


--We need some things to buy this week. 这周我们需要买一些东西。--There is something on the table. 桌子上有什么东西。

--There is not anything on the table. 桌子上没有任何东西。

--We can’t do anything. 我们什么都做不了。

--Did you find anything你发现了什么东西吗

--I have no money, no home, no love, I am nothing now. 我现在一无所有。

--There is somebody (someone) in my room. 我房间里有人。

--There isn’t anybody (anyone) in my room. 我房间里没有人。

--He thinks himself somebody. 他以名人自居。

--You can give it to anybody (anyone). 你可以把它给任何人。--Who is in the room --Nobody (no one).

--How many people in the room —None.

--Nobody(no one) can speak Japanese. 不可说Nobody of them…

--None of them can speak Japanese.

--Everything is all right. 一切都好。

--Everyone (everybody) went home. 大家都回家了。


--I think to have a holiday with my family sometime in next month.

--Sometimes I will have a holiday with my family.

--I want some time to answer your question.

--I met him some times in the street last month.


do与make do可以用来表达做家务 动词do可以用来表达完成一些日常的活动或或工作。注意,这些活动通常都是没有产出具体实物的活动。 ?do homework - I usually do my homework after dinner. 做家庭作业——我总是晚饭后做家庭作业。 ?do housework - Both my mother and father do the housework. 做家务——我爸妈都做家务。 ?do the ironing - I like to do the ironing while I watch TV. 熨烫——我喜欢边看电视边熨衣服。 ?do the dishes - It's my job to do the dishes after dinner every evening. 洗碗——每晚吃完晚饭后,洗碗是我的任务。 ?do a job - Tom does a few jobs around the house. 干活——汤姆做家务。 do可以和一般的想法进行搭配 当谈到一般的事物时,可以用动词do。换句话说,就是我们不会对一个活动进行准确的命名的时候。这个形式经常与词语something、nothing、anything、everything 等搭配。 ?Do something / anything -I'm not doing anything today. 做事——我今天一天无所事事。 ?Do everything for someone - He does everything for his mother. 为某人做人做所有的事——他为了母亲什么都做。 ?Do nothing - She's doing nothing at the moment. 什么都不做——此刻她什么也没有做。 关于do的重要表达 这里有一些关于动词do的标准表达。他们都是英语中的标准搭配。


File (文件菜单) load model file

Basic (基本设置界面) Quality(质量) Layer height(层高):打印每层的高度。一般选 择值为0.2(常用数值0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3),数 值越大打印越粗糙,打印速度越快。 Shell thickness(外壳厚度):实际是侧壁的打印 厚度。图形厚度大于此值2倍则以图形厚度打 印,反之则按打印厚度打印,间隙填充。(注 意:如图形本身厚度小于或等于0.4mm,此值 也要小于此值,否则切图时会出现侧壁漏切) Enable retraction(回抽):勾选此项则在打印到 无图区域时回抽物料,以防止产生拉丝现象。 Fill(填充) Bottom/Top thickn (顶底厚度):与外壳厚度类 似。推荐这个值和外壳厚度接近,并且是层高 和喷嘴直径的公倍数。图形厚度大于此值2倍 则以图形厚度打印,反之则按打印厚度打印,间隙填充。 Fill Density(填充率) :填充部分充实程度。100为实心,0为无填充。一般采用20即可。 Speed and Temperature(速度与温度) Print speed(打印速度):一般设50。由于机头加热速度有限,最高设60。 Printing temperature(打印温度):即机头温度。常温下一般设190较好,视环境温度及料的质量调整。 Bed temperature(热床温度):自己预加热则设0,PLA设50,ABS设70。 Support(支撑) Support type(支撑类型):None无支撑,Touching buildplate接触支撑,Every where全支撑。 Platform adhesion type(加固底类型):None为无加固,底不美观。Brim为四周扩展加固,主要对较高实体起侧拽作用,易撕。Raft为底部完全加固,比较牢固,底部美观,但不易撕。(注意:选Brim、Raft会关闭Skirt菜单功能,) Filament(耗材) Diameter(耗材直径):该值最好小于实际耗材直径,否则会出现空料现象。如耗材直径为约1.75,该值设为1.68。 Flow(补偿流量):最终挤出速度会乘上该值。一般设100即可。


