

英文口语1、I'll have to see about that.


英文口语2、Have you finished yet?


英文口语3、I wish I could.


英文口语4、May I have a receipt?


英文口语5、Is that OK?


英文口语6、Can I take your order?


英文口语7、I want to reserve a room.


英文口语8、I can't stand it.


英文口语9、Hold your horses.


英文口语10、Let me guess.


英文口语11、I wasn't born yesterday.


英文口语12、I can't tell.


英文口语13、May I try it on?


英文口语14、Can you give me some feedback? 中文:你能给我一些建议吗?

英文口语15、So far, so good.


英文口语16、I'd like a refund.


英文口语17、Take care.


英文口语18、I'll check it.


英文口语19、Keep your fingers crossed.



英文口语21、Can I take a message?


英文口语22、It's not your fault.


英文口语23、I'm glad to hear that.


英文口语24、Don't bother.


英文口语25、Look before you leap.


英文口语26、May I pay by credit card?


英文口语27、Let me get back to you.


英文口语28、I was moved. = I was touched.


英文口语29、Let's go visit them.


英文口语30、It's worth seeing.


英文口语31、Something must be done about it. 中文:必须得想个办法。

英文口语32、How is it going?


英文口语33、I have nothing to do with it.


英文口语34、Could I have the bill, please? 中文:请把账单给我好吗?

英文口语35、I couldn't get through.


英文口语36、I'd like to deposit some money. 中文:我想存点儿钱。

英文口语37、I've got a headache.


英文口语38、Don't jump to conclusions.



英文口语40、Thanks for the warning.


英文口语41、It drives me crazy.


英文口语42、Do you often work out?


英文口语43、I mean what I say.


英文口语44、It doesn't matter to me.


英文口语45、Maybe some other time.


英文口语46、It takes time.


英文口语47、It slipped my mind.


英文口语48、It's my pleasure.


英文口语49、It won't take much time.


英文口语50、Thanks a million.


英文口语51、Better late than never.


英文口语52、I'll walk you to the door.


英文口语53、It's just what I had in mind. 中文:这正是这想要的。

英文口语54、It will come to me.


英文口语55、Don't make any mistakes.


英文口语56、That reminds me.


英文口语57、That's fair.



英文口语59、I can't believe it.


英文口语60、No problem.


英文口语61、It won't work.


英文口语62、I bet you can.


英文口语63、It's a piece of cake.




英文口语65、Thank you all the same.



英文口语66、What a shame!


英文口语67、The shortest answer is doing.


英文口语68、You said it.


英文口语69、That's not true.


英文口语70、Would you care for a drink?


英文口语71、What's the purpose of your visit? 中文:你来访的目的是什么?

英文口语72、These things happen all the time. 中文:这是常有的事。

英文口语73、You've got a point there.


英文口语74、What's your job?


英文口语75、We are in the same boat.



英文口语77、Where do you live?


英文口语78、What do you do for relaxation? 中文:你做什么消遣。

英文口语79、What a coincidence!


英文口语80、What do you think of it?



你是想在职场更进一步的上班族白领吗?你是即将出国留学深造的大学生吗?你是Speak英语的爱好者吗? 你在考虑学习英语吗?你烦恼于如何提高自己的英语口语能力吗?你对自己的英语成绩越来越没有信心了吗? 很多人学英语存在诸多烦恼,对于价格、教学质量、英语培训机构的选择,以及退款的一些问题都存在疑问和担忧。 越来越多的人加入到学习英语的大军中,对于他们而言,选择一家英语培训机构是一件非常容易的事情,然而选择一个真正有效果的英语培训确实非常不易。而且英语培训的价格也是越来越昂贵,那么,如何在林林总总的培训机构中找到一个最适合自己,价格也相对实惠的,却是需要方法和技巧的。在接下来的内容中,将为大家解答这方面的疑惑。 一、“洛基英语Rocky”与传统培训机构的区别对比: 1、学习效率 假设您有3小时的英语学习时间:传统的培训机构因为上课地点和时间都是固定的,那么你就可能需要花2小时在来回的路上,1小时上课,您只有1/3的学习效率; 而若您在“洛基英语”学习,就不需要培训班、家里、上作地点来回跑,学习地点由您自己决定,哪里方便哪里学,可以为您结省很多时间,让你的学习达到最大的效率,您可以各花1小时预习、上课、复习,获得100%的学习效率。 2、坚持学习率:

