


1.节日计划 ...is a very important festival in China. ……是中国非常重要的一个节日。 The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. 春节是中国最重要的节日。 ...is coming. ……就要到了。 Everyone has his or her plan for this festival. 每个人对于这个节日都有自己的计划。 I have a plan, too. 我也有个计划。 It is as follows... 这个计划如下:…… First (ly), ...Second(ly), ...Third(ly), ...Fourth(ly), ...Finally, ... I want to have/take a good rest during the holiday, as I’m always busy with my work.我想在假期的时候好好休息一下,因为我工作一直很忙。 I want to/will stay with my parents. I’m not usually together with them. 我想陪我的父母。我并不总是经常与他们在一起。 I will meet some of my relatives and friends, because we don’t see each other often.我会见一些亲戚和朋友,因为我们彼此不常见面。 I want to give my room a good cleaning. 我想把房间好好的打扫一遍。 I want to study English for the coming exam. 我想为即将到来的考试学习英语。 This is my plan for… 这就是我……(节日)的计划。 范文:My Plan for the National Day Holiday 国庆假期计划 The National Day Holiday is coming. 国庆假期要到了。It is a very important festival in China. 这是中国一个非常重要的节日。Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday. 每个人对于国庆节都有自己的计划。I have a plan, too. 我也有一个计划。My plan is as follows. 我的计划如下: First, I’ll take a good rest, as I’m always busy with my work. 首先,我要好好休息一下,因为我平时工作很忙。Second, I want to stay with my parents. I’m not usually together with them. 第二,我想陪陪父母。我并不是经常与他们在一起。Third, I want to meet some of my friends and relatives, as these days we don’t see each other often. 第三,我想见见一些朋友和亲戚,因为我们现在不怎么有机会见面。Fourth, I want to give my room a good cleaning. 第四,我想好好打扫下房间。Finally, I will study English for the coming examination. 最后,我想为即将到来的考试学习下英语。 This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday. 这就是我对即将到来的国庆假期的计划。 2.英语学习/学习计划


管理类联考相关概念 1、“管理类联考”是指管理类专业学位硕士研究生入学统一考试(初试)。 2、管理类联考考试科目:包括“管理类联考综合能力”与“英语二”两科,总分300分。 (1)管理类联考综合能力,卷面结构:数学、逻辑推理、写作(论证有效性分析、论说文),共三大部分。满分为200分。 育明教育解析分值分布:①数学(问题求解15题、条件充分性判断10题,每题3分)75分+②逻辑推理(30题,每题2分)60分+③写作(论证有效性分析1题30分+论说文1题35分)65分。 (2)育明教育解析英语二,卷面结构:语言知识运用(即完形填空)、阅读理解第一部分四篇、阅读理解第二部分一篇、翻译(英译汉)、小作文、大作文,共六个部分。满分为100分。 育明教育解析分值分布:语言知识运用(完形填空)20道题10分、阅读理解(Part A)20道题40分、阅读理解(Part B)5道题10分、翻译(英译汉)15分、小作文10分、大作文15分。 3、育明教育解析管理类联考考试难度 (1)综合能力: ①数学,为高中、初中、小学数学知识的运用。考察有相当的灵活性,体现创造性解决问题的能力----知识的组合、建构、运用能力。 ②逻辑推理,包含必然性推理与可能性推理两大题型及其综合。该部分题干及选项阅读量(字数)与信息量(信息点数)较大,阅读速度与信息析取能力是做好该部分的基础能力之一。 ③写作,论证有效性分析,要求能较快地找出一段论证中的漏洞,是考察批判性思维的直接体现。论说文,良好的议论文写作能力是基础。 (2)英语二 难度与大学英语六级相近。

