




例如,在He admires the President’s stated decision to fight for the job.(他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩)

英语的谓语动词只有admires一个词,其它用的是过去分词(stated)、动词派生名词(decision)、不定式(to fight)和前置词(for)等。汉语没有词形变化,但可以几个动词连用。因此,英语中不少词类(尤其是名词、前置词、形容词、副词)在汉译时往往可以转译成动词。



1. 由动词派生的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中较常见

1) One after another, speakers called for the downfall of imperialism, abolition of exploitation of man by man, liberation of the oppressed of the world.


2)Until 1972, all efforts by the two nations to curb the nuclear-arms race had foundered on one point: U.S. insistence on the right to make on-site inspections of the Soviet strategic arsenal and Russia’s refusal.


3)The 1967 UN document calls for the settlement of the Middle East conflict on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgment of Israeli’s right to exist.


4)Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.



1) The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.


2) As the week drew to a close, the enemy rout was complete.一周快结束时,敌人彻底溃退了。

3) A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.


4) As I taxied over the muddy steel matting of the runway, I got a wave and a grin from my

wingman Lt. Rex Barber.



2) I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I.


3) Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young man’s past wrong doings.


4) Although he was always the “background”briefer on foreign policy issues, he could never by identified as anything other than “a white house official”or “a high administration source.”


上例中的teacher, forgiver, briefer如直译为“教师”,“宽恕者”,“汇报者”,既不符合原文的含义,又不符合汉语表达习惯,所以应该转换成动词。但She is a well-known singer 一句中的”singer”确实是指她的职业,所以只能译成名词:“她是一位著名的歌唱家”。而Some of my class-mates are good singers,这句中的singers显然不是指他们的职业,所以应该译成动词:我们班同学中有些人唱歌唱得很好。

4.作为习语主体的名词往往可以转译成动词,如To have a rest和To have a good look at 里的rest和look。

1) They took a final look at Iron Mike, still intact in the darkness.


2) The next news bulletin, shorter than usual, made no mention of the demonstration.


3) A great cloud rose from the ground and followed the trail of the great sun. At first it was a giant column, which soon took the shape of a supramundane mushroom. For a fleeting instant it took the form of the Statue of Liberty magnified many times.




1. Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves,by dim lamps.


2.“Coming!”Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.”“来啦!”她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。

3.I barreled straight ahead, across the harbour and out over the sea.


4.Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.



英语中表示知觉、情欲、欲望等心理状态的形容词,在联系动词作表语时,往往可转译成汉语动词。常见的这类形容词有:confident, certain, careful, cautious, angry, sure, ignorant, afraid, doubtful, aware, concerned, glad, delighted, sorry, ashamed, thankful, anxious, grateful, able等。

1.Doctors have said that they are not sure they can save his life.


2.The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious.


1. Naturally the Nazi soldiers were more concerned with saving their own lives than with taking ours.



1.As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes on.


2.Mr. Nixon had said repeatedly that the American war in Indochina would soon be over.


3.That day he was up before sunrise.


4.She opened the window to let fresh air in.


















