

中国是一个文化历史悠久的(time-honored)国度,也是一个礼仪(ceremony and decorum)之邦。每当客人来访,都需要泡茶给客人喝。在给客人奉茶之前,你应该问问他们都喜欢喝什么类型的茶,并采用最合适的茶具奉上。奉茶期间,主人需要仔细留意客人的茶杯里的茶量。通常,若是用茶杯泡的茶,在茶喝完一半之后就应该加开水,这样,茶杯就一直都是满的,茶的芳香(bouquet)也得以保留。

Chinese Tea Culture

China is a country with a time-honored civilization and also a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy, and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water remains in the guests' cups. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added into the cup when half of the tea in it has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled and the tea retains the same bouquet.


中国结(the Chinese knot)是中国的一种传统而典型的民间手工编织装饰品。在汉语中,“结”寓意团圆、友好、和平和爱等,所以中国结经常被用来表达美好的祝愿。每个中国结通常只用一根丝线或丝绳编结而成,每一个结根据其形状和意义命名。编织中国结的主要材料是各种线,线的种类包括丝、棉、麻(linen)、尼龙(nylon)等。中国结兼具实用性和装饰性,充分反映了中国文化的魅力。

The Chinese Knot

The Chinese knot is a kind of traditional and typical folk hand-woven decoration in China. In Chinese language, "jie (a knot)" means reunion, amity, peace and love, etc., so the Chinese knot is often used to express good wishes. Each knot is usually woven with only one silk cord or silk rope, and named according to its shape and meaning. Chinese knots are mainly made of various cords which can be silk, cotton, linen or nylon and so on. The Chinese knot is both practical and decorative, fully reflecting the charm of Chinese culture.

3. 唐诗

唐诗(Tang poetry)泛指创作于唐代(618年~907年)的诗。唐诗是汉族最珍贵的文化遗产之一,同时也对周边民族和国家的文化发展产生了很大影响。唐诗中流传最广的当属收录在《唐诗三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)中的诗歌,里面收录的许多诗篇都为后人所熟知。唐代的诗人特别多,其中李白、杜甫等都是世界闻名的伟大诗人,他们的作品有很多都是脍炙人口的诗篇。

Tang Poetry

Tang poetry generally refers to poems written during the Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.-907A.D.). Tang poetry is one of the most valuable cultural heritages of the Han Chinese. Meanwhile, it also has a great influence on the cultural development of neighboring ethnic groups and nations. The most widely spread among Tang poems are definitely the poems that are included in the "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", many of which are quite popular with people of later generations. There are lots of poets in Tang Dynasty, among whom Li Bai and Du Fu are world-famous. Many of the two great poets' works are household poems.


孟子(Mencius)是战国时期(the Warring States Period)伟大的思想家、教育家。孔子去世100年后,孟子传授并发展了孔子的学说,他的哲学思想与孔子是一脉相承的。孟子认为人性本善,是社会的影响引发了道德的堕落,因此十分重视道德教育。孟子的母亲在他的生命中扮演了重要的角色,她曾三度迁居,只为了帮助她的孩子找到一个合适的成长环境。


Mencius is a great ideologist and educator in the Warring States Period. A hundred years after Confucius died, Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine. His philosophical thinking has its origin in Confucius' thoughts. Mencius believes that human nature is essentially good, and it is society's influence that causes the degradation of morality. For that reason, he attaches great importance to moral education. Mencius' mother plays an important role in his life. She moved home three times only to find an environment that she felt was suitable for the child's upbringing.


