四六级翻译考点预测(二) 名胜古迹

四六级翻译考点预测(二) 名胜古迹
四六级翻译考点预测(二) 名胜古迹





长城是世界上最伟大的奇迹之一,1987年被列为联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产。1 它宛如一条巨龙,蜿蜒曲折,穿越草地、沙漠和高山,自西向东绵延8,851.8公里(明长城)。

2 经过两千多年的沧桑,长城部分城墙已经被毁或湮灭。

3 但是,由于它建筑雄伟,历史悠久,长城现今依然是世界上最具吸引力的景点之一。长城始建于春秋战国时期的燕、赵、秦等国,作为防御工事。秦始皇将各段城墙连接起来,抵御北方部落的侵袭。

4 从那时起,长城就成为中华民族的一道丰碑,此后历朝历代都在不断扩建和修缮。

5 今天我们看到的长城主要建于明代。长城承载着丰富的中国文化,体现了中国人民的智慧和顽强。长城与黄河、长江一起,成为了中华民族的象征。

The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world,

was listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987. Like a giant dragon, the Great Wall winds its way across grasslands, deserts and mountains, stretching approximately

8,851.8 kilometers (the Ming walls) from west to east of China. With a history of more than 2,000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance. The Great Wall was originally built in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period as a defensive project by states including Yan, Zhao, and Qin. Emperor Qinshihuang, founder of the first unified empire in Chinese history, succeeded in his effort to have the walls joined together to fend off the invasions from tribes in the north. Since then, the Great Wall has served as a monument of the Chinese nation. It went through constant extensions and repairs in later dynasties. The Great Wall we see today was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall carries a considerable part of Chinese culture and demonstrates the wisdom and tenacity of the Chinese people. It has become a symbol of the Chinese nation along with the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.

翻译简析1 原文对主语“长城”的说明包含两个部分,其


2 本句在结构上与第一句相仿,译文重点突出长城的“蜿蜒曲折”,译为句子的核心winds its way,其他内容则译为状语。原文的动词“穿越”译为介词across,这种词类转换在翻译中比较常见。

3 “两千多年的沧桑”主要指长城历史悠久,因而译作a history of more than 2,000 years。汉语中有些词意蕴丰富,难以紧扣字面意思译成英文,翻译过程中应重点挖掘其背后信息,重在达意,不宜过分追求词藻,舍本逐末。

4 本句中的“秦始皇”,译文先用音译,然后用一个同位语作说明,便于外国读者理解其背后的文化信息。

5 原文虽是一句,但有两层意思,所以分译成两句。

故宫故宫位于北京市中心,是明清两代24位皇帝的皇宫。1 故宫首建于明成祖年间,历时14 年竣工。2 没有皇帝特许,禁止任何人进宫,因此这里又叫“紫禁城”。故宫外观呈长方形,是世界上最大的宫殿群,占地约72万平方米,四面环绕着52米宽的护城河和10 米高的城墙。3 城墙四面各有一座城门,南北门相距961米,东西门相隔753米。4 故宫分为两部分。南部又称外朝,是皇帝行使最高权力的地方;北部又称内廷,是皇帝和皇室生活的场所。5 由于黄色是皇族的标志,故宫内以黄色为主。6 屋顶铺的是黄色琉璃瓦,

宫里的装饰品也被漆成黄色。但是有一个例外,皇帝的书斋文渊阁是黑顶,原因是当时人们认为黑色代表水,可以灭火。7 故宫用作皇宫约有五百年历史,藏有大量奇珍古玩。

8 1987年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。现在,故宫已成为全世界最受欢迎的景点之一,对国内外游客开放。Lying at the center of Beijing, the Palace Museum was the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was built during the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, taking 14 years to complete. It was forbidden to enter without special permission of the emperor. Hence it is also named the Forbidden City. Rectangular in shape, the Palace Museum is the world’s largest palace complex, covering an area of some 720,000 square meters, surrounded by a 52-meter-wide moat and 10-meter-high walls. The walls have a gate on each side. The distance between the south and north gates is 961 meters, while the distance between the east and west gates is 753 meters. The Palace Museum is divided into two parts. The southern section, or the Outer Court, was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The northern section, or the Inner Court, was where the emperor lived with his royal family. Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Palace

