



The two boys had so much in common that they soon became good friends.

The two ideas and the rejections are parallel to each other.

The two parts compare with each other in their similarity.

Both of the ideas are incorrect and are followed by corrections.

Although Grant and Robert were fierce rivals during the war, their lives, both military and nonmilitary,

had a great deal in common.

These three types generally have the same traits.

This Church was the custodian of knowledge, as well as the main employer of literate men.

Rapid changes, have forced most countries to reconsider the national goals of education; Great Britain is no exception.

The two systems are, in effect, identical.

The individuals and the government are of the same importance.

People of all ages have been playing these games.

He was consistent in his attitude. 他的态度是前后一致的。

Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese. 我们的包装可以与日本同行相比美。


nd the other about

The writer presented two different ideas, one about Gail’s mother’s early idea a

other people’s idea.

The television western (西方影片) of several years ago differs greatly from the western of today.

This part introduces to us the love between Gail, a White woman and Mark, a black man.

There is a big/great distinction between working hard and being a workaholic.

Workaholics, on the other hand, are often disorganized, always find reasons for working more, feel

lost without work to do, hide from problems through work, don’t know how or when to relax, bring home from the office, can’t communicate well with fellow workers and family members, and have unbalanced, one-dimensional lives.

We seem to be more in the fast lane than ever before.

They are more comfortable being with fellow workers than with family and friends.

They would rather be at work than elsewhere or doing anything else.

Most parents did not send their children to school. Instead, the children learned skills by working

In spite of these advantages, however, there are also some challenges you will encounter.

It is wrong to think that online learning would make learning easier for everyone, though we can learn

at any time and at any place. In fact, many students spend much more time and effort learning online.

Thus, audiences are smaller and more homogeneous than they have been in the past.

A broadcast medium such as network television attracts all types of audience members, but magazine audiences are more homogeneous, if you read sports illustrated, for example, you have much in common with the magazine’s other readers. Advertisers see magazines as an efficient way of reaching target audience members.

Internet advertising will play a more prominent role in organizations' advertising in the near future.

He is rather dull in comparison with others. 和别人比较起来,他相当迟钝。

The two brothers are in stark contrast. 兄弟俩形成鲜明对比。

Let me make a comparison between the power grid and the Grid.

In contrast to the government’s inactivity, some local organizations have made efforts to fight against AIDS creatively.

We should take into account the proposals of our parents and vice versa.反之亦然。

After ten years in London, my sister is more worldly than she used to be.

There seems to be a contradiction between his words and actions.

That’s a flat contradiction of what you said before.

While more urban people are enjoying life, the poor conditions in rural areas should not be ignored.

While Tom is working on his homework, his brother is having fun with some girls.

I would rather appreciate a favorite TV program alone at home than go out with friends on some weekend for sometimes I need time to relax.

The Internet cafes around the college give students easier access to information.

People who had good education will be more likely to gain success in the future.

The proportion of GDP spent on education in China is quite small, far less than what is needed. Some people argue that it is not necessary to do so because the world we are living in today is more secure than before.

It is unnecessary to put billions of dollars in defense, and developing domestic economy should be given priority.

To buy a car costs money. To keep it running costs even more.

Many people think that the government must attach greater importance to environmental protection.

The Internet helps them save a lot of time which would otherwise be spent on the road.

The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.

If this cannot be done, he will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong,

rather than by making general statements.

Remember that with time going by, some things once considered the most important have lost importance while others are becoming more and more important.

The only difference is that today employment of children is confined to small industries and family businesses, such as hotels, restaurants and particularly farms, rather than to large factories.

It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to remember some facts or a formula.

They differ in size but not in kind.

The paper says China is a responsible developing country and it attaches great importance to environmental protection and prevention of global climate change. (致力于……,着重于……)Conventionally, a dark suit is preferable to a light-colored one for official occasions.

His expenditure is out of proportion to his income.

In comparison with other students, Mike is more diligent.

We should make a distinction between right and wrong.

There is no substitute for good food and exercise. 没有什么能够取代营养丰富的食物和运动。


常用表达:be made up of; constitute; be divided into; fall into; be composed of; be comprised of; comprise; cover; embrace; include; contain; consist of; involve包含……,包括……

At least four essential stages of adjustment occur during culture shock.

