


A shoemaker, through no fault of his own, had become so poor that he had only leather enough for a single pair of shoes. He cut them out one evening, then went to bed, intending to finish them the next morning. Having a clear conscience, he went to bed peacefully, commended himself to God, and fell asleep.


The next morning, after saying his prayers, he was about to return to his work when he found the shoes on his workbench, completely finished. Amazed, he did not know what to say. He picked up the shoes in order to examine them more closely. They were so well made that not a single stitch was out of place, just as if they were intended as a masterpiece.

A customer soon came by, and he liked the shoes so much that he paid more than the usual price for them.

第二天早上他做完祷告,打算继续工作,但他发现.在工作台上的那双鞋子已经做好了.天啦!鞋匠惊讶得说不出话来. 他把鞋子拿起来检查了一下,做工非常棒,缝接处没有丝毫偏差.就在这时,一位顾客进来了,他非常喜欢这双鞋并用高价买下了它们.

The shoemaker now had enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes. That evening he cut them out, intending to continue his work the next morning with good cheer. But he did not need to do so, because when he got up they were already finished. Customers soon bought them, paying him enough that he now could buy leather for four pairs of shoes.

Early the next morning he found the four pairs finished. And so it continued; whatever he cut out in the evening was always finished the following morning. He now had a respectable income and with time became a wealthy man.



One evening shortly before Christmas, just before going

to bed, and having already cut out a number of shoes, he said to his wife, "Why don't we stay up tonight and see who is giving us this helping hand."


His wife agreed to this and lit a candle. Then they hid themselves behind some clothes that were hanging in a corner of the room. At midnight two cute little naked men appeared. Sitting down at the workbench, they picked up the cut-out pieces and worked so unbelievable quickly and nimbly that the amazed shoemaker could not take his eyes from them. They did not stop until they had finished everything. They placed the completed shoes on the workbench, then quickly ran away.



The next morning the wife said, "The little men have made us wealthy. We must show them our thanks. They are running around with nothing on, freezing. Do you know what? I want to sew some shirts, jackets, undershirts, and trousers for them, and knit a pair of stockings for each of them, and you should make a pair of shoes for each of them."





The husband said, "I agree," and that evening, when everything was finished, they set the presents out instead of the unfinished work. Then they hid themselves in order to see what the little men would do. At midnight they came skipping up, intending to start work immediately. When they saw the

little clothes instead of the cut-out leather, they at first seemed puzzled, but then delighted. They quickly put them on, then stroking the beautiful clothes on their bodies they sang:

Sind wir nicht Knaben glatt und fein? Was sollen wir

linger Schuster sein! Are we not boys, neat and fine? No

longer cobblers shall we be!

鞋匠说: "完全同意,"那天晚上,鞋匠夫妇没有把裁剪好的皮







Then they hopped and danced about, jumping over chairs and benches. Finally they danced out of the house. They never returned, but the shoemaker prospered, succeeding in everything that he did.



圣诞节的故事 导读:圣诞节小故事: 故事1:圣诞老人的故事 从前有一个老人,名叫尼古拉斯,他一生最爱帮助贫穷的人家。其中有一次他帮助三个贫穷的少后送他们三袋金子以逃过被卖的不幸。当尼古拉斯偷偷把其中一袋金子送给其中一名女子时,他把金子从其中一个窗户扔进去,恰好掉进景在壁上的一长袜中。于是,将礼物放在圣诞袜子的送礼方法家挨户地去要糖果哟! 故事2:你知道我是谁 又是一个圣诞节,汤姆向妈妈要一台电脑,但汤姆又淘气,又功课不好,妈妈不给他买,但又不能直接拒绝,只好说:“汤姆,你给上帝写封信,如果你在一年间做了好事,上帝是会给你一台电脑的。”小汤姆开始给上帝写信:亲爱的上帝,我是您最可爱的小汤姆,这一年间我做了许多好事,圣诞节了,希望仁爱的您能给我一台电脑,爱您的汤姆。 但是,小汤姆写完之后觉得写得太不真实了,于是他又写了一封:上帝啊,我是汤姆,这一年虽然我做过几件不好的事,但我知道我错了,希望您能给我一台电脑,您的汤姆。 可是汤姆看了之后,仍然觉得不好,他就又写了第三封信:上帝,是我,汤姆。是的,我确实做过许多坏事,但还是希望你能给我一台电脑,小汤姆。

