2020-2021学年第一学期青岛市第十七中学高一期中考试 无答案

2020-2021学年第一学期青岛市第十七中学高一期中考试 无答案
2020-2021学年第一学期青岛市第十七中学高一期中考试 无答案







2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。






Don't let your kids be bored this summer. Join the Summer Fun Holiday Club at Canterbury College. Choose from over 30 activities which take place between 28 July and 8 August.

How to book?

Just complete the Registration(登记)Form and return it to Canterbury College in person or by post with payments Payments must be made in cash, by check, or by credit card before your child's first day.

Download the Registration Form at Summer Fun Holiday Club. Com.

What do I need to know?

Age: The Summer Fum Holiday Club is designed for 11-16 years old.

Prices: $10 per half day,$20 per day and $80per 5days.

Arrival & Parking: All children should arrive at the college main reception 15 minutes before the starting time.We have a large drop-off and pick up area.Public car parts can be found a few minutes' walk from site.

Lunch& Breaks: You will need a packed lunch for the 30 minutes lunch break.Vending machines (自动售货机) are available for drinks and snacks.

Collection: Children should be collect within 15 minutes of the finish time.

Refunds Policy: Refunds will only be given with a minimum of 48 hours notice.To cancel, call 01227-811259.

Clothing: Some activities may be messy, so please ensure your child brings clothing suitable for their activities and that sensible footwear is worn.

21.For whom is the text mainly written?

A. Teenagers.

B. Parents.

C. Teachers

D. Pupils

22.According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A. A packed lunch isn't necessary.

B Children under 18 can join the club.

C. Suitable clothes are of great use for activities.

D. You should hand in the Registration Form in person.

23. What type of writing is this text?

A. A diary

B. A notice

C. An invitation

D. An advertisement


I'll never forget the day when Mary came into my office and said,I am too old to learn how to use a computer. I shook my head. Here was a woman who had raised 6 children and who had made great progress in her career telling me that she was too old to learn something new. I told her that I always believed people were never too old to learn.

Mary followed my advice and did learn how to use the computer. Now, she is retired and leading a very active life volunteering in her community(社区),using her computer sills and helping anyone that needs help.

When she was in her sixties, one day she called me and said she had played the piano for others all her life, and now she Was going to make a CD of her own. My mind flashed back to the day when she told me she was too old to learn. You can imagine my surprise and joy.

To produce the CD, she had a lo of thing to learn. It was not just sting at the piano and paying.She had to research the songs, learn about copyright(版权), and learn something about marketing .It was petty amazing for someone who once said she was too old to learn. And finally she made it. Now she has her own CD-Mixed Blessings.

Most of you probably have heard about some people who have gone back to university in their seventies and have also graduated. They are on their way again to charging themselves with a new skill and a new attitude towards life. The point is you are unable to learn anything at any age if you believe you are too old. On the contrary,you can achieve anything at any age if you believe you can.

24.When May said she was too old to learn,the author_________.

A.did not agree with her

B. felt sad and decided to help her

C. became disappointed with her

D. thought what she had said was true

25. Why did Mary call the author one day in her sixties?

A To ask him for some help. B. To tell him about her plan

C.To ask him to make a CD

D. To talk about her new CD

26. The author thought it________ for Mary to make a CD.

A. impossible

B. interesting

C. unnecessary

D. difficult

27. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. We should always learn new sills.

B. Were never too old to learn.

C. Interest is the best teacher.

D. Some people succeed for a reason.


A facial recognition app, recently developed by scientists, will make it easier to identify (辨认) pandas.

Wan Yongqing, a Beijing photographer, visits Sichuan Province to take photos of pandas every other year. He has watched therm for more than a decade. "My friends say I'm a big panda fan. It is a shame that I find all pandas look the same, with black eyes and white fur. It does not matter as all the pandas are cute to me," he said.

Yet, identifying one panda from another does mater to researchers, according to Zhang Zhihe, chief of the Chengdu panda research base.

"Identifying individual pandas is important for conservation (保护) management and research. For captive(圈养的) pandas, it is important for their daily feeding schedules. family background and data(数据) management. For wild pandas, it helps researchers study their population structure and provides scientific support for their a protection and management," he said.

China has carried out four scientific surveys on wild pandas, and now has a big databank about them. The number of wild pandas in China is mostly known. However, it is still difficult to know the age, sex, heath and other scientific information about the population.

"It is difficult to track and watch the structure because wild pandas tend to live alone, deep in the mountains, and their living environment is vast," Zhang added.

In 2017, the Chengdu base began researching individual panda identification technology by analyzing images. Over the past two years, they have built a databank of more than 120.000 images, over 10,00 video clips, and completed organizing nearly 10,000 images.

Using the databank, researchers have started a facial recognition app that can accurately recognize captive pandas by analyzing and comparing the unique features of panda faces.

Panda researchers hope the data and Al technology will help them analyze data fort both captive and wild pandas.

28. Why is it important to identify individual captive pandas?

A.It is helpful for further research and data management.

B. It is useful for studying their population structure.

C. It provides proof that they need protection in the wild.

D. It helps researchers build up their living environment.

29. What makes it difficult to track and watch wild pandas?

A. They only live in a small area.

B. They don't leave enough tracks.

C. They are difficult to see in the forest.

D. They live alone deep in the mountains.

30. What is necessary for the facial recognition app to work well?

A.The structure of pandas

B.The databank of pandas

C. The invention of Al technology

D. The unique features of panda faces


Six Chinese survived(幸存) the legendary tragedy of the RMS Titanic (泰坦尼克号) but disappeared soon after. Now a British director, Arthur Jones, will uncover their stories and histories of discrimination(歧视).

There were eight Chinese between the ages of 24 and 37 on the Titanic, boiler workers sharing one 59-pound third-class ticket, according to the record of Titanic Cruise Line but only six survived from its sinking. When they arrived in the United States, they were not helped, like the other 705 survivors. Instead they were forced to leave the country within 24 hours, because of the Chinese Exclusion Act(排华法案) signed in 1882.

Some westerners questioned the six Chinese survivors as stowaways(偷渡者)and claimed that they survived because they secretly climbed on the lifeboat or dressed as women to board lifeboats. But Jones believes they did not do anything shameful in order to survive the disaster

after visiting foreign files, museums and cooperating with American and Chinese historians.This is not only a story about the survivors of Titanic,but also story of a group of brave Chinese people exploring the outside world at that time, he said.