A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following are the most critical ones.

Part one is made up of the first four paragraphs, from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 4.

Twelve months constitute one year. 十二个月构成一年。

This part can be further divided into two subparts, the opinions from Gail’s mother and the opinion from Gail’s father about Gail’s mixed marriage.

The book falls into three parts. 这本书分三部分。

Many components compose an electronic computer. 许多个零件构成了一个电子计算机。

This book is composed of five hundred pages.

A cricket team is comprised of eleven players. 一个板球队由11名队员组成。

A cutlery set comprises 6 table knives. 一套餐具包含6把餐刀。

It covers an area of 63,000 square meters and the glass walls alone cost about 60 million RMB.

She has many occupations, including gardening and wine-making.


All fresh vegetables contain some vitamin C without exception.


Part two consists of the rest of the passage, from Paragraph 5 to the last paragraph, again in time sequence.

Working hard involves being organized, focused, getting a lot of work done, knowing when to stop,

and having a life other than work.

This course of study embraces every aspect of the subject.本课程涉及这门学科的每个方面。

Life is made up of little things. [谚]人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。

People’s life has become longer and longer, which is one of the benefits of the development of modern medical technology.

Attributing to his success are his personality traits such as confidence, independence and reliability. The agency was established a decade ago to unify three separate pension organizations - one for self-employed or non-workers, another for company employees, and the third for public servants. Scientists have set up two kinds of relay stations. One kind is on the earth, the other is a satellite placed in space around the earth.

The 16,000-word paper comprises 10 chapters: the prefa ce…

It comes down to two choices: you either improve your work, or you leave.


Without exactly taking sides for or against that criticism, I want to describe a sociological exercise that might seem to validate it — except that, for me and a classmate (and maybe for some who read

this account), the experience made a common claim come alive.

As long as we lay down suitable laws and regulations and enforce them strictly, the problem can be solved.(支持某一事物的时候,合适就好)

Only in this way can free-admission to museums become a long-lasting phenomenon and have

sustainable development.

Computer, however, may bring about some new social problems as well. But in my opinion, its benefit outweighs its harm.

It is a controversial issue whether parents should allow their child to play plenty of games.

Modern educational institutions play an important role in teaching and training people, but that is far

from what is needed for success, because success involves many other factors besides a good education.

In most cases, this action will produce results.

The solution to the problem of child labor is clearly better laws to protect young children, greater supervision of industry and heavier fines for those who break the laws.

All of us are going to be creators and pioneers over the next 10 years whether we like it or not, and

many of us don’t like it.



the truth come out 真相浮出

take a foothold in……取得稳固的立足点

pave the way for 为……铺平道理

in the near (not distant) future 在不远的将来

lay a firm/solid foundation 打下坚实的基础

on the road, on the way 在路上,在解决过程中

Evidently computers are becoming increasingly popular with students. (描述一个现象或者趋势)

With limited resources and decreasing arable land, China has yet managed to achieve the goal of providing enough food and clothing for every citizen. (在某一背景之下的具体情况)


英语作文范文 英语写作中的修辞 学英语写作中的修辞 修辞手段一般主要用于文学性写作中。但在大学英语的英文写作中有时也需要运用一定的具有英文特征的修辞手段,而且运用得好,会使语句生动从而增添语句亮点。因此,掌握一些一般常用修辞手段对于实现语句亮点也是非常必要的。对于大学英语写作来说,主要应该掌握以下修辞手段,又称语句辞格,包括结构辞格与语义辞格。对比、排比、重复、倒装等为结构辞格,转义、双关、矛盾等则为语义辞格。 1。对比 正反对比就是要巧妙地运用对称的英文句式来表达互为补充的意思,因此恰当地运用反义词语往往是必不可少的。如果一旦所要表达的内容具有这种情况,就应尽力选用这种对称的句式并选用适当的反义词语来加强语句,实现语句的亮点。 1)如“很多人很快就会发现,他们在物质上是富裕了,精神上却很贫乏”,可以这样达: Many people will soon find themselves rich in goods, but ragged in spirit.