管理类论说文写作 考点分析: 论说文的分析对象是试题所陈述的观点或命题,作者必须表明自己的态度或观点,包括:支持;反对;总体上支持,但也有若干保留;总体上反对,但认为也有若干可取之处等。作者要论证的是自己的观点或态度。 文章结构:三段论:引论(开头)----本论(主体)----结论(结尾)。其内部逻辑关系是:提出问题--分析问题--解决问题。 引论:一句话概括材料,引出自己的观点。论点要求:思想健康,用辩证唯物主义,积极向上,符合时代需要的精神,反对消极落后萎靡不振的精神状态。科学地反映客观事物,符合党和政府的方针、政策与各种法规,经得起时间的检验,防止片面性和主观武断。论点要集中单一,力求深刻和新颖。 本论:摆事实,讲道理,正反论证。论据要与论点有内在联系,确凿可靠,经得起推敲和验证,要是人们普遍认同的原理、公理以及经典性言论,论据应充足全面,要能强有力地支持论点。论证要严密,即论据与论点有内在联系。论证方式:1.方式:层进式,各层次之间是层层递进的关系。2.平行式,各层次之间是并列关系。3.对比式。各层次之间是对比关系,正反论证。 结论:总结概括,首尾呼应,点题,弘扬主旋律。 资料有育明教育提供更多的资料大家可以咨询育明教育1737503498.育明教育会为你们提供更多的资料。 写作步骤:(行文使用汉语言文字,字数在700字左右,时间控制在45分钟) 1、审题。至少阅读三遍,认真分析后提炼出自己的观点,提炼出标题写在草稿


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


2016年 写作:第56-57小题,共65分。其中论证有效性分析30分,论说文35分。 56、论证有效性分析:分析下述论证中存在的缺陷和漏洞,选择若干要点,写一篇600字左右的文章,对论证的有效性进行分析和评论。(论证有效性分析的一般要点是:概念特别是核心概念的界定和使用是否准确并前后一致,有无各种明显的逻辑错误,论证的论据是否成立并支持结论,结论成立的条件是否充分等等) 现在人们常在谈论大学毕业生就业难的问题,其实大学生的就业并不难,据国家统计局数据,2012年我国劳动年龄人口比2011年减少了345万,这说明我国劳动力的供应从过剩变成了短缺,据报道,近年长三角等地区频频出现"用工慌"现象,2015年第二季度我国岗位空缺与求职人数的比例均为1.06,表明劳动力市场需求大于供给。因此,我国的大学生其实是供不应求的。 还有,一个人受教育程度越高,他的整体素质也就越高,适应能力就越强,当然也就越容易就业,大学生显然比其他社会群体更容易就业,再说大学生就业难就没有道理了。 实际上,一部分大学生就业难,是因为其所学专业与市场需求不相适应或对就业岗位的要求过高。因此,只要根据市场需求调整高校专业设置,对大学生进行就业教育以改变他们的就业观念,鼓励大学生自主创业,那么大学生就业难问题将不复存在。 总之,大学生的就业并不是问题,我们大可不必为此顾虑重重。 57、论说文:根据下述材料,写一篇700字左右的论说文,题目自拟。 亚里士多德说:"城邦的本质在于多样性,而不在于一致性。。。。。。无论是家庭还是城邦,它们的内部都有一定的一致性。不然的话,他们是不可能组建起来的。但这种一致性是有一定的限度的。。。。。。同一种声音无法实现和谐,同一个音阶也无法组成旋律。城邦也是如此,它是一个多面体。人们只能通过教育便存在着各种差异的公民,统一起来组成一个共同体。" 解析:“论证有效性分析”存在的主要错误: 1.材料提供的数据时效性不足,用的是2012年的数据;证明不了2015年的事情。 2.劳动力人口减少不等于劳动力人口就短缺了,如果原先劳动力人口远过于求呢。 3.用工荒的成因,材料提到的是长三角地区,但是成因也可能是由于劳动力配置不均衡导致的,所以长三角不能证明全国范围出现用工荒。 4.材料说到2015年第二季度的空缺和求职比,但是要证明劳动力人口真的短缺了,恐怕需要更长时间段的数据。 5.大学生的就业难也可能是因为岗位与大学生实际需求不匹配造成 的。



