

The Tiger Hill is said to be the most attractive spot of historical interest in Suzhou.

Long time ago, it was a vast sea in this area. This hill used to be one of the small islands. Later, due to the movement of the earth, the sea turned into the mulberry fields. Then the Yangtze River Delta came into being, This Island became the hill on the plain. So it was called the hill of Emergence from the Sea, with 34 meters above sea level, and some 20 hectares in area.

In 514 BC, He Lu, king of State Wu, founded the city of Suzhou and made it his capital. This hill was his summer resort.

In 496 BC the king took the troop to the State Yue, the battle happened in Jiaxing area. The king was seriously injured in the battle and died on his way back home. Then his son named FuChai ordered 100,000 labors to build tomb for his father. Three days after the king’s burial, a tiger was said to appear on the top of the hill to guard his tomb. So the hill’s name was changed into the Tiger Hill.

Then the local people said the shape of the hill looks like a crouching tiger. The building ahead is its head. The gate is regarded as its mouth, two round windows as its eyes and flying eaves as its ears. The hill path is its back, the pagoda atop is its tail.

In the hill, we can see many interesting rocks, behind them, are stories and legends of the king. The most famous highlight is the pagoda, it is known as the leaning pagoda of Pisa in China.

The famous poet Su Dongpo in the Song Dynasty once rema rked, “To visit Suzhou without seeing the Tiger Hill would be a thing for regret.”

Here is the Bridge of Emergence from the Sea. In 1956, when the hill moat was dredged the bridge was built, and it was built of granite. We can see 12 lovely stone carved lions on the railings of the bridge, they are vivid and lifelike. The lion sculpture is a symbol of auspicious in China.

The second entrance hall is also called the Broken Beam Hall. In the hill there are only two things which are original, one is this hall, and the other is the pagoda. This hall was built in the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) some 700 years ago. Since the main beam is made of two logs looking like a broken beam, so that’s why we call it the Broken Beam Hall.

Under the roof around the building are the bracket sets, they bear the weight of the roof and scatter the weight on to the ground through those columns, so we said the walls of the building don’t bear weight, if you move them away, the building will not fall down. All the join ts of the wooden structure were connected with the traditional tenons and mortises, with out a single nail. That’s why the building has been kept so long. It is regarded as a masterpiece of classical architecture.

The wooden tablet facing the south has with four big Chinese characters on it, which means “The well-known place of interest in Suzhou”. The four characters on the other one facing the north mean “containing the real and hiding the ancient.” That is, the real hill, real water, real persons and real deeds, and the ancient pagoda, ancient temple, ancient spring, and ancient tomb in the hill.

The famous Sword -Testing Rock is a big oval rock. It is cleft in the middle as though by a sword. Legend has it that a couple, Ganjiang and Moye, were skillful sword-smiths. They were forced by the king to forge the sharp swords for him. The couple had quiet a few experiments and

finally succeeded in forging two swords. After the king got one of them, he came here to test whether it was sharp. Down came the sword. The rock split in two, so that’s why called Sword Testing Rock

In the later dynasties, a lot of literatis and men of literature came to visit the Tiger Hill, they sighed and praised about the sword when they saw the rock.

So on the stone we can still see a poem written by Gu Ying in the Yuan Dynasty, which goes “While the sword was tested, the rock was cleft, the clef fell and blocked the brook. Why, hundreds of years later, was it not used to decapitate the sinister eunuch Zhao Gao?”

The leg end of the sword is similar to Excalibur, King Arthur’s sword.

A little further on the left is the Pillow Stone, which was said to have been used for that purpose by the monk Mr. Sheng Gong. Shen Gong was a famous high ranking monk in the East Jin dynasty. He had his new Buddhist theory that those who have the sense of Buddhism would all become Buddhist. For his theory was against by other monks, he was driven out of the capital of the country, and then he traveled to everywhere. One day he came to the Tiger Hill for preaching. He rested on this stone as a pillow when he was tired. Hence the name.

Here is the Thousand-Man Rock, after king was buried, his son Fu Chai, the new king, ordered to kill all the tomb-builders here to keep the tomb’ s secret. Their blood stained the rock, even now, after raining, the rock still appears reddish.

In Chinese, Thousand doesn’t mean one thousand, which means a lot.

The Platform for Mr. Sheng Gong, In the Jin dynasty, the famous high ranking monk Mr. Shen Gong once preached here. A lot of believers (worshipers) got here to listen to his preaching. What he preached was so excellent that all the listeners kept nodding their heads to express their approval. Even the hard rock in the pond was moved by his preaching and nodded. So today we can still see the Nodded Rock in the Pond.

Two Immortal’s Pavilion, it is associated with two Taoist immortals, Lu Chunyang and Chen Tuan, they once played Chinese chess here. The pavilion is made of stone, its roof was nicely carved from one single piece of stone in the early Qing Dynasty. Inside there are two stone tablets showing their portraits.

The four big characters in red is “Tiger Hill’s Sword Pond”, this great handwriting was originally written by Yan Zhenqin, a noted calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). After the time went by, two characters “Tiger Hill” fell down, and then was rewritten by Zhang Zhongyu in Qing Dynasty. So here is a saying that: real Sword Pond, pseudo Tiger Hill.

Situated east of the White Lotus Pond are 53 steps, which are a neat flight of granite stone steps leading up to the main hall of Cloud-Rock Temple. These steps can be found in the Buddhist saying:” Climb53 steps to pay tribute to Buddha.” According to Buddhism, the Boy of Treasures worshipped 53 bodhisattvas as his teacher. So 53 steps can be seen sometimes near Buddhist temples in hilly area.

Now we arrived at the Cloud-Rock Temple. During the culture revolution, the temple was

damaged, all statues inside were destroyed, the present three statues restored later. In the middle is a statue of Sakyamuni. He was a prince of a small kingdom beside Nepal. When he saw the citizens suffering from birth and death, sickness and aging,, he gave up his luxurious life and went to forest to think deeply. After 6 years meditation, he was suddenly enlightened,, and then became the Buddha and the Patriarch.

