


Ⅰ. 词汇填空

A. 根据所给英语解释或者汉语意思,用合适的单词填空。

1. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. But Jim can’t (have enough money to

buy or to do something) a gift for his mother.

2. The best gift a doctor can give to a (people who are ill, especially

those in hospitals) is to make him or her healthy and happy again.

3. A(n) (采访者) from Jiangsu TV is asking Mr Lee some questions.

4. All the Chinese felt very (自豪) when they watched Yutu land on

the moon successfully on TV.

5. As science and technology (发展), life has become more colourful.

6. Students have the ______________ (权利) to go to school for study.

7. He likes playing ball games, ______________ (尤其) football.

8. We should try our best to prevent the ______________ (传播) of AIDS.

9. Some poor children can’t afford to go to school, so they can’t get basic _______.

10. In English class, every student has the ___________ chance to show themselves.

11. The old man felt very p______ of her son because he won the first prize.

12. You should work hard to i_________ your study.

13. I don’t have any p________ money with me.

14. By t________ local doctors and nurses , ORBIS hopes to help more people.

15. The doctor will do an o_______ on the man.

B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Tom can’t be a policeman because of his colour (blind).

2. An (operate) was done in time and the sick dog was saved.

3. In our class, NBA fans are (most) boys. Not many girls show interest in it.

4. Some (medicine) teams were sent to the disaster areas in time.

5. After the accident, he received (treat) in hospital.

6. The long bridge ____________ (build) in 2005.

7 .Which language __________ the most widely _________(speak) in the world?

8. The room _____________ (clean) by me every day.

9. Vegetables eggs and fruits ___________ ( sell ) in this shop.

10. Last year a large number of trees _______________ (cut) down.

C. 从方框里选择合适的词或词组,并用其正确形式填空。

1. There were reports of about 5 of H7N9 in this city in 2013.

2. We are sure that people can find good ways to AIDS.

3. The old man’s heart has brought him many problems.

4. With more people’s , ORBIS will be able to do more for the blind people.

5. Jim has . He says he has a bad cold.

6. My parents are of my sister and me.

7. She uses her car for driving to work.

8. The girl needed to have a new in hospital.

9. If you want to be a good writer, you must be a good first.

10. He can’t see things. His is the result of an accident.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

( ) 1. — Is doctor Wang UNICEF volunteer?

— No, he is ORBIS doctor. He has worked for it for years.

A. a; an

B. an; a

C. an; an

D. a; a

( ) 2. — How did you learn to cook this dish?

— I learnt it a video. I have learnt to cook many dishes watching videos.

A. on; on

B. by; for

C. on; by

D. for; by ( ) 3. — Can you tell me what Tiangong 1 is?

—Tiangong 1 is used a space laboratory (实验室). It has worked well in space for over two years.

A. by

B. with

C. as

D. of

( ) 4. — Can you tell me something about ORBIS?

— It is a working for blind people. It has helped over 19 million people in the past 30 years.

A. bank

B. school

C. business

D. charity

( ) 5. —Ann is really the apple in her parents’ eyes.

— So she is. And they looked very when Ann got good grades.

A. proud

B. nervous

C. worried

D. sad

( ) 6. — Because of pollution, many fish here have lost their areas.

— Yes. And some even have lost their .

A. lives; live

B. lives; living

C. life; living

D. living; lives ( ) 7. — What happened to Mrs Lee?

— She was badly hurt in the accident. Luckily, she in time.

A. operated on

B. was operated

C. was operated on

D. was operating on ( ) 8. — Are you getting on well with your project?

— Well, it is hard for me to with it. But I will never give it up.

A. carry out

B. carry on

C. carry away

D. carry off ( ) 9. When the big ship “Titanic” fell down into the sea, there were over 2,200 people . And only about 700 of them survived.

A. in board

B. on the board

C. in the board

D. on board

( )10. — Must these old people pay for the medicine?

—. The medicine is offered to them for free.

A. No, they needn’t

B. No, they mustn’t

C. Yes, they must

D. Yes, they need ( ) 11. --- When_______ this kind of computers___________?

----Last year.

A. did; use

B. was; used

C. is; used

D. are; used

( )1 2. The Great Wall _________ all over the world..

