

True/False/Not Given 考题分析



Step 1:在题目中划出定位词。

Step 2:定位词在文章中定位。同步拟定核心词(考点词)。

Step 3:精读定位句,拟定与否有词性转换、同义转换和句式构造转换。


(1) 词性多样性:

(2) 同义词多样性;

(3) 句式构造多样性:

(4) 综合多样性。


Section One True 考点分析

I. 第一类考点:同义词多样性+句式构造多样性

1. We crave for and are fed a daily diet of anxiety. Horror films and disaster movies have an increasing appeal. Nostradamus pop his head up now and again.

Q:Anxiety in daily life is what we want.

2. The partnership between Lotte Hellingas and Wytze Hellingas was also to lead to marriage and to the birth of their son. Between 1961 and 1975,the Hellingas were in Amsterdam. In 1965,Lotte had obtained a research assistantship for Dutch phototypography from the Z. W. O. ,and from 1967 she was teaching at the Institute of Dutch Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

Q:Lotte lived and worked in Amsterdam during part of the 60s and 70s.

3. Study of the book was becoming increasingly important at the University of Amsterdam at this period,as the work of de la Fontaine Verwey and Gerrit Willem Ovink testifies. Wytze Hellinga's interest,formerly largely in a sociolinguistic direction,were now leaning more towards texts and to the book as the medium that carried written texts.

Q:Prior to his interest in the book,Wytze's interest was mainly in socio-linguistics.

4. The generation of creativity is complex:it is a mixture of genetics,the environment,parental teaching and luck that determines how successful or talented family members are. This last point _______ luck _________ is often not mentioned where talent is concerned but plays an undoubted part.

Q:The importance of luck in the genius equation tends to be ignored.

5. Hunting by pet cats would only be a problem if the rate of predation,combined with other deaths,exceeded the breeding rate of the birds. This does not seem to be the case. Several studies show that urban environments actually support a higher density of birds than native forests,despite all the cats. This is partly because of all the garden plants with berries and nectar rich flowers.

Q:There are more birds per kilometer in towns and cities than in a forest environment.

6. The complexity,degree and sustainment of organizational performance requires an explanation which goes beyond the balance sheet and the "paper conversion" of financial inputs into profit making outputs. A more complete explanation of "what went wrong" necessarily must consider the essence of what an organization actually is and that one of the financial inputs,the most important and of the most expensive,is people.

Q:Organizations should recognize that their employees are a significant part of their financial assets.

7. Insomnia occurs most frequently in people over age 60,in people with a history of depression,and in women,especially after menopause. Severe emotional trauma can also cause insomnia with divorced,widowed and separated people being the most likely to suffer from this sleep disorder. Stress,anxiety,illness and other sleep disorders such as restless legs syndrome are the most common causes of insomnia. An irregular work schedule,jet lag or brain damage from a stroke or Alzeimer's disease can also cause insomnia as well as excessive use of alcohol or illicit drugs. It can also accompany a variety of mental illnesses.

Q:Traveling can cause insomnia.

8. The nicotine found in tobacco is a potent drug and smokers,and even some scientists say it offers certain benefits. One is enhancing performance. One study found that non-smokers given doses of nicotine typed about 5 percent faster than they did without it.

Q:It has been shown that nicotine in cigarettes can improve people's abilities to perform some actions more quickly.

9. The earliest recorded use of water power was a clock,constructed around 250 BC. Since then,people have used falling water to supply power for grain and saw mills,as well as a host of other uses. The earliest use of flowing water to generate electricity was a waterwheel on the Fox River in Wisconsin in 1882.

Q:An early use of hydroelectric power was in the timber industry.

10. We must continue to develop effective alternative practices that will reduce environmental hazards and produce high quality products," said Paul Jepson,a professor of entomology at OSU and new director of OSU's Integrated Plant Protection Centre (IPPC). The IPPC brings together scientists from OSU's Agricultural Experiment Station,()SU Extension service,the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Oregon farmers to help develop agricultural systems that will

save water and soil,and reduce pesticides.

Q:The IPPC uses scientists from different organisations.

II. 第二类考点句式构造多样性

1.Here is what happens:the body needs glucose as its main source of fuel or energy. The body makes glucose from foods containing carbohydrate such as vegetables containing carbohydrate (like potatoes or corn) and cereal foods (like bread,pasta and rice) as well as fruit and milk.

Q:Carbohydrate foods are the body's source of glucose.

2. The diagnosis of diabetes often depends on what type the patient is suffering from. In Type 1 diabetes,symptoms are usually sudden and sometimes even life threatening ________ hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar levels) can lead to comas ____________ and therefore it is diagnosed quite quickly.

Q:Hyperglycaemia leads to type l diabetes being diagnosed quite quickly.