代词的专项训练 1. is my teacher. I like very much. ( she ) 2. ( he ) lives in Shanghai. He likes . (it) 3. Please listen to (I) 4. Do you like ? (she) 5. He looks after (they) at home. 6. Please tell (we) the answer. 7. I teach (he) English every day. 8. (she) is twelve years old. 9. (me) am a student. 10. (we) are good friends. 11. What is (he) phone number? 12. How do spell name?(you) 13. is a nice girl. name is Jenny.(she) 14. That is ID card. (I ) 15. school is very beautiful.(we) 16. There are tennis rackets. (me) 17. English teacher is from America.(we) 18. What is (she) name? 19. Where are bags?(they) 20. (it) name is Kitty. 21. (I) watch is old, but (she) is new.

22. Can I borrow (you) pen? is broken. (I ) 23. Please send best wishes to Mary. ( I ) 24. This is (I) book. is on the desk. ( he ) 25. We love (we) country, and they love ( they ), too. 26. Jim, is that car (your)? 27. This isn’t our room. (we) is over there. 28. This book is (her) and that one is .(my) 29. You can’t find the dictionary. You may have (my) 30. These beautiful flowers are . (our) 31. He sits between Tom and ( I ). 32. Let (she) sit next to me. 33. (she) birthday is October 10th. 34. (I) camera is not so expensive as (he), but it works well, too. 35. His country is very small, but (we) is a large one with a long history. 36. George reads the newspaper every morning. That’s (he) habit. 37. Miss Li is my English teacher. (she) last name is Li. 38. He shows (he) photos to .(I ) 39. Come and join .(us) 40. Look at the photo. The girl beside (I ) is Nancy.

不定代词everything 、 anything等练习题,含答案

不定代词--练习题: 1. I agree with most of what you said,but I don’t agree with ______. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 2. “What do you think of them?”“I don’t know _____ is better,so I’ve taken _____ of them.” A. what,both B. what,none C. which,both C. which,none 3. “Would you like a cup of coffee or a glass of beer?”“____ will do,but milk is _____ popular with me.” A. Neither,not B. Both,more C. Either,the most D. All,the most 4. I read about it in some book or other,does it matter _____ it was? A. where B. what C. how D. which 5“Who told you?”“Oh,somebody or other,I’ve forgotten _____.” A. what B. when C. which D. who

6.Some of the students were late for the meeting,but I can’t remember _____. A. what B. when C. which D. whom 7. These trousers are dirty and wet —I’ll change into my _____. A. another B. trousers C. others D. other 8. Her lecture was hard to follow because she kept jumping from one subject to _____. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another 9. There are four bedrooms,______ with its own bathroom. A. all B. each C. every D. either 10. “It’s said that he is a wise leader.”“Oh,no,he is _____ but a wise leader.” A. anything B. anyone C. anybody D. anywhere 11.I didn’t make clear when and where the sports meet would be held. A.this B that C it D one 13.一Which one can I take? 一You can take _____of them; I’ll keep none. A.both B.any C.either D.all


在肯定句中anything与everything的区别 : A) Anything (任何事情) 定义 : Any thing whatever; something, no matter what. 无论任何事情; 事, 无论什么. 例: Anything will be fine for me. (肯定句) 对我来说, 任何事都可以的. B) Everything (所有的事情) 定义 : All things or all of a group of things; all. 所有的事情或一堆事物裡的全部;所有. 例: Everything is on the right track.(肯定句) 一切事情都上轨道. ***Anything 是 Everything 里的任何一事. ** 此外** A) Anything 1)可当否定 / 条件句用 : He will be in big trouble if anything goes wrong. 如果出了岔子, 他將会有大麻烦. 2)可当疑问句用 : Do you have anything for a toothache? (当代名词用) 你有什么東西可止牙痛的吗? 3)可当副词用 : 定义 : In any degree; to any extent; in any way; at all. 在任何等级; 在任何程度上;以任何方式; 在所有. 例: Does it taste anything like chocolate? 嚐起來像任何巧克力口味吗? B) Everything 1)可当代名词用 : 定义 : Something extremely important. 一些非常重要的. 例: This news means everything to us. 这个消息对我们意味着一切. 2)可当名词用 : 定义 : Something that is extremely or most important. 一些极其或最重要的. 例: Money is his everything. 钱是他的一切.