于是,小汤姆拿着第三封信去了教堂,他看到了圣母和耶稣的雕像,但他却写了第四封信,第二天,牧师在耶稣雕像下发现了一封信,只见上面写着:耶稣,你的妈妈在我手中,想再见到她的话,快给我一台电脑,你知道我是谁! 故事3:想要一匹小马驹 圣诞节的前一天,父亲问女儿想要什么礼物,女儿知道妈妈又要 生小宝宝了,便说:“我想要个小 不久以后,父亲又问女儿:“孩子,明年圣诞节你想要什么礼物呢?”女儿想了一会儿,回答说:“如果妈妈不觉得太麻烦的话,我想要一匹 小马驹。” 圣诞老公公的由来 圣诞节是令人雀跃期待的日子,尤其是小孩子。相信大家对圣诞老公公的事都耳熟能详吧?从前有一个老人,名叫尼古拉斯,他一生 最爱帮助贫穷的人家。其中有一次他帮助三个贫穷的少后送他们三袋金子以逃过被卖的不幸。当尼古拉斯偷偷把其中一袋金子送给其中一名女子时,他把金子从其中一个窗户扔进去,恰好掉进景在壁上的一长袜中。于是,将礼物放在圣诞袜子的送礼方法家挨户地去要糖果哟! 据说平安夜的晚上,圣诞节老公公会驾着驯鹿雪橇满载着礼物准备送点这一年来表现很好的小朋友,他会悄悄地从烟囱爬进屋内,礼物塞在挂在床头的袜子里。所以孩子总会把一条条色彩缤纷的袜子挂在床头,并在袜子旁边放杯热牛奶给劳苦功高的圣诞老人解渴,并送


Snow White 角色: Actors SW——白雪公主( 1 个)Q——王后( 1 个) M ——魔( 1 个) D ——小矮人( 7 个) (一) 旁白:(伴着音) In a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen. They had a life princess. The family lived a happy life. But before long, the queen died. The king married another woman. She was beautiful, but proud and arrogant. She couldn’tbear anyone being more beautiful than her. She had a magic mirror. (王后出) Q:Magic Mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest one of all? M :Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow. Q:Snow White! Alas for her! 旁白: The queen ordered her guard to kill Snow White secretly. The guard couldn’thear to kill her, So he asked Snow White to run away as far as she can, and never let the queen find her. Snow White ran into the forest, she wandered aimlessly. Will she come to a small house. SW:Oh, it’s adorable! I like it here.(敲,然后推开) Hello! May I come in? (回跟在身后的小物安静)Shh?? (在小房子里到看看) Oh, and from the look of this table, seven untidy


简单英语童话故事带翻译-潘多拉 Pandora After the stealing of fire,Zeus became increasingly unkind to men.One day he ordered his son Hephaestus tobuild an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.Among others,Athena clothed her in an attractive coat and Hermes gave her the power of telling lies.A charming young lady,she was the first woman that ever lived.Zeus called her Pandora.Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift.The gift was harmful to men. Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present.So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus,brother of Prometheus.The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her,and Epimetheus happily received her into his house.He had quite forgotten Pometheus' warning:never to accept anything from Zeus.The couple lived a happy life for some time.Then trouble came on to the human world. When he was busy with teaching men the art of living,Prometheus had left a bigcask in the care of Epimetheus.He had warned his brother not to open the lid.Pandora was a curious woman.She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask.One day,when Epimetheus was out,she lifted the lid and out itcame unrest and war,Plague and sickness,theft and violence, grief sorrow,and all the other evils.The human world was hence to experience these


