闻香识女人 经典台词

闻香识女人 经典台词
闻香识女人 经典台词

Women ! What can you say ? Who made 'em ? God must have been a fuckin' genius. The hair -- They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... and just wanted to go to sleep forever ? Or lips -- and when they touched, yours were like... that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert. Tits ! Whoo-ah ! Big ones, little ones, nipples staring right out at ya... Like secret searchlights. Mmm. And legs -- I don't care if they're Greek columns... or secondhand Steinways. What's between 'em, passport to heaven. I need a drink. Yes, Mr. Simms, there's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing: pussy. Hah ! Are you listening to me, son ? I'm givin' you pearls here. I guess you really like women. Oh, above all things ! A very, very distant second... is a Ferrari. Charlie ? Give me your hand. This is just the start of your education, son.

Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artist... (校长)西蒙先生,你隐瞒真相, and you are a liar. (校长)你是一个骗子。 But not a snitch ! 但不是一个叛徒(告密者)! Excuse me ? (校长)原谅我没听清楚 No, l don't think l will. 不,我不原谅你 Mr. Slade. (校长)史雷德先生 This is such a crock of shit ! 这场听证会简直胡闹(一团狗屎)! Please watch your language, Mr. Slade. (校长)请注意你德措辞,史雷德先生! You are in the Baird school,not a barracks. (校长)你身在博德学校,不是军营 Mr. Simms, l will give you one final opportunity to speak up. (校长)西蒙先生我给你最后一次机会来陈述 Mr. Simms doesn't want it. 西蒙先生不需要 He doesn't need to be labeled''still worthy of being a Baird man.'' 他不需要被帖上“依然值得作为博德人”标志 What the hell is that ? 这算什么? What is your motto here ? 你们的座右铭是什么? ''Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide; “孩子们,出卖朋友求自保” anything short of that,we're gonna burn you at the stake'' ? “否则,烧得你不见灰”? Well, gentlemen, 好的,先生们… when the shit hits the fan,some guys run... 出纰漏时,有人逃离 and some guys stay. 有人留了下来 Here's Charlie facin' the fire,and there's George hidin' in big daddy's pocket. 查理面对烈火,那边的乔治躲进老爹的大口袋里 And what are you doin' ? 结果你做什么呢? You're gonna reward George and destroy Charlie. 你奖励乔治,摧折查理 Are you finished, Mr. Slade ? (校长)你讲完了,史雷德? No, l'm just gettin' warmed up. 不,我刚暖好身而已 l don't know who went to this place. 我不知道谁在这里念过书 William Howard Taft,William Jennings Bryant, 威廉·霍华德·塔夫,威廉·简名斯·伯恩 William Tell, whoever. 威廉·铁尔,等等 Their spirit is dead,if they ever had one. 他们精神已死,如果曾经有的话 lt's gone. 它已经逝去 You're buildin' a rat ship here, 你在这培育的是老鼠大队 a vessel for seagoin' snitches. 一堆卖友求荣客者 And if you think you're preparin' these minnows for manhood, 如果你以为在锻炼虾兵成龙头 you better think again, 你最好三思 because l say you are killin' the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills. 因为你正扼杀了这所学府所坚持的精神 What a sham. 真是耻辱 What kind of a show are you guys puttin' on here today ? 你们今天给我看的是什么东西? l mean, the only class in this act is sittin' next to me. 唯一在这次事件中有格调的人坐在我旁边 l'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact. 我可以告诉你这孩子的灵魂是完整无缺的 lt's non-negotiable.You know how l know ? 这是不容置疑的,为什么我知道? Someone here, and l'm not gonna say who,offered to buy it. 这里的某个人,我不会说出是谁,要收买他 Only Charlie here wasn't sellin'. 但查理不为所动 Sir, you're out of order. (校长)先生,你太过份了 l show you out of order. 我告诉你什么叫过份 You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. 你不知道什么才是过分的,Trask先生 l'd show you,but l'm too old,l'm too tired,too fuckin' blind. 我想示范,但我太老了,太累了,又他妈的瞎了 lf l were the man l was five years ago, l'd take a flamethrower to this place ! 如果我是五年前的那个人,我会带喷火枪来这儿! Out of order ? Who the hell you think you're talkin' to ? 过分?你以为你在跟谁说话? l've been around,you know ? 我是见过世面的,明白吗? There was a time l could see. 曾经我还看得见 And l have seen Boys like these,younger than these, 我见过很多像在场的男孩之一样的人,比这里的人还要年轻 their arms