大学英语作文及翻译 【篇一:大学生活_英语作文】 我的大学生活英语作文 the bright and dark sides of my university life every coin has two sides. on the one hand, i am quite satisfied with my university life. on the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. here is the bright side of my university life: firstly, equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. there is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. so we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. we can learn much knowledge that is interesting. thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing par ties provide opportunities to make friends. what’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. dormitory life is an important part of my university life. on the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. on the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. this is the dark side of my university life: firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. so we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. secondly, self-study room is not enough. now we will soon take final exam. so it is difficult to find a self-study room. what’s more, network of my university is very unstable. it is difficult to search


提示:以下是统考英语我们所知的作文题目及范文,共103篇,附范文方便大家学习。鉴于题目较多,学有余力的同学可以多学习一下范文,开阔写作思路;部分学生可能觉得题目太多,没法复习,建议先学习我院统考英语蓝皮书资料的《作文模板》(共7个模板,涵盖七八十个题目)。作文题目虽然多,实际上是有规律的,如写人的作文,大家学习的时候只学一篇写人的模板,遇到是写人的就套用;写xx计划的统一写旅游计划,同时旅游计划的内容可以套用到“难忘的一天”、“业余爱好”、“难忘的经历”、“大学的第一年”、“童年趣事”等题目上,写作实际上是万变不离其宗,学习模板作文可以套用到更多题目上,能大大减轻复习负担同时事半功倍。至少也要会写一篇作文,哪怕是文不对题,到考试时不会写作文了,就把你会的那篇写上去,即使跑题了也有五六分。切记,作文不能放弃不写,要会多少写多少。 1. A Good Teacher to remember 一个要记住的好老师 My math teacher in primary school(小学)leaves a deep impression on me. I haven’t seen her since I graduated from primary school and therefore, I could hardly place her now. But I would always remember that she is a kind-hearted elder lady. She never scolded the pupils in the class and her voice was always reassuring. Love for students is very important for a good teacher, especially the primary school teacher. Though I cannot remember her name, I would bear the image of her kindness in my mind for good. Her love of students and her kindness make her a good 2. About Health and Wealth 健康和财富 Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions. Some people prefer wealth, holding that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing. In order to get more money they can do anything. However, other people regard health as more important. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money. As far as I am concerned, I value the health more. No one will agree that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, just do our best to keep fit. 3. About Doing Physical Exercise 关于体育锻炼 Physical exercise is very important to a happy life. There is a famous saying: "Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises, they' II certainly help you live longer and more healthily. Exercise is good for us to build up our bodies and improve our health. It lets the heart beat faster than usual, and then helps enlarge the blood vessels to protect us from heart attacks. Exercise can also contribute to the development of our ability to response quickly. For example, playing table-tennis can make you respond faster. In a word, exercise is helpful, important and necessary. 4. About Television 电视 Television has its good as well as bad sides. It makes us informed of daily news, lets us know the outside


2010 56.论证有效性分析:分析下列论证中存在的缺陷和漏洞,选择若干要点,写一篇600字左右的文章,对该论证的有效性分析进行分析和评述。(论证有效性分析的一般要求是:概念特别是核心概念的界定和使用是否准确并前后一致,有无各种明显的逻辑错误,论证的论据是否成立并支持结论,结论成立的条件是否充分等等。) 美国学者弗里德曼的《世界是平的》一书认为,全球化对当代人类社会的思想、经济、政治和文化等领域产生了深刻影响。全球化抹去了各国的疆界,是世界从立体变成了平面,也就是说,世界各国之间的社会发展差距正在日益缩小。 “世界是平的”这一观点,是基于近几十年信息传播技术迅猛发展的状况而提出的,互联网的普及、软件的创新使海量信息迅速扩散到世界各地,由于世界是平的,穷国可以和富国一样在同一平台上接受同样的最新信息。这样就大大促进了穷国的经济发展,而改善了它们的国际地位。 事实也是如此,所谓“金砖四国”国际声望的上升,无不得益于他们的经济成就,无不得益于互联网技术的发展。特别是中国经济的起飞,中国在世界上的崛起,无疑也依靠了互联网技术的普及,同时也可作为“世界是平的”这一观点的有力佐证。 毋庸置疑,信息传播技术革命还远未结束,互联网技术将会有更大发展,人类社会将有更惊人的变化,可以预言,由于信息技术的迅猛发展,世界的经济格局与政治格局将会发生巨大的变化,世界最不发达的国家和最发达的国家之间再也不会让人有天壤之别的感觉,非洲大陆将会成为另一个北美。同样也可以预言,由于中国信息技术发展迅猛,中国和世界一样,也会从立体变为平面,中国东西部之间的经济鸿沟将被填平,中国西部的崛起指日可待。 57. 论说文:根据下述材料,写一篇700字左右的论说文,题目自拟。 一个真正的学者,其崇高使命是追求真理。学者个人的名利乃至生命与之相比都微不足道,但因为其献身于真理就会变得无限伟大。一些著名大学的校训中都含