To restore(还原) their ignored stories, Jones and his team found the son of Fang Lang, one of the Chinese survivors , in Wisconsin, US. In May, Jones will visit Taishan city in south China's Guangzhou province, recorded as the survivors' hometown.The filmmakers also established a website, https://www.360docs.net/doc/963888948.html,, for more clues.

Ordinarily, people think of Titanic as a story of rich white people, but don't know there were people from all over the world, including Chinese. Their stories are never told, Jones said.

31. Why did some westerners question the six Chinese as stowaways and claimed they dressed as women to board lifeboats?

A. Because they thought highly of their contribution to the Titanic

B. Because they just discriminated Chinese at that time

C. Because they were not satisfied with the service the six provided.

D. Because they thought the six were not gentlemen.

32. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. Jones holds an opinion that the six did something against the law.

B. The six Chinese's stories have never been told before.

C. There were 8 Chinese between the ages of 24 and 37 on the Titanic.

D. The six Chinese were forced to leave within one day after they landed in US.

33. What does the underlined word“established" in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. look for

B. work out

C. set up

D. pick up

34. What's the author's purpose of writing this passage?

A. To share some specific details of the tragedy of the RMS Titanic.

B. To honor the brave heroes who passed away in the terrible accident.

C. To tell us a British director will uncover the stories of 6 Chinese Titanic surviv ors.

D. To tell some history stories in which westerners looked down upon Chinese.


Scientists have already studied how dogs respond to people's behavior and speech. But researchers are just scratching the surface of human-cat interactions.House cats do appear to respond to the expressions on people's faces. Cats can also tell different human voices. But can cats recognize their own names?

Saito, a psychologist at Sophia University in Tokyo, and her colleagues decided to find the answer. They asked the owners of 77 cats to say four nouns of similar length followed by the cat's name Cats gradually lost interest with each random (随机的) noun. But when the owner said a cat's name, the cats reacted strong. They moved their ears, head or tail, changed their back paw position.And, of course, they meowed.

These findings mean that cats join the ranks of animals that have shown some sort of response in experiments to the names people give them. Those animals include dogs, dolphins, apes and parrots. It's hard to compare across species(种类), though. Some dogs,for example, can tell the difference between hundreds of human words.

The study makes a strong case that cats are perfectly capable of recognizing their own names.

Getting a treat or hugs as a reward (奖励)is part of how cats learn to recognize a name. However, owners may also use their cat's name in a negative setting, like yelling at Fluffy to get off the stove. As a result, cats can probably learn to associate these familiar utterances with good and bad experiences,Saito notes. And that might not be great for cat-human relations. So only using a cats name in a positive context and using a different term in a negative context could help cats and humans communicate more clearly.

So cats may recognize their names. But will they come when called? Don't get your hopes up.

35. What made cats react strongly according to Saito's study?

A.Their owners.

B. Their own names.

C. A random noun.

D. A delicious meal.

36. The author mentioned dogs in Paragraph 3 to show__________.

A. they can recognize hundreds of human words

B. it's easy to tell their difference from other animals

C. it's difficult to make a comparison among animals

D. they will respond on hearing of their names like cats

37. What does the underlined word "utterances" in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Words.

B. Situations.

C. Observations.

D. Owners.

38. What should people avoid to improve human-cat communication?

A. Giving a treat or hug as a reward.

B. Calling their name in a positive context.

C. Using a different term in a negative setting.

D. Associating their name with bad experiences.



It may not be the best way to go about meeting new people, but chat rooms are still among the most popular channels(渠道). Want to chat with a stranger now? 39 ,after which, you need to keep the following rules in mind.

40 .Details such as your phone number and home address or where you attend classes should remain personal. It is actually not a very good idea to share your last name with a stranger. Even if you feel you have met someone you really like and get along with, it is still necessary to hold back some important details.

Be fun and chat about something personal. This doesn't mean giving away(泄露) personal details, but you can share your life experiences and stories with strangers as 1long as you are both going with the flow. There is really no way you will manage to know the strangers better unless you both go beyond(超出) your hobbies. 41 .

Remain in control at all times. There is really no obligation (义务,责任)on you to continue with chats that scare you or make you uncomfortable. 42 . As soon as something annoys you, feel free to leave the chat. Let nobody force you into conversations you find inappropriate.

Try not to download things from strangers. 43 . but be careful that you don't get viruses or hacked by such downloads. You really can't be sure of who you are talking to, so be cautious about

(小心地)downloads. It is best that you stick to the channels of communication made available to you and also make sure that you have the right computer protection even when you download things.

A . Avoid sharing your personal details with random(随机的) strangers

B . Chat rooms make it possible to share all kinds of files

C . So do not be afraid to get a little personal in your random chats

D . Remember you are chatting for fun and you should remain fully in control

E . Many files with viruses(病毒) are often purposefully(故意地) spread on the website

F . Then you should start by finding a chat room reflecting your interests

G . At night it's not appropriate for teens to stay in chat rooms alone

G. At night it's not proper tor EE




Have you ever noticed how the way you feel about yourself sometimes depends on whether or not you get confirmation(确认) of your value from others?

I have 44 a lot about nurturing a positive identity of love and appreciation from the man who taught me to train dogs.

First, he started out by 45 his dogs with love and respect, and by showing them an infinite amount of 46 as they were learning.

Then, the 47 thing he did was a true stroke of genius. He would cut a small piece of___48 for each dog. He would place it in the dog's sleeping area, for him to 49 each night.He would also take this carpet during the day and set it down in 50 locations, and sit the dog on the carpet, as he 51 the dog for being good.

Next, Frank would teach the dog to 52 the carpet himself, and carry it to 53 they were going. The dog would then set the carpet down when they 54 ,with Frank all of the time praising him. Now Frank said, “The dog begins to fee1 that he truly55 in every place he travels to, and no matter where he goes, he 56 my love and appreciation.”

If this strategy(策略) 57 so brilliantly with dogs. would it not work just 58 with human beings?

44.A. learned B.proved C.contacted D.poured

45.A . pleasing B. treating C.surrounding D.debating

46. A. sympathy B.destiny C.patience https://www.360docs.net/doc/963888948.html,fort

47. A . first B. last C.next D.1east

48. A. cloth B . meat C.area D.carpet

49. A. lie on B.hide in C.stand beside D.play with

50. A. opposing B.individual C.curious D.various

51. A. blamed B.recognized C.praised D.maintained

52. A.carry with B.care for C.cutup D.pickup

53. A.wherever B.whenever C. however D.whatever

54. A.ran B.stopped C.preferred D.turned

55. A.contained B.ignores C.belongs D.corresponds

56.A.receives B.selects C.chats D.reflects

57. A.works B.intends C.reminds D.explores

58. A.as possible B.as well C.better than D.still less



Litter is everywhere,doing great harm 59.________ the environment and life on our planet.Jeff Kirschner , who wants to build a litter free world , started a global community named Litterati 60._________(solve)this problem.

