



1. some of them think that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.

2. Some of the students point out that it is good to start learning English from childhood.

3. Some of them hold the idea that it is necessary to start learning English at an early age.

4. Their point of view is that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.

5. In those people‘s opinion,it is good to start learning English at ah early age.

6. Some of them argue that it is a good idea to start learning English from childhood.


1. Some of them agree with the idea that English learning should start early I childhood.

2. Some of them are for the idea that English learning should start early in childhood.

3. Some students think that it is right to start learning English from childhood.

4. Some students think it is a good idea to learn English from a young age.

5. Some students consider it reasonable to learn English from childhood.【reasonable adj. 合理的;有道理的】

6. Some people are in favor of learning English from a young age.

7. Some of them approve of the idea that it is good to start learning English from childhood.

【approve of:赞成;满意】

8. Some students think that there is something to the notion that English learning should start at a young age. 【notion n. 观念;想法】


1. Some of them don‘t think that it is a good idea to start learning English at an early age.

2. Other students are opposed to the idea that children should start learning English at a young age.

3. Other students don‘t think it is suitable for the children to start learning English at a young age.

4.Some of them are against the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.

5. Other students disapprove of the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.

【disapprove of :反对】

6.Other students disagreed with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.

7.But others do not agree with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.

8. Some of the students would not like to give their support to the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.


新经典句型 1.他刚一入住宾馆就过来看我。 ①He came around to see me immediately/the moment he checked in the hotel. ②Hardly/Scarcely had he checked in the hotel when he came around to see me. ③No sooner had he checked in the hotel than he came around to see me. He had no sooner checked in the hotel than he came around to see me. 2.我还没来得及阻止他,他就已经跑掉了。 He ran off before I could stop him. 3.要过很久我们才能见面。 It will be long before we meet again. 4.一旦你已经决定了要干什么事情,就应该把它做好。 Once you have decided to do something, you should do it well. 5.自从他离开南京以来,我就没收到过他的信。 I haven’t heard from him since he left/ lived in Nanjing. 6.我大学毕业已经八年了。 It is eight years since I graduated from university. 7.他戒烟已经三年了。 It is three years since he smoked. 8.孩子们直到父亲回来才去睡觉。 The children didn’t go to bed until their father came back. Not until their father came back did the children go to bed. (倒装句) It was not until their father came back that the children went to bed. (强调句) 9.当你过马路的时候,你必须小心。 When you cross the road, you must be careful. 10.当我在做作业的时候,奶奶睡着了。 While I was doing my homework, my grandma fell asleep. 11. 当她从公共汽车上下来的时候,他看见她了。 He saw her as she was getting off the bus. (as从句中的动词无特殊要求) 12.随着时间的推移,他对他的工作厌烦了。 As time goes on/With time going on, he is tired of his work. 13.我正在街上走着,这时我看见了一家裁缝店。 I was walking along the street when I caught sight of a tailor’s shop. 14.我正要离开,这时天突然下起了雨。 I was about to leave when it began to rain. 15.我刚做完作业,这时电话响了。


1) 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of …too much.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。)例如:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 2)There is no need for sb to do sth.\ for sth.(某人没有必要做……),例如:There is no need for you to bring more food. 不需你拿来更多的食物了。 3)By +doing…,主语can …. (借着……,……能够……),例如:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 4) …enable + sb.+ to + do…. (……使……能够……),例如:Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed. 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。 5) On no account can we + do…. (我们绝对不能……),例如:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 6) What will happen to sb.? (某人将会怎样?), 例如:What will happen to the orphan? 那个孤儿将会怎样? 7)For the past + 时间,主语+ 现在完成式…. (过去……年来,……一直……)例如: For the past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination. 过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。 8)It pays to + do….(……是值得的。)例如:It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。 9)主语+ be based on….(以……为基础),例如:The progress of thee society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。 10)主语+ do one’s best to do….(尽全力去……),例如:We should do our best to achieve our goal in life.我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标