torn out,their legs ripped off. 臂膀被扭,腿被炸断 But there is nothin'like the sight of an amputated spirit. 那些都不及灵魂被切除更可怕 There is no prosthetic for that. 灵魂没有义肢! You think you're merely sendin' this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, 你以为你把这好青年像落荒狗似的送回家 but l say you are executin' his soul ! 我说你是处死了他的灵魂 And why ? 为什么? Because he's not a Baird man. 因为他不是一个博德人 Baird men.You hurt this boy, 博德人,你伤害了这个男孩 you're gonna be Baird bums, 你就是博德孬种 the lot of you. 你们全是 And, Harry, Jimmy, 而哈瑞,吉米,博德 Trent, wherever you are out there, 特伦特,不管你们坐在哪里… fuck you too ! 也去你妈的! Stand down, Mr. Slade ! (校长)坐下,史雷得先生 l'm not finished. 我还没讲完 As l came in here,l heard those words:''cradle of leadership.'' 来这儿的时候,我听到类似“领袖摇篮”的字眼 Well, when the bough breaks,the cradle will fall, 嗯,支干断掉时,摇篮就垮了 and it has fallen here. 它已经在这里垮掉了, lt has fallen. 已经垮了 Makers of men,creators of leaders. 人类制造者,领袖创造家 Be careful what kind of leaders you're producin' here. 当心你创造的是哪种领袖 l don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong; 我不知道查理今天的缄默是对是错 l'm not a judge or jury. 我不是法官或者陪审团 But l can tell you this: 但我可以告诉你 he won't sell anybody out to buy his future ! 他绝不会出卖别人以求前程 And that, my friends,is called integrity. 而这,朋友们,就叫正直 That's called courage. 这就叫勇气 Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of. 那才是创造领袖的原料 Now l have come to the crossroads in my life. 如今我走到人生十字路口 l always knew what the right path was. 我总是知道哪条路是对的 Without exception, l knew, 毫无例外,我知道 but l never took it.You know why ? 但我从不走,为什么? lt was too damn hard. 因为妈的太难了 Now here's Charlie.He's come to the crossroads. 而现在是查理,他也走到了十字路口 He has chosen a path. 他选择了一条路 lt's the right path. 这是一条正确的路 lt's a path made of principle that leads to character. 这是一条原则,通往个性之道 Let him continue on his journey. 让他继续他的行程吧 You hold this boy's future in your hands, Committee. 这个男孩的前途掌握在你们手中,委员们 lt's a valuable future, 绝对是有价值的前途 believe me. 相信我 Don't destroy it.Protect it. 别毁了它,保护它 Embrace it. 拥抱它 lt's gonna make you proud one day, l promise you. 有一天您会引以为毫的,我向你保证


《了不起的盖茨比》经典语录名言大全 1、如果打算爱一个人,你要想清楚,是否愿意为了他,放弃如上帝般自由的心灵,从此心甘情愿有了羁绊。《了不起的盖茨比》 2、我年纪还轻,阅历不深的时候,我父亲教导过我一句话,我至今还念念不忘。“每逢你想要批评任何人的时候,”他对我说,“你就记住,这个世界上所有的人,并不是个个都有过你拥有的那些优越条件。”——菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》 3、All the bright,precious things fade so fast.And they don’t come back.所有的光鲜靓丽都敌不过时间,并且一去不复返。—《了不起的盖茨比》 4、我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月。——菲茨杰拉德《伟大的盖茨比》 5、人的本能,总是追逐离开我们的东西,同时却逃避追逐我们的东西。《大亨小传》 6、I was within and without. 我既是旁观者清亦是当局者迷。——菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》 7、可是我一面心里想,我们这排灯火辉煌的窗户高高在这都市之上,从底下暮色苍茫的街道望上来,不知道蕴藏着何等人生的秘密,而我脑海中也见到这么一位过客,偶尔路过此地,抬头望望,不知所以。我自己似乎又在里边又在外边,对这幕人

