




1.not only…but…as well






7.put up one’s tent 8.wind one’s way across…


10.爬到…里面 11.believe in ancient myths 12.没有效果 13.从某地飞往某地 14.废弃(v)

15.偏僻的,人迹罕至的 16.row on the river 17. be out of sight 18.对某人大声喊 19.a

book of his own

20.他早年的艰难岁月 21.一个穿着讲究的女人

22.最昂贵的物品之一 23.出发,动身

24.struggle up the cliffs 25.向岸边游去

26.在前面(adv.) 27.不知不觉地发现某人处在…

28.拜访某地 29.not any more 30.一个十五岁



1.The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west .

2.”You (joke),”I replied. “I (not know) anyone who

does .”

3. She (pay) the bill and (leave) the shop.

4.”Up till now I (be) to New York three times .” he


5.She never expected her bicycle (find). The thief (question).

6.On (arrive) at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards

the light she (see).

7.He (worry) all week. Last Saturday he (receive)

a letter from the local police .

8.”You (always be) late , Tom .” his teacher (say). “You

(be)late five times this week. You (be) nearly late every class .

Don’t (be) late next time. Or I’ll punish you. Then I

(call) up your mother.”


1.她的英文讲得不但非常认真,而且吐字也非常清楚。(not only …but …as


2.他们中还没有一个变成石头呢!(none of them)

3.那个把飞机降落在田里的飞行员没有受伤。(whose, hurt)

4.和往常一样有去和河边坐着。(as usual )

5.在我二十几岁的时候,我常在一家小商店干活。(in one’s +整数,used to

do )

6.人们不再像以前那样诚实了。(not so …as…)


1. You cannot fail to obey it. You can’t ________to do this.

a. refuse

b. deny

c. resist

d. withdraw

2.If she _________she will get a surprise.

a. comes

b. came

c. has come

d. will come

3.They will travel faster. They will travel __________.

a. sooner

b. more quickly c .hurriedly d. shorter

4.She never thought ___________it again.

a. for

b. to

c. at

d. about

5.I have been offered a large ____________of money.

a. amount

b. number

c. some

d. piece

6.I looked for my bag. I __________it.

a. tried to look after

b. tried to look at

c. tried to find

d. tried to see

7.The money____ in his room.

a. was

b. were

c. are

d. has

8.He could do nothing. He couldn’t do_________.

a. something

b. nothing

c. anything

d. everything

9.It began to rain so we called the match .

a. out


c. off


10.He told me about his experiences.

a. passed




11.A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman. He her.


b. looked for

c. looked after

d. looked at

12.The assistant wrapped the dress up him as as she could .


b. to…quick

c. for… quickly

d. to…quickly

13.I’ve just found a new and begin on Monday .

a. work… job

b. a job… work

c.job…a work

d. job…work

14.The ploughed field is ready for .


b. seeding



15.He the book with him when he came to see me .



c. bring

d. brought


Life used to be fun for the teenagers. They 1 to have more money to spend, and free time to spend in it. They used to 2 teenagers clothes,

and 3 in teenager coffee bars. Some of them still 4 today. 5 , for many young people, life is 6 now. Things are more 7 . Jobs are difficult to find, and it is harder to find a place to live 8 . Some teachers say

that students study harder than 9 used to. They are only interested in passing examinations. They know that 10 examination resu

lt may get them better jobs.For some, the 11 to unemployment is to

leave home and look for work in big cities. Every day hundreds of 12

people 13 in Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities. Some of them find work, and 14 . Others don’t find it, and go 15 again.