高中英语书面表达经典句型 一用于驳斥和比较的常用句型 In general, I don’t agree with… There is no doubt that… What is more serious is that… Besides, we should not neglect that… The chief reason why…is that… But the problem is not so simple. Therefore… 二用于描写数据的常用句型 The table shows a three times increase over that of last year. It has increased by three times compared with that of 1998. There is an increase of 20% in total this year. The number is five times as much as that of 200. Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent. 三.解释原因,分析影响的常用句型 1. It can be easily proved that… 3. To take…as an example… 4. No one can deny that… 5. The change in…largely results from the fact that… 6. As everyone knows,… 7. It can be expressed as follows: 8. The chief reason is t hat… 四.有关文章,段落起始的常用句型 1. As the proverbs says, 2. with the rapid growth of our economy/transportation system /heavy industry/modern agriculture/private enterprises/population/market econom y 3. With the rapid growing popularity of Internet surfing /computers /cars in China, the quality of our lives is improving for the better. 4. With the rapid development of science and technology /electronic industry /information indust ry /higher education…an increasing number of people come to know that… 5. The government is /We are seriously concerned with drug abuse /widespread corruption /orga nized crimes / high unemployment rate… 6. Recently the issue of…has been brought to public attention. /Now people in growing number are coming to realize that… 7. It is quite clear that…because… 8. It goes without saying that…/Generally speaking…/It is often said that… 五.有关文章和段落结尾的常用句型 1. From this point of view, we can see… 2. Without computer /cell phones /cars /Internet, it would be difficult to imagine modern life. 3. In a word /In conclusion /To sum up… 4. Thus, this is the reason why we must…/It is obvious that we must… 5. It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on… 6. I want to do /be…not only because…but also because… 7. Let us work hand in hand to do… 六.用于论证和说明的常用句型 1. It is described that… 2. It has been illustrated… 3. A recent investigation indicates that… 4. According to a latest study, it can be concluded that…


常用的英语口语句型 浏览:364|更新:2013-06-06 16:10 1. According to…依照/根据…….According to the newspaper, it's a great movie.根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影. 2. Am I allowed to…我可以……吗Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗 3. As matter of fact,…实际上……,…….As matter of fact,I don't agree with you.实际上,我不大同意你的看法. 4.As far as I'm concerned/…就我而言,…….As far as I'm concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety ofschoolchildren.就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题. 5.As far as I know,...据我所知,…….As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong.据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错. 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,…….As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe theyface the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider.正如我刚才提到过的,任何人都不应该辍学,除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样,他们还需反复思量. 7. As I see it,…在我看来,…….As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选. 8. As is known to us all, ...众所周知,……As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia.众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一. 9. As long as...只要….As long as we work together, we can make the impossible possible.只要我们一起努力,我们就能把不可能变为可能. 10.But for...若不是因为……./如果没有…….But for your generous help, we couldn't have finished the work so soon.如果没有你的鼎力相助,我们不可能这么快完成工作的. 11.Can you believe (that)...你相信……吗Can you believe (that) this excellent song was composed by a high schoolstudent你相信这首美妙的歌曲是出自一个高中生之手吗 12.Can you imagine...你能想像……吗Can you imagine how she lived through all these difficulties你能想像她是怎么捱过种种困难的吗 13.Could you please explain...你能解释一下……吗Could you please explain why you didn't come to the meeting yesterday你能解释一下为什么昨天没来开会吗


十个经典句型 选择类经典句))1. leave sb the choice of ... or ... 要么…,要么… (选择类经典句 Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission. 敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。 The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor. 年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。 2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事(使动类经典句 使动类经典句)) If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。 回忆类经典句))3. it was the memory / memories of 追溯到… (回忆类经典句 Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development. 追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。 It was the memory of 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered from the attacks of atomic bomb, from which originated the term of "Zero Ground". 追溯到1945年广岛和长崎遭受原子弹攻击,从而形成了“零地带”这个术语。 4. on the premise / ground / prerequisite / proposition / 假设类经典句))hypothesis / presuposition that 基于一个前提… (假设类经典句 The Chinese declared to implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China. 中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。


备考学习资料 一、~~~the + ~ est + 名词 +(that)+ 主词 + have ever + seen 1 (known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 +(that)+ 主词2 + have ever + seen(known/heard/had/read, etc) 3 Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 4 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 5 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 6 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 7 Yao Ming is the tallest basketball player that I have ever seen. 8 姚明是我所见过的最高的篮球运动员 9 Liu Xiang is the most hardworking sportsman that I have ever seen. 10 刘翔是我所见过的最勤奋的运动员。 11 二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V 12 Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V 13 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 14 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 15 Nothing is more important than to potect our environment. 16 没有什么比环保更重要的事。 17 Nothing is more important than to gain knowledge. 18 没有什么比学习知识更重要的事。 19


高中英语书面表达常用高级句型大全 一.定语从句 1.As is known to us , 众所周知…… 2.What is known to us is that众所周知…… 3.The reason why… is that…某人做某事的原因是因为 4. As is often the case,通常情况下…… 5. As an old saying goes, 俗话说的好…… 6.As sb put it,正如某人所说 二.状语从句 1.When it comes to sb/sth , 一谈到/当提到 2.As far as I am concerned,就我个人而言 3.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成 4. From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来……也许更好 5. As the modern society develops/advances, 随着现代社会的发展/进步 people are attaching much importance to人们越来越重视…… the mobile phone is playing an important role in our daily life.手机在我们日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。 6. The+比较级…,the +比较级越…就越… The harder you study, the more progress you will make. 三.名词性从句 1. There's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认…… There is no doubt that …… 2. Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要…… 3. It goes without saying that... 不言而喻…… 4. What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是…… 5. It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说…… 6. It has to be noticed that... 必须注意到的是…… 7. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信…… 8. It is commonly/generally/widely/universally believed /held/accepted/recognized that…通常/普遍认为…… 9. I am firmly convinced that …我相信 It is my belief that… I hold the belief that… I have no doubt that… 10. What impresses me most is that…给我印象最深的是 11. What I want to stress is that…我想强调的是 12. I would appreciate it if you could do me a favor to do如果……我将不甚感激 offer me a chance to do take …into consideration