大学英语作文范文精选 :大学生的压力 I see two kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure. It is easy to look around for rebels-- to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the parents for pushing their children too far. But there are no rebels, only victims. The pressure is heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades. I know incalculable students whose inquiring minds cheer me. I like to hear the play of their ideas. I don't know if they are getting A or C, and I don't care. I also like them as people. The country needs them, and they will find satisfying jobs. I tell them to relax. They can't. Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy.Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to increase to 5, 000 in loans after graduation. Encouraged at commencemerit to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth. How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning? Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure.Inevitably, the two are deeply integrated. Poor students! They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt. The parents mean well: they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future. But the sons and daughters want to major in history or classics or philosophy-- subjects with no "practical" value.Where's the payoff on the humanities? It's not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed pay off. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field. Luckily for me, most of them got into their field by an indirect route, to their surprise, after many roundabout ways.The students are startled. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail. :歌星应该得到高报酬吗


英文写作模板 小作文常用模板 信函 1?邀请函 Dear ____ 、 I am writing this letter to invite you to ________________________? I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in ____________? Please accept my invitation and let me know at your convenience as soon as possible. I would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure? Yours Sincerely, 2.申请函 模板: Dear ____ , I am writing this letter to try to apply for ________________________ ? I think it would be a great honor for me if you can grant this opportunity for me.

I will be really appreciated if you can give me this chance? I would be looking forward to your reply with great pleasure? Yours Sincerely, 3.投诉信 模板 Dear ____ 、 I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about? (I am writing this letter in purpose of making a complaint about ________________ .)The reason for my dissatisfaction is _________________? I will be really appreciated if you can do something to change this situation. I would be looking forward to your reply and thank you for your consideration.