生悲喜剧无穷的演变,又是陶醉又是恶心。《了不起的盖茨比》8、"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 我们奋力前行,小舟逆水而上,不断地被浪潮推回到过去。——菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》" 9、我们继续奋力向前,逆水行舟,被不断地向后推,直至回到往昔岁月。——《了不起的盖茨比》(用这句作为在句子迷的开始)——菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》10、当一个人痛苦的时候才会变得才华横溢,当我的生活步入正轨时,我开始跟你一样,像你忘记我那样忘记你,然后忘掉那些痛苦,开始变得平庸可耻。我不愿这样,也不愿意这样,我无法触及你,你就像盖茨比的梦,璀璨无比,却又触不可及。前方的路上诱惑太多,我没有盖茨比那么了不起,我可能走上其他的路,无法一直追逐你的脚步。——菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》11、隐藏自己的判断体现了一种博大的胸襟。——菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》12、每个人都以为他自己至少有一种主要的美德,而这就是我的:我所认识的诚实的恶人并不多,而我自己恰好就是其中的一个。——菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》13、“要不是有雾,我们可以看见海湾对面你家的房子,”盖茨比说,“你家码头的尽头总有一盏通宵不灭的绿灯。”黛西蓦然伸过胳臂去挽着他的胳臂,


1、 Trask:Mr.Simms, you are a cover-up artist and you are a liar. Frank:But not a snitch! Trask:Excuse me? Frank:No, I don’t think I will. Trask:Mr.Slade. Frank:This is such a crock of shit. Trask:Please watch your language, Mr.Slade, you are in the Baird School, not a barracks. Mr.Simms, I’ll give you one final opportunity to speak up. Frank:Mr. Simms doesn't want it. He doesn't need to be labeled "still worthy of being a Baird man.". What the hell is that ? What is your motto here? "Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide, anything short of that, we're gonna burn you at the stake”? Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan, some guys run, and some guys stay. Here's Charlie facing the fire, and there's George hiding in big daddy's pocket. And what are you doing? You’re gonna reward George, and destroy Charlie. 西门斯先生不需要申辩,他不需要被贴上“无愧于拜尔德人”的标签。这到底是什么?你们的校训是什么?“孩子们,告发你们的同学,要是隐瞒、不能彻底地交代,就把你放在火上烤”?看吧!子弹扫来的时候,有些人跑了,有些人屹立不动。这位查理迎上去面对火刑,而乔治躲到他老爸的卵翼之下去了。你要怎么做?奖赏乔治,毁掉查理。 Trask:Are you finished, Mr. Slade ? Frank:No, I'm just getting warmed up! I don't know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William Jennings Bryant, William Tell, whoever. Their spirit is dead, if they ever had one. It's gone. You're building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches. And if you think you're preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again, because I say you are killing the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills. What a sham. What kind of a show are you guys putting on here today? I mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me. I'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact. It's non-negotiable. You know how I know? Someone here, and I'm not gonna say who, offered to buy it. Only Charlie here wasn't selling. 不,我才刚刚开了个头。我不知道那些有名的校友是谁——威廉……?管他呢。他们的精神已经过气了,如果真曾有过。你眼下正在打造用来运送告密者的远洋轮。要是你以为正在把他们培养成男子汉,那么你想错了,因为你毁灭的恰恰是这种精神,也就是这学校所谓的立校精神。多可耻。你们今天上演的到底是一处什么样的闹剧?在这件事情当中唯一值得夸奖的人就坐在我的身边。让我告诉你们这个孩子的品行无可挑剔。这是毋庸置疑的。以为我不知道吗?这里有人,我不说是谁,想收买他。查理不会出卖自己的灵魂。 Trask:Sir, you're out of order. Frank:I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order Mr. Trask is, I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place! Out of order? Who the hell you think you're talking to? I’ve been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off, but there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are executing his soul! And why? Because he's not a Baird man. Baird men. You hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you. And, Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there, fuck you too !


了不起的盖茨比经典台词_经典台词 了不起的盖茨比经典台词1、每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。 Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had. 2、人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth. 3、人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。 Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don’t care what it’s founded on. 4、这时,天色已经暗了下来,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,一定让街头偶尔抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,我也是这样的一个过路人,举头望着诧异着。我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,同时又被其排斥着。

Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I was him too, looking up and wondering. I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life. 5、他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有的含义。这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰上四五次。它先是再一刹那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。它对你的理解恰是你想被人理解的那么多,它对你的信任恰像你平时愿意对自己所信任到的那种程度,它叫你确信它对你的印象恰是你所希望造成的那么多。 He smiled understandingly—much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, which you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.