1.1“Everything”是什么? 1.2“Everything”建立数据库需要多长时间? 1.3“Everything”能否搜索文件内容? 1.4“Everything”是不是非常占用系统资源? 1.5“Everything”能否监视文件系统更改? 1.6“Everything”免费吗? 1.7“Everything”不在运行的时候,它还能否监视文件系统更改? 1.8“Everything”的系统要求? 1.9如何把一个分区转化成NTFS? 2搜索 2.1如何搜索? 2.2如何运用布尔算子? 2.3如何运用通配符? 2.4如何运用正则表达式? 2.5如何在搜索条件中包含空格? 2.6如何搜索特定的文件类型? 2.7如何指定搜索位置? 3结果 3.1如何跳转到搜索结果? 4HTTP服务器 4.1如何同时搜索多个HTTP服务器? 4.2如何通过一个HTTP服务器共享数据库? 5定制 5.1如何改变“Everything”按钮? 5.2如何设置“Everything”而让它调用外部文件管理器? 6故障排除 6.1在Windows Vista SP1系统下运行,“Everything”需要管理员权限 6.2没有搜索结果

1.1“Everything”是什么? “Everything”是一个运行于Windows系统,基于文件、文件夹名称的快速搜索引擎。“Everything”在搜索之前就会把所用的文件和文件夹都列出来,这一点与Windows自带的搜索系统不一样,所以我们称之为“Everything”。 1.2“Everything”建立数据库需要多长时间? “Everything”搜索只基于文件和文件夹的名称,所以它创建数据库很快。 一个刚安装完的Windows XP SP2系统(约20,000份文件),需要一秒钟。索引一百万份文件则需要一分钟。 1.3“Everything”能否搜索文件内容? 不,不能搜索文件内容,“Everything”搜索只基于文件和文件夹的名称。 1.4“Everything”是不是非常占用系统资源? 不,“Everything”使用非常少的系统资源。一个刚安装完的Windows XP SP2系统(约20,000份文件)需要占用3-5 mb内存和不到1 mb的硬盘空间。一百万份文件大概需要45 mb内存和5 mb硬盘空间。 1.5“Everything”能否监视文件系统更改? 是的,“Everything”能够监视文件系统改变。文件和文件夹名称的改变会实时地反映到“Everything”数据库。 1.6“Everything”免费吗? 是的,“Everything”是自由软件。 1.7“Everything”不在运行的时候,它还能否监视文件系统更 改? 即使在“Everything”没有运行的情况下,更改文件系统也不会有什么问题,因为“Everything”在每次启动的时候会更新数据库。 1.8“Everything”的系统要求? “Everything”能够运行于Windows 2000,XP,2003以及Vista下。记住:“Everything”只能索引本地NTFS分区。 1.9如何把一个分区转化成NTFS? 参见,/kb/307881 2搜索 2.1如何搜索?


anything是任何一样东西,everything是所有东西,要是强调个体就用前者。在否定句和疑问句中要用anything,肯定句中用everything。 anything和everything的区别 一、意思不同 1、anything:任何东西,任何事物,随便哪个东西,随便什么事物,重要东西,重要事物。 2、everything:每件事,所有事物,一切,形势,情况,生活,最重要的东西,最要紧的事情。 二、用法不同 1、anything:anything是指用以叙述可能存在或可能发生的一项事物或事件或用以叙述某一特定类别中的各项事物或事件; 主要用于疑问句、否定句或条件从句中代替something,意为“任何东西,任何事情绝对不”。anything也可用于肯定句,表示“无论什么东西,随便什么事情”。 2、everything:everything作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。everything与否定词连用时,表示部分否定。 三、侧重点不同 1、anything:侧重于部分,某件东西。 2、everything:侧重于全部,整体。 anything的用法 1、anything是指用以叙述可能存在或可能发生的一项事物或事件或用以叙述某一特定类别中的各项事物或事件; 主要用于疑问句、否定句或条件从句中代替something,意为“任何东西,任何事情绝对不”。 2、anything也可用于肯定句,表示“无论什么东西,随便什么事情”。 3、anything用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,其代词也用单数(it)。 例句:

If you remember anything at all, please let us know. 你要是想起什么来,就告诉我们。 The hotel was anything but satisfactory. 这家旅馆太不让人满意了。 Is there anything for me? 有东西给我吗? everything的用法 1、用作主语,谓语用单数;使用代词时,用it。 例句: Everything is ready, isn’t it? 一切都准备好了,是吗? 2、与not 连用,通常构成部分否定。 例句: Money isn’t everything, is it? 金钱不是万能的,对吧? 3、受形容词修饰时,形容词应后置。 例句: There is everything wrong with this place. 这个地方全不对头了。 Everything useful should be kept. 每一件有用的东西都应该保存好。 4、后接定语从句时,通常用关系代词that来引导(that作宾语时通常省略)。


^. Everything 使用说明


目录 Everything 使用说明 (1) 1. 简介 (1) 2. 安装及运行 (2) 2.1安装Everything (2) 2.2安装语言包 (3) 2.3运行 (3) 3. 使用方法 (5) 3.1基本搜索 (5) 3.2搜索技巧 (5) 3.2.1高效搜索之“与”“或” (5) 3.2.2正则表达式 (5) 3.2.3指定搜索范围 (5) 3.2.4网络分享 (6) 4. 参考文档 (7)

1. 简介 Everything是voidtools(中文主页)开发的一款文件搜索工具,官网描述为“基于名称实时定位文件和目录(Locate files and folders by name instantly)”。它体积小巧,界面简洁易用,快速建立索引,快速搜索,同时占用极低的系统资源,实时跟踪文件变化,并且还可以通过http或ftp形式分享搜索。 注意: ●只搜索文件名,不能搜索文件内容; ●只适用NTFS文件系统,不适合FAT32; ●自V1.2.x开始完美支持中文。

2. 安装及运行 2.1 安装Everything 运行【Everything-】开始软件安装,软件提示如图2.1.1所示的安装路径选择界面。 图 2.1.1 安装路径选择界面 点击【Browse】选择好要安装的路径后,直接点【Next >】按钮,出现安装配置选择界面,如图2.1.2。 图 2.1.2 安装配置选择界面 按默认选择即可,然后点【Install】按钮开始安装。稍等片刻后,安装就完成了。

all but, anything but 和 everything but 的用法区别

相信大家对 all but, anything but, everything but 这三个组合都不陌生,虽然 all, anything 和 everything 三者意思很接近,但是自从跟了 but 之后,它们的本意经常被当作其他惯用意思。 but 的其中一个意思跟 except 一样,所以 all but, anything but和everything but 三者的本意都有“除…之外”的意思,例如: Were all your friends there? Yes, all but Joey. 你所有的朋友都在吗?是的,除了乔伊。 What would you like to eat? I want anything but the chocolate cake. 你想吃什么?除了巧克力蛋糕我什么都要。 Would you like me to gift-wrap everything? Everything but the candles, please. 你要我把所有东西都包起来吗?除了蜡烛以外,其他的都要。 一、all but 意为“几乎,差不多”,相当于 almost 和 nearly,虽然这个意思感觉有一万个不妥,但是不好意思,它就是这个意思,例如: He was all but lost in the city. 他在城里几乎迷路了。 解析:此句可以改成:He was almost/nearly lost in the city. 改完之后是不是感觉一下子天晴了? It was all but impossible. 这几乎是不可能的。 二、anything but 意为“根本不,绝不,远非;除…之外”,相当于 not at all 和 in no way,它既可以修饰人,也可以修饰物,我知道这样的意思也感觉怪怪的,但是它就是这个意思,例如: They were anything but positive about the proposition. 他们对这个提议一点也不积极。 解析:此句可以改成:They were not positive about the proposition at all. 是不是感觉瞬间打通了任督二脉? He is anything but a poet. 他绝不是诗人。 三、最后出场的是 everything but,这个相对比较好理解一点,意为“除了”,相当于 everything expect,就是它原本的意思,例如: I eat everything but meat.


