





①________ A. fly a kite

②________ B. make a snowman

③________ C. ride a bicycle


①________ A. I am big.

②________ B. I can swim.

③________ C. I am white.


①________ A. butterfly

②________ B. bee

③________ C. rabbit

④________ D. mouse

⑤________ E. bird


① ________ A. two bags.

② ________ B. four pies.

③________ C. ten apples.


① ________ A. chair

② ________ B. bed

③________ C. table


①________ A. bedroom

②________ B. bathroom

③________ C. living room


⑴我是李老师。________ A. Goodbye

⑵上午好。________ B. good morning

⑶你好吗________ C. How are you?

⑷再见。________ D. Thank you.

⑸谢谢你。________ E. I'm Mr Li.


⑴Kitty________ A.

⑵Peter________ B.

⑶Alice________ C.

⑷Joe________ D.


A. This is Mary. She's nine. She's tall. She's thin.

B. This is Danny. He's six. He's short. He's fat.

C. This is Eddie. He's nine. He's short. He's thin.





(1)Hello! My mouth is big. My tail (尾巴) is short. My ears are small. (2)Hello! My ears are long. My nose is small. My eyes are small. (3)Hi! My nose is small. My tail is long. My eyes are small.

(4)Hi! My nose is long. My tail is long. My ears are big.



A. How much are they?

B. May I have five oranges, please?

C. Here you are.

D. Good morning. Can I help you?

E. Nine yuan, please.

F. Thank you.

G. Sure.



A. Ok.

B. Turn off the TV. Go to bed now.

C. Good night, Dad.

D. Good night, dear.



A. All right.

B. Oh, my jacket? Open the door, please.

C. Close the door, please.

D. I'm sorry.





【分析】①观察图片这是自行车。ride :骑。ride a bicycle :骑自行车。故选C。

②观察图片这是风筝。fly:飞;飞行。放风筝:fly a kite。。故选A。

③观察图片他们在堆雪人。snowman的复数是snowmen。堆雪人:make snowmen。故选B。



【分析】①图片是一只大白鸭,C. I am white.(我是白色的。)。故选C。

②图片是一只鱼。B. I can swim.(我会游泳。)。故选B。

③图片是一只大象。A. I am big.(我是大个的。)。故选A。











【分析】① B. four pies:四个派。故选B。

② A. two bags:2个书包。故选A。

③ C. ten apples.:十个苹果。故选C。








【分析】①由图片得知这是客厅。living room:客厅。





【分析】(1)我“I”, am“是”,李老师“Mr Li”和 E. I'm Mr Li.(我是李老师。)匹配。故答案为:E. (2)上午好“good morning”,和B. good morning(上午好。)匹配。故答案为:B.

(3)你好吗?是“How are you?”,和C. How are you?(你好吗?)匹配。故答案为:C.

(4)再见是“Goodbye.”,和 A. Goodbye(再见)匹配。故答案为:A.

(5)谢谢你是口语“Thank you”,和D. Thank you.(谢谢你)匹配。故答案为:D.
































【分析】根据对话的逻辑性首先确定第一句。B:噢,我的夹克,请打开门。D:不好意思。C :请关门。A:好。故重新排列的顺序为B,A,D,C。


深圳牛津版英语最新七年级(下) 课文 (带翻译)

精心整理 初一(下) 课文 (翻译) Unit1 Mygrandma奶奶,外婆 我的奶奶是个头发灰白的矮个子女人。她性格开朗。她是一个很不错的厨师。她做的菜可能是世 良 错 直 就会成功。" Mr.LiismyMaths数学teacher.Heistallandthin[θ?n]瘦的.Hisclasses课arealwaysfullof充满fun乐趣.Heuses使用lotsof许多games游戏inhisteaching['ti?t???]教学. Mr.Liisstrictabout[str?kt]严格ourstudies,buthealwaysencourages (encourage[?n'k?r?d?;en-])鼓励us我们andgivesussupport[s?'p??t]给我们支持.Heoftensays,"Never从不giveup放弃andyou'llbesuccessful[s?k'sesf?l;-f(?)l]成功的."--Amy Mother'sDay母亲节 妈妈做了很多艰苦的工作。她们给我们洗衣做饭。她们还鼓励我们,给我们的支持。母亲节是我们向我们的妈妈说"谢谢"的时候。