闻香识女人 最后的演讲

When the shit hits the fan, some guys run, and some guys stay. Here’s Charlie facing the fire, and there is George hiding in bid daddy’s pocket. And what are you doing? You are gonna reward George and destroy Charlie. I don’t know who went to this place, William Howard Taft, William Jennings Bryant, William Tell, whoever. Their spirit is dead, if they ever had one. It’s gone. You’re building a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoing snitches. And if you think you’re prepar ing these minnows for manhood, you’d better think again, because I say you’re killing the very spirit, this institution proclaims it instills. What a shame. What kind of show are you guys putting on here today? I mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me. I’m here to tell you, this boy’s soul is intact. It’s non-negotiable. You know how I know? Someone here, and I’m not gonna say who, offered to buy it. Only Charlie here wasn’t selling. I’m too old, I’m too tired, too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I’d take a flamethrower to this place! Who the hell you think you’re talking to? I’ve been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there’s nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you’re merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you’re executing his soul!And why? Because he’s not a Baird man. Baird men. You hurt this boy, you’re gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you. As I came in here, I heard those words: “cradle of leadership”. Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and is has fallen here. It has fallen! Makers of men, creators of leaders, Be careful what kind of leaders you’re producing here. I dont’t know if Charlie’s silence here today is right or wrong, I’m not a judge or jury. But I can tell you this: he won’t sell anybody out to buy his future! And that, my friends, is called integrity. that’s called courage. Now that’s the stuff leaders should be made of. Now I have to come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but I never took it. You kn ow why? It was too damn hard! Now here’s Charlie. He’s come to the crossroads. He has chosen a path. It’s the right path. It’s a path made of principle that leads to character.Let him continue his journey. You hold this boy’s future in your hands, Commitee. It’s a valuable future, believe me. Don’t destroy it. Protect it. Embrace it. It;’s gonna make you proud one day, I promise you. Mr. Simms, you are a cover-up artist... (校长)西蒙先生,你隐瞒真相, and you are a liar. (校长)你是一个骗子。 But not a snitch ! 但不是一个叛徒(告密者)! Excuse me ? (校长)原谅我没听清楚 No, l don't think l will. 不,我不原谅你 Mr. Slade. (校长)史雷德先生 This is such a crock of shit ! 这场听证会简直胡闹(一团狗屎)! Please watch your language, Mr. Slade. (校长)请注意你德措辞,史雷德先生! You are in the Baird school,not a barracks. (校长)你身在博德学校,不是军营 Mr. Simms, l will give you one final opportunity to speak up. (校长)西蒙先生我给你最后一次机会来陈述 Mr. Simms doesn't want it.


姓名:杨飞飞(学号110206060)班级:11物流管理 课程名称:《英美文化教育》 电影:《闻香识女人》 《闻香识女人》赏析 《闻香识女人》,以此为电影的名字,而女人在该影片中实际上名为实写,内容却为虚描,以一种模糊的感觉出现,但又实实在在的存在。是在揭示虚幻与真实、理想与现实之间的距离,这段距离如沼泽,让人总是冲突于渴望、放弃、上升、下沉、痛苦、惊喜、无助、悲伤、刺激、愤怒、抱怨、沮丧、空虚、失落、无价值等各种矛盾感受之中。 电影简介 《闻香识女人》讲述的是一个发生在感恩节的两个男人之间的故事。在感恩节前,在贵族学校上学的平民子弟查理,目睹出身贵族的同学毁坏了校长的汽车,校长逼迫查理出来指证同学,并且以让他拿奖学金直升哈佛为诱耳逼供。查理要在感恩节利用假期打工挣钱,盲人中校法兰想在感恩节前往纽约,看望哥哥和享受女人,然后自杀,但他需要一个陪护。查理被法兰选中充当他的陪护,陪他一起踏上感恩节的疯狂之旅。 影片的两个主要人物:法兰和查理,一个是曾经风光晚景凄凉的中校,在上流权贵政治斗争中沦为牺牲品,自认为是被社会废弃的残疾人;一个是靠奖学金在贵族学校上学的平民子弟查理,夹杂在象征权势的校长和象征友谊的同学之间,即将成为又一个弱势阶层代表的牺牲品。感恩节这个特殊的日子,对两个人来说都处于人生的十字路口,都面临“to be, or not to be?“,即“生存还是毁灭”的艰难抉择。法兰面临的是生与死的抉择,所有支撑他生命的全部信念都已坍塌,他已经完全绝望,想用自杀来结束自己残余的生命,离开这个良心泯灭的“一片黑暗”的世界;查理面临的是前程还是道义的抉择,想坚持道义,维持友谊,就要断送自己的前程,沦为永远的平民;要想保住前程,就要出卖朋友,违背良心。在人生中这个同样艰难,甚至绝望的时刻,他们是上帝送给彼此的礼物,他们最终温暖了对