III. 第三类考点句式构造多样性+上下文综合阅读

1.Deer are not indigenous to Australia. They were introduced into the country during the nineteenth century under the acclimatization programs governing the introduction of exotic species of animals and birds into Australia. Six species of deer were released at various locations. The animals dispersed and established wild populations at various locations across Australia,mostly depending upon their points of release into the wild. These animals formed the basis for the deer industry in Australia today.

Commercial deer farming in Australia commenced in Victoria in 1971 with the authorized capture of rusa deer from the Royal National Park,NSW. Until 1985,only four species of deer,two from temperate climates (red,fallow) and two tropical species (rusa,chital) were confined for commercial farming.

Q:Until 1985 only 2 species of the originally released Australian deer were not used for


IV. 第四类考点同义词多样性+词性多样性

1.Over the past 30 to 40 years,spending on leisure has witnessed a strong increase. According to the annual family expenditure survey published in1999 by the Office for National Statistics,the average household in the United Kingdom spent more on leisure than food,housing and transport for the very first time. And the trend is also set to continue upwards well into the present century. Q:Spending on leisure has gone up over the past three decades.

V. 第五类考点句式构造多样性+词性多样性

1.As a student at the University of Amsterdam after the Second World War,Lotte found herself stimulated first by The teaching of Herman de la Fontaine Verwey and then by that of the forceful personality of Wytze Hellinga,at that time Professor of Dutch Philology at the University. Wytze Hellinga's teaching was grounded in the idea of situating what he taught in its context. Obliged to teach Gothic,for example,he tried to convey a sense of the language rooted in its own time environment.

Q:Lotte studied at the University of Amsterdam after the Second World War.

VI. 第六类考点综合多样性(词性多样性+同义词多样性+句式多样性)1.Ludwig von Wittgenstein has justly been regarded as one of the major philosophers of the 20th century,especially for his writings on the philosophy of language and logic. His works on psychoanalysis and criticism of his fellow Viennese,Sigmund Freud. have,however,been generally overlooked.

Q :Wittgenstein owes the high regard in which he is held,in part,to his work on the philosophy of language and logic.

2. :Bright or creative children are often physically very active at the same time,and so may


雅思阅读技巧赵曙明 (华师7分精品班) 一.雅思阅读猜词常用词缀(在我的信箱里) 常用前缀(Pr efixes): a-, an- not, without, hackin ultra- beyond, excessive, extreme 常用词根(Stems): -anthro-, -anthropo- man -metr-, -meter- measure -morph- form -pathy- feeling, suffering 常用后缀(Suffixes): ---phobia , ---mania , scope, ----cide 二.雅思阅读技巧篇 第1节寻找3种语言重现 同其他考试的阅读部分相比,雅思考试阅读部分最大的特点是文章篇幅长。考生要在 一个小时内完成8种类型共计40道题目(这个要求近乎苛刻)。因此,阅读目的就从单纯的“信息获取’’转变成”寻找答案”。在这个过程中,原文涉及的大部分细节内容对于完成题目是无意义的,无需字斟句酌。只有在阅读中准确把握题干的关键词,才能区分哪些字句与题目(答题点)有关。 所谓“关键词’’是指题干中的核心词或者决定答案性质或位置的词。典型的关键词是 句子的主干、人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。由于它们会在原文重现,因此产生了一种答 题方法:回原文找关键词。这往往给考生一种印象:只要在题干中划出关键词就一定能找到原词。那么关键词一定会“原型”重现吗?请看下面这道判断题: Example: While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct,it is only recently that the problem has been addressed by politicians. 题目: We have known for along time that more species of animals will disappear.(判断题) AA语言重现 关键词在原文中以原词形式出现。AA语言重现在试题中占的比例最大,也是最简单的 一类考法。它以特殊关键词为主,包括人名、地名、时间、数字和生词。 Example: At precisely 4:20 am on Friday the 24th of September 1993 it was announced that Sydney had beaten five other competing cities around the world,and Australians everywhere,not only Sydney-siders,were justifiably proud of the result.But,if Sydney had lost the bid,would the taxpayers of NESW and of Australia have approved of government's spending millions of dollars in a failed and costly exercise? 题目:How many cities were competing in 1993 for the right to hold the 2000 Games? (简答题) AB语言重现 定义:关键词A在原文中以同义词B的形式出现。AB语言重现题考察考生的单词量,主要凭理解力去定位。 Sea fishing grew rapidly in the decades after the Second World War. Mechanisation increased the fishermen's catch in traditional grounds and then carried them to distant waters for more. 题目: Technological developments contributed to the higher fish catches after the Second World War. ( 判断题) 关系重现 定义:所谓“关系重现”是把定位对象从“词”上升到“句子结构”,从而越过生词造成的阅读障碍。这是最关键的一类语言重现,是阅读技巧的完美体现。 例:Paper is also biodegradable, so it does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded.