培训机构在重视课程质量的同时,却忽略了白领阶层的学员是在繁重的工作压力之下学习,并没有考虑到他们是否有充足的时间和放松的心情来学习。下班后只能匆匆啃一个面包赶到课堂,周末要放弃难得的休闲时光上课,成为学员坚持英语学习最大的障碍。很多学生选择英语培训机构时容易怀抱希望,交1年的学费制定学习计划,但70%的人3个月后就不会坚持学习。 在“洛基英语”,全部是在线实时互动教学,并且有专业学习顾问定期跟踪、监督学习进度,分享实用有趣的学习方法,来降低个人学习惰性,让您更容易坚持下去,事实证明9 5%的学员会完成学习。 3、教学质量: 选择英语培训,教师质量十分关键。而传统培训班中就算是中小班授课,也并不适用于每一个人的自身条件和需要。 “洛基英语”的教师都是百里挑一、在知名培训学校或大学院校有多年的任教经验,而且老师会根据个人的学习需求量身为学员订制科学高效的个性化学习方案,让学员不再无从下手,避免盲目低效的学习。 4、价格:



口语课:H e a l t h y e a t i n g(健康饮食) 老师: 李世琰班级: 英语专业098班 教学辅助: 电脑多媒体 Teaching Objectives(教学目标): 一、知识技能目标: 1.认识并掌握有关食物及健康饮食习惯的单词、词组; 2.用英语表达哪些是健康食物,哪些是垃圾食物,以及为什么; 3.总结平衡膳食的定义,并且能提出一些健康建议。 二、情感态度目标:了解有关营养饮食的基本常识和培养健康的饮食习惯。 三、文化意识目标:了解外国的不同饮食习惯,培养和扩大文化意识。 教学重难点: 1.教学重点:如何区分健康食品以及垃圾食品并且会用英语表达;. 2.教学难点: 教会学生如何自如表达自己的意见和建议并且帮助学生总结出平 衡膳食的定义。 教学方法: 1. Pair work and Group work (小组合作,交流式教学) 2. Discussion and cooperative learning (自主探究、合作探究) 3. Task-based approach (任务式教学) 教学步骤: Part 1 导入(Warming up) 1.以一句话:“Everybody needs foods, so do I”及麦当劳、肯德基的相关 饮食引入话题。 (1-2 分钟) (For example: “Have you had lunch or breakfast in McDonald’s or KFC? Do you like the food there? Which one do you prefer?” The purpose of this part is to stimulate Ss’ interest and call their attention to the topic. ) Part 2 知识展示(presentation) 1、在电脑屏幕上展示食物的图片,然后把学生分成两组竞赛,看哪组的同学 认识的食物单词多,然后教师教导朗读(5-6分钟) 2、老师先展示如何使用句型:“I think that (or the food name) is junk/healthy food because….”来描述什么是健康食品,什么是垃圾食品。 然后把学生按4人分成一组进行讨论练习,老师给出了对话该涉及的内容范 围:What is the name of the food? / What nutrition(营养物质)does it mainly contain? (10分钟) Part 3: 活动任务--- 做调查报告(10分钟) 给学生发一张表格,引导学生按照表格询问周围3个左右的同学,了解同学间 的饮食习惯,并能提出一些健康建议,提问两个左右的同学课堂展示。 Name(名字)Breakfast (早餐)Snacks(零 食) Lunch(午 餐) Dinner (晚 餐)

常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:教诲、告诫 -(韦博分享)

常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:教诲、告诫-(韦博分享)常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:教诲、告诫-(韦博分享) 重要的提醒和忠告 ●教诲、告诫 约翰,向她道歉。 John, apologize to her. John, apologize to her. (约翰,向她道歉。) I'm really sorry. (真对不起。) 约翰,你听我说! John, you listen to me! John, you listen to me! (约翰,你听我说!) I don't want to. (我不想听。) 危险,别淘气。 Watch out! Don't play with that thing. Mom, watch! (妈妈,你看!)