Museum. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles, and decorations in the palace are also painted yellow. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black represented water and could extinguish fire. Having been the imperial palace for some 500 years, the Palace Museum houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. In 1987, the Palace Museum was listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions worldwide, open to tourists from home and abroad.

翻译简析 1 将故宫的地理位置译为状语,符合英文表达习惯。“位于北京市中心”也可以译为Located in the center of Beijing或Situated at the center of Beijing。

2 “明成祖年间”意即明成祖在位期间,故译作during the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty。遇到类似表达,可以套用。如“清康熙年间”可译为during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty。

3 本句信息较多,原文结构较为松散,译文将“是世界上最大的宫殿群”作为主句,其他信息分别译为形容词短语或分词结构,自然紧凑。

4 本句用了分译法,使译文表意更清晰。

5 “又称”这里译作or,表达的意思比译为also called 更简


6 本句重点讲故宫的颜色,所以译文以黄色为中心组织句子,译法灵活。“以黄色为主”,意即黄色是故宫的主色调,故译作it is the dominant color。

7 原文中“皇帝的书斋”是“文渊阁”的同位语,译文中也处理为同位语。此外,本句分译为两句,以突出文渊阁的与众不同。

8 根据英语表达习惯,将表时间的概念译为分词结构,作状语。

兵马俑兵马俑是20世纪最重大的考古发掘之一,1987年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。1 兵马俑位于西安临潼,秦始皇陵以东约1.5公里。2 1974 年,一群农民在皇家陵墓附近挖井时挖掘出一些陶器碎片,立即引起了考古学家的注意,然后才有了兵马俑这一伟大发现。3 1975年,国务院授权有关部门建立兵马俑博物馆。4 栩栩如生的兵马俑排成作战的阵势,成为博物馆最大的亮点。5 博物馆分为三个部分:1号坑、2号坑和3号坑,按照发现先后命名。6 其中1号坑最大,于1979年10月1日国庆节对公众开放。

7 自2010 年10月1日,兵马俑博物馆和秦始皇陵合并成一个大景区,即秦始皇陵遗址公园。兵马俑是世界考古史上最伟大的发现之一,充分体现了中国古代人民的聪明才智和创造力。The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, one of the

most significant archeological excavations of the 20th century, were listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987. It is located about 1.5 kilometers east of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in Lintong, Xi’an. In 1974, a group of farmers unearthed some pottery fragments while digging a well nearby the royal tomb. It caught the immediate attention of archeologists and led to the great discovery of the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. In 1975, the State Council authorized the building of the Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses. The life-like Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses arranged in battle formations are the star features at the museum. The museum is divided into three sections: No. 1 Pit, No. 2 Pit, and No. 3 Pit. They were tagged in the order of their discoveries. No. 1 Pit is the largest, opened to the public on China’s National Day of 1979. Since October 1, 2010 the Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses and the Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum have been combined into one large attraction area, Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Park. The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, as one of the greatest archeological discoveries in the world, fully demonstrate the extraordinary wisdom and superb creativity of the ancient Chinese people.翻译简析1 本句译文把“20世纪最重大的考古发掘之一”作为主语的同位


2 原文中地点信息的顺序为由大到小,由“西安”到“临潼”再到“秦始皇陵”,译文则相反,由小到大,这是汉译英的常用译法。

3 本句信息较多,英文采用了分译法,译为意思完整的两个句子,清晰明了。

4 本句中的“有关部门”无实质意义,翻译时可省略。

5 本句重点讲栩栩如生的兵马俑是博物馆最大的亮点,所以译文中把“排成作战的阵势”译为定语arranged in battle formations,以使行文紧凑自然。