雅思阅读是非无判断题技巧系列讲解 作者:不详发布时间:2009-09-01 16:20:48来源:网络 文章正文网校课程调查热评论坛 回溯历次雅思考试,判断题都是一个不可或缺的重要题型;虽说目前几次考试作为雅思元老的它已经越来越被变化多端的配对题夺去风头,但判断题仍是一个烤鸭们绝不能小觑的题型。作为一种被研究得很彻底的方法题,希望大家通过从本次开始的18讲Yes/No/Not Given专题,熟识它、洞悉它、最后在雅思战场上征服它。今天我们开始“是”型判断题的解题方法介绍。 作为我们是非无判断题的第一讲,和大家说的第一句话就是要明确答案的写法。是”T”吗?”True”吗?都不完全正确。因为对于任何和标准答案不一致的写法,严谨的雅思考官都有理由因“看不懂”而批错,如果这次偏偏有10道判断题,那平时不注意小节的你只能surrender your happiness to the mercy of foreigners。所以最安全的写法永远是”TRUE”,”FALSE”,”NOT GIVEN”(或”YES”,”NO”),即按照题目要求的大写并拼写完全正确,见任何一套标准雅思试卷之判断题之前的Instruction。 {温馨提示} Yes”,“No”,“Not Given”和“True”,“False”,“Not Given”只是考试形式的区别,在判断方式上并没有本质不同。 作为一种技巧性很强的题型,判断题的高正确率无非掌握两点:定位和判断准则。请大家记住我们今天马上要讲授的True的第一种判断依据:题目是原文的同义表达。让我们按照由易到难的顺序来看3个例子。首先是简答的同根词之间的替换: {原创范例} 原文:Computers are gaining in popularity, despite their cost. 题目:Computers are more popular than they used to be. 解答:TRUE 原文告诉我们电脑的popularity(人气)是上升的,大家立刻脑海里出现一条上升的曲线;而题目中“电脑比过去要流行”,即它的受欢迎程度也是上升的。于是两条曲线吻合,所以是一个标准的TRUE。 有时候同义表达之间的差异会相当大,而除了名词的同义表达外,数量类型的同义表达也需要注意: {原创范例} 原文:The majority of lecturers find their jobs very rewarding. 题目:Many lecturers get satisfaction from their work. 解答:TRUE rewarding来自reward,表示“有意义的工作”,即get satisfaction; 而原文的the majority of(绝大部分)完全能够包含题目的many(很多)。 {温馨提示} 雅思判断的TRUE往往和原文面貌全非,因为考官做了大量的paraphrase。 如果在句子中间还出现了较为生僻的单词,则在同义表达识别的基础上还需要运用词汇的猜测等技能: {原创范例} 原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise. 题目:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying. 解答:TRUE 题目中的are unable to与原文中的are at loss to是同义词,题


雅思阅读判断题应该怎么做 雅思阅读中比较让人苦恼的问题就是判断题,哪怕是久经考场的同学,对于雅思判断题也不能保证高的答对率。接下来就请跟着新通教育小编来一起学习雅思阅读判断题的答题技巧。 判断题分为两种形式:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN;YES/NO/NOT GIVEN。尽管表现形式不同,前者考信息,后者考观点,但是我们在进行判断的时候实质是一致的。 TRUE=YES=agree=一致;FALSE=NO=contradict=不一致=抵触; NOT GIVEN=if there is no information on this (未提及型);NOT GIVEN=if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (证据不足型); 雅思考试判断题的考点其实是有规律可循的,在定位好的前提下,需要熟悉判断题中的考点,以快速找到问题之所在,进行判断。一般来说,一道判断题通常考查一或两个考点,常考的考点为: 1.是非考点 2.数字考点 3.绝对考点 4.比较考点 做题步骤: 1、勾题目要求 1

2、勾定位词、考点词 3、两题一组、扫读全文、查找定位词考点词 4、与题干判断 判断题特点: 1、判断题是顺序题 2、同时定位两题 3、True 、False、Not Given百分百出现 4、True 42% False 38% Not Given 20% 区分定位词与考点词: 1)考点词仅在判断题中出现,定位词在每种题型中都有 2)考点词是考官出题点所在位置 3)定位词是主题,先主题后考点,找准两者即可 更多问题请关注新通教育官网。 一、考点词 1、是非考点词:be /can后面的部分 The parents of top athletes have often been successful athletes themselves. 定位词:parents 考点词:successful 2、表程度:only 、all Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy. 2


