



I 单词短语默写(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分


1 神秘的

2 due to

3 journal

4 谈正题

5 袭击、攻击

6 throw light on

7 名誉、名声8灭绝

9 怀疑的10 从…中得到乐趣

II 根据所学单词及提示完成句子。(共10小题,每空1分,满分10分) 1.Sadly,some of the species of birds are e________ and we’ll no lon ger see them. 2.You had better a________ yourself to the new environment quickly.

3.When animals or plants ________(进化),they change and develop over a long period of time.

4.Gradually the strange man ________________(不见、消失) in the dark.

5.It is reported that an ________________(不可预测的) tide of rural workers are flooding into big cities to earn money in China.

6.He ________________(暗示) that in fact your help was not welcome.

4.At present the experts are still uncertain of the skeleton’s(尸骨) i______ __.7.The fire which happened last week caused the ________________(毁坏) of our bookstore.

8.He has much money and doesn’t care about it too much,so he often ________________(大方地) gives some to the poor to help them out.

9.I had wanted to borrow his bike for an outing,but he gave me a ________(正面的) refusal.

10.On my way to school,an accident happened.________________(幸运地),I wasn’t late.

IV 阅读理解(共10小题,每题4分,满分40分)


James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully 1 the coins that lay on the bed.$24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90 !

2 on earth was he going to get the

3 of the money?

He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was 4 to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no 5 asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to 6 . There was only one way to get money, and that was to 7 it. He would have to find a job. 8 who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had 9 on most things.

“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing. ”

That was the 10 of James odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the 11 of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the 12 of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the 13 increased and he knew that he would soon have 14 for the bicycle he longed for.

The day 15 came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He

16 no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode

17 home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard 18 for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more 19 he had bought it with his own money. He had 20 what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

1 A cleaned B covered C counted D checked

2 A How B Why C Who D What

3 A amount B part C sum D rest

4 A brave B hard C smart D unfair

5 A point B reason C result D right

6 A split B spend C spare D save

7 A borrow B earn C raise D collect

8 A Or B So C For D But

9 A decisions B experience C opinions D knowledge

10 A beginning B introduction C requirement D opening

11 A similarity B quality C suitability D variety

12 A brand B number C size D type

13 A effort B pressure C money D trouble

14 A all B enough C much D some

15 A finally B instantly C normally D regularly

16 A gave B left C took D wasted

17 A patiently B proudly C silently D tiredly

18 A applying B asking C looking D working

19 A since B if C than D though

20 A deserved B benefited C achieved D learned

IV 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题4分,满分40分)


Many years ago I lived in a western country. I got my first job in the city and I was excited to go to the office by bus!

I left home each morning in time to catch the 8:05 bus from the main road. One morning I could see the bus coming. I could also see an elderly lady waking with a lovely dog beside her. There were some teenagers behind her.

The bus arrived and we got on. Unlike in eastern countries, only eight passengers were permitted to travel standing. I was inside the bus when the conductor called, “Only eight standing passengers! Could the last one to get on please get off?” I saw those teenagers inside, right in front of me!

I thought that it was me who now had to get off. I turned and saw the elderly lady with her dog. They were about to get off instead. I moved quickly to get in front of her.

I encouraged her to stay and got off. To my surprise, when I moved past her, I realized that she was blind! Her lovely companion(同伴) was her guide dog!

Well, I finally got to the office. After the day’s work, I went to the bus stand near my office to make the return journey. What a pleasant surprise! The lady and her dog were there! I was really pleased because I’d get a better chance to speak with her. I opened the conversation and she recognized my Asian accent! She asked if I was the same who helped her that morning. Amazing! From then it was a long happy conversation.

The bus arrived. We got on and were able to choose any seat as the bus was empty. Our journey started, and so did our friendship.

1 Why did the author get off the bus?

A He wanted to help the old lady.

B He was the last one to get on the bus.

C He had got something important to do.

D He didn’t like the teenagers in front of him.

2 How did the author feel when he met the lady again?

A Nervous and uncomfortable.

B Surprised and happy.

C Unhappy and bored.

D Worried and sad.

3 What can we learn about the old lady?

A She took the bus to go to work

B She liked talking with strangers.

C She was interested in Asian accent.

D She walked with the help of her dog.

4 The author most probably comes form .

A England

B Canada

C India

D Australia

5 According to the passage, the author .

A was ready to help other people

B was sorry to find the lady blind

C was interested in travelling by bus

D was excited to find another better job


Camping is a good way to spend time with your kids and to show them how wonderful nature can be. The beauty of nature can be discovered by children through camping. There are so many things to be discovered: flowers, birds, and other small animals. Camping gives kids time to get away from all the electronics(电子设备) of today’s culture. So it’s necessary to plan exciting and enjoyable family camping trips with your children while they’re young.

