新航道9分达人阅读3 test1-6

新航道9分达人阅读3 test1-6
新航道9分达人阅读3 test1-6



Passage 2 资料考证来源于维基百科 After repairs, she plied for several years as a passe nger liner between Britain and America, before being converted to a cable-laying ship and la ying the first lasting” Brunel worked for several years as assistant engineer on the project to create a tunnel unde r London's River Thames 题目配对 tunnel under river Thames -- which Brune was not responsibl e for it Though ultimately unsuccessful, another of Brunel's interesting use of technical innovat ions was the atmospheric railway 配对建成不久就停止运营那项吧 Great Eastern was designed to cruise non-stop from London to Sydney and back (since engi neers of the time misunderstood that Australia had no coal reserves), and she remained the l argest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunel's ambitious projects, t he ship soon ran over budget and behind schedule in the face of a series of technical probl ems.great eastern 配对建设推迟了很对次和财务上不成功我配了两个


浙江省衢州市九年级期中考试语文试题 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题 (共3题;共11分) 1. (2分)对下列词语中加下划线字解释有一误的一项是() A . 仰之弥高(更加) 锲而不舍(刻) 目不窥园(偷看) B . 沥尽心血(滴) 无暇及此(空闲) 兀兀穷年(用心劳苦的样子) C . 群蚁排衙(衙门) 迥乎不同(差得远) 警报迭起(交换,轮流) D . 一反既往(已经) 潜心贯注(隐藏的) 诗兴不作(起) 2. (2分)下列各句中没有语病的一项是() A . 位于城东新区的湿地公园将成为集休闲健身、科普教育、旅游服务为一体的大型综合性生态公园,是大丰市人民政府实施可持续发展的一项重要工程。 B . “中国达人秀”栏目因为没有任何条件限制,所以前来报名的选手各年龄段都有,选手们带来的绝活也多种多样。 C . 京剧“国粹”行当全面、表演成熟、气势恢弘,深受戏迷和中老年朋友的喜爱。 D . 经过专家们评议,使明代永乐年间的青花瓷摘得头筹,成为盐城的“民间国宝”。 3. (7分)(2017·无棣模拟) 名著阅读。 经过这么一番长途跋涉后,我休息了一个星期,尽情地吃喝一通。这期间,一个重要任务是为鹦鹉波尔做一个笼子。它已非常驯服,与我相处得很融洽。我记起圈起来的那只小山羊,打算去把它带回家来,或给它喂点食物。我去了,发现它还在老地方,因为它根本出不去。小羊已经饿得奄奄一息,我赶紧出来砍一些能找到的树枝和灌木,扔进围篱喂它。喂完后,我用绳子拴住它,带它离开。其实我根本没有必要拴它,它饿怕了,变得非常驯服,像只狗似的跟着我,我不断喂它,它变得那么温驯、可爱,很快就加入到我的宠物行列,以后再也没离开过我。 (1) 选文中的“我”是________,后来选文中的“我”成为千千万万青年心中“________”的代名词。 (2) “我”被抛到荒岛前有过多次出海远游的经历。根据原著,请简要概括其中两次远游的遭遇。 二、默写 (共1题;共12分) 4. (12分) (2019八下·厦门期中) 请根据提示填写相应的古诗文。 (1) ________,禅房花木深。(常建《题破山寺后禅院》) (2) ________,胡为乎中露?(《诗经·式微》) (3) ________,悠悠我心。(《诗经·子衿》) (4)气蒸云梦泽,________。(孟浩然《望洞庭湖赠张丞相》)