6 句中的“命名”,并不是真的起个名字,只是给个标签而已,所以译作were tagged,比译为were named更恰切。

7 本句也可译为No. 1 Pit, the largest of the three pits, was first opened to the public on China’s National Day of 1979。




大学英语学术讲座听力教程扫码购买相关链接四六级文化翻译考点预测(一)| 先秦哲学思想与文化四级裸考能过吗?这篇题型详解给你答案


翻译原文: 其实我一点儿不排斥电脑,也享受着它的种种方便快捷,但每当我要给最亲近的人写信时还是喜欢用笔,因为我坚信字是有生命的,有情感的,在书写的同时,我生命的一部分也随之带走了,而打字则像是请人代笔,隔着一层什么,就像打电话时尽管你能清楚地听到对方的呼吸,可有些话就是怎么也说不出来,最后还是得借助笔纸,就是这么神奇,形式的不同、工具的不同,影响到内容的不同。 参考译文: Actually I do not reject the computer at all and alsoenjoy its every kind of conv enience.Butevery timewhen I want to write to my closet people,I would liketo u se a pen.Because I firmlybelieve that charactershave their life and emotion.Whe n writing,one part ofmy life is taking awaywith it.But typing is like hiring people t o write for you.It is separated bysomething just likealthough you can clearly he ar the breath of the addressee,some words youjust can't say themout at all.At la st you have to write with the help of pen and paper.It is somagic that differentfo rmats and different tools will influence the difference of context. 下面是2014年英语四级写作必备范文:出国留学。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on t he topicStudying Abroad. You should write at least 120 words following the outli ne given below: 1)目前很多中国学生出国留学, 2)出国留学的好处, 3)我的看法。 Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among a dolescents.Importance should be attached to studying abroad. There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, liv ing andstudying abroad offers students a different perspective of the world. On a university campus,international students are likely to encounter their counte rparts from various countries andareas and are exposed to diverse ideas and v alues. What is more, overseas experience is thebest opportunity for the real-lif e use of foreign languages. There is no better opportunity toimprove second-la nguage skills than living in the country in which it is spoken. Generally peaking, it is my view that although going abroad is expensive and pe rhapspainful, the payoff is worthwhile. In the first place, in addition to knowle dge, overseasstudents can gain precious experiences that those who stay at ho me will never have.Furthermore, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is conducive to thegrowth of adolescents. 参考译文: 目前,出国留学在年轻人中间非常流行。我们应该充分重视留学问题。 出国留学有很多好处。首先,国外生活和学习为学生提供了一个看待世界的不同视角。在大学校园中,国际学生很可能遇到来自不同国家和地区的同伴,并且面临迥异的观念和价值。此外,海外经历是外语在实际生活运用的最佳时机。没有什么比住在母语国家提高第二外语技能的更好机会了。 总之,我认为尽管出国留学很昂贵,并且可能会痛苦,但这种付出是值得的。首先,除了知识之外,留学生可以获得留在国内的学生永远无法获得的宝贵经验。其次,尽管留学经历可能使人沮丧痛苦,然而这对年轻人的成长是有益的。 翻译原文: 杭州是中国著名的六大古都之一,已有两千多年的历史。这个城市不仅以自然美闻名于世,而且有着传统的文化魅力。不仅有历代文人墨客的题咏,而且有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。一般来说,游览杭州西湖及其周边景点花上两天较为合适。到杭州旅游,既令人愉快,又能得到文化享受。