When planning your family camping trip, consider the activities your kids like: games, hiking, swimming, boating, bicycling, etc. Choose a camping place that has some of the activities the kids are interested in. Meal planning is an important part of your camping trip. Plan the meals together, and kids love to choose what they want to

eat. Doing all the planning as a family keeps the kids feeling like they’re a part of the whole process.

When starting to pack for your trip, let the kids pack their own things. Each person should have his or her own sleeping bag with a bag to put it in. Personal things should be packed with their sleeping bags. Encourage the kids to put their things in a certain place and always return them when they’ve finished using them.

When you’ve arrived at your campsite, make all the camping activities a family activity, which will help teach children the importance of teamwork. Everyone can have their own jobs sitting up the campsite. The younger ones can put the stakes(桩) in the ground while the older ones can support the tent. Mealtime can be a fun time. We all know kids love to help with the preparation of meals. So let the older ones help with the cooking on your outdoor camping stove while the younger ones get the picnic table ready.

6 Paragraph 1 is mainly about .

A ways of camping

B benefits of camping

C features of camping

D the beauty of nature

7 Which of the following is the best place for a family camping?

A A place covered with forests.

B A place with a river and wild animals

C A place which provide many interesting activities

D A place where kids can find various foods they like.

8 What does the author advise parents to do while planning a family camping trip?

A Let the children learn by watching.

B Keep the children away from animals.

C Take more food to meet the children’s need.

D Encourage the children to take care of their own things.

9 When at the campsite, it is necessary to .

A allow the children to cook

B make everyone have work to do

C give children enough time to play

D keep the picnic table full of food

10 For whom is the passage most probably written?

A Parents

B Teachers

C Children

D Teenagers


邯郸弘济学校周测试题 在春季种下暖阳,你将收获四季阳光 邯郸弘济学校八年级第六周周测试卷(A ) 一、知识积累与运用(14分,每空2分)。 1. 名句积累(14分) (1)《题破山寺后禅院》中颔联写的是_____________________,______________________。 (2)_____________________,但余钟磬音。《题破山寺后禅院》 (3)《送友人》中尾联写的是_____________________,______________________。 (4)浮云游子意,______________________。《送友人》 (5)山光悦鸟性,______________________。《题破山寺后禅院》 二、综合知识运用(共15分)。 百善孝为先。尽孝就应该奉养老人、尊敬长辈、孝顺父母、祭奠祖先。邯郸弘济学校正在开展以“弘扬孝道美德”为主题的综合性学习活动,并举办演讲比赛。 你将主持以“孝道”为主题的班会,准备在开场白中向大家讲述孝道对于中学生成长的意义。于是,你这样说:(100-200字) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 三、文言文阅读(共67分)。 (一)北冥有鱼 北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也;化而为鸟,其名为鹏。鹏之背,不知其几千里也;怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。是鸟也,海运则将徙于南冥。南冥者,天池也。《齐谐》者,志怪者也。《谐》之言曰:“鹏之徙于南冥也,水击三千里,抟扶摇而上者九万里,去以六月息者也。”野马也,尘埃也,生物之以息相吹也。天之苍苍,其正色邪?其远而无所至极邪?其视下也,亦若是则已矣。 1、解释下列句中加粗的字词。(18分,每空3分) (1)其翼若垂天之云 垂: ( ) (2)海运则将徙于南冥 徙: ( ) ——————————————————密 ———— 封 ———— 线 ———— 内 ———— 答 ———— 题 ———— 无 ———— 效 ———————————— 学号 : 姓名 : 班级:


高二年级第一学期期末测试----英语 单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. The film _______ him _______ what he had seen in China. A. reminded; to B. remembered; of C. recalled; with D. reminded; of 2. I sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there. A. lost B caught C. looked D. took 3. He asked us to him ______ carrying through their plan. A. assist; with B. help; to C. assist; in D. help; with 4. His report was so exciting that it was interrupted by applause(掌声). A. constantly B. constant C. seldom D. never 5. _______ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end. A. Being settled B. Settled C. Settling D. Having settled 6. A driver should __ the road when . A. concentrate on; drive B. concentrate in; driving C. concentrate to; drove D. concentrate on; driving 7. We must work hard to a good knowledge of English. A. take B. acquire C. catch D. hold 8. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 9. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________ what heat was. A. man did know B. did man knew C. didn't man know D. did man know 10. The stone bridge __ _ last year is very beautiful. A. built B. was built C. being built D .to be built 11.The poor man , ________,ran out of the dark cave. A. tiring and frightened B. tired and frightened C. tired and frightening D. tiring and frightening 12. Don’t be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken 13. These articles are written in simple language, _____ makes it easy to read. A. that B. this C. which D. it 14. After the war, a new school building was put up __________there used to be a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when 15. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______ didn’t help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 16. Along with the letter was his promise _______ he would visit me this coming Christmas. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 17. Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan.