童话故事英语作文 童话能让人长知识,让人快乐,人类就是在童话的指导下长大的。童话表现出了我们对美好的向往和追求。 A man once caught a weasel, which was always sneaking1 about the house, and was just going to drown it in a tub of water, when it begged hard for its life, and said to him, "Surely you haven't the heart to put me to death? Think how useful I have been in clearing your house of the mice and lizards2 which used to infest3 it, and show your gratitude4 by sparing my life." "You have not been altogether useless, I grant you," said the Man: "but who killed the fowls5? Who stole the meat? No no! You do much more harm than good, and die you shall." 从前,有一个人抓住了一只黄鼠狼,它总是在房子里偷偷摸摸。这人正要用一盆水淹死它时,黄鼠狼苦苦哀求人饶了自己的性命,并且对人说:“你一定不忍心杀了我!想想我对你们家做的贡献吧,我可是一只在清理你家里的老鼠和蜥蜴,为了显示你对我的感激之情,就饶我一命吧。”“我也承认,你并非完全无用,” 男人说,“但是,是谁杀了鸡?是谁偷了肉?不不!你做了太多坏事,理应去死。” There was a sturdy ram1 with a pair of thick horns upright on its head. It strutted2 about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns. If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately3 in butting4 against the fence, even against the spokes5 of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull6. As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat but bleat7 helplessly. 一头长得非常雄壮的.公羊的头上,挺立着一对粗大的犄角。 公羊骄傲地踱着步,看见前面有一道竹木编成的篱笆挡住了它的去路。公羊斜着眼睛看看,便弯下脖子呼的一声撞上去,想把篱笆撞倒。结果篱笆纹丝不动,反把自己的犄角碰上了。


Hansel and Gretel Class 4& 5 Grade 4 Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter(伐木工)and his wife was a stepmother(继母) to his two children whose names Hansel and Gretel. They were very poor and did not have much to eat. Stepmother: Dinner! Hansel: It’s only a slice of bread, but we are starving(饿死了). Stepmother: What do you want? With so little money, all we can eat is bread. Father: We have almost no more food for our family. I’m afraid we will all die. Hansel: Oh, Father, we will overcome(克服)the difficulties(困难). Step mother: Oh, why did I marry a poor woodcutter? Gretel: Poor Dad. Always in trouble. Narrator: Hansel and Gretel finished the last crumbs(面包屑)on the plates and went to their room. They blew out the candle and tried to sleep. Gr etel: What’s that noise? Hansel: Sorry, it’s my tummy. I was thinking of chocolate and marshmallows(棉花糖). Gretel: Oh don’t. I’m so hungry and I can’t sleep.


