s price. T F 2.

The demand for all breakfast cereals is more elastic than the demand for a specific brand of cereal. T F 3.

If the demand for a product is elastic, a decrease in price results in an increase in revenue. T F 4.

The cross-price elasticity of demand for two complements is positive. T F 5.

The mid-point formula is used to ensure that there is only one value of the price elasticity of demand between two points on the same demand curve. T F 6.

One reason for the decline in wheat prices from 1950 to 2004 (measured in terms of prices in 2004) is a price elasticity of demand that is less than 1 in absolute value. T F 7.

During recessions, the demand for inferior goods will rise. T F 8.

If the supply for a product is inelastic, an increase in price will increase total revenue. T F 9. A supply curve that is a horizontal line is perfectly elastic.

T F 10. If a product has a unit elastic demand curve, an increase in income does not affect revenue. T F 11. The demand for a good will be more elastic, the larger the share of a good in the average

consumer’s budget.

T F 12. A perfectly elastic demand curve will be a horizontal line.

T F 13. A perfectly inelastic demand curve will have a price elasticity equal to 1 in absolute value. T F 14. A good with an income elasticity of demand equal to 1.2 is a normal good.

T F 15. A good with an income elasticity of demand equal to 1.2 is a luxury good.

Answers to the Self-Test

Multiple-Choice Questions

Question Answer Comment

1 b Economists use the concept of elasticity to measure how one economic variable responds to changes in another economic variable.

2 a The responsiveness of the quantity supplied of a good to changes in its price is called price elasticity of supply.

3 c The responsiveness of the quantity demanded to a change in price, measured by

dividing the percentage change in the quantity demanded of a product by the

percentage change in the product’s price.

4 b Percentage changes are not dependent on units of measurement.

5 a

If we calculate the price elasticity of demand for a price cut, the percentage change in

price will be negative and the percentage change in quantity demanded will be

positive. Similarly, if we calculate the price elasticity of demand for a price increase, the percentage change in price will be positive and the percentage change in quantity

will be negative. Therefore, the price elasticity of demand is always negative.

6 a In other words, the value of elasticity will be greater than one, so the numerator will be greater than the denominator in the elasticity formula.

Elasticity: The Responsiveness of Demand and Supply 63

7 d When the quantity demanded is not very responsive to price, however, the

percentage change in quantity demanded will be less than the percentage change in price, and the price elasticity of demand will be less than 1 in absolute value. In

this case, demand is inelastic.

8 a An inelastic demand curve is relatively steep. Therefore, the drop in price will cause a move along the steeper (or inelastic) demand curve.

9 a The midpoint formula uses the average of the initial and final quantity and the initial and final price to compute elasticity.

10 a Refer to Table 4.1 on page 98 in the textbook.

11 d

All of these statements are correct. Read pages 101-102 in the textbook.

12 a The fewer substitutes available for a product, the greater the price elasticity of

demand. Also, the more narrowly defined a product is, the larger the price

elasticity of demand.

13 d

Total revenue is the total amount of funds a firm receives from selling a good or

service. Total revenue is calculated by multiplying price per unit by the number of units sold.

14 b An increase in price reduces total revenue, and a decrease in price raises total revenue. 15 a This demand curve is inelastic. Refer to Figure 4.2 on page 106 in the textbook.

16 d When demand is unit-elastic, a change in price is exactly offset by a proportional

change in quantity demanded, leaving revenue unaffected. Therefore, when demand is unit elastic, neither a decrease in price nor an increase in price affects


17 a An increase in the price of a substitute will lead to an increase in demand for the substitute product, so the cross-price elasticity of demand will be positive.

18 a If the two products are unrelated, the cross-price elasticity of demand will be zero.

19 c If the demand for a good increases as income increases, then the good is a normal

good. Normal goods are often further subdivided into luxury goods and necessity


20 b A good is a necessity if demand is not very responsive to changes in income, so

that a 10 percent increase in income results in less than a 10 percent increase in

demand. Food and clothing are examples of necessities.

