

一、选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,每题2分,共70分) 1、Word 文档扩展名的默认类型是( )。 A .DOCX B .WRD C .DOT D .TXT 2、在Word 的编辑状态打开一个文档,并对其做了修改,进行“关闭”文档操作后( ) A .文档将被关闭,但修改后的内容不能保存 B .文档不能被关闭,并提示出错 C .文档将被关闭,并自动保存修改后的内容 D .将弹出对话框,并询问是否保存对文档的修改 3、在Word 编辑状态下,要调整左右边界,利用下列方法更直接、快捷。( ) A .格式栏 B .工具栏 C .菜单 D .标尺 4、现代微机中,采用的主要元件是( )。 A 、晶体管 B 、电子管 C 、中小规模集成电路 D 、大规模和超大规模集成电路 5、在Word 中,要设置字符颜色,应先选定文字,再选择[格式]菜单中的( ) A .[样式] B .[字体] C .[段落] D .[颜色] 6、在Word 的编辑状态下,执行两次“剪切”操作后,则剪贴板中( )。 A .有两次被剪切的内容 B .仅有第二次被剪切的内容 C .仅有第一次被剪切的内容 D .无内容 7、在Word 中,要调节行间距,则应该选择( )。 A .[格式]菜单中的[字体] B .[插入]菜单中的[分隔符] C .[格式]菜单中的[段落] D .[视图]单中的“缩放” 8、在Word 中无法实现的操作是( )。 A .在页眉中插入剪贴画 B .建立奇偶页内容不同的页眉 C .在页眉中插入分隔符 D .在页眉中插入日期 9、Word 常用工具栏中的[格式刷]可用于复制文本或段落的格式,若要将选中的文本或段落格式重复应用多次,应( )。 A .单击[格式刷] B .双击[格式刷] C .右击[格式刷] D .拖动[格式刷] 10、按一下( )键,可删除光标右侧的一个字符。 A 、Alt B 、Tab C 、Delete D 、Enter 11、在Word 的文档中插入数学公式,在[插入]菜单中应选的命令是( )。 A .符号 B.文件 C .图片 D .对象 12、在Word 中输入“叁万贰千捌佰肆拾柒”,最便捷的方法是:( ) A 利用“插入”→“数字”的方法,再选择“壹,贰,叁…”数字类型 B 利用查找替换 C 插入特殊符号 D 插入符号 13、用户在Word 中选择了文本以后,如果要删除这部分文本,可按( )。 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 以上都对 14、Word 中当打开一篇文档进行编辑后,如果要保存到另外的地方,则可以选择文件菜单中 的( )命令。 A 、保存 B 、新建 C 、另存为 D 、打开 15、通常情况下,“标题栏”是以何种颜色为底色( ) A 黑色 B 白色 C 蓝色 D 灰色 16、下面说法中不正确的是( ) A 、状态栏位于文档的底部,可以显示页号、节号、页数、光标所在的列号等内容 B 、滚动条是位于文档窗口右侧和底边的灰色条 C 、通常情况下,Word2003菜单栏中有8个菜单 D 、标题栏可以显示软件名称和文档名称 17、在Word 中,段落标记是在键入( )之后产生的。 A 、句号 B 、 C 、+ D 、分页符 18、在Word2010文档中,对图片设置下列哪种环绕方式后,可以形成水印效果。( ) A 、四周型环绕 B 、紧密型环绕 C 、衬于文字下方 D 、衬于文字上方 19、在Word 中,选取一段文字,应在该段文字左边( )。 A 、单击 B 、双击 C 、右击 D 、三击 20、在word2010中,使用( )可以设置已选段落的边框和底纹 A 、“格式”菜单中的“段落”命令 B 、“格式”菜单中的“字体”命令 C 、“格式”菜单中的“边框和底纹”命令 D 、“视图”菜单中的“边框和底纹”命令 21、在Word2010文档的某段落内,快速三次单击鼠标左键可以( )。 A 、选定当前“插人点”位置的一个词组 B 、选定整个文档 C 、选定该段落 D 、选定当前“插入点”位置的一个字 22、用拖到的方法复制文本应先选择要复制的内容,然后( )。 A 、拖动鼠标到目的地后松开左键 B 、按住“Ctrl ”键并拖动鼠标到目的地后松开左键 C 、按住“Shift ”键并拖动鼠标到目的地后松开左键 D 、按住“Alt ” 键并拖动鼠标到目的地后松开左键 23、Word2010下,视图方式按钮位于 A 、水平滚动条的左边 B 、水平滚动条的右边 C 、垂直滚动条的上面 D 、垂直滚动条的下面 期末考试o f f i c e A 试题 学号 姓名


2014-2015年学年度第二学期高一英语期末考试题 第一部分英语知识运用 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部 分读音相同的选项。(共5分,每小题1分) ( )1. heaven A. b reath B. meat C. breathe D. please ( )2. example A. exam B. excellent c.effort D? helpful ( )3. blood A. f oot B? good c.flood D. look ( )4. wasted A. lived B? relaxed c.settied D? sounded ( )5. laugh A. t aught B? because c.autumn D. aunt 第二节词汇与语法知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。