英语童话故事 英语童话故事(一): AnoldcockandafoxItisevening。Anoldcockissittinginatree。Afoxestothetreeandlooksupatthecock。"Hello,mrcock,Ihavegoodnewsforyou,"saysthefox。"oh"saysthecock,"whatgoodnewsforme?""Alltheanimalsarefriendsnow。"saysthefox。"Fine!"saysthecock。"I'mverygladtoknowthat。"Thenhelooksup、 "Look!Adogiaingthisway。""what?Adog?"saysthefox。"well。。。。well,Imustgonow。Goodbye,mrcock!""wait,mrFox,Don'tyoulikedogs?"Don'tyoulikeplayingwiththedog?Dogsareourfriendsnow。""But,。。。buttheymaynotknowthenewsyet。"Thenherunsaway。"Isee,Isee,"saysthecock。Hesmilesandgoestosleep 翻译:一只老公鸡和一只狐狸是夜。一只老公鸡呆在树上。一只狐狸走向大树要拜访公鸡。"你好,公鸡先生,我有一个关于你的好消息。"狐狸说。"噢,"公鸡说,"是什么关于我的好消息?""所有动物此刻都是朋友了。"狐狸说。"好,"公鸡说,"我听到那十分高兴!"然后他看到了。 "看,一只狗正在往这边来。""什么?一只狗?"狐狸问。"好的好的,此刻我该走了,再见,公鸡先生!""等等,狐狸先生,你难道不喜欢狗吗?难道你不喜欢和狗玩么?狗此刻是我们的朋友。""但是,但是它们此刻可能还不明白。"然后他跑走了。"我明白了,我明白了,"公鸡说。他微笑着然后去睡觉了。 英语童话故事(二): Longagoinasmall,farawayvillage,therewasaplaceknownastheHouseof1000mirrors。Asmall,happylittledoglearnedofthisplaceanddecidedtovisit。whenhearrived,hehouncedhappilyupthestairstothedoorwayofthehouse。Helookedthroughthedoorwaywithhisearsliftedhighandhistailwaggingasfastasitcould。Tohisgreatsurprise,hefoundhimselfstaringat1000otherhappylittledogswiththeirtailswaggingjustasfastashis。Hesmiledagreatsmile,andwasansweredwith1000greatsmilesjustaswarmandfirendly。AshelefttheHouse,hethoughttohimself,"Thisisawonderfulplace。Iwillebackandvisititoften。" Inthissamevillage,anotherlittledog,whowasnotquiteashappyasthefirstone,decidedtovisitthehouse。Heslowlyclimbedthestairsandhunghisheadlowashelookedintothedoor。whenhesawthe1000unfriendlylookingdogsstaringbackathim,hegrowledatthemandwashorrifiedtosee1000littledogsgrowlingbackathim。Asheleft,hethoughttohimself,"Thatisahorribleplace,andIwillnevergobackthereagain。" Allthefacesintheworldaremirrors。whatkindofreflectionsdoyouseeinthefacesofthepeopleyoumeet? 很久以前的一个很远的小村庄里,有一个以"千镜屋"而著名的地方。一个乐观的小狗听说了这个地方并决定去参观。当来到这个地方,他蹦蹦跳欢恰快的上了台阶,来到房门口,他高高竖起耳朵,欢快地摇着尾巴,从门口往里张望,他惊奇地看到有1000只欢乐的小狗像他一样快的摇尾巴。他灿烂地微笑着,回报他的是1000张热情,友好的灿烂笑脸。离开时他心想:"这是一个精彩的地主,我必须要经常来参观。" 在这个村里还有另一只想参观"千镜屋"的小狗,他不及第一只小狗乐观,他慢吞吞地爬上台阶,然后耷拉着脑袋往屋子里看。一看到有1000只小狗不友好地盯着他,他便开始冲他们狂吠,镜中的1000只小狗也冲着他狂吠,把他给吓坏了,他在离开时心想:"这是一个


幼儿童话剧剧本(英文童话剧) 小熊请客 第一幕: (旁白) :在美丽的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小动物,它们快乐的 生活着。小熊要在新年这天邀请朋友们做客,一大清早,小熊们就开始忙里忙外了。 (音乐起,房子,树,小熊上场) Tree: I’m Tree. Tree: I’m green. Tree: I’m Tree. Trees: We’re the forest. (树后退至背景处) Bear1: Happy New Year. My name’s Pat. I’m big brother. Bear2: My name’s Frank. This is my car. I can drive a car. Bear3: I’m Bob. I’m a good boy. I’m a good boy. Bear4: I’m Tom. I like riding a bike. Bear5: I’m Joe. I like playing football. Bear6:I’m Ken. I’m a little boy. I can draw. (熊爸爸,熊妈妈上场) Dady:I’m their father. Mumy:I’m their mother. Bears: Morning, Mum. Morning, Dady. (Bears唱 My mother,my father.) Mumy:Let’s have a rest, OK? Children Bears: OK! Yes! (下场) Mumy Dady:Today’s new year. We are going to play a host. Let’s get ready. 第二幕:小熊的朋友上场。 1. 音乐起,花上场。 Flower: I’m red flower. Flower: I’m yellow flower.