(注:句中rich in 与 ragged in, goods 与 spirit 具有正反对比的关系和效果。) 2)如“利远远大于弊”,可以这样表达: The advantages for outweigh the disadvantages. (注:句中 the advantages 与 the disadvantages 具有正反对比的关系和效果。) 3)如“他们注意到了这些说法中的一些道理,但他们却忽视了一个重要的事实”,可以这样表达: They have noticed a grain of truth in the statements, but have ignored a more important fact. (注:句中have noticed 与 have ignored, a grain of truth in the statements 与 a more important fact 具有正反对比的关系和效果。) 4)如“这样做既有积极效果也有消极效果”,可以这样表达: It will have both negative and positive effects by so doing. (注:句中negative 与positive具有正反对比的关系和效果) 5)如“我们既有与我们很为相似的朋友,又有与我们很为不同的朋友”,可以这样表达: We have friends similar to us and friends different from us. (注:句中similar to 与 different from具有正反对比的


高考英语24个话题写作常用语块 话题1:个人情况 1.出生于be born in 2.主修理工 major in 3.毕业于 /毕业后graduate from/after graduation 4.从事于 be engaged in/go in for 5.有着……的天赋have a gift for / be gifted I / have a talent for 6. 受到良好教育的 well-educated 7. 中国国籍(of) Chinese nationality 8. 电话号码telephone number 9. 把心思用在 put one’s heart into 10. 集中精力于concentrate on / focus one’s attention on 11. 致力于 /献身于devote oneself to sth/doing sth/ be devoted to… 12. 积极从事……be active in sth 13. 对……做研究do research on 14. 对……不在乎cares little about 15. 工作到深夜 work until midnight 16. 获得硕士学位get/gain a master’s degree 17. 获得第一名win the first prize (in…) 18. 大获成功 achieve great success 19. 被……录取;考入be admitted to 20. 被认为是……be regarded as/be considered as/be considered to be 21. 作为……被铭记be remembered as 22. (在……上 )排名第一rank No.1 (in); rank the first (in) 23. 因为……获得很多奖 receive many awards for 24. 用某物奖赏某人reward sb. with sth. 25. 凭着无比的决心with great determination 话题2:家庭、朋友与周围的人 1. 一个五岁的男孩a boy aged five; a five-year-old boy 2. 在他十 /三十多岁时 in his teens/thirties 3. 五岁时 at the age of five 4. 在某人童年时in one’s childhood 5. 过着……的生活live/lead/have a…life 6. 谋生earn one’s living; make a living 7. 照顾look after/take care of/attend to/care for 8. 养育;培养bring up 9. 对某人要求严格be strict with sb 10. 由……引起 result from 11. 导致result in; lead to; contribute to; bring about; give rise to; cause 12. 有能力做某事be able to do sth; have the ability to do sth 13. 很有才能的女子 a woman of great ability 14. 在……方面熟练 be skilled/skillful in 15. 在……方面有经验be experienced in 16. 获得……称号 be given the title of 17. 获得金 /银牌 win a gold/silver medal 18. 获诺贝尔奖 win/receive the Nobel Prize 19. 得到全世界的关注get the world’s attention 20. 不计名利 care little for money and fame 21. 留学深造 go abroad for further studies 22. 找到做某事的方法 find a way to do sth 23. 带/送某人到某地take/send sb.to… 24. 情不自禁地做某事can’t help doing sth 25. 给我们树立好榜样set us a good example / set a good example to us


高考英语作文常用修辞手法 高考英语作文常用修辞手法 文章最忌语言枯燥无味,一篇好的作文,语言应该生动形象。而恰当 地运用修辞手法,可以使文字新鲜活泼、具体逼真,大大增强艺术表 现力,扩大语言表达的范围;而且还可以激发读者的想象,给人留下 深刻的印象。下面介绍一些英语作文中常用的修辞手法。 1 比喻(etaphr) 比喻就是打比方。可分为明喻和暗喻: 明喻(siile): 用lie, as, asas, as if(thugh) 或用其他词语指出两个不同事物的相似之处。例如: lve’s lie a red, red rse 我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。 The an an’t be trusted He is as slipper as an eel 那个人不可信赖。他像鳗鱼一样狡猾。 He uped as if he had been stung他像被蜇了似的跳了起来。 hildhd is lie a siftl passing drea 童年就像一场疾逝的梦。 暗喻(etaphr): 用一个词来指代与该词所指事物有相似特点的另外一个事物。例如: He has a heart f stne 他有一颗铁石心肠。 The rld is a stage 世界是一个大舞台。 2 换喻(etn)