Short Answer Responses

1. If the price of a book really makes no difference to consumers, then the demand curve for the

book would be perfectly inelastic and would be drawn as a vertical line at the quantity demanded. However, this type of demand curve is rare. Not only would there be no decrease in quantity demanded if the price rose above $22, but there would be no increase in quantity demanded if the price decreased below $22. Although price may not matter to some book buyers it is likely that other buyers would respond to price changes.


Sanders should advise the City Council members to not lower price, as this would result in lower revenue from fares. In fact, if the Council wishes to increase revenue the proper course would be to raise fares since demand is inelastic. However, Council members may wish to forego the fare increase for other reasons. It is likely that many lower income residents of Middletown use public transportation and Council members may not wish to place the financial burden of paying for new buses on them.

64Chapter 4

3.To determine the changes in quantity demanded it is necessary to multiply the income elasticity

for these three goods by the percentage change in income. The income elasticities are: beer (-

0.09), wine (5.03) and spirits (1.21). Multiplying these values by 5% (0.05) yields the following

changes in quantity demanded: beer (-0.5%), wine (+25.2%) and spirits (+6.1%).

4.Assuming that temporary seating is not added to or removed from Subiaco Oval for different

events, the price elasticity of supply is zero. This means that the supply curve is a vertical line at

the quantity supplied of 50,000. The number of tickets sold for different events reflects quantity

demanded, not quantity supplied.

5.Wheat has a low income elasticity because there is a small increase in the demand for goods

made from wheat as incomes rise. Wheat would be an inferior good only if demand decreased as

incomes rose. This was not the case from 1950 through 2004. The income elasticity of demand

for wheat was positive but less than 1.

True/False Answers

1. F The price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to price


2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. T

8. F

9. T

10. F A product has a unit elastic demand curve if changes in price, not income, do not affect revenue.

11. T

12. T

13. F A perfectly inelastic demand curve will have a price elasticity equal to zero.

14. T

15. T Both necessity goods and luxury goods are categories of normal goods.

最新版微观经济学精品习题英文版 (with answer) (16)

Chapter 17 Monopolistic Competition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _ __. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. _ __. 1. Because monopolistically competitive firms produce differentiated products, each firm ( d ) a.faces a demand curve that is horizontal. b.faces a demand curve that is vertical. c.has no control over product price. d.has some control over product pric e. 2. Which of the following conditions distinguishes monopolistic competition from perfect competition? ( d ) a. Number of sellers. b. Freedom of entry and exit. c. Small size firms. d. Differentiation of product. 3. A firm in a monopolistically competitive market is similar to a monopolist in the sense that it ( b ) a.must overcome significant barriers to entry. b.faces a downward-sloping demand curve. c.there are no barriers to entry or exit. d.there is only one seller of the good. 4. If existing firms in the fast-food market, which is a monopolistically competitive market, realize sizable economic profits in the short run, the demand of existing firms will ( a ) a.decrease and become more elastic. b.decrease and become less elasti c. c.increase and become more elastic. d.increase and become less elastic.


一、单选题(70题) 1. 下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的() A.医生;B.苹果;C.铁矿石;D.空气; 2. 下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的() A. 一般物价的膨胀; B. 整个经济中的失业; C. 总产出的增长率; D. 汽车行业中的劳动就业; 3. 下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题() A. 通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的 B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗 C. 消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应 D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么 4. 经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:() A.它强调经济增长和经济发展; B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学; C. 它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科; D. 规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。 5. 经济学家的理性行为假定:() A.仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才是有用的。 B.导致错误的理论,因为人们并非总是理性的。 C.只有当所有人都是理性的,才是有用的。 D.不管人们是否为理性的,都是有效的。 6. 微观经济学研究(),宏观经济学研究()。 A.现实的经济问题,抽象的经济理论;B.个量经济,总量经济 C.理性行为,非理性行为;D.企业行为,政府行为 7.经济学可定义为()。 A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动 C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题 D.个人的生财之道 8.“资源是稀缺的”是指() A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代 C.资源终将被耗费殆尽 D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的. 9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为() A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点


