unit1 泛读

unit1 泛读
unit1 泛读

The Gift of Cochise


Comprehension points

1 (Line 5) The Apache signaled for a truce. He meant that she should not attack them, and they would not attack her first, either, at least for the time being.

2 (Line 10) Cochise was very curious. He wanted to know by himself the woman who had fought so courageously, who had fought his war-seasoned fellows off three times already. Having got the first-hand knowledge about the woman, Cochise then was able to decide what to do with her and her children.

3 (Line 38) Angie paused for a moment, but she was not the person who would tell lies under any circumstances.

4 (Line 62) The sentences means that Cochise was not telling the truth, i.e., he was bluffing her intentionally, because Angie knew that there were springs in the hills where the Apaches were living, so they did not have to come so far to claim the spring.

5 (Line 66) Angie was so eloquent, so courageous, so brave, and so smart, so kind, and such a woman would bring up her children to be warriors.

6 (Line 79) “One” stands for a man. The sentence means that if there were such a man, and the man were married to Angie, they would have a lot of children, and the children would be brought up to be brave warriors, who would then fight the Apaches.

7 (Line 100) It implies that some Indians had been to the spring during the weeks that followed, because Indians typically wore moccasins.

8 (Line 125) Angie’s father was from rural Ireland, and she had inherited from him the ability to judge land. So she knew that the land was fertile and crops would grow well on it.

9 (Line 169) He realized that the three brothers deliberately challenged him, because he had killed their brother Dan Tolliver. Now they wanted to avenge their brother and kill Ches Lane.

10 (Line 260) These two white men could not last very long in the place where Ches met them. In order to avoid the attacking Indians and survive, they had to move west.

11 (Line 294) Se knew for sure that Ed was dead and would never return, but she had to live on. With only herself against the harsh nature, she would have many difficulties. She felt grieved, but she had to appear strong in the presence of her children, so she had to cry after they were asleep to relieve her pent-up emotions.

12 (Line 489) It implied that the Apache Indians meant Ches Lane to be her new husband.

13 (Line 498) To have moved it would end her hope for Ed’s return and would weaken her memory of Ed.

14 (Line 508) If Ed had considered, he would not have gone to Ches’ aid. So it was lucky for Ches.


1 阿帕契的战士们曾机智勇敢地战胜了有史以来最强悍的美国军队,而这支军队的数量是阿帕契人的一百倍.这些阿帕契人就是那些战士当中的一部分。

2 很久以前她就猜到爱德已被人打死了,但是柯奇士的说话方式并不意味着阿帕契人杀死了他,他的意思只是说他肯定是死了,否则他早就回来了。

3 那棵仙人果至少在二百码以外,而且那支温彻斯特连发步枪又长又重,但是他急切地


4 他骑着马从峡谷口中出来,正好闯进了一支由二十多个阿帕契人组成的战斗队围成的包围圈中-----直到他们突然从岩石后面站起来他才看见他们,而且他们的步枪都已端平了对着他。

5 他们的离去让她突然感到无助,站在她面前的是个完全陌生的男人,这个被阿帕契人从荒漠中带到她面前的大块头、满脸络腮胡子的男人击碎了她孤寂的幽暗世界。


英语泛读教程(第2册)参考答案 Unit One Comprehension Points 1.Every year at the same time the stars were in the same place in the sky. 2.They are the planets. 3.He thought that … (Page 2, parag. 12) 4.The idea was that the stars and the sun did not turn around the earth. Instead, it was the earth that was turning. The sun and the stars were not really moving. 5.Because they would upset the whole science of astronomy and cause cruel persecution by the Church. 6.Content/details. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b5700284.html,mon. 8.Because radio telescopes find out new stars by picking up radio waves from them. 9.It means the group of stars that our earth is a member of. 10.The implication is that probably by then the earth has already been melted. 11.Every three days it gets very dim. It stays dim for a few hours, then it gets bright again. 12.Because a comet isn’t solid. It is thin like a cloud. Its tail is nothing but glowing gas. And its head is made of small pieces that could not hurt the earth. Exercises I. True or false 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F II. 1.略。 2.Four stages. Childhood, manhood, old age, and the last stage. 3.The very hottest ones are blue. Those not quite so hot are white, and those less hot than the white ones are yellow and red. 4.略。 5.They help sailors to find their way and they help us to tell time. Unit Two Comprehension Points 1.It means to function properly. 2.电气史上最伟大的人物之一迈克尔·法拉第写了一篇报告,介绍了一种叫做gutta percha 的类似橡胶的物质,这种物质是从生在在马来西亚的一种树上提取出来的。 3.It means to bring out of the water on to the land. 4.To lay a cable under the Atlantic. 5.To become weaker. 6.第一个it指的是the telegraph failed,第二个it指的是it ever worked,第三个it指的是 the cable. 7.Because a big ship can’t carry the end of the cable on to the shore, it will get stranded.