The story began with his 6-year-old daughter.One day they were going on a hike 61._______ the girl noticed a broken plastic tub(浴盆)in a rive.She said ,“Daddy , that doesn't go there.”That took Kirschner by surprise He , like many adults , had become so used to the rubbish around them that he hadn't given it a second 1ook.What his daughter said reminded him of the serious problem 62.__________our planet faces.

Jeff started to take63.________ (act).He created Litterati , an app that makes it fun to pick up litter.The idea is64.__________ (fair) simple:Spot a piece of trash , take a photo , post the photo online and then put the litter into dustbins.

65.__________(see) that Jeff was keeping a record of the positive impact he was having on the planet , people worldwide started taking part 66.________ the activities.So far, over2,500, 000 photos posted by 3,500 people from over 40 countries 67.________(find)their way to Litterati's digital landfill.

Litterati is more than an app.It is a highly effective solution to a pressing issue.Wherever you live , whatever you do and whoever you are,join Litterati to make the world 68._______ cleaner and healthier place to live in.



69. He looked at me in_________ (confuse) and did not answer the question.

70. With exams_________(approach), it is a good idea to review your class notes.

71. So far, some___________(advance) teaching equipment, together with three hundred new books, has been sent to those schools in the faraway area.

72._________(inspire) by a famous dancer, the little girl is determined to do what she is interested in.

73.I am__________ (frighten) of walking home alone in the dark.

74. Many people tend_________(assume) that invention just means crating something new, but actually it is an attitude of life.

75. With the problem___________ (settle), we all felt happy and gladly took a trip.

76. All people___________ (remind) to turn their cell phones off during the meeting.

77.The____________ (appoint) time of the ceremony was drawing near, we should hurry up to arrive at the hall on time.

78. You'd better make an__________ (apologize) to your mum for your carelessness.

79.The company is___________(fortune) to have such highly skilled workers.

80.The mountains are_________ (visible) because of his heavy clouds.

81. Opinions can___________(交流,交换) freely with the experts on this matter in the forum.

82.It is unbelievable that Bob leads a simple life__________ (尽管) his great wealth.

83.She watched___________(好奇地) as I opened the box. 第四节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)















97. ...为背景________________________

98. 丢下,抛下,遭忘________________________



2020上海中学 高一下期中数学

上海中学 2019-2020 学年高一下期中考试 一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1.已知点A (2,-1)在角α的终边上,则sin α=__________. 2.函数sin(2)y x π=+的最小正周期是________. 3.一个扇形半径是2,圆心角的弧度数是2,则此扇形的面积是________. 4.已知函数[]()sin (0,)f x x x π=∈和函数1()tan 2 g x x = 的图像交于A 、B 、C 三点,则△ABC 的面积为________. 5.在平面直角坐标系xoy 中,角α与角β都以x 轴正半轴为始边,它们的终边关于y 轴对称.若1sin 3 α= ,则cos()αβ-=__________.6.已知3sin()45x π-=,则sin 2x =__________.7.设(),0,x y π∈,且满足2222sin cos cos cos sin sin 1sin() x x x y x y x y -+-=+,则x y -=_____.8.我国古代数学家秦九韶在《数学九章》中记述了“三斜求积术”,用现代式子表示即为:在△ABC 中,A ∠、B ∠、C ∠的对边分别是a 、b 、,c 则△ABC 的面积 S =.根据此公式,若cos (3)cos 0a B b c A ++=,且2222a b c +-=,则△ABC 的面积为_______. 9.若函数()2sin(2)1()6f x x a a R π=++-∈在区间0,2π?????? 上有两个不同的零点12,x x ,则12x x a +-的取值范围是__________. 10.已知函数sin ()cos m f ααα-=在(0,2 π上单调递减,则实数m 的取值范围是________.二、选择题(每题4分,共24分) 1.已知cos ,(1,1),(,)2k k π ααπ=∈-∈,则sin()πα+=() A. B. C. D.1k -