小学阅读达人知识竞赛30题及参考答案 1.“月合花开人未归,北风吹散各东西。芙蓉花好夫何在,马到兰关下四蹄。”这个谜面的谜底是▲。 A肤B燕C鞭D焦 2.一个人骤然得志,官职升得很快,可用成语▲来比喻。 A快马加鞭B眼疾手快C连升三级D飞黄腾达 3.“泰戈尔曾去龙华看桃花,曾出席各种欢迎他的集会,也曾发表深情的演讲。五年后他重访上海,住在四明村诗人徐志摩的家里,两人(),互赠诗篇,亲如家人。”括号里最恰当的成语是▲。 A言不及义B促膝长谈C相濡以沫D举案齐眉 4. “别开生面”这个成语出自唐·杜甫《丹青诗》:“凌烟功臣少颜色,将军下笔开生面。”。由此可知,杜甫用“别开生面”来赞扬▲。 A容貌体态B谈吐言辞C绘画技巧D服饰打扮 5.下列句子中带点成语使用不恰当的是▲。 A启动仪式后,腰鼓、广场舞、体育舞蹈、太极拳等协会会员接续不断地为广大市民展示精彩节目,吸引了众多市民的驻足观看。 B在省运会上,我市体育健儿取得了惊人的好成绩,大家无不弹冠相庆。 C赛场边,教练们无一例外激动得连“教练椅”都坐不住,身体前倾注意着场上选手的一举一动。 D在大赛组委会的精心组织和统一指挥下,赛场内外一切工作有条不紊。 6.下面▲可与“梨花院落溶溶月”构成一幅对联。 A池塘柳树淡淡风B柳树池塘淡淡风 C柳树池塘一点风D池塘柳树片片风 7.下列诗句中,内容与儿童无关的是▲。 A蓬头稚子学垂纶,侧坐莓苔草映身。B怪生无雨都张伞,不是遮头是使风。 C遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。D小童疑是有村客,急向柴门去却关。 8.班里举行吟诵有关雨的诗会,王森说:“沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风”,李强说:“天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无”,刘好说:“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”,我吟诵:“春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横”。我们四人吟诵的诗句的作者依次是▲。 A僧志安韩愈杜甫韦应物 B 韩愈苏轼孟浩然辛弃疾 C僧志安韩愈杜甫孟浩然D张志和韩愈杜甫韦应物 9.看起来写的是物,实际上是在写人,这是我国古诗的一种写法。下列古诗中没有采用这种写法的是▲。 A《石灰吟》B《题菊花》C《咏风》D《咏柳》 10 “李杜文章在,光焰万丈长”,这是唐代的大文学家韩愈评论李白和▲时说的话。 A杜审言B杜荀鹤C杜甫D杜牧 11. 王维晚年表现自甘寂寞的山水情怀的一组小诗是▲。 A《辋川集二十首》B《杂咏五首》C《樊川诗集》D《终南别业》 12.面对▲的社会现实,杜甫写下了这样的诗句:“国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。” A七国之乱 B 安史之乱C侯景之乱D三藩之乱 13.下列诗句默写有错误的一项是▲。 A忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。B借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。


Questions 1-6 Classify the following information as referring to a ambergris only B amber only C both ambergris and amber d neither ambergris nor amber Write the correct letter, A, B,C, or D in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet. 1being expensive 2adds flavor to food 3used as currency 4being see-through 5referred to by Herman Melville 6produces sweet smell Questions 7-9 Complete the sentences below with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the passage. Write your answers in boxes 7-9 on your answer sheet. 7. Sperm whales can’t digest the ____ of the squids. 8. Sperm whales drive the irritants out of their intestines by ____. 9. T he vomit of sperm whale gradually____ on contact of air before having pleasant smell.


介词: 1. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and research, ad well as giving them an adva ntage in terms of cop ing with the challe nges of sude nt life. 2. The children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention becaause working parents do not have time for this, but in more material way. 3. I find myself in complete agreement with them with regard to experiment for new medici ne. 4. Physical punishments damaging the health of children should be dealt with accord ing to laws regardi ng child abuse and physical assult. 5. They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price, and to behave as they please. 举例、列举 6. Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emaili ng frie nds, it is no substitute for huma n in teract ion. 7. There are plenty of well-made TV programmes that provide viewers with information on such diverse topics as history, scienee, medicine, foreign Ianguages and econo mics. 8. Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when compring these super salaries with those of top surgeois or research scie ntisi, or eve n lead ing politicians who have the resp on sibility of gover ning the coun try.(直接列举) 9. In spite of all this, there are certain occasions when letter are still the number one choice. The weddi ng in vitati on s always seem more formal and sin cere if handwritten; holidy cards with ink will often delight us more; and a carefully written love letter may intrigue or move your beloved one more easily.(排比) 进行释义 10. Tale nt is what disti nguishes a pers on who has bee n trained to play a sport or in strume nt, from those who become good players. In other words, there is more to the skill tha n a lear ned tech niq ue. 11. Overall, I th ink the ability to keep a clear perspective in life is a more esse ntial factor in achiev ing happ in ess. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is improta nt in our lives and what is not. (or) more percisely/ i.e./ that is to say/ or rather 12. This is a poem about death, or more precisely, dying. 13. Some poems are mnemonics, I.e. they are designed to help you remember somethi ng. 14. Some poems are mnemonics, that is to say, they are designed to help you remember somethi ng. Using fertilisers too much may damage people ' s health. According to some research by agricultural scientists, a large proportion of common diseases troubing the elderly result from the excessive chemical residue contained in the food they con sume everyday. 度的把握 1. If they could raise them to be con siderate of others and to be social, resp on sible in dividual s, the whole com mun ity would ben efit. 2. High quality nursery schoobcould be established that would surpport familemore in terms of raising