Everyday when you 16 the newspaper, you can find the news about people’s unemployment. Actually, China’s government has taken 17 to

help the young people. It supplies many new 18 to them. We believe in

the 19 the situation will be 20

1. A liked B like C used D use

2. A dress B wear C buy D have

3. A eat B play C meet D chat

4. A can B have C are D do

5. A Therefore B However C But D Then

6. A better B enjoyable C difficult D harder

7. A expensive B cheap C different D delicious

8. A in B at C for D on

9. A we B you C they D he

10. A better B good C well D best

11. A problem B question C answer D way

12. A bad B old C good D young

13. A arrive B reach C go D come

14. A leave B stay C go D come

15. A there B in C to D home

16. A read B look C watch D see

17. A off B out C actions D on

18. A space B opportunities C money D resources

19. A century B year C month D future

20. A better B worse C good D bad



Most people who work in the offices have a boss, So do I. But my boss is a little unusual . What’s usually about him? It’s a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss’s dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is a

telephone call for my boss, I always known if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog, I know my boss is out. ( ) 1. People ______ bring dogs to the office.

A. usually

B. often

C. seldom

D. sometimes

( ) 2. My boss is Robinson’s _______ .

A. boss

B. master

C. keeper

D. teacher

( ) 3.Robinson goes to meetings ________ my boss.

A. for

B. without

C. instead of

D. with

( )4. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is ____.

A. in the office

B. at the meetings

C. out of the office

D. out of the work

( ) 5.The passage tells us the boss ___ the dog very much.

A. looks like

B. hates

C. likes

D. looks down upon


Wang Fei can speak English quite well because she works very hard at it. One day, her teacher, Mr. Wu asked her to come to his office and side, : There will be a story-telling contest(竞赛 ) next week, Wang Fei. Would you like to take part in it?”

Wang Fei wanted to go, so she asked what she had to do. Mr. Wu told her

that she had to tell an English story in front of the whole school. Mr. Wu said:” If you try your best, I’m sure you’ll win.”

Wang Fei decided to have a try.

On Sunday night, she stayed up late to get ready for her story for the contest. It was interesting story, she didn’t go to bed until midnight. On Monday morning, she overslept(睡过头 ) . When she woke up, it was already seven 0’ clock. She did some washing quickly. Then she had a light breakfast. After that she ran all the way to her school.

It was a warm morning, so Wang Fei felt very hot when she reached school. Mr. Wu was waiting outside the school hall, he looked very worried.

“ Why are you so late, Wang Fei?” he asked.

“ Sorry, Mr. Wu, I woke up late.” Wang Fei said.

“ The contest will start in a minute. Remember, speak slowly and clearly.” Mr. Wu said.

Wang Fei remembered his words. She told her story very well. In the end, she came out first.

“You have done very well. Congratulations!” said the teacher. “All is well that ends well. But remember, don’t oversleep again!”

( )1. Wang Fei works hard at ________.

A. contest

B. Chinese

C. English

D. his lessons

( )2. Wang Fei will be in ______ next week.

A. a story-telling contest

B. a sports meeting

C. an English part

D. a school meeting

( )3. On Sunday night, Wang Fei went to bed_______.

A. late as usual

B. early as usual

C. later than before

D. earlier than before.

( )4. At last, Wang Fei _______.

A. was nearly first

B. came last

C. was not second

D. got first. ( )5. Choose the best title for the passage, __________.

A. Who was first

B. All’s well that ends well

C. Wang Fei Learns English best

D. An English contest


暑期将过,请用英文以“The Happiest Day”为题,记下你度过的最快乐的一天,100字左右。

新概念英语第一册 1-50课测试题

新概念1A测试题 Name :_____________ Class:_____________ 听力部分(共20分) 一.选出你所听到的词。(每小题1分,共5分) 1.( ) A.pen B.pencil C.watch D.house 2.( )A.umbrella B.ticket C.engineer D.hairdresser 3.( )A.col d B.whose C.col our D.passport 4.( )A.open B.swim C.plate D.bedroom 5.( )A.und er B.in C.on D.over 二.选出你所听到的句子。(每小题2分,共10分) 1. ()A.How are you ? B.How do you do ? C.How old are you ? D.How is Tony ? 2. ( )A.Is this your shirt? B.Is this my shirt? C.Is this his shirt? D.Is this her shirt ? 3. ( )A.Are you a teacher? B. Are you a nurse? C. Are you a driver? D.Are you a key-operater? 4. ( )A.Open the wind ow . B.Turn on the TV. C.Clean the blackboard. D.Make the bed . 5. ( )A.I can put my cl othes on . B.I can make the tea . C.I can paint this bookcase . D.I can see a bird . 三.听录音模仿语音,语调。(共5分) 笔试部分(80分)