英语泛读教程1第三版答案unit1-3 Unit 1 Text: Invented Words A. d B. 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.b D. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.b Fast Reading: 1.d 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.d 11.d 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.a Home Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.a 9.d Unit 2 Text: The English Reserve and Politeness A. b B. 1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.a D. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.c Fast Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b 9.d 10.b 11.c 12.d 13.d 14.b 15.d Home Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.d Unit 3 Text: Bursting the Magic Bubble A. d B. 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.d 8.d 9.d 10.c D. 1.b 2.d 3.d 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.a Fast Reading: 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.c 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.a 11.c 12.c 13.d 14.a 15.d Home Reading: 1.d 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.d 9.b

英语泛读教程3 课文翻译

UNIT 2 英国人的谨慎和礼貌 在许多人看来,英国人极为礼貌,同他们交朋友很难。但愿下列文字能够帮助你更好地了解英国人的性格特点。 对于其他欧洲人来说,英国人最著名的特点是“谨慎”。一个谨慎的人不太会和陌生人聊天,不会流露出太多的情感,并且很少会兴奋。要了解一个谨慎的人并非易事;他从不告诉你有关他自己的任何事,也许你和他工作了几年,却连他住在哪儿,有几个孩子,兴趣是什么,都不知道。英国人就有类似的倾向。如果乘公共汽车去旅行,他们会尽量找一个没人坐的位子;如果是乘火车,他们会找一个没人的单间。如果他们不得不与陌生人共用一个单间时,那么即使火车驶出了很多英里,他们也不会开口交谈。一旦谈起来的话,他们不会轻易问及像“你几岁?”或者甚至“你叫什么名字?”等私人问题。像“你的手表是在哪儿买的?”或者“你的收入是多少?”这样的问题几乎不可想象。同样,在英国,人们交谈时一般声音都很轻、很有节制,大声谈话会被视为没有教养。 在某种程度上,不愿意与他人交流是一种不幸的品质,因为它可能会给人造成态度冷淡的印象。而事实上,英国人(也许除了北方人)并不以慷慨和好客而著称。而另一方面,虽然谨慎使他们不易与人沟通,但他们内心还是很有人情味的。如果一个陌生人或外国人友善地将这种隔阂打破那么一会儿,他们可能会满心欢喜。 与英国人的谨慎紧密相连的品质是英国式的谦逊。在内心深处,英国人可能比任何人都高傲,但是当他们与别人相处时,他们十分看重谦逊的品质,至少要表现出谦虚的样子。自我标榜会被认为没有教养。让我们假设,有一个人非常擅长打网球,但如果有人问他是否是个优秀选手时,他很少会说“是”,不然,人们会认为他很高傲。他可能会作出类似这样的回答,“不算太差,”或者“嗯,我非常喜欢网球。”这样的自我贬低是典型的英国式的。而且当这一品质与他们的谨慎混合在一起时,常常形成一种漠然的气氛,这在外国人看来难于理解,甚至令人恼火。 著名的英国人的幽默感也是大同小异。它的出发点是自我贬低,它的最大对手是高傲,它的理想境界是自嘲的能力——嘲笑自己的错误、自己的失败和窘境,甚至自己的理想。在英国,人们非常看重幽默感,常常能听到“他一点幽默感都没有”这样的批评。幽默感是一种对生活的态度而并非仅仅是开玩笑的能力。这种态度决非残酷、不敬或是怀有恶意的。英国人不会嘲笑一个跛子或者疯子,也不会嘲笑一个悲剧或者一次可敬的失败。同情心或者对艺术技巧的崇敬比嘲笑的份量重得多。 同幽默感一样,运动员精神是英国式的理想,这一点并非所有的英国人都做得到。必须认识到,现代形式的运动几乎都是英国人发明的。拳击、英式足球、网球以及板球都是在英国首次组织并且制定出规则的。规则是运动的精髓,运动员精神是指按照规则从事体育运动的能力,同时也表现在对对手的慷慨大度,以及失败后的良好心态。此外,运动员精神作为一种理想模式也普遍适用于日常生活。其中最基本的生活规则之一就是“不打跌倒的人”。换言之,就是不要利用别人的不幸。英国的男孩子常常在相互交往中把这种运动员精神表现得淋漓尽致。 英国人的另一特点就是礼貌。总的来说,英国式的礼貌习惯都不很正式。所有的礼貌都是建立在这样的基本原则之上:为别人着想,同时也认可别人对你的关心。在麻烦别人时,如:从某人前面经过,或者打断某人的谈话,或者向陌生人请教问题时,要先说“对不起”,为给对方带来的不便预先道歉。“抱歉”一词表示对意外打扰或者违反礼仪的歉意。如果有人提出或者暗示某个要求,如:“我可以借你的钢笔吗嘛?”或者“现在几点了?”或者“还有七码的鞋吗?”,而你无法满足这种要求时,也要说“抱歉”而不是“不”。“请原谅?”是用来要求别人重复所说内容时的礼貌说法。在英国,除了在学校,人们在请求发言时,不再用“请”这个词。在国外非常普遍的词组“不,请”,在英国本土听起来却会很别扭。“好