用某一事物的名称代替另外一个与它关系密切的事物的名称,只要一提到其中一种事物,就会使人联想到另一种。比如用the hite Huse 代替美国政府或者总统,用the bttle来代替ine 或者alhl,用the bar 来代替the legal prfessin,用rn代替ing等。例如: His purse uld nt all hi that luxur 他的经济条件不允许他享受那种 奢华。 The ther did her best t tae are f the radle 母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。 He sueeded t the rn in 1848 他在1848年继承了王位。 3 提喻(snedhe) 指用部分代表整体或者用整体代表部分,以特殊代表一般或者用 一般代表特殊。例如: He earns his bread b riting 他靠写作挣钱谋生。 The fars ere shrt f hands during the harvest seasn 在收获季节里农场缺乏劳动力。 Australia beat anada at riet 澳大利亚队在板球比赛中击败了加拿 大队。 He is the Netn f this entur 他是这个世纪的牛顿。 4 拟人(persnifiatin) 把事物或者概念当作人或者具备人的品质的写法叫拟人。例如: heart as singing 我的心在歌唱。 This tie fate as siling t hi 这一次命运朝他微笑了。

【英语作文】健康的生活方式 Healthy Lifestyle

健康的生活方式Healthy Lifestyle In the young generation,their lifestyle is different from the old people's.They like to stay up and join many night activities,then they wake up very late.The new expression of brunch fits them so much,which means the people to have a meal combining with breakfast and lunch.But their health is under threat.Some young people's stomach hurts and can't digest food well.In order to keep healthy,we need to do some exercise and eat food regularly.What's more,the balanced diet is very important,as the saying that an apple a day,keeps the doctor away,so we need to eat properly.The healthy lifestyle makes us live happily. 在年轻一代人中,他们的生活方式不同于老一代人。他们喜欢熬夜,晚参加许多晚上的活动,然后很晚才醒来,早午餐这个新的表达方式很适合他们,也就是说一餐中结合了早餐和午餐。但是他们的健康受到了威胁,一些年轻人胃疼,不能很好地消化食物。为了保持健康,我们需要经常锻炼、吃好。更重要的是,均衡的饮食是非常重要的,俗说一天一个苹果,医生远离我,所以我们需要正确的饮食。健康的生活方式让我们幸福的生活。


2020高考英语作文各类书信写作常用语块及套用句式大全 邀请信 常用语块 1.邀请某人做某事 2.代表某人 3.为了做某事 4.计划/打算做某事 5.拓展某人的视野 6.丰富某人的生活 7.接受某人的邀请 8.玩得开心 9.在学校会议厅 10.表演节目 11.渴望你的到来 12.学生会 13.参加 14.给某人留下深刻的印象 15.举办晚会 套用句式 1.代表他们,我写信是想邀请你…… 2.得知你对中国传统文化感兴趣,我想邀请你加入我们。 3.我真诚地希望你能接受我们的邀请/加入我们,我相信…… 4.如果你能来,我将不胜感激。 5.期待你的早日回复。 约稿信

1.我想请你为……写一篇文章。 2.你可以写一些关于…… 3.……是很受……欢迎的。 4.它刊登由……写的文章。 5.你能写点关于……吗? 6.我们会特别欢迎有关……的文章。 7.你可以写与……相关的任何东西。 8.约120个词就好。 9.我们在……之前能收到你的文章吗? 10.写一篇主题是……的文章 套用句式 1.我想请你为我们学校的英文报纸写一篇文章。 2.你能写点关于你的学校生活的内容吗? 3.你的文章的字数应控制在300字以内。/300字就够了。4.我们在6月1日之前能收到你的文章会更好。 5.我期待您方便时尽快答复。 建议信 常用语块 1.给某人提建议 2.如下 3.在做某事时遇到困难 4.利用 5.向某人征求意见 6.制订计划 7.认为……有用 8.有了某人的共同努力