高一语文期中考试试卷 (本试卷分为两部分,共22道题,满分150分,考试时间150分钟。) 第Ⅰ卷(阅读题共66分) 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 中国的篆刻艺术,其实就是在金属、象牙、犀角、玉石等材质上以篆体文字雕刻的艺术。因以制作印章为主,又称印章艺术。作为国粹之一,它经历了漫长的发展过程,形成了一以贯之及厚重的悠久传统。其融万千气象于方寸之间,向来为历代文人墨客所钟爱。或自篆自用,或馈赠文友,钤记落款,观赏把玩,可从中获得无尽的审美愉悦和艺术享受。 考篆印之滥觞,当不晚于周代。当前所发现的最早实物,可确定为东周遗物,学界亦普遍接受“我国篆印源于春秋而盛于战国”的论断。但从当时篆刻艺术的成熟程度论之,此前当有相当漫长的发展过程。商周时期普遍应用的甲骨文,就是以刀为笔,刻在龟甲兽骨之上而成的,广义而言亦可归入篆刻艺术之内。河南安阳殷墟曾出土过颇似当今印章的铜玺,字迹清晰,斑斑可考,或可视为印章艺术之先河。 古人崇尚诚信,因而对作为诚信物证的印玺十分重视。先秦时期,古风犹存,等级观念尚不严备,无论官印、私章,皆可称“玺”,且样式五花八门,美不胜收。到秦汉时,专制制度正式确立,社会等级日益森严,“玺”成为了皇帝王侯印章之专用名称,其他人的印信只能以“印”“章”“记”等名之,且尺寸、样式也有严格规定。汉代时,篆刻印章十分兴盛,到达顶点。考其原因,乃由于秦代实行“书同文”,废六国古文字,独行秦国创制的小篆字体,而比篆晚出之隶、草、楷、行等字体尚未行世,故篆文居官方正式字体地位,因而大盛。另两汉社会稳定,冶炼业和手工制作业发达,使得汉印的艺术取得长足进展,水平空前,而成为历代篆刻家尊奉临摹之典范。 就制作方法而论,汉印多以黄铜浇铸而成,但浇铸前须将印文反刻于陶范内壁;而部分急就章乃直接用铜坯凿成,如“某某将军章”等;另有一部分乃就玉材而雕琢。因此,三者尤其是后两者被认为是现代篆刻艺术之始祖。 印章文字,有凹凸两种,凹者称阴文,凸者称阳文,也有阴阳合璧者。因印泥多取朱色,故钤盖印蜕后,阴即白,阳即朱,遂又有“白文”“朱文”之目。印面虽风韵万端,但也无非是依阴阳二体间组合搭配以求变化。阴文之美,无阳文之衬托则不可能存在,反之亦然。二者相互制约又相辅相成,故而“分朱布白”“虚实有致”乃印人需潜心探索的治印之道。真可谓是高深莫测,奥妙无穷。 篆刻就布局而言,有字法、章法之分。字法乃用字写字之法。包括选取字体、反书于印面等环节。不同时代之字体,切不可出现于同一印章之内。而字之书写,乃印家书法功力的集中体现。而所谓章法,指将所有印文排列于印面的艺术,要力求疏密有致,彼此呼应,向无定法,气象万千,这应该是篆刻艺术最重要的一环。因为即使印家刀法熟练,而章法却幼稚,亦绝无佳作可言。尤其是同一字两次以上出现于同一印章时,每字则不可取同。而成套成组之印章,须方方有别,显示其作者的章法功力。所以在设计印稿时必反复构思,用尽解数。当然既是印家,便多是“心中有字”“胸内有法”。 1.下列对于中国篆刻艺术的理解,不正确的一项是() A.中国的篆刻艺术属于国粹,又称印章艺术。它是在金属、象牙、犀角、玉石等材质上雕刻篆体文字的艺术。 B.中国篆刻艺术的起源应该不会晚于周代,中国篆刻艺术经历了漫长的发展过程,从而形成了一以贯之以及厚重的悠久传统。 C.中国篆刻艺术有凹凸两种形式,分别称为阴文和阳文,也有阴阳合璧者;由于印泥多用朱色,又有“白文”“朱文”的说法。 D.中国篆刻艺术在章法上疏密有致,彼此呼应,使万千气象融于方寸之间,让人从中获得无尽的审美愉悦和艺术享受。 2.下列理解和分析,不符合原文意思的一项是() A.古人崇尚诚信,人们对作为诚信物证的印玺十分重视。等级观念尚不严备的先秦时期,玺的样式五花八门,美不胜收。 B.汉代篆刻印章大盛的原因:一是小篆居官方正式字体地位且独行于世,二是当时社会稳定、冶炼与手工业发达。 C.印章的印面依据阴阳二体间的组合搭配来求得变化,二者相互制约又相辅相成,进而取得奥妙无穷的效果。 D.印家的“心中有字”是指篆刻布局中将所有印文排列于印面的章法,这也是篆刻艺术最重要的一环。 3.根据原文内容,下列理解和分析不正确的一项是() A.甲骨文在广义上可归入篆刻艺术之内,殷墟曾出土过颇似当今印章的铜玺大致可以视为印章艺术的先河。 B.就制作方法而论,现代篆刻艺术的始祖被认为是汉代直接用铜坯凿成的急就章和用玉材雕琢的印章。 C.篆刻中的字法包括字体的选择和反书于印面的书写等环节,后一环节是印家书法功力的集中体现。 D.设计印稿的印家需要反复构思,使尽解数让成套和成组的印章方方有别,从而显出自己的章法与功力。 二、文言文阅读 (一)课内文言知识(每题2分,共10分) 4.下列选项中文言句式跟其他三项不同的是()(2分) A.夫晋,何厌之有? B.大王来何操?


龙泉中学2011-2012学年上学期期中考试试卷 高一数学(必修1) 一、选择题(本卷共15小题,每小题5分,共75分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项 是符合题目要求的) 1、设集合A={x ∈Q|1->x },则( ) A .A ∈? B A C A D .?A 2、设集合},{b a A =,}5,1{B +=a ,若A∩B={2},则A∪B=( ) A .{1,2} B .{1,5} C .{2,5} D .{1,2,5} 3、下列各组函数中,表示同一函数的是( ) A .2|,|x y x y = = B .4,222-=+?-=x y x x y C .33 ,1x x y y == D .2)(|,|x y x y == 4、已知函数()2 42f x x ax =++在区间(),6-∞内单调递减,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .3a ≥ B .3a ≤ C .3a <- D .3a ≤- 5.函数f (x )=x e x 1 - 的零点所在的区间是( ) A .(0,21) B .(21,1) C .(1,23) D .(2 3 ,2) 6、已知3.0log 2=a ,3.02=b ,2.03.0=c ,则c b a ,,三者的大小关系是( ) A .c b a >> B .c a b >> C .a c b >> D .a b c >> 7、函数()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,当0>x 时,1)(+-=x x f ,则当0


高一数学期中考试试题 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 一.填空题(本题满分44分,每小题4分) 1.化简2sin2cos21-的结果是 。 2. 如果,0sin tan <αα且,1cos sin 0<+<αα那么α的终边在第 象限。 3.若{}360 30,k k Z αα= =?+∈o o ,则其中在720720-o o :之间的角有 。 4. 若()1tan -=β+α,且3tan =α,则=βtan 。 5. 设02 π αβ<<< ,则 ()1 2 αβ-的取值范围是 。 6.已知,2 12tan =θ则()()()=? ?? ???+??? ? ?π-θθ-πθ-ππ-θ12sin 2cos sin cos 。 7. 已知1sin sin 2 =+αα,则2 4 cos cos α+= 。 8.在ABC ?中,若4 2 22c b a S -+=?,则C ∠的大小是 。 9.已知y x y x sin cos ,2 1 cos sin 则= 的取值范围是 . 10.在ABC ?中,2cos sin 2=+B A ,3cos 2sin = +A B ,则∠C 的大小应为 。 11.函数()x f y =的图像与直线b x a x ==,及x 轴所围成图形的面积称为函数()x f 在[]b a ,上的面积,已 知函数nx y sin =在?? ????n π,0上的面积为( ) 2 n N n * ∈。则函数x y 3sin =在?? ? ???32,0π上的面积为 ,函数()13sin +-=πx y 在??? ? ? ?34,3ππ上的面积为 . 二、选择题(本题满分12分,每小题3分) 12. 函数()sin()4 f x x π =- 的图像的一条对称轴和一个对称中心是 ( ) .A 4 x π = ,,04π?? ??? .B 2x π = , ,04π?? - ??? .C 4x π =- , ,04π?? ??? .D 2x π=- ,04 π??- ?? ? 13.若5 4 2cos ,532sin =θ=θ,则角θ的终边在 ( ) .A 第I 象限 .B 第II 象限