高三译林版一轮教师用书:第1部分 必修5 Unit 1 Getting along with

Unit 1Getting along with others Ⅰ.写作单词——会拼写 1.pretend v i.&v t.假装;装扮,扮作2.beg v t.&v i.请求,恳求;乞讨3.focus n.焦点;重点 v i.&v t.集中于……;(使)聚焦4.remark n.&v i.评论,谈论5.quarrel n.&v i.争吵,争执6.blame v t.责备,指责 n.责任;责备,指责7.overcome v t.克服,解决 8.attitude n.态度,看法 9.eager adj.热切的,急不可待的10.betray v t.出卖,背叛 11.envy v t.& n.羡慕,忌妒12.swear v t.&v i.发誓;咒骂 Ⅱ.拓展单词——能辨别 1.admit v t. &v i.承认;允许进入,接纳→admission n.承认;进入;许可2.forgive v t.原谅,宽恕 →forgiveness n.原谅,宽恕 3.manner n.方式;态度,举止

→manners n.礼貌;礼仪 4.argue v i.争吵,争论 →argument n.争辩,争论 5.apologize v i.道歉 →apology n.道歉 6.disagree v i.不同意,有分歧 →disagreement n.分歧,争论,意见不一7.amuse v t.娱乐,消遣,使发笑 →amusing adj.好笑的,有趣的 →amused adj.高兴的 →amusement n.娱乐,消遣 8.mercy n.宽恕;仁慈 →merciful adj.仁慈的;宽容的 9.respond v i.做出反应,回应 →response n.回答;反应 10.dislike v t.不喜欢,厌恶 →like v t.喜欢 11.rely v i.依靠,依赖 →reliable adj.可靠的,可依赖的 12.hope n.& v. 希望 →hopeful adj.有希望的,怀有希望的,满怀希望的 →hopefully ad v. 有希望的,有前途地 →hopeless adj.没有好转希望的,无望的;糟透的Ⅲ.阅读单词——要识记 1.sincerely ad v.真诚地 2.sensitive adj.易生气的;敏感的;体贴的 3.topic n.话题 4.adolescent adj.青春期的