管理类联考论证有效性分析写作万能模板 关于文章题目: 最保险的命题(一般性命题):即万能命题方法《似是而非的论证》《漏洞百出的论证》《草率的论证,偏颇的结论》《值得商推的论证》 最有气势的命题(后吗型):即质疑命题方法……真的……吗? 普通命题方法:一份难以实现(不可信)的商业计划(调查报告、改革方案) ___________(文中的结论)难以实现(难以奏效、不可信) 无效的/不可行的/有失偏颇的/ 无效的/不可行的/有失偏颇的/欠妥当的__________计划、策略、方案、决策、报告、预测…… 对_________文章的论证有效性分析 分析思路: 第一段:__________(简单总结文中的逻辑推理关系),上述计划(报告、文章、评论、建议等)的论据不足以支持其论点,论证缺乏科学性,由此而得出的结论(论证、报告、建议)是不可信的,是值得商榷的。后面几段: 1、文中出现举例的,首先考虑可能会有“以偏概全”的可能,列举的事例可能不具有代表性; 2、文中出现数字百分比的列举,要分析考虑分子和分母的变化,以及样本基数的变化中的错误推理; 3、出现了一段时间后价格的变动,要考虑是否存在通货膨胀的可能性; 4、出现寓言故事,可能存在“不当类比”的错误; 5、要仔细分析文章是否存在前后的概念理解混淆现象,可能有“混淆概念”的错误; 6、文章结论是否存在“自相矛盾”的推理; 7、影响文中的事件的是否还有其他影响因素,出现“可能、预计、推测”等词汇,考虑是否存在“想当然的绝对推理”的错误。 8、最后,即使文中作者的推理是正确的,最终的解决方法是否是唯一的解决方案,是否会产生负面和消极影响; 9、文中出现两个地区,或者两个企业等两个现象,要考虑两个现象的成因、规模、所处的产品阶段等是否具有一致性和可对比性。 上述计划(报告、评论、建议等)(或上述论证通过,认为或论证者)通过系统论证得出……(概括一下原文论据)认为……(原文观点),论述者之所以得出这样的结论是因为______,上述计划(报告、文章、评论、建议等)并非无懈可击,漏洞百出,其的论据、论证方法、推理过程中的不妥之处都不足以支持其论点,论证缺乏科学性,由此而得出的结论(论证、报告、建议)是不可信的/有失偏颇的/不足信的,是值得商榷的。 首先,(有他因影响类)上文中______ 结论_____ 是基于论据1或2 ,但是论据1或2 是否是导致结论_______ 的唯一原因呢?显然可以导致_____结论还可能存在_____ 、 ___________等诸多的影响因素。那么,结论_______ 是否能让人们认可,能否实现预期的效果,还有待考证。 其次,(“混淆概念”类) 文中在概念的使用上也存在某些问题 /(也很模糊)。比如,在说到事件1 时,上文中用的是概念1 ,而在说到事件2 的时候,用的却是概念2 。这两个概念显然是前后不一致的,是两个截然不同的概念,因为概念1或2 不仅仅只是概念2或1 。在概念界定不清的情况下,论述者的结论显然不足新,同时也大大削减了上文推理的严谨性和有效性。 另外,(“不当类比”类) 文中未能将(故事/寓言)和(企业经营之道/启发)进行有效的类比。(故事/寓言)是因为原因1 ,企业/启发是因为原因2 二者的规律也许有某种共性,但也必然有本质的区别和界限,上述论证把故事/寓言,一般化为企业/启发应对不确定性的普遍性原则。似乎有些轻率地概括,论述者由_______不必然推出__________的状况,因此,不具有客观的类比性,显然存在着“不当类比”的嫌疑。 再者,(“以偏概全”类) 上文中对调查/个案例子的叙述也很含糊。文中并没有提供调查/个案存在的可*依据。就算调查/个案是真实的,读者并不知道该项调查/个案是否具有典型性。就算调查/


大学英语作文范文五篇 The newly-coined word "online education" may by no means sound strange to most people. During the past several years, hundreds of online education colleges have sprung up around China. Why could online education be so popular in such a short period of time? For one thing, If we want to catch up with the development and the great pace of modern society, we all should possess an urgent and strong desire to study, while most people nowadays are under so enormous pressures that they can hardly have time and energy to study full time at school. Furthermore, online education enables them to save a great deal of time on the way spent on the way between home and school. Last but not least, the quick development of inter,which makes possible all our dreams of attending class on the ,should also be another critical reason. Personally, I appreciate this new form of education. It's indeed a helpful plement to the traditional educational means. It can provide different learners with more flexible