9分达人 精品词汇

alchemy aligned altitude amber analogy analysis anomaly archive astonishing astronomical astronomy attribute authoritative axis baseline beekeep biological bound breadth calendar candidate central certainly chemistry closet clue coin 创造collate colleague collection compass compile conduct conservation consistent consitute content contest context continent continental council count course court crystal

deductive defeated define definition denote departure derector description despite devotion director discredit disregard distribution diversity dramatic dramatically drown ecologist eespecially elderly emergence empower enlist enormous enormously entangle entangled enthusiasm envelope erected estate exact exceed exceptional excess executive faithfully figure finding fitting flood formula foundation frightening further


Test 1 威廉·吉尔伯特与磁场学 2012年9月6日 2010年8月5日 2007年9月20日 2007年1月20日 2003年酷夏 2013年11月9日 2010年10月30日 2009年3月28日 2009年1月10日 2007年9月20日 业余自然爱好者 2011年4月2日 2007年12月13日 Test 2 如何识破说谎者 2014年1月25日 2013年8月29日 2012年1月12日 2011年11月17日 2010年1月30日 2009年3月21日在右撇子世界里做左撇子 2011年9月17日 2010年1月30日 苏联人的新工作制 2012年7月21日 2009年4月30日 2009年2月7日Test 3 示例学习法 2013年10月26日 2011年9月15日 2009年2月7日新冰川时代 2012年2月18日 2009年11月19日 2009年9月26日 2009年2月7日 2007年10月13日 2007年7月14日作物指南 2007年9月20日 Test 4 莫扎特效应 2009年3月14日 2007年12月13日 蚂蚁和橘子 2011年6月25日 2007年9月1日 音乐:我们共同的语言 2010年9月16日 2007年9月1日 Test 5 神奇的植物 2011年7月9日 2010年3月6日 2009年4月25日儿童文学 2011年10月29日 2011年7月9日 2010年3月6日 2008年10月23日 滑石粉 2013年1月5日 2010年3月6日 Test 6 成功的芬芳 2011年10月29日 2010年4月10日 卡里尔夫人和石炭酸球 2014年1月11日 2011年5月19日 2010年4月10日交流的方式与冲突 2012年11月3日 2010年4月10日 Test 7 新西兰海藻 2009年8月8日 2008年8月9日 2007年10月25日乐观与健康 2010年7月31日 2008年2月23日 2007年4月21日哥伦比亚大交换 2007年3月31日


新航道|雅思口语高频话题:weekend解析 关注更多雅思口语高频话题请点击:雅思口语高频话题 需要机经的同学,请点击:2016雅思机经下载(新航道雅思机经回忆已经全新升级,现在的雅思机经回忆包含大量的雅思原文回忆,感兴趣的同学可长期关注本频道!我们还提供免费PDF版雅思机经下载哦!) 近期的雅思考试阅读项目频繁撞题新航道9分达人雅思阅读,想要下载9分达人的同学,请点击:9分达人雅思阅读下载 另外,新航道雅思听力预测和口语预测一直延续着辉煌的战绩,需要预测的同学,请点击:新航道雅思预测(考前一周内更新) weekend一直都是雅思口语高频话题之一,关于weekend话题,我们可以从以下几个方面来入手: How do you usually spend your weekends? Which is your favourite part of the weekend? Do you think weekends are long enough? How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends? 1、How do you usually spend your weekends? Well, it depends on if I have any special plans or not. For example, last weekend I went to visit a friend, so that’s not a usual weekend. Nearly every other weekend I try to go out and do something different, either with friends, family or even by myself. But a normal weekend when I have nothing particular planned would revolve around my family and just being at home relaxing. 2、Which is your favourite part of the weekend? Really, I don’t have a favourite part. I guess I lik e having big meals with my family at weekends which we don’t always manage to do during the week, so that’s nice, but overall I enjoy all of the weekend and just being around my family. 3、Do you think weekends are long enough? Sure, it might be nice to h ave a third day or even more sometimes, but that’s not something which is very likely to happen. And I suppose if we did have a three-day weekend, it would only make the four week days even busier than now. I’m not sure a lot of people would like that, unl ess