2012级梧台校区高职班第一学期期中考试 语文试题 本试题卷分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。 【说明】 1.把第Ⅰ卷的答案填写在第Ⅱ卷前面“第Ⅰ卷答案表”里。 2.第Ⅱ卷用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 3.考试结束后,只交“第Ⅰ卷答案表”和第Ⅱ卷。 第Ⅰ卷 一、基础常识 1.下面语段中,注音完全正确的一项是() 亲爱的同学,告别①懵(měng)懂稚②嫩(nèn)的岁月,带着成长的收获和迷③惘(wǎng),你走进了如火的青春季节。你的笑④靥(yán),是最美丽的花朵;你的双⑤眸(móu),是最明亮的星月。也许,你常常幻想偶遇一段⑥怦(píng)然心动的青春故事;也许;你总是喜欢在魔幻、动漫与网络中编织梦想,在音乐、影视与运动中放飞希望。 A.①③④⑥ B.②③⑤⑥ C.①②③⑤ D.②③④⑥ 2.下列句子中,没有错别字的一项是() A.当我说出“我很重要”这句话的时候,颈项后面掠过一阵战粟。 B.平日里,我们尚要珍惜一粒米、一叶菜,难道可以对亿万粒菽粟亿万滴甘露濡养的万物之灵,吊以丝毫的轻心吗? C.人类的精神之火,是连绵不断的链条,作为精致的一环,我们否认了自身的重要,就是推卸了一种神圣的承诺。 D.我的独处心裁的创意,像鸽群一般在天空翱翔,只有我才捉得住它们的羽毛。 3.下列句子中,加点的成语使用正确的一句是 () A.生活中要少一些怨天尤人 ....的叹息,多一些脚踏实地的追求。 B.经过父母的劝导、调解,他们兄弟俩又重归于好,相濡以沫 ....了。 C.这所学校已经有了几十年的办学历史,毕业生前仆后继 ....,遍布大江南北。 D.你呀,老师的教育不理会,可那些不三不四的“朋友”一开口,你就豁然开朗 ....。 4.下列对病句的修改,不正确的一项是() A.欢迎领导到我校莅临指导。(删去“到”,“莅临”与“我校”调换位置) B.老年人发生心力衰竭的主要原因是由劳累、用脑过度、精神紧张、食盐过多、感冒等诱发的。(删去“由”和“诱发的”) C. 由于团省委的一系列关爱活动,使留守儿童感受到了大家庭的温暖。(将“由于”改为“通过”) 1


高一数学上学期期中考试试卷 一. 选择题(本大题共11小题,每小题4分,共44分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,把正确的选项填在答题卡上。) 1. 设{}{}{} S M N ===1231213,,,,,,,那么()C M C N S S ()等于( ) A. ? B. {}13, C. {}1 D. {}23, 2. 不等式()()x x --<120的解集为( ) A. {} x x x ||<>12或 B. {}x x |-<<21 C. {} x x x |<->21或 D. {}x x |12<< 3. 函数y x x =≤2 0()的反函数为( ) A. y x x =≥()0 B. y x x =-≥()0 C. y x x = -≤()0 D. y x x =--≤()0 4. 下列函数中哪个与函数y x =是同一个函数( ) A. y x =()2 B. y x x =2 C. y x =33 D. y x = 2 5. 不等式11 2 1- 04或 B. {}x x x |<->40或 C. {}x x |04<< D. {}x x |-<<40 6. 命题“线段垂直平分线上的点到线段两端的距离相等”与它的逆命题、否命题、逆否命题中,真命题有( ) A. 4个 B. 3个 C. 2个 D. 1个 7. “p 或q 是假命题”是“非p 为真命题”的( ) A. 充分而不必要条件 B. 必要而不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 8. 反证法证明命题“如果a ,b ∈N ab ,可被5整除,那么a ,b 至少有一个能被5整除”应假设的内容是( ) A. a b ,都能被整除5 B. a b ,有一个不能被5整除 C. a 不能被5整除


微信号:JW2215874840或ross950715或Soulzbb 上海中学 2019-2020 学年高一下期中考试 一、填空题(每空3分,共30分) 1.已知点A (2,-1)在角α的终边上,则sin α=__________. 2.函数sin(2)y x π=+的最小正周期是________. 3.一个扇形半径是2,圆心角的弧度数是2,则此扇形的面积是________. 4.已知函数[]()sin (0,)f x x x π=∈和函数1()tan 2 g x x = 的图像交于A 、B 、C 三点,则△ABC 的面积为________. 5.在平面直角坐标系xoy 中,角α与角β都以x 轴正半轴为始边,它们的终边关于y 轴对称.若1sin 3 α= ,则cos()αβ-=__________.6.已知3sin()45x π-=,则sin 2x =__________.7.设(),0,x y π∈,且满足2222sin cos cos cos sin sin 1sin() x x x y x y x y -+-=+,则x y -=_____.8.我国古代数学家秦九韶在《数学九章》中记述了“三斜求积术”,用现代式子表示即为:在△ABC 中,A ∠、B ∠、C ∠的对边分别是a 、b 、,c 则△ABC 的面积 S =.根据此公式,若cos (3)cos 0a B b c A ++=,且2222a b c +-=,则△ABC 的面积为_______. 9.若函数()2sin(2)1()6f x x a a R π=++-∈在区间0,2π?????? 上有两个不同的零点12,x x ,则12x x a +-的取值范围是__________. 10.已知函数sin ()cos m f ααα-=在(0,2 π上单调递减,则实数m 的取值范围是________.二、选择题(每题4分,共24分) 1.已知cos ,(1,1),(,)2k k πααπ=∈-∈,则sin()πα+=( ) A. C. D.1k -