第一章引论 一、单选题(70题) 1、下列哪一种资源就是最不具有稀缺性的?( ) A.医生; B.苹果; C.铁矿石; D.空气; 2、下列中的哪一个问题就是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?( ) A、一般物价的膨胀; B、整个经济中的失业; C、总产出的增长率; D、汽车行业中的劳动就业; 3、下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题? ( ) A、通货膨胀与失业就是由什么引起的? B、政府应该雇用所有失业的工人不? C、消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应? D、收入与储蓄之间的关系就是什么? 4、经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这就是因为:( ) A、它强调经济增长与经济发展; B、几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学; C、它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其她学科; D、规范经济学与实证经济学的区别。 5、经济学家的理性行为假定:( ) A、仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才就是有用的。 B、导致错误的理论,因为人们并非总就是理性的。 C、只有当所有人都就是理性的,才就是有用的。 D、不管人们就是否为理性的,都就是有效的。 6、微观经济学研究( ) ,宏观经济学研究( )。

A.现实的经济问题,抽象的经济理论; B.个量经济,总量经济 C.理性行为,非理性行为; D.企业行为,政府行为 7.经济学可定义为( )。 A.政府对市场制度的干预B、企业赚取利润的活动 C、研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题 D、个人的生财之道 8.“资源就是稀缺的”就是指( ) A.资源就是不可再生的B、资源必须留给下一代 C、资源终将被耗费殆尽 D、相对于需求而言,资源总就是不足的、 9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为( ) A.生产可能性曲线内的一点B、生产可能性曲线上的一点 C、生产可能性曲线以外的一点 D、不在该平面直角坐标系上、 10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?( ) A.股市持续走强B、通货膨胀 C、有用资源被发掘或技术进步 D、消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降、 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择就是( )。 A.生产什么,生产多少B、如何生产C、为谁生产D、以上都包括 12.计划经济体制解决资源配置问题的方式有( )。 A.分散决策B、竞争生产C、纵向传递信息D、要素市场定价 13.在市场经济体制中,价格不发挥哪个功能( )? A.激励功能B、集中资源办大事C、收入再分配功能D、信息传递功能 14、下列哪个陈述不属于实证主义陈述( )? A、1990年的海湾危机引起石油价格上升,并导致了汽油消费的下降。

最新版微观经济学精品习题英文版 (with answer) (9)

Chapter 9 Application: International Trade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _ __ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. _ __ 1. Nations would gain from trade if a(n) ________ exists. ( c ) a.absolute advantage b.specialization https://www.360docs.net/doc/9611759998.html,parative advantage d.infant industry 2. If Canada has a comparative advantage over Denmark in the production of wood, this implies that ( b ) a.it requires fewer resources in Canada than in Denmark to produce wood. b.the opportunity cost of producing wood in Canada is lower than in Denmark. c.Denmark does not benefit by trading with Canada. d.Canada should buy wood from Denmark. 3. Domestic producers gain from the opportunity to export goods to foreign countries because ( a ) a.the free-trade price of the good is higher than the domestic price in the absence of trade. b.producers are able to reach a wider market. c.although the free-trade price is lower than in the absence of trade, producers are able to sell a greater quantity. d.production rises, although there is no change in the price of the good compared to the no-trade situation. 4. If at the world equilibrium price the U.S. quantity demanded is greater than the U.S. quantity supplied, then ( a ) a.the United States will import the good. b.the United States will export the good. c.the world price will fall. d.the world price will ris e.