很多考生由于没有掌握一个比较巧的做题方法,使得这个题型略显有难度。通常,大家在处理这种题型的时候,会采取定位----翻译题干----翻译原文这样的方法,这种方法不能说不对,但不是最省力的。 我们都知道,在处理细节题的时候,定位词是我们必须掌握的东西。所以,我们在做判断题的时候所谓“两点法”的第一个点就是我们的定位点,而第二个点就是考点。 在做判断题的时候,大多数同学会在定位好之后去翻译题干,然后再翻译一次原文,把两者对比。但实际上,经过对剑桥雅思里面所有判断题的分析,我们可以发现任何一道判断题所谓的对错,对也对在一个点,错也错在一个点,而不会是在几个地方都出现错误。所以,我们只要在做判断题的时候找到这个用来判断对错的关键点,其他的地方就无需再读了。也就是说,我们只要抓到定位点和考点这两个点,“两点就可以确定一条直线”。 在判断题中涉及到的考点共有六种类型,我以剑桥雅思的几道题为例,简单谈谈这六种考点。 1.是非考点 通常是题干的谓语或表语,这种考点占到判断题数量的一半以上。 例:The parents of top athletes have often been successful athletes themselves。 定位词是The parents of athletes,考点词是successful athletes,在题干中作表语。 2.绝对考点 在判断题题干中,经常出现almost,only,never等表示绝对意义的副词。 例:Not all of the assistants survived to see the publication of the Dictionary。 考点在Not all这个词上。 3.比较考点 当题干中出现比较关系的时候,比较的双方作为定位词,比较关系就是我们的考点。例:Johnson has become more well known since his death。 定位词是since his death,考点就是more well known。 4.因果考点 判断题中的因果关系里,通常结果是定位词,原因是考点。


透析《剑桥雅思7》——听力篇 一、场景分析 以下为朗阁海外考试研究中心针对剑桥七中四套听力考题的场景总结。 场景 Test 1Section 1 机场交通路线咨询 Section 2 Camping Holiday公司介绍Section 3 课堂讨论:工作场所的个体差异Section 4 讲座:Rock Art Test 2Section 1 汽车保险咨询 Section 2 旅游信息介绍 Section 3 Antarctic Center及Antarctic Treaty介绍Section 4 讲座:运动中的用手习惯 Test 3Section 1 学生找兼职工作 Section 2 介绍Charity Sponsored Walking Holiday Section 3 关于Ocean Research的介绍 Section 4 讲座:宾馆业及旅游业 Test 4Section 1 申请homestay Section 2 介绍Bicentennial Park Section 3 关于Presentation的讨论Section 4 讲座:味精 从上表不难看出,剑七中听力考题的场景性没有太大的变化。 l Section 1仍以咨询类场景为主,出现了机场交通路线咨询、汽车保险咨询、找兼职工作咨询、申请homestay的咨询等;都是与留学生活密切相关的信息; l Section 2则主要以各种公司、机构、旅游景点等的介绍为主; l Section 3全部是关于学习的讨论,有课堂真实场景的还原(Test 1, Test 2, Test 3),也有学生课后对于作业的讨论(Test 4);


雅思阅读技巧总结 雅思分学术类和培训类两种,分别针对申请留学的学生和计划在英语语言国家参加工作或移民的人士。下面就随小编一起去阅读雅思阅读技巧总结,相信能带给大家帮助。 在雅思阅读考试的判断题中,一定要注意要求。比如:TRUR/FALSE/NOT GIVEN或YES /NO/ NOT GIVEN,要按要求写到答题纸上。 小站老师技巧:在做题的时候,现在题目中找到定位词和信号词,一般要注意名词。如果在题目中真的无法找到合适的名词,可以换其他词性。注意:最常暗示答案的几个连词是BUT,HOWEVER,WHILE,AND, ALSO, MOREOVER。 在雅思阅读的归纳题中,首先要用判断题的方法找到相应的定位词,目前归纳题有两种趋势,一种是题目贯穿在整篇文章,另一种是只隐藏在其中一二个段落。 配对题相对来说比较好做,一般“首尾句原则”就比较适合这种题型。 做雅思阅读选择题的时候,要注意通过提干把关键词和定位词划出来,然后对应所在的锻炼就可以。 在雅思阅读考试中,填空题的做法和归纳题差不多,都是先找定位词找出正确的段落,然后通过“就近原则”填空。 做雅思阅读简答题,首先要看清题目要求“NO MORE THAN

-WORDS”,一定要注意题目的字数限制。 在雅思阅读考试中,图表题的形式和要求相对来说比较严格,在实际做题中,首先要注意“序号”原则,其次要注意“形式一致原则”。 这类题型的干扰能力较大,“隐蔽性”也较大,考生要特别注意,另外,与HEADING题不同的是它们的答案通常不是在句首或句尾,而是在段落当中的某几句话,应该利用信号词“快速扫描法”进行定位段落,然后进行分析。