新概念英语第二册:第64课课文详解及语法解析 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1.a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel,建造一条长 21英里的隧道的计划。 twenty-one-mile作 tunnel的修饰语,注意 mile为单数。plan for +名词/动名词表示“……的计划”: They always make plans for their holidays, but, in the end, they always stay at home. 他们总是为假期制订各种计划,但是,末了,他们总是呆在家里。 He came with a plan for (building) a bridge over the river. 他带来了在这条河上建一座桥的计划。 2.serve as,充当,起……的作用(也可以说 serve for)。 The books on the floor may serve as/ for a carpet. 地板上的书可充当地毯用了。 This sofa can serve as/ for(a) bed. 这张沙发可以当床用。 3.a better plan was put forward, 提出了一项更好的计划。 put forward为固定短语,可分开用,其含义之一是“提出(计划、建议等)”: You know they wouldn't accept your plan. Why did you put it forward? 你知道他们不会接受你的计划。你为什么要提出来呢? Has he put forward any suggestion? 他提出什么建议了吗?


Book II Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me; I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said.I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them ! Do they speak English ? Book II Lesson 26 The best art critics ?I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is 'about'. Of course, many pictures arc not 'about' anything. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. She came into my room yesterday.' What are you doing ?' she asked.' I'm hanging this picture on the wall,' I answered. 'It's a new one. Do you like it ?' She looked at it critically for a moment.' It's all right,' she said, 'but isn't it upside-down ?' I looked at it again. She was right! It was! Book II Lesson 27 A wet night Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire.


新概念英语第一册(1-144课)期末测试试卷 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf 5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife 8.postman 9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family 13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby 17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato 21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left? 3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies. 4. Will you have ______ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening,___ students hold ____ party. ___ are dancing, ____ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ________ cigarettes, please. ______ kind will do. 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard? (in, on, by, with) 2. She is taking the children out _______ a walk. (in, on, for, by) 3. You can choose the best one ________ them. (in, on, among, by) 4. Jack broke the chocolate _______ several pieces. (in, on, with, into) 5. There are two bridges ______ the river. ( in, on, with, into) 6. There is a slogan(标语) _______ the wall. (on, in, over, above) 7. He sits ________ his desk all day _______his head _______ his hands. He is deep in thought. (on, in, at, with) 8. _______ the help _______ the teachers, the students have made great progress _______their study. (on, in, of, with) 9. He will be back _______ a minute. ( on, in, for, by) 10. The teacher is standing _______ the class. (on, before, to, in) 11.Our train arrived_____Shanghai_____6:30______a foggy November day .(on, in, at, by) 四用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Tom ______ (be) ill last week, he ______ (be) much better now. 2. Jimmy and his sister _______ (be) here several days ago. They ________ (leave) for Beijing yesterday. 3. He ___________ (have ) a bath when the telephone ________(ring). 4. While I __________ (cook ) the dinner, he ___________(read) the paper. 5. He arrived just as I _____________ (answer) the phone.