A. knows

B. knew

C. is known

D. was known ( )1 3. A story ____________ by granny yesterday.

A. was told us

B. was told to us

C. is told us

D. told us

( )1 4. ---Who __________ this book__________?

---By Mo Yan in 2010.

A. did; written by

B. was; written by

C. did; written

D. was; written ( ) 15. _________ a new library _________ in our school last year?

A. Is; built

B. Was; built

C. Does; build

D. Did; build ( ) 16.—How do you learn English, Toby?

—I often practice English chatting my American friends.

A. in; to

B. by; of

C. by; with

D. on; with ( )1 7. —Do you know anything about the players of our school football team?

—Yes. They are young boys between the age of thirteen and fifteen.

A. most

B. mostly

C. almost

D. nearly

( )1 8. This type of mobile phone is my favourite, but I can’t it.

A. spend

B. cost

C. pay

D. afford

( )19.Yao Ming was one of the best players in NBA. We were all him.

A. angry with

B. strict with

C. worried about

D. proud of

( ) 20. The man and got well quickly.

A. operated

B. is operated

C. was operated on

D. operated on III. 句型转换。

1.Mike returned the story books to the library on time. ( 改为被动语态)

The story books _______ returned to the library on time _______ Mike.

2.His parents didn’t catch his words at once. ( 改为被动语态)

His words ________ _________ by his parents at once.

3.What do you think of UNICEF? (同义句)

___________ do you _________ UNICEF?

4.I often went out with my friends at weekends before. (同义句)

I _______ ________ go out with my friends at weekends.

5. Mary likes to travel by car because she is afraid of flying. ( 对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ Mary like to travel by train?

6.We knew about some international charities.(改为一般疑问句)

________ you ________ about ________ international charities?

7. Jenney put her clothes in the suitcase yesterday evening.(改为被动语态)

Her clothes _______ _______ in the suitcase _____ Jenny yesterday evening.

8.I won’t leave my office until I finish my work..(改成被动语态)

.I won’t leave my office until my work _________ __________.

9. It;’s kind of you to help me with my homework.(改为同义句).

_______ ________ _________ _________ help me with my homwwork.

10.He is very young so he can’t dress himself.(同义句转换)

He _________ _________ ________ to dress himself.

人教八年级上册英语Unit2 周末作业(含答案)

Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 周末作业 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. -How often you (eat)apples, Steve? -At least four (time) a week. 2. My sister (not like) eggs at all. 3. Milk (be) good for our health. So I (drink)it every day. 4. Linda (exercise) every morning and she never (watch) TV on school night. 5. your brother often (do) housework at home? 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.有时候我乘坐公共汽车去上学。 I to school by bus. 2.我妈妈上班从不迟到。 My mother is for work. 3.她几乎从不熟夜 She stays up late. 4.不要总是待在家里看电视。 Don’t stay at home and TV. 5.迈克通常一个月去看望他的祖父母两次。 Mike visits his grandparents a .

三、单项选择。 ( )1. I like Yang Mi very much. She is very popular. A.sometimes B. never C. always D. often ( )2. His brother is too tired. He can walk. A.really B. hard C. hardly D.never ( )3. Mr Li goes to his hometown a year. A.one or two B.once or two C, one or twice D. once or twice ( )4.- do you write your blog? -Once a week. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many ( )5. Tony is very lazy. He is late for school. A.often B.sometimes C. hardly D. never ( )6.Sam is late for school. He is always the first to come to school. A.often B. always C.never D. usually ( )7. Lucy is unhealthy because she has enough sleep every night. A.often B. hardly C.sometimes D. always ( )8.- Did you go to the cinema last night? - Oh, no. I go to the cinema. The tickets, you know, are too expensive.