雅思阅读判断题的解题技巧分享 判断题是雅思考试的常见题型,也是难度很大的题型。在普通培训类考试中最多达22题,在学术类考试中也不少于6题。目前有逐渐增多的趋势。其中True/False/Not Given 多见于General Training Module, Yes/No/Not Given 则多见于Academic Module, 因为Yes/No/Not Given最初是为学术类设计的。很多考生对判断题时常束手无策,特别对False和Not Given 易混淆。要攻克判断题的难关,我们要分析它的命题规律,找出考察点,有的放矢,才能提高解题准确率。美联英语学习网整理雅思阅读判断题的解题技巧,就带大家一起学习一下。 首先,我们来看一看判断题的设题模式。 从设题模式可以看出雅思考试的考察点基本上可分为两大类: 1)信息点对应,即细节的对应和观点的对应。例1:It rained heavily everywhere in North China. Q: It rained in Beijing. 例2. Many people believe that the IELTS candidates must attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test. Q: The author believes that the IELTS candidates should attend an IELTS training course before sitting the test. 2) 简单的推理、总结和归纳能力;基本语言知识和常识。雅思考试从命题角度不像TOEFL 和GRE那样将不同的考察点置于专门题型中,而在一种题型中可能出现几个方面的考察点。但有一点考生要记住:由于雅思考试是一种语言能力的测试,它不考察专业知识,不考察阅读文章以外的背景知识(除基本常识以外,如简单的地理知识)。下面我们来看一看T/F/NG 的基本定义: True(Yes): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点一致。 例:1. It rained heavily everywhere in North China. Q: It rained in Beijing. 2. By trying to do a better job of teaching, computer scientists may learn quite a lot themselves. Q: Computer scientists are likely to learn a lot from teaching. False(No): 问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突或排斥。 例: You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. Not Given: 问题中的信息点或观点在原文中未提及,可能正确也可能不正确,界定范围模糊。 例:It rained heavily in most areas in North China. Q: It rained in Shanghai. 或It rained in Beijing. F和NG的根本区别在于F肯定与原文发生冲突和排斥,而NG则没有。例:You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说去上海可有两种方式供选择,而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点出现矛盾、冲突。又例:You can go to Shanghai by plane. Q: You must fly to Shanghai. 文中说可以乘飞机去上海,但并没有说这是不是唯一的选择,可能是也可能不是。而问题则认为仅有一种。问题中的信息点或观点与文中的信息点或作者的观点没有出现矛盾和冲突。 解题方法:根据判断题的命题规律和考察角度,我们可以运用简单推理和语言技能分析考察点来作出判断。可从以下几个主要方面考虑: 1. 界定题中考察点和原文对应部分的范围或概念以及相互关系 如果范围或概念一致,并有从属、相容的关系,一般为True。如果范围或概念不一致,并出现冲突则为F。如果范围或概念界定模糊,或范围或概念不一致,但又没有直接冲突则选NG。对NG题原文中没有直接对应句,但可能有干扰句,一般可将干扰句看作参考对应句。 例:You can go to Shanghai by train or by plane.


雅思听力选择题解题思路透析 (系列文章之五:1,2,3,4,5,上山打老虎) 在对雅思听力丛书的分析中笔者发现,听力选择题中存在着较多的数字考点,如何听好数字也就成为了广大“烤鸭”必须解决的问题。虽然这样的考题并不算太难,但是需要考生非常细心,不要在这类考点上帆船。朗阁海外考试研究中心听力组的专家希望通过这篇文章的论述,让广大考生感觉到数字并不是老虎,就算是的话也只是“纸老虎”而已! 第一类:直接数字 直接数字包括一般数字,序数词以及百分数等。这类考题中的数字会直接念出,做对的机率较高。 例1剑3Test1Q31 Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted?(图省略) A250,000 B500,000 C1,000,000 思路透析:这就是听普通数字的一道题,但是学生们应该对数字的读法做一个归纳。 实际做题:原文:The most recent available figures show that about a quarter of a million people are incapaciated with back pain every day. 解题:英语里的数字是三位为一组,分别以thousand,million,billion 为单位,所以这三个数字的一般读法为two hundred and fifty thousand,five hundred thousand,one million.但是要注意的

是前两个数字还可以读成a quarter of a million和half a million。如此一来,学生们不能只对数字的一种读法反应迅速, 还要对一些其他的读法相当熟悉才可以。答案为A。 例2剑7Test3Q12 What proportion of the sponsorship money goes to charity?(图省略) A35% B50% C65% 思路透析:百分数的听力其实和普通数字听力没什么太大区别,只是需要听到数字后再加上percent而已。 实际做题:原文:Out of this about thirty-five percent will go on your own expenses,and that leaves sixty-five percent guaranteed to go to the charity. 解题:35%是自己的花费,而65%是捐给慈善的,故答案为C。但是值得我们注意的是百分数和分数有着互通性,也就是同时我们还要考虑到把百分数读成分数的可能。读分数的时候,分子用基数词,如one,two,分母用序数词,如first,second,分数线不读,分子大于1时,分母加s.1/3可以读成one third,3/4可以读成three quarters或者three fourths. 例3剑4Test2Q19 The number of students counselled by the service last year was A214 B240 C2600 思路透析:这就是听普通数字的一道题,根据笔者以前讲的策略,基本能判断答