2018-2019学年度第一学期第三次质量检测 高一数学试题 试卷总分:150分; 考试时间:120分钟; 注意事项: 1.答题前请在答题卡上填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.设集合{1,2,3,4,5,6},{1,3,5},{3,4,5}U A B ===,则()U C A B 为 ( ) A.{3,6} B.{1,3,4,5} C .{2,6} D. {1,2,4,6} 2.函数288y x x =-+在 [0,)a 上为减函数,则a 的取值范围是( ) A. 4a ≤ B. 04a <≤ C. 4a ≤ D. 14a <≤ 3.函数21 log 32 y x =-的定义域为( ) A. (0,)+∞ B. 2[,)3+∞ C. 2(,)3+∞ D. 22 (0,)(,)33+∞ 4.下列运算正确的是(01)a a >≠且( ) A.2m n m n a a a +?= B. log 2log log (2)a a a m n m n ?=+ C.log log log a a a M M N N =- D. 22()n n a a -= 5. 函数1 ()()22 x f x =-的图像不经过( ) A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 6已知函数3()1log ,f x x =+则1 ()3 f 的值为( ) A. 1- B. 13- C.0 D. 1 3 7.函数log (3)1a y x =++的图像过定点 ( ) A. (1,3) B. (3,1) C. (3,1)- D. (2,1)- 8.已知幂函数()y f x =的图像经过点(4,2),则(64)f 的值为( ) A. 8或-8 B.-8 C. 8 D. 2 9.已知2{1,3,},{3,9},A m B =-=若,B A ?则实数m =( ) A. 3± B. 3- C. 3 D. 9 10.已知 1.20.851 2,(),2log 2,2 a b c -===则,,a b c 的大小关系为( ) A. c b a << B. c a b << C. b a c << D .b c a << 11.函数()ln f x x x =+的零点所在的区间为( ) A . (1,0)- B.(0,1) C. (1,2) D. (1,)e 12.已知21 ,22(),224,2x x f x x x x x π?≤-?? =-<?若()4,f a =则实数a = 14.已知集合31 {log ,1},{(),1},3 x A y y x x B y y x ==>==>则A B = 15. 函数22log y x =的递增区间为 16.下列命题正确的是 (填序号) (1)空集是任何集合的子集. (2)函数1 ()f x x x =- 是偶函数.


江苏四星学校石庄中学高一数学期中考试 一、填空题:本大题共 14 小题,每小题 5 分,共 70 分.请把答 案直接填写在相应位置上 1.已知集合 P { y | y x 2 1,x R}, Q { x | y ln( x 2)} ,则 P I Q _______________. (2,+ ) x y 1 的解集是 . 5, 4 2.方程组 2 y 2 x 9 3.设 f ( x) 是定义在 R 上的奇函数,且当 x 0 时, f ( x) 2x 3 ,则 f ( 2) . -1 .幂函数 y f x 的图象经过点 2, 1 ,则满足 f x 27的 x 的值为 1 4 8 3 5.函数 y=f ( x )是定义在 [a , b] 上的增函数,期中 a , b ∈R ,且 0


2018-2019学年上海市上海中学高一下期中考试数学试题 一、单选题 1.若则在 A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限 【答案】D 【解析】根据三角函数值在各个象限的正负,判断出角的终边所在的象限. 【详解】 由于,故角为第一、第四象限角.由于,故角为第二、第四象限角.所以角为第四象限角.故选D. 【点睛】 本小题主要考查三角函数值在各个象限的正负值,根据正切值和余弦值同时满足的象限得出正确选项. 2.函数的部分图像如图,则可以取的一组值是 A.B. C.D. 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:∵,∴,,又由得. 3.在△ABC中,分别为三个内角A、B、C的对边,若则△ABC的形状是A.等腰三角形B.直角三角形 C.等腰直角三角形D.等腰或直角三角形 【答案】D 【解析】利用正弦定理化简得:,再利用二倍角公式整理得: ,解三角方程即可得解。 【详解】

由正弦定理化简得:, 整理得:,所以 又,所以或. 所以或. 故选:D 【点睛】 本题主要考查了正弦定理及三角恒等变换,还考查了正弦的二倍角公式及三角函数的性质,属于中档题。 二、填空题 4.函数的最小正周期是_________. 【答案】 【解析】直接由周期公式得解。 【详解】 函数的最小正周期是: 故填: 【点睛】 本题主要考查了的周期公式,属于基础题。 5.已知点P在角的终边上,则_______. 【答案】0 【解析】求出到原点的距离,利用三角函数定义得解。 【详解】 设到原点的距离,则 所以,, 所以 【点睛】 本题主要考查了三角函数定义,考查计算能力,属于基础题。 6.已知扇形的周长为10 cm,面积为4 cm2,则扇形的圆心角α的弧度数为__________.


上海市徐汇中学2018-2019学年高一物理下学期期中试题 一、单项选择题 1.匀速圆周运动是一种( ) A. 匀速运动 B. 匀加速运动 C. 匀加速曲线运动 D. 变加速曲线运动 【答案】D 【解析】 匀速圆周运动加速度始终指向圆心,方向时刻在变化,加速度是变化的,是变加速曲线运动,故D 正确,ABC 错误。 2.由于地球自转,地球表面上的物体都随地球一起作匀速圆周运动,将地球视为球体,如图所示, a 、b 两处物体运动的( ) A. 线速度相同 B. 角速度相同 C. 线速度不同,且v a >v b D. 角速度不同,且 a < b 【答案】B 【解析】 a 、 b 两处物体随地球自转一起作匀速圆周运动,则a b ωω=,又因为两者转动的半径a b r r <,据v r ω=可得:a b v v <。 故B 项正确。 点睛:同轴传动:被动轮和主动轮的中心在同一根转轴上,主动轮转动使轴转动进而带动从动轮转动,两轮等转速及角速度。皮带传动:两转轮在同一平面上,皮带绷紧与两轮相切,主动轮转动使皮带动进而使从动轮转动,两轮边缘线速度相等。

3.匀速圆周运动中,线速度v 、角速度ω、周期T 、半径R 之间的关系,正确的是( ) A. ω=vR B. ω=2πT C. v =ωR D. 1 T ω = 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】根据角速度定义: 2t T θ πω= = 线速度定义: 2s R v t T π= = 可知: v R ω= v R ω= 2T π ω = A .ω=vR ,与分析不符,故A 错误; B .ω=2πT ,与分析不符,故B 错误; C .v =ωR ,与分析相符,故C 正确; D .1 T ω =,与分析不符,故D 错误。 4.如图所示,弹簧振子在B 、C 两点间做无摩擦的往复运动,O 是振子的平衡位置.则振子( ) A. 从B 向O 运动过程中速度一直变小 B. 从O 向C 运动过程中速度一直变小 C. 从B 经过O 向C 运动过程中速度一直变小 D. 从C 经过O 向B 运动过程中速度一直变小 【答案】B 【解析】


2011~~2012学年高一地理期中考试试题 班级姓名考号 注意: 本次试题共100分,考试时间为120分钟,其中第一大题有30个选择题,共60分,每小题2分,第二大题共40分。 一、单选题(每小题2分,共60分) 1、地球的特殊性表现在( ) A.体积在九大行星中最大 B.质量在九大行星中最小 C.既有自转运动,又有公转运动 D.太阳系中惟一有高级智慧生物的行星 2、小行星带位于( ) A.水星与火星轨道之间 B.火星与木星轨道之间 C.地球与火星轨道之间 D.土星与木星轨道之间 3、不包含地球在内的天体系统是 A.河外星系B.银河系C.太阳系D.总星系 4、有关天体系统的叙述,正确的是( ) A.相互吸引和转绕而成 B.总星系即为宇宙 C.太阳系由九大行星组成 D.星系即为银河系 5、关于地球公转的叙述,正确的是( ) A.与地球自转方向相反 B.其轨道为一正圆 C.公转过程中时快时慢 D.太阳居于轨道中心 6、关于自转和公转速度,叙述正确的是( ) A.自转线速度自赤道向两极递减 B.7月初公转线速度较快