On the both sides in front of statue are two disciples. The younger one named Ana was his cousin. He had followed Sakyamuni for over 20 years and he had good memories. He had kept all the teachings and all instructions from Sakyamuni in his mind, recited them and copied them on the bodhi leaves after Sakyamuni passed away, which are the Buddhist sutras we can see today. The elder one was Jiashe, once presided over a gathering in Linjiu Mountain, attended by 500 Indian monks after Sakyamuni died.

There are 18 portraits of 18 arhats hang on wall.

The shape of the pond below looks like a sword, so named The Sword Pond. According to the historical record, the King He Lu liked to collect the sharp swords very much. It is said, when he was buried, 3000 sharp swords were buried together with his tomb. Since then, many people in the different period of history came to this hill, tried to find his tomb to get these valuables. In 220 BC, when Qingshihuang, the First Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, unified China, he sent a lot of soldiers here to dig in the tomb, but failed. Because water gushed out from underground.

In 1956, when the pagoda was getting repaired, our local government tried to open to see this tomb. After dredging and digging, they found the entrance to the tomb at the tip of the pond. Entered 10 meters, one had to turn to the left, there the workers found 4 huge piece stone plates. One was lying underground as its base, the other three piled up, like a Chinese character Pin. That a new entrance to the tomb, but they happend to be under the pagod a. They couldn’t be moved away, if they are moved away, the foundation of the pagoda will be affected. For the protection of the pagoda, the excavation couldn’t be continued. The tomb now is till a mystery.

The Tiger Hill pagoda octagonal with 7 floors, it is 47.7 meters in height, built of bricks, not a single piece of wood. Because of its foundation, the pagoda stated to learn onto the north side in the Yuan Dynasty. The tip of the pagoda is 2.34 meters away from its central line, forming a learning angle of 2.48 degree. During repairing in 1956, many valuable objects were found behind a wall on its third floor. They are a Buddhist scripture box, bronze Buddhas, bronze mirrors, etc. An inscription with the date of construction of the pagoda was found from the bottom of the scripture box and supplied the answer to the exact date of the completion of the pagoda .It was built in 961 without controversy. In the 1980s, exactly from 1982 to 1986, the pagoda was reinforced because there were a lot of cracks appeared in the foundation of pagoda. Now the pagoda stop leaning.


苏州园林 各位游客大家好,欢迎到苏州游览观光。我是大家的导游员小贾,在接下来的旅程中将由我和大家共同度过 在游览的过程中,希望各位能积极配合我的工作,我也会尽全力为大家提供优质的服务,在此小贾先谢过给位了。 我们今天要游览的景点是苏州园林,提到它呢我想问一个问题:苏州园林是园林吗?大家会想:小贾你问的问题好没水平啊,如果苏州园林不是园林,那我们去哪游玩啊?各位其实啊,苏州园林真不是园林,它是指中国苏州城内的园林建筑,是一个统称,主要以私家园林为主,其历史可以追溯到春秋时期的吴国。到清末苏州已有各色园林一百七十多处,现保存完整的有六十多处。在1997年,以拙政园、留园、网师园和环秀山庄为代表的苏州古典园林被评为世界文化遗产。 好了游客朋友们,现在呢我们就来到了拙政园。它与北京颐和园、承德避暑山庄、苏州留园合称为我国“四大名园”,被誉为“天下园林之母”,始建于1509年,据传它的建造者王献臣在建园之初,曾请吴门画派的代表人物文徵明为其设计蓝图,形成以水为主、近乎自然风景的园林。王献臣死后,他的儿子一夜豪赌,将园输给了他人。各位从园门进来呈现在我们眼前的便是东花园。入园后,首先映入眼帘的是东花园的主厅“兰雪堂”。“兰雪”二字出自李白的诗句“春风洒兰雪”,厅堂中间屏门上有一幅漆雕画,是拙政园的全景图。大家请看,拙政园分为三个部分:东部,曾取名为“归园田居”,以田园风光为主;中部,称为“复园”,以池岛假山取胜,也是拙政园的精华所在;西部,称为“补园”,以清代建筑为主。整个院子没有明显的中轴线,也不对称,但错落有致,近乎自然,是苏州园林中布局最为精巧的一座。 各位走出了兰雪堂,迎面而来的是一组太湖石假山。这块名为“缀云峰”的假山高耸在绿树竹荫中,与西侧形状怪异的石峰并立,叫做“联壁”。走到这里我们可能都会联想到《红楼梦》中大观园进门处的假山,是不是和这座假山极为相似。 游客朋友们走出了东花园,我们便来到了中园。中园是拙政园的主体部分和精华所在。总体布局以水池为中心,四周分布着高低错落的建筑物。从东面看,一山高过一山;从南面看,一山连接一山;从西面看,一山压倒众山,体现了一种“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”的意境。各位请跟我走,我们面前的这座亭子叫作“悟竹幽居”。此亭俗称“月到风来亭”。是一座方亭,4个圆洞门使人联想到十五的月亮。站在其中向外看,犹如四个巨大的镜框镶嵌着苏州园林一年四季的风光。亭内有文征明的书额和对联:“爽借清风明借月,动观流水静观山。” 看过了东园田园风光,欣赏过了中园的池岛假山胜景,最后我们来到了西园。西花园的主体建筑“卅(sa)六鸳鸯馆”和“十八曼陀罗花馆”是鸳鸯厅结构。从外面看是一个屋顶,里面是四个屋面;从里面看是一个大厅,南北分为两个客厅,北面客厅是夏天盛凉用的,南面客厅是冬天取暖用的。 游客朋友们,接下来大家可以在此拍照留念,咱们30分钟后集合,谢谢大家! 注:其历史可以追溯到春秋时期的吴国(建都姑苏时(公元前514年),形成于五代,成熟于宋代,兴旺于明代,鼎盛于清代) (2000年,沧浪亭、狮子林、耦园、艺圃和退思园作为苏州古典园林的扩展项目也被列为世界文化遗产。)