翻译技巧第六节分译法 英汉两种语言的语法和表达习惯存在很多差异。因此在翻译中既保留原文结构,又忠实于原文意思往往会有困难。当二者不可兼得时,往往改变原文结构,保留原文意思。为达到这一目的,常用的方法之一是分译法,即把原文的某个成分从原文的结构中分离出来,译成另一成分。例如英文句子We tried in vain to persuade her to give up her wrong idea. 可以分译为“我们尽力劝说她放弃错误的观|点,但是没有成功”。原文中的in vain是介词短语作状语,意思是“徒劳地(做某事)”,如果该句翻译为“我们徒劳地尽力劝说她放弃错误的观点”,不仅意思含糊,而且句子也不符合汉语表达习惯。把它分译出来,意思清楚,句子流畅。 无论是英译汉,还是汉译英,都存在分译的问题。处理分译的原则是,把原文中较长的句子成分,或者不易安排的句子成分分出来另作处理,一般译为短语或独立结构。分译得当可以使译文在意思上忠实原文,结构上层次分明,语言简练明确。就分译成分的结构而言,分译大体可以分为单词的分译、短语的分译和句子的分译三种情况。 一、英语单词的分译 单词分译指的是把原文中的一个单词译成一个独立成分、从句或并列成分。 (一)单词词义分译 英语有些单词一个词里包含几个语义成分。译成汉语时,很难找到合适的对等词,将其词义一下全部表达出来。这种情况下,汉译时可采用分译法分译英语原文,将其语义成分分布到几个不同的词语上。例如: (1)The little girl twirled mechanically a ribbon of her cap around one of her fingers. 这个小女孩老是把帽子上的一段绸带在手指上绕过来,绕过去。 此句中mechanically分作三处译出,即“老是”,绕“过来”,绕“过去”,使译文生动,意思完整。 (2)The maidservant inspected the dressing-table for dust with her hand. 女仆用手抹抹梳妆台,看看有没有灰尘。 此句中inspected也是分作三处译出,即“抹抹”、“看看”、“有没有”。这种译法既能把原文译透,又能使译文通顺。 (二)单词搭配分译 英语句子中有些词语间的搭配关系,汉译时要按照汉语习惯,打破原文的结构,将有关词语分别译出。例如: This young man had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of his own. 这个年轻人心地善良,性格温柔,气量又大,为人又乐观。 此句中heart一词被译为“心地”、“性格”、“气量”和“为人”四个词,来与前边的五个形容词搭配。 单词搭配分译一般可细分为: 1. 主谓搭配分译 (1)Their wealth enables them to do everything. 他们有钱,什么事都能干。 (2)The small village boasts a beautiful lake. 这个小村庄有个美丽的湖,人人以此为自豪。 2. 动宾搭配分译 (1)Our armies had outrun our supplies at that time. 那时我们的军队发展壮大太快,给养供应不上。 (2)I always avoid the temptation to think about that matter 我总是克制自己,不去想那件事。 3. 状语与中心词的搭配分译 (1)Some young people relentlessly tear at the flowers they see. 有些年轻人看见花就摘,一点也不爱惜。 (2)He passes his hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch or the rough shaggy bark of a pine.


英语知识 2.2 直接法的主要特征 直接法着重口头表达和自然交际,语言学习始于日常表达,而非古老的语言文学。课堂行为用目的语以口头形式展开,强调模仿,培养语言习惯。大部分时间用于提问和回答,练习包括替换、听写和叙述等形式,课堂上还会涉及听力理解,听力不是游离于口语之外的技巧。而是其基础,听力知识也会转化为口语知识,一其学习也有利于其他技能的训练。在直接法中,通过已知的外语词汇或其他辅助手段,直接学习新词语和表达法,具体词汇用物体或图画示范,抽象词汇则用意义联系讲授,不采用母语作参照,教师采用外语授课,充分利用手势、动作、表情、实物、图画等直观手段,讲解避免翻译和语法阐释,将新语言直接与外部世界联系起来,通过直接法,目的语在语内习得,意旨在第二语言(外语)内部,将其作为惟一参考的教学方式,不借助翻译是这一方法的一大特点,仅用外语进行传授,不涉及两种语言的翻译转换,单语可以帮助学习者在二语内部建立言辞关联,使学习者能够在没有母语辅助的情况下驾驭二语系统,同样,通过语内策略,口头表达直接与物体、情境以及思想直接相连。这种论点是直接法的基石,基于此,二语的学习更接近于第一语言(母语)似的直觉学习,语法规则的教学采取归纳式,学习者的错误被容忍,课堂上,教师须激励学生直接、自觉地使用外语,再归纳出语法规则,由于学习者需自己总结语言点,难免会犯错,如果交流中犯错,教师不会打断、纠正,以免影响其兴趣,相反,鼓励他们用外语思考,积极使用二语,重在理解和交际。 2.3 直接法的目标 直接法强调口语优先于其他方面,以保证交流,口头表述