一、填空题(每空 1 分,共20 分) 1.“生产什么”、“如何生产”和“为谁生产”是人类社会所必须解决的基本问题,这三个问题被称为_______问题。 2.需求曲线向左移动是需求_________,向右移动是需求____________。 3.边际效用是指某种物品的消费量每增加一单位所增加的_____________。 4.生产要素是指生产中所使用的各种资源,这些资源可以分为________、________、土地和企业家才能。 5.在完全竞争市场上,平均收益__________边际收益;而在其他市场上,一般是平均收益________边际收益。 6.分配理论是__________理论在分配问题上的应用。 7.公共物品是由集体消费的物品,它的特征是消费的__________和_________。 8.国内生产净值-间接税=_____________。 9.M2=______________+___________。 10.消费函数图中的45°线表示在这条线上任何一点都是____________。 11.货币供给是指_______________。 12.周期性失业又称为___________的失业,是由于_________而引起的短期失业。13.在开放经济中,出口的增加会使均衡的国内生产总值________,贸易收支状况_______。 二、单项选择题:从下列每小题的四个选项中,选出一项正确的,将其标号填在题后的括号内。(每小题 2 分,共20 分) 1.一种商品的需求曲线向右下方倾斜,如果其供给曲线向左移动则会引起:() A。均衡数量增加,均衡价格上升B。均衡数量增加,均衡价格下降 C。均衡数量减少,均衡价格上升D。均衡数量减少,均衡价格下降 2.已知X商品的价格为5元,Y商品的价格为2元。如果消费者从这两种商品的消费中得到最大效用时,商品Y的边际效用为30,那么,此时X商品的边际效用为:() A。60 B。45 C。150 D。75 3.内在经济是指:() A。一个企业在生产规模扩大时由自身内部所引起的产量增加 B。一个企业在生产规模扩大时由自身内部所引起的产量或收益减少 C。一个行业的扩大对其中每个企业带来的产量或收益的增加 D。整个社会经济的发展给一个企业所带来的产量或收益的增加 4.垄断竞争市场上长期均衡的条件是:() A。MR=MC B。MR=MC,AR=AC C。AR=AC D。MR=AC 5.当劳伦斯曲线和绝对平均线所夹面积为零时,基尼系数:() A。等于零B。等于一C。等于无穷大D。无法确定 6.最全面反映经济中物价水平变动的物价指数:() A。消费物价指数B。生产物价指数 C。GDP平减指数D。遗憾指数 7.假如要使经济增长率从5%提高到8%,在储蓄率为20%的条件下,根据哈罗德模型,资本—产量比率应该是:() A。4 B。2。5 C。6 D。5 8.在总需求的构成中,哪一项与物价水平无关:() A。消费需求B。投资需求C。政府需求D。国外的需求 9.在IS曲线不变的情况下,货币量增加会引起:() A。国内生产总值增加,利率下降B。国内生产总值增加,利率上升



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1 Chapter 1 Ten Principles of Economics Multiple Choice 1. The word that comes from the Greek word for "one who manages a household" is a. market. b. consumer. c. producer. d. economy. ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 2. The word “economy” comes from the Greek word oikonomos , which means a. “environment.” b. “production.” c. “one who manages a househol d.” d. “one who makes decisions.” ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 3. Resources are a. scarce for households but plentiful for economies. b. plentiful for households but scarce for economies. c. scarce for households and scarce for economies. d. plentiful for households and plentiful for economies. ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Resources, Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 4. Economics deals primarily with the concept of a. scarcity. b. poverty. c. change. d. power. ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Definitional 5. Which of the following questions is not answered by the decisions that every society must make? a. What determines consumer preferences? b. What goods will be produced? c. Who will produce the goods? d. Who will consume the goods? ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economies MSC: Interpretive 6. The overriding reason as to why households and societies face many decisions is that a. resources are scarce. b. goods and services are not scarce. c. incomes fluctuate with business cycles. d. people, by nature, tend to disagre e. ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 7. The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that a. most economies’ production methods are not very good. b. in most economies, wealthy people consume disproportionate quantities of goods and services. c. governments restricts production of too many goods and services. d. resources are limited. ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive


rkets WHAT’S NEW IN THE SIXTH EDITION: There are no major changes to this chapter. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: the link between buyers’ willingness to pay for a good and the demand curve. how to define and measure consumer surplus. the link between sellers’ costs of producing a good and the supply curve. how to define and measure producer surplus. that the equilibrium of supply and demand maximizes total surplus in a market. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 7 is the first chapter in a three-chapter sequence on welfare economics and market efficiency. Chapter 7 employs the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. These concepts are then 7 CONSUMERS, PRODUCERS, AND THE EFFICIENCY OF MARKETS