介绍苏州园林的导游词800字 介绍苏州园林的导游词怎么写?下面是2篇优秀的介绍苏州园林的导游词,希望对大家有帮助! 介绍苏州园林的导游词800字一 各位朋友,大家好!我是你们的导游,我叫邓蕊竺,为了方便,大家叫我小邓就可以了,希望能与大家相处愉快!谢谢! 我们要去的地方是苏州园林,那里是世界著名遗产,请大家注意,不要随地吐痰,制造垃圾,还有一点就是进去时必须脚步轻轻哟! 我先简单介绍一下苏州园林和要去的园子:苏州古典园林建于16世纪至18世纪,房子都是精雕细琢而成的,大家待会儿去细细游览。 苏州园林素有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”的美誉。据记载,苏州园林是文化意蕴深厚的“文人写意山水园”。说了这么多题外话,相信大家对苏州园林已经了解了一些吧!我们现在书归正传讲正题了。我们要去的园林是世界四大名园中的两个园子,知道是哪两个吗?嘻嘻!就是沧浪亭,建于宋朝,狮子林,建于元朝。听了这些,大家也不妨跟我去玩玩吧,走!我们出发。我们先去沧浪亭吧,去沧浪亭不会太远,一两分钟就到了。 好了,这就是沧浪亭,怎么样?不错吧!沧浪亭建于北宋时期(公元1041至1048年),是苏舜钦所筑,可以说是苏州最最古老的园林。南宋初期曾为名将韩世忠住宅。沧浪亭造园艺术与众不同,不信你们看!前面有一泓绿包围着园子,下前面有一座桥,大家可以从桥内进入沧浪亭。各位请跟我一起进入沧浪亭。大家都进来了吗?好!大家向正前面远眺,有一座土山,隆然高耸。山上幽竹纤纤、古木森森,山顶上有个宝贝叫沧浪石。大家可以上山,看一看这个在山顶上奇特

的宝贝。 游客朋友们,集合了!集合了!我们要去狮子林了,我来说一下狮子林,待会儿,大家可以去狮子林玩,还可以去宾馆休息,现在我来说说狮子林吧! 狮子林占地十五亩,东南多山,西北多水。狮子湖是水景观的主要景点,那里的石假山别有特色,相当的精美。狮子林的建筑以燕誉堂为主,堂后有一个精美的小方厅。像燕誉堂之类的建筑在狮子林几乎随处可见,有名的有立雪堂。现在各回各家吧! 大家再见了,以后请你们的亲朋好友来苏州古典园林,不过,可别忘了我——小邓哟! 介绍苏州园林的导游词800字二 亲爱的各位朋友们,大家好!我叫许阁芳是你们的导游,你们可以称呼我小许或许导。俗话说“上有天堂,下有苏杭”,今天我就带领大家参观人间的天堂——苏州园林。 苏州园林以山水秀丽而闻名天下,有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”的美称,现在我们来到的是拙政园,它是我国四大名园之一,与颐和园、承德避暑山庄、留园,并称为中国的四大名园,也是江南古典园林中的佳作。其布局设计、建筑造型、书画雕刻、花木园艺等方面都有独到之处,被誉为“天下园林之母”。拙政园始建于明代正德年间,也就是公元152020年,占地78亩,分为东、中、西和住宅四个部分。中部分是以水为中心,池水面积占总面积的四分之一,各种亭台轩榭多临水而筑。你们看,它的布局是不是错落有致、构思巧妙呢?现在你们可以拍照留个纪念哟! 现在我们到达了留园,请大家注意看,我右边这个大屏风,上面绘有留园的

英语翻译作业 苏州园林

题目:苏州园林(汉译英) 要求: Direction: Translate the following paragraph into English. 苏州园林是中国古典园林最杰出的代表,大部分为私家所有。苏州园林始于春秋,兴于宋元,盛于明清。清末苏州已有各色园林170余处,为其赢得了“园林之城”的称号。现保存完好的有60多处,对外开放的有10余处。其中沧浪亭(The Surging Wave Pavilion)、狮子林(The Lion Grove Garden)、拙政园(The Humble Administrator’s Garden) 和留园(The Lingering Garden)分别代表着宋、元、明、清四个朝代的艺术风格,被称为“苏州四大名园”。苏州园林宅园合一,可赏,可游,可居,其建筑规制反映了中国古代江南民间的生活方式和礼仪习俗。苏州园林不仅是历史文化的产物,同时也是中国传统思想文化的载体。1997年,苏州园林被联合国教科文组织列入“世界遗产名录”。 参考译文:Classical Gardens of Suzhou are the most outstanding representatives of classical Chinese gardens. Most of them were privately-owned. The gardens first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, developed in the Song and Yuan dynasties. By the late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou had got as many as over 170 gardens of diverse styles, winning it the name “The City of Garden”. Now, over 60 gardens are kept in good condition, more than 10 of which are open to the public. The Surging Wave Pavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator’s Garden and the Lingering Ga rden are called the four most famous gardens in Suzhou, representing the artistic styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties respectively. Suzhou gardens are assemblies of residences and gardens, which makes them suitable places for appreciating, visiting and living. The architectural principles of the gardens are a demonstration of the lifestyles and social customs of the ancient Chinese people in the south of the Lower Yangtze River. Classical Gardens of Suzhou are not only a product of Chinese history and culture, but also a carrier of traditional Chinese ideology and culture. In 1997, Classical Gardens of Suzhou were placed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.


介绍苏州园林导游词范文 尊敬的各位游客们: 大家好,我是你们的导游。欢迎来参观苏州古典园林。现在,我们将做几个小时的车到达苏州古典园林。 苏州城历史悠久,私家园林始建于公元前6世纪,至明代建园之风尤盛,清末时城内外有园林170多处。为苏州赢得了“园林之城”的称号。现存名园十余处,闻名遐尔的有沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园、留园、网狮园、怡园等。苏州园林战地面积小,采用变换无穷、不拘一格的艺术手法,以中国山水花鸟的情趣,寓唐诗宋词的意境,在有限的空间内点缀假山、树木,安排亭台楼阁、池塘小桥,使苏州园林以景取胜,景因园异,给人以小中见大的艺术效果。拙政园享有“江南名园精华”的盛誉。宋、元、明、清历代园林各具自然的、历史的、文化的、艺术的特色。 现在我们到达了古典园林大家可以下车了,请有各位游客朋友们注意:进了古典园林之后,请不要随地吐痰,乱扔垃圾,谢谢。 我们现在已经进了古典园林的第一站——留园。留园在苏州园林中其艺术成就颇为突出。以其严谨布局、高雅风格、丰富景观,曾被评为“吴中第一名园”。留园厅堂敞丽,装饰精美,利用许多建筑群将全园空间巧妙分隔,组合成成若干各具特色的景区,这些景区用曲廊联系,全园曲廊长达七百余米,随形而变,因势而曲,使园景堂奥深远,无穷变化,有步移景异之妙。分为中、东、西、北四区。中部