西湖位于杭州市中心的西部,是江南三大名湖之一。由于西湖的缘故,杭州自古就被誉为“人间天堂”。西湖就像镶嵌(inlay)在广袤大地上的一颗璀璨的明珠,以其秀丽的风景、闻名的古迹、灿烂的文化和丰富的特产而闻名。宋代大文豪苏轼在西湖留下了“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜”的千古绝唱;白娘子的传奇故事(The Legend of White Snake)也给西湖增添了一层神秘色彩。

The West Lake

The West Lake, located in the western area of Hangzhou's center, is one of the top three lakes in the regions south of the Yangtze River. Because of it, Hangzhou has been acclaimed as "a heaven on earth" since

ancient times. The West Lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land, renowned for its beautiful scenery, well-known historical sites, brilliant culture, andplentiful local specialties. The literary giant Su Shi in Song Dynasty left a poetic masterpiece through the ages there: The West Lake is like the beauty Xi Shi, who is always charming with either light or heavy make-up (rainy or shiny). The Legend of White Snake also brings the West Lake an air of mystery.




Jiaozi, or dumpling is a kind of food stuffed with filling inside a wheat wrapper. As a quite traditional food in Northern China, it is very popular among Han Chinese. Jiaozi is absolutely necessary when the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival and other festivals. It is said that jiaozi was invented by China's famous ancient doctor Zhang Zhongjing. The reason for naming the food as "jiaozi" is very simple: because "jiaozi" is homophonous to the Chinese phrase "change of year", which means the transition from the old to the new. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year, people choose to eat jiaozi to express their best wishes for the New Year. This tradition has remained unbroken despite the change of times.


“人肉搜索(Human Flesh Search)”或许是中国网络空间最火的词之一。它是指网民大规模的协作以确认和发布尽可能多的有关目标个体或团体的信息。对于中国庞大的网民来说,人肉搜索已经成为揭露腐败、虚假和不公的有效工具。然而,凡事皆有两面性,人肉搜索有时会被人用于不良目的。因此,必须制定法律和规定以确保它的健康发展。

Human Flesh Search

"Human Flesh Search" may be one of the hottest words in China's cyberspace. It refers to the massive collaboration of the netizens to identify and release as much information on a targeted individual or group as possible. For the vast number of Chinese Internet users, the human flesh search has become an effective tool in exposing corruption, fraudulence and injustice. However, every coin has two sides. The human flesh search may sometimes be misused for ulterior purposes. Therefore, laws and regulations must be made to

ensure its healthy development.

8. 电视相亲节目

电视相亲节目就是以相亲和婚姻为主题的娱乐真人秀节目。该类节目所讨论的话题除去婚姻和爱情外,还包括中国当今社会盛行的拜金、房奴(housing mortgage slave)和剩女等话题。例如,某相亲节目的一位女嘉宾拒绝男嘉宾的追求时曾说“宁可坐在宝马车里哭,也不愿坐在自行车的后座笑”。除了非议,相亲节目却也为忙碌的年轻单身男女提供了一个全新的交友平台。

TV Dating Show

A TV dating show is an entertainment reality show featuring blind dates and marriage seeking. The topics discussed in the show have gone far beyond the scope of love or marriage including those popular topics in the current Chinese society, such as money worship, housing mortgage slave, and 3S ladies,etc. For example, a female contestant in one dating show said when she rejected the courting of her suitor, said: "I'd rather sit and cry in a BMW than laugh on the backseat of a bicycle." Despite all its criticism, a TV dating show provides a brand-new dating platform for busy young single people.


“正能量”(positive energy)本是物理学名词,最近却被赋予了新的含义并迅速流行起来。与“负能量”相反,“正能量”指的是一种健康乐观、积极向上的动力和情感,给人信心和希望,鼓舞人不断追求幸福生活。当下,该词在网络上尤为流行,很多充满“正能量”的故事和图片在网络上频频出现。网友们(netizens)为所有积极的、催人奋进的人和事,贴上“正能量”的标签。

Positive Energy

Positive energy, originally as a term in physics, has been given a new meaning recently and become popular rapidly. In contrast to negative energy, positive energy refers to a kind of healthy, optimistic and vigorous power and emotion, giving us confidence and hope and encouraging us to pursue a happy life constantly. This term is particularly popular on the Internet currently. Large amounts of stories and pictures full of positive energy appear on the Internet frequently. All the vigorous and inspiring people and stories are labeled with "positive energy" by netizens.