Creating EndNote Styles 1 Instructions to Authors The place to start is by looking up the instructions to authors at the journal’s web site or in the reference instructions section of the style manual you are using. You may also need to consult sections on in-text citations, footnote styles, illustrations, and tables. Below are the sections regarding references from one online set of instructions to authors. They are presented in the order they appeared in the original instructions, although intervening text has been removed for the sake of brevity. These will be used in the class to create a style. 1.1 Figures Figures should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (Fig. 1, 2, etc.), in order of their mention in the text. A fully descriptive caption should be provided for every figure and the complete list of captions typed together on a separate page. 1.2 Tables These should be numbered in Roman numerals (Table I, II, etc.), in the order of their mention in the text. A brief title should be typed directly above each table, not on a separate page. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscripts and typed at the bottom of the tables. 1.3 References The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to the surname of the first author and set out as follows: d'Amber, C. & de Chaos, M. (1990). The dragons of Kolvir: Shadow and substance. Dragons Today13, 7-11. Grayhame, G. (1978). Territorial behaviour of male noble dragonets (Draconis noblis). Journal of the Draconic Guild of the Realm of Faerie58, 731-734. Magnus, A. G. (1959). The nature and physiology of the pituitary hormones of dragons. In The endocrine system in dragons (Faust, E., editor), pp. 404-422. Amber: Unicorn Press. Ambrosius, M., et al. (1023). Nesting behavior of the northern ice dragon. Dragon Behavior. doi: 10.002/db.1022.003. The order in the list should be: Single authors. Where more than one reference is given for a single author the publications should be listed chronologically. Two authors. These should be arranged first alphabetically, then chronologically. For text citations, use the names of both authors and the year. Do not use et al. for two-author references.

Attitude is everything 态度决定一切

Attitude is everything Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don"t get it! You can"t be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, "Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood." I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life." "Yeah, right, it"s not that easy," I protested. "Yes, it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It"s your choice how you live life." I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe(保险柜), his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off (忘记,遗漏)the combination (开启号码锁的号码组合)。 The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma (创伤,外伤)center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.


2 搜索 2.1 如何搜索? 在搜索框中键入文件或文件夹名称的一部分,结果立刻呈现。 2.2 如何运用布尔算子? AND(且)是缺省使用的布尔算子。 例如:如果要搜索foo和bar同时出现的文件:foo bar 如果从两者之中任一个都可以,则用| 介于两者之间。 例如:如果要搜索.jpg或.bmp文件:.jpg | .bmp(注:在|两侧有空格)。 2.3 如何运用通配符? 通配符* 可以匹配任意长度和类型的字符。 例如:如果要搜索以e开头并且以g结尾的文件或文件夹:e*g 通配符? 可以匹配单个任意字符。 例如:如果要搜索扩展名为两个字符的文件:*.?? 2.4 如何运用正则表达式? 在使用之前,确保已经打开正则表达式选项(菜单Search →Enable Regex) | 竖线表示或。例如:gray|grey 能够匹配gray或grey(注:在|两侧没有空格)。 () 小括号用于确定范围。例如:gr(a|e)表示在gr和y之间有一个字母a或e。gr(a|e)y将匹配gray或grey,与gray|grey意义相同。 ? 问号表示其前一个字符可能出现,也有可能不出现。例如:colou?r将匹配color和colour。* 星号表示其前一个字符可能不出现,也可能出现一次或多次。例如:ab*c将匹配ac、abc、abbc、abbbc等等。 + 加号表示其前一个字符出现一次或多次。例如:ab+c将匹配abc、abbc、abbbc等等,但不能匹配ac。 . 点号可用匹配任何单个非新行字符。(事实上,把哪个字符称之为新行却是不一定的,可能是编码特别或位置特别,但是可以肯定的是这个行中一定包含其他字符。)在POSIX括号表达式规则中,点号只匹配一个点。例如:a.c可以匹配abc等等字符,但是[a.c]只匹配a、.、或c。 [ ] 中括号表示能够匹配其括号内出现的一个字符。例如:[abc]能够匹配a、b或c。[a-z]将能够匹配a到z之间的任意一个字符。[abcx-z]能够匹配a、b、c、x、y或z,其也可以表示成[a-cx-z]。 [^ ] [^ ]表示可以匹配任何一个没有出现在其括号内的字符,与[ ]刚好相反。例如:[^abc]能够匹配任何一个不是a、b、c的字符。[^a-z]能够匹配任何一个非小写字母之外的字符。 ^ 匹配名称开始的位置。在以行为基础的工具中,匹配任意行的开始位置。 $ 匹配名称结束的位置,或者匹配字符串结尾新行的结束位置。在以行为基础的工具中,匹配任意行的结束位置。 {m,n} {m,n}表示其前面的字符至少重复m次,但是重复次数少于n。例如:a{3,5}匹配aaa、aaaa以及aaaaa,但是不能匹配aa或aaaaaa。此表达规则在一些老的版本中不可用。 2.5 如何在搜索条件中包含空格?

