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Men improve sperm quality nutrient recipes Daquan

This article review: nowadays, the increasing methods to improve sperm quality, but food methods to improve sperm quality is the most scientific. Today, come and see is how to keep sperm healthy living diet.
What progress in sperm quality sperm quality improvement methods to improve sperm quality

5 foods improve sperm quality

Eating foods rich in magnesium. Day, eat more foods rich in magnesium and magnesium to modulate the activity of the heart, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, progressive men's fertility. Male sibling ate 2 bowls with milk in the morning oatmeal and a banana. Magnesium-containing foods are beans, potatoes, nuts, oatmeal, pasta, leaf vegetables and seafood.

Eating foods containing arginine. Constitute a main ingredient was arginine sperm high yield, it can improve sperm activity. Arginine-containing foods are sea cucumbers, eels, catfish, squid, and tahini, Yam, Ginkgo biloba, bean curd, bean curd, peanuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, etc. Sea cucumber and sea since ancient times is considered bushen Yijing, impotence cures the paralysis of the treasures.

Eating foods that contain zinc. Sperm are rich in zinc, zinc to maintain male reproductive function plays no political parties underestimated role. Zinc is required for sperm metabolism material

and enhances the vitality of sperm, eating zinc-rich foods, such as oysters, shrimp, clams, shellfish, liver, walnuts, milk, beans, bran and seeds are necessary. Crown of the zinc content in the oyster meat, pay attention to intake helps sperm nucleic acid and protein metabolism, and progressive.

Eating foods that contain calcium. Calcium on sperm motility, capacitation, maintain hyaluronidase activities and play an insignificant role in the fertilization process. If the body lacks calcium, sperm motility is slow, acrosome protease activity reduced. So men should pay attention to the pledge of eating more foods rich in calcium, such as milk and bean products, Susan fish, pork ribs soup, seaweed, shrimp, seaweed, wakame, day lily flowers, mushrooms, mustard, coriander, sweet almonds, raisins, etc.

Consumption of fructose-containing foods. Sperm activity associated with the number of fructose in seminal vesicle. If the low content of fructose in semen, is simple with dead sperm. Fructose in honey and a variety of fruit such as pears, apples, grapes, pineapple, Orange contents You Feng, should attach weight to the camera. Introduction of traditional Chinese medicine in past dynasties of the Yijing, impotence, essence of the goods, such as shrimp, dog and bird meat, beef meat, Fish Maw, walnuts and chives, Chinese wolfberry and other optional food.

Progress of man sperm quality nutrient recipes

Qi Jing stewed quail

Information: quail 1, medlar, polygonatum 30 grams each, salt and small amounts of monosodium glutamate.

Practices: quails ' slaughter, hair and internal organs, scoured, lycium barbarum, yellow hardcover quail inside, add water, appropriate, coddle and crisp, seasoned salt, monosodium glutamate proper serve.

The oyster tofu soup

Material: fresh oyster meat, tofu, ginger, garlic, starch, etc.

Practice: tofu and oyster meat is first washed clean, bean curd diced oyster meat cut into thin slices. Then garlic slices with peanut oil, then pour the shrimp sauce and water, boil the water after a tofu. Last boil in oyster meat, onion, starch thin gravy.

So, which foods affect sperm quality in men?

Improve sperm quality of men https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, can not eat anything

Tea with milk. Pearl milk tea in https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, the market right now is with creamer, colors,https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, flavors and tapioca (refers https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, to Pearl milk tea) and made from tap water. Cream main ingredients, hydrogenated vegetable oil, is a trans-fatty acids. Trans fatty acids can reduce the secretion of male hormone, to adversely affect the activity of the sperm, kill sperm in the body of the response process.

Coffee. Coffee has a refreshing https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, effect, because it contains https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, caffeine influences people https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, All day activity of the sympathetic grasp, it suffers, people would cheer, life has doubled. At night by the parasympathetic Division physiological, erectile dysfunction and othe

r sexual activities, and sympathetic to the table and links. When sympathetic nerve activity, and relatively weak parasympathetic nerves will be suppressed, and clinical manifestation is the decrease of sexual desire.

Tofu. Men love https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, tofu and other soy products to watch. According to https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, the United States media recently https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, reported that United States Harvard University School of public health, a new study once again clearly, if eating soy products everyday, will make the men's sperm counts decreased significantly. Soybean product on the male reproductive system, particularly sperm production has harmful effects. In soybean and the finished product is a rich source of isoflavones Phytoestrogens, excessive intake, will naturally affect testosterone levels in men, leading to a series of negative consequences.

Improve sperm quality https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b4101826.html, of men, why not try the diet.