“山寨(copycatting)”是一种新兴的、流行的社会现象用语。“山寨”物品的主要特点为仿造性、快速化、平民化。主要表现形式为通过私人小作坊(individual workshop)制作,快速模仿著名品牌,涉及手机、数码产品、游戏机等不同领域。如今,网络上各种各样的东西都有山寨版,如山寨版手机、


Shanzhai (Copycatting)

"Shanzhai" (copycatting) is a new and popular term used to describe a certain social phenomenon. Main features of "shanzhai" products are as follows: they are counterfeits; they are produced quickly and their consumers are ordinary people. These products are mainly produced by individual workshops to quickly imitate famous brands of various fields such as cell phones, digital product and video game players. Nowadays, everything on the Internet has its "shanzhai" version such as shanzhai cell phones, shanzhai computers, shanzhai "Bird's Nest" and even shanzhai star.


大学英语四级范文带翻译(共25篇) Attending TV PK Shows Does No Good to Young People Nowadays, TV PK shows are great hits in China and have attracted a large number of adolescents. Some youngsters even give up their studies to attend these shows in the hope of winning their fame overnight. Some people argue that these shows provide young people more chance to show talents, while others assume that attending these shows does no good to the juvenile. As for me, I prefer to the latter opinion. In a word, entering for TV PK shows is not a good way for young people to achieve success. I hold the opinion that young people should think twice before deciding to attend PK shows. 翻译:参加电视PK节目对年轻人没有好处 如今,电视PK节目在某是伟大的冲击,吸引了大量的青少年。一些年轻人甚至放弃学业去参加这些节目,希望赢得他们一夜之间成名。一些人认为这些节目给年轻人更多的机会展示才华,而另一些人认为参加这些节目对青少年没有好处。就我而言,我更喜欢后者的观点。 应该承认,一些年轻人喜欢李宇春已从众多服务员站在PK的演出,但这并不意味着参加PK显示成为青少年的成功就是一个很好的方法。以下原因可以某某我的观点。首先,电视PK节目品种不安,促使年轻人寻找名声,不惜一切代价。此外,电视PK节目可以颠覆年轻人的价值观。他们坚持认为,参加PK显示是成功的捷径,所以他们可能会轻视通过努力工作获


大学英语四级作文范文及翻译(通用24篇)The Moonlight Clan Nowadays, more and more people, especially the young are joining in the army of the moonlight clan. These people e某 haust their earnings every month without any savings. Many people think this is a fashionable life style, while more other people object to this kind of consumption style. Weighing these two arguments, I prefer to the latter one. In my eyes, though the moonlight clan may acquire temporary satisfaction from their consumption, in the long term, it is unfavorable to their family and career. Just as a proverb says, one should always prepare for a rainy day. 月光族 如今,越来越多的人,尤其是年轻人加入了月光族的大军。这些人每 月都把收入花光了,却没有任何积蓄。很多人认为这是一种时尚的生活方式,而更多的人反对这种消费方式。 那些支持月光族的人认为那些人懂得享受生活,拥有更高的生活质量。然而,更多的人批评月光族。他们说月光族的消费习惯是不健康的,有时 是浪费。此外,没有任何积蓄将使月光族陷入困境,以防意外开支。 权衡这两个论点,我倾向于后者。在我看来,月光族虽然可以从他们 的消费中获得暂时的满足,但从长远来看,这对他们的家庭和事业都是不 利的。正如一句谚语所说,一个人总要未雨绸缪。