Mumsdoalotof许多hardwork辛勤的工作.Theycook做饭andclean打扫for为us我们.Theyalso 也encourage[?n'k?r?d?;en-]鼓励usandgiveussupport[s?'p??t]给我们支持.Mother'sDayisthetimeforustosay"Thankyou"toourmums. 在大多数国家,人们在每年5月份的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节。在这一天,人们喜欢为他们的妈妈买鲜花和制作特别的母亲节贺卡。 Inmostcountries在大多数国家,people人们celebrate['sel?bre?t]庆祝Mother'sDayonthesecond第二个Sunday周日inMay五月everyyear每年.Onthisday,peopleliketobuyflowers花andmake制作special['spe?(?)l]特别的Mother'sDaycards卡片[kɑ?d]卡片for为theirmums他们的母亲. 母亲节(需要的)不仅仅是礼物。我们可以帮助我们的妈妈做家务。我们可以带他们到公园或电影院。有时候,一个简单的拥抱,或说"我爱你,妈妈"就是我们的妈妈们的完美礼物了。 vineyards['v?nj?d]葡萄园inthecenter中心ofFrance法国andfarmers农民grow种植grapes[gre?p]葡萄tomake做excellent['eks(?)l(?)nt]极好的French法国的wine酒. Thesouth南部ofFrance法国liesonthecoast[k??st]位于海滨,anditisfamousfor因为...而着名itswonderful['w?nd?f?l;-f(?)l]极好的beaches[bi?t?]海滩. 法国海边小镇是夏日度假的理想去处,但如果你喜欢冬天去法国游玩,你可以试试去阿尔卑斯山滑雪。 法国有每个人想要的东西,那么为何不今年就去法国游玩呢? AFrenchtown[ta?n]城镇bythesea在海边istheperfect完美的place地方forasummerholiday暑假,butifyoupreferto[pr?'f??]更喜欢visit参观Franceinwinter冬天,youcantryskiing['ski???]试着滑雪onthemountains在山上intheFrenchAlps[?lps]阿尔卑斯山. Francehassomething一些东西for为everyone每个人,sowhynot为什么不visit参观


初一(下) 课文 (翻译) Unit 1 My grandma奶奶,外婆 我的奶奶是个头发灰白的矮个子女人。她性格开朗。她是一个很不错的厨师。她做的菜可能是世界上最好的!我永远不会忘记那些(菜的)味道和气味。奶奶照顾着我的家人。她真的很善良而有耐心。她去世两年了,我非常想念