英语口语常用句子PART 1 1. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 2. I’m very disappointed. 真让我失望。 3. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 4. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 5. Leave me alone. 走开。 6. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 7. That’s terrible. 真糟糕! 8. Enough is enough! 够了够了! 9. Don't count on me.别指望我。 10. Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 11. What should I do? 我该怎么办? 12. What a good deal! 真便宜! 13. It’s a long story.说来话长。 14. It’s Sunday today.今天是星期 15. Just wait and see! 等着瞧! 16. Make up your mind.做个决定

17. What day is today? 今天星期几? 18. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一 19. Don't let me down.别让我失望。 20. Speak louder,please.说话请大声点 21. Make yourself at home.请不要拘礼。 22. What a nice day it is! 今天天气真好! 23. I will never forget it.我会记着的。 24. He is looking for a job他正在找工作。 25. I get up at six o'clock.我六点起床。 26. Don't let me down!别让我失望! 27. Are you satisfied with your job? 你对你的工作满意吗? 28. Can't you speak louder? 你就不能说大声点吗? 29. Could you tell me what time it is? 你能告诉我现在几点了吗? 30. Do you know what happened? 你知道发生什么事了吗?


1. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world. 在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。 同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible)for sb. to do sth. 2. The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make. 你工作越努力你取得的进步就越大。 (1)The+比较级..., the+比较级... (2)比较级+and+比较级(The world is getting smaller and smaller.) 3. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。 类似的句型还有:If necessary…, they can… 4. The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday. 记忆新单词最好的方法是每天操练这些单词。 5. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic 我的家庭气氛温馨和睦。 6. The reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful. 人们为什么选择生活在城市的原因是因为城市的生活更方便、更多彩。 7. I had a great first impression of American people. 我对美国人民有了很好的第一印象。 8. We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem. 我们对自己解决问题的能力有足够的信心。 9. With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work. 随着现代科技的迅速发展,互联网已经成为生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。 10. You should read as many books as you possibly can. 大家应该尽可能的多读书。 11. China is becoming more and more prosperous beca use of the reform and “opening up” policy.



高考英语作文高分句型 一、开头句型: far as ...is concerned 就……而言 goes without saying that... 不言而喻,... can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说...... the proverb says,正如谚语所说的, has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,... 's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为... 's likely that ... 这可能是因为... 's hardly that... 这是很难的...... 's hardly too much to say that... 它几乎没有太多的说... calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是 's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是… 's far more important is that... 更重要的是… 二、衔接句型 case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是... is often the case...由于通常情况下... stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述 the problem is not so simple. Therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以…… it's a pity that... 但遗憾的是…


1 Greetings I haven't seen you around lately. What are you up to 最近没看到你,忙什么呢 I just stopped by to say hello. 我只是顺道过来打个招呼。 It's fancy meeting you here. 真没想到在这儿见到你。 2 Introduction I'm afraid I didn't catch your name 我没听清你的名字。 》 I've heard a lot about you. 久仰大名。 3 Invitation Could we have the honor of your present at the party 可否请您光临我们的宴会 4 Appointment Let's make a date to go shopping this Saturday. 让我们约好这周六去逛街。 He won't be able to make your meeting this evening. 他今晚无法与您会面了。 , He'll give you a call then to make another appointment. 他会给你打电话再约时间。 5 Help Can you cover for me on Tuesday 周二能不能帮我代个班 If we can be of any help, please don’t hesitate tell us. 如果用得上我们,请不要客气。 I'm sorry to have take up so much of your time. 非常抱歉占用了你这么多时间。 He asked me to attend the meeting for him. | 他叫我代他出席会议。 6 Compliments Last night it was hard to recognize him, he was dressed to kill. 昨晚我简直就认不出是他,他打扮得超帅。 Because he finally got a date with that blond he's admired for so long.