(共25分,每小题1分) ( )6? The work _____ next month? A. will finish B? have finished C? will be finished D? have been finished ( )7? Mary and I _____ t o the summer palace many times?? A. has been B? have been C? had been D? are ( )8? The food ______ delicious and the light music _______ sweet? A. tastes; sounds B? is tasted; is sounded C? taste; sound D. is taste; is sounded ( )9? The teacher asked us _______ so much noise in the classroom. A. don' t make B? not make C? not making D. not to make ( )10. There is _______ ? I' m not curious about it. A. secret nothing B. secret some thing C? nothing secret D. something secret?? ( )11? It seldom rains here, _____ ? A. Is it B isn' t it C? does it D? doesn' t it ( )12? I earn 10 yuan ____ hour as _____ supermarket cashier on Saturdays?A. a; an B? the; a C? an; a D? an; the ( )13. E-mail as well as mobile phones ______ an important part in our life?A. is playing B? have played C? are playing D? play ( )14. Do you have any difficulty ______ these flowers? I *d like to help you if you need? A. in planting B? for planting C? with planting D. to plant ( )15? I can do nothing but ____ at the airport if you don' t pick me up? A. to stay B? staying C? stay D? stayed ( )16. The ____ story can give us some enlightenment? Followed B. follow C? following D. follows A. )17. It' s no use _______ so much time? You' d better give it up.


高一语文试卷 (本试卷共100分,考试时间120分钟) 一、基础知识应用(30分) 选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1、下列词语中,加点注音完全有错的一组是() A、徘徊.(huái)宽宥.(yòu) 嗥.(háo)叫褶.(zhě)皱 B、鞭笞.(chī) 慰藉(jiè)不暗.(àn)世事攀.援(pān) C、饥肠辘.辘.(.lù) 吝.(lìn)啬.(sè) 废墟.(xū) 雾霭.(ái) D、遒.(qíu)劲栖.(qī)息冠冕.(miǎn)睿.智(ruì) 2、下列词语中,有错别字的一组是() A、隔膜笨拙炫耀良师益友 B、攀援援助橡树凌宵花 C、崎岖涟漪伟岸巍峨 D、馈赠白皙胆怯欣喜若狂 3、下列句子中,没有语病的一句是() A.校区总体设计工作,融会了各派的建筑风格,得到大家的充分肯定。 B.展览馆里陈列着各色各样的孔繁森同志生前使用过的东西。 C.大批灾区儿童重新走进了宽敞明亮的教室,坐上了暂新的座椅,广大家长对此十分满意。 D.降价促销是一种低层次的竞争手段,通过降价来促销,有如饮鸩止渴。 4、下列句子中,加点字的解释正确的一项是() A、钟鼓馔玉 ..(馔玉,精美的玉)洵.美且异(洵,确实) B、君子所依.(依,乘) 我戍.未定(戍,防守) C、薇亦作.止(作,出生)靡.室靡家(靡,没有) D、忧心孔.疚(孔,非常)自牧归荑.(荑‘野花) 5.在下面句子横线处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一组是() 你们______一个非常的日子,____具有特定意义的花,____一个特殊的场合,

___我出了一道即兴的教育话题。 A.置于选择了在给 B.选择了在置于给 C.在选择了置于给 D.在给置于选择了 6.下列各句中,标点符号使用不正确的一句是() A.那时候刚好下着雨,柏油路面是冷冷的,还闪烁着青、黄、红颜色的灯火。 B.为什么呢?只带一把雨伞! C.万物生存、繁殖、传宗接代,但只有人才能够爱。 D.“去哪里?你!”他问道。 7、下列各句中,加点的词语使用不恰当的一句是() A.随着一阵拔尖的刹车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来,缓缓地,飘落在湿冷的街面,好像一只夜晚的蝴蝶。 B.这简单的行动,却要叫我终生难忘了。 C.是因为没有经过请示就创造了一种他自己闻所未闻的东西。 D.《变形记》太难读懂了,简直不可理喻。 8.下列各句中,没有使用比喻修辞手法的一项是() A.我绝不像攀援的凌霄花,借你的高枝来炫耀自己。 B.我们仿佛永远分离,却有终身相依。 C.我红硕的花朵像沉重的叹息,又像英勇的火炬。 D.你的铜枝铁干像刀,像剑,也像戟。 9.如果你不小心伤害了一位朋友,那么你如何真诚的向对方道歉?() A.对不起,我虽然错了,但我不是故意的,你应该原谅我。 B.对不起,我虽然错了,但你也有不对的地方,不能只怪我。 C.对不起,我不是故意的,原谅我好吗? D.对不起,就算我错了,好不好? 10.下列诗句中的内容不属于吟咏梅花的一项是() A.一朵忽先发,百花皆后春。 B.幽谷那堪更北枝,年年自分著花迟。 C.疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。 D.小楫轻舟,梦入芙蓉浦。


office高效办公期末试题答案 一、单项选择题(每题0.5分,共20分) 1:新一代计算机最突出的特点是( B )。 A:采用大规模集成电路B:具有智能C:具有超高速D:能理解自然语言2:中央处理器主要包括( C )。 A:存储器和控制器B:存储器和运算器 C:控制器和运算器D:存储器、控制器和运算器 3:在微机中运行一个大程序,存储容量不够时,可解决的正确途径是( D )。 A:增加可使用的外存B:安装外接硬盘C:把磁盘换为光盘D:增加可使用的存4:微型计算机的问世,是由于( B ) 的出现。 