微观经济学试题 一、填空题:在题目中的空格上填入正确答案 1、微观经济学研究对象是;解决的问题是;中心理论是;研究方法是。 2、两种互补商品之间价格与需求量成方向变动,两种替代商品之间价格与需求量成方向变动。 3、均衡价格是指一种商品的与相等时的价格,它在图形上是 和相交时的价格。 4、当边际效用为正数时,总效用是;当边际效用为零时,总效用;当边际效用为负数时,总效用是。 5、等产量线是一条向倾斜,其斜率为。在同一平面图上有 条等产量线,它们互相不能相交,离原点越远的等产量线所代表的产量水平。 6、边际成本曲线与平均成本曲线相交于平均成本曲线的。在边际成本曲线与平均成本曲线相交之前,边际成本平均成本;而在相交后,边际成本平均成本;只有在相交时,边际成本平均成本,这时,平均成本处于。 7、在完全竞争市场上,平均收益边际收益;而在其他市场上,一般是平均收益边际收益。 8、经济生产的选择包括、、 这样三个问题,这三个问题被称为问题。 9、生产可能线又称,它是一条表明在条件下,社会可能达到的两种产品最大产量组合的曲线。 10、当今世界上解决资源配置和资源利用的经济经济体制基本有两种,一种是,一种是。 11、宏观经济学研究的对象是,解决的问题是,中心理论是,研究方法是。 12、微观经济学基本假设条件有、、。 13、需求弹性分为、、。 14、根据需求弹性的弹性系数的大小,可以把需求的价格弹性分为:、、、、、五类。 15、在需求价格弹性大于1的条件下,卖者适当降低价格能总收益。 16、在需求价格弹性小于1的条件下,卖者适当价格能增加总收益。 17、基数效用论采用的是分析法,序数效用论采用 分析法。


微观经济学关键概念中英文对照 CHAPTER 1 scarcity稀缺性 economics经济学 efficiency效率 equity平等 opportunity cost机会成本 rational people理性人 marginal changes边际变动 incentive激励 market economy市场经济 property rights产权 market failure市场失灵 externality外部性 market power市场势力 productivity生产率 inflation通货膨胀 business cycle经济周期

CHAPTER 2 circular-flow diagram循环流向图production possibilities frontier生产可能性边界 microeconomics微观经济学 macroeconomics宏观经济学 positive statements实证表述 normative statements规范表述 CHAPTER 3 absolute advantage绝对优势 opportunity cost机会成本 comparative advantage比较优势 imports进口 exports出口 CHAPTER 4 market市场 competitive market竞争市场 quantity demanded需求量 law of demand需求定理 demand schedule需求表 demand curve需求曲线

normal good正常物品 inferior good低档物品 substitutes替代品 complements互补品 quantity supplied供给量 law of supply供给定理 supply schedule供给表 supply curve供给曲线 equilibrium均衡 equilibrium price均衡价格 equilibrium quantity均衡数量 surplus过剩 shortage短缺 law of supply and demand供求定理 CHAPTER 5 elasticity弹性 price elasticity of demand需求价格弹性 total revenue总收益 income elasticity of demand需求收入弹性cross-price elasticity of demand需求的交叉价格弹性price elasticity of supply供给价格弹性


西方经济学(微观部分)期末考试试卷(A卷)考试科目:微观经济学 考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业 一、单项选择题(每题0.5分,共15分,将正确答案填入答题纸上) 1.看不见的手一般指() A、机会成本 B、政府 C、利润 D、价格 2.经济学中的“稀缺性”是指() A 世界上大多数人生活在贫困中B、相对于资源的需求而言,资源总是不足的C用资源必须考虑下一代 D、世界上的资源终将被人类消耗光 3.如果x与y商品是互补品,x价格下降,将使y() A、需求量增加 B、需求增加 C、需求量减少 D、需求减少 4.冰棒的需求价格弹性()药品的需求价格弹性 A、大于 B、小于 C、等于 D、大于或等于 5.下列命题中哪个是规范经济学的命题?( ) A.征税对中等收入家庭是不公平的 B. 1982年8月政府把贴现率降到10% C. 1981年失业率超过9% D.社会保险税的课税依据现已超过30000美元 6.如果消费者的预算收入为50美元,商品X和Y的价格均为5美元,消费者打算购买6单位X和4单位Y,商品X、Y的边际效用分别为25和20,那么,要达到效用最大化,他应该() A、按原计划购买 B、减少X和Y的购买量 C、增加X、Y的购买量 D、增加X的同时减少Y的量 7.消费者预算线发生平移时,连接消费者均衡点的曲线称为() A、需求曲线; B、价格-消费曲线; C、收入-消费曲线; D、恩格尔曲线。