人教版(新课程标准)四年级下册语文第十三周测试卷(适用于云南地区) 一、基础训练 1.快乐拼写 biàn lùn duān xiáng jiě shìxuān bù ________ ________ ________ ________ xún cháng gùzhídǎn dàwàng wéi ________ ________ ________ 2.辨字组词 萨________ 拖________ 拴________ 磅________ 药________ 托________ 栓________ 榜________ 3.写出下列划线词的同义词。 ①等会儿他就固执不了啦,事实是无情的。________ ②他提出的问题很不寻常。________ ③试验证明亚里士多德的这句话的确是错误的。________ 4.根据意思写词语。 ①全部精神高度集中。________ ②仔细地看。________ ③一个人的外表,包括容貌、姿态、风度等端正、庄重。________ ④说不出其中的奥妙。________ ⑤自作主张,直接行动。________ 5.选词填空

祝贺祝福祝愿 ①我给老师送上深深的________。 ②茨葳格忙向罗丹________。 ③我________所有的小朋友节日快乐,身体健康。 信任信奉信服 ④这些论据令人________。 ⑤那时候,研究科学的人都________亚里士多德,把这位两千多前的希腊哲学家的话当作不容更改的真理。 二、能力提升 6.句子训练营。 (1)难道你这不是违背人类的真理吗?(改为陈述句) (2)人们把亚里士多德的话当作不容更改的真理。(改为“被”字句) (3)用“是……还是……”造句。 (4)如果伽利略害怕权威,就不会有两个铁球同时着地的真理。(仿写句子)如果花儿害怕________,就不会________。 如果________,就________。 7.选择正确答案的序号填在横线上。 省略号的作用:A.表示说话断断续续;B.表示文中内容的省略;C.表示语意未尽。 ①啊!不,还有毛病……左肩偏了点。________ ②他把地板踩得吱吱响,手不停地挥动……一刻钟过去了,半小时过去了,罗丹越干越有劲,情绪更加激动了。________ ③那欢快的哨声在撩起麦浪的东南风里,传得很远、很远……________


论试卷命题的原则与测量 【摘要】命题出卷是教师的一项常规工作,也是一个综合性工作。命题出卷必须遵循一些基本原则及要求,还有必要运用教育测量学有关方法及指标检验,使得考试真正发挥它的教育和评价功能。 【关健词】命题;难度;区分度;分析 命题出卷是一个基本功,也是教师的一项常规工作。经验式命题出卷做法并没有太多深究:教师仅凭着过去的经验,选、改旧题,或组合新题,“复制粘贴”成试卷。若按考试评价理论来要求,这样的试题试卷可能无法保证质量的可靠性与适用性。为保证考试质量和提高教学水平,充分发挥考试对于教学的积极引导、评价功能,教师在命题出卷时必须遵循一些基本原则,同时还有必要用教育测量方法去完善试题试卷。 一、命题出卷的基本原则 命题是教学评价系统中的一项既重要又严格的基础工作,其制定过程要遵循的基本原则可以简单概括为准确性、合理性、科学性和规范性。 (一)考试标准把握的准确性 考什么,怎么考取决于考试标准,命题就必须严格按照课程教学大纲进行。这不仅意味着考试内容范围和认知层次不能超纲,而且要求各章节认知层次比例、试题难度比例要符合大纲规定。准确把握考试标准的一个重要指标就是试题的认知层次与考核目标的一致性,即所命制的试题的考核目标应准确反映教学大纲规定的考试要求。 (二)试卷结构的合理性 在命题设计时,应科学制定课程命题双向细目表,以体现课程教学大纲的各项具体要求,确保试卷结构的合理性和稳定性。试卷结构主要包括考试内容、认知层次、题型题量和难度分布。课程考试大纲中一般对不同认知层次试题的分值比例、不同难度试题的分值比例以及题型使用有一定的要求,并且指出了重点内容和考核要求。课程命题双向细目表就是将这些要求具体化到一份试卷中,成为指导命题的蓝图。 (三)试题内容的科学性 科学性主要是指试题内容和参考答案没有科学性的错误;试题表述在学术上没有争议,试卷中没有偏、怪题。试题表述简明、用词准确、得当、规范;概念用语及符号表示与课程教学大纲及教材一致。另外,试题的参考答案表述简明、完整、准确、无误;试题评分参考给分点选择恰当,要点或主要步骤分值合适。 (四).试题编制的规范性 在命题过程中,规范性主要体现以下方面: 1.试题编写规范。要求各类试题编制符合该类试题的编写原则。 2.试题命制过程规范。要求命题按规范化的程序进行。 3.试卷、试题答案及评分参考的格式规范。 二、试题测试评价的基本指标及分析 命题工作是一项周密而复杂的创造性劳动,命题过程必须要全面地考虑各种因素,这就需要命题工作按规范程序进行。为了编制出一份符合考试要求、高质量的试卷,教师不仅需要熟悉本学科知识,还要了解有关教育测量理论和方法,通过拟制目标和考查内容之间的双向细目表,测算相应的四度指标,以确保每一