10.把……考虑在内 11.得到改善 12.依我看来 13.向某人寻求帮助 14.我已收到你的来信,得知你…… 15.我建议…… 套用句式 1.很高兴收到你的来信,征求我对…… 的建议 2.你就……向我寻求建议,我会尽力提一些建设性的建议。3.我觉得如果能够……将会很有帮助。 4.我希望这些建议会对你有所帮助。 5.我相信你会考虑我的建议的。 告知信 常用语块 1.报名 2.航班号 3.每周工作8个小时 4.我们组长的助手 5.才艺大赛 6.下列四门课程 7.特别关注 8.课前 9.给某人做讲座 10.认为……非常重要 11.举办茶文化节 12.中华文明

最好的旅游方式 The Best Way to Travel-高中英语作文

最好的旅游方式 The Best Way to Travel-高中英语作文 Today,aspeopleliveabetterlife,theychaseformoreenjoyment.Wec anseefromthenewsthatwhentheholidaycomes,therearesomanypeopl egatherinthescenerysite.Peopleliketotraveltoday,theycantake aplane,takethebusoreventakeabike.Onmyopinion,thebestwaytotr avelisbytrain.First,https://www.360docs.net/doc/9d3048707.html,parewithotherways,such asplaneandbus,trainislessexpensive,peoplecansavealotofmoney .Besides,takingthetrainismuchsafer.Peopledon’thavetoworryaboutcrush,whichismorehappenintheplaneorbus.Sec ond,wecanenjoythesceneryinthetrain.Thoughthetrainisveryslow ,wecanhaveagoodsightofthebeautifulscenery,whenwegotoTibet,w ecanseedifferentcolorsanddifferentmountainsduringthetrip.Ta kingthetrainisthebestwaytotravel. 今天,随着人们过上更好的生活,人们追求更多的娱乐。我们可以从新闻上看到当节假日来临的时候,很多人聚集在景点。现在,人们喜欢旅游,他们可以坐飞机,坐巴士甚至骑单车。在我看来,最好的旅游方式是坐火车。第一,这很便宜。和其他方式,如飞机和巴士,坐火车便宜很多,人们可以省下很多钱。而且,做坐火车也更加安全。人们不用担心坠毁,这更多地发生在飞机和巴士上。第二,我们可以在火车上欣赏风景。虽然火车很慢,我们可以好好看看美丽的风景,当我们去西藏的时候,可以


关于如何改变生活方式的英语作文 关于如何改变生活方式的英语作文1 A Sentence May Change A Man s LifeThere is a sentence going as : a sentence may change a man s life,maybe that is ture. Look at the following sentence,we may get some active idea: Giving up is a kind of intelligence, and defecting is a boon. When you have six apples, don t eat them all, because there is only one six apples taste, if take out five to others, lost five apples on the surface, but actually had five personal friendship and goodwill, later also can get more, others must also have fruit to share with you, you will get an orange, a pear might get six different fruits, different tastes, different colors, six personal friendship, give up is a kind of wisdom.The greatest pleasure of life is through the struggle to get what we want, so there are shortcomings mean that we can progress, can be hard.When a personal life is not short of, he living space are deprived of, if we wake up every morning, to feel what shortcomings today, feel and pursuit, that is a happy thing.Smile -- but not keep for 24 hours, but can keep smile in the face of people. 关于如何改变生活方式的英语作文2 Change My Life Style I like stay late at night and stay in bed late next morning. Usually, I won t go to the bed before one o clock. When my clock alarms the next morning, I have to struggle for a long time to get up. Most of the time, I feel tired before class is over. So sometimes I can t catch with my teacher, because I can t focus my mind. And I don t like vegetable. Mostly I only eat meat. I am a little fat maybe because of that. I realize my life style is unhealthy. I need to change it. I can t sleep so late in the evening and should eat more vegetable. If I change my life style, I can make my life more wonderful. 我喜欢晚睡,第二天早上又喜欢睡懒觉。通常,不到一点我是不会去睡觉的。第二天我的闹钟响的时候,我都要挣扎很久