小学英语作文我的周末 小学英语作文我的周末一:我的周末 (342字) 我的周末应该属于我的,周末是我的休息时间,周末还是我的娱乐时间的,可是,妈妈布置的作业让我的周末变得很荒凉,让我的周末很不快乐。 有一次周末,因为星期六妈妈去外婆家了,要傍晚才回来,我就趁妈妈不在的时间,去玩了,大约过了一二个小时,我累了就去把老师布置的作业写了,过了五十分钟,我就写完老师的作业了,我一看时间,马上就要吃午饭了,可我还没写成妈妈布置给我的作业呢,我想着想着,就看起了电视,看了一个小时,我就去吃午饭了,我吃了二碗饭,就要去睡午觉了,一觉醒来都三点二十九分钟了,我赶快写妈妈布置给我的作业了,刚写完,妈妈刚好回来了,我赶快拿作业给我妈妈看,妈妈看了看,说好的,我这一关总算通过了。 我的周末有时候是快乐的,有时候是悲伤的,我希望各个同学都有自己的周末,而不是由别人管理的。 小学英语作文我的周末二:我的周末 (460字)

没有大人的周末是美丽的,有趣的,一旦有了大人,周末就没有了乐趣和味道了。 今天,爸爸和妈妈没在家,家里我作主了,我高兴得简直要疯了。我先打开冰箱把土豆拿了出来,然后再把刀拿了出来,把一个土豆切成了一个个土豆丝,最后把土豆丝放入锅中炸了起来,我以为土豆炸得越焦越好吃,于是我就大把大把地加菜油,终于折腾了好久,才把土豆丝炸焦了,于是我赶紧拿出碗盛着,我本以为很好吃,可不吃还好,吃了就算我倒霉,我尝了一口,一吃倒让我恶心起来了,土豆丝实在太难吃了!最后我把土豆丝给倒了。然后我又打算去炸青菜,我又以为这一次我可以显示厨艺了,于是我又改行炸青菜了,我把青菜炸成奄奄的了。但一吃,感觉还不错,就是太淡了,于是我便放了大把的盐,放好后,我以为变成了美味佳肴了,于是便尝了起来。吃了以后,我的脸色随之大变,由刚才的兴奋变成了一副苦瓜脸,我再也控制不了自已了,气得瘫坐地上,但是我不是那么容易放弃的。接着,我又连续炸了黄瓜,肉丝,白菜,香蕉,山芋等东西,然而,每次都是失败的,倒置把厨房搞得乌烟瘴气的。 啊!这真是一个乱七八槽的周末呀! 小学英语作文我的周末三:我的周末 (443字) 我盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼来了周末,今天妈妈要带我去海边玩。想


九年级英语周末有效作业试卷(5) 一、选择填空(5*2) ( ) 1. He is_____ fat because he eats_____ A.too much, too much B. much too, too much C. much too, too many D. too much, much too ( ) 2. He hardly worries about his English, ______? A. doesn’t he B. does he C. is he D. isn’t he ( ) 3. Can you tell me_____ ? A. when did he leave B. when will he leave C. when he left D. when is he leaving ( ) 4. _____ sharing your worries with your parents? A. Why not B. Let’s C. How about D. Would you like ( ) 5. Let me tell you _____. A. how to do with it B. what can you do with it C. how to deal with it D. how can you deal with it 二、完形填空(10*2) I was fifteen months old, a happy carefree kid until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a glass rabbit which __1___ my eye badly enough to blind it and left a big __2__ scar(伤疤) in the middle of my eye. My frightening, sightless and cloudy eye lived on with me. And as I grew, this sightless eye in so many ways controlled me. I walked with my face looking at the floor so people would not see the ugly me. Yet Mama would say to me, at every turn, "Hold your head up high and face the world. If you hold your head up high, it will be okay, and people will see your 3_ heart." She continued the words whenever I wanted to hide. Those words have meant different things to me over the years. As a teenager, even though I always looked down to 4 my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high and let people 5 me, they liked me. My mama's words helped me begin to 6__ that by letting people look at my face, I let them see the kindness and beauty 7 both eyes even if they couldn't see it on the surface. When I met the man who became my husband later, we looked each other 8_ in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out. He meant it. My mama's love and 9_ were the spark(火花)that gave me the confidence to deal with many difficulties in life. I had faced hard situations, met my problems head on, and learned not only to respect myself but to have deep compassion (同情)for 10_ . "Hold your head up high," has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its invitation. The gift my mama gave me lives on in another generation. 1