参考答案 1、现场答案采样①态度谦恭。面对别人的赞扬,坚称自己是个普通工作者。 ②专注事业。一生对自己的事业坚持不懈,痴心不改。③著作等身。组织编纂《儒藏》,发表了《郭象与魏晋玄学》等著作。 失误分析忽视题干的限制要求,没有完全扣住“操守”,误将“著作等身”这一本属于汤一介学术成就的信息也归入其中,而将“文化责任感”这一真正属于“操守”的部分忽略了,造成关键点的缺失。扣掉2分,最后得分4分。 正确答案①谦虚的态度:面对外界的褒扬,汤一介称自己只是一名普通的哲学工作者;②执着于事业:汤一介虽然一生历尽磨难,但对自己专注的事业始终痴心不改;③具有强烈的文化责任感:汤一介在世界面前批评美国学者的“文化冲突论”,强调“和而不同”的中国文化理念,弘扬文化共存思想。 2、现场答案采样合理。 ①这样写使得人物形象鲜明。汤一介喜欢孩子,能说明其和善。 ②人物形象更加真实。写他“性格内向”,更接近真实。 ③突出人物形象。不仅写了汤一介的事业,也关注其生活,让读者感觉更为真实。失误分析没有从内容、态度、结构等方面去探究,仅仅从突出人物形象这一个角度探究,表面上分三点回答,其实本质还是一点。扣掉6分,最后得分2分。正确答案合理①丰富了文章内容,大文化操守也表现在汤一介在生活中富有童心、天真率直,与前文写夫妻二人在黑暗的岁月中相濡以沫的温情和乐观的精神相照应;②突出了人物形象,这段内容也是对汤一介形象的丰富,不仅写他的事业,也关注其生活,从而更加让人觉得亲切;③结构安排上将大梦想和小生活相互对比映衬,给文章结构带来了一种跌宕起伏的效果,更引人入胜。(言之成理即可) 3、解析A项,“史学家们低估了中国战场的作用”错误,文中说的是“在西方的二战研究中,中国战场的作用是被低估的”。B项,“在中国反法西斯格局中重新评价中国的抗战”错误,应该是“在全球反法西斯格局中重新评价中国的抗战”。E项,说法错误,记者的提问十分注重相关的背景介绍,比如第一个问题,先表述米特的观点,然后询问西方对中国在二战中的作用的看法,目的很明确,没有让对方猜测问题。 答案答C给3分,答D给2分,答A给1分;答B、E不给分


2016年春季学期高二英语周测试题(二) (本卷满分:150分考试时间:120分钟 ) 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How does the man come here? A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By car. 2. Why isn’t Helen present? A. She forgot to come. B. She changed her decision. C. She wasn’t invited. 3. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Mother and son. C. Doctor and patient. 4. What’s the man’s job? A. A shop assistant. B. A tailor. C. A salesman. 5. What does the man mean? A. He can’t go to the cinema. B. He can go to the cinema on Saturday morning. C. He can go to the cinema on Saturday evening. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. When will the man go on holiday? A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In winter. 7. Where is the man going? A. Switzerland. B. Italy. C. Austria. 请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What is the man? A. A businessman. B. A salesman. C. A scientist. 9. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. On a train. B. On a bus. C. On a plane. 10. Why is the woman traveling? A. She is traveling on holiday. B. She is traveling on business. C. She is traveling to give some lectures. 请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. Why is the woman calling? A. To buy a table. B. To book a table. C. To serve lunch. 12. When does this restaurant stop serving lunch?


2019-2020学年度第一学期 一年级数学第13周周末作业 班级______ 姓名______ 评价______ 一、填空。 1、18的个位是(),表示()个一,十位是(),表示()个十。 2、19读作:()二十写作:() 3、20里面有()个一。20里面有()个十。 4、6个一和1个十组成的数是()。 5、分针指向12,时针指向3,这时是()时。 6、钟面上有()个大格。 7、分针和时针重叠在一起时是()时。 8、13前面的数是(),16后面的数是()。 9、17-7=(),17叫做(),7叫做(),差是()。 10、排队做操时,小红排第10,小明排第16,他们之间有()人。 二、在()里填上合适的数。 12+()=19 18 -()=10 ()+3=13 14 -()=4 ()+0 = 11 5+()=19 三、我会比,在○里填上“>”“<”“=”。

13 3 10+ 4 14 11+ 5 10+6 10 20 18-8 8 17-10 10+2 四、看钟面填时间。 时时时 ::: 五、小动物过河。 六、看图写算式。 □○□=□ □○□=□□○□=□ □○□=□ □○□=□ □○□=□ 10颗