1)WhyILikeLearningEnglish WhyIlikelearningEnglish?Firstly,Englishisveryuseful.Englishisthemostwidelyusedlan guageintheworld.Ifwemakeavisittoforeigncountriesordobusinesswithforeigners,weneedcomm unicatewiththeminEnglish.Secondly,withChinabecomingstrongerandstronger,wehavemorechan cestogoabroad.WecanknowtheEnglish-speakingcountriesmuchdeeperifweknowEnglish.BothChin aandEnglish-speakingcountrieshaverealizedtheimportanceofthecultureexchanging.Aboveall ,Englishisusefulandimportant,wemustmasterEnglish. 为什么我喜欢学习英语?首先,英语是非常有用的。英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言。如果我们访问外国,或与外国人做生意,我们需要用英语与他们沟通。其次,随着中国越来越强,我们有更多的机会到国外去。我们可以更深的了解英语国家的,如果我们知道英语。中国和英语国家都已经实现了交换文化的重要性。首先,英语是有用的和重要的,我们必须掌握英语。 2)AboutSelf-study AsadultstudentsinShanghaiTVUniversity,self-studybecomesveryimportant.Accordingtome,therearese veralpiecesoftipsofself-study.First,Ialwaysmakeastudyplaninthebeginningofanewsemester.Second,preview everyunitbeforethelesson.Third,trytofinishthehomeworkafterclass.Fourth,gooverwhatIhavelearntinclassre gularlyathome.Withoutreview,youwillabsolutelyforgetwhatyou’velearntasquicklyaspossible.Soreviewin 5)MyStudyPlan Anewsemesteriscoming,inordertostudyEnglishwell,Imakeastudyplan.First,trytoremember20wordsfro mdictionaryeveryday.Second,goovergrammarpointsIhavelearntinEnglishclassregularly.Third,formahabitof readinganEnglisharticleinChinaDailyeveryday.Fourth,writeanEnglishcompositioneveryweekandaskteache rtorevisethatformetoimprovethewritinglevel.Fifth,listentoEnglishradioasoftenaspossibletoimprovemyliste ning. 我的学习计划 为了学好英语,我做了一个新的学期,我做了一个学习计划。首先,试着记住20个单词从字典里每天。其次,我经常在英语课上学到了语法点。第三、养成每天在中国读英语文章的习惯。第四、每周写一篇英语作文,并要求老师修改,以提高我的写作水平。第五、听英文广播尽可能提高我的听力。 6)假如你是李明,遗失了一本书。你应包括下列内容:1.书在哪里遗失的;2.这本书对你很重要; 3.拾到者应该如何和你联系。 DearAll: Ilostabookat5pmonDecember29th inroom210ofWenxin Building.Thetitleofthebookis 《AdvancedEnglishGrammar》.Thisbookisveryimportantandhelpfultome,forIambadatgrammar.T hefinalexaminationisgettingnearerandnearerandIamworriedaboutmyEnglishexamverymuch.Any


2007年MBA联考中文写作解析及参考范文 论说文:根据下述材料,写一篇700字左右的论说文,题目自拟。 电影《南极的司各脱》描写英国探险家司各脱上校到南极探险的故事。司各脱历尽艰辛,终于到达南极,却在归途中不幸冻死了。在影片的开头,有人问司各脱:你为什么不能放弃探险的生涯?他回答:“留下第一个脚印的魅力。”司各脱为留下第一个脚印付出了生命的代价。 解析: 一、审题立意的方向 本题没有明显的关键词,反复读提干后,能发现文章立意的关键是褒扬司各脱的行为,还是贬司各脱的行为? 二、写作思路 思路一:从褒的角度切入(最佳思路) 首先,司各脱是一名探险家,探险家这个词本身就包含了对风险、牺牲的正面肯定。另外文章还使用了“历尽艰难”、“不幸”等词语,表达了作者对司各脱的敬意和同情。 其次,“付出了生命代价”并不是完全的贬义,可以理解成是为了衬托他为理想而献身、用于争第一的精神的伟大和崇高。 再次,牺牲生命就是坏事吗?生命的意义究竟何在?“好死不如赖活着”真的就是真理吗? 最后,对于企业来说“冻死”的确不是好的结果,但题干中并没有明确提出要“围绕企业管理和经营”,所以,不能局限于企业管理。 所以,我们对司各脱的行为还肯定、褒扬的好。 所以,在确定肯定和褒扬的价值取向后,最好的立意是: (1)敢为天下先 (2)要做就做第一 (3)敢于冒险、敢于创新 (4)为理想而奋斗 思路二:从贬的角度切入 首先,题干中已经明确提出:“却在归途中不幸冻死了”,尤其是最后的“付出了生命的代价”,从中可以看出作者的态度不是褒扬,而是理性的评价。 其次,与企业经营相结合来看,“冻死”、“付出生命的代价”显然不是企业经营的目的。对企业来说,生存下去,并且有所发展,才是最重要的。因此,MBA的论说文考试当中应该提倡理性,稳健的精神,这就是说,立意最好应该是对司各脱的批评。 基于以上理由,从贬的角度处出发,立意可以使: (1)不能一味追求“第一”;追求“第一”的代价; (2)企业决策应该量力而行;论企业经营稳健性原则; (3)做事要考虑周全,努力达到利益最大化