2020年四六级英语翻译和作文预测押题 PART ONE——Translation 【翻译第1篇】 【共享经济】 共享经济(the Sharing Economy)是一个围绕共享人力、物力和智力资源建立起来的社会经济生态系统(a socio-economic ecosystem)。在中国,以滴滴出行和摩拜单车为代表的共享经济正在成为主流趋势。自行车、房屋、日常衣物、篮球、雨伞,都可以使用神奇的共享模式。报告显示,到2020年,中国的共享经济交易量预计将大幅增长,占国内生产总值比重10%以上。甚至有人推测,只要道德和法律允许,最终所有能共享的都可以共享。更重要的是,中国庞大的人口也是一个巨大机遇。 参考译文: The Sharing Economy is a socio-economic ecosystem built around the sharing of human, physical and intellectual resources. Represented by companies like Didi Chuxing and Mobike, it’s becoming a major tr end in China. Bicycles, houses, daily clothing, basketballs, umbrellas all can use the magical sharing model. According to a report, China’s sharing economy transactions is expected to grow substantially, accounting for more than 10 percent of China’s gros s domestic product by 2020. Some people even speculated that everything that can be shared will be shared eventually, as long as it is ethically and legally feasible. More importantly, China’s large population is also a huge opportunity. 【翻译第2篇】 【中美贸易】


写作和翻译:实质就是汉译英:汉译英的障碍就是语法和词汇——语法:语序+嵌套 形式最重要!!!高级词汇+复杂局势+过渡衔接 字数:120~180 核心语法定语从句: A is …, which can … 身份/属性;成就和功能。 爱心:Love is a kind of emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes and how hard the way ahead will be. 替换词:friendship; knowledge; family; diligence; insisting; determination; optimism; harmony 替换词:合作精神;勤奋;友谊;家庭;坚持;决心;乐观;和谐——the greatest humanistic spirit …是我们时代的主题(the theme of our era) 流行与时尚fashionable 网络:Internet is a kind of great invention in the 20th century, which can make the peoplefar away from each other in distance closer than ever before. 空调:Air-conditioner is a kind of invention in the 20th century, which can make the temperature comfortable. 总结:主题词发出两个动作:性质+能力 看到图怎么办? 非限定性定语从句——正如这幅第一眼看上去诙谐可笑但第二眼看上去发人深省的图画生动地描述,给我印象最为深刻的显著特征是…… As is vividly depicted in the picture which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on the second thoughts, the most striking feature that impresses me profoundly is thatSpring, one of the realest men throughout the history of mankind all around the whole world that I have ever seen in my entire life, who is thebest that there ever was and the best that there ever will be, is a good teacher that is momentous and fundamental to anyone who want to win the future what the light is vital and significant to the people who desire to break through the dark,and that can support us to realize our vision and achieve our goals no matter how dark the world around us becomes and how hard the way ahead will be, because without him, we could have done nothing, including dream, success, hope and future. 预测一AHarmoniousDormitoryLife


Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2. 1 儒家思想由孔子(Confucius)在春秋时期创立,并迅速成为中国文化的核心内容之一。儒家重视道德和人与人之间的关系,着力于关注人类社会的秩序的和谐安定;对于虚无飘渺的神灵(illusory divine)世界,尽量采取回避的态度,或按照自己的观念加以改造而得到强化。儒学对中国文化产生了巨大的影响,其价值观念渗透在中国人民的生活、思想和习俗中。Confucius established the Confucian school of thought during the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucianism quickly became one of the pillars of Chinese culture. Confucian philosophy attaches great importance to ethics and interpersonal relationships and is concerned about the harmony and stability of the order of human society. It adopts the attitude of trying as much as possible to evade the illusory divine world or intensifying the concept through the transformation of divine world according to one’s own ideology. Confucianism has had a great influence on Chinese culture with its values permeating the life, thinking and customs of the Chinese people. 2 汉语是中国汉民族使用的语言,汉语历史悠久,在3000多年前就有了相当成熟的文字。汉语有超过12亿的使用者,是使用人数最多的语言之一,除了中国,新加坡、马来西亚等国也有相当一部分人使用汉语,分布在世界各地的几千万华侨、华裔,也以汉语的各种方言为自己的母语。汉语是中国人使用的主要语言,也是联合国的工作语言。Used by the Han people in China, the Chinese language has a long history, having established a fairly mature written language more than 3000 years ago. The Chinese language has more than 1.2 billion users and can be regarded as the one spoken by the greatest number of persons. In addition to China, some people in Singapore and Malaysia also use Chinese, and millions of overseas Chinese and foreign citizens of Chinese origin distributed around the world use various Chinese dialects as native language. The Chinese language is the main language used by Chinese, also one of the working languages of the United Nations. 3 道教(Taoism),同儒家思想(Confucianism)一样,是土生土长的中国宗教。它与儒学和佛学并称“三教”,是中国哲学的重要组成部分之一。中国的古代哲学家老子是道教的创始人。道教认为“阴”和“阳”是宇宙