C.自转角速度全球各地无差异 D.公转角速度在一年中无变化7、关于地方时的说法,正确的是( ) A.同一条纬线上地方时相同 B.同一条经线上地方时相同C.东边的地点地方时晚于西边的地点 D.地方时每相差1小时经度相差4度 8、关于晨昏线的叙述,正确的是 A.晨昏线上太阳高度从0°~90°不等 B.晨昏线与太阳光线垂直且永远通过南北极 C.从理论上讲,晨昏线任何时候都平分地球 D.晨昏线是不随季节移动的 9、如果地球没有自转,只有公转,则 A.地球上没有昼夜现象 B.地球上没有昼夜交替现象C.地球上有昼夜交替,周期为一年 D.地球上昼夜温差比现在还小10、下列日子我省各地昼最长的一天是 A.5月1日 B.6月1日 C.7月1日 D.8月1日 11、当太阳直射点在赤道与北回归线之间时 A.北半球昼比夜短 B.南半球昼比夜长 C.正午太阳高度在赤道上达最大值 D.北半球正处于西方四季中的春季或夏季 12、图1的四幅昼夜分布图中,表示北半球夏至日的是 图1 13、下列地理现象的发生,与地球自转无关的是


高一期末考试模拟试题 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每个小题中的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目 要求) 1.已知集合{}/8,M x N x m m N =∈=-∈,则集合M 中的元素的个数为( ) A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 2.已知点(,1,2)A x 和点(2,3,4)B ,且AB =,则实数x 的值是( ) A.3-或4 B.6或2 C.3或4- D.6或2- 3.已知两个球的表面积之比为1:9,则这两个球的半径之比为( ) A.1:3 B.1:1:9 D.1:81 4.圆2 2 1x y +=上的动点P 到直线34100x y --=的距离的最小值为( ) A.2 B.1 C.3 D.4 5.直线40x y -+=被圆2 2 4460x y x y ++-+=截得的弦长等于( ) A.6.已知直线1:20l ax y a -+=,2:(21)0l a x ay a -++=互相垂直,则a 的值是( ) A.0 B.1 C.0或1 D.0或1- 7.下列函数中,在其定义域内既是奇函数又是减函数的是( ) A.()y x x R =-∈ B.3()y x x x R =--∈ C.1()()2x y x R =∈ D.1 (,0)y x R x x =- ∈≠且 8.如图,一个空间几何体的主视图和左视图都是边长为1的正方形, 主视图 左视图 俯视图是一个圆,那么这个几何体的侧面积为( ) A. 4 π B.54π C.π D.32 π 9.设,m n 是不同的直线,,,αβγ是不同的平面,有以下四个命题: ①//////αββγαγ???? ②//m m αββα⊥??⊥?? ③//m m ααββ⊥??⊥?? ④////m n m n αα????? 其中,真命题是 ( ) A.①④ B.②③ C.①③ D.②④ 10.函数2 ()ln f x x x =- 的零点所在的大致区间是( ) A.()1,2 B.()2,3 C.11,e ?? ??? D.(),e +∞ 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每题5分,共20分)


上海市2018-2019学年上南中学高一上学期数学期中考试 数学学科 试卷 命题人:数学命题组 一、填空题(每小题3分,共36分) 1.满足条件{}{}11,2,3B ??的集合B 有____________个 2.已知集合{}1A x x =≤,集合{}B x x a =≥,且A B R = ,则a 的取值范围为_____ 3.原命题P 为“若3x ≠且4x ≠,则27120x x -+≠”,则P 的逆否命题为_________ 4.已知函数()()() 200x x f x x x ?>?=?-≤??,则()()2f f -的值为____________ 5.若1x >,则11 x x +-的最小值是_________________ 6.若函数()[]()3,,11f x x b x a a =+∈<是奇函数,则a b +的值为____________ 7.不等式11x ≤的解集为_______________ 8.已知()(),f x g x 分别是定义在R 上的偶函数和奇函数,且()()321f x g x x x -=++,则()()11f g +=______________ 9.已知集合{}{} 21,A y y x B x y x ==+==,则A B = ______________ 10.已知函数()()2f x x g x x ==-,则和函数()()f x g x +=________ 11.已知命题P :“1a ≠或2b ≠”,Q :“3a b +≠”,则P 是Q 成立的____________ 12.定义:关于x 的不等式(),0x A B A R B -<∈>的解集称为A 的B 邻域。若3a b +-的a b +的邻域是()3,3-,则22a b +的最小值为______________ 二、选择题(每小题3分,共12分) 13.设a b m R ∈、、,则“ma mb =”是“a b =”的( ) A.充分非必要条件 B.必要非充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既非充分又非必要条件 14.下列四组函数中,表示同一个函数的是( ) A.()()2,f x x g x == B.()()f x g x C.()(),f x x g x = D.()()21,11 x f x g x x x -==-+


一、本题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得3分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分. 1、做曲线运动的物体,在运动过程中一定变化的物理量是( ) A. 速率 B.速度 C.加速度 D.合外力 2、河宽为420m ,船在静水中的速度为4/m s ,水流速度为3/m s ,则船过河的时间最短为( ) A.140s B.105s C.84s D.60s 3、一个物体从某高度水平抛出,已知初速度为0v ,落地速度为1v ,那么它的运动时间为( ) A.102v v g - B.10v v g - 4、物体做匀速圆周运动,下列量保持不变的是( ) A .线速度、角速度 B .加速度、角速度 C .向心力、周期 D .角速度、转速 5、一质点沿半径为R 的圆做匀速圆周运动,周期是4s ,1s 内质点的位移大小和路程大小分别是( ) A .R R 2,π B .R 2π,R 2π C .,2R R 2π D .R 2π,,2R 6、把盛水的水桶拴在长为L 的绳子一端,使这水桶在竖直平面做圆周运动,要使水在水桶转到最高点时不从桶里流出来,这时水桶的线速度至少应该是 ( ) A. gl 2 B. 2/gl C. gl D.0 7、质量为m 的汽车通过半径为R 的拱桥,在拱桥顶点的速度为10m/s 时,车对桥的压力为车重的34 ,如果使汽车行驶至桥顶时桥恰无压力,则汽车的速度为 ( ) A .15m/s B .20m/s C .25m/s D .30m/s 8、如图1所示,一个内壁光滑的圆锥形筒的轴线垂直于水平面,圆锥筒固定不动,两个质量相同的小球A 和B 紧贴着内壁分别在图中所示的水平面内做匀速圆周运动,则 ( ) A.球A 的线速度一定大于球B 的线速度 B.球A 的角速度一定小于球B 的角速度 C.球A 的运动周期一定小于球B 的运动周期 D.球A 对筒壁的压力一定大于球B 对筒壁的压力