Watch out! Don't play with that thing. (危险,别淘气。) 自己的事情自己做。 Do it yourself. Can you fix my bicycle? (能帮我修一下自行车吗?) Do it yourself. (自己修。) Do it by yourself. Do it for yourself. 你别半途而废。 You should finish what you start. I'm going to give up. (我想放弃了。) You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废。) Don't leave things half done. *也可用half done来表示“半途而废”。 我认输了。 I'm ready to throw in the towel. *这是一句拳击用语,用来比喻“认输”。 You failed the exam again. (你又没考上。) I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了。) 这是你(应尽)的责任。 It's your duty (to do that)。*duty “(法律、道德上的)义务,应尽的责任”。


新东方 省钱才是硬道理! 在不同的城市,一样享受优惠! 实力越级,征服四六级 四六级改革迎新计,清扫备考盲点轻松拿下425” 乐词背单词,乐词不疲!震撼上线 奇迹一跃,始于新东方TOEFL培训 20年专业雅思培训助你圆梦英联邦 圆远洋飞跃梦托福留学直通车 中考、高考提高班,限时限位抢课ing 这个夏天,我就是我自己的神!WIN! 新东方托福名师助航成就北美名校留学梦想留学名校始于托福,托福培训始于新东方HELLO!这个暑假,我们相约新东方!新东方GRE让你离名校“更进一步”!在大学,来一场说过就过的考试! 出国留学,梦想马上!GO! 听说读写,新东方让你样样精通 托福万变,高分不变! 新东方通“级”令!亲,你被通“级”了! 新东方名师在线答疑一一有问题来“问吧” 起名字:精讲精练班、考前点睛班、冲刺串讲班 裸考族、刷分族、先天不足族、过级无解族酷学酷玩E计划听力口语集训营酷学酷玩词汇魔鬼速记营酷学酷玩高中预科英语数学营 泡泡小升初特训营 龙文教育 一对一辅导,还是龙文好 龙年上龙文,助你跃龙门 备战中高考,一对一全日制辅导 制胜中考上名校选择龙文更可靠 厉兵秣马战高考披荆斩棘有龙文 东学堂语文 东风化雨,学以致用 环球雅思 无论您在哪里,我们就在您身边 学大教育 学有方,大不同 暑期热,来学大酷爽一下 提分热,根本停不下来 百瑞恩教育 佰年树人瑞兆神州恩泽社会网上其他的 1、最好的培训学校就是xx 培训学校,零基础学习,小班教学。 2、有一天,当你意识到该为自己的孩子挑一所英语培训机构时,面对眼花缭乱的培训机构名称和扇动人心的广告宣传语,你如何给自己一双慧眼为自己为孩子做出正


Unit 1 1.What do you often do during your holidays? In the summer holiday, I am in a company called Jing Tianwei for one-month internship, It is a railway IT company and I worked in hardware tecnology sector, I was responsible for finding the trouble charts of trains, my work is simple, but it requests careful and patient attitudes which is just my characteristics, I learned a lot Things in the company, in particular, the head of department taught me not only some skills at work, but also taught me how to interact with others and how to solve some difficult problems, I would like to thank my friends in the companies for their help. 2. With whom do you prefer to spend your holiday, your parents or your friends? why? I prefer to spend my holiday with my parents. Because most of us are studying far away from home, we will meet our parents twice or only once in a year, as their children ,they miss us and we miss them, holiday is a good chance for us to have a reunion, to have a dinner or have a party together, usually we talk about some interesting things happened, it is a happy time for my family, and we enjoy the moment. I will choose to meet my friends when we are in schools, though we are in different places, we can choose a place to travel together during a short holiday. If we don’t have many classes, my friends will come to my school ,and we meet each other. 3.What festival do you like best? Why? Spring Festival. Three reasons. First, Spring festival is normal, we celebrate it once a year. But, it's abno rmal because it’s unique festival by Chinese. Second, Spring Festival is the most solemn and folk traditional festival, which represented to bid farewell to the end of the old year and welcome in the new year. Finally, we have a family reunion during the holiday. Usually, this is the only chance for family members to meet. And this is the most important reason why I like Spring Festival best. 4.How do you spend that festival? I'd like to say how we celebrating this festival traditionally. The festival atmosphere getting stronger and stronger during the last lunar month before the Spring Festival Eve, people do Spring Festival shopping to prepare all the stuffs that they’re going to eat and use for celebration and the several days after the eve. That’s a bi g holiday for kids, they wear new clothes; they get red packets from parents and eldership; we fire fireworks, every kid has the experience that expecting the Spring Festival for the year. For family, relatives meets each other at this time, have family reunion dinner is the mainly activity. Recently, many people choose travel during the Spring Festival vacation; they get relaxation both from travel itself