大学英语泛读教程第一册参考答案 (高等教育出版社,2010年3月版) Unit 1 Chapter 1 A family sees America Together (P. 2—17) G. Blank Filling (P 11) 1. describing 2. journal 3. sign 4. websites 5. miss H. Translation (P. 12) 1. By using computers and the Internet 2. if we are friendly and helpful to others 3. learn about our country and (our) people 4. enjoyed his trip in Europe 5. on the day that/when they left Chapter two F. Word forms (p. 27) 1. a. solves (v.) b. solutions (n.) 2. a. education (n.) b. educate (v. ) 3. a. locate (v.) b. locations (n.) 4. a. construction (n.) b. construct (v.) 5. a. organization (n.) b. organizes (v.) G. Blank Filling (p. 28) 1. habitat 2. community 3. endangered 4. solution 5. For instance

2021届高考英语复习基础知识(人教版)26 Book 6 Unit 1 Art单元知识点

Book 6 Unit 1 Art单元知识点精练 Part I 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. There are hundreds of visitors waiting in front of the art g_______ to have a look at Van Gogh’s paintings. 2. The old man collects modern ______(雕塑). 3. We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is _______(抽象的). Part II I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. She went to London with the a_______ of finding a job. 2. I have great _______ (信任) in you —I know you’ll do well. 3. The man’s _______ (技术) has improved a lot over the past season. 4. We’ll try our best to help the children get out of the _______ (阴影) caused by the earthquake. II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. All the teams have _______ (adopt) different approaches to the problem. 2. She _______ (attempt) to go on with her work in the house. But she could not. 3. The surgeon _______ (predict) that the patient would be walking again in a week. 4. After her father died, she came into _______ (possess) of one million dollars. III. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. ________ (巧合地), I met the person we’d been discussing the next day. 2. We learned _______ (大量) from them.

BK6 教师用书 Unit 1

Unit 1 Paper Tigers Wesley Yang Additional Background Information (About Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) What follows is a comment on Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Elizabeth Chang, an editor of The Washington Post's Sunday Magazine, which carried the article on January 8th, 2011. The cover of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was catnip to this average parent's soul. Although the memoir seems to have been written to prove that Chinese parents are better at raising children than Western ones, the cover text claims that instead it portrays "a bitter clash of cultures, a fleeting taste of glory" and how the Tiger Mother “was humbled by a 13-year-old.” As a hopelessly Western mother married into a Chinese family living in an area that generates immigrant prodigies as reliably as clouds produce rain, I was eager to observe the comeuppance of a parent who thought she had all the answers. And, in many ways, "Tiger Mother" did not disappoint. At night, I would nudge my husband awake to read him some of its more revealing passages, such as when author Amy Chua threatened to burn her older daughter's stuffed animals if the child didn't improve her piano playing. "What Chinese parents understand," Chua writes, "is that nothing is fun until you're good at it." By day, I would tell my own two daughters about how Chua threw unimpressive birthday cards back at her young girls and ordered them to make better ones. For a mother whose half-Chinese children played outside while the kids of stricter immigrant neighbors could be heard laboring over the violin and piano, the book can be wickedly gratifying. Reading it is like secretly peering into the home of a controlling, obsessive yet compulsively honest mother—one who sometimes makes the rest of us look good, if less remarkable and with less impressive offspring. Does becoming super-accomplished make up for years of stress? That's something my daughters and I will never find out. Chua is a law professor and author of two acclaimed books on international affairs, though readers of "Tiger Mother" get only a glimpse of that part of her life, with airy, tossed off-lines such as "Meanwhile, I was still teaching my courses at Yale and finishing up my second book" while also "traveling continuously, giving lectures about democratization and ethnic conflict." Her third book abandons global concerns to focus intimately on Chua's attempt to raise her two daughters the way her immigrant parents raised her. There would be no play dates and no sleepovers: "I don't really have time for anything fun, because I'm Chinese," one of Chua's daughters told a friend. Instead, there would be a total commitment to academics and expertise at something, preferably an instrument. Though Chua's Jewish husband grew up with parents who encouraged him to imagine—and to express himself, he nonetheless agreed to let her take the lead in rearing the children and mostly serves as the Greek chorus to Chua's crazed actions.