英语四级翻译真题及答案 英语四级翻译真题(一):红色 在中国文化中,红色通常象征着好运、长寿和幸福,在春节和其他喜庆场合,红色到处可见。人们把现金作为礼物送给家人或亲密朋友时,通常放在红信封里。红色在中国流行的另一个原因是人们把它与中国革命和共产党相联系。然而,红色并不总是代表好运与快乐。因为从前死者的名字常用红色书写,用红墨水写中国人名被看成是一种冒犯行为。 参考译文: The color of red in Chinese culture usually means good luck, longevity and happiness. Red can be found everywhere during Chinese Spring Festival and other joyous occasions. Cashes often in red envelopes are sent to family members or close friends as gifts. Its popularity can also be attributed the fact that people accociate it with Chinese revolution and Communist Party. However, it does not always equal to good luck and joy in that the name of the dead used to be written in red. Using red ink to write names of Chinese people were seen as an offense. 英语四级翻译真题(二):白色 随着中国的改革开放,如今很多年轻人都喜欢举行西式婚礼。新娘在婚礼上穿着白色婚纱,因为白色被认为是纯洁的象征。然而,在中国传统文化中,白色经常是葬礼上使用的颜色。因此务必记住,白花一定不要用作祝人康复的礼物,尤其不要送给老年人或危重病人。同样,礼金也不能装在白色信封里,而要装在红色信封里。


一、对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有开拓变化和团结凝聚的寓意。 (1) 对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。Chinese Dragon totem worship in China has been aroundfor over 8,000 years. (2) 中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。 The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) as a fetish thatcombine s animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. (3) 中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。The Chinese dragon was formedin accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. (4) 在中国人的心目中,龙具有开拓变化和团结凝聚的寓意。 To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.

二、秧歌舞是中国汉族的一种民间传统舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作有力迅速。在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上看秧歌舞表演。近年来,中国东北某些城市的老年人自发组织了了秧歌队,队员常年通过跳秧歌舞来保持健康,同时他们也乐在其中。 (1) 秧歌舞是中国汉族的一种民间传统舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。 Yangko is one of the traditional folk dances of Han nationality in China. It is usually performed in Northern provinces. (2) 秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作有力迅速。 The dancers usually wear/ are dressed in colorful and light costumes, and the performance is powerful and rapid. (3) 在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上看秧歌舞表演。 During some festivals such as the Spring Festival, the


1. 有时我们必须承认,现实真的可以把一个人的梦想打击得支离破碎。但是,没有到最后一刻,我们都不能轻易放弃自己的理想。我们要想方设法地去解决问题,而不是逃避问题。想放弃是我们的天性,但绝不是我们所需要的。一个人一旦养成遇到困难就放弃的习惯,那么你不管做什么事情都不会成功。 Sometimes we have to admit that reality can really shatter a person’s dream. However, not until the last moment shall we give up our dream easily. Instead, we should spare no effort to come up with the right solutions to tackling it rather than escaping from it. Giving up is our instinct, but it is by no means what we need. Once you get addicted to this habit, no matter what you do, you will not succeed. 2. 在通往成功的路上,你必须坚持你的方向。它就像一盏灯,在黑暗中为你指路,帮助你渡过难关。方向意味着目标,而人生如果没有目标,将一事无成。你可以试着把你的目标写在纸上,并制定实现目标的计划,以便学会如何合理的安排和支配时间。此外,你还要有这样的信念:只要你一直坚持自己的方向,你就一定会成功。 On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, which guides you in darkness and helps you overcome obstacles/tide over difficulties. Direction means objectives/goals, and you can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objectives on paper and make some plans to achieve them, in order to know how to arrange and spend your time properly. In addition, you should also have such a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you adhere to the direction you set consistently.