2015.5.23 L64 The Channel Tunnel 英吉利海峡隧道 一、课文原句 1、a plan for a ****的计划 2、serve as 用作= serve for 3、put forward 提出***计划 4、draw in fresh 抽进新鲜空气 5、connect sth to sth 把***和***连起来 二、单词讲解 ★tunnel 1)n.隧道 the Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道(英法之间) eg:The train passed through several tunnels. 火车穿过了几个隧道。 Eg:light at the end of the tunnel 在隧道尽头的灯光(苦尽甘来的含义) 2)v. 开隧道,掘地道 ★port n.港口,港,入港 enter a port / make a port 入港 lever a port / clear a port 出港 a free port 自由港 ★ventilate v.通风 well-ventilated 通风良好 eg:Our classroom is well-vantilated. 我们的教室通风良好。poorly-ventilated 糟糕地通风 eg:Our classroom is poorly-vantilated. 我们的教室通风不好,比较闷热。 ventilation n.空气流通;畅谈 eg:put a problem to ventilation 提出问题以供公开讨论 ★chimney n.烟囱 短语:sweep a chimney / clean a chimney 清扫烟囱 Eg:The smoke poured out of the chimney. 烟从烟囱里冒出来。 a blocked chimney 堵塞的烟囱


v.原谅 pron.我(宾格) ad.是的 v.be动词现在时第三人称单数pron.这 pron.你的,你们的 n.(女用)手提包 int.原谅,请再说一遍pron.它 vt.感谢 非常地 n.钢笔 n.铅笔 n.书 n.手表 n.上衣,外衣 n.连衣裙 n.裙子 n.衬衣 n.小汽车 n.房子 n.伞 int.请 ad.这里 我的 n.票 n.号码 num. 五 a.对不起的 n.先生 n.衣帽存放处 v.适于 n.学校 n.老师 n.儿子 n.女儿 先生 a.好 n.早晨 小姐 a.新的 n.学生 a.& n.法国人 a.& n.德国人 a.美好的v.遇见 a.& n.日本人 a.& n.中国人 ad.也 n.(产品的)牌号 a.英国的 a.美国的 pron.我 v.be动词现在时第一人称单数 v.be动词现在时复数 n.名字 a.& pron.什么 n.国籍 n.工作 n.电脑键盘 n.操作人员 n.工程师 n.警察 n.女警察 出租汽车司机 空中小姐 n.邮递员 n.护士 n.机械师 n.理发师 n.家庭妇女 n.送牛奶的人 int.喂(表示问候) int.喂,嗨 ad.怎样 ad.今天 a.身体好 a.美好的 int.谢谢 int.再见 v.见 a.胖的 n.女人 a.瘦的 a.高的 a.矮的 a.脏的 a.干净的;v.清洗 a.热的 a.冷的 a.老的 a.年轻的 a.忙的 a.懒的 pron.谁的 a.蓝色的 ad.大概 a.白色的 v.抓住 n.父亲 n.母亲 n.女衬衫 n.姐,妹 n.领带;联系,关系;vt.扎,束紧 n.兄,弟 pron. 他的 pron.她的 n.颜色 a.绿色 v.来 ad.楼上 a.时髦的,巧妙的 n.帽子 a.相同的 a.可爱的,秀丽的 n.箱子 n.地毯 n.狗 n.海关 n.官员 n.女孩,姑娘 a.& n.丹麦人 n.朋友 a.& n.挪威人 n.护照 a.棕色的 n.旅游者 pron.这些 a.红色的 a.灰色的 a.黄色的 a.黑色的 a.橘黄色的;n.橙 n.雇员 a.勤奋的


2-4 Place:whl Date:2016- 10 - 16 Time: Sun. 4:00-Teaching type&title:new lesson lesson 63 She was not amused Teaching contents&aims:circle admire close wedding reception Indirect speech Key points:admire close reception circle Indirect speech Difficulties:indirect speech Tools:computer Procedure: Step one review and have a dictation Step two new lesson 1. Lead in:Have you ever been invited to attend a wedding?How do you feel?How does the bride/bridegroom feel? 2. Introduce the story: Jeremy is very humourous but her daughter doesn’t think so. 3. Listen and answer:Why did Jenny want to leave the wedding reception? 4. Words 5. Listen,imitate and learn: ★admire v 赞美, 钦佩 admire sb for sth : 因为...羡慕某人 I admire him for his richness/house/clever daughter/knowledge. ★close adj 亲蜜的 close friend