A:中小规模集成电路B:大规模集成电路C:晶体管电路D:集成电路 5:在3.5英寸的软盘上, 有一带活动滑块的方型小孔, 它的作用是( C )。 A:读保护B:读写保护C:写保护D:驱动器孔轴 6:在微机中运行一个大程序,存储容量不够时,可解决的正确途径是( D )。 A:增加可使用的外存B:安装外接硬盘 C:把磁盘换为光盘D:增加可使用的存 7:存中每个存储单元都被赋予一个序号, 这个序号称为( A )。 A:地址B:字节C:编号D:容量 8:计算机病毒主要破坏计算机系统的( C )。 A:显示器B:软盘C:软件资源D:硬盘 9:文档窗口与应用程序窗口之间的主要区别在于( D )。 A:文档窗口中有文档B:文档窗口是应用程序窗口的子窗口 C:应用程序窗口是程序运行窗口D:应用程序窗口有菜单行 10:计算机中能直接与CPU交换数据的存储器为( D )。 A:RAM、ROM和I/O设备B:主存储器和辅助存储器 C:随机存储器和外存储器D:高速缓冲和主存储器 11:以程序存储和程序控制为基础的计算机结构是由( B ) 提出的。 A:布尔B:.诺依曼C:图灵D:帕斯卡尔 12:要把当前窗口的信息复制到剪贴板上, 应按( B )。


职教高三英语期末考试英语试题 第一部分英语知识应用(共分三节,满分40分) 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共5分,每小题1分) 1.wounded A. dedicated B. played C. washed D. checked 2.stomach A. child B. change C. channel D. headache 3.difficulty A. apply B. specialty C. supply D. fly 4.hour A. exhibition B. healthy C. happiness D. unhappy 5.appear A. bear B. disappear C. pear D. wear 第二节词汇与语法知识:(共25分,每小题1分) 6.I can’t understand the way ________the old man was looked after. A. / B. in that C. which D. by which 7. The two great men wrote those letters ___________. A. in 1870’s B. the 1870s C. in the 1870’s D. on the 1870s 8. Would you please ________ write on the textbooks? A. don’t B. not to C. not D. to not 9. When I ________ to the cinema, the film ________ for 5 minutes. A. got, had begun B. get, will begin C. got, had been on D. got, has been on 10. This is a good book. I have read it and I decide to read it ________. A. two time B. a second time C. the second time D. two times 11. Great changes ________ in the last twenty years in China. A. took place B. have taken place C. were taking place D. have been taken place 12. Tom had no choice but ________ the classroom with his classmates. A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleans 13. I’m so tired after ________ walk. A. three hours B. three hours’ C. three hour’s D. three hour 14. The advertisement can contain ________ information if ________ well. A. a good many, designed B. a lot of, designing C. a great deal of, designed D. a great deal, designing 15. So far as I am concerned, I prefer reading _________. A.than meat B. for joy C. instead of sleeping D. to drinking 16. Bill Clinton killed his dog. I will ask him ________. A. what did he do that B. why did he do that C. what he did that D. why he did that


职高二年级上学期期中考试语文试卷 一、填空题(每题1分共10分) 1、“元曲四大家”是指郑光祖、__________、白朴、__________。 2、我打江南走过,____________________________________。 3、《致橡树》的作者是_。 4、艾青是继郭沫若、闻一多等人之后推动一代诗风的现代重要诗人,被一智利诗人称为___________________。 5、《谈〈水浒〉的人物和结构》是一篇专业的__________。 6.长篇巨著《子夜》是的作品 7、《浅说一首〈清明〉绝句》的作者周汝昌是___ __研究专家。 8、是一部反映孔子及弟子言行的语录体散文集。 9、计划的基本要素有制定计划的依据、规定的目标、实施计划的措施方法和___________________。 二、选择题(每空2分共20分) 1、下列选项中加点字注音完全正确的一项是() A、炫耀(xuàn)雾霭(ǎi )慰藉(jí ) B、脉.脉(mài)白灼.(zhuó)紧觑.(qū) C、浮沤.(ōu)倾轧(yà)遒劲 (qiú) D、雕琢.