人教统编版2019-2020年九年级下册语文第二单元测试卷A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、积累与运用(26分) (共8题;共26分) 1. (2分)下列词语中划线字注音完全正确的一项是() A . 妖娆(ráo)倔强(juè)五彩斑斓(lán) B . 妄弃(wàng)媲美(pì)恪尽职守(kè) C . 剽悍(piāo)亢奋(kàng)玲珑剔透(tì) D . 桑梓(xīn)咫尺(zhǐ)孜孜不倦(zī) 2. (2分)(2018·青岛) 下列句子中划线词语书写完全正确的一项是() A . 《画说青岛》这套书追溯了青岛的百年历史,是“画”与“说”相德益彰的佳作。 B . 邓稼先历尽心血,潜心研究,为我国核事业作出了杰出贡献,将被我们永远铭记。 C . 家风家规是先辈馈赠给我们的无价珍宝,蕴含着许多人生真缔,值得世代传承。 D . 日落时分,绯红的晚霞中渔船归航,澄澈的海天间鸥鸟飞翔,别有一番韵味。 3. (2分)下列划线成语使用正确的一项是() A . 面对越来越高的求职门槛,许多大学生叹为观止。 B . 这一别具匠心的设计,赢得了评委的一致好评。 C . 在晚会上,同学们看到精彩的表演,忍俊不禁地大笑起来。 D . 为了让学生中考能取得更好的成绩,老师们处心积虑为他们辅导。 4. (2分)下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A . 近期,山东鲁能将在中超联赛第11轮中坐镇主场迎战北京国安。 B . 备受关注的全国小型电动车测试大赛5月25日在山东德州举行,有近50家左右的电动车生产企业参赛。 C . 在著名物理学家霍金的首条中国微博中表示,希望与中国网友分享生活趣事和工作心得。

1.Chinese Pulse Diagnosis 九分达人阅读第一篇

Chinese Pulse Diagnosis The examination of the pulse is a subtle skill in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM); however it provides a comprehensive diagnosis of the condition of practically the entire human body, from the more obvious heart rate to the condition of each internal organ. It is estimated that a pulse reading traditionally accounts for up to 30% of a TCM diagnosis, which is quite surprising to many Westerners. Although many Westerners may have heard of other diagnostic methods like inspecting (general physical observations of the patient), listening (breathing, coughing, voice quality) and inquiring (current symptoms and past medical history), pulse reading as a tool to determine physical condition is not common knowledge. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at how illnesses are identified using this ancient medical skill which dates back more than 2000 years. The reason such a small area on the wrist can give a traditional Chinese medical practitioner such a thorough indication of a person's well-being is the fact that each wrist is divided into 9 regions along the radial artery. There are 3 positions on the wrist which are used for analysis: the front, middle and rear positions, and analysed at 3 different levels: superficial, middle and deep. On the left wrist, the front position focuses on the condition of the heart and small intestine, the middle position concentrates on the functions of the liver and gall bladder, and the rear position indicates the status of the kidney and bladder. The lungs and large intestine are the centre of attention in the front position on the right wrist, with the middle position focusing on the spleen and stomach and the rear position taking note of the 'Gate of Vitality Fire'. This is the body's motivating force and provider of heat for all bodily functions. In regards to the various levels, the superficial level reflects the state of Qi (energy) as well as the health of the Yang organs (small/large intestine, gal1 bladder, stomach and bladder), the middle level shows the state of blood flow, and the deep level is an indication of the state of the Yin organs (the heart, liver, lungs, spleen, and kidneys). Supposing that the pulse in the left middle position was soft and smooth, neither superficial nor deep, it would suggest that the liver and gall bladder are in a good state of health. However if the patient's pulse feels harder or tighter than normal and is more superficial and pounding, it may result in his/her suffering from a headache or migraine as the excessive liver fire rises up through the gall bladder channel to the head. Diagnosing patients through pulse examination is actually much more complicated, due to the fact that practitioners need to be able to identify 26 different pulse categories. Some of these categories are more significant for practitioners in the modern day setting than others. For example, today Chinese doctors hopefully would rarely come across a scattered pulse which is irregular and hardly perceptible, a sign that a patient is critically ill and nearing death. Other pulse categories which suggest extreme illness include the intermittent, swift, hollow, faint, surging and hidden pulse. More commonly observed pulse categories include the rapid pulse, which increases in

2012.9.22 雅思阅读预测-成都新航道陈海东(1)

最近雅思阅读进入高频旧题出现期,各位烤鸭一定要重点查看机经预测。 《九分达人雅思阅读真题还原1》中《交流方式和冲突》,《哥伦比亚大交换》,《莫扎特效应》,《音乐我们共同的语言》,《业余自然爱好者》 《九分达人雅思阅读真题还原2》中《龙涎香》,《仿生机器人》,《诺贝尔一生》, 《鸟的迁徙》不需要参考以外剩下文章全部关注。 重点要关注雅思机经中的,(红色字体重点关注) The Origin of the Mass Production 大规模生产的起源, 昆士兰的生态旅游Ecotourism, Saturn Spectacular 壮观的土星 Cave Art 岩画, 航海家Franklin, 贫穷地区的交通practical action, 大象交流,leaf cutter 蚂蚁, Hibernation 冬眠, We have Star Performers 团队中的明星 Research on Three Crown树冠研究 Grey workers 老龄工作者,