她。 My grandma was a short矮的 woman 女士with有着 grey[gre?]灰色的 hair头发. She was always总是 cheerful ['t???f?l; -f(?)l]快乐的. She was a very good cook[k?k]厨师. Her dishes[d??] 盘子;一道菜were probably['pr?b?bl?]或许;很可能 the best最好 的 in the world! I will never永不 forget忘记 the taste[te?st]味道;品尝, and the smell [smel] 闻;气味as well也. Grandma took care of 照顾my family家人;家庭. She was really真的 kind种类; 善良 and patient['pe??(?)nt]有耐心的;病人. She died去世 two years ago两年前 and I miss[m?s]错过;想念 her very much. —Alice Alice 是我最好的朋友。她是一个高大的女孩,戴着眼镜。她经常给我讲笑话逗 我笑,但她从不嘲笑别人。 Alice 是一个聪明的女孩。她擅长数学。我们经常一起学习、打乒乓球。我希望 我们永远是朋友。 Alice is my best最好的 friend. She is a tall 高的girl with glasses戴着眼镜. She often 笑, but she never 从不 经常tells me jokes [d???k] 笑话to make使me laugh[lɑ?f] makes fun of others取笑别人. Alice is a smart [smɑ?t] 聪明的 girl. She is good at 擅长Maths[m?θs]数学. We often study学习 and play table tennis ['ten?s] 打乒乓球together一起. I hope希望 we will 将always一直 remain[r?'me?n] 保持;仍然friends. Mr. Li 李老师是我的数学老师。他又高又瘦。他的课总是充满了乐趣。他在他的教学 中大量地利用游戏。 李老师对我们的学习要求很严格,但他总是鼓励我们,给我们支持。他常说:" 永远不要放弃,你就会成功。" Mr. Li is my Maths数学 teacher. He is tall and thin[θ?n] 瘦的. His classes 课are always full of 充满fun乐趣. He uses 使用lots of许多 games 游戏in his teaching['ti?t???]教 学. Mr. Li is strict about[str?kt] 严格our studies, but he always encourages (encourage [?n'k?r?d?; en-])鼓励us我们 and gives us support[s?'p??t]给我们支持. He often says, "Never从不give up 放弃and you'll be successful[s?k'sesf?l; -f(?)l]成功的." --Amy Mother's Day 母亲节


初一(上) 课文 翻译 Unit 1 课文(翻译) Anna的博客 Anna’s blog[bl?g] 博客

大家好,欢迎光临我的博客。关于我 Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog About me 我的名字是Anna,我来自德国,我11岁,我又高又瘦,我有长头发。我家住 在一个附近有一些山的房子里。我妈妈是个美术老师,我的爸爸是一名医生, 我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。 My name is Anna. I’m from Germany ['d???m?n?] 德国. I’m 11 years old. I’m tall and thin [θ?n] 薄的;瘦的. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to 靠近some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 关于我的学校和我的爱好 About my school and my hobbies(hobby ['h?b?] 爱好) 每天,我乘校车去上学。我最喜欢的科目有数学,艺术和科学。我喜欢我的学 校,因为老师们都非常友好。我的梦想是成为一名工程师。我喜欢很多运动。 我擅长游泳和打篮球,这些是我最大的爱好。 Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favorite ['fev?r?t] 最喜欢的subjects ['s?bd?ekt] 科目;主题are Maths [m?θs] 数学, Art and Science['sa??ns] 科学. I like my school because t he teachers a re all very friendly['fren(d)l?] 友好的. My dream[dri?m] 梦想;做梦is to be an engineer [end??'n??] 工程师. I like many sports[sp??t] 运动. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favorite hobbies. 亲爱的安娜, Dear Anna, 嗨!我看到了你的博客在互联网上,我想成为你的电子朋友。我名字是杰森,


七年级英语教科书 (上册) 牛津深圳版

Unit 1 Making friends Grammar : learn how to ask and answer wh- questions、 Learn when to use a or an before nouns、 Writing : complete an email to a new friend Anna’s blog Hello everyone、 Welcome to my blog、 About me My name is Anna、 I’m from Germany、 I’m 11 years old、 I’m tall and thin、 I have long hair、 I live with my family in a house close to some mountains、 My mum is an Art teacher、 My dad is a doctor、 I have an elder sister and an elder brother、 About my school and my hobbies Every day, I go to school by school bus、 My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science、 I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly、 My dream is to be an engineer、 I like many sports、 I’m good at swimming and playing basketball、 These are my favourite hobbies、 I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me,please! Vocabulary 1.Hello everyone、 a all people b some people 2.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains、 a near b far away from 3.I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly、 a happy b nice and kind 4.These are my favourite hobbies、 a things I must do b things I like doing in my free time 5.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world、 a some countries in b every country in