(zhuó)邈.远(mào)一蹴.而就(cù) 2、下列词语中没有错别字的一项是() A、头脑冷静朝气逢勃充满自信端壮大方 B、言简意赅错落有致主题鲜明豁然贯通 C、激情澎拜画龙点晴耐人寻味艺术魅力 D、宛延崎岖硝烟弥满纤尘不染出奇治胜 3、下列句中成语使用不当的一项是() A、王府井大街人来人往,川流不息。 B、李自成不是刚愎自用的人,他对明室的待遇宽宏大度,绝不斤斤计较。 C、每当夜幕降临,饭店里灯红酒绿,热闹非凡。 D、古代男女不平等,女人想读书不大可能。聪明勇敢的祝英台想入非非,女扮男装 进入学堂。 4、下列各句没有语病的一项是() A、他不但对这家饭店的一切产生了很好的印象,而且对其服务方面也非常满意。 B、铁凝对我们并不陌生,她是一位年轻,很有才华的作家。 C、现在有些人把住院保险变成了第二个“公费医疗”,比如过去做一个阑尾手术 顶多花1000元,可现在增加了4倍,一下窜到了5000元。 D、足球队都在秣马厉兵,觊觎桂冠。 5、下列说法不正确的一项是() A、《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》《春秋》被称为“五经”。 B、孟子主张“人性善”。 C、郭沫若的《女神》为中国新诗开了一代浪漫主义诗风。 D、《天静沙·秋思》中,“天静沙”为散曲的曲牌名 6、下列选项对《清明》的理解不正确的一项是() A、“纷纷”一词在诗词中既形容春雨的细润,也是形容赶路人凄迷纷乱的心境。 B、“遥指”的意思是不远不近地指。 C、“行人”是指那些出门在外的行旅之人和清明节扫墓的人。 D、“杏花村”应理解为在杏花深处的村庄。 7、对《致橡树》一诗理解不正确的一项是() A、表现了作者只求奉献,绝不索取的精神。 A、是作者对爱情的独立宣言 B、对旧的婚姻依附关系的否定。。 C、是现代女性觉醒意识的表白。 8、选择最恰当的词语填入下面语句空白处的一项是() 那该是大雪,所谓“_______降下好一场大雪来”。但是临到雨,情况却正相反……这细雨……它不同于夏天________的暴雨,也和那种_______的秋雨不是一个味道。 A、淅淅沥沥纷纷扬扬如倾如注 B、纷纷扬扬淅淅沥沥如倾如注 C、纷纷扬扬如倾如注淅淅沥沥 D、淅淅沥沥如倾如注纷纷扬扬 9、下列说法有误的一项是() A、计划是对未来一定时期内的工作目标,步骤,措施做出安排的一种应用文。 B、计划主要有两种形式,一种是表格式,一种是条文式 C、总结是对已过去的一半工作,学习思想情况进行回顾,分析,评价,并从中找出 规律性的东西,一指导今后实践的一种应用文。 D、总结产生于实际工作之前,计划产生于实际工作之后,二者对工作有指导,检查,


一、单项选择题: 1.在Word2010中,给每位家长发送一份《期末成绩通知单》,用(D)命令最简便。 A.复制 B.信封 C.标签 D.邮件合并 2. Excel2010中,要录入身份证号,数字分类应选择(D)格式。 A.常规B数字(值)C科学计数D文本E特殊 3.在Powerpoint2010中,从当前幻灯片开始放映幻灯片的快捷键是( A ) A.Shift+F5 B.F5 C. Ctrl+F5 D.Alt+F5 4.如果用户想保存一个正在编辑的文档,但希望以不同文件名存储,可用(B)命令。 A.保存 B.另存为 C.比较 D.限制编辑 5.下面有关Word2010表格功能的说法不正确的是(D)。 A.可以通过表格工具将表格转换成文本 B.表格的单元格中可以插入表格 C.表格中可以插入图片 D.不能设置表格的边框线 6.Word2010中文版应在(D)环境下使用。 A、DOS B、WPS C、UCDOS D、Windows

7.Word中(C)视图方式使得显示效果与打印预览基本相同。 A、普通 B、大纲 C、页面 D、主控文档 8.将Word文档的连续两段合并成一段,可使用以下( B )键。 A、[Ctrl] B、[Del] C、[Enter] D、[Esc] 9.将文档中的一部分文本移动到别处,先要进行的操作是( C )。 A、粘贴 B、复制 C、选择 D、剪切 10.在WORD中,段落格式化的设置不包括( B )。 A、首行缩进 B、字体大小 C、行间距 D、居中对齐 11.在Word中,如果当前光标在表格中某行的最后一个单元格的外框线上,按Enter键后,(C) A、光标所在列加宽 B、对表格不起作用 C、在光标所在行下增加一行 D、光标所在行加高 12.在Word中,字体格式化的设置不包括(A)。 A、行间距 B、字体的大小 C、字体和字形 D、文字颜色 13.Word2010编辑状态下,利用(D)可快速、直接调整文档的左右边界。 A、格式栏 B、功能区 C、菜单 D、标尺 14.选择纸张大小,可以在(C)功能区中进行设置。 A、开始 B、插入 C、页面布局 D、引用 15.在Word2010编辑中,可使用( B )选项卡中的“页眉和


职高一第二学期期末测试 一、语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题ABCD四个选项中划出其划线部分与所给单词读音相同的选项。 1.plastic A.design B.ability C.ride D.nice 2.cash A.candle https://www.360docs.net/doc/9916618910.html,st https://www.360docs.net/doc/9916618910.html,bel D.bathing 3.serve A.gender B.manager C.worker D.nurse https://www.360docs.net/doc/9916618910.html,pany A.today B.post https://www.360docs.net/doc/9916618910.html,e D.piano 5.teacher A.street B.met C.telephone D.he 二、语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的ABCD四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 6.I Beijing university next month. A.will graduate B.graduate C.graduate from D.will