□○□=□ 请家长对学生作业完成情况进行评定(用“√”选择): 学生作业完成的写字姿势:(①端正②一般③差) 学生作业完成的态度:(①积极②拖拉③不愿做) 学生作业完成的质量:(①非常好②良好③一般④差) 家长签名: 2019-2020学年度第一学期 一年级数学第17周周末作业 班级______ 姓名______ 评价______ 一、填空。 1、7时整时针指着(),分针指着()。 2、13和20之间有()个数。 3、14后面的第1个数是(),14后面第4个数是()。 4、计算14-3+8=(),应先算(),再算()。 5、个位上是6,十位上是1,这个数写作(),读作()。 6、18中的“8”在()位上,表示()个一,“1”在()位上,表示()个十。 7、按算式的得数从小到大排一排。 8+3 19-7 13+4 10-5 18-8 ()<()<()<()<()8


初中英语试题命制的基本要求.txt再过几十年,我们来相会,送到火葬场,全部烧成灰,你一堆,我一堆,谁也不认识谁,全部送到农村做化肥。初中毕业生英语学科学业考试命题指导课改实验区初中毕业生英语学业考试命题指导项目组 1997年,教育部基础教育司组织专家,就义务教育课程实施状况对9个省(市) 的16 000 多名学生、2 000 多名校长、教师进行了抽样调查。调查结果显示,初中毕业、升学考试对教师的教学行为、教师布置作业的内容与数量、学生的学习方式等都有重大的影响。调查结论认为,当时的考试评价制度存在着较大问题,严重制约了学生的全面发展,甚至影响到青少年的身心健康,已成为实施素质教育的瓶颈。为解决这一问题,教育部基础教育司在研究新的课程方案的同时,采取了一系列措施进行中考改革。 1998 年4 月,教育部基础教育司下发了《关于中考语文考试改革试点工作的指导意见》,在江苏省苏州市、湖北省荆门市、福建省莆田市、山东省烟台市、吉林省辽源市、上海市闽行区、北京市顺义县等七个地区进行初中毕业、升学语文考试改革试点。以语文学科初中毕业、升学考试改革为突破口,拉开了全国初中毕业、升学考试改革的帷幕。 1999 年和2000 年,教育部基础教育司两次下发《关于初中毕业、升学考试改革的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》),提出了初中毕业、升学考试改革应符合国家的教育方针,体现义务教育的性质和素质教育的要求,推动了全国范围内的初中毕业及升学考试改革。1999 年,教育部基础教育司组建了“全国初中毕业、升学考试评价课题组”,从1999~2003 年连续五年对各地的初中毕业、升学考试进行分学科的评价,并于2000 年、2001 年、2003 年三次组织全国命题单位的研修培训,对命题、审题、阅卷和试卷评价等问题进行了深入的研讨。 2002 年12 月,经国务院同意,教育部下发了《关于积极推进中小学评价与考试制度改革的通知》,提出了新课程背景下全面推进中小学评价与考试制度改革的行动纲领和


六年级语文上第六周测试卷 一、基础知识 (一)根据拼音写词语。 fèn zhàn pān dēng huìjíjiǎn yuèfěn shēn suìgǔ ()()()()() lǐmào chóu yuàn rì kóu xǐ yuèjīng tiān dòng dì ()()()()() (二)选择题 1、下列加点字注音错误最少一项是() A. 抡.拳(lún)擎.着(qínɡ)飘拂.(fó)围歼.(qiān) B. 旗帜.(chì)电钮.(liǔ)诞.生(dàn)沉着.(zhuó) C. 拧.开(nǐn g)雹.子(báo)坠.落(zhuì)政.(zhèn)府 D.外宾.(bīng)黑魆魆 ..(qū)绷.紧(bēng)岷.山(mǐn) 2、下列词语错别字最多的一项是() A. 悔辱壮列众志城成全神贯注 B.跳望俭阅热血沸腾心弛神往 C. 蕴育绿茵芳香馥郁崭钉截铁 D.毫迈磅薄无微不致千均一发 3、下列加点词解释不正确的一项是() A.硕大无朋.(比) 翠色欲.(将要)流 B.粉身碎.骨(破碎)擎.着红旗(往上托,举) C.顾影自怜.(怜惜) 居高临.(来到)下 D.路转溪桥见.(出现) 月近.人(亲近) 4、下面四字词语使用不恰当的一项是() A.妈妈俯下身子盯着我的眼睛,窃窃私语 ....:“你的眼睛怎么肿了?” B.我漫步在公园里,似乎听到了盛开的腊梅花在喃喃自语 ....:“零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故” C.“我还有作业没完成,不能和你一起打篮球了。”我婉言谢绝 ....了伙伴的邀请。 D.一看到他的作品,我不禁脱口而出 ....:“好一幅苍松傲雪图啊!” 5、下面关于路名、地名或人名的拼写,完全正确的一项是() A.颛桥路 ZHUANQIAOLU 李峰 LI FENG B.西湖 XI Hu 赵如辉Zhao Ru Hui C.驸马府 FU MAFU 欧阳修 Ou Yangxiu D. 楚州大道 CHUZHOU DADAO 张怡雪 Zhang Yixue 6、对下列句子运用的修辞手法判断有误的一项是() A.金沙水拍云崖暖,大渡桥横铁索寒。(对偶) B.芝麻粒儿大的事,不必放在心上。(夸张) C.月盘是那样明亮,月光是那样柔和……(排比) D.把酒话桑麻。(借代) 7、下列没有语病的一项是() A.网上“晒旅游”本身是积极向上的,但要有度,不要有攀比或骄傲。 B.为了防止这类交通事故再发生,我们制定了交通安全管理措施. C.人民热烈欢迎凯旋归来的女排队员。 D.我永远不会忘记老师耐心地纠正并指出我学习中问题的情景。