8.当某人面对一张彩票时,如果是212111UW P W PU W P PW U )()(])([-+?-+,则意味着这个人是属于下列哪一类人 ( ) A .风险回避者 B .风险喜爱者 C .风险中立者 D .都不是 9.如果某厂商增加一单位劳动使用量能够减少三单位资本, 而仍生产同样的产出量,则MRTS LK 为:( ) A 1/3 B 3 C -3 D 6 10. MC 曲线达到最低时( ) A MP 最大 B AV C 最小 C TC 最大 D AC 最小 11.某厂商每年从企业的总收入中取出一部分作为自己所提供的生产要素的报酬,这部分资金被视为( )。 A 、显成本; B 、隐成本; C 、会计成本 D 、经济利润。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9611759998.html,C 曲线( )。 A 当LMC <LAC 时下降,而当LMC >LAC 时上升 B 随LM C 曲线下降而下降 C .随LMC 曲线上升而上升 D.通过LMC 曲线的最低点 13. 在完全竞争市场中,( )。 A 消费者是价格接受者,而企业不是 B 消费者和企业都不是价格接受者 C 消费者和企业都是价格接受者 D 企业是价格接受者,而消费者不是 14.一个企业在以下哪种情况下应该关闭?( ) A P <AVC B P <SAC C 发生亏损时 D SMC >MR 15.短期内,完全竞争厂商只能通过对( )调整来实现最大利润。 A.生产规模 B.价格 C.全部生产要素 D.产量 16. 完全竞争厂商的短期供给曲线应该是( ) A 曲线上超过平均成本最低点的部分 B 曲线上超过收支相抵点的部分 C 曲线上的停止营业点和超过停止营业点以上的部分 D 曲线上的收支相抵点和超过收支相抵点以上的部分 17.下列哪一种情况对单一价格垄断者是不正确的?( ) A. 由于只有一个企业,企业的需求就是行业的需求 B. 由于没有替代品,需求缺乏弹性 C. 平均收益曲线就是需求曲线 D. 边际收益小于价格 18.寡头垄断和垄断竞争之间的主要区别是( )。 a.厂商的广告开支不同 b.非价格竞争的种类不同 c.厂商之间相互影响的程度不同 d.以上都不对 19. 下列那一个不是垄断竞争的特征( ) A.厂商数目很少 B.进出该行业容易 C.存在产品差别 D.厂商忽略竞争对手的反应

曼昆的《微观经济学原理》课业笔记 英文版

Ch 1 Ten Principles of economic ?Scarcity: the limited nature of society’s resources ?Economics: the study of how society manages its scarce resources, e.g. ?There are 10 principle of economic which are needed to be remember throughout. ?People face trade-off 1. Individual(time,money) and society(efficiency vs equality). ?Cost of something is what your give up to get it.\ 1. The opportunity cost of any item is whatever must be given up to obtain it. ?Rational people thinking at margin(effect of one additional item) 1. This principle assume that everyone is rational people(made their decision base on their interests) this was addressed on Adam Smith's Wealth of Nation. ?People respond to incentives(诱惑物) 1. This statement reveals that human psychology is a important feature in economic study. ?Trade can make everyone better-off 1.Ex: trade of agricultural product and technology between Japan and America, it will break the law of PPF. It involved absolute advantages(low input) and comparative advantage(low opportunity cost win) ?Markets are usually a good way to organize economy activity. 1.Markets can balance the price. ?Government can sometime improve market outcome. ? A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services. ?Price rise when government print too much money.