Good morning , my dear teachers . I am glad to be here for this interview . First , please let me introduce myself . My name is xx . I am from weinan , a major city in shanxin . In 2011, I entered the Institute of Northern Information Engineering in Xi’an Technological University and majored in Chinese language and literature .(学了哪些课程)I am satisfied with my performance in my four years’college . It may be regarded as the most wonderful part of my life , which helps me make great progress in cooperation , communication and innovation . It is my university life that paves the way for me to success .(大学时哪些事情让你印象深刻?大学让你获益了什么?) I’m now working for New dream Education & Technology Group as a Chinese teacher of high school . I have been working there for almost two years . I benefited much from my work . At the same time , I realized that what I had learned was not enough for this field . I am eager to further my study and raise my professional levels . (请描述你的工作;你为什么读研,而不是继续工作?) Generally speaking,I am a person with great perseverance . I keep on running every day , no matter what the weather is like . And I keep sparing four hours in the evening to study after a day’s work . Owing to this , I could succeed in the first round of the exam .(你是一个怎样的人) My dream is to be an excellent Chinese teacher. If I am given a chance to study in this famous university , I will try my best to study and make great progress with your instruction . That is my brief introduction . Thank you for your attention . 亲爱的老师们,早上好。很开心参加这次面试。首先,我简单介绍下自己。 我叫xx,26岁。来自陕西省。2011年我就读于西安工业大学北方信息工程学院汉语言文学专业。我很满意我的表现在我的四年大学生活,它可能被视为最精彩的我的生活的一部分。它让我在合作、交流、创新方面取得了巨大的进步。我的大学生活,为我铺平了成功的道路。 我现在就职于新梦想教育科技集团是一名高中的语文老师。我已经在那里工作了几乎两年。我从我的工作中受益匪浅。同时,我意识到我所学到的知识对于这个领域是不够的。我渴望进一步学习和提高我的专业水平。 一般来说,我是一个有毅力的人。不管什么天气,我坚持每天跑步。我一直保持留四个小时在晚上学习,在一天的工作后。由于这一点,我能通过第一轮考试。 我的梦想是成为一名优秀的语文教师。如果我有机会在这所著的名的大学学习,我会尽力学习,并在你的指导下取得很大进步。 这是我的简介。谢谢你的关注。


dyned国际英语将一个人的英语水平分为如下八级,按照级别的不同进行相应的培训,其中Beginner级别相当于英语四级水平。 请严格按照你的当前级别循序渐进由易到难的学习。测试软件本店有售,这样你足不出户就可以完成本来只有在专业英语培训 机构才能完成的专业水平测试。本课件是Icebreaker级别,适合8岁以上刚开始学英语的小朋友或大人学习。 (1)Icebreaker(入门,简称ib): 0 能够使用少量的词汇和语法,进行一些简短的日常对话。 (2)Threshold(基础,简称th): 0-0.2 能够了解少量的语言模式,就自己的兴趣和见解进行简单的英语对话。 (3)Beginner(进阶,简称b): 0.2-1.0 能够运用正确结构的简单句表达有关个人的信息,具备在国外生活的基本语言能力。 (4)Lower Intermediate(中级,简称li): 1.0- 1.5 运用简单句型描述日常生活,可自由与外国人进行日常交流。 (5)Intermediate(中高级,简称i): 1.5-2.0 能够在任何场景中进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在工作环境中运用英语的能力。 (6)Business-intermediate(商务进阶,简称bi): 2.0-2.5 将在典型的商务环境中提高和加强商务用词,内容涉及:公司介绍、产品介绍、销售、客服、商务谈判等等。 (7)Business-Advanced(商务高级,简称ba): 2.5-2.7 运用更复杂和逻辑性更强的句子,围绕商务的需要:例如商务旅行、策略制定、保险与银行、市场调研等等进行学习和表达。同时更注意了商务的写作能力。 (8)Advanced(专家级,简称a): 2.7-3.2 语言以达到一般外国人的水平,不仅日常用语表达自如,且能够进行复杂的学术性探讨。 第一级别(入门级别)课件打开后包括 Let's Go(1-3三个单元) First English(1-4四个单元) 第二级别:(基础级级)课件打开后包括 Let's Go(4-8三个单元) First English(5-8四个单元) 第三级别(进阶级)课件打开后包括 New Dynamic English(1-2,两个单元) English by the Numbers(1-2,两个单元) Alice in Wonderland(所有内容)


