

(共l 0小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



I was recent told that listening to loud music is gradually 66.__________ making people lost hearing. I'm sure it has already 67. __________ happened to my neighbor. For years she has turned a deaf 68. __________ ear to my requests to turn her radio down. When she gave a 69. __________ party, she does have to invite the rest of the street. Everyone 70. __________ can dance in her music in his own room. Now a scientist has 71. __________ discovered a certain electronic sounds have strange effects on 72. __________ rats. He declares they break down, almost paralyzed with its 73. __________ legs trembled. Then it is simply a matter of throwing them 74. __________ out by their tail. I wonder if the same thing will happen to 75. __________ my neighbor someday.

(共l 0小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)




On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, student from Class Three,

86. _________ Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and do some voluntary

87. _________ work. On their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warm welcomed,

88._________ and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits.

89._________ Then, they started working once, cleaning the windows and the floor.

90._________ Everything done, they sat in the yard chatted with the elderly people.

91._________ When there was time for them to leave, the elderly people thanked

92._________ them their kindness. They said it was so beautiful a day that they

93._________ would remember forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy.

94._________ How they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.








When Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to theatre, they left their 76. ___________ German dog to guard his home. When two burglars broke 77. ___________ into and the burglar alarm rang, the dog was waiting for them. 78. ___________ Unfortunate ly, one of the burglars was dog-lover, and he 79. ___________ quickly made friends with it. While the alarm was ringing,

but the burglars were stealing cash and jewelry, worth over 80. ___________ $10,000, from a safe, the dog laid down in his basket and went 81. __________ to sleep. When the police arrived twenty minutes later, the 82. __________ burglars had gone. The dog was proud guarding the empty safe. 83. ___________ When the first detective entered into the room, it immediately 84. __________ attacked her, tearing her trousers and bit her in the leg. 85. ___________


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Most of world’s d iamonds come from Africa, but there 66. ________

is one place in Arkansas, America that they are found. 67. ________

They were first found there in 1906. About 50 thousands 68. _______ diamonds that have come from this field. A 40-carat diamond 69. ________

was the large ever found in North America. But most of the 70. ________ stones were too small to be mined. Soon all mining stop there. 71. ________

A few diamonds have been found in the sand and broken stone 72. ________ along the Great Lake, either. This is not where they first formed. 73. ________

They may have been formed far to the north and were carried 74. ________ south by the last great glaciers. 75. ________






Li Wei, Tang Ling and I are good friends.

In order to express our respect, we decide 76.

to give a present to all of our mothers on 77.

Women's Day The gifts were all made ourselves 78.

Li Wei painted the picture of a big bucket 79.

full of thank and happiness. Tang Ling's 80.

gift was a pigeon making of coloured paper 81.

which carried a note in its mouth, says, 82.

"Wish you peace and health all your life!" I made 83.

a card, on which there it was a red leaf, referring 84.

to my heart. Our mothers were all pleased while 85.

they received the gifts.







The long-desited winter vacation arrived in the end. As soon as the 66.

bell rang, annouriced the class, each student couldn’t wait 67.

to rush out of the classroom. Half an hour late, my good friend Ling Ming 68.

and I were on the way back home. Such crowded was the train we 69.

took that we had to stand. Thinking the coming Spring Festival 70.

and the two weeks’ stay with parents, we both felt happily and gay. All 71.

of a sudden, I saw a man picking an old lady’s pocket of his purse. 72.

With the help of Ling Ming, I caught the pickpocket and force him to give 73.

back the purse to a lady. The thief was taken away by the guard. 74.

Praised by other passengers, so we felt proud of what we had done. 75.







Life in Senior 3 is busy,happy but tired.66._______

In fact, time flies as an arrow before we 67._______ realized it.However, some students seem to 68._______

have a little pressure.They pay attention to 69._______ nothing but study.It is no wonder they usually 70._______

do poor in study.As for most of us, things are 71._______ different.Every day we have too much homework 72._______

that we have no rest.As far as I concerned, 73._______

what matter most now is that we students should 74._______

get more free time to have a rest as well as digest 75._______

what we have learned at school.






Anne lives in a small town. She is fond of surf the 66.

Internet. General speaking, she spends about two hours 67.

a day on lines. To her, it is a wonderful place because 68.

you never know who you may happen to meet. Last 69.

Friday, she found an e-pal, who called him “Future”. 70.

They promised to keep touch with each other. 71.

And her parents were against her. “What will it 72.

lead to?” they asked. “And happy ending,” Anne said. 73.

She continued, paid no attention to them. On month 74.

was passed, and “Future” was arrested by the police! 75.







Without friends the life must be dull. These days, 66.

make friends online is part of many people’s lives. 67.

However, some incidents have indeed happened, so 68.

it is natural that some people are worried about them. 69.

Just like many other student, I’m fond of making 70.

friends online and connect my computer on the Internet 71.

after school every day. They offer my self advice and 72.

tell me how to solve problems when I’m trouble. So I 73.

think if you can control yourself well and knows what 74.

is good or what is bad, it shouldn’t be a problem at all. 75.







Like many teenagers in China, most of my spare time was 66____________ spent doing my homework, or I don't have enough time to 67____________ do what I’m interested in even on weekends or on holiday. 68____________ The first thing which I enjoy when I have a few spare 69____________ minute is to listen to music. It’s the best way for me to70____________ escape the stress of their study. When I listen to music, 71____________ it is like go to another world. Sometimes, the words of 72____________ the songs seem to express exact how I’m feeling. 73____________ Besides, I’m also interested in a fashion and I’m always 74____________ searching something special that can reflect my personality. 75____________