英语四级翻译真题及译文 英语四级翻译真题及译文 大学英语四级考试,即CET-4,College English Test Band 4的缩写,是由国家教育部高等教育司主持的全国性英语考试。以下是店铺为大家整理的英语四级翻译真题及译文相关内容,仅供参考,希望能够帮助大家! 英语四级翻译真题及译文篇1 功夫是中国武术的俗称。中国武术的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要、狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练。它是中国传统体育运动的一种,年轻人老年人都练。它已逐渐演变成了中国文化的独特元素。作为中国的国宝,功夫有上百种不同的风格,是世界上练的最多的武术形式。有些风格模仿了动物的动作,还有一些则受到了中国哲学思想、神话和传说的启发。 译文一 Kung Fu is a Chinese martial arts known. Origin of Chinese martial arts can be traced back to self-defense needs, hunting activities and military training in ancient China. It is a traditional Chinese sport, young people have practiced the elderly. It has gradually evolved into the unique elements of Chinese culture. As Chinas national treasure, there are hundreds of different martial arts styles, a form of martial arts in the world practice the most. Some styles imitate animal movements, and some are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends. 译文二 Kung Fu is commonly known as the Chinese martial arts. The origins of Chinese martial arts can be traced back to the needs of ancient self-defense, hunting activities and the military training in ancient china. It is one of the Chinese traditional sports, young people are practicing. It has evolved into a unique element of


1、Chinese people like eating together, which is a tradition that can be traced back a long time ago. It reflects the Chinese notion of union versus division. Round tables, round dishes, and round bowls all symbolize union and perfection. Dishes are usually placed at the center of the table so that everyone around the table can reach and share them. A recent book by an American Sinologist holds that the Chinese collective tradition developed out of the practice of eating together.1、中国人喜欢一起吃饭,该传统可追朔到很久以前。这一习俗反映出中国人喜团圆、不愿分离的观念。圆桌,圆盘,圆碗,都象征着团圆和美满。盘子通常放桌子中央,以便围坐的所有人都可以够得着吃得到。最近,有一位美国汉学家在著作中认为:中国人的集体观念(collective tradition)就是从一起吃饭的行为发展而来。

2、The left-behind children easily suffer from the lack of emotional support. Since their parents are migrant workers, they are mostly left in the care of their grandparents, relatives or family friends. Unlike other children, they don't have their parents to care for them, and much too often , their grandparents don't have the energy or capability to look after them. The absence of such support and care seriously influences the healthy psychological development of these children. An even more pressing issue is the fact that the number of the left-behind children is still growing. According to the latest statistics, the number has reached 61.02 million, which is three million more than five years ago, accounting for 21.88 percent of China’s children. Giving them a healthy upbringing isn’t just about providing this vulnerable group with the care they are entitled to and deserve—it is also a prerequisite to the healthy development of Chinese society. 2、留守儿童(left-behind children)很容易面临情感关怀的缺失。父母外出务工后,他们大多由祖父母或亲友临时监护。他们无法像其他孩子一样得到父母的养育,而祖父母又极可能缺乏养育的精力和能力。这种亲情和关怀的缺失,已严重影响了留守儿童的心理健康发展。更为严峻的挑战是,留守儿童群体还在不断扩大。据最新统计,目前全国农村留守儿童人数已达6102万,占全国儿童总数的21.88%,比五年前增加了近300万人。如何让这些占全国儿童总人数超过五分之一的孩子们更健康成长,不仅是对弱势群体应有的关爱,更是社会健康发展的必要条件。