英语口语陪练选择方法 时代日益进步,大家对英语的需求越来越大,许多像“在线教育”、“英语口语陪练”之类的新词出现在人们的眼中,不过“口语陪练”对于很多人可能是陌生的,其实我们可以简单从字面来理解,就是找人进行口语陪练。在中国,大多数英语学习者都会受困于所谓的“哑巴英语”,他们花费了大量的时间和精力来学习英语但最后却不能将其用于交流。于是就有了“口语陪练”。 在传统的口语教学中,一般都是老师授课占据了很大一部分时间,而让学生开口的机会少之又少,对他们来说一直就是处在缺乏口语的练习环境。而这时他们所需要的正是一个真正用英语来交流练习的方法和环境,而并非普通培训班的英语课程。这时候口语陪练则可以有针对性的满足他们这一需求。另外网络口语陪练相对比实体培训去除场地费用,办公费用等。有较高的价格优势。可是找口语陪练也是需要技巧的。 一、直接在社交软件上找老外 这个方案比较适合有一定口语能力的人,象我刚起步的时候,打字都打不来,更不用说语音交流了。根本不可行。 二、报英语培训班 我研究过几个著名英语培训机构的报价,决定还是算了,太贵了,动辄上万,不适合囊中羞涩的我。不过ABC360不错,它一家真人外教一对一的在线教育,学生可以通过网络视频,全程和外教一对一的进行教学,这样既能保证学生有足够的时间和外教交流互动,也能使外教及时指出学生发音等一些方面的问题。最主要的是还不贵,最便宜的只要7.2元一节课。 三、语言交换 就是找学中文的老外交换,互相学习对方的母语。我在网上找了一些这方面的网站,我注册了不少,也发了很多邀请信给里面的老外。无奈一个月下来浪费的时间不少,没找到一个聊友,看来免费的午餐真是不容易吃啊。总结下来,一个原因是学中文的老外太少了,而学英语的中国人太多太多了。 不过多说英语对口语的提高还是有帮助的。


研究生英语口语考试 话题范文

话题一:Please describe the importance of self-confidence and give some examples to support ideas. Share your own experience about it with your partners. Hi,guys,Today our topic is self-confidence,What do you think about self-confidence. Self-Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. 自信对于日常生活非常重要,它让你有一个健康的态度,研究表明自信会更快乐,它还能让人更有机会成功。 People say that self-confidence is half of the success. Without self-confidence, You can’t do well in anything. Self-confidence is very importance to a person. 人们说自信是成功的一半。没有自信,一个人就不能做好任何事。自信对一个人很重要也很有价值。 Firstly, Self-confidence, let a person maintain a good mental and physical state.We often say that the body is the capital of the revolution. Only when you are in good health, can you be really successful eventually. Secondly,once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop your way.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should trust in ourselves. 首先,自信让人保持好的身体和精神状态,我们常说身体是革命的本钱。只有你身体健康,你最后才能真正成功。其次,一旦我们获得了自信,我们就拥有了勇气和力量去克服挫折和困难。有了自信,没有人也没有什么能够阻止你成功。再次,有了自信我们可能实现一些以前看起来不可能的事。没有什么大事对我们是容易的,因此我们应该相信一切皆有可能。我们应该,或者必须相信自己。 When I was a child, I was very unconfident and often doubted everything. It's even like this question “What day is today”,I had to go to the calendar to make sure.This feeling is not good.