小学生英语童话故事篇一 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid." 小学生英语童话故事篇二 Apelles meeting with the little ass1 invited him to tea that very right. The little ass was trembling with delight. He prances2 through the wood; he pesters3 all who pass: 'Apelles bores me so. He will not let me be, you know! Whenever him I see, he asks me in to tea. I'm sure he wants to paint a Pegasus from me.' 'Oh no!' Apelles said as he happened to be near, 'I am painting the judgment4 of King Midas. I'm acquainting with you because you seem to boast the proper length of ear. So if you'll come to tea, most happy I shall be. For long-eared asses5 are not rare, but with the ears that you can show, no little or big ass either ever could compare!' Consumed with vanity, the fool admires himself for that which others ridicule6, and often makes a boast of that which ought to shame him most. 小学生英语童话故事篇三 A little panda picks up a pumpkin1 and wants to take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda can't take it home.

童话故事英文版:How to Tell a True Princess

童话故事英文版:How to Tell a True Princess There was once upon a time a Prince who wanted to marry a Princess, but she must be a true Princess. So he travelled through the whole world to find one, but there was always something against each. There were plenty of Princesses, but he could not find out if they were true Princesses. In every case there was some little defect, which showed the genuine article was not yet found. So he came home again in very low spirits, for he had wanted very much to have a true Princess. One night there was a dreadful storm; it thundered and lightened and the rain streamed down in torrents. It was fearful! There was a knocking heard at the Palace gate, and the old King went to open it. There stood a Princess outside the gate; but oh, in what a sad plight she was from the rain and the storm! The water was running down from her hair and her dress into the points of her shoes and out at the heels again. And yet she said she was a true Princess! 'Well, we shall soon find that!' thought the old Queen. But she said nothing, and went into the sleeping-room, took off all the bed-clothes, and laid a pea on the bottom of the bed. Then she put twenty mattresses on top of the pea, and twenty eider-down quilts on the top of the mattresses. And this was the bed in which the Princess was to sleep. The next morning she was asked how she had slept. 'Oh, very badly!' said the Princess. 'I scarcely closed my eyes all night! I am sure I don't know what was in the bed.


关于圣诞节睡前故事 圣诞节过后,小朋友们肯定想听听关于圣诞老人的故事,以下是风林网络小编为您整理关于圣诞节睡前故事,供您参考,希望对你有所帮助,更多详细内容请点击风林网络查看。 关于圣诞节睡前故事1 据说有一位农民在一个风雪交加的圣诞夜里接待了一个饥寒交迫的小孩,让他吃了一顿丰盛的圣诞晚餐,这个孩子告别时折了一根杉树枝插在地上并祝福说:"年年此日,礼物满枝,留此美丽的杉树,报答你的好意。" 小孩走后,农民发现那树枝竟变成了一棵小树,他才明白自己接待的原来是一位上帝的使者。 这个故事就成为圣诞树的来源。在西方,不论是否基督徒,过圣诞节时都要准备一棵圣诞树,以增加节日的欢乐气氛。圣诞树一般是用杉柏之类的常绿树做成,象征生命长存。 树上装饰着各种灯烛、彩花、红黄彩球、玩具、圣诞钟、心型饼干、星星,挂上各种圣诞礼物。圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞,尽情欢乐。 关于圣诞的童话故事3:天天过圣诞节 小姑娘琼斯非常喜欢过圣诞节,因为每到这一天她都能收到很多礼物,于是琼斯给圣诞仙子寄去了一封信,请求仙子让她天天过圣诞节。 第二天早晨,琼斯一起床就发现床头的长袜子里塞满了巧克力和水果。她走进客厅,又看到一棵美丽的圣诞树,上面挂满了五颜六色的灯泡和琳琅满目的礼物。琼斯好高兴啊,她一下子吃了许多巧克力和水果,然后就忙着到各家去送礼物,还和伙伴们玩了很久的雪橇,简直开心极了!这天晚上,琼斯睡得又香又甜…… 当她醒来时,看见许多邻居家的孩子手里捧着礼物站在她的床前。“圣诞快乐!圣诞快乐!”他们大声喊叫着。琼斯马上想起给圣诞仙子写信的事儿,她对自己说:“好啦,天天过圣诞节的日子开始了!” 琼斯像小鹿一样快活地冲进客厅,却听见妈妈在抱怨:“这么多礼物往哪儿放呀?”爸爸也在说:“奇怪啊,昨天不是刚刚过完圣诞节吗?”琼斯暗暗得意,一高