英语写作技巧:英语写作中的修辞 修辞手段一般主要用于文学性写作中。但在大学英语的英文写作中有时也需要使用一定的具有英文特征的修辞手段,而且使用得好,会使语句生动从而增添语句亮点。所以,掌握一些一般常用修辞手段对于实现语句亮点也是非常必要的。对于大学英语写作来说,主要应该掌握以下修辞手段,又称语句辞格,包括结构辞格与语义辞格。对比、排比、重复、倒装等为结构辞格,转义、双关、矛盾等则为语义辞格。 1.对比正反对比就是要巧妙地使用对称的英文句式来表达互为补充的意思,所以恰当地使用反义词语往往是必不可少的。如果一旦所要表达的内容具有这种情况,就应尽力选用这种对称的句式并选用适当的反义词语来增强语句,实现语句的亮点。 1)如“很多人很快就会发现,他们在物质上是富裕了,精神上却很贫乏”,能够这样达: Many people will soon find themselves rich in goods,but ragged in spirit.(注:句中rich in与ragged in,goods与spirit 具有正反对比的关系和效果。) 2)如“利远远大于弊”,能够这样表达: The advantages for outweigh the disadvantages.(注:句中the advantages与the disadvantages具有正反对比的关系和效果。) 3)如“他们注意到了这些说法中的一些道理,但他们却忽视了一个重要的事实”,能够这样表达: They have noticed a grain of truth in the statements,but have ignored a more important fact.(注:句中have noticed与have ignored,a grain of truth in the statements与a more important fact具有正反对比的关系和效果。)


18种重要修辞手法 一、语义修辞 1明喻(simile)俗称直喻,是依据比喻和被比喻两种不同事物的相似关系而构成的修辞格。例如: 1.The snow was like a white blanket drawn over the field. 2.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 认真观察以上各例,我们会发现它们的特点,由(as)... as, like等引导,这些引导词被称作比喻词(acknowledging word),它们是辨别明喻的最显著的特征,明喻较为直白,比喻物和被比喻物之间相似点较为明显,所以明喻是一种比较好判断的修辞手法。 2暗喻(metaphor)也称隐喻,是依据比喻和被比喻两种不同事物的相似或相关关系而构成的修辞格。例如: 1.His friend has become a thorn in his side.(他的朋友已变成眼中钉肉中刺。) 2.You are your mother’s glass.(你是你母亲的翻版。) 3.Hope is a good br eakfast, but it’s a bad supper. 由以上各例可知,暗喻没有引导词,这是明喻和暗喻在形式上的最大区别。换句话说,有为明喻,没有为暗喻。如:He has a heart of stone. He has a heart like stone.很显然,前句是暗喻,后句是明喻。暗喻时,比喻物和被比喻物之间的相似点较为含蓄,猛一看它们毫无关系,实际却有着某种内在联系。 谈到暗喻,有必要说说它的两种变体(variety):博喻(sustained metaphor)和延喻(extended metaphor),它们是英语比喻中的特殊类型。 (1)博喻连续使用多个喻体去比喻主体的方法就叫做博喻。比如: There again came out the second flash, with the spring of a serpe nt and the shout of a fiend, looked green as an emerald, and the reverber ation was stunning.(爆发了第二次闪电,她像蛇一样蜿蜒,如魔鬼般嘶叫,像翠玉般碧绿,轰隆隆震耳欲聋。) 这个例子中对闪电的比喻就用了三个喻体,spring of a serpen t(动态),shout of a fiend(声音),green as an emerald(颜色),它们从不同角度绘声绘色地把闪电呈现在读者面前。由此可见,多喻体的使用其优势是单一喻体所无法比拟的。它可以多角度、多侧面、多层次、多结构地表现主体。 (2)延喻据Longman Modern English Dictionary解释,延喻即make a n initial c omparison and then develop it, expanding the author’s id ea(作出初次比较再扩展,以延伸作者的意图)。请看下例: A photographer is a cod, which produces a million eggs in order that one may reach maturity. (摄影师像鳕鱼,产卵百万为的是长成一条。) 摄影师通常拍片成堆,难觅一成功之作,似鳕鱼产卵无数,长成者廖廖。故萧伯纳把摄影师先比作cod,再进一步用cod的习性比喻之,生动地道出了摄影师的艰辛。这里which后的从句就显示了延喻的功能。 与一般比喻相比延喻的使用更复杂。一般比喻只需抓住主、喻体之间的相似之处,延喻不仅要注意比喻本身,还要注意延伸部分是否与喻体保持了一致。也就是说,延伸部分应当是喻体的一部分,不能游离于其外。 延喻的构成分以下几种: ①由动词构成