1.中国的茶文化 中国是一个文化历史悠久的(time-honored)国度,也是一个礼仪(ceremony and decorum)之邦。每当客人来访,都需要泡茶给客人喝。在给客人奉茶之前,你应该问问他们都喜欢喝什么类型的茶,并采用最合适的茶具奉上。奉茶期间,主人需要仔细留意客人的茶杯里的茶量。通常,若是用茶杯泡的茶,在茶喝完一半之后就应该加开水,这样,茶杯就一直都是满的,茶的芳香(bouquet)也得以保留。 Chinese Tea Culture China is a country with a time-honored civilization and also a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy, and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water remains in the guests' cups. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added into the cup when half of the tea in it has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled and the tea retains the same bouquet. 2.中国结 中国结(the Chinese knot)是中国的一种传统而典型的民间手工编织装饰品。在汉语中,“结”寓意团圆、友好、和平和爱等,所以中国结经常被用来表达美好的祝愿。每个中国结通常只用一根丝线或丝绳编结而成,每一个结根据其形状和意义命名。编织中国结的主要材料是各种线,线的种类包括丝、棉、麻(linen)、尼龙(nylon)等。中国结兼具实用性和装饰性,充分反映了中国文化的魅力。 The Chinese Knot The Chinese knot is a kind of traditional and typical folk hand-woven decoration in China. In Chinese language, "jie (a knot)" means reunion, amity, peace and love, etc., so the Chinese knot is often used to express good wishes. Each knot is usually woven with only one silk cord or silk rope, and named according to its shape and meaning. Chinese knots are mainly made of various cords which can be silk, cotton, linen or nylon and so on. The Chinese knot is both practical and decorative, fully reflecting the charm of Chinese culture. 3. 唐诗 唐诗(Tang poetry)泛指创作于唐代(618年~907年)的诗。唐诗是汉族最珍贵的文化遗产之一,同时也对周边民族和国家的文化发展产生了很大影响。唐诗中流传最广的当属收录在《唐诗三百首》(Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty)中的诗歌,里面收录的许多诗篇都为后人所熟知。唐代的诗人特别多,其中李白、杜甫等都是世界闻名的伟大诗人,他们的作品有很多都是脍炙人口的诗篇。


1) I was scared of leaving the protective bubble of this place for places unknown,during uncertain economic times. 在经济不稳定的年代,我害怕离开这里的保护罩到未知的地方去。2) You are the only one who can answer that,But what I can offer as guidance,and reassurance,is a story:the story of one Stanford graduate's process of stumbling and searching to find a place in the world,oftentimes in the face of her fears. 你是仅仅一个可以回答这个问题的人,但是我能够讲一个故事为你提供引导使你放心:这是一位斯坦福大学毕业生在社会上摸爬滚打以争得一席之地的故事,尽管她一直面对恐惧。 3) The philosophics and ideologies themselves certainly left an impression on me.But the rigor of the distillation process,the exercise of refinement,that's where the real learning happened. 这些哲理和思想的确给我留下了深刻印象,但严谨的提炼过程和不断的改进加工才是我真正学习到的东西. 4)When you graduate from here,you exit with thousands of pages of personal text on which are inscribed beliefs and values shaped by years of education,family interactions,relationship,experience. 当你从这里毕业时,你会带着数千页的个人纪录走出校门,在这些记录上,是你多年来受教育,家庭,社会关系以及个人经历影响而形成的信念和价值观. 5)I had convinced myself that my analytic mind and my Stanford humanities degree were enough to guell the fear. 我已确信我善于分析的头脑和斯坦福大学的人文学科的学位足以平息我的恐惧. 6) We all know that normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours' sleep alternating with some 16-17 hours' wakefulness and that,broadly speaking,the sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness. 我们都清楚正常人每天的活动周期是大约7-8个小时睡眠和16-17个小时清醒轮流相互交替,我么也知道,一般来说,睡眠常在夜间进行。 7) The case ,for example,with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a question of growing importance in industry where automation calls insistently for round-the-clock working of machines. 例如有种情况,自动化工厂要求持续24小时的机器运转,因此日夜颠倒上班成了一个越来越重要的问题。 8) This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another,so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping very efficiently. 这说明他刚适应一种工作规律就又得转向另一种工作规律,因此在他大部分时间里,休息和工作的效率很低. 9) One answer would seem to be longer periods on each shift,a month,or even three months. 一个解决的方法似乎是每次换班持续的时间长些,可以一个月甚至三个月换一次班. 10) The only real solution appears to be to hand over the night shift to a corps of permanent night workers whose nocturnal wakefulness may persist through all weekends and holidays. 唯一能解决问题的方法是将夜班交给一些长期从事夜间工作的人,,他们在周末和假期依然会保持警醒状态. 11) The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of primitive weapons and the discovery of fire,although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of the latter. 在人类文明发展的进程中,最初的两个阶段可能是原始武器的发明和火的发现,但没有人确切的知道,人类是在什么时候学会利用火的。 12) Animal have a few cries that serve as signals,but even the highest apes haven't been found able to pronounce words,even with the most intensive professional instructions. 动物会发出几种叫声作为信号,然而人们发现,即使是最高级的猿经过强化的专业训练也不能说出话来。 13) Agriculture made possible an immense increase in the number of the human species in the regions where it could be successfully practised. 在农业繁荣的地区,农业的发展使当地人口的数量大幅度增长。14) These inventions and discoveries---fire,speech,weapons,domestic animals,agriculture and writing---made the existence of civilized communities possible. 火,语言,武器,家禽,农业和文字的发明,使得文明社会有了存在的可能. 15) There was progress---there were even two inventions of great importance,namely gunpowder and the mariner's compass---but neither of these can be compared in their revolutionary power to such things as speech and writing and agriculture. 进步是有的,有两项伟大发明,火药和航海指南针,但是,就其革命性而言,这两项发明都不能同语言,文字,和农业相比. 16) Growth in electronic commerce is not a straight line trend---it come slowly at first,then accelerates rapidly. 电子商务的发展并非一帆风顺,而是经历了缓慢起步才加速前进的。 17) Nonetheless,although it may take six years to reach sales of 1 trillion dollars,it won't take six more to reach 2 trillion,nor perhaps even two to expaned from 2 to 4 trillion dollars. 尽管可能需要六年时间才能使销售收入达到1万亿美元,但是从1万亿到2万亿美元则不会再用六年时间,而从2万亿到4万亿美元甚至用不了两年时间. 18) Electronic commence will turn the world into one giant shopping mall for products,services,and investments. 电子商务将会把世界变成一个集提供产品,服务与投资与一体的大型购物中心。