Serendipity 意外的新发现, The evolutional mystery: Crocodile survives 鳄鱼进化拯救英国鱼鹰, 马达加斯加寻香。 恐龙的脚印 Tortoise and Turtle 乌龟和海龟, The U-evolution of Turtles海龟的反向进化 Junk Food Advertising 垃圾食物广告, The Reduction on Carbon Dioxide Emission 碳排放减少,创新和智力Creativity VS IQ, 伦敦晃桥Bridge Swaying, 布鲁内尔实际的预言家 陨石湖泊的研究 珊瑚礁 科學交流The science of communication 非洲传统农业


Unit 9 综合练习题 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Would you like to join China's Got Talent(中国达人秀)? ---_________ But I'm busy studying for my test. (11 潍坊) A. Don't mention it. B. I'd love lo. C. That's all right. D. My pleasure. ( ) 2. I don't quite catch what you said at the meeting. Here "catch" mean .(11 自贡) A. miss B. hear C. understand D. listen ( ) 3. I _____ a gift last Sunday. But I didn’t know who sent it to me. (10 湖南模拟) A. accepted B. received C. had D. took ( ) 4. Would you please speak more slowly? I can hardly _____ you. (11 江西) A. talk with B. agree with C. follow D. hear ( ) 5. “I’m sorry, I can’t _____ this question,” the boy _____ to his teacher. (10 北京模拟) A. answer, answered B. reply, replied C. answer, replied D. reply, answered


英语语法使用技巧大全 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=76647 刘洪波《最简化雅思写作》扫描版 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=76448 新概念英语四册完整打包下载(PFD版本) https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=76197 雅思写作专用词法替换一览表(基础课程必备) https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=76239 雅思备考一个月7.5分达人经验总结 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=76536 雅思小作文万能句式、词汇总结 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=75972 《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集4—8》文本+MP3 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=75933 新东方《剑桥雅思考试全真试题解析4——8精讲》 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=75017 刘薇《雅思口语9天高分之路》PDF https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=75840 王陆《妙语连珠看雅思舌战》 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=75837 听力练习50篇,从初级到高级,可以用来做听写练习(文本+MP3)https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=75387 新东方《雅思九分听力》文本+MP3 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=74965 环雅培训班老师给的口语练习材料 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=74886 雅思8分考生,考前半个月详细复习计划 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=72445 贾若寒《雅思满分流利口语》 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html,/vbar/vt.html?tid=72409


“维普杯”检索达人大赛试题 简答题(每题6分)总30 Q1:维普“期刊资源整合服务平台”的网址是什么? 答:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html, Q2:维普“考试资源系统”的网址是什么? 答:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html, Q3:维普“智立方知识服务系统”的网址是什么? 答:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html, Q4:维普“论文检测系统”的网址是什么? 答:https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b8886250.html, Q5:屠呦呦发表的有关“青蒿素”的文章共有多少篇? 答:总计12篇 实际操作题(每题10分)总90 Q1:进入期刊平台,使用第一个模块“期刊文献检索”中的基本检索,查找出“林毅夫”院士任职于“北京大学”时发表的文章有多少篇?选取任意一篇可以“在线阅读”的文章,点击“在线阅读”并截图。 答:符合条件文章总计420篇。 选取文章《中国的经济学家应深入研究中国的本土问题》,具体截图如下:

Q2:通过“下载全文”的方式,下载刚才第一道题检索出来的任意一篇文章,用PDF阅读器打开并截图。 答:根据要求下载林毅夫《新常态下政府如何推动转型升级》全文,通过PDF 阅读器打开后,截图如下: Q3:使用“期刊导航”功能检索出“吉林大学学报:理学版”点击这本期刊后

对期刊封面和期刊简介进行截图。 答:据要求进行查询“吉林大学学报:理学版”,得出查询结果,具体截图如下: Q4:使用“高级检索”检索出吉林大学作为机构2015年发表的,有关“车辆工程”的文章,并截图。使用“文献传递”提交一次文献传递的请求,将获取到的邮件截图。 答:根据高级检索,分别锁定年份、关键词以及机构三个字段,找出符合条件文章29篇,具体结果如下: 并且进行第一篇文章《基于无源理论的线控转向汽车稳定性控制》的文献传递,