Dear Eric, Hearing that you are going to China during the winter vacation.I am very happy that you have asked me f or advice with regarding some attention and I will try to make some help f ul advice. From my point o f view,you can visit our country by car or by bike.We have many shared bikes and shared cars.Secondly,it would be o f great wisdom to use online payment in our country.You will see that many stores o ff er Qr Code f or you to pay online.Thirdly,it is a little cold here.You would better bring some warm clothes.And,China is a f ood country,so do not worry about eating.Then staying at a hotel is a good choice f or you. Welcome to China!And i f you have any questions,you can ask me.Looking f orward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua


英语作文20个热点话题+满分范文 热点预测1:健康生活 1.网瘾 中国社会近些年一直提倡健康生活方式,但网瘾普遍存在于青少年之中,对其学习和生活都造成了很大不良影响! 题目要求: 假设你是李华,你在美国夏令营认识的朋友Mike给你来信说他最近沉迷于电脑难以控制。请你给他回一封信,告诉他网瘾可能会导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、损害家庭关系等问题,并提出一些建议。 参考词汇:沉溺于be/become addicted to 网瘾:Internet addiction 优秀范文: Dear Jack, I am glad to hear from you. As your close friend, I’d like to talk about the harm of Internet addiction to you as I feel worried to know that you have wasted lots of valuable time playing the Internet games.

As we know, the Internet is a convenient tool to improve our knowledge and skills. However, our life will be greatly affected if we are addicted to it. For example your grades may go down and your health will be going from bad to worse. To make things worse, it can also damage the relationship with your family. So I think it is high time that you got rid of the bad habit. It is a good idea for you to read some meaningful books and do some physical exercise. I am looking forward to hearing your good news soon. Yours, Li Hua 2.健康生活——拒为低头族 伴随着互联网日益深入人们的生活,低头一族诞生并不断增加,公交车、地铁等公共场合到处都是低头看手机者的身影,手机已经成为低头族身体的一部分。同时,这种生活方式对人们的身体健康造成极大的不良影响,应当引起相当重视。 题目要求: 现在越来越多的人成为低头族(People who can’t help checking their phones all day are known as phubbers. Phubbing trends to involve not only the young people, but also the elderly.),如何引


排比 英文中有时也使用排比句式,这种句式整齐而有气势,又不会使人感到单调。例如,如“读书使我们聪明,锻炼使我们强健”,可以这样表达: Reading makes us wise while exercises make us strong. 3.重复英文一般讲求简洁,因此为表达强调偶尔使用重复可以使语句的强调内容得到突出。英文的重复又根据被重复词语在语句中的位置分为句首重复、句尾重复、首尾重复、尾首重复等。 1)如“现在是忘掉过去一切的时候了。现在是言归正传的时候了。现在是为未来而奋斗的时候了”,可以这样表达: Now is the time to forget everything in the past. Now is the time to get down to the business. Now is the time to work hard for the future.(注:此句为句首重复,重复部分为句首的now it the time to) 2)如“我们渴望成功,而且正在为成功而努力工作”,可以这样表达: We long for success and we are working hard for success.(注:此句为句尾重复,重复的部分为句尾的for success.) 3)如“我相信我们能够成功,我相信我们也一定会成功”,可以这样表达: I am convinced that we can succeed,and Iam convinced that we must succeed.(注:and所连接的两个语句的句首与句尾部分同时重复,重复的部分为句首的I am convinced that与句尾的succeed)


英语写作必备语块 话题一:个人情况 1.出生于be born in 2.主修理工major in physics 3.毕业于、毕业后be graduated from、after graduation 4.从事于be engaged in 5.有着…的天赋have a gift for 6.收到良好教育的well-educated 7.中国国籍(of) Chinese nationality 8.电话号码telephone number 9.把心思用在put one’s heart into 10.集中精力于focus one’s attention on 11.致力于/献身于devote oneself to sth/doing sth; be devoted to 12.积极从事…be active in sth 13.对…做研究do research on 14.对…不在乎care little about 15.工作到深夜work until midnight 16.获得硕士学位gain a master’s degree 17.获得第一名win the first prize(in…) 18.大获成功achieve great success 19.被…录取;考入be admitted to 20.被认为是…be regarded as 21.作为…被铭记be remembered as 22.(在…上)排名第一rank No.1 (in) 23. 因为…获得很多奖receive many awards for 24. 用某物奖赏某人reward sb with sth 话题二:家庭、朋友与周围的人 1.一个五岁的男孩 a boy aged five 2.在他十/三十多岁时in his teens/thirties 3.五岁时at the age of five