Keys to Reading Course 2 Unit 1 Reading Section A Word Pretest 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C Reading Comprehension 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. assignment 2. irony 3. reverse 4. accomplish 5. assemble 6. squeeze 7. sensual 8. fragment 9. narcotic 10. adolescence Use of English 1. Bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition. 2. The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone. 3. He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments. 4. That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji. 5. The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat. 6. They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. Stems 1. proclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declare 2. percentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part 3. confirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verify 4. affirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be true 5. centigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram 6. exclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehemently Synonyms 1. adaptability 2. purpose 3.strained 4.hold 5.defeat Cloze important second France student bilingual monolingual serious means use difficult Section B 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.T 11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.T Section C 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.F

英语泛读for unit1

Supplementary Reading for Unit 1: Writing Three Thank-You Letters Alex Haley 1It was 1943, during World War II, and I was a young U. S. coastguardsman. My ship, the USS Murzim, had been under way for several days. Most of her holds contained thousands of cartons of canned or dried foods. The other holds were loaded with five-hundred-pound bombs packed delicately in padded racks. Our destination was a big base on the island of Tulagi in the South Pacific. 2 I was one of the Murzim's several cooks and, quite the same as for folk ashore, this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. 3 Well, as any cook knows, it's a lot of hard work to cook and serve a big meal, and clean up and put everything away. But finally, around sundown, we finished at last. 4 I decided first to go out on the Murzim's afterdeck for a breath of open air. I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook's hat. 5 I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. 6 Yet my mind seemed to be in quest of something else -- some way that I could personally apply to the close of Thanksgiving. It must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word "Thanksgiving" -- at least that suggested a verbal direction, "Giving thanks." 7 Giving thanks -- as in praying, thanking God, I thought. Yes, of course. Certainly. 8 Yet my mind continued turning the idea over. 9 After a while, like a dawn's brightening, a further answer did come -- that there were people to thank, people who had done so much for me that I could never possibly repay them. The embarrassing truth was I'd always just accepted what they'd done, taken all of it for granted. Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple, sincere "Thank you." 10 At least seven people had been particularly and lastingly helpful to me. I realized, swallowing hard, that about half of them had since died -- so they were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me. The more I thought

【精品】高中英语(人教版 选修7)教师用书:Unit 1 Section_Ⅲ Learning_ab

人教版英语精品资料 Section_ⅢLearning_about_Language_&_Using_Language Ⅰ.Read the text and then match the main idea with each paragraph. Paragraph 1 A.Earphones are necessary beside all seats for hearing-impaired people. Paragraph 2 B.Seats can be raised for people to see the screen easily. Paragraph 3 C.Lifts should be offered to all parts of the cinema. Paragraph 4 D.The purpose of writing the letter. Paragraph 5 E.Reasons why the designer should take the disabled into consideration. Paragraph 6 F.Toilets should be convenient for the disabled to reach. Paragraph 7 G.Car parking spaces are important especially for the disabled customers. 答案:Paragraph 1~7 DCABFGE Ⅱ.Read the text and then choose the best answers. 1.From the text we know that Alice Major advised the architect to consider ________ things. A.two B.three C.four D.five 2.If the lifts are at the back of the cinema in cold and unattractive areas, this will make disabled people feel they are ________ other customers. A.more important than B.as important as C.twice as important as D.less important than 3.What does “hearing-impaired” mean? A.耳聋的B.耳鸣的 C.耳聪的D.耳障的 4.Which of the following is NOT true?


Unit 1 University Student Life Section A Word Pretest 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. B Reading Comprehension l. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F Vocabulary Building Word Match rationally in a way based on reason rather than emotions established accepted; recognized various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed

strenuous stressful; requiring effort and energy master overall recreation way of spending free time estimate calculate roughly routine regular; usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize 5. finalize 6. necessarily 7. physically 8. highly Cloze favorable their respected professors authority role expect need several changes Sec tion B