graduate from 7.Could you tell me yourself? A.anything B.something about C.anything about D.nothing about 8.Tom great fun last summer holiday. A.have B.has C.had D.having 9.At that time my free time music. A.spend…Listen to B.spent…Listen to C.spent…Listening D. spend…Listening 10.The sweater wool. A.is made of B.is made in C.is made from D.is used for 11. technology develops, our future lives will be more convenient. A.unless B. As long as C .If D. When 12.They ________ the maths problem when I came in. A、worked on B、were working on C、were working D、were working for 13.The woman can’t find her keys, so she looks . A. happy B. nice C. worried D. sadly 14.I _____the film yesterday, but I ____ it tomorrow.


此文档下载后即可编辑 2013-2014学年度第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题(对口升学) 说明:本次考试只交答题卡,试卷自己保存好,试后讲评。 第一部分英语知识运用(共三节共45分) 第一节语音知识从下列各组ABCD四个选项中,选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(共5分) ( ) 1. A fish B drive C city D fix ( ) 2. A again B change C ancient D mistake ( ) 3. A luck B culture C hurry D pull ( ) 4. A get B left C never D reply ( ) 5. A stop B possible C hope D modern 第二节词汇与语法知识从ABCD四个选项中,找出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(共30分) 6.--- Who’s the boy _______red hair? A. in B. with C. on D. of 7. This is my sister;name is Linda. A. My B. His C. Its D. Her 8. ____ is a girl, __________ name is Jill. A. Her, she B. He, his C. She, her D. I, my 9.Miss zhang is very kind ____me. A to B for C. at D. on 10. He looks young ____ his age. A. in B. for C. on D. of 11. Li Wei is _______ Chinese boy. He’s ________ honest boy. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an 12. My father often enjoys _____ to music after work. A. listens B. to listen C. listened D. listening 13. Thanks _______your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of 14. ---How do you do? ---_____. A. How old are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you? D. How do you do? 15 Jim is popular __________ his friends. A. to B. with C. for D. on 16._______ girl she is! A How clever a B What a clever C How a clever D How clever 17.—I’m sorry, it’s my fault. —_________ . A Ok, no problem. B That’s all right C No, I’m not D Never mind 18.______ Alice speak English? A Do B Does C Are D Is 19.Mother is ______ in my family. A busier B the busiest C busiest D busy 20.It was a______ winter morning. A snowy B snow C snowing D snowed