英语口语900句:参加晚会 -(韦博分享)

英语口语900句:参加晚会-(韦博分享) 英语口语900句:参加晚会-(韦博分享) 526. How long did the movie last? 这部电影多长? 527. The feature started at 9 o'clock and ended at 11:30. 正片九点开始放映到十一点半结束。 528. They say the new film is an adventure story. 据说,这部新片是关于一个冒险故事。 529. A group of us went out to the theater last night. 昨天晚上我们一群人去看戏了。 530. The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it. 这部新戏很好,大家都很喜欢。 531. By the time we got there, the play had already begun. 我们到达那儿时,戏已经开始了。 532. The usher showed us to our seats. 招待员把我们领到座位上。 533. The cast of the play included a famous actor. 这个戏的演员名单中有一位名演员。 534. After the play was over, we all wanted to get something to eat.

戏演完后,我们都想找点吃的。 535. There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi. 人很多,我们好不容易找到一辆出租汽车。 536. The restaurant was filled, so we decided to go elsewhere. 饭馆客满,所以我们决定到别的地方去。 537. My brother wants to learn how to dance. 我的兄弟想学跳舞。 538. We don't go dancing very often. 我们不常去跳舞。 539. Which would you rather do, go dancing or go to a play? 你喜欢做什么,去跳舞还是去看戏? 540. I'm not accustomed to going out after dark. 天黑以后我不习惯出门。 英语口语900句:参加晚会-(韦博分享)


硕士研究生“英语口语”课程考试对话话题(原创对话见下文,供参考) 1. 就所给话题编对话,考试时从6组对话中抽取1组进行考试。所编对话内容应该基于口语教材内容,否则降低打分档次。 2. 口语考试对话话题(一共6组对话): 1) Student A: Invite your partner to the cinema with you one evening next week. It seems s/he is very busy, and s/he gives various reasons to decline. Try your best to make it. Remember you will initiate the conversation. Student B: Your partner is going to invite you to the cinema one evening next week. You are very busy, and find various reasons to decline his/her invitation. But in the end you agree on an evening. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation. 2) Student A: You discuss with your partner whether postgraduates should take the part-time job of private tutors. The answer to the question itself is not important. What you and your partner should do is try to think of all the advantages and disadvantages of taking part-time jobs. Remember you will initiate the conversation. Student B: You discuss with your partner whether postgraduates should take the part-time job of private tutors. The answer to the question itself is not important. What you and your partner should do is try to think of all the advantages and disadvantages of taking part-time jobs. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation. 3) Student A: You talk with your partner (Student B) about the qualities you expect of your supervisors. After your discussion, it seems difficult for you both to agree on the same criteria. Remember you will initiate the conversation. Student B: You talk with your partner (Student A) about the qualities you expect of your supervisors. After your discussion, it seems difficult for you both to agree on the same criteria. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation. 4) Student A: You are the manager of the human resource department of X Company; your company wants to employ some engineers with the knowledge on railway building. Now Student B comes to have an interview. Ask him/her related information. Remember you will initiate the conversation. Student B: You have learned that X Company wants to employ some engineers with the knowledge on railway building and you want to get the job. You have been arranged an interview with the manager of the human resource department. S/he will ask you some questions about this job. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation. 5) Student A: Today you ran across your old friend (Student B) who you haven't seen for a long time. After greetings, you get to know that he/she has been away for a tour. Your friend will tell you some things about the tour, and you also ask him/her questions about the tour and make comments. Remember you will initiate the conversation. Student B: You have been away for a tour, and came back yesterday. Today you ran across your old friend (Student A) who you haven't seen for a long time. After greetings, you told your friend you had a tour. And you told him/her some things about your tour. He/she would also ask you questions about your tour. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation. 6) Student A: Bad habits are always terrible. Chinese people have one bad habit: spitting in public places. What do you think can be done to stop

英语口语900句:询问年龄 -(韦博分享)

英语口语900句:询问年龄-(韦博分享) 英语口语900句:询问年龄-(韦博分享) 196. How old are you? 你多大了? 197. I’m twenty-one years old. 我21岁了。 198. My brother is not quite twenty-five. 我哥哥不到25岁。 199. John is not forty-five yet, is he? 约翰没有45岁,不是吗? 200. Mr. Smith is still in his fifties. 史密斯先生还五十来岁了。 201. I'm two years older than you are. 我比你大两岁。 202. My brother is two years younger than I am. 我的弟弟比我小两岁。 203. How many are there in your family? 你有几个家庭成员? 204. There are seven of us altogether.