和东部是全园的精华部分。中部以山水为主景,水他们于中央,池水西、北两侧,假山石峰屹立;池水东南两侧,楼、廊、亭、轩错落,形成鲜明的对比。东部以建筑呈其佳丽,重檐迭楼,曲院回廊是突出冠云峰的一组建筑群。西部是自然风光,颇多野趣。北部是田园景色,别有风味。 我们现在到了狮子林,狮子林中从元代流传至今的狮子林假山,群峰起伏,气势雄浑,奇峰怪石,玲珑剔透。假山群共有九条路线,21个洞口。横向极尽迂回曲折,竖向力求回环起伏。游人穿洞,左右盘旋,时而登峰巅,时而沉落谷底,仰观满目迭嶂,俯视四面坡差,或平缓,或险隘,给游人带来一种恍惚迷离的神秘趣味。“对面石势阴,回头路忽通。如穿九曲珠,旋绕势嵌空。如逢八阵图,变化形无穷。故路忘出入,新术迷西东。同游偶分散,音闻人不逢。变幻开地脉,神妙夺天工。”“人道我居城市里,我疑身在万山中”,就是狮子林的真实写照。现在自由活动,下午三点钟在这集合。 现在,我们要去寒山寺,相信大家都听说过。当然,说到寒山寺,大家自然会想起“姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船”的诗句吧!因唐初有个叫寒山的和尚未在这里住过而得名。现在寺内存碑一方,上刻张继写的《枫桥夜泊》一诗。 好了,今天的游园活动到此结束,愿大家旅途愉快,谢谢。 第二篇:苏州园林导游词 各位游客朋友们,你们好!我代表苏州欢乐旅行社对你们来到苏州表示热烈的欢迎。我是你们的导游小黄,大家也可以叫我黄导。今


江苏苏州概况导游词 苏州是个有名的旅游城市,吸引了来自全国各地的游客来参观游玩,作为导游,也要做好苏州的解说词,详细介绍苏州的特色给游客了解。下面是带来的江苏苏州概况导游词,欢迎大家阅读。 大家好,欢迎来到故宫参观,我姓陈,您们叫我陈导就行了。我先给大家介绍一下故宫的概况,之后介绍太和殿、中和殿、保和殿、乾清宫、和。故宫,又名紫禁城,是我国重要的历史保护文物,1987年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界文化遗产”名录。紫禁城的由来有两种说法,第一种是依照中国古代星象学说:北极星在中天,故宫正好对着北极星,天人对应;第二种是:因为故宫是紫色的,又是禁城,所以故宫又称紫禁城。明代第三位皇帝朱棣开始营造这座宫殿,到明永乐十八年(1420年)落成。 在之后五百多年里,共有24位皇帝在这里生活居住。紫禁城周围有高10m的城墙和宽52m的护城河。城南北长961m,东西宽753m,占地面积达72万?。故宫建筑布局沿中轴线向两侧展开,宫殿建筑总面积达163,000?。太和殿是皇上召集大臣上朝和商议国家大事的地方。自1420年建成后屡遭焚毁,又多次重建,今天看到的是清代康熙三十四年(1695年)重建的。太和殿建筑面积2377?,相当于50个教室,高35.05m,相当于10层楼那么高,为紫禁城内规模最大的殿宇。

太和殿装饰十分豪华,殿内金砖铺地,设有宝座。说是金砖,可是金砖不是用金子做的,金砖是专供宫殿使用的一种高质量的铺地方砖,产自苏州、松江等地,选料精良,制作工艺复杂。因其质地坚细,敲起来发出金属般声音,故名金砖。太和殿前有宽阔的平台,称为丹陛,俗称月台。月台上陈设日晷、嘉量各一,铜龟、铜鹤各一对,铜鼎18座。大家往太和殿两侧看,是不是有很多个大水缸?它是干什么的呢,对了,是灭火的。大水缸的下面有一个凹槽,是因为冬天水会结冰,往凹槽里放火把就能不让水结冰。 太和殿是故宫里最总要重要的宫殿,许多历史决策都是从这里出去的。太和殿后是中和殿,是皇上上朝前休息的地方。保和殿位于中和殿后,是殿试的地方。考试的第一名叫状元,第二名称为磅眼,第三名是探花。不知皇帝端坐在上上面,考生是不是会紧张的发抖。皇帝把殿试安排在宫殿内,可见皇帝是多莫重视殿试。故宫后半部分是皇帝和妃子们生活和居住的地方。乾清宫是后宫最大的宫殿,是皇上的寝宫。 宫内宝座上方悬“正大光明”匾,据传皇帝把自己立的太子名字放在“正大光明”匾后,用这种方法确定皇位继承人,减少为争夺皇位自相惨杀。坤宁宫是皇后的寝宫,它是唯一一座在中轴线上的妃子的寝宫,也是距离乾清宫最近的,体现了皇后在后宫中至高无上的地位,“一个成功男人的背后总有一个成功的女人”这句话在这里得到了印证。在坤宁宫前有个小的宫殿;;交泰殿,它是皇后在千秋节日收贺礼的地方。我们参观的只是中轴线上的重要宫殿,中轴线的后