2018年秋高一普高班期中考试英语试卷 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分命题人:陈春玲 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1. How does the man probably go to work? A. By car B. By bus C. On foot 2. What are the speakers doing? A.Talking about sports. B.Writing up local news. C.Reading newspapers. 3. Why does the girl want to take up singing? A. Because his parents agree to her idea. B. Because she is good at singing. C. Because she wants to be an actress. 4. What does the woman mean? A. Tony should continue taking the course. B. She approves of Tong’s decisions. C. Tony can choose another science course. 5. When is the train leaving? A. At 10:30 B. At 10:25 C. At 10:40 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Why did the woman have no plans about Thanksgiving? A. She doesn’t like to celebrate it. B. She doesn’t want to take the trouble. C. She has never celebrated it. 7. Where are they going to spend their Thanksgiving Day? A. At the man’s. B. At the man’s parents’. C. At the woman’s.请听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Where does the dialogue take place? A. In a restaurant B. In a supermarket. C. At home. 9. How much does it cost? A. $1.70 B. $1.17 C. $17 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What is the special offer? A. If two adults buy tickets, a child’s ticket is free. B. If you buy one round ticket, you get another one free. C. If you buy two round tickets, you get a third ticket free. 11. What is the policy for children under twelve? A. They pay half the regular price. B. They are free if traveling with two adults.


职高一年级英语期末试题 I.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ( )1.Mary looks__________ A.polite and friend B.politely and friendly C.polite and friendly D.politely and friend ( )2.John likes__________jeans. A.putting on B.wearing C.being D.taking ( )3.一Sorry,I forget__________your name,will you tell me? 一OK,my name is Liwei. A.to ask for B.asking for C.ask D.asked for ( )4.John is taller than__________ . A.my B.me C . mine D.myself ( )5.Alice is__________ in our class. A.taller B.tallest C.the tallest D.tall ( )6-The window is________to the south.。 A.opening B.opened C.open D.opens ( )7.Frank may lend________ A.the money to you B.you to the money C.the money with you D.the money at you. ( )8.Mary is________than any other student in the class. A.naughty B.more naughty C.the most naughty D.more naughtier ( )9.Let’s go out f or a walk________ A.will you B.shall you C.shall we D.will we ( )10.Attention,we’ll________Qingdao at seven tomorrow morning.A.go B.1eave for C.come D.1eft ( )11.Many companies have________how to use the Net successfully.A.discovered B.invented C.fond D.find ( )12.