一、判断正误题,(正确的用字母“A”表示,错误的用字母“B”表示。每小 题1分,共计20分。其他答题形式不得分) ( A )1. Excel 2000 中的工作簿是工作表的集合。 ( B )2. 在Windows 的资源管理器中不能查看磁盘的剩余空间。 ( A )3. 在用Word编辑文本时,若要删除文本区中某段文本的内容,可选取该段文本,再按Delete键。 ( A )4. Excel是一种表格式数据综合管理与分析系统。 ( B )5. 在Excel中,图表一旦建立,其标题的字体、字形是不可改变的。( B )6. “写字板”中没有插入/改写状态,它只能以插入方式来输入文字。( B )7. 在汉字系统中,我国国标汉字一律是按拼音顺序排列的。 ( A )8. 大小为3.5英寸的软盘,其一个角上设有写保护口。当滑动保护片将其盖住时,软盘就被写保护了。 ( B )9. (WORD文字处理)WORD进行打印预览时,只能一页一页的看。 ( A )10. 在Excel 2000 中进行单元格复制时,无论单元格是什么内容,复制出来的内容与原单元格总是完全一致的。 ( B )11. 若一台微机感染了病毒,只要删除所有带毒文件,就能消除所有病毒.。 ( B )12. 汇编语言和机器语言都属于低级语言,之所以称为低级语言是因为用它们编写的程序可以被计算机直接识别执行。 ( B )13. 软盘的读写速度比硬盘快。 ( B )14. 计算机中的字符,一般采用ASCII码编码方案。若已知“B”的ASCII 码值为42H,则可能推断出“K”的ASCII码值为51H。 ( A )15. Word的“自动更正”功能仅可替换文字,不可替换图像。 ( A )16. 高级语言程序有两种工作方式:编译方式和解释方式。 ( A )17. 在Windows的资源管理器中,利用[文件]菜单中的[重命名]既可以对文件改名, 也可以对子目录改名。 ( A )18. 文档窗口最大化后将占满整个桌面。 ( A )19. 同一软盘中不允许出现同名文件。


雅思学术类考试作为准备出国学习的一项成绩,在很多学子的出国路上造成了不小的障碍。而阅读部分一大难点是其变化多端、纷繁复杂的题型,这些题型粗粗地算来可以分为九大类:标题对应题、真假判断题、总结题、简答题、句子完成题、图表填空题、配对题、选择题、流程图题。在这些题型当中,真假判断题占到了将近40%。所以判断题的做题好坏直接决定了考生在阅读上的成绩。 在是非无判断题的考试中,考生要对试卷上所列出的一系列命题(即陈述句)进行判断。如果这些陈述句是反映观点或者态度的,那么考生的任务就是判断这些句子是否和作者的观点一致。在这种情况下,答案的选择是“YES”“NO”或者是“NOT GIVEN”。如果这些陈述句表述的内容是有关事实信息,那么考生就要判断这些句子是否和文中的信息一致。在这种情况下,答案的选择是“TRUE”“FALSE”或者是“NOT GIVEN”。这里要特别说明的是在考试中“YES”“NO”“NOT GIVEN”和“TRUE”“FALSE”“NOT GIVEN”只是考试形式的区别,在判断方式上并没有本质区别。 一、判断标准 TRUE或YES:所需判断的陈述句中所有的考点词汇和原文中的表达完全对应。 FALSE或NO:所需判断的陈述句中至少有一个考点词汇和原文中的表达想矛盾。 NOT GIVEN:所需判断的陈述句中在没有错误的前提之下,至少有一个考点词汇文章没有提到相关内容。 用表格的形式表述如下:(假设被判断的命题中有三个考点) 二、实例分析 下面结合剑桥雅思4上面的具体题目来讲解一下判断标准。 (1)TRUE/YES的标准:所需判断的陈述句中所有的考点词汇和原文中的表达完全对应。从表述中可以看出,正确的标准是唯一性的,只有在全部考点都正确的情况下,该命题才能被判断为TRUE/YES。 Academic Test 1 Reading Passage 1 3.题干:It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the "pure" science that they study at school. 原文:Many studies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about "pure" science, curriculum science. 分析:此题答案为TRUE。从两个句子表达中不难看出,两句话都是针对children这同一对象,并且在观点陈述中hold对应harbour都作动词,表示“包含,拥有”, mistaken views对应misconceptions,表示“错误的概念”,that they study at school对应curriculum science,在这里curriculum做名词,表示“学校课程”的意思。