作为初期教学目标,有别于前者。口语的重要性体现在教学法和课堂表现上,听说先于写作,小班集中授课,教师与学生之间通过提问——回答逐步训练口头表达技巧。 2.4 直接法的优势和劣势 外语能力的一大特征是能够口头表达,有效地进行交际,直接法倡导的口语,是交际中最受欢迎的外语使用形式。课堂上,教师创造气氛使学习者在会话中运用新语言,熟悉语音、语调以及如何断句,从最常使用的日常习惯表达人手,以增强、维持兴趣和自信,学习者自如流畅地用目标语进行交流。也会促进理解和感悟,学习者完全置身于逼真的外语环境中,使得二语学习似母语般自然。仅使用外语的教学手段使得外语信息集中输入学习者脑中,只要输入的信息无误,学习者可以自动地、不费力地掌握二语,自然会从这一方法中获益,加快学习进度,此外,高级阶段用外语思考,会促使其不断接近二语水准。 但是,直接法过分强调和歪曲了自然的母语学习与课堂外语习得间的相似性,把课堂与外部现实世界等同起来,因其缺乏强有力的语言学理论根据,对许多语言现象缺乏科学、系统阐释,屡遭抨击。直接法要求教师的母语即为目标语,或具有类似语言水平的专业人士。并非所有教师都可以依靠其自身能力和技巧掌控课堂。主要问题在于,直接法是用外语授课,尽量避免使用母语。 3 语法翻译法和直接法的结合 对于英语教学中的语法翻译法和直接法,采用哪一种方法,这与教学目标有关。我们通常把熟练运用作为主要教学目的或目标,将其界定为听、说、读、写四种技巧,或日交际能力。听说与读写同样重要,两种教学法都应该发挥各自的作用,不


考研英语翻译的基本方 法版 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2013年考研英语翻译的基本方法(7月 版) 在解答考生关于考研英语真题学习中的具体问题时,我们发现,很多考生对英汉翻译所懂甚少。长期以来,一直有考生提问诸如“老师,这句英文中这个短语怎么没有翻译出来?”、“这半句汉语是从那里来的,英语中怎么没有对应语句?”以及“这个句子为什么翻译成汉语时,添加了否定词?”等等的问题。在很多时候,我们只能很笼统的告诉考生:基于英汉文化的差异,在翻译的过程中需要考虑语言模式的差异。在很多时候,英译汉必须按照汉语思维模式以及语境的需要,去增添或者省略一些信息、调整一下语序、转换表达方式。 为了让考生更深入地了解英译汉,我们选用一些真题中的句子,来做先关探讨。在此之前,我们先简单地阐述一下翻译的标准和过程。 翻译标准 在我国近现代,最有影响的翻译标准是严复的“信、达、雅”。就考研英语翻译而言,由于文章的题材大多是有关、经济、文化、教育、科普以及社会生活等方面的内容,并且文体以议论文为主,说明文为辅,结构严谨,逻辑性强,我们很难在“雅”这一标准上做文章。“达”,即通顺,译文必须通顺且符合汉语的语言习惯,这是一个重要的评分标准。“信”,即忠于原文,是翻译的最高标准。由于要翻译的5个句子

是从一篇文章中截取出来的,因而译文必须和上下文表达的意思一致。如果歪曲了原文的意思,那么该句的得分就会很低。 因此,翻译不能违背原文本身,这是考研翻译的最基本标准。 翻译过程 翻译一般分三个阶段:①找核心句;②译核心句;③译其修饰限定补充的句子。由于考研英语翻译大部分句型都是长难句,这一过程显得尤为重要。简而言之,考生首先要找出句子的主干,然后再处理其余的细枝末节,如修饰成分等。考试中,考生应该先通读全文,从大处着手,通篇把握文意,然后分析需要翻译的句子,找出主干,理分支,并翻译。最后是检查书写以及时态。 翻译策略 1.直译和意译 直译,既忠于原文意思又保留原文形式的翻译;意译,不受原文词语的限制,不拘泥于原文句子的结构,用不同于原文的表达方式,把原文意思表达出来。在考研英语翻译中,我们应遵循的方法是:尽量采用直译,不能直译才采用意译,必要时直译与意译相结合。 (1)能直译就直译