说明:翻译题目在四六级考试中占5%。为中翻英题目。 翻译题目破题通法: 1、精研2006年6月24日至2009年6月共七套新四级翻译真题,或2006年12月至2009 年6月共六套新六级翻译真题,彻底搞懂每个考点,诸多考点反复重考; 2、背熟四、六级考试核心词组; 3、掌握四、六级翻译核心语法点,如虚拟语气、倒装句、定语从句、状语从句、主语从句等。 例题:请在5分钟内填空完毕。 1、Because she knew French, she (比我们有利). 2、It’s important that the librarian(确认图书按时归还). 3、The regulations doesn’t (生效) until the first of March. 4、My mother wanted me to (从事教育工作). 5、After arriving at your new university, the following may assist you in (减轻文化冲击所带来的紧张感). 1、答案:had an advantage over the rest of us 解析:1)词组:have an advantage of(比…有利) 2)时态:根据前半句的knew,此处应使用一般过去时 2、答案:make sure the books (should) be returned in time 解析:1)从句:主语从句it is important that … 2)虚拟语气:此处主语从句应使用should + 动词原形,should可以省略 3)语态:此处“按时归还”应使用被动语态be returned 4)词组:make sure(确认) 3、答案:come/go into effect 解析:词组:come/go into effect(生效)


Passge 1 唐长安城包括今西安的城区和近郊区,面积相当于现在西安城的七倍半,城周(circumference)有36.7公里,城内居住着约100万人口。长安城内街道宽广笔直,主要大街宽度都在一百米以上,宫门前的一条东西向的大街,足有220米宽。道路两旁种有青槐和榆树(ash and elm trees),并有相当完整的排水系统(sewerage system)。唐代长安是我国封建社会按照规划修建的规模最大的城市,对唐以后我国乃至邻国的城市建筑,都产生了较大的影响。唐代是我国封建社会的鼎盛时期,长安不仅是全国的政治、经济、文化中心,而且是东方最大的国际性都市。当时有三百多个国家和地区,与唐保持友好交往。 Chang’an city in the Tang Dynasty included the present-day Xi’an and its suburbs, 7.5 times larger in area than the present Xi’an city. It was 36.7 km in circumference, and had a population of one million. The streets in Chang’an were straight and wide, and some avenues were over 100m in width. The one in front of the imperial palace, running from east to west, was fully 220m wide.Ash and elm trees lined the streets, all of which had a complete sewerage system. Chang’an city in the Tang Dynasty, built according to a unified plan, was the largest city through Chinese feudal society and had a major influence on city construction in post-Tang China and its neighboring countries. In the Tang Dynasty, which was the heyday of feudal China, Chang’an was not only the political, economic and cultural center of China, but was also the largest cosmopolitan city in the Orient. At that time, over 300 countries and regions were in friendly contact with China. Passage 2 春运( Chunyun)是指中国春节前后一段时期里出现的一种高负荷交通运输,一般从春节前15天开始,持续约40天。对大多数中国人来说,在春节期间与家人团聚是一个悠久的传统。人们从工作、读书的地方回到家里,在除夕夜与家人一起吃团圆饭。春运期间的客流量(passenger flow)在近10年来每年都已超过中国的总人口。春运被称为每年世界上最大的人类迁徙活动。在这期间,铁路运输往往经历最大的考验。 Chunyun refers to the extremely high traffic load in China around the time of the Chinese New Year. It usually begins 15 days before the Lunar New Year’s Day and lasts for around 40 days. It is a long-held tradition for most Chinese people to reunite with their families during the Chinese New Year.