雅思复习资料必备 一、基本的训练材料 市面上的雅思备考材料种类繁多、参差不齐,如何从繁多的资料中选择最接近ielts 考试的训练材料哪?我的建议是—— 1.首先 cambridge university press 出的材料。所有的ielts试题都是由 cambridge university 考试委员会出的,所以选用复习材料第一选 cambridge university press 出的材料。虽说可能有点难,但你必须适应它,它的难度可以说就是ielts的难度。 2. 慎用澳大利亚出的材料,一般他们的难度偏低。 3.尽量不用国内自己杜撰的材料。 下面给大家推荐一些雅思资料 综合类: 《how to prepare for ielts》 其他任何备考书都可以不买,这本必须买!用过的人都说,这是目前最接近真题的材料了。我也非常喜欢这本书,老外写的 建议用法:初期可以看这本书,了解题型,分项练习。最后有4个paper, 阅读有难度,可以复习中后期做。《insight into ielts》 由剑桥大学雅思培训专家编写 ,剑桥大学出版社出版。系英联邦国家雅思培训机构专用教材。此书提供的 实例 特别是听力口语资料均选自雅思考试库,最为接近雅思考试真题。向来被奉为雅思培训领域的精典教材, 中国雅思培训机构的如新东方、环球均将此书作为自己编辑教材的第一手资料。 此书有雅思培训 “圣经”之称。属于雅思杀手级材料。 2004 年,出品了姊妹篇《insight into ielts extra》。透析1是紫皮,¥50左右,透析2是深绿色,一书一磁带。透析2不错。《101 helpful hints for ielts 》、《202 useful exercises for ielts》 虽说可能有些过时了,但确是很重要的基础训练教材。尤其是内容基本涵盖了 Australia 的背景,另外对数字和字母的发音训练极其有用。觉得确实是过时了,就是好题外面的书也能找到。 《focus on ielts》 剑桥刚出不久,基本上囊括所有背景知识与词汇。《cambrdige ielts 1》、《cambrdige ielts 2 》、《cambrdige ielts 3》 每本书带有4套a类训练题、2套g类训练题。不用多说了,建议留几套,考前拿来作模拟考试训练。 我建议大家好好研究剑3,有烤鸭专门钻研书本的听力,不断精听,听记原文,精读剑桥阅读文章,吸取 好的句型和表达,写作也有了提高。书后的写作范文也值得好好学习。 《cambrdige ielts 4》《cambrdige ielts 5》 《


TRUE FALSE 例1原文:A species becomes extinct when the last individual dies. 题目:A species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists. 例2原文:It has been successfully used in the United States to provide input into resource exploitation decisions and assist wildlife managers and there is now enormous potential for using population viability to assist wildlife management in Australia’s forest. 原文:PV A has been used in Australia for many years. 例3原文:Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to demand. Subject to availability, stand by ticket can be purchased from the driver. 题目:Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorized Daybreak agent. 例4原文:Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals in the men’s Nordic skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavians or the former Soviet Union. 题目:Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in the men’s Winter Olympics. 例5原文:But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized. 题目:The Antwerp Games proved that winter sports were too specialized. 例6原文:Another theory is that world temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs. 题目:It is a fact that frogs’breeding cycles are upset by world increases in temperature. 例7原文:Frogs are sometimes poisonous. 题目:Frogs are usually poisonous. 例8原文:Without a qualification from a reputable school or university, it is unlikely to find a good job. 题目:It is impossible to get a good job without a qualification from a respected institution. 例9原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the media as a hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. 题目:The media has often criticized the Internet because it is dangerous.


雅思阅读判断题常见做题规则雅思阅读判断题是技巧性较强的一种题型,答案的确定通常需要借助一些标志性的词汇,有一定的判断规则。今天文都国际教育小编就给大家介绍下雅思阅读判断题常见做题规则。 雅思阅读判断题常见做题规则1、出现以下情况时,答案常为TRUE(YES) (1)题干的表述和原文相关处是同义表述,或关键词和原文相关词汇为同义替换,答案为TRUE(YES)。 雅思阅读考试中对同义词替换和同义句的考察几乎遍布所有题型,判断题也不例外。通常答案为TRUE的命题和原文相关处形容同义关系。 (2)如果题干中有may, maybe, can, could, should, possible, probable, likely, not all, not always, not necessarily, some等词,答案为TRUE。 雅思阅读中出现的文章大多数是学术性的,用词非常严谨,不会使用很绝对的表述;相反,常常会用到上述比较宽泛的表述。 雅思阅读判断题常见做题规则2、出现以下情况时,答案常常是FALSE。 (1)题目与原文矛盾,是相反概念。通常涉及反义词考点和否定考点。 (2)题干中出现all, none, always, never, every, inevitably, impossible, must 等表示绝对含义的词时,答案多为FALSE(但也要注意例外情况) (3)原文和题目中使用了表示不同范围、频率、可能性的副词,答案通常为FALSE。

(4)数词做考点,考察精确性,答案可能是FALSE。 雅思阅读判断题常见做题规则3、遇到下列情况时,答案首选NOT GIVEN。 (1)题目中的某些内容在原文中没有对应信息,即找不到依据。 (2)题目中包含原文并未出现的新概念,这些新概念通常又由another, (the)other, latter, next, second等词修饰。 (3)题目中出现了比较级,而原文中没有相应的比较信息。 (4)题目是关于心理活动、计划打算、目标目的、想法愿望等主观内容,原文讲的却是事实。 以上就是小编整理的关于雅思阅读判断题常见做题规则的详细内容,希望大家了解。最后,预祝大家考出满意的成绩。 文章来源于文都国际教育:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b10625588.html,/kaopei/ielts/reading_ielts/11671.shtml