~________? ~I don’t hope that they do everything for me. A.What’s your opinion with your parents’care B.What is your parents like C.How old is your father D.How is your mother ( )1 3.All the students went home after school______Mary,for she had some homework to do. A.besides B.except C.beside D.except for ( )14.Don’t______ the screen of TV for a long time,for it will do harm to your eyes.A.stare B.stare on C.stare at D.stares ( )15.He______since he came here in 2003. A.1ives B.1ived C.has lived D.1iving ( )16. Businessmen,can do e-business______the Net. A.of B.over C.in D.with ( )17.Weiqi is______in China. A.more and more popular B.popular and popular C.the more popular D.the more,the more popular ^ ( )18.Please take part in the sports competition,______you are fond______challenging new things. A.unless;at B.as long as;of C.when;in D.why;on ( )19.--______ ? --N0,you have to change trains in Jinan. A.Does a bus go there B.Is the train direct to Peking C.How much is it D.what is the departure time ( )20.Being a competitor,you mustn’t ______during the competition. A.give in B.give out C.give off D.give back Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) I came to study in the United States a year ago.Yet I didn’t know the real American Society 1 I was injured(受伤)in a car accident(事故),After the accident I had to see a 2 and go to court(法庭). After the accident,my roommate who was 3 and friendly called a doctor 4 me.I was very grateful and detemained to give him some money in retun One day, 5 asked me to pay him $200 for 6 he had done.I was astonished He said 7 he had good reason to charge me, 8 I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible(负有责任)for my injury.I’d have to have a good lawyer.And only for a good doctor,I 9 wait about 50 minutes.He could see two or three patients at the same time,and often stop treating one l0 he could see another.Yet he charged me so much,I controlled my feelings and ll the


职高三年级期中英语考试试卷 Ⅰ单项选择(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) A.语音(从A,B,C,D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项) 1. laugh A. cause B. autumn C. aunt D. because 2. breathe A. health B. deaf C. increase D .pleasure 3. pleasure A. expression B. musician C. ocean D. conclusion 4. ought A. round B. touch C. should D. bought 5. draw A. lawyer B. brown C. allow D. crowd B.单选(从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳答案. 6. the end of last year, they had had four English parties. A. At B. By C. On D. After 7. New China was founded 1994. A. in B. on C. at D. since 8.The sun rises the east and gets down the west. A. in, in B. on, on C. from, from D. at, at 9.Hainan Island is the south of China. A. in B. to C. on D. at 10. Go the bridge and you will find the hospital on the left. A. along B. through C. across D. past 11. -----Must I go with them tomorrow? ----- No, you . A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. can’t 12. you be happy! A. May B. Can C. Must D. Would 13. Since the road is wet this morning, last night. A. it must rain B. it must have rained C. it must be rained D. it must have been rained 14. Lucy be at home because she phoned me from the street just now. A. mustn’t B. isn’t able to C. may not D. can’t 15. The teacher said,’ Don’t be late, Mary.’ The teacher told . A. Mary not to be late B. Mary to be not late B. Mary are not late C. not to be late 16. The teacher asked, ‘Are you waiting for the bus? ‘ The teacher asked for the bus. A. if I was waiting B. was I waiting C. you are waiting D. I was waiting 17. My mother asked me to show my homework to her. My mother said to me, ‘Show homework. ‘ A. her my B. me your C. her your D. me this 18. It is impolite to keep someone for a long time. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. of have waited 19. He asked the frisby, but didn’t know . A. how to fly, how to fly B. to fly, to fly C. to fly, how to fly D. how to fly, to fly 20. I shall not forget those years I lived in the country with the farmers, have a great effect on my life. A. that, which B. when, which C. which, that D. when, who 21. The two pupils you taught three years ago have become drivers. A. when B. whom C. where D. whose 22. This place you are standing was the site of an old church. A. who B. where C. which D. that 23. This is the man daughter went to Shanghai yesterday. A. who B. whose C. whom D. that 24. Don’t be afraid of mistakes when you learn English. A. make B. making C. to make D. made 25. You had better TV right now. It is time for supper. A. not to turn on B. to not turn on C. not turn on D. not turning on Ⅱ.完形填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) My name is Chen Hui. Last week I became a tourist guide for a day. My parents’ friend’s Mr. and Mrs. Moore arrived 26 a short holiday from Australian. 27 Was their first visit to this part of the world. 28 my parents had to 29 a cousin’s wedding, they asked me to 30 the two friends 31 Beijing. 32 in the morning I took them to Tian’anmen square. They found 33 was very large and 34 it was 35 largest square they had seen. Later in the morning we 36 at Beihai park. I 37 them around the park and told then its history. They were very 38 . the sun was hot at the moment 39 we soon felt very dry. I took them to a 40 and asked them to try some Chinese green tea. They were glad. 26. A. for B. at C. in D. on 27. A. They B. We C. It D. I 28. A. Since B. As C. When D. After 29. A. go B. join C. help D. attend 30. A. carry B. find C. take D. move 31. A. about B. for C. around D. away 32. A. Early B. Later C. Soon D. Quickly 33. A they B. it C. this D. that 34. A. say B. told C. talked D. said 35.A. a B. an C. this D. the 36.A. reached B. stopped C. got to D. went 37. A. asked B. showed C. told D. met 38.A. tired B. busy C. interested D. beautiful 39.A. then B. when C. and D. which 40.A. teahouse B. house C. family D. home Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分。)