九年级英语1-3单元复习检测卷(总分:100分) 姓名班级 一、单项选择题。(每小题1分,共15分) ()1、He to like drinking. A. doesn’t use B. doesn’t used C. didn’t use D. didn’t used ()2、I think is very hard me a foreigner. A. it, for, to understand B. that, of, to understand C. that, for, to understand D. it, of, understand ()3、Some students get when they find watching English movies . A. frustrated; frustrating B. frustrating; frustrating C. frustrated; frustrated D. frustrating; frustrated ()4、He’s never read such an interesting book. And _____ . A. so am I B. neither am I C. so have I D. neither have I ()5、The air pollution in this area caused the of many trees. A. die B. died C. death D. dying ()6、“ do you study a test?” “I study by reading the textbook.” A. What; at B. Why; for C. How; for D. What; for ()7、When you find some new words, you’d better in the dictionary. A. look up it B. look up them C. look it up D. look them up ()8、“ you ever by listening to tapes?” “Yes, I have.” A. Did; study B. Have; studied C. Are; studying D. Were; studying ()9、They always end up in English. A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. to speak ()10、Gina is very shy. She is afraid in front of the class. A. speaking B. to speak C. talking D. to say ()11、I will have my hair _____ tomorrow. A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. cuts ()12、The old man lived but he didn’t feel . A. alone; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely ()13、The room must _____ up right now. It’s too dirty. A. be cleaned B. be cleaning C. clean D. cleaned ()14、The boy was made _____ the new words twenty times.


八年级英语下第一周周末作业 Ⅰ. 单项选择。 ( )1. —You’re wrong. You should say sorry to him. —____ A. Yes. I should. B. OK. I will. C. OK. I should. D. No, I won’t. ( )2. —Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday. —I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____. A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him ( )3. Some children were skating on the ice happily. Suddenly one of them ____ the water and the other children felt ____. A. falls into; frightening B. fell into; frightened C. fall into; frightening D. fall into; frightened ( )4. —Tom, Jane wanted you to call her. —I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you. A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up ( )5. The people there feel ____ to all of us. A. friends B. friendly C. friendship D. friend ( )6. He often becomes angry these days ____ his noisy children. A. because B. for C. about D. because of ( )7. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____. A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone ( )8. He entered Peking University____. The people in his village are ____ him. A. in the end; pride in B. at the end; pride of C. in end; proud of D. in the end; proud of ( )9. They didn’t ____ each other and had a fighting. A. build up B. agree with C. stand for D. worry about ( )10. In the end, I made ____ with Lin Feng and we hugged(拥抱) each other. A. a peace B. the peace C. peace D. peaces Ⅱ. 情景交际。


高三英语周末作业(二)(英语) 第Ⅰ卷(共65分) 一.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Mrs ,Taylor has ___8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting –she has won two national prizes. A. a, a B. an ,the C. an ,a D. the, the 2. ----May I try the jacket on? ----______ , but I think it will be too small for you. A. As you like B. By all means C. As a result D. Believe it or not 3. You have to have such a lot of _______ when you’re dealing with kids. A. p reference B. imagination C. patience D. protection 4. Without my glasses, I couldn’t ___ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight. A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off 5. ---Are you ready for Spain? ---Yes, I want the girls to experience that ______they are young. A. while B. until C. if D. before 6. ---Why didn’t you tell me the truth that day ---I ,but you for Beijing when I went to see you. A. would have ;left B. would ;had been away C. would have; had left D. had; were away 7. There is _______ evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment. A. impressive B. abundant C. steady D. flexible 8. Your room is terribly dirty; you______ get it cleaned in two hours, or Mum will be angry. A. can B. might C. shall D. may. 9. It was the promise _____he would give Lucie all_______ he had, including his life, ______pushed him to save Draney. A. that; that; that B. that; what; which C. which; that; which D. which; that; that 10. Mary rushed home she heard the news, only that her hubby passed away. A. as soon as; finding B. directly; to find C. moment; to find D. when; found 11. ----If we take a plane, we’ll of course have arrived in London by the next weekend. ----Don’t be too sure. We should _____ the weather factor. What shall we do if it is foggy? A. look for B. allow for C. prepare for D. use for 12. ---How long ______in Beijing? ---I’ll be there just the weekend. I’ve to be back for an important meeting _______next Monday. A. have you stayed ; held B. do you stay; to be held C. did you stay; holding D. are you staying; to be held 13. --- How beaut iful the dress looks ____ you! Don’t you want _____, Madam? ---Please show me _______. A. in; one; another B. on; it; another C. in; it; the other D. on; one; the other 14. _____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.