英语五种基本句型 构成句子成分有主语、谓语动词、表语、宾语、宾语补足语等主要结构。英语句子有长有短,有简有繁,似乎千变万化,难以捉摸,但其实都是五种基本句型变化而来。所有英语句子都可以看成是这五种基本句型的扩大、组合、省略或倒装。因此掌握这五大句型,是掌握其他各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语句子依其组合方式可分为以下五种基本句型,句子成分的表示法为:S:Subject(主语), V:Verb(动词),O:Object(宾语), IO : Indirect Object(间接宾语), DO: Direct Object(直接宾语), P:Predicative(表语), OC:Object Complement(宾语补足语)。 所谓及物动词就是动词有动作的对象,某个动作针对动作的承受者某个人或物而进行;所谓不及物动词就是指动词没有动作的承受者,即没有动作对象。 五种基本句型见下表(S=主,V=谓,O=宾,P=表,IO=间宾,DO=直宾,OC=宾补):种类句型例句 第1种S+V We work. (不及物) 第2种S+V+O He plays the piano.(及物) 第3种S+V+P We are students.(系动词) 第4种S+V+IO+DO She gave me a pen.(及物) 第5种S+V+O+OC He made the boy laugh.(及物) 一、第1种句型:S+V(主语+不及物动词) Birds fly.鸟飞。 主语+谓语(不及物动词) He runs in the park.他在公园里跑。 主语+谓语+地点状语(不及物动词) 此句型是“主语+不及物动词”构成句子的主体部分。因为是不及物动词,后面当然不能带宾语了,但是可以有状语来修饰。例如上面例句中的in the park就是地点状语。 Class begins.(begin在句中是不及物动词)上课了。 We begin our class at eight.我们八点钟开始上课。 该句则属于第2种句型,begin在句中是及物动词,由此可见有些动词既可作及物动词也可以作不及物动词。 常见不及物动词(必背!):sleep睡觉walk步行swim游泳happen/take place发生go去come来work工作laugh笑sta呆在…arrive到达 二、第2种句型:S+V+O(主语+及物动词+宾语) My father read the book.我父亲读过那本书。 主语谓语(及物动词) 宾语 注意:有些不及物动词后面加上介词就可把它看成一个及物动词短语,后面就可以加宾语了。 You must listen to me.你必须听我的。 (Listen是不及物动词。但加上to之后,listen to可以看成一个及物动词。)可以带宾语的动词是及物动词,可以充当宾语的有名词、代词、不定式、动名词及宾语从句等。 She likes English.她喜欢英语。(名词作宾语)


考研英语作文:77个高级句式 1、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。 2、Love is a carefully designed lie. 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。 3、Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。 4、Fading is true while flowering is past. 凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去。 5、hy I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of... 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我。W 6、If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars. 如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。 7、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered . 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 8、I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix? 宁愿笑著流泪,也不哭著说后悔心碎了,还需再补吗? 9、There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away.天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过。 10、hen a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt. 当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害。 11、When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However,we must think about whether they are deserved of


补充:英语写作常用句型: 句子写的好坏,是文章写作成败的关键。以下一些惯用句型,实用性较强。 一。开头句型: 1.As far as…is concerned,…就……而论 When it comes to sth/doing sth. 当谈论到…… 1)As far as the role of information in the future is concerned, I believe that information will play a more and more important part in people’s decision-making. 2)As far as what was mentioned above is concerned, how can we ignore the advantages travelling brings forth? 就前面所提及的而言,我们怎么可以忽视旅游带来的裨益呢? 2.It goes without saying that…不用说 1)It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. 2)It goes without saying that reading makes a full man. 3. It can be said with certainty that…可以肯定的说 1)It can …… that cultivating a hobby can add fun to our life. 2)It can ….… that because of the knowledge, we can now enjoy a comfortable life which is brought about by advanced technology. 可以肯定地说,正由于知识我们才能享受科技进步所带来的舒适生活。 4. As the proverb says, …有句谚语说 As the saying gose, …俗话说 As the saying puts it, …俗话说 1) As the proverb says, “Honesty is the best policy.”诚实为上策。 2) As………goes, “Diligence makes up for deficiencies.”俗话说:“勤能补拙”。 3)An English proverb says, “Lost time is never found again.” 英国有句谚语说的好:“光阴如流水,一去不复回。” 5. It has to be noticed that …必须注意的是…… 1)It has to be noticed that the air we breathe is already seriously polluted by the exhaust factories and vehicles give off. 必须注意的是:我们呼吸的空气已经被工厂和交通工具所释放的废气严重污染了。 2) It has to be noticed that market all over the country are swamped with fake and poor quality products and this has greatly harmed the state’s interests and people’s health. 必须注意的是:假冒伪劣的产品充斥全国市场,这种情况大大损害了国家利益和人 民的健康。 6. It’s generally recognized that …人们普遍认为 1) It’s generally recognized that college students shouldn’t try to reach after what is beyond their grasp when they choose to find a good job after graduation.人们普遍认为大学生 在大学毕业后想找一个好工作时,不应该追求超出他们能力以外的目标。 2)It’s generally recognized that lazy hands makes a man poor, while diligent hands bring