雅思阅读判断题考点总结及判断原则(上) 是非无判断题(TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN)一直以来都是一种令雅思考生们头疼不已的题型。这种题型的难点主要有以下两个方面:第一,题干信息和原文信息之间经常会发生同义替换,使得考生在定位题干出处以及理解题干与原文的对应上会时常出现问题。第二,在思维方式上的转换,过去的中国考生所涉及到的判断题型只有是和非两种情况,大家都已经比较适应非黑即白的解题思路了,但是在雅思考试中,又加入了Not Given这一概念,对考生的逻辑思维方面要求更加严谨,需要我们思考地更加全面。 正是这一点,使得广大的雅思考生难以适应,因而会导致很多解题上的失误。下面,笔者就结合上述的两方面难点,针对这种经典的雅思阅读题型进行做法和思路上的探讨。 一、解题思路 是非无判断题是一种细节题,因此在做题时,需要遵循细节题的解题思路: 1. 分析问题时,从题目中找出合适的定位词 所谓定位词,顾名思义,就是用来在原文中定位跟题目有关的信息出现的位置的依据。在从题目中找定位词时,找到的信息需要满足两个条件:一是具有独一性;二是最好不发生变化。因此,在解决雅思阅读的细节题时,从题目中找的定位词信息可以分为如下三类: 1)易识别的信息,如大写、数字、特殊字体等 这类词通常不容易发生变化,因此在原文中看到的和在题目中出现的基本是一样的;而且这类词比较显眼,在文章中的出处可以快速找到。 如剑5 Test 3 Passage 2中的第18题: Coastal erosion occurred along Egypt‘s Mediterranean coast before the building of t he Aswan dams. 本句中的Egypt’s Mediterranean coast可以作为定位信息在文中直接进行快速定位,我们很快就能够在第一段中找到出题点: The fertile land of the Nile delta is being eroded along Egypt‘s Mediterranean coast at on astounding rate,in some parts estimated at 100 metres per year. In the past,land scoured away from the coastline by the currents of the Mediterranean Sea used to be replaced by sediment brought down to the delta by the River Mile,but this is no longer happening. 定位到题目在原文中的出处之后,通过理解下文信息我们即可判断出原文信息和题目信息是对应的。 又如剑8 Test 1 Passage 2的第21题: Air Traffic Control started after the Grand Canyon crash in 1956.


雅思阅读填空类题型解题技巧 文/ 上海新东方学校樊黎明 (著作权所有,转载本文请务必注明作者和出处,违者必究!)雅思阅读填空类的题型是雅思区别于传统英语考试的一个特色题型之一。根据出题形式的不同,填空类题型可以分为 Sentence completion (句子填空题) , Summary (段落摘要) , Summary with a box(带选项的段落摘要) , Table completion (表格题), Flow chart (流程图), Diagram labelling (图片题)等六大题型。传统的分题型讲解的方法倾向于把这些题型拆开,但是殊不知这些题型的出题思路大同小异,一旦掌握了这些题目的共性,做题就会变得易如反掌。 首先,我们来看一下这些雅思填空类题目的出题共同特点: 1.考查内容均为细节 每一道填空题的题目基本上都是对原文的一句话或者几句话进行的同义改写,不会出现对多句话或者是整段的主旨进行的概括归纳。 2.所填答案基本唯一 虽然这种考试需要考生自己书写答案,但是所有答案均来自于原文,不需要进行考生用自己的语言对原词进行改写。极个别情况下会出现词序颠倒,但是基本上不需要考生进行词性、时态、单复数等屈折形式的转换。这是由雅思阅读的目的所决定的,雅思阅读只考查考生的阅读能力,而无意检验考生的写作能力。 3.所有题目均有字数限制 所有这类题目的指令里面都包括字数限制的要求,一般都是不超过 3个字,这同样是由阅读考试客观性、标准性的性质所决定的。如果对答案不设字数限制,那么往往会导致出现多个标准答案的现象,这也是不符合考试的原则的。因为阅卷的时候标准答案越少,试卷的批阅的过程就越客观、越公正。 4.题目都是原文的同义改写 雅思阅读考试的本质是考查英语使用者的书面英语能力,在很大程度上就是看考生在一定的英语语言基础上的阅读技能。寻找原文的过程是对考生阅读技能的检验,而题目本身则是考查考生的语言功底,即词汇和语法基础。所以每道填空题目都会用另外一种方式对原文中的句子进行同义改写,这种同义转换包括词汇的转换和句型的转换两种方式。 5.基本都讲顺序原则 除了带选项的段落摘要题比较不稳定之外,其它所有的填空题都比较严格地遵循顺序原则,即题号的顺序与原文的顺序一致。掌握这条原