翻译训练题(一) 在我的生活里,我也尝试过很多次试着放手。虽然,学会放手不会减轻生活里的伤痛或是改变什么,也不会让你的情绪得以发泄,也许你仍然会被生活所困。然而,富有同情心是一种释放。会让你和感受到你同情心的人得到精神上的洗礼。当你对一切都富有同情心时,你会发挥自己最大潜力。你也会在生活中觉得自己有无限的正能量。 在我的生活里,我也尝试过很多次试着放手。 I'm learning to do that a lot in this life, to let go. 大家是不是觉得很奇怪,明明汉语里倾向于过去式“尝试过”,但英文翻译过来就是I'm learning to do。可以留意下这种翻译方式,不过如果大家在考试时遇到这种情况,还是翻译成过去式比较好(如果你的翻译水平没有达到炉火纯青的地步的话,呵呵),因为阅卷老师也不是那种翻译大牛哦~ 放手:to let go 虽然,学会放手不会减轻生活里的伤痛或是改变什么,也不会让你的情绪得以发泄,也许你仍然会被生活所困。 It doesn't help to hang on to the hurt or judgment. It doesn't work to blame or criticize. Those approaches only serve to keep you stuck. 这里两个英文句子都用了形式主语it来代替前面提到过的“放手”,不繁琐,而且适合散文的风格。汉语只要语义衔接,可一直逗号下去,但英文,只要是结构完整,只能用句号或相应的标点哦。 减轻伤痛:to help to hang on to the hurt


2017年12月英语四六级翻译真题 英语四级翻译真题:泰山 泰山位于山东省西部。海拔1500余米,方圆约400平方公里。泰山不仅雄伟壮观,而且是一座历史文化名山,过去3000多年一直是人们前往朝拜的地方。据记载,共有72位帝王曾来此游览。许多作家到泰山获取灵感,写诗作文,艺术家也来此绘画。山上因此留下了许许多多的文物古迹。泰山如今已成为中国一处主要的旅游景点。 英语四级翻译真题:华山 华山位于华阴市,距西安120公里。华山是秦岭的一部分。秦岭不仅分割陕南与陕北,也分隔华南与华北。与从前人们常去朝拜的泰山不同。华山过去很少有人光临。因为上山的道路极其危险。然而,希望长寿的人却经常上山,因为山上生长着许多药草,特别是一些稀有的药草。自上世纪90年代安装缆车以来,参观人数大大增加。 英语四级翻译真题:黄山 黄山位于安徽省南部。它风景独特,尤以其日出和云海著称。要欣赏大山的宏伟壮丽,通常得向上看。但要欣赏黄山美景,就得向下看。黄山的湿润气候有利于茶树生长,是中国主要产茶地之一。这里还有许多温泉,其泉水有助于防治皮肤病。黄山是中国主要旅游目的地之一,也是摄影和传统国画最受欢迎的主题。 英语六级翻译真题:青海湖 青海湖位于海拔3205米、青海省省会西宁以西约100公里处。是中国最大的咸水湖,面积4317平方公里,最深处25.5米,有23条河注入湖中,其中大部分是季节性的。百分之八十的湖水源于五条主要河流。青海湖位于跨越亚洲的几条候鸟迁徙路线的交叉处。许多鸟类把青海湖作为迁徙过程中的暂息地,湖的西侧是著名的“鸟岛”,吸引着来自世界各地的观鸟者。每年夏天,游客们也来这里观看国际自行车比赛。 英语六级翻译真题:洞庭湖 洞庭湖位于湖南省东北部,面积很大,但湖水很浅。洞庭湖是长江的蓄洪池,湖的大小很大程度上取决于季节变化,湖北和湖南两省因其与湖的相对位置而得名,湖北意为“湖的北边”,而湖南则为“湖的南边”。洞庭湖作为龙舟赛的发源地,在中国文化中享有盛名。据说龙舟赛始于洞庭湖东岸。为的是搜寻楚国爱国诗人屈原的遗体。龙舟赛与洞庭湖及周边的美景,每年都吸引着成千上万来自全国和世界各地的游客。 英语六级翻译真题:太湖 太湖是中国东部的一个淡水湖,占地面积2250平方公里,是中国第三大淡水湖,仅次于鄱阳和洞庭,太湖约有90个岛屿,大小从几平方米到几平方公里不等。太湖以其独特的“太湖石”而闻名,太湖石常用于装饰中国传统园林。太湖也以高产的捕鱼业而闻名。自上世纪70年代后期以来,捕捞鱼蟹对沿湖的