1.琴棋书画 中国人最懂得消遣,中国从前的读书人,闲暇时间以琴棋书画作为消遣。在中国人看来,艺术品的好坏,意味着作者人格的高低,所以弹琴、下棋、写字和绘画,都代表一个人的修养。弹琴不是要做音乐家,而是随着美妙的琴声,进入一个辽阔的世界,净化自己的心灵。下棋不是为了胜负,而是磨练耐性和使人眼光远大。写字不仅是把字写漂亮,同时也是为了陶冶情操。绘画则是借着画面上的简单线条,表现自己的想象的世界。 Music, chess, calligraphy and painting Chinese people have the best idea about recreation. Scholars of ancient times enjoyed themselves through music, chess, calligraphy and painting in their leisure time. In the eyes of the Chinese people, the quality of the artifacts is a reflection of the character of the creator. Thus, playing musical instruments, playing chess, writing calligraphy or painting show one’s culture. By playing music, one does not aim to be a musician but to enter a broader world, purifying one’s soul in the beautiful music. By playing chess, one does not aim to be the winner but to cultivate patience and foresight. By calligraphy, one aims not only to write beautifully but also to improve his mind. Through painting, one expresses an imaginary world with simple lines. 2.孝 孝是中国人的一种最重要的民族美德。孔子认为孝道是各种美德的基础。孟子认为,如果人人都能孝顺父母,尊敬长辈,就可以使天下太平。一个人如果能尽孝道,就不会做出越礼犯法的行为。而且,孝顺父母的人往往性情淳厚,有见义勇为的品德,对于公益事业一定热心。社会的组成分子如果能推广孝顺父母的品德,热心公益,就会使社会更容易进步。Filial piety Filial piety is the most important national virtue to the Chinese people. Confucius considered it to be the foundation of other virtues. Mencius believed that if everyone had filial piety for his parents and respect for older generations, there would be peace in the world. Those with filial piety will break neither etiquette nor the law. Such people are usually simple in nature, courageous in a just cause and enthusiastic in promoting the public good for sure. If society is eager for filial piety and ardent for the public good, it will be easier to make progress. 3.中文 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,使他们认识到孩子掌握双语的好处--- 既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。这些人对中文的态度几乎完全改变了。曾几何时,他们还骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。现在,他们已开始积极支持孩子学习中文和中国文化,而且还不时送孩子来中国游览,欣赏壮观的自然风光,了解丰富的文化遗产。Chinese language An increasing number of Chinese parents overseas with English education background have realized how important it is for their children to command Chinese as well as to master indispensable English. The rise of china has awakened their awareness of the benefits of bilingual study of their children, both to increase their chances of employment and to facilitate their contact and familiarity with tow different cultures: the Oriental and the Occidental. They have almost completely changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they only knew English. Now, they have begun to positively support their children’s study of Chinese and Chinese culture, and send them on frequent visits to China to admire its magnificent natural scenery and learn its cultural heritage.