小猫钓鱼 情节介绍:小猫和妈妈去河边钓鱼,蜻蜓和蝴蝶飞来了,它去和他们玩耍,结果没有钓到鱼,后来妈妈教育了它,它改正了自己的缺点,钓到了一条大鱼。通过这个故事,教育学生做任何事情都要一心一意,同时培养学生的英语口头表达能力和表演能力。人物:Little kitten,Mummy cat,Dragonfly,Butterfly。Lady bug旁白者 道具:钓鱼竿两根,鱼三条,水桶一个,凳子两根。背景图一幅。程序: 旁白:Today is a pleasant day. The sun is shining. The sky is clear and blue. And the clouds are drifting about.。The breeze is singing a sweet song, Birds are t wittering. It’s pleasing to the ear. The day is beauti ful. BA: Mummy, mummy,, it’s a fine day today .Let’s g o fishing. Ok? M: Good idea! 旁白:listen. the baby is too glad to sing a song. 猫妈妈和小猫扛着鱼竿,跳着舞入场 (坐下) 旁白:They get to a little river . BA: Mummy ,I think it’s a good sport for fishing.

M: Good let’s sit here. Ok? BA: Ok! 旁白:They are setting their heart on fishing .Sud denly. There comes a dragonfly. (蜻蜓入场,小猫丢下鱼竿捉蜻蜓) Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful dragonfly! Let’s play! Dragonfly: No! No! No! (往前飞) Kitty: Don’t fly away! Don’t fly away!(跑去抓) Dragonfly:Ah! You can’t catch me!(得意地飞走了) (小猫垂头丧气的走回去钓鱼) Mummy: Oh! A big fish !(兴高采烈地叫道) Kitty: Really? Mummy: Yes! Kitty :This time ,I will catch a big one.(重新拿起钓鱼竿认真钓鱼) 旁白:Look! There comes a beautiful butterfly. (蝴蝶入场,在小猫眼前翩翩起舞) Kitty: Wow! What a beautiful butterfly!(边说眼珠跟着蝴蝶转。蝴蝶停在一株花上,小猫扔下鱼竿,轻手轻脚地向蝴蝶走去)嘿嘿!I’ll catch it !(高兴地) Bu tterfly: No, you can’t catch me!(生气地)


三年级英文童话故事:白雪公主 Once there was a Queen. She was sitting at the window. There was snow outside in the garden-snow on the hill and in the lane, snow on the hunts and on the trees: all things were white with snow. The Queen was making a coat for a little child. She said, "I want my child to be white as this cloth, white as the snow. And I shall call her Snow-white." Some days after that the Queen had a child. The child was white as snow. The Queen called her Snow-white. But the Queen was very ill, and after some days she died. Snow-white lived, and was a very happy and beautiful child. One year after that, the King married another Queen. The new Queen was very beautiful; but she was not a good woman. A wizard had given this Queen a glass. The glass could speak. It was on the wall in the Queen's room. Every day the queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she was. As she looked in the glass, she asked: "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass spoke and said: "The Queen is most beautiful of all." Year went by. Snow-white grew up and became a little girl. every day the Queen looked in the glass and said, "Tell me, glass upon the wall, who is most beautiful of all?" And the glass said, "Snow-white is most beautiful of all."