我们总共有七个。 205. My sister is the oldest. 我姐姐是最大的。 206. I'm the youngest. 我是最小的。 207. Guess how old I am. 猜猜我多大了。 208. I'd say you're about twenty-three. 我想你大概23岁吧。 209. I was thirty on my last birthday. 我已经过了30岁了。 210. I'm going to be sixty-one next Tuesday. 下周我将要满61岁了。 英语口语900句:询问年龄-(韦博分享)


英语口语陪练的方法 前段时间我需要考雅思,听说读写其他三样还可以,最怕的是口语。之前英语学了10来年都是哑巴英语,上英语课最怕老师点名发言的,突然要跟老外说15分钟,真不知道怎么办好。还好还有几个月的时间准备,经过努力我雅思口语最后考了7分,总算没有拖后腿。我总结一下几个月来练口语的种种经验教训,希望有兴趣学英语口语的朋友看了以后可以少走点弯路。英语口语陪练,当然是和母语英语的老外学口语效果最好,所以我一开始也是定下这个思路,想办法找到老外! 英语口语陪练方案一直接在社交软件上找老外。这个方案比较适合有一定口语能力的人,象我刚起步的时候,打字都打不来,更不用说语音交流了。根本不可行。 英语口语陪练方案二报英语培训班。我研究过几个著名英语培训机构的报价,决定还是算了,太贵了,动辄上万,不适合囊中羞涩的我。有一家可以免费试听一次,abc360,感觉很好,老外很耐心,虽然我真的说的很差。 英语口语陪练方案三语言交换,就是找学中文的老外交换,互相学习对方的母语。我在网上找了一些这方面的网站,我注册了不少,也发了很多邀请信给里面的老外。无奈一两个月下来浪费的时间不少,没找到一个聊友,看来免费的午餐真是不容易吃啊。我总结下来,一个原因是学中文的老外太少了,而学英语的中国人太多太多了,进了语言交换社区发现到处都是中国人留的帖子,僧多粥少,好不容易进来一个老外立刻被列强瓜分了,根本轮不到我。还一个原因有兴趣学中文的老外大部分都是男性,他们只对和女性交换语言有兴趣,符合异性相吸的原理。好几个老外我的msn都加了,然后聊两句一问我是男的,立刻不理睬我了。 英语口语陪练方案四家庭寄宿就是让老外到家住。这在国外非常流行,近段时间在国内也开始了。照旧,我先上网找相关信息。但国外的要付美元才可以查看有意向的人的信息,守株待兔终于等到有人主动给我发了一封信,说他是美国大学生,暑期到上海打工,工作地点在上海南京西路上。我很开心的立刻回信欢迎,但人家一问我住在莘庄,上班到南京西路要一个小时以上,立刻没消息了。不死心的我又找国内的两家家庭寄宿服务机构,一个说很抱歉目前只在北京地区提供服务,以后开到上海会通知我。一个是上海的,在和我详细交流过后说,您的信息我们登记下了,但是由于您的住址不在市中心,可能感兴趣的老外不会很多。接下来沓无音信。头大了!老外也歧视俺住的远! 英语口语陪练方案五电脑外教口语陪练最终在百度贴吧上看到偶然注册了一个网站abc360,,外教在线一对一在线练习英语口语,听力,不用担心。效果相当的不错,感受到了学习英语的乐趣,英语口语取得了明显的进步,还有很多免费的课程可以上,最近应该还是完全免费的。 总结,现在的我已经可以和老外无障碍沟通了。在以上方案中我先是应用方案五,通过在abc360两个月的学习可以和老外基本交流,接下来我应用方案一在skype上找到一些老外神侃,几个月下来进步很多,现在没事也喜欢去老外常去的聊天室,论坛转转。整个下来不花钱就达到了在英语培训中心上万元达到的效果。