九年级上学期英语周末作业(第20周) 语法填空2 1 In America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in 'elementary' school, and four or six years in 'secondary or 'high' school. School (1)_____(educate) is free. At the end of every school year, the child takes (2)____ test. If he does well, he goes into the next grade. If he doesn't do well, he has to (3) ______(repetition) the grade. Some schools have modern teaching equipment, like computers and closed circuit television, (4)____there are also small country schools, with just one classroom. At the end of their time at school, most students get a high school diploma. If they want to go on to college, they take college (5)____(admit) tests. In Britain, all children from five to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in 'primary' school, (6)_____ then go on to 'secondary' school. In Britain there are 'state' schools, which (7) _____free, and private schools for which parents pay. Many British private schools are 'boarding' schools. The children stay(8)______school all the time, and only come home in the holidays. They usually wear uniforms at all schools. Teaching in both countries (9)_____ usually quite informal. Students often work together (10)______ groups, and go to the teacher only when they need help. 2 Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower, Kennedy — some of the great names of American history, the names of her presidents. These days, the American President is one of (1)_____( powerful )men in the world. He can make war, or (2)______( peaceful). He can touch the lives of millions in many different countries, but the President cannot do just (3)______he wants. The Congress must agree first. In some ways, the United States is like fifty small countries and not one large one. Every state has (4)_______(it) own governor, its own police, and its own laws. For example, in some states you can buy (5)______alcoholic drink when you are 18. In others, you must wait (6)_________ you are 21. The government of the whole country (the 'federal' government) works from Washington, the capital city. This is where Congress is(7) _______(base) Congress has two parts, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. There are 100 members of the Senate (called Senators), two from each state. The President cannot act (8)________(with) the Senate's agreement. The House of Representatives (9)________(have) 435 members. Like the senators, they can make new laws. Americans choose a new President every four years. The election is a great occasion. It is serious (10)_______(busy), of course, but the Americans make sure that it is fun too. 3 Mr. Harris and his wife moved to another town, and they met a lot of interesting


初一英语第三周周末作业 一、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. I have ________ free time ________ Kate, so I can read a lot. A. less; than B. more; than C. fewer; than D. much; than ( ) 2. __________ of the meeting, he said something important to us. A. In the end B. In end C. Near end of D. Near the end ( ) 3. People in the USA say “eraser” while people in the UK say “________”. A. film B. autumn C. lift D. rubber ( )4. Shanghai is ________ than any other city in China and it is one of the ________ cities in the world. A. bigger; bigger B. bigger; biggest C. biggest; bigger D. biggest; biggest ( )5. Why come and play basketball with us? A. not you B. don’t C. not to D. not ( )6. My cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 Middle School. A.3th Grade B.3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd ( )7. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall? A.will rain; do; visit B. will rain; will; visit C. rains; do; visit D.rains; will; visit ( )8. He always looks . Now he’s looking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C.happily; happily D. happily;happy ( )9.There an exciting softball match on TV this evening. A. will have B.are going to have C.are going to be D. is going to be ( )10.I’m sure you drive a car next month. A. will can B.will be able to C. are able to D. could ( )11.I have money than you, but I have friends than you. A. more; more B.less; more C.fewer; more D.more; less ( )12. Why ______ you ______ to school earlier this morning ? A. did ; came B. didn’t ; come C. didn’t ;came D. did ; not come ( )13. ----Remember to bring your homework here tomorrow. ---- _____________. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes , I will. C. No, I won’t. D. You are right. ( )14. A horse is ____________ animal. It helps people a lot. A. a useful B. an useful C. a useless D. an useless ( ) 15. There are more boys in our class than _________. A. you B. your class C. yours D. in yours ( )16.___________ of the two women is my mother. A. The older B. Older C. The old D. The oldest ( )17.His sister is _____ better at English than I. A. much B. very C. more D. too ( )18.China is larger than ______________ in Asia(亚洲) A. any country B. any other countries C. any other country D. another country ( )19. —Do you remember what she ________ two years ago? —Yes, she was fat then. A. liked B. is like C. likes D. was like ( ) 20. —How ________ the medicine tastes!