红河州2018年中小学教学质量监测 高二英语试题卷 (全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman do probably? A. A repair worker. B. A customer. C. A waitress. 2.How does the man feel now? A. Sick. B. Stressed. C. Worried. 3.How much should the woman pay? A. $25. B. $20. C. $5. 4.What’s the man doing? A. Watching TV. B. Doing exercises. C. Singing a song. 5. Who took the ball? A. The man’s brother. B. The woman. C. The man’s friend. 高二英语试题卷·第1页(共12页)


第十三周英语听说练习 Good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining our __1___ today. We are now ___2____ Union Square. This square ____3____ became a public park in 1861 and is a famous place for public ___4____. Of course, around Union Square are all of San Francisco' s ___5___ shops and department stores. We are now ___6___ up Powell Street and up here, on the ___7___ of Nob Hill, you can see the ___8___ Fairmont Hotel . . . the place where ___9___ and kings stay when they' re in San Francisco. ____10___ from the Fairmont Hotel is the ___11___ Grace Cathedral . . . It was ___12___ in 1928 and was ___13___ after the Notre Dame ___14___ in Paris. And if you look ____15____ ahead, ___16____ the hill, you can see a lovely ___17___ of the San Francisco ___18___, and the ____19___ Gate Bridge off in the ____20___. 答案: 第一空: tour 第二空: leaving 第三空: officially 第四空: gatherings 第五空: major 第六空: heading 第七空: top 第八空: luxurious 第九空: presidents 第十空: Across 第十一空: majestic 第十二空: built 第十三空: modeled 第十四空: Cathedral 第十五空: straight


讲 文 明 迎 世 博 七中育才初2021届数学第六周周测试题 命题人:陆恒 李洋 审题人:冯婷 班级 姓名 学号 分数 A 卷(100分) 一、选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1. 如果某数的相反数为-2,则这个数是( ) A . ±2 B . 2 C . -2 D . 不存在 2.-3.782是( ) A .负数,不是分数 B .不是分数,是有理数 C .负数,也是分数 D .分数,不是有理数 3.下列哪个图形不能拼成一个正方体的表面( ) (A ) (B) (C) (D) 4.若-a 不是负数,那么a 一定是( ) A.负数 B.正数 C.正数或零 D.负数或零 5.已知a 、b 互为相反数,m 、n 互为倒数,那么3 a b ++ mn 的值为( ) A .1 B . 31 C .1 3 - D . 1- 6. 已知a=-5,|a|=|b|,则b 等于( ) A.+5 B.-5 C.0 D.+5或-5 7、已知5个有理数的积是负数,其中有一个因数是1,那么这五个因数中,还应有正因数的个数为( ) A. 1 B. 2或4 C.5 D.1和3 8.若有理数a 、b 在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,则正确的是( ) A. b >|-a| B. |a| >-b C.-b >a D. |a| >|-b| 9. 如图是每个面上都有一个汉字的正方体的一种展开图,那么在 正方体的表面上,与“明”相对的面上的汉字是 ( ) A .文 B .迎 C .世 D .博 10.下面说法正确的有( ) (1)互为相反数的两数的绝对值相等; (2)一个数的绝对值等于本身,这个数不是负数; (3)若|m|>m,则m<0; (4)若|a|>|b|,则a>b. A.(1)(2)(3) B. (1)(2)(4) C. (1 )( 3)( 4) D. (2)(3)(4)


高二英语周测试题(一) (本卷满分:150分考试时间:120分钟 ) 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Why is the man’s friend’s English hard to understand? A. She didn’t receive much education. B. She comes from India. C. She h asn’t learned English long enough. 2. Why doesn’t the woman want to go to work? A. She doesn’t like the job. B. She is ill. C. It’s too cold. 3. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A dictionary. B. A bookshop. C. Their hobbies. 4. What will the man do? A. Turn down the radio. B. Turn off the radio. C. Turn on the radio. 5. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. Mother and son. C. Husband and wife. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白, 选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is the man still in the office? A. He wants to type a letter. B. He has to clean the floor. C. He is waiting for the woman. 7. What will the man do this evening? A. See a film with Mary. B. Go shopping with Mary. C. See a play with the woman. 请听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What do the two speakers want to do? A. See a film. B. Have supper. C. Go dancing. 9. Why won’t the two speakers go there on foot? A. The man is too tired and hungry. B. The woman is too tired and hungry. C. It is too far. 10. How will the two speakers go there in the end? A. By bike. B. By taxi. C. By bus.