了不起的盖茨比经典台词 1、All the bright, precious things fade so fast, and they don't e back. 所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间并且一去不复返。 2、Tomorrow, we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther, and one fine morning. 明天我们将跑的再快一些,在把手伸长一些,这将是一个美好的黎明。 3、There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. 世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 4、Tom and Daisy are selfish and cold, they break something else,destroying the lives of others, and finally return to their money. 汤姆和黛西都是自私和冷漠的人,他们打碎别人的东西,破坏别人的生活,最后又躲回自己的金钱里。 5、Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues,and my virtue is: I am a I have ever known a few honest people. 每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几个诚实人中间的一个。

6、If we have a dream, never wake up, that means:the dream is still a dream? 如果我们做一个梦,一辈子都没有醒,那么,这个梦还是梦么? 7、Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point I don’t care what it’s founded on. 人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥 沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。 8、A sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth.人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 9、There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. 世界上只有被追求者和追求者,忙碌者和疲惫者。 10、All things bright and expensive will fade, and never e back. 所有光鲜亮丽及昂贵奢华的事物终将凋谢,并不再回来。 11、So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 为此,我们将顶住那不停地退回到过去的潮流而奋力向前。 12、He knew if he kissed the girl, he would not describe the vision and her short breath together forever, his mind would never like the mind of God freely.


《闻香识女人》 以此为电影的名字,而女人在该影片中实际上名为实写,内容却为虚描,以一种模糊的感觉出现,但又实实在在的存在。是在揭示虚幻与真实、理想与现实之间的距离,这段距离如沼泽,让人总是冲突于渴望、放弃、上升、下沉、痛苦、惊喜、无助、悲伤、刺激、愤怒、抱怨、沮丧、空虚、失落、无价值等各种矛盾感受之中。 电影简介 《闻香识女人》讲述的是一个发生在感恩节的两个男人之间的故事。在感恩节前,在贵族学校上学的平民子弟查理,目睹出身贵族的同学毁坏了校长的汽车,校长逼迫查理出来指证同学,并且以让他拿奖学金直升哈佛为诱耳逼供。查理要在感恩节利用假期打工挣钱,盲人中校法兰想在感恩节前往纽约,看望哥哥和享受女人,然后自杀,但他需要一个陪护。查理被法兰选中充当他的陪护,陪他一起踏上感恩节的疯狂之旅。 影片的两个主要人物:法兰和查理,一个是曾经风光晚景凄凉的中校,在上流权贵政治斗争中沦为牺牲品,自认为是被社会废弃的残疾人;一个是靠奖学金在贵族学校上学的平民子弟查理,夹杂在象征权势的校长和象征友谊的同学之间,即将成为又一个弱势阶层代表的牺牲品。感恩节这个特殊的日子,对两个人来说都处于人生的十字路口,都面临“to be, or not to be?“,即“生存还是毁灭”的艰难抉择。法兰面临的是生与死的抉择,所有支撑他生命的全部信念都已坍塌,他已经完全绝望,想用自杀来结束自己残余的生命,离开这个良心泯灭的“一片黑暗”的世界;查理面临的是前程还是道义的抉择,想坚持道义,维持友谊,就要断送自己的前程,沦为永远的平民;要想保住前程,就要出卖朋友,违背良心。在人生中这个同样艰难,甚至绝望的时刻,他们是上帝送给彼此的礼物,他们最终温暖了对方,成为彼此的希望和力量,完成了彼此的救赎与自我救赎。 剧中人物盲人上校法兰由好莱坞性格演员阿尔. 帕西诺出演。阿尔. 帕西诺一生塑造了无数经典角色,却是这部电影中内心丰富、脾气暴躁、性格怪异的盲人形象,让他夺得了奥斯卡影帝的最高荣誉。法兰曾经是尼克松总统的幕僚,叱咤风云的上校,受伤后退役,借住在侄女家,变成一个连出行都需要人照顾的废人,巨大的角色转变,形成他巨大的心理落差,也形成他暴躁的、富于攻击性的性格。事业、爱情、亲情,所有这些一个男人的生命价值存在的意义,对于法兰来说已经全部丧失,他的内心世界就像他眼中的世界一样,一片黑暗。 法兰一系列的性格表现都是个体心理受挫之后的消极表现:冷漠――对外孙女像仇人一样;暴躁――对前来面试的陌生人辱骂;抱怨――埋怨女儿做的烧鸡难吃;自残――决定自杀。他外在的强势是对内心挫败的掩饰,是自尊心极强的人在外部处于弱势地位时,极力要维护的强势面子。即“外在越强势,内在越脆弱。”他不许别人叫他“sir”, 而是叫他“上校”。他的身份早已不是上校,但他在第一次面试查理这个大学生的时候,都是用上校对属下的口气,大声呵叱,甚至辱骂。上校这个社会角色是法兰人生中最辉煌最光荣的一个身份,最能给他