新概念英语第一册综合测试题 一、根据要求变换: 1、I(宾格 __________ 2、dish(复数 __________ 3、sit(现在分词 __________ 5、tall(反义词 __________ 6、young(反义词 __________ 7、white(反义词 __________ 8、she(物主代词 __________ 9、desk(同义词 __________ 10、housewife(复数__________ 11、children(单数 __________12、swim(现在分词 __________13、up(反义词__________ 14、is not(缩略式 _________ 15、left(反义词 __________ 二、按要求改写下面的句子:) 1. There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句) ___________________________________ 2. There is a knife in the box.(改为复句) ___________________________________________ 3. There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________________ 4 .The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________ 5. Mr. Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________ 三、用a 、some. 或any 填空:(每题1分,共5分)

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第25课

Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗? Why does the writer not understand the porter? I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. he answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. 'I am a foreigner,' I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. 'You'll soon learn English!' he said. I wonder. In England, each person speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English? 参考译文 我终于到了伦敦。火车站很大,又黑又暗。我不知道去饭店的路该怎么走,于是向一个搬运工打听。我的英语 讲得不但非常认真,而且咬字也非常清楚。然而搬运工却不明白我的话。我把问话重复了很多遍。他终于听懂 了。他回答了,但他讲得既不慢也不清楚。“我是个外国人,”我说。于是他说得慢了,可我还是听不懂。我的 老师从来不那样讲英语!我和搬运工相视一笑。接着,他说了点什么,这回我听懂了。“您会很快学会英语 的!”他说。我感到奇怪。在英国,人们各自说着一种不同的语言。英国人之间相互听得懂,可我却不懂他们的话!他们说的是英语吗? 【New words and expressions】(5) railway n. 铁路,铁道 [U] (Br.) / railroad (Am.) a line of railway 一条铁路 railway station 火车站 railway n. 轨道 (pl.) [C] eg. The railway was opened to traffic last year. 这条铁路是去年通车的。 high level railway 高架铁路 表示―地铁‖的词汇: subway ['s?bwei] (Am.) tube [tju:b] (Br.) underground (Br.) metro ['metr?u] (Paris) 地铁 rail n. 横杆,扶手,围栏,轨道 jump rail 出轨


1. Hi! Tony. Your mother is waiting _____the bus stop . A. for B. at C. on D. to 答案:B 在车站用AT,在英语里面,在地点上的较小的某一点用at,较大地点用in, in Wuhan City, in China ... 2. - _____was the weather like there yesterday ? – It rainy . A. How , was B. What , was C. How , is D. What , is 答案:B ,like 是介词,那么用疑问代词what,这也是固定表达句式。 3. Tom is very short . So he sits _____the classroom . A. in front B. in front of C. in the front of D. front of 答案:C,in the front of 表示在某物内部的前面,in front of 在某物的前面。 4. Thank you for _____us so good ideas . A. give B. to give C. giving D. gives 答案:C,thank sb for doing sth , for 是介词,那么后面用动名词doing. 5. _____some water in the cup . A. There are B. There have C. There is D. There has 答案:C,不可数名词用单数谓语。 6. I found a liitle boy _____in the corner . A. to cry B. cries C. crying D. cry 答案:C,find sb doing sth,发现某人正在做某事。 7. – How about _____camels(骆驼)in Egypt ? A. riding B. having C. taking D. bring 答案:A,how about doing sth ? 向某人提出建议做某事 8. Tom borrowed an interesting book _____me last week . A. to B. of C. from D. for


Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why was the first tunnel not completed? In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the Channel. This platform would serve as a port and a railway station. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level. In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low. He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed. The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel. It was officially opened on March 7,1994, finally connecting Britain to the European continent. 1. tunnel ['t?n?l] n. 隧道 2. port [p?:t, p?ut] n. 港口 3. ventilate ['ventileit] v. 通风 4. chimney ['t?imni]n. 烟囱 5. sea level ['lev?l] 海平面 6. double ['d?bl] adj. 双的 7. ventilation [,venti'lei??n] n. 通风 8. fear [fi?] v. 害怕 9. invasion [in'vei??n] n. 入侵,侵略 10.officially [?'fi??li] adv. 正式地 11.connect [k?'nekt] v. 连接 12.European [,ju?r?'pi:?n] adj. 欧洲的 13.continent ['k?ntin?nt] n. 大陆 参考译文: 1858年,一位名叫埃梅.托梅.德.干蒙的法国工程师带着建造一条长21英里、穿越英吉利海陕的隧道计划到了英国。他说,可以在隧道中央建造一座平台,这座平台将用作码头和火车站。如果再建些伸出海面的高大的烟囱状通风管,隧道就具备了良好的通风条件。1860年,一位名叫威廉.洛的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。他提议建一条双轨隧道,这样就解决了通风问题。因为如果有列火车开进隧道,它就把新鲜空气随之抽进了隧道。42年以后,隧道实际已经开始建了。如果不是因为那时英国人害怕入侵,隧道早已建成了。世界不得不再等将近100年才看到海峡隧道竣工。它于1994年3月7日正式开通,将英国与欧洲大陆连到了一起。 (标题生词讲解) channel ['t??n?l] Channel:频道 teaching channel教学频道 communication channel交流频道 Can we change another channel? We can't get channel 4 on our television。我们的电视收不到4频道。 The Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道 channel v 传递 She channel her information to me. 她把她的信息传递给我


新概念二——第22~25课测试满分:100 姓名:得分: 第一部分:基础知识考核(25分) 一、课文原文翻译句子(每题3分,共15分) 1.然而,他们还是决定利用邮局。 2. 去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简(Jane)把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子,又将瓶子扔进了大海。 3. 这栋房子在我姐姐离开之前就已动工了,是在5个月以前完工的。 4. 它肯定是这个地区(或辖区)唯一的一栋现代化住宅。 5. 他开始抱怨起来这个邪恶的世道来,但却被一阵敲门声打断了。 二、语法点考核(每题1分,共10分) ()1. --Have you had ________ breakfast yet? -- No, not yet. A./ B. a C. the D. an ()2. Let’s look at the bag. Can you see _____“s”on the corner of_____ bag? A. a, a B. a, the C. an, a D. an, the ()3. There is egg on the table, egg is for you. A. a, A B. an, An C. an, The D. the, An ()4. Our teacher told us that _______ moon moves around ______ earth, and ________ earth circles________ sun. A. a, a, a, a B. an, an, an, an C. the, the, the, the D. /, /, /, / ()5. At that time, he was studying in_______ university. And it was a famous one. A./ B. the C. a , D. an ()6. We are doing much better ______ English _______ our teacher’s help. A. in, at B. at, in C. in, with D. with, with ()7. The food _______ my hometown is quite different ______that there. A. in, like B. to, from C. from, to D. in, from ()8. Before 1992, there was no airline _________ the two cities. A. along B. in C. between D. among ()9. ________the new computer, travellers at the offices of CAAC can now buy their air tickets much faster. A. Because B. Thanks for C. Thanks to D. Since ()10. He had _________ much work to do that he couldn’t go out. A. so B. such C. as D. or