第十三周周末作业 姓名: 学号: (一)基础知识 1、下列加点字注音有错的一项是()C A.迁徙(xǐ) 棘(jí)手媲(pì)美挑衅(xìn) B.缄(jiān)默贪婪(lán) 徘徊(huái) 干涸(hé) C.狩(shǒu)猎哂(shěn)笑啮(niè)齿戈壁 (gē) D.牟(móu)取铆(mǎo)钉笃(dǔ)信咫尺(zhǐ) 2、下列词语中无错别字的一项是()(A) A.任劳任怨缄默胸有成竹 B.自不量力雾蔼鼠目寸光 C.苍海桑田迁徒相辅相成 D.前仆后继箫瑟目空一切 3、下列句中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是()A A、《汉书·西域传》记载36国在欧亚大陆的广阔腹地,画出的(无边无垠) .....的绿色长廊,夏季走入这里与置身江南无异。 B、翻开有关西域的历史书籍,你会惊异 ..于罗布泊的热闹繁华。 C、罗布泊很快与广阔无垠的塔克拉玛干大沙漠浑然一体 ....。 D、我们只得钻出汽车,将目光投向近在咫尺 ....的罗布泊。 4、下列句子没有语病的一项是()(C) A.不知为什么今天来看足球赛的人数比上次几乎少了一倍。 B.中学生是打好知识基础的重要阶段。 C.谁也不会否认李老师的讲课水平在全校是出类拔萃的。 D.桂林的阳春三月更加显示出这个美丽的旅游城市。 5、依次填入下面文字横线处的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是()(A) 爱雨的人是不想躲开雨的,让那清凉的雨丝,,让那安闲的雨丝,让那多情的雨丝,让那无声的雨丝,。 ①抹去你思维上的俗②诉说你心中的爱③洗去你心灵上的尘④拨动你的心底的 弦 A、③①④② B、①②③④ C、①③②④ D、③④②① (二)文言文 至于负者歌于途,行者休于树,前者呼,后者应,伛偻提携,往来而不绝者,滁人游也。临溪而渔,溪深而鱼肥,酿泉为酒,泉香而酒冽,山肴野蔌,杂然而前陈者,太守宴也。宴酣之乐,非丝非竹,射者中,奕者胜,觥筹交错,起坐而喧哗者,众宾欢也。苍颜白发,颓然乎其间者,太守醉也。 已而夕阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。树林阴翳,鸣声上下,游人去而禽鸟乐也。 然而禽鸟知山林之乐,而不知人之乐;人知从太守游之乐,而不知太守之乐其乐也。醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也。太守谓谁?庐陵欧阳修也。 6.下面加点的词语,用法不同的一项是:()。(B) A.禽鸟知山林之.乐,而不知人之.乐 B.已而.夕阳在山游人去而.禽鸟乐 C.负者歌于.途,行者休于.树 D.颓然乎.其间者在乎.山水之间也


新郑市基础教育教研室考试命题要求与建议 一、考试命题的十项原则和要求 1.考试命题要以各学科《课程标准》为依据,体现基础性原则、发展性原则、科学性原则、时代性原则、开放性原则、规范性原则,力求全面考查学生课程目标的达成状况——立足全面性、注重代表性、体现导向性。 2.考试命题要注重对学生基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动经验和学习能力的考查,注重考察学生对知识的理解和应用,特别是在具体情境中综合运用能力,即具体情境下分析问题和解决问题的能力。 3.考试命题要充分考虑学生的实际生活和身心发展水平,增加开放的、联系社会、接触生活的试题,体现人文关怀,以利于学生适应社会、适应生活,不出偏、难、怪题。 4.考试命题要涵盖教学进度内或学期(学年)内80%以上的知识点(知识体系或知识板块)。 5.题目设置要有一定的区分度,起点适当,坡度适宜,要有利于各种程度的学生都能考出自己的水平。 6.恰当把握试题难度,抽测试题难度控制在0.8-09之间,期中或期末考试题难度控制在之间0.7-0.8之间,学科竞赛试题难度控制在0.4-0.5之间。 7.试题的题量要适中,以80%以上的学生能够在规定时间内从容完成并有充裕时间再度审查为宜。 8.提倡原创或自编题目,选编或引进题目的来源应在五套资料(试卷)以上。 9.多渠道、多方位发现、搜集和整理命题素材和资料,尝试建立各学科试题库,逐步实现考试命题的规范化、科学化和信息化。 10.做好考后意见反馈、考试数据收集和分析工作,及时发现命题工作中的不足,认真反思,设法改进,不断提高命题质量。 二、试卷的编制程序 命题工作是一项周密而复杂的创造性劳动,命题过程必须要全面地考虑各种因素,这就需要命题工作按规范程序进行,明确并掌握命题程序的各项要求,才能编制出一份符合考试要求、高质量的试卷。试卷的编制程序主要分为:确定考试目标、制定命题细目表、编选试题、组配成卷、试卷难度预测、试答全部试题、制定标准答案和评分细则七个步骤。 1.确定考试目标 考试目标是试卷编制的出发点和归宿,具有导向和制约功能,它可以根据教学目标,结合不同的测试目的、内容范围、时间限制加以确定。 考试目标包括考试内容、考查目的和各种量化指标(例如,试卷难度系数、考试及格率、优秀率、平均分等)。 2.制定双向细目表 在认真阅读《课程标准》、教材内容等相关内容的基础上,根据考试目标和《课程标准》的要求,依据教学内容和教学目标,制定出命题及制卷的具体计划,这个计划应包括测试内容(知识、能力)、题量、题型、时限、不同知识点所考查的学习水平以及所占的比例等各个方面的具体内容,并用命题双向细目表的形式反映出来。 命题双向细目表要依据《课程标准》规定的考试内容、考试范围和教科书中涉及的各项知识所要求掌握的程度来确定试题的分布范围、难易程度、重点、难点,要全面反映考试内容,保证试卷对考试内容的覆盖率,对试题的数量以及难度比例的确定要适当,既要考虑大部分学生考试成绩达标,又要考虑不同水平学生的成绩能拉开距离。