1990 年英译汉试题 People have wondered for a long time how their personalities,and behaviors are formed. It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not,or why one is cooperative and another is competitive. Social scientists are,of course,extremely interested in these types of questions. (61)They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors. There are no clear answers yet,but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed. As one might expect,the two approaches are very different from each other. The controversy is often conveniently referred to as‖nature vs. nurture‖. (62)Those who support the ―nature‖side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors. (63)That our environment has little, if anything,to do with our abilities,characteristics and behavior is central to this theory. Taken to an extreme,this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts. Those who support the ―nurture‖ theory,that is,they advocate education,are often called behaviorists. They claim that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist,B.F. Skinner,sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings. The behaviorists maintain that,like machines,humans respond to environmental stimuli as the basis of their behavior. Let us examine the different explanations about one human characteristic,intelligence, offered by the two theories. Supporters of the ―nature‖theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologically determined. Needless to say,they don‘t believe that factors in the environment have much influence on what is basically a predetermined characteristic. On the other hand,behaviorists argue that our intelligence levels are the product of our experiences. (64)Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. The social and political implications of these two theories are profound. In the United States, blacks often score below whites on standardized intelligence tests. This leads some ―nature‖ proponents to conclude that blacks are biologically inferior to whites. (65)Behaviorists,in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy. Most people think neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior. 1991 年英译汉试题 The fact is that the energy crisis,which has suddenly been officially announced,has been with us for a long time now,and will be with us for an even longer time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not,it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. (71)The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time,and in any case,the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. (72)New sources of energy must be found,and this will take time,but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the times past. For an indefinite period from here on,mankind is going to advance cautiously,and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all. To make the situation worse,there is as yet no sign that any slowing of the world‘s population is in sight. Although the birthrate has dropped in some nations,including the United States,the population of the world seems sure to pass six billion and perhaps even seven billion as the twenty-first century opens. (73)The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this,which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food. Taking all this into account,what might we reasonably estimate supermarkets to be like in the year2001? To begin with,the world food supply is going to become steadily tighter over the next thirty years—even here in the United States.By2001,the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million,and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths. (74)This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields. It seems almost certain that by2001the United States will no longer be a great food exporting nation and that,if necessity forces exports,it will be at the price of belt tightening at home. In fact,as food items will end to decline in quality and decrease in variety,there is very likely to be increasing use of flavouring additives. (75)Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population


【翻译技巧】英语笔译技法——正反译法 由于国家、历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性的不同,汉英两种语言在表达正说和反说时有很大差异,尤其英语在否定意义的表达上更为复杂,有时形式否定而实质肯定,或形式肯定而实质否定。在两种语言互译时,原文中正说的句子可能不得不处理成反说,或是用反说表达更为合适。反之亦然。翻译中,这种把正说处理成反说、把反说处理成正说的译法,就称为正反译法。 正反译法是翻译技巧中的一个重要方法,属于引申和修辞范围。 笼统的说,英语句子中含有“never”、“no”、“not”、“un-”、“im-”、“in-”、“ir-”、“-less”等否定词以及否定前缀或后缀的单词,以及汉语句子中含有“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“非”、“勿”、“毋”等否定词的即为反说,不含有这些否定词的即为正说。 但实际操作时,正说和反说的界限又变得极为模糊,例如“correct”可以翻译成“正确”(正说),也可以翻译成“没有毛病”(反说)。因此,到底译文要采用正说还是反说,就完全要看译文语言的惯用表达和上下文的语气语态了。 在正反译法中,英译汉正转反(正说反译法)和汉译英反转正(反说正译法)是最为重要的两种正反译法。 英译汉正转反 英语中有些否定概念是通过含有否定意义或近似否定意义的词来表达的,虽然形式是肯定的,但这类词大多是某些肯定词所引申或变化出来的反义词,或经过长期历史演变而引申出其他否定词义,即所谓的“含蓄否定词”或“暗指否定词”,这类词在译成汉语时,需要变成汉语的否定词组,必要时还需要作词类转换。 1、名词 —含蓄否定名词主要有:shortness / shortage(不够;不足)、lack(缺乏;没有)、absence (不在)、failure(未能;不成功)、defiance(不顾;无视)、denial(否认;否定)、exclusion (排除)、freedom(不;免除)、refusal(不愿;不允许)、loss(失去)等。 Shortness of time has required the omission of some states. 由于时间不够,没能访问那些国家。 Behave yourself during my absence. 我不在时要规矩点。 We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter. 他何以不回信,我们大惑不解。 2、动词或动词短语 —英语中常见的含蓄否定动词包括:refuse(不愿;不肯;无法)、lack(缺乏;没有)、defy(不服从;不遵守;不让)、forbid(不许)、stop(不准;别)、ignore(不理;不肯考虑;无视;不顾)、hate(不愿意)、miss(没听清楚;没赶上)等。