计算题: 1、 已知某厂商的生产函数为:Q=L 3/8K 5/8,又设P L =3,P K =5。 ⑴、 求产量Q=10时的最低成本支出与使用的L 与K 的数量。(5分) ⑵、 求产量Q=25时的最低成本支出与使用的L 与K 的数量。(5分) 求总成本为160时,厂商均衡的Q 、K 、L 的值。(5分) 2、 已知生产函数为:Q=L 0、 5K 0、 5,试证明: ⑴、 该生产过程就是规模报酬不变。(7分)⑵它受边际报酬递减规律的支配。 3、甲、乙两公司的产品的需求曲线分别为Q 1=200-0、2P 1,Q 2=400-0、25P 2,这两家公司现在的销售量分别为100与250。 (1)求甲、乙两公司当前的价格弹性? (2)假定乙公司降价后,使乙公司的销售量增加到300,同时又导致甲公司的销售量下降到75,问甲公司产品的交叉弹性就是多少? 4、垄断厂商的成本函数为TC=Q 2+2Q,产品的需求函数为P=10-3Q,求: (1)利润极大的销售价格、产量与利润; (2)若政府试图对该垄断厂商采取限价措施,迫使其按边际成本定价,求此时的价格与厂商的产量、利润; (3)求解收支相抵的价格与产量。 5、 假设某完全竞争厂商使用劳动与资本两种生产要素进行生产,在短期内,劳动的数量可变,资本的数量固定。厂商的成本曲线为322()161803 LTC Q Q Q Q =-+与 32 ()224120400STC Q Q Q Q =-++,试计算:(1)厂商预期的长期最低价格就是多少? (2)如果要素价格不变,在短期内,厂商会维持经营的最低产品价格就是多少? (3)如果产品价格就是120元,那么在达到短期均衡时,厂商将生产多少产品?获得的利润就是多少? 6、 、 已知某消费者的效用函数U =XY,她打算购买X 与Y 两种商品,当其每月收入为120元,Px=2元,Py=3元时,试问: (1)为获得最大的效用,该消费者应如何选择商品X 与Y 的消费数量? (2)假设商品X 的价格提高44%,商品Y 的价格保持不变,该消费者必须增加多少收入才能保持原有的效用水平? 7、已知某一时期内商品的需求函数为Q d =50-5P ,供给函数为Q s =-10+5P 。 (1)求均衡价格P e 与均衡数量Q e ,并作出几何图形。 (2)假定供给函数不变,由于消费者收入水平提高,使需求函数变为Q d=60-5P 。求出相应的均衡价格P e 与均衡量Q e ,并作出几何图形。 (3)假定需求函数不变,由于生产技术水平提高,使供给函数变为Q s =-5+5P 。求出相应的均衡价格P e 与均衡量Q e ,并作出几何图形。 8、假定表2—5就是需求函数Q d =500-100P 在一定价格范围内的需求表: (2)根据给出的需求函数,求P=2元时的需求的价格点弹性。 9假定表2—6就是供给函数Qs=-3+2P 在一定价格范围内的供给表: (1)求出价格3元与5元之间的供给的价格弧弹性。 (2)根据给出的供给函数,求P=4元时的供给的价格点弹性。