中英文对照 Scent Of A Woman《电影闻香识女人》剧本

Scent Of A Woman《闻香识女人》 -Board: “Thanksgiving weekend jobs” “感恩节周末征人” “Care of Housebound Relative” relative: 亲人 “感恩节周末照顾亲人” -Havemeyer: I wish you wouldn't do that around me. It's so filthy! filthy: 肮脏的 在我身边最好别抽,太恶心了! -George: Don't give me a problem about the cigarettes any more. problem: 难题 cigarette: 香烟 别再烦我了! -Havemeyer: It's such a filthy habit. habit: 习惯 这是坏习惯。 Oh,my God! Look at this. 老天!看这玩意! -George: Oh, Jesus! Jesus: 耶稣(基督教创始人) 上帝! -Havemeyer: This is so appalling! appalling: 令人震惊的 太过份了! -George: I can't believe it! believe: 相信 难以置信!

I can't believe they gave it to him. 竟然会给他! -Havemeyer: Ah, this is pathetic ! pathetic: 悲哀的 真悲惨! Now he's a loser with a jaguar. loser: 失败者 jaguar:(中文译捷豹,港译积架)是最具有英国特色的豪华汽车开捷豹的失败虫。 -George: Seriously, who did he have to blow to get that thing? seriously: 认真地 blow: 吹 到底他拍对了谁的马屁? Good morning, sir. 早上好,先生。 -Mr Trask: Mr. Willis. Willis早。 -George: It's really, uh. really: 真正地 这小车真是…… -Havemeyer: Mr. Trask! Trask早! -George: Quite a piece of machinery. quite: 很,十分 a piece of: 一片 machinery: 机械 一部好车。 -Mr Trask: Good morning, Havemeyer. 早上好,Havemeyer。 -Havemeyer: Morning to you, sir.


了不起的盖茨比经典台词 1、每当你觉得想要批评什么人的时候,你切要记着,这个世界上的人并非都具备你禀有的条件。 wheneveryoufeellikecriticizinganyone,justrememberthatallthepeopleinthis worldhaven'thadtheadvantagesthatyou'vehad.2、人们的善恶感一生下来就有差异。 asenseofthefundamentaldecenciesisparceledoutunequallyatbirth.3、人们的品行有的好像建筑在坚硬的岩石上,有的好像建筑在泥沼里,不过超过一定的限度,我就不在乎它建在什么之上了。 conductmaybefoundedonthehardrockorthewetmarshes,butafteracertainp ointidon'tcarewhatit'sfoundedon.4、这时,天色已经暗了下来,我们这排高高地俯瞰着城市的灯火通明的窗户,一定让街头偶尔抬头眺望的人感到了,人类的秘密也有其一份在这里吧,我也是这样的一个过路人,举头望着诧异着。 我既在事内又在事外,几杯永无枯竭的五彩纷呈的生活所吸引,同时又被其排斥着。 yethighoverthecityourlineofyellowwindowsmusthavecontributedtheirshar eofhumansecrecytothecasualwatcherinthedarkeningstreets,andiwashimto