关于苏州园林导游词5篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。下面是小编搜集的关于苏州园林导游词5篇,希望对你有所帮助。 严家花园在木渎镇山塘街王家桥畔,门对香溪,背倚灵岩,“虽处山林,而斯园结构 之精,不让城市”(童??《江南园林志》),为江南名园之一。 严家花园的前身是清乾隆年间苏州大名士、《古诗源》编者沈德潜的寓所。道光八年(公元1828年),沈氏后人将此院落让给木渎诗人钱端溪。钱氏叠石疏池,筑亭建楼,有 友于书屋、眺农楼、延青阁诸胜,一时题咏颇盛。龚自珍对此园有“妙构极自然,意非人 意造”,“倚石如美人”等溢美之句。光绪二十八年(公元1902年),木渎首富严国馨(台湾政 要严家淦先生祖父)买下端园,重葺一新,更名“羡园”。因园主姓严,当地人称“严家花园”。严家花园经过三代主人努力,前后历时一百七十多年,无论是岁月沧桑,还是人文底蕴,都赋予严家花园一种文化气息,名园风范。1935年,现代建筑学家刘敦桢教授两赴此园,流连忘返,对严家花园的布局与局部处理极为推崇,认为是苏州当地园林之“翘楚”。 严家花园占地16亩。中路为五进主体建筑,依次为门厅、怡宾厅、尚贤堂、明是楼 和眺农楼。其中位居第三进的尚贤堂为苏州罕见的明式楠木厅,迄今已有400多年历史,木础石质,典雅古朴;楠木直柱,圆润柔和;雕刻简洁疏朗,色调淡雅素净,具有实用和审 美功能。尚贤堂和明是楼前各有清代砖雕门楼一座,所雕人马戏文玲珑剔透,意趣隽永,虽依附于厅堂,却未尝不是一件独立的艺术品,极富艺术价值和审美情趣。 严家花园的厅堂建筑宏敞精丽,堂堂高显,显示出严正的气度和性格。而进入园区, 其建筑则显得精巧活泼,丰富多彩,楼阁亭轩廊榭错落有致,富于变化,体现出造园者精 湛的造园艺术。 园中有书斋二处,分别以友于和海棠为名,尤其友于书屋,地处幽偏,经曲折长廊,过清荫居和静中观,方可蜿蜒而至。友于书屋为自成一体的独立庭院,前院湖石数片,花木扶疏,室内经典古籍,书香飘溢,实在是一个专心攻读的“藏修密处”。在严家花园幽曲 静美的环境中,友于书屋等建筑偏居一隅,清幽曲奥,具有幽人般的情致;与其迥然有异的是,另有一些建筑如眺农楼、见山楼、环山草庐、宜人亭、延青阁等则地处高旷,空间畅豁,具有旷士般的襟怀。凭栏极目,不但园中景致尽收眼底,还可看到园外的田野风光和 灵岩山的满目苍翠。 延青阁上一副对联概括了这一切:“阁邻佛寺经盈耳,窗对灵岩翠满晴”。严家花园还 有一些建筑造型颇为别致,在苏州古典园林中颇为罕见。如延青阁后墙与围墙不在一线, 陡然偏斜出一角,打破了平稳板律的局面,使人产生无限遐想。闻木樨香堂为厅榭合一式


Suzhou is located in southern Jiangsu Province in the center of the Yangtze Delta. Shanghai lies to the east, Zhejiang Province to the south, Wuxi City to the west and the Yangtze River to the north. The city is divided by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from north to south. Since 42% area of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, it is praised as the 'Venice of the Orient'. Built in 514 BC, this is an ancient city with over 2,500 years of history. The unique characteristics of the past are still retained today. The double-chessboard layout of the city, with 'the streets and rivers going side by side while the water and land routes running in parallel', is preserved intact. The mild climate makes the city a desirable destination all year round. Touring the wonderful ancient water towns in the vicinity or lingering in the exquisite classical gardens in the downtown area, you will truly know the charm of a 'paradise on earth'. As the saying goes - 'Gardens to the south of the Yangtze River are the best in the world, and Suzhou gardens are the best among them'. These gardens attain their high reputation not only for their vast numbers, but also for their charming natural beauty and harmonious construction. At present more than 60 gardens are kept intact in the city, and some of them have been listed in the World Heritage List. 译文:苏州坐落于江苏省南部,是长江三角洲中心。它的东面是上海,南面是浙江,西面是无锡,而长江位于它北面。京杭大运河自北向南横穿其间。由于苏州42%的面积被水覆盖,有大量的池塘和溪流,又被称作东方威尼斯。建成于公元前514年,苏州这座古老的城市已有2,500年的历史。其独特的历史特征流传至今。城市是双棋盘的布局,一边是街道,一边是河流。水路和陆路并向而行的格局保存完好。 苏州气候温和,全年都是令人满意的好去处。游览附近的美丽的水城或是在市中心精致的园林徘徊,你会真正体会到“人间天堂”的魅力。就像俗话说的,长江以南的园林是全世界最好的园林,而苏州园林则是这些园林中最好的。苏州园林之所以享有如此高的声誉不仅仅是因为数量,更在于其自然的魅力与和谐的布局。目前在苏州有超过60座保存完好的园林,其中一些更被列入了世界自然遗产名录。


六篇介绍苏州园林的导游词 1997年,苏州古典园林作为中国园林的代表被列入《世界遗产名录》,被胜誉为“咫尺之内再造乾坤”,是中华园林文化的翘楚和骄傲。下面小编给大家整理了几篇介绍苏州园林的导游词,欢迎阅读借鉴。 苏州园林导游词一 大家早上好,很高兴认识大家,并由我陪同大家去我国的著名历史文化名城和旅游胜地——苏州观赏园林,到人间天堂去享受一天。 在车到景点之前,我先为大家介绍苏州园林的基本情况。“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”苏州为典型的江南水乡城市,素有“东方威尼斯”之美誉。当然,也请大家注意环境卫生,做一个文明游客。 我们马上到了今日黄金游的第一站——留园。好,留园到了。留园位于苏州市园林路。它应用了分合,明暗等对比手法。大家好好观赏吧! 留园不留我们,那我们就去狮子林吧!狮子林到了,你们跟我来,狮子林变幻莫测,值得一览。