something,anything, everything

everything, something, anything , nothing 均为指物的复合不定代词,它们作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式 everything 意为每件事;一切事,可用于肯定句、疑问句或否定句中。如: ①I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切顺利。 ②Who can know everything? 谁能知道万事万物呢? something意为某事;某物,常用于肯定句中,也可用于征求对方意见的疑问句中。如: ①Something is wrong with my ears. 我的耳朵有点毛病。 ②Jim, could you do something for me, please? 吉姆,请为我做点事好吗? anything 意为某事一些事,一般用于否定句或疑问句中。如: ①Can you hear anything? 你能听到某种声音吗? ②You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor. 在看医生之前不许吃任何东西。 意为任何事用于肯定句中。如: You can ask me anything you want to know. nothing意为没有什么;没有东西。如: Tom saw nothing. 汤姆什么也没看见 nothing=not anything everything 最重要的. Money is everything to him.金钱对他比什么都重要。 A something B anything C nothing D everything 1 I want to do __________.我想做点什么事。 2 There is _________ in the box.盒子里有一些东西。 3 There isn’t _____________ in the box. 4 Is there ____________ in the box? 5 Are you doing ___________? 6 I had ____________ to do.我没有事情做。 7 He stole __________ except for this. 他偷了除了这个的任何东西。 9 She`s beautiful,I agree,but beauty is not __________.我同意她是美丽的,但美并不是最重要的。 10 Would you like ___________ more? 11 I know ___________ about it.我对此事一无所知。 12 I don’t know ____________about it. 13 This shop sells ___________ needed for camping. 这家商店出售一切露营用具。 14 Tell me ____________about it. 告诉我这件事情的始末。


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1、 something 、 nothing 、 nobody、 everything 等等的区别。 单词中文主体说明 thing 东西,事物物可数名词 Something 某事,某物物用于肯定句中 Anything 任何事物,任何东西物否定或疑问句,或if/whether 后Nothing 没有东西物= not anything 。不可接 of No 没有物 Somebody 同 someone。某人,有人人用于肯定句中。另有‘大人物’的意思Anybody 同 anyone。任何人人主要用于否定和疑问句Someone 某人,有人人用于肯定句中 Anyone 任何人人主要用于否定和疑问句 Any one 任何人或物人/ 物 Nobody 同 no one 。没有人人强调的是人。不可接of None 没有人或物人/ 物强调的是数量。可接of No one 没有人人不可接 of Everything 所有事物,一切物 Everyone 所有人人同 everybody Everybody 所有人人 --We need some things to buy this week. 这周我们需要买一些东西。 --There is something on the table. 桌子上有什么东西。 --There is not anything on the table. 桌子上没有任何东西。 --We can ’t do anything . 我们什么都做不了。 --Did you find anything 你发现了什么东西吗 --I have no money, no home, no love, I am nothing now. 我现在一无所有。 --There is somebody (someone) in my room. 我房间里有人。 --There isn ’ t anybody (anyone) in my room. 我房间里没有人。 --He thinks himself somebody.他以名人自居。