o,lookingupandwondering.iwaswithinandwithout,simultaneouslyenchante dandrepelledbytheinexhaustiblevarietyoflife.5、他理解体谅地笑了——这笑比理解和体谅有的含义。 这是那种不多见的使你忐忑不安的情绪能很快地平静下来的笑,这种笑容人的一生中顶多能碰上四五次。 它先是再一刹那间面对——或者说似乎在面对——整个外部世界,然后他就全副心神地倾注到你的身上,对你充满一种不可抵御的偏爱之情。 它对你的理解恰是你想被人理解的那么多,它对你的信任恰像你平时愿意对自己所信任到的那种程度,它叫你确信它对你的印象恰是你所希望造成的那么多。 hesmiledunderstandingly—muchmorethanunderstandingly.itwasoneofthoseraresmileswithaqualityofe ternalreassuranceinit,whichyoumaycomeacrossfourorfivetimesinlife.itface d—orseemedtoface— thewholeexternalworldforaninstant,andthenconcentratedonyouwithanirre sistibleprejudiceinyourfavor.itunderstoodyoujustsofarasyouwantedtobeun derstood,believedinyouasyouwouldliketobelieveinyourself,andassuredyout hatithadpreciselytheimpressionofyouthat,atyourbest,youhopedtoconvey.6、每个人都认为他自己至少具有一种主要的美德,我的美德是:我是我所结识过的少有的几个诚实人中间的一个。


姓名:杨飞飞(学号)班级:物流管理 课程名称:《英美文化教育》 电影:《闻香识女人》 《闻香识女人》赏析 《闻香识女人》,以此为电影地名字,而女人在该影片中实际上名为实写,内容却为虚描,以一种模糊地感觉出现,但又实实在在地存在.是在揭示虚幻与真实、理想与现实之间地距离,这段距离如沼泽,让人总是冲突于渴望、放弃、上升、下沉、痛苦、惊喜、无助、悲伤、刺激、愤怒、抱怨、沮丧、空虚、失落、无价值等各种矛盾感受之中. 电影简介 《闻香识女人》讲述地是一个发生在感恩节地两个男人之间地故事.在感恩节前,在贵族学校上学地平民子弟查理,目睹出身贵族地同学毁坏了校长地汽车,校长逼迫查理出来指证同学,并且以让他拿奖学金直升哈佛为诱耳逼供.查理要在感恩节利用假期打工挣钱,盲人中校法兰想在感恩节前往纽约,看望哥哥和享受女人,然后自杀,但他需要一个陪护.查理被法兰选中充当他地陪护,陪他一起踏上感恩节地疯狂之旅. 影片地两个主要人物:法兰和查理,一个是曾经风光晚景凄凉地中校,在上流权贵政治斗争中沦为牺牲品,自认为是被社会废弃地残疾人;一个是靠奖学金在贵族学校上学地平民子弟查理,夹杂在象征权势地校长和象征友谊地同学之间,即将成为又一个弱势阶层代表地牺牲品.感恩节这个特殊地日子,对两个人来说都处于人生地十字路口,都面临“ , ?“,即“生存还是毁灭”地艰难抉择.法兰面临地是生与死地抉择,所有支撑他生命地全部信念都已坍塌,他已经完全绝望,想用自杀来结束自己残余地生命,离开这个良心泯灭地“一片黑暗”地世界;查理面临地是前程还是道义地抉择,想坚持道义,维持友谊,就要断送自己地前程,沦为永远地平民;要想保住前程,就要出卖朋友,违背良心.在人生中这个同样艰难,甚至绝望地时刻,他们是上帝送给彼此地礼物,他们最终温暖了对方,成为彼此地希望和力


提高逻辑思维能力和表达能力的7部电影提高逻辑思维能力和表达能力的7部电影 1.《国王的演讲》2010 [导演]: 汤姆霍珀[豆瓣评分]:8.3 [主演]: 科林费尔斯/ 杰弗里拉什/ 海伦娜伯翰卡特观看平台:优酷/ 搜狐/ 腾讯 一个国王如何克服结巴 获奥斯卡12项提名。 故事情节你大概可以猜到:从前有个结巴的国王,他后来不结巴了。 这个国王和普通人一样,在众多人面前,有点胆怯。 电影包含演讲过程中如何调节自己的呼吸,如何战胜心理困难等。 科林费尔斯一流的表演也是电影的一大看点。 2.《华尔街之狼》2013 [导演]: 马丁斯科塞斯[豆瓣评分]:7.6 [主演]: 莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥/ 乔纳希尔/ 玛格特罗比 下载资源:后台回复片名 华尔街的传奇成功史 一名普通的股票经纪人,如何成为后来的暴富的华尔街之狼?