1.Historically, city life has always been among the elements which form a civilization. 2.Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth. 3.Federally funded training and free back-to-school programs for laid-off workers are under way, but few experts believe they will be able to keep up with the pace of the new technology. 4.From agreement on this general goal, we have, unfortunately, in the past proceeded to disagreement on specific goals, and from there to total inaction. 5.This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yield 6.But one basic difference of opinion concerns the question of whether or not the city as such is to be preserved. 7.Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and environmental advantages that whites enjoy. 8.In spite of the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research. 9.Nobody knows for sure, but most experts think it will soon be difficult to obtain sufficient electricity from these source. 10.It is the uses to which television is put that determine its value to society. 11.Moreover, inaccurate or indefinite words may make it difficult for the listeners to understand the message which is being transmitted to him. 12.But we must bear in mind that the great proportion of books, plays and films which come before the censor are very far from being “works of art”. 13.Such teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which denies them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature. 14.There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term (intelligence) than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 15.In the long run, there is not doubt that everybody would be much better off if smoking were banned altogether, but people are not ready for such drastic action. 16.Y oung scientist cannot realize too soon that existing scientific knowledge is not nearly so complete, certain and unalterable as many textbooks seem to imply. 17.Some people argue that now that women claim, they no longer need to be treated differently from men. 18.He (TV viewer) is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort on his part. 19.Most people think neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior. 20.In our travels, we did not find the power of women as pervasive in the communes as in the cities.


就业难 It’s very hard for college graduates to find a job, of course harder to get an ideal job. In fact, many factors contribute to the unfavorable situation. First, more and more students can go to college because of the being fast improved high education of China. As a result, there are more graduates every year. However, job vacancies don’t increase that fast. More people, less food, which is the exact description of the hard condition. Second, more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students come back to China to hunt better working chances. It is sure that the competition is more and more fierce. Third, because of the fast development of science, technology, economy, society and the interchange of different nations, all units have higher requirement of their employees, for example, stronger ability and higher degree. In addition to the factors above, there are still more which bring hardship for graduates to find jobs. Nevertheless, how to solve the problem is more important. It is a good idea for the graduates to learn more knowledge with a higher degree and to practice and improve their capability of dealing with all kinds of situation, organization, having good terms with others and cooperative spirit. Besides, the government should try to and encourage all units to create more job vacancies for the college graduates. Of course, the graduates should have a proper attitude towards various jobs, but not always pursue those with higher payment. Volunteer teaching in the west 1. 每年,高校许多大学生受到鼓舞去贫困地区支教。 2. 支教活动的意义。