五湖四海的朋友们,欢迎来到“世界遗产”----苏州古典园林! 大家好,我是你们这次旅游的导游晁子凯,平常大家都叫我“晁操”。在去游览之前,我要提醒你们:不能乱丢垃圾,因为这里是我们中国人的骄傲,尤其是不能把垃圾扔进水里。你们想:要是每个人都乱仍垃圾,那咱们苏州园林不就变成垃圾堆了,而且很快会变成世界最大的垃圾池。 游客们,我们现在到了园林的拙政园!你们别小看它,它可是与首都的颐和园、承德避暑山庄、苏州留园并称为四大名园。拙政园为唐代诗人陆龟蒙的住宅,后来明代监察御史王成归隐之地,取“拙者之为政”的语意为名。拙政园分东、中、西住宅三部份。住宅是典型的苏州民居,现在布置为园林的博物馆展厅。朋友们,我们现在已经走过了拙政园,接下来就到了狮子林。狮子林有六百多上的历史,元代至正二年,名僧天如禅师维则和弟子“相率出资、买地结屋、以居其师”。因园为“林万固、竹下多怪石,状如狮子”因而得名。狮子林既有苏州古典园林亭、台、楼、阁、厅、堂、轩、廊之人文景观,更以湖山奇石、洞壑深遂而享有盛名,素有假山王国之美誉。 怎么样,我讲得好吧!要是讲得好,就推荐你们的亲戚来旅游吧,我愿意为他们当导游。


拙政园 各位游客:现在我们位于的是苏州古城东北面最大的名园“拙政园”。它与北京颐和园、承德避暑山庄、苏州留园合称为中国“四大名园”,被誉为“天下园林之母”。有人说,拙政园酷似我国古代文学巨著《红楼梦》中所描述的大观园,这话究竟有没有道理?还是请大家跟我走进拙政园,去探寻一下大观园的影子吧! 现在我们看到高高的砖砌墙门的正上方,有砖雕贴金的门额“拙政园”三个字。拙政园始建于明代正德四年(1509年)。明代御史王献臣因官场失意而还乡,以大弘寺址拓建为园,借西晋潘岳《闲居赋》“拙者之为政”句意,自我解嘲,取名为“拙政园”。王献臣死后,他的儿子以拙政园为赌注,一夜之间输掉了。自此拙政园400余年来,屡易其主,历经沧桑,几度兴衰。 拙政园与苏州其他古典园林一样,是典型的宅园合一,有宅有园,前宅有园的格局。拙政园的花园分东园、中园、西园三部分,整个造园以山水并重,以水池为中心,水面占全园的五分之三,亭榭楼阁皆临水而立,倒映水中,相互映衬。 各位游客:现在从园门进去便是东花园。入园后,首先映入眼帘的是东花园的主厅“兰雪堂”。“兰雪”二字出自李白“春风洒兰雪”之句,有清香高洁、超凡脱俗之意。厅堂面宽三间,中间屏门上有一幅漆雕画,是拙政园的全景图。从图上看,拙政园氛围三个部分:东部,曾取名为“归园田居”,以田园风光为主;中部,称为“复园”,以池岛假山取胜,也是拙政园的精华所在;西部,称为“补园”,以清代建筑为主。整个院子没有明显的中轴线,也不对称,但错落有致,疏密得体,近乎自然,是苏州园林中布局最为精巧的一座。 走出兰雪堂,迎面有一组太湖石假山。这块名为“缀云峰”的假山高耸在绿树竹荫中,与西侧凉快形状怪异的石峰并立,叫做“联壁”。水池边山峰外形似船,俗名“翻转划龙船”。走到这里,似乎有似曾相识的感觉,大家可能都会联想到《红楼梦》中大观园进门处的假山,同这座假山极为相似。 兰雪堂的东北面,临水而筑的这座卷棚歇山顶的建筑,就是“芙蓉榭”。此榭为东花园夏日赏荷的绝佳之处。面对荷花池,背倚高墙,一边开阔,一边封闭,给人一种宁静的气氛。加拿大温哥华“逸园”中的水榭,就是参照此榭设计的。


关于江苏苏州园林的导游词5篇 苏州古典园林始于春秋时期吴国建都姑苏时,形成于五代,成熟于宋代,兴旺鼎盛于明清。到清末苏州已有各色园林170多处,现保存完整的有60多处,对外开放的有19处,主要有沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园、留园、网师园、怡园等园林。苏州古典园林在世界造园史上有其独特的历史地位和价值,以写意山水的高超艺术手法,蕴含浓厚的中国传统思想和文化内涵,是东方文明的造园艺术典范,是中华园林文化的翘楚和骄傲,是中国园林的杰出代表。下面是小编收集整理的关于江苏苏州园林的导游词5篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 你们好,我是你们的导游,你们可以叫我卢导,欢迎你们来到景色宜人,美轮美奂的苏州园林,你们将会和我度过如痴如醉的一天。 苏州园林997年12月被列入世界文化遗产之一。苏州是著名的历史文化名城和国家重点风景旅游城市,物华天宝,人杰地灵。苏州园林历史悠久,气魄雄伟,实为中华民族的艺术瑰宝。 沧浪亭,位于苏州南三元坊附近,在苏州历史最为悠久,是苏舜钦的私人花园,沧浪亭占地1。08公顷,内有一泓清水贯穿,波光倒影,景象万千。 下面我给你们讲个传说,乾隆皇帝经过苏州,听说有种东西叫说书,就请了王周士来说书,王周士名气响彻江浙,来了但不说,皇帝问他为什么,王说没有灯和椅子,皇帝就给了他一盏灯和一把椅子。王周士把三弦一拨,叮叮当当的声音既像百鸟朝凤,又像金鼓齐鸣,

皇帝听的眉开眼笑便把他请进宫内,王周士反而过不惯,请了一天假,便回了苏州。他说不是他的说书吸引了皇帝,而是苏州的不同凡响,别具一格的景色吸引了乾隆皇帝。可见苏州自古便是游览的最佳去处,也就是人们常说的“上有天堂下有苏杭‘。 我的介绍完毕,百闻不如一见,你们快快动身吧。 各位游客: 你们好,欢迎你们来到苏州旅游,我是你们的导游**。 苏州素有“园林之城”美誉。苏州园林源远流长,明清全盛时200多处园林遍布古城内外,至今保存完好的尚存数十处,分别代表了中国宋、元、明、清江南园林风格。苏州古典园林以其古、秀、精、雅,多而享有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”之誉,是苏州独有的旅游资源。1997年12月4日联合国世界遗产委员会第21届全体会议批准了以拙政园、留园、网师园、环秀山庄为典型例证的苏州古典园林列入《世界遗产名录》;2000年11月30日,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会第24届会议批准沧浪亭、狮子林、艺圃、耦园、退思园增补列入《世界遗产名录》。 苏州的造园家运用独特的造园手法,在有限的空间里,通过叠山理水,栽植花木,配置园林建筑,并用大量的匾额、楹联、书画、雕刻、碑石、家具陈设和各式摆件等来反映古代哲理观念、文化意识和审美情趣,从而形成充满诗情画意的文人写意山水园林,使人“不出城廓而获山水之怡,身居闹市而得林泉之趣”,达到“虽由人作,宛若天开”的艺术境地。