英语写作常用修辞手法 英语中的修辞与汉语的修辞相比,分类细,种类多.下面将英语的修辞简单介绍如下: 1.Simile 明喻 明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性. 标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. 例如: 1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. 2>.I wandered lonely as c cloud. 3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale. 2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻 隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 例如: 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻 借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称. I.以容器代替内容,例如: 1>.The kettle boils. 水开了. 2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.

II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如: Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说. III.以作者代替作品,例如: a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如: I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱. 4.Synecdoche 提喻 提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般. 例如: 1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory. 他的厂里约有100名工人. 2>.He is the Newton of this century. 他是本世纪的牛顿. 3>.The fox goes very well with your cap. 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配. 5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉 这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物. 例如: 1>.The birds sat upon a tree and poured forth their lily like voice.鸟儿落在树上,倾泻出百合花似的声音. 2>.Taste the music of Mozart.


高考英语作文常用的12个修辞手法 文章最忌语言枯燥无味,一篇好的作文,语言应该生动形象。而恰当地运用修辞手法,可以使文字新鲜活泼、具体逼真,大大增强艺术表现力,扩大语言表达的范围;而且还可以激发读者的想象,给人留下深刻的印象。下面介绍一些英语作文中常用的修辞手法。 1、比喻 (metaphor) 比喻就是打比方。可分为明喻和暗喻: 明喻 (simile): 用like, as, as。。。as, as if(though) 或用其他词语指出两个不同事物的相似之处。例如: O my love’s like a red, red rose。我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。 The man can’t be trusted。 He is as slippery as an eel。那个人不可信赖。他像鳗鱼一样狡猾。 He jumped as if he had been stung。他像被蜇了似的跳了起来。 Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream。童年就像一场疾逝的梦。 暗喻 (metaphor): 用一个词来指代与该词所指事物有相似特点的另外一个事

物。例如: He has a heart of stone。他有一颗铁石心肠。 The world is a stage。世界是一个大舞台。 2、换喻(metonymy) 用某一事物的名称代替另外一个与它关系密切的事物的名称,只要一提到其中一种事物,就会使人联想到另一种。比如用the White House 代替美国政府或者总统,用the bottle来代替wine 或者alcohol,用the bar 来代替the legal profession,用 crown代替 king等。例如: His purse would not allow him that luxury。他的经济条件不允许他享受那种奢华。 The mother did her best to take care of the cradle。母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。 He succeeded to the crown in 1848。他在1848年继承了王位。 3、提喻 (synecdoche) 指用部分代表整体或者用整体代表部分,以特殊代表一般或者用一般代表特殊。例如: He earns his bread by writing。他靠写作挣钱谋生。 The farms were short of hands during the harvest season。在收获季节里农场缺乏劳动力。 Australia beat Canada at cricket。澳大利亚队在板球


健康生活方式的英语作 文 文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]

假如你是李丽,假期你将参加一个英语角主办的以“Healthy Lifestyle”为主题的演讲比赛。请你准备一篇发言稿,谈谈你对健康生活的看法。要求如下:(1)每天运动;(2)健康饮食(3)充足的睡眠(4)保持好心情。 注意:1。次数80—100;2;请结合实际情况适当发挥;3 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir or Madam, Good afternoon! A healthy lifestyle is important for need to start a healthy are some of my Thanks for your attention! One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam, Good afternoon! A healthy lifestyle is important for need to start a healthy are some of my ,take exercise every day. Doctors suggest that we walk at least steps a week to keep can also get the same amount of exercise from our favorite ,watch our fresh fruit and vegetables instead of fast food and food can make us put on weight ,rest while we body needs about eight hours’sleep every ’d better go to bed early in the evening and not stay up. If you really love life, then follow these suggestions and start a healthy lifestyle.