译林版英语四年级下册 Unit1 知识点梳理

Unit1 Our school subjects 单词 school 学校 subject 课程 Welcome back to …欢迎回到…… see 看见,看到 timetable 课程表,时间表 Chinese 语文(课) Maths 数学(课) Art 美术(课) PE 体育(课) Music 音乐(课) Science 科学(课) fun 乐趣,快乐 goto 去……. playground 操场 lesson 课 Monday 星期一 afternoon 下午 重点内容 词汇分类 课程: Chinese语文(课) Maths数学(课) Art美术(课) PE体育(课) Music音乐(课) Science/科学(课) 地点: school 学校 playground 操场 时间: Monday 星期一 afternoon下午 其他: see 看见,看到 fun 乐趣,快乐 subject 课程 lesson 课

timetable 课程表;时间表 句型 表达欢迎回到某地的句型: Welcome back to school. Welcome back home. 询问对方喜欢什么课程的句型及其答语: What subjects do you like? I/We like Chinese. I/We like Maths. 短语 go to 去… welcome back to…欢迎回到… our new timetable 我们的新课程表 惯用表达式 ① nice to see you.见到你很高兴。 ② What about you?你(们)呢? 知识点精析 1.表达欢迎回到某地的句型——Welcome back (to)… 【课文应用】Welcome back to school, class. 欢迎回到学校,同学们。 【句型结构】 Welcome back (to)+地点( school, home,here...) 【重点解析】 welcome在这里是感叹词,表示“欢迎” to后接表示地点的名词,如果“地点”是副词,to要省略。 【生活实例】看看 Lingling是怎样迎接从国外参加比赛回来的同学们的: Langling: Welcome back to China!欢迎回到中国! 2.如何表达见到某人很高兴 【课文应用】 Nice to see you, Miss Li. 见到你很高兴,李老师。 Nice to see you too. 见到你们也很高兴。 “Nice to see you”意为“见到你(们)很高兴”,它的答语可以为“ Nice to see you too. 例如:一 Nice to see you here,Miss Zhao. 在这里见到你很高兴,赵老师。 一Nice to see you too. 见到你也很高兴。 3.如何询问对方喜欢什么课程 【课文应用】 What subjects do you like, Wang Bing? 你喜欢什么课程,王兵? I like Chinese and Maths. 我喜欢语文和数学。 【句型结构】问句: What subjects do you like? 答语: I/ We like+课程名称( Chinese, English, Maths,Music…) 【重点解析】问句用于询问对方喜欢什么课程。what subjects意为“什么课程”。例:-What subjects do you like,Mary?你喜欢什么课程,玛丽? -I like English. 我喜欢英语。


U n i t3V e r b a l a n d N o n-v e r b a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n Unit overview Both Units 1 and 2 mention a key word “communication”.As Thomas Payne points out in Text B of Unit 2, most of us, linguists or non-linguists, have the common-sense notion that “the main purpose of human language is communication”. Thus to develop a deeper understanding of the nature and function of language, we need to take a close at human communication. This unit examines this topic from a cross-cultural perspective, illustrating the similarities and differences in verbal and non-verbal communication between different cultures, which lays a foundation for further exploration into the interface between language and culture in the following units. Text A People in different communities demonstrate different perceptions and rules of both verbal and non-verbal communication. The way they interact is culturally relative in almost every aspect, including when to talk, what to say, pacing and pausing, listenership, intonation and prosody, formulaicity, indirectness, and coherence and cohesion. Text B Some non-verbal behaviors are practically universal and have the same meaning wherever you are (e.g., smiling and facial expressions of anger, surprise, fear, sadness, and so on). But for cultural and historical reasons, there have also developed great differences and variations in such aspects as eye contact, touch, gestures, and territorial space, etc. Without an awareness of respect and accommodation for people from a different background, these differences are likely to cause misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication. The two texts supplement each other in that Text A illustrates cross-cultural differences in both verbal and non-verbal communication while Text B focuses on non-verbal behaviors and addressesboth differences and similarities. Teaching objectives This unit is designed to help students develop their reading skills, communicative competence, critical thinking, intercultural reflection and abilities of autonomous learning in the following aspects. Reading skills: Use context to understand a new word Identify cohesive devices Predict the content of an upcoming sentence/paragraph