一张嘴。 他巧舌如簧,一波又一波的人跑来买他推销的股票。 他的演讲充满自信富有感染力,一群人为他疯狂。 电影改编自同名自传,让我们看了华尔街背后的纸醉金迷,肮脏黑幕,也让我们相信了,来自口才的力量。 经典台词| 你们今天所要做的,就是拿起电话,说那些我教你们的话,我就能把你们变的比美国大多数CEO还富有! 3.《十二怒汉》1957 [导演]: 西德尼吕美特[豆瓣评分]:9.3 [主演]: 亨利方达/ 马丁鲍尔萨姆/ 约翰菲尔德 观看平台:哔哩哔哩 经典法律辩论电影 当你面临与你观点不相同的N个人时,如何通过唇枪舌战,把他们一一说服? 在电影《十二怒汉》中,一个在贫民窟中长大的男孩被指控谋杀生父。 陪审团十二名成员必须达到一致,结果才能被通过。 审判一开始,11人认为男孩有罪,而1人坚持无罪。 但最后,男孩被无罪释放。 电影只有一个场景,但精彩的台词,让你没有丝毫喘息的机会。 经典台词| 我不必效忠于任何一边,我只是提出了我的疑问。


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 高中英语任务型语法教学初探 2 从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异 3 浅析模糊语在商务谈判中的应用 4 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese 5 礼貌原则在英汉语言文化差异中的应用 6 爱伦坡《泄密的心》的恐怖效果 7 《道林?格雷的画像》中的现实元素(开题报告+论) 8 中西方商务礼仪的差异 9 文化负迁移对翻译的影响 10 英汉习语的文化差异及翻译对策 11 种族沟通的桥梁——对《宠儿》中两个丹芙的人物分析 12 英语电影片名的翻译策略与方法 13 对《红字》中完美人性的求索--浅析海斯特与丁梅斯代尔的自我思想较量与精神升华 14 浅析英文商务信函的写作格式与文体风格 15 浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策 16 商标的特征及其翻译的分析 17 苔丝之罪是谁之过 18 分析形成性评价在英语教学中的应用 19 论埃德加?爱伦?坡短篇小说的创作风格 20 Hip-Hop对美国社会文化的影响 21 文化差异视域下英语报刊硬新闻的翻译 22 德伯家的苔丝中人类的欲望——悲剧的根源 23 从关联-顺应理论视角研究旅游文本英译 24 从《嘉莉妹妹》看德莱塞的女性观 25 浅析商务谈判中的恭维语应用 26 The Application of Games in English Teaching for Young Learners 27 中学英语老师提问存在的问题及解决策略 28 从《大卫科波菲尔》的女性人物塑造看现实主义与浪漫主义的结合 29 哈里的迷惘与自我救赎——《乞力马扎罗的雪》的哲学解读 30 中西方饮食文化的比较研究 31 An Interpretation of China Boy from the Perspective of Post-colonialism 32 《太阳照常升起》中的“女性化”研究 33 体态语和跨文化交际—体态语在国际商务中的重要作用 34 《苍蝇》的叙事艺术及悲剧主题探究 35 论英语词汇学习策略 36 英语学习中的性别差异 37 论《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中的环境描写----从视觉和听学的角度 38 科技英语中被动句的语篇功能探析 39 从电影《阿甘正传》分析委婉语的交际功能 40 《论语》中“孝”的英译——基于《论语》两个英译本的对比研究 41 浅析美剧台词中幽默的翻译——以《绝望的主妇》为例


本科生毕业设计(论文)封面 ( 2016 届) 论文(设计)题目 作者 学院、专业 班级 指导教师(职称) 论文字数 论文完成时间 大学教务处制

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