拙政园导游词三篇 拙政园导游词(一) 大家好,欢迎来到苏州,我叫华瀚韬,大家叫我小华或华导游,苏州有许多园林,其中拙政园是我国“四大名园”之一,也是江南古典园林中的佳作,今天,我先带你们游览拙政园,大约要两个小时左右。大家可以站在这块石头上拍照,可以拍到全景。我叫苏杭,是你们拙政园的导游。 现在我带大家去游览一个大户人家的私家花园-世界文化遗产拙政园。它在我国是唯一同时拥有四项头衔的景点:全国重点文物保护单位、国家5A级旅游景区、全国特殊旅游参观点、联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为世界文化遗产。一个曾经的私家园林为什么会有如此的荣誉呢?我们就去探访个究竟吧? 这高高的清水砖砌墙门的正门上方有砖雕贴金的门额“拙政园”三个字。拙政园的建造者名叫王献臣,他是明朝的一位高管,因官场失意回到故里,以一座寺庙的旧址为基础,开始兴建拙这座宅园。为了使宅园更赋文化品味,他邀请了吴门画派的代表人物文徵明为首席设计师,参与设计蓝图,并留有《文待诏拙政园图》。江南四大才子的文徵明以一个画家的审美情趣,用传统的笔墨勾勒出了整个园林的总体布局,历时十多年,终于建造完成这座后来名冠江南的杰作。文徵明的设计,以水为主,疏朗平淡,近乎自然的园林风格,强烈地表现出中国山水画中审美意境。至此,以真实的自然山水为蓝本,融入中国画的艺术再现手法,成为了苏州古典园林布局的一大宗旨。园子取

名拙政园是借用西晋文人潘岳《闲居赋》中“筑室种树,逍遥自得……灌园鬻蔬,以供朝夕之膳……是亦拙者之为政也,”之句取园名。暗喻自己把浇园种菜作为自己(拙者)的“政”事。园建成不久,王献臣去世,其子在一夜豪赌中,把整个园子输给徐氏。500多年来,拙政园屡换园主,历史上曾一分为二,又一分为三,再合而为一,沧桑变迁,园名各异,或为私园,或为官府,或散为民居,直到上个世纪50年代,才完璧合一,恢复初名“拙政园”。在拙政园众多的历史人物中,文徵明、曹雪芹、李秀成等格外引人注目,我们在游览景点时会一一向大家介绍的。 兰雪堂是东部的主要厅堂,堂名取意于李白“独立天地间,清风洒兰雪”的诗句。堂坐北朝南三开间,环境幽僻。堂正中有屏门相隔,我们来看屏门南面的这幅采用苏州传统的漆雕工艺制作的漆雕作品《拙政园全景图》。 拙政园始建于公元十五世纪的明代正德年间,是现存苏州古典园林中最大的一个,占地面积78亩,以水为主,建筑多临水而建,山地水廊起伏曲折,处处流通顺畅。这一大观园式的古典豪华园林,以其布局的山岛、竹坞、松岗、曲水之趣,被胜誉为“天下园林之典范”。全园分为东、中、西和住宅四个部分。住宅是典型的苏州民居。拙政园中现有的建筑,大多是清咸丰九年(1850年)拙政园成为太平天国忠王府花园时重建。 东部占地约31亩,原称“归田园居”,是因为明崇祯四年(公元1631年)园东部归侍郎王心一而得名。这里呈现的是一幅田园风光,


苏州园林的导游词 苏州园林又称“苏州古典园林”,世界文化遗产,国家AAAAA级旅游景区,中国十大风景名胜之一,素有“园林之城”,享有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”之美誉,誉为“咫尺之内再造乾坤”,是中华园林文化的翘楚和骄傲,是中国园林的杰出代表。以下是小编整理的苏州园林导游词,希望对大家有帮助。 导游词一: 大家好!欢迎来到苏州园林参观。我是你们的导游,姓潘,就叫我小潘或潘导好了。下面就让我带你们去参观吧! 苏州园林以山水秀丽,典雅而闻名天下,有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”的美称。那里既有湖光山色,烟波浩渺的气势,又有江南水乡小桥流水的诗韵。 现在我们来到了拙政园。拙政园是我国四大古典名园之一。它位于苏州娄门内,是苏州最大的一处园林,也是苏州园林的代表作。你们看,拙政园建筑布局是不是疏落相宜、构思巧妙,风格清新秀雅、朴素自然?它的布局主题以水为中心,池水面积约占总面积的五分之一,各种亭台轩榭多临水而筑。主要建筑有远香堂、雪香云蔚亭、待霜亭、留听阁、十八曼陀罗花馆、三十六鸳鸯馆等。下面大家拍拍照吧,小心点,不要掉到水里或乱扔垃圾了! 下面大家看到的是狮子林。是苏州四大名园之一。因园内石峰林立,形状似狮子,故名“狮子林”。林内的湖石假山多且精美,建筑