一、正反译法 1.T hose who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use,so that they may unlock the doors of the knowledge,the gates that guard the entrances to the professions,to science,art ,literature agriculture---every department of human endeavor. 正说反译例句: 1.Admission by Invitation Only. 2.He loses no time in practicing English. 3.I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. 译文:1.要想取得为人们所获得并保持的成就,人们就必须不断运用自身的才能,使其不会生锈,从而打开知识的大门,亦即那些通往人类努力探求的各个领域的大门,这些领域包括各种门类:科学、艺术、文学、农业等。(正说反译+词类转换) 1.非请勿入 2.他抓紧一切时间练习英语。 3.文章已拜读,没想到你这么年轻。 2,As Professor Nazemi refused to answer, a classmate offered, “Dude, you can use.” 再如:(1)The specification lacks detail. (2)Good lubrication keeps the bearings from being damaged. (3)If we don’t get more money, community theater will cease to exist here. 译文 2,纳齐米教授不予回答,一个同学于是建议:“哥们,你可以告他。” (1)这份说明书不够详尽。 (2)润滑良好使轴承不易受损。 (3)如果筹措不到更多的资金,这里的社区剧院就将不复存在。 3,And I do know I’m going to lose. (1)Please keep the fire burning. (2)“Had you ever sen the man before then?”’No, I don’t. He was a total stranger.” (3)Some men of insight actively discourage people from excess consumption. 译文3,而我知道胜利肯定不属于我。 (1)别让火灭了。 (2)“你以前见过此人吗?”“没有。我根本不认识他。” (3)一些有识之士积极劝阻人们不要过量消费。


历年考研英语翻译真题及答案解析38 英译汉:考查考生理解所给英语语言材料并将其译成汉语的能力。要求译文准确、完整、通顺。 2014年考研英语二翻译真题及答案解析 Directions: Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) Most people would define optimism as endlessly happ y, with a glass that’s perpetually half fall. But that’s exactly the kind of false deerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimists means being in touch with reality.” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor, According to Ben- Shalar,realistic optimists are these who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best. Ben-Shalar uses three optimistic exercisers. When he feels down-sag, after giving a bad lecture-he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that mot every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction, He analyzes the weak lecture, leaning lessons, for the future about what works and wh at doesn’t. Final ly, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the ground scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter. 翻译 大多数人愿意把乐观定义为无尽的欢乐,就像一只总是装着半杯水的杯子。但那是一种绝不会为积极心理学家所推荐的虚假快乐。哈佛大学的Tal Ben-Shahar教授说,“健康的乐观主义,意味着要处于现实之中。”在Ben-Shahar看来,现实的乐观主义者,会尽最大努力做好一件事,而不是相信每件事都会有最好的结果。 Ben-Shahar 会进行三种乐观方面的练习。比如说,当他进行了一次糟糕的演讲,感到心情郁闷的时候,他会告诉自己这是人之常情。他会提醒自己:并不是每一