七年级第十三次英语周末作业 时间:90分钟满分:120分 出卷人:刘德刚 一、词汇(20分) A. 中英互译(10分): 1. Take a shower ________ 6.弹吉他________ 2. Get up ________ 7. 下象棋________ 3. Go to school ________ 8. 弹钢琴________ 4. Eat breakfast ________ 9. 到家________ 5. Go to bed ________ 10.说一点汉语________ B. 填入合适的词(4分): 1. I want to join the swim club . Can you ___________ ? 2. I can play chess . I ___________ join the chess club . 3. I can sing . I can join the ____________ club . 4. I can speak Spanish . I can join the _______________ club. C.将拼写错误的单词的标号填入题前括号内(6分): ( )1. A. piano B. kid C. trumpt D. dance ( )2. A. rock B. act C. show D. bant ( )3. A. talent B. Sonday C. Japanese D. May ( )4.A. why B. because C. o’clock D. haur ( )5. A. after B. practice C. jaket D. get 二、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. ____________ club ________ he want to join ? A. When, do B. Where, does C. What’s, do D. What, does ( ) 2. Can you _________ chess ? A. join B. take C. play D. do ( ) 3. Are you good __________ dancing ? A. at B. for C. of D. with ( ) 4. --- Can you play the guitar ? --- No, I can’t . A. good B. bad C. nice D. well ( )5.“Can you speak French?” “Yes, but only________.” A. a few B. a lot C. a little D. many ( )6.Maybe he can _________ in our school concert . A. be B. is C. are D. am ( ) 7. There is a book on the desk . _________ book is his . A. A B. An C. The D. \ ( ) 8. On the table _________ any boxes . A. I have B. there is C. there aren’t D. has ( ) 9. ---- Nice to see you , please sit down . ---- ___________ .


九年级上学期英语周末作业(第14周) 一、词汇(每小题1分,共15分) A、从A、 B、C选项中选出能替换句子划线部分的选项 1. The book states that fried food is not good for our health. A. says in a clear way B. answers C. reviews 2. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits make us much healthier. A. lots of B. a large amount of C. more 3. We should stay away from strong sunlight in summer. A. not view B. go near C. keep off 4. Could you treat me to some cakes? A. show me B. pay for me C. bring me 5. It’s usual for him to say bad things about others, for he is an impolite boy. A. special B. interesting C. common 6. This restaurant only serves fast food, fish and chips. A. supports B. offers C. praises 7. We’re going to do some research on other planets. A. study B. programmes C. learning B、从A、B、C选项中选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案 8. When we go for a ____, the doctors will have a close look at our bodies. A. medical examination B. research C. survey 9. Please add some ____ in the coffee to make it sweet. A. milk B. fat C. sugar 10. If you want to have a healthy body, you should avoid _____. A. protein B. fried food C. vegetables 11. He wants to _______ by doing sports and eating less meat. A. keep still B. lose weight C. pass out 12. We call food made of milk ______. A. soft drinks B. grain products C. dairy products 13. The supermarket is crowded with _______ at the weekend. A. customers B. contestants C. hosts 14. We can know quickly what an article is about from its _____. A. ending B. title C. writer 15. It’s ____ for every student to have enough sleep. A. necessary B. careless C. impossible 二、语法填空:在短文的空白处填上所缺的词或用所给词的正确形式填空 Last Sunday I had a medical examination. The doctor said that I was 16.____ heavy. He told me to lose some 17.___________ (weigh) by 18._______ (eat) fewer 19.______________ (sandwich), less sugar and dairy 20.____________ (produce). It is also 21.______________ (need) for me to do more exercise. For my health, I decided to eat plenty 22.______ vegetables and fruits and never go out for dinner 23. ____________ the restaurant near my home has a very good