英文童话故事作文 【篇一:自创童话故事(英语作文)】 sapphire love in a splendid palace there were several invaluable pieces of art, one of which was an antique clock with centuries-old history. time elapsed as the hands of the clock rotated endlessly in a clockwise direction. it seemed that an aura of mystery lingered on in the palace. in the palace, a peacockish queen mother sat in the golden armchair, focusing her eyes on her favorite unique sapphire necklace with which she could show off everywhere. one day, a farmer came to the palace with another delicate sapphire, hoping to offer it respectfully to the queen mother. she insisted that her sapphire was the only genuine one in the world and asked some jewelry experts who had a good command of mayan civilization to give a demonstration of her sapphire’s quality. with excellent discrimination, the experts showed the inspection process in the stare of the nobles. surprisingly, it turned out that the sapphire of the queen mother was a glass artefact imitated mayan. on the contrary, the farmer’s sapphire was a natural and genuine one. therefore, the farmer was rewarded with a lot of jewels for contributing his sapphire to the queen mother. the queen mother loved the new one very much and after death she left it to the king as an heirloom. however, the kingdom was ravaged by an unexpected war. the king almost lost everything overnight except for the sapphire necklace left by his mother. he hopelessly escaped from the mundane world to an outlying forest. inadvertently he was badly hurt by a poisonous snake and he thought he was doomed to death. a young and beautiful girl who lived deep in the forest found him. attracted by the handsome king, the girl decided to help him. after being taken good care of by the girl, the king quickly recovered, losing his heart to the girl. but in fact, the king was under a curse which would make him vicious and devious on a full moonlit night. only when the moon waned, would he turn back to what he used to be. before


关于圣诞节的童话故事:圣诞树的传说 以前德国的亚尔萨斯,是出产圣诞树的地方。根据传说,有一位 隐修圣人,他的名字叫弗乐伦亭,住在亚尔萨斯的一个树林当中,他 非常喜欢小孩子。有一年的圣诞节,他希望附近的小孩子,都能在一 起快乐的玩,但是很贫穷,没有钱买孩子们喜爱的玩具和糖果,所以 他为这件事很伤脑筋。 一天早上,弗乐伦亭在树林中散步的时候,忽然看见一棵小杉树,树上堆满了雪,枝上挂着很多小冰条,经过太阳一照射,闪闪发光, 非常的漂亮。他就把那棵树弄了回来,种在盆里面。又在树林中,捡 一些野果子,再和上面粉,做成一些十字架,或星星形状的小饼,挂 在树枝上面。又用一些小蜡烛,插在树枝上,结果把那棵树,装扮着 五光十色,非常的美观。到了圣诞夜晚,弗乐伦亭打起钟来,孩子们 听到了,都跑到他的茅屋里去。大家围着那棵树,手舞足蹈的唱着圣 诞歌曲,然后弗乐伦亭把糕饼分给孩子们吃,大家过了一个快乐的圣 诞节。以后,这个习俗流传起来。 一八三七年,德国的海伦公主,同法国的一位公爵结婚以后,圣 诞树也随着她传到了巴黎。一八四一年,维多利亚的丈夫,把一棵圣 诞树,放在温德莎宫门前。这种风俗由皇家传到贵族阶层,而后风行 到了民间。一八三○年,大批的德国移民到了美国。这些人有天主教 友和基督教徒,大多散居在纽约、新英格兰各地。他们的圣诞树引起 了当地人们的注意及模仿,以后圣诞树便风行在美国各教堂、各家庭。现在世界各地,尤其是欧美及澳洲各地国家,圣诞树成了圣诞节里面 最热闹而可爱的装饰品,点缀着圣诞节的多采多姿。它启示了人们了 解庆祝圣诞的意义,它象征着快乐与希望。因为救世主的诞生,带来 世界人类的和平与友爱。 每年圣诞节快要到的时候,与圣诞节相关的圣诞卡、圣诞节、圣 诞老人、圣诞音乐等等都出场了。关于圣诞树的装饰,世界各地似乎 大同小异。因为圣诞节是在冬季,所以圣诞树所采用的都是常青树。