2020—2021学年度第一学期 高一级数学期中考试试卷 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共4页,满分为150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项:1、答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和学号填写在答题卡相应的 位置上,用2B 铅笔将自己的学号填涂在答题卡上。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,有2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在答卷纸上作答,答案必须写在答卷纸各题目指定区域内的相应位置上,超出指定区域的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4、考生必须保持答题卡的整洁和平整。 一、单选题(本题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.每小题只有一项是符合题目要求) 1.下列说法正确的是( ) A .我校爱好足球的同学组成一个集合 B .{1,2,3}是不大于3的自然数组成的集合 C .集合{1,2,3,4,5}和{}5,4,3,2,1表示同一集合 D .数1,0,5,12,32,64组成的集合有7个元素 2.命题“0,)[x ?∈+∞,30x x +≥”的否定是( ) A .,0)(x -?∈∞,30x x +< B .,0)(x -?∈∞,30x x +≥ C .00,)[x ∈?+∞,3000x x +< D .00,)[x ∈?+∞,3000x x +≥ 3.已知集合A ={x |x 2=4},①2?A ;②{-2}∈A ;③??A ;④{-2,2}=A ;⑤-2∈A .则 上列式子表示正确的有几个( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 4.已知:2p x >,:1q x >,则p 是q 的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件


-第一学期期中考试题 高 一 数 学 1、设全集{ }54321,,,,U =,集合{}4321,,,A =,{}543,,B =,则() B C U A 等于 ( ) A 、{1,2} B 、{3,4} C 、{1,2,5,} D 、{1,2,3,4,5} 2、若命题{ }{}{}3,22:,3,12:?∈q P ,对复合命题的下述判断:① p 或q 为真;② p 或q 为假 ③ P 且q 为真;④ p 且q 为假 ⑤非p 为假。 ( ) A 、①④⑤ B 、①③⑤ C 、②④⑥ D 、①④⑥ 3、在(1)2 x y x y = =与; (2))(2 x y =与()2 x y =;(3)x y =与x x y 2 =; (4)x y =与2x y = ; (5)0 x y =与1=y 这五组中函数图象相同的有( )组。 A 、0 B 、1 C 、2 D 、3 4、已知{}{}1,0,1,2012--??=-A x x ,则满足条件的集合A 的个数是( ) A 、3个 B 、4个 C 、6个 D 、8个 5、函数 2 652 -+-= x x x x f )(的定义域是 ( ) A 、{ }32<


考试时间:100分钟,满分100分. 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的. 1.下列关系正确的是: A .Q ∈2 B .}2{}2|{2==x x x C .},{},{a b b a = D .)}2,1{(∈? 2.已知集合}6,5,4,3,2,1{=U ,}5,4,2{=A ,}5,4,3,1{=B ,则)()(B C A C U U ? A .}6,3,2,1{ B .}5,4{ C .}6,5,4,3,2,1{ D .}6,1{ 3.下列函数中,图象过定点)0,1(的是 A .x y 2= B .x y 2log = C .2 1x y = D .2x y = 4.若b a ==5log ,3log 22,则5 9 log 2 的值是: A .b a -2 B .b a -2 C .b a 2 D .b a 2 5.函数3log )(3-+=x x x f 的零点所在的区间是 A .(0,1) B .(1,2) C .(2,3) D .(3,+∞) 6.已知函数ax x x f +=2)(是偶函数,则当]2,1[-∈x 时,)(x f 的值域是: A .]4,1[ B .]4,0[ C .]4,4[- D .]2,0[ 8.某林场计划第一年造林10 000亩,以后每年比前一年多造林20%,则第四年造林 A .14400亩 B .172800亩 C .17280亩 D .20736亩 9.设c b a ,,均为正数,且a a 2 1log 2=,b b 21log 21=??? ??,c c 2log 21=??? ??.则 A .c b a << B .a b c << C .b a c << D .c a b << 10.已知函数()log a f x x =(0,1a a >≠),对于任意的正实数,x y 下列等式成立的是


第1页共2页 2018学年第二学期数学期中试卷 4.已知向量a 、b 满足a 2, b 3,ago 3,那么 a,b 5.已知直线l 过点(2,1)与点(7, 2),贝U 直线I 的方程为( ) 6. 已知直线l : 7x 3y 5 0,直线l 的横截距为( ) 5 5 5 5 A. B. C. D. 3 7 3 7 7. 已知a n 是公差不为0的等差数列,a 1 1,且&、a 3、a ?成等比数列,那么公差 d ( ) 10.已知在三角形 ABC 中,CD 3DB , CD r AB sAC ,那么r s ( ) 3 3 A. 一 B. 1 C.0 D. 一 4 2 二、 填空题(本大题共 6小题,每小题4分,共24分) (考试时间:90分钟 考试要求:不得携带、使用电子设备) 、单项选择题(本大题共 10小题,每小题3分,共30 分) 1.数列a n 是以1为首项, 3为公差的等差数列,则 2020 是( 2. 3. A.第673项 已知数列a n 满足 a 1 0, a n 1 B.第674项 2 a n —,则 a n a 4 1 A.- 3 B. 1 C.第675项 ( ) 10 C. 27 D.第672项 D. 3 如果数列a n 是等差数列,那么( C. a 1 a 15 a 7 a ? A. 150 B. 30 C. 60 D. 120 A. 3x 5y 1 0 B. 3x 5y 11 0 C. 5y 3x 11 0 D. 5y 3x 1 0 A. 1 B. 0 或 1 8.已知向量 r a (1, 3) , b ( (4,2) , C (17, A. C 5a 3b B .c 5a 4b 9.设0 2 uuu OA (cos ,sin ), ILW OB A. 3 B “ 5 C. 2 D. 1 或 2 C. c 5a 4b D. c 5a 3b um (2 cos ,1),那么 AB 的取大值疋( ) 1— C. 2 D. 2U2 a 7 a 9 9),则c 用a 、 b 线性表示为( )