七年级英语教科书 (上册) 牛津深圳版

Unit 1 Making friends Grammar : learn how to ask and answer wh- questions. Learn when to use a or an before nouns. Writing : complete an email to a new friend Anna’s blog Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. About me My name is Anna. I’m from Germany. I’m 11 years old. I’m tall and thin. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. About my school and my hobbies Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is to be an engineer. I like many sports. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me,please! Vocabulary 1.Hello everyone. a all people b some people 2.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. a near b far away from 3.I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. a happy b nice and kind 4.These are my favourite hobbies. a things I must do b things I like doing in my free time 5.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world. a some countries in b every country in



初一(上) 课文 翻译 Unit 1 课文(翻译) Anna的博客 Anna’s blog[bl?g] 博客

大家好,欢迎光临我的博客。关于我 Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog About me 我的名字是Anna,我来自德国,我11岁,我又高又瘦,我有长头发。我家住在一个附近有一些山的房子里。我妈妈是个美术老师,我的爸爸是一名医生, 我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。 My name is Anna. I’m from Germany ['d???m?n?] 德国. I’m11 years old. I’m tall and thin[θ?n] 薄的;瘦的. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to 靠近some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 关于我的学校和我的爱好 About my school and my hobbies(hobby ['h?b?] 爱好) 每天,我乘校车去上学。我最喜欢的科目有数学,艺术和科学。我喜欢我的学校,因为老师们都非常友好。我的梦想是成为一名工程师。我喜欢很多运动。 我擅长游泳和打篮球,这些是我最大的爱好。 Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favorite ['fev?r?t] 最喜欢的subjects ['s?bd?ekt] 科目;主题are Maths [m?θs]数学, Art and Science['sa??ns] 科学. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly['fren(d)l?] 友好的. My dream[dri?m] 梦想;做梦is to be an engineer [end??'n??] 工程师. I like many sports[sp??t] 运动. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favorite hobbies. 亲爱的安娜, Dear Anna, 嗨!我看到了你的博客在互联网上,我想成为你的电子朋友。我名字是杰森,


新牛津深圳版英语七年级下册复习提纲 一、单词: 1. smart机敏的;聪明的(= clever ) 2. hard-working 工作努力的;勤勉的 3. person 人(=human being;per;son) 4. cheerful快乐的;高兴的(=happy; cheerfully) 5. forget 忘记( forgot; for; get ) 6. encourage鼓励( courage勇气; encouragement ) 7. strict 严格的;严厉的8. successful获得成功的( success n.; succeed v.) 9. miss 想念;错过;丢失10. probably 很可能(= maybe; probable adj. ) 11. excellent 优秀的(= very good; cell; lent) 12. prefer更喜欢(=like..better;preference) 13. possible可能的(= maybe; possibly 14. perfect 完美的( perfectly adv. ) 15. lie位于,坐落在(lying;lied; die;tie) 法国( French 法国的) 17. tower塔( power能量;towel ) … 18. finish 完成(=complete;finish doing sth) 19. flag 旗帜( flat公寓=house ) 20. mean 意思是( meant; meaning n. ) 21. act 扮演( actor; actress; action ) 22. appear 出现(disappear; appearance n.; pear ) 23. allow 允许 ( all;low;arrow ) 24. nothing 没有什么;没有一件东西(= not anything) 25. helpful 有用的;有帮助的( helpfully;helpless ) 26. finally 终于;最后(=at last/ in the end;final) 27. towel 毛巾( tower; power ) 28. apologize 道歉(= say sorry; apology n. ) 29. disease 疾病( illness ) 30. convenient 方便的(= easier; convenience n. ) 31. branch 树枝( branches pl. ) 32. discuss讨论(= talk about; discussion n.) 33. against反对( again ) 34. example 例子( exam; simple ) 35. harmful有害的( harm n.; harmless ) 36. oxygen 氧气37. produce 生产(= make; product; production ) 38. furniture 家具( 不可数名词; future ) 39. save拯救( safe adj. ) 40. imagine想象( imagination n. imagine doing ) 41. dig挖( dug; digging ) {