20XX年12月英语四级翻译真题及答案 不知不觉,又一次四级考试结束了,对于这一次英语四级翻译引发热议,大家怎么看呢?下面是给大家带来的关于20XX 年12月英语四级翻译真题及答案,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! 英语四级翻译真题及答案 四级翻译第一套: 春节前夕吃团聚饭是ZG人的传统。团聚饭是一年中最重要的晚餐,也是家庭团聚的最正确时机,家人生活在不同地方的家庭尤其如此。团聚饭上的菜肴丰富多样,其中有些菜肴有特别含义。例如,鱼是不行缺少的一道菜,因为汉语中的“鱼〞字和“余〞字听上一样。在ZG的很多地方,饺子也是一道重要的佳肴,因为饺子象征着财宝和好运。 Its trdition for Chinese to hve the fmily reunion melon the SpringFestivl Eve,which is not only the mostimportnt dinner in yer but lso thebest opportunityfor fmily reunion ,esp. for those fmilies whose membersLive indifferent plces . The fmily reunion dinner consistsof gret vriety ofdishes ,some of which crry specilmenings .Forexmple,fishis indispensbles“fish〞soundslike“surplus〞or“bundnt〞in Chinese .In mnyres of


英语四级翻译真题及答案 四级翻译第一套: 春节前夕吃团聚饭是ZG人的传统。团聚饭是一年中最重要的晚餐,也是家庭团聚的最正确时机,家人生活在不同地方的家庭尤其如此。团聚坂上的菜肴丰富多样,其中有些菜肴有特别含义。例如,鱼是不行缺少的一道菜,因为汉语中的“鱼〃字和“余〃字听上一样。在ZG的很多地方,饺子也是一道重要的佳肴,因为饺子象征着财宝和好运。 Its trdition for Chinese to hve the fmily reunion melon the SpringFestivl Eve, which is not only the mostimportnt dinner in yer but Iso thebest opportunityfor fmily reunion , esp. for those fmilies whose membersLive indifferent pices . The fmily reunion dinner consistsof gret vriety ofdishes , some of which crry specilmenings . Forexmple, fishis indispensbles “fish" soundslike “surplus" or"bundnt〃in Chinese . In mnyres of Chin , dumpling is Iso n importnt dish for itsymbolizes welth nd fortune . 四级翻译第二套: 鱼是春节前夕餐桌上不行或缺的一道菜,因为汉语中“鱼"字的发音与“余"字的发音相同。正由于这个象征性的意义,春节期间鱼也作为礼物送给亲戚伴侣。鱼的象征意义据说源于ZG传统文化。ZG人有节约的传统,他们认为节约得愈多,就感到愈为安全。今日,尽管人