六年级语文第六周周测试 一、选择题(15分,每小题3分) 1、下列加点字读音完全正确的一组是() A磅.礴(páng )直奔.(bèn)灯盏.(zhǎn)屹.立(yì) B冰雹.(báo)隆.重(lóng )围歼.(qiān)瞻.仰(zhān) C山崖.(yá)绷.紧(bēng)磨.盘(mò)擎.着(qíng) 2下列字形书写完全正确的一组是() A汇集协商全神贯注千军一发 B次序爆发斩钉绝铁粉身碎骨 C旗帜豪迈居高临下排山倒海 3下列句子运用的修辞手法与其他两句不同的项是( ) A.会场响起了一阵雷鸣般的掌声。 B芝麻粒儿大的事不必放在心上。 C美丽的彩虹就像一座七彩的桥高挂在秋后的天空。 4、下列加点的四字词语使用不当的一项是() A五位战士为了完成掩护任务,即使粉身碎骨 ....也在所不惜。 B战斗开始了,我军以排山倒海 ....的气势扑向敌人。 C,广场上飘扬着五颜六色 ....的红旗。 5,下列句子中人物说话时不用说来表达,表述有误的一项是() A,妈妈俯下身子,盯着我的眼睛,窃窃私语:“你的眼睛怎么肿了?” B,“我的作业还没有完成,不能和你一起去玩了。”我婉言谢绝了伙伴的邀请。C,元宵节的早上,我慢慢地走在公园里,似乎听到了盛开的腊梅花在喃喃自语:“零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。” 二、根据所学内容填空。(7分) 1、曹植抒发报国之志的诗句是,。2我一定勤勤恳恳,不辞劳苦,小心谨慎地办事,为国家大事用尽我的力量,一直到死为止,这正是诸葛亮所说的“,” 3、陆游的““”成了后世许多忧国忧民的寒索之士,用以自警自励的名言。 4、《六月二十七日望湖楼醉书》中写天气由骤雨到晴朗转变之快的诗句是 ,。 二、按要求完成句子练习。(6分) 1、在天安门璀璨的华灯下面,我又想起这位亲爱的战友来。(缩句) 2、突然,他凑到我的耳边轻轻地问:“记者,你见过电灯吗?”(改为间接叙述)


2016---17学年上学期期末考试 高二英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟总分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷(满分100分) 第一部分听力理解 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What do we learn from the conversation? A. There will be a math exam tomorrow. B. Today is the man’s birthday. C. The man doesn’t like math exams. 2. What colour is the woman’s dress? A. Blue. B. White. C. Black. 3. When did the man’s daughter set a new world record? A. In 1999. B. In 2005. C. In 2009. 4. What does the man mean? A. He moved the desk alone. B. He had some classmates move the desk.

C. His classmates helped him move the desk. 5. What time is it now? A: 3:10. B: 3:15. C. 4:10. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who might the man be? A. A waiter. B. The woman’s friend. C. The woman’s husband. 7. Where was the wallet found? A. In the restroom. B. At the cash desk. C. On the table. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What are those children like? A. Shy. B. Active. C. Selfish. 9. Why does the woman have to leave? A. Because her children are ill. B. Because her parents are in poor health. C. Because her friends made her leave. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What happened to the man? A. He got up late in the morning. B. He stayed up all night reading. C. He felt asleep while reading.