微观经济学试卷一 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分) 1.资源稀缺是指()。 A.世界上大多数人处于贫困之中B.相对于人们的欲望而言,资源是不足的 C.资源要保留给我们的未来D.资源最终会被耗光 2.已知某商品的需求函数和供给函数分别为:QD=14-3P,QS=2+6P,该商品的均衡价格是()。A.4/3 B.4/5 C.2/5 D.5/2 3.总效用曲线达到顶点时() A.边际效用曲线达到最大点B.边际效用为零 C.边际效用为正D.边际效用为负 4.假定某企业全部成本函数为TC=30000+5Q-Q2,Q为产出数量。那么TVC为()A.30000 B.5Q-Q2 C.5-Q D.30000/Q 5.生产要素的需求曲线之所以向右下方倾斜,是因为() A.要素的边际产品价值递减B.要素生产的产品的边际效用递减 C.要素参加生产的规模报酬递减D.以上均不正确 6.在完全竞争市场上() A.产品有差别B.产品无差别C.有的有差别,有的无差别D.以上说法都对7.完全竞争市场的厂商短期供给曲线是指() A.A VC >SMC中的那部分A VC曲线B.AC > SMC中的那部分AC曲线 C.SMC≥A VC那部分SMC曲线D.SMC≥AC那部分SMC曲线 8.已知一元钱的边际效用为3个单位,一支钢笔的边际效用为36个单位,则消费者愿意花()购买这支钢笔A.12元B.36元C.3元D.108元 9.一般来说,香烟的蛛网形状是() A.收敛型B.发散型C.封闭型D.不确定 10.已知X、Y两种商品的交叉弹性为1.8,则这两种商品为 A.独立品B.替代品C.补充品D.不能确定 11.如果商品的需求弹性为0.6供给弹性为1.5,则销售税() A.主要由消费者承担B.主要由生产者负担 C.由生产者和消费者均等地负担D.全部由生产者负担 12.某旅游景点,对一般参观者门票为50元,对中小学生门票为25元,这种价格策略为( )。A.一级差别价格B.二级差别价格C.三级差别价格D.无差别价格13.当X商品的价格下降时,替代效应=+2,收入效应=-1,则该商品很可能是()。A.正常商品B.一般低档商品C.吉芬商品D.奢侈品 14.已知某商品的需求量增加80%,而同期消费者的收入却增加了40%,则该商品很可能是()。A.必需品B.奢侈品C.一般低档商品D.吉芬商品15.已知某商品的需求价格弹性为1.2,供给价格弹性为1,则价格波动形成的蛛网形状是()。A.收敛型B.发散型C.封闭型D.不能确定 二、名词解释(每题5分,共40分) 1.需求的价格弹性(Price elasticity of demand) 2.边际效用(Marginal Utility) 3.消费者均衡(Consumer`s equilibrium) 4.无差异曲线(Indifference curve) 5.吉芬物品(Giffen good)

英文版微观经济学复习提纲Chapter 5. Economic efficiency, government price setting and taxes

5 Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting, and Taxes Chapter Summary Although rent controls no longer in Australia, many governments around the world, such as Malaysia and the U.S., have placed ceilings on the maximum rent some landlords can charge for some apartments and houses. Governments also impose taxes in some markets. To understand the economic impact of government in markets it is necessary to understand consumer surplus and producer surplus. Consumer surplus is the dollar benefit consumers receive from buying goods and services at market prices less than the maximum prices they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus is the dollar benefit producers receive from selling goods and services at prices greater than the minimum prices they would be willing to accept. In a competitive market with no externalities the equilibrium price for a good or service occurs where the marginal cost of the last unit produced and sold is equal to the marginal benefit consumers receive from the last unit bought. At this same level of output, economic surplus, the sum of consumer and producer surplus, is maximized. Although price controls on rent no longer exist in Australia, there are many other examples of the government setting prices, such as the minimum wage in labour markets (a “floor price”). Compared to the competitive equilibrium, price ceilings and price floors reduce economic efficiency. A tax on the sale of a good or service also reduces economic efficiency. The burden of a tax (or tax incidence) is the degree to which consumers or producers actually pay the tax. The incidence of a tax depends on how responsive producers and consumers are to the price change caused by the tax. Learning Objectives When you finish this chapter you should be able to: 1Understand the concepts of consumer surplus and producer surplus. Consumer surplus is the benefit consumers receive from paying a price lower than the maximum price they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus is the benefit a firm receives from selling a good or a service at a price higher than the minimum the firm would be willing to accept. Economic surplus is the sum of consumer surplus plus producer surplus. 2Understand the concept of economic efficiency, and use a graph to illustrate how economic efficiency is reduced when a market is not in competitive equilibrium. An economically efficient outcome occurs when a competitive market equilibrium is reached. Maximum economic efficiency results when the marginal benefit received by consumers from the last unit bought equals the marginal