分布错落有致,主要建筑有燕誉堂、见山楼、飞瀑亭、问梅阁等。狮子林主题明确,景深丰富,个性分明,假山洞壑匠心独具,一草一木别有风韵。 最后,让我们参观留园。留园为中国四大名园之一。始建于明代。留园占地约50亩,中部以山水为主,是全园的精华所在。主要建筑有涵碧山房、明瑟楼、远翠阁曲溪楼、清风池馆等处。留园内建筑的数量在苏州诸园中居冠,充分体现了古代造园家的高超技艺和卓越智慧。 现在,我们已经把苏州园林的几个名园都参观完了。我很高兴能和大家一起游览这些名园,谢谢大家对我工作的支持!再见! 导游词二: 各位游客朋友们,你们好!我代表苏州欢乐旅行社对你们来到苏州表示热烈的欢迎。我是你们的导游小黄,大家也可以叫我黄导。今天我要带领大家游览苏州园林,那里是世界著名遗产,请大家注意,不要随地吐痰,制造垃圾,还有一点就是进去时必须脚步轻轻哟!希望今天大家能玩得愉快! 我先简单介绍一下苏州园林和要去的园子:苏州古典园林建于16世纪至18世纪,房子都是精雕细琢而成的,大家待会儿去细细游览。 苏州园林素有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”的美誉。据记载,苏州园林是文化意蕴深厚的“文人写意山水园”。说了这么多题外话,相信大家对苏州园林已经了解了一些吧!我们现在书归正传


苏州园林导游词500字 篇一 大家好,我是你们的导游,大家可以叫我卢导,欢迎大家来到景色宜人,美轮美奂的苏州园林,你们将会和我度过如痴如醉的一天。 苏州园林997年12月被列入世界文化遗产之一。苏州是著名的 历史文化名城和国家重点风景旅游城市,物华天宝,人杰地灵。苏州园林历史悠久,气魄雄伟,实为中华民族的艺术瑰宝。 沧浪亭,位于苏州南三元坊附近,在苏州历史最为悠久,是苏舜钦的私人花园,沧浪亭占地1。08公顷,内有一泓清水贯穿,波光倒影,景象万千。 下面我给你们讲个传说,乾隆皇帝经过苏州,听说有种东西叫说书,就请了王周士来说书,王周士名气响彻江浙,来了但不说,皇帝问他为什么,王说没有灯和椅子,皇帝就给了他一盏灯和一把椅子。王周士把三弦一拨,叮叮当当的声音既像百鸟朝凤,又像金鼓齐鸣,皇帝听的眉开眼笑便把他请进宫内,王周士反而过不惯,请了一天假,便回了苏州。他说不是他的说书吸引了皇帝,而是苏州的不同凡响,别具一格的景色吸引了乾隆皇帝。可见苏州自古便是游览的最佳去处,也就是人们常说的“上有天堂下有苏杭‘。 我的介绍完毕,百闻不如一见,大家快快动身吧。 篇二 各位同学,各位朋友:

大家早上好,很高兴认识大家。中国有句老话叫“上有天堂,下有苏杭”。这句名言吸引着千百万游客来苏州观光。现在由我陪同大 家去我国的著名历史文化名城和旅游胜地——苏州观赏园林,到人间天堂去享受一天。 我先为大家介绍苏州园林的基本情况。苏州为典型的江南水乡城市,素有“东方威尼斯”之美誉。当然,也请大家注意环境卫生,做一个文明游客。 我们到了今日黄金游的第一站——留园。留园位于苏州市园林路。它应用了分合,明暗等对比手法。请大家好好观赏! …… 留园不留我们,那我们就去狮子林吧!狮子林到了,你们跟我来,狮子林变幻莫测,值得一览。 …… 穿过狮子林,出去约 5千米,可以见到寒山寺。说到寒山寺, 大家自然会想起“姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船”的诗句吧!现 在寺庙内有一方碑,上面刻着张继写的《枫桥夜泊》。 希望寒山寺能给你们留下一个美好的回忆。 各位朋友,今天我们在人间天堂——苏州度过了美好的一天。谢谢各位!愿大家旅途平安愉快,再见! 篇三 大家好,我是今天陪同您游览苏州园林的小导游——戴云舒。 游北京,导游给您讲帝王将相,游杭州,导游讲才子佳人,游


苏州园林英文介绍 the Humble Administrator's Garden Covering 51,950 sq.m,the Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest of all classical gardens in Suzhou. It is centered upon the broad expanse of a lake, making up about one fifth of the total area. With well spaced buildings, the garden landscape and water scape are simple, extensive and natural, possessing the traditional appearances of the Ming Dynasty. It is divided into three parts; the eastern, middle the western parts. The house lies in the south of the garden. The middle part is the cream of the garden with marvellous mountains, clear water, exquisite buildings and exuberant trees and flower reminiscent of the scenery in the south of the Lower Yangtze. Lying here and there to the south of the lake are garden buildings and courts in cluster. On an east-west axis there's the Hall of Drifting Fragrance in the middle, flanked by the Loquat Garden Court, the Malus Micromalus Makina court, the Poeny Pavilion, the Listening to the Sound of Rain Pavilion, the small canglang, "A Pure Mind Thinks Deep", and the Magnolia Hall. Rising from the lake are the east and west hills made from a mixture of earth and rocks, and covered with trees. the Prunus Mume Pavilion and the Orange Pavilion stand atop of the hills.By the side of the lake there are forsythias gently stroking the surface of water, and bringing about delightful effects of nature. Much of the surprise comes from the disposition of the Fragrant ISle, the pavilion in lotus breezes and the Mountain-in-View Tower to the west of the lake.from the secluded pavilion of Firmiana Simplex and Bamboo one is able to catch sight of the pagoda of paying debts of gratitude in distance. The picturesque scene of the pagoda mirrored in water is an example of the garden technique called "borrowed view from afar". The buildings in the western part of the garden are properly arranged by the lake.To the south of the lake is a big mandarin duck's hall with two halves. The northern half is named "the Hall of 36 pairs of mandarin ducks" and the southern half "the hall of 18 camellias ". built to the west of the lake are the Inducalamus Pavilion, the "With Whom Shall I Sit"?pavilion,the Floating Green Tower, the Stay-and-Listen Pavilion, the Pagoda Reflection pavilion.Going up and down and in a zigzag, a unique veranda over the water is a stucture built along the wall to the east of the lake. The Good-For-Both-Families Pavilion on the top of the hill overlooks the middle and western parts, another example of the garden technique called " borrowed view from near". Decorated with the Cymbidium Virens Hall, the lotus pavilion, the Celestial Spring Pavilion, the Far Away Looking Pavilion and the All blue Pavilion, the eastern part of the garden has verdant hills with pine