四六级翻译的5个技巧 新东方在线 很多同学在四六级备考中会陷入这样的困惑——翻译题没有提高,也不知道怎么提高翻译的分数。新东方在线四六级教研室推出翻译题的五大做题技巧,为大家提供翻译题的做题方法。 1.在翻译前,先确定可以正确理解文章意思。即便遇到很难的说法,也可以先变成简单的中文再进行翻译。 如:年夜饭 译:The annual reunion dinner 析:指过年的那顿团圆饭,每年一次。所以在翻译时要表达出这个团聚的含义 2.注意翻译时态的转换。 如:我在第一段说过,我刚从大学毕业。 译:As I said in my first paragraph, I was fresh from college. 析:中文的时态是依赖一些汉字表达,英文根据动词的变化形式展示。文中的“过”英文采用一般过去时翻译。英语语法是英文的“骨”,语法掌握得不好的同学,可多关注新东方在线四六级推出的专项解析,一起加强英语语法。 3.有些介词可能会帮到忙,比如with+ 名词的结构,就很多见。 如:这里有许多山脉,生长着大片的森林,贮藏着丰富的矿产。 译:There are mountain ranges here with extensive forests and rich mineral resources.

析:生长和储藏这两个动词在译文中并没有以动词的形式翻译,转译为英文的介词 4.应用英语的固定句型,这些句式可以加分,绝对是亮点 如:是巴斯德发现了疾病是由活着的病菌引起的。 译:It was Pasteur who discovered that diseases are caused by living germs. 析:此句应用了英文的强调句进行翻译。 5.分析上下句之间的逻辑关系,添加一些简单的连词,英文的译文会更漂亮 如:汽油贵得惊人,我们就很少用车。 译:Because the price of gasoline was fantastically high, we seldom used our cars. 析:在原文中并没有出现表示原因类的词汇,但是在译文中根据两个句子之间的逻辑关系添加了表示原因的从句连词。 更多翻译干货,敬请关注新东方在线持续推出。


四六级翻译新题型练习题整理 1.波士顿咨询公司最近做的一项研究显示,到2020年中国将会有 2.2亿家庭收入在2万到100万美元的富裕消费者。这些消费者中75%住在“较小城市”。随着网络的发展,较小城市的消费者的一 种必然趋势是他们更加依赖社交网络服务上的信息。很多网络顾客 都是通过微信、微博和QQ空间分组的。据估计今年中国将会有2.5亿消费者进行网购,位于四线城市的消费者平均每人会花费他们50%或者更高的工资在网购上,这一数据要比一线城市的消费者的 花费高。 【参考译文】A recent study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group says there will be 220 million affluent consumers, who are from households earning between $ 20,000 to $ 1 million in China by 2020, and 75 percent of them will live in “smaller” cities. With the development of the Internet, an inevitable trend among these consumers is they are much more dependent on information from social networking services. Many of the website’s customers are “grouped” by Wechat, Weibo and QQ Zones. It is now estimated that 250 million Chinese consumers will shop online this year and the average shopper in a fourth-tier city in China will spend 50 percent or more of their income on e-commerce than those in top-tier cities. 2.聘金是中国传统习俗的一部分。这一习惯在整个中国都很普遍。 但是近几年来其标准不断上升,致使大多数家庭都很难达到。高额 的聘礼常常“抢劫”了新郎父母必生的积蓄,甚至引起家庭纠纷。 此外,许多新婚夫妇被迫举行奢侈的婚礼宴会,在这个过程中,大 量债务的累积可能使他们的新婚生活变得辛酸,至少在最初阶段是 这样。想想老一辈节俭的婚礼,虽然简简单单,但也幸福美满,没 有给他们婚后的生活带来任何负担。 【参考译文】Endowment may be part of Chinese tradition, but the standards have become so high in recent years that a majority of families are finding it difficult to meet them. The high endowment amounts often rob grooms’ parents of their life’s savings and causes family disputes. Besides, many newly married couples are forced to host extravagant wedding ceremonies to keep up with the Joneses and, in the process, run up huge debts that could turn their married life sour, at least in the initial phase. Considering the frugal wedding of many parents, simple but happiness, didn’t have any bearing on their married life.