译国译民 专心翻译 做到极致 常用十大翻译技巧之五:正反译法 正译法和反译法: 这两种方法通常用于汉译英,偶尔也用于英译汉。所谓正译,是指把句子按照与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯。因此比较地道。如: (1) 在美国,人人都能买到枪。 In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正译) In the United States, guns are available to everyone. (反译) (2) 你可以从因特网上获得这一信息。 You can obtain this information on the Internet. (正译) This information is accessible/available on the Internet. (反译) (3) 他突然想到了一个新主意。 Suddenly he had a new idea. (正译) He suddenly thought out a new idea. (正译) A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him. (反译) (4) 他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。 He still could not understand me. (正译) Still he failed to understand me. (反译) (5) 无论如何,她算不上一位思维敏捷的学生。 She can hardly be rated as a bright student. (正译) She is anything but a bright student. (反译) (6) Please withholdthe document for the time being. 请暂时扣下这份文件。(正译) 请暂时不要发这份文件。(反译)

英汉翻译 之 合译法

英汉翻译之合译法 合译法多用于英语简单句的翻译,特别是两个或两个以上的英文句子共用相同的主语的时候,汉语一般不喜欢重复某一名词,或重复使用某一代词作主语,这这种情况下,往往将原文数句合译为一句。 This novel is of no great literary merit. It is merely a pot-boiler. 这部小说纯属胡编乱造,没有多大文学价值。 I wasn’t an enemy, in fact or in feeling, I was an ally. 无论在事实上,还是在情感上,我都不是他们的敌人,而是他们的盟友。 Confucius was a believer in moral action and in what we today call human development. He advocated the establishment of harmony within the social order. 孔子信仰道德的行为,信仰我们今天所说的人的发展,提倡在社会秩序内建立和谐。 Young people don’t hesitate to attempt one thing after another. Eager to experiment, they welcome new ideas. They are restless and alive and never satisfied. They seek perfection. 年轻人总是不停地探索,急于实验,乐于接受新的思想。他们充满活力,永不满足,追求尽善尽美。 有时候是为了行文紧凑、简练的原则而将两句或数句合并为一句来翻译; I was slow to understand the deep grievance of women. This was because, as a boy, I had envied them. 我迟迟未能理解女人的深切苦楚,因为我小时候曾羡慕过她们。 A man in a newish suburb feels that he has one foot in the city and one in the country. As this is the kind of compromise he likes, he is happy. 住在新郊区的人,觉得一只脚在城里,一只脚在乡下,非常开心,因为这种城乡妥协之地是他喜欢的。 Towards evening, the attack of the French slackened in its fury. They had other foes besides the British to engage, or were preparing for a final onset. 将近傍晚,法军的攻势逐渐松懈,或许因为它们除了英国人之外还有别的交战敌人,或许正在准备发动最后的一次总攻击。 Although the size of the task waiting to be carried out is daunting and there are many hurdles to be overcome, it would be wrong to end my address on a note of pessimism. Many countries have already made considerable progress in this regard. 尽管等待我们去完成的任务规模之大令人畏惧,尽管有许多障碍有待克服,但是以悲观的调子来结束我的发言是错误的,因为许多国家在此方面已经取得了长足的进步。 合译时,可充分发挥汉语标点符号的作用; Nine of the 13 children have never held a meaningful job, nor do they care to. Only one of