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(Lesson1-36) 姓名:________ 得分: 一.单项选择(35') ( ) The sun 1. us light and heat. A.give B.gives C.will give D.often gives ( ) His sister 2.cakes. That's why her hands are all covered with flour(面粉). A.makes B.made C.will make D.is making ( ) Mr. Brown, together with his two children, 3. having a picnic this time yesterday. A.is B.are C.was D.were ( ) The family TV now. 4. A.is watching B.was watching C.are watching D.were watching ( ) The ships are passing the bridge one by one. 5. A.under B.on C.of D.in ( ) There are two windows 6. the wall. A.on B.in C.about D.over ( ) Spring is the best season 7. the year. A.about B.of C.within D.through ( ) My mother bought me 8. . A.a new trouser B.a new pair of trousers C.a new trousers D.a pair of new trouser ( ) A clock has three hands. One is short, 9. two are long. A.the others B.the other C.others D.other ( ) I don't like this blue skirt. Would you show me 10. one? A.other B.the others C.the other D.another ( ) 11. is one of the most beautiful gardens in the world. A.The summer palace B.A summer palace C.The Summer Palace D.A Summer Palace ( ) We have no classes in 12. afternoon on Saturdays. A./;the B.the;/ C.the; the D./;/ ( ) John did well 13. his work. Soon he got a rise. A.with B.about C.in D.at ( ) I think you 14. be hungry now. Would you like some bread and milk? A.must B.can C.will D.shall ( ) come back tonight. 15. A.May be he will B.Maybe he will


新概念英语第二册第25-34课测试卷 一、单词与短语互译(30分) 1.not only…but…as well 2.neither…nor.. 3.外国人 4.鉴赏 5.材料 6.上下颠倒地 7.put up one’s tent 8.wind one’s way across…9.舒适的,安逸的10.爬到…里面11.believe in ancient myths 12.没有效果13.从某地飞往某地14.废弃(v)15.偏僻的,人迹罕至的16.row on the river 17. be out of sight 18.对某人大声喊19.a book of his own 20.他早年的艰难岁月21.一个穿着讲究的女人 22.最昂贵的物品之一23.出发,动身 24.struggle up the cliffs 25.向岸边游去 26.在前面(adv.)27.不知不觉地发现某人处在… 28.拜访某地29.not any more 30.一个十五岁的男孩 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空(20分) 1.The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west . 2.”You (joke),”I replied. “I (not know) anyone who does .” 3. She (pay) the bill and (leave) the shop. 4.”Up till now I (be) to New York three times .” he (add) 5.She never expected her bicycle (find). The thief (question). 6.On (arrive) at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she (see). 7.He (worry) all week. Last Saturday he (receive) a letter from the local police . 8.”You (always be) late , Tom .”his teacher (say). “You (be)late five times this week. You (be) nearly late every class . Don’t (be) late next time. Or I’ll punish you. Then I (call) up your mother.” 三、句子翻译(15分) 1.她的英文讲得不但非常认真,而且吐字也非常清楚。(not only …but …as well) 2.他们中还没有一个变成石头呢!(none of them) 3.那个把飞机降落在田里的飞行员没有受伤。(whose, hurt) 4.和往常一样有去和河边坐着。(as usual ) 5.在我二十几岁的时候,我常在一家小商店干活。(in one’s +整数,used to do ) 6.人们不再像以前那样诚实了。(not so …as…) 四、单项填空(30分) 1.You cannot fail to obey it. You can’t ________to do this. a. refuse b. deny c. resist d. withdraw 2.If she _________she will get a surprise.


新概念英语第一册1-24课测试 一.单词填空(1分/题,共15分) ________ (手提包)________ (连衣裙)________(房子)________(老师)________ (床)________(警察)________(护士)________ (鞋子)________(母亲)________ (女衬衫)________ (日本人)________(邮递员)________ (学校)________(黄色的)________(瓶子)二、写出下列单相对应的反义词(1分/题,共10分) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 三、写出下列名词的复数形式(20分) man ______ woman______ watch _____child _______ photo ______ day_______ foot_______ book_____ dress________ tooth______ sheep____ box______ lady_______ sheep _______ tomato ________fox _____ dish _____ knife _______ thief _______ Chinese _______ 二、用a, an填空(5分) 1. It is _______ English car. 2. He is ________ engineer. 3. Tim is _______ French teacher. 4. Robert is not _______ student.