Chapter One Travel 一.课文重点词语与短语 plan 计划 plan to do sth. 计划去做某事 offer 提供 offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. provide 提供 provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth shop 购物 shop for sth = buy sth Why not do sth? =Why don’t you do sth 为什么不做… used to do sth 过去常常做某事 be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 the same as…和…一样 be famous for sth = be well-know for sth 以…闻名 be famous as 作为…而著名 help sb (to )do sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 one of + 可数名词复数…之一,其中之一 二.语法:冠词a,an,与the 的用法 ★不定冠词a/an的用法主要有: 1.泛指表示"某一个",用于可数名词单数前。如: We need a rent to live in. 2.与可数名词单数连用,表示类别。如: 1) I'm a student.(是学生而不是其他人。) 2) An elephant is much bigger than a tiger. 3.在某些词组中,代替介词per,作“每一”讲。如: twice a day, 5 dollars a kilo I play computer games once a week. 注意: a /an 的区别 a 用在辅音开头的单词前:a cat, a useful book an 用在元音发音的单词前:an English book, an interesting story, an honest boy, an important party, an ugly man… ★定冠词the的用法主要有: 1. 表示特指某人或某物。如: The notebook on the desk is mine. Beijing is the capital of China. 2. 表示上文提过的人或事物。如: There is a cat under the chair. The cat is black and white. 3. 表示世界上独一无二的东西。如: the earth, the sun… 4. 用于说话双方都知道的名词前。如: Let's go for a picnic, shall we?


1.请根据下列提示以My English teacher为题,写一篇介绍你的英语老师Linda的文章。60词以上。提示: 1.外表:长得很好看,高高瘦瘦的,一头乌黑发亮的头发,脸上总是挂着微笑; 2.课堂:她的课堂很有趣,她总是开展各种各样的游戏。她还给我们讲笑话,逗我们笑;3.与学生的关系:她对我们的学习要求很严格她总是很耐心很友善,在我们有困难的时候 总是鼓励我们支持我们。 My English teacher Linda is my favorite teacher. She teaches us English. She looks very beautiful. She is tall and thin with long black hair. She always smiles at everyone. I like her classes very much. Her classes are very interesting because she often uses lots of games in her teaching. Besides, she often tells jokes to us and makes us laugh. She is very strict about our studies. She is also kind and patient. She always encourages us and gives us support when we are in trouble. So she gets on well with us. I like Linda very much. 2.假如你是杂志社的一名主编,请根据下列提示以GuangZhou is calling为题写一篇文章 向旅游爱好者们介绍广州。60词以上。 提示:1. 广州的地理位置: 2. 广州的天气及交通: 3. 广州著名的旅游景点(介绍一至两个); 4. 广州的美食。 Guangzhou is calling Guangzhou lies in the south of China. It is never too hot or too cold in Guangzhou, so it's comfortable to live or travel in Guangzhou. You can go to any place by bus or by underground. It's very convenient to travel here. One of the most famous places in Guangzhou is Guangzhou Tower. It was built in the year 2010 for the Asian Games. Also you can climb Baiyun Mountain and enjoy the fresh air. During your visit to Guangzhou, don't forget to try some delicious food. Guangzhou has something for everyone, so why not visit Guangzhou this year? 3. 每个人都有自己最喜欢的动物。假如你是Jill,现在正和你的朋友们谈论自己最喜欢的动物以及原因。下面表格中是你们谈论的内容,请以Our favorite animals为题,写一篇文章。60词以上,可以适当发挥。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数) Our favorite animals Everyone has his/her favorite animal. Now my two friends and I are talking about our favorite animals. Lisa likes cats best. She thinks that they can catch mice and they look very lovely. Dogs