第一章 考研翻译基础知识 一翻译的定义 二翻译的标准和翻译的方法 三翻译的基本过程 四考研翻译的核心解题策略 第二章翻译技巧:词法翻译法 一词义选择和词义引申 二词性转换 三增词法 四省略法 第三章翻译技巧:句法翻译法 一名词性从句的翻译 二定语从句的翻译 三状语从句的翻译 四被动结构的翻译 第一讲翻译的定义 翻译是一门语言的艺术,是语言之间的转换,是在准确理解的基础上用一种语言来忠实的表达另外一种语言。 考研翻译简介 (一)考研翻译考查内容和形式 根据全国硕士研究生统一考试英语考试大纲规定,考研翻译“主要考查考生准确理解内容或结构复杂的英语材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。”以2007年考研翻译题为例,考生在试卷上阅读的是一篇完整的文章,翻译的是5个划线部分。如: (二)考研翻译的评分标准 根据大纲规定,考研翻译的评分标准如下: 5个小题,每题2分,共10分。 ·如果句子译文明显扭曲原文意义,该句得分最多不超过0.5分。 ·如果考生就一个题目提供了两个或两个以上的译法,若均正确,给分;如果其中一个译法有错,按错误译法评分。 ·中文错别字不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别字扣0.5分,无0.25扣分。 (三)考研翻译今年考题特点和内容 根据对大纲和最近十几年来考研翻译已经考过的真题的分析,我们发现考研翻译具有如下明显的特点。 首先,考研翻译的短文内容大多是涉及当前人们普遍关注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、哲学、心理和科普方面的题材。其体裁基本上是议论文。如: 1990年:人的性格和行为分析 1991年:能源与农业


常用翻译技巧总结 翻译题里考察三方面内容: 1、专有名词(如operational research expert)、习惯用法(如depend on)及多义词的翻译(如school、set的多义) 2、一般性翻译技巧:包括词义选择,词序调整,词性转换和增词法等等 3、具体句型(定从、状从、主从、宾从、表从、同位从、强调结构、并列、比较、倒装、插入、被动、否定等) 其中2、3是大考点,具体内容可在论坛下XDF的翻译笔记来看,在此不赘述。 可看出,应对翻译题的主要武器是翻译技巧,下面正式进入正题(常用方法、被动语态译法、形容词译法、举例详解) 一、常用方法 二、 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练。 1增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在翻译时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1) What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语) (2) If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 实际情况恰好相反。(增译名词) (4)就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。 Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词) (5)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。 While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light


2016考研:认识英语翻译中的“分译法” 提起“分译法”这个学术名词,很多考研的小伙伴可能感到陌生。其实,这是一种翻译中的灵活处理方法,在具体情境中有具体的使用情况。一起来看看下面几个例子吧。你会发现,“分译法”一点也不陌生,你可能已经在不知不觉中使用过了呢。 一、单词分译 单词分译是指把原文中的一个单词拆译成一个小句或句子。采用单词分译主要有两个目的:一是为了句法上的需要,由于一些单词的搭配、词义等方面的特点,直译会使句子生硬晦涩,翻译腔十足,而把某个单词分译却能使句子通顺,且不损伤原意;二是为了修饰上的需要,如加强语气,突出重点等。英语中的名词、动词、形容词和副词等都可以分译。 【例句】We recognize that China’s long-tern modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth. 【译文】我们意识到,中国的长期现代化建设以发展经济为重点,这是可以理解的,也是必要的。 【解析】将句中understandably和necessarily两个单词分译成两个句子,使中文表达更通顺、更明确。 二、短语分译 短语分译是指把原文中的一个短语分译成一个独立的句子。英语常用短语做修饰语,而汉语常用短句做修饰语,遇到这种情况,可以把短语摘出来单独翻译。名词短语、分词短语、介词短语等通常都可以分译成句。 【例句】Invitingly green Angle Island, once a military installation, contains meandering trails and picnic spots ideal for a day’s excursion. 【译文】迷人的天使岛郁郁葱葱,小径蜿蜒,是一日游的理想野餐场所。但在过去它是一个军事基地。 【解析】contains meandering trails被译为一个单独的句子“小径蜿蜒”,打破了原句的顺序和结构,更简洁、更符合汉语逻辑。 三、句子分译 英语中有些句子的结构十分奇怪复杂,其主谓宾等成分在翻译成汉语时无法对号入座,这时就需要从整体入手,打乱安排,重新分译。句子分译又可以分为以下几种不同的情况: 1、简单句的分译 【例句】Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle. 【译文】黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。 【解析】将一个句子分译成几个短句,不仅简洁,而且意境全出来了。 2、并列复合句的分译 英语并列复合句常常在分句连接处加以切分,译成两个或两个以上句子 【例句】The entire cable-car system recently got an overhaul after more than
