



1. It was not until midnight the camping site.

A. that they reached

B. that they did not reach

C. did they reach

D. did they not reach

2. It is predicated that existing reserves of fossil fuel by 2045.

A. have been run out

B. are going to be run out

C. will have run out

D. have run out

3. Only by increasing its exports drastically from the present trade imbalance.

A. the country can emerge

B. the country might emerge

C. can the country emerge

D. the country might emerged

4. The more acid you add to the solution, it becomes.

A. cloudier

B. the cloudiest

C. more cloudy

D. the cloudier

5. The lecture said “It‘s time you the literature review.”

A. began

B. should begin

C. begin

D. are beginning

6. way you do it, the answer is always the same.

A. However

B. Whichever

C. Whoever

D. Why ever

7. producing methane, the process also produces carbon monoxide.

A. Apart

B. As well

C. Besides

D. In addition


Word List (单词表) message n. 要旨,要点 tricky adj. (工作、问题等)微妙的,棘手的;(人)狡猾的beginning n. 开始;起初 semester n. (尤指美国大专院校的)学期m cover v. 处理 duty n. 任务 management n. 管理 number one adj. 最重要的;头号的 seriously adv. 真心地,当真地;认真地,严肃地 once conj. 一旦……(就……) weekly adj. 每周一次的 follow v. 遵照;沿用 following adj. 紧接着的 realistic adj. 现实可行的 essay n. 作文;短文 quiz n. 考查;测验 upset v. 打乱(计划等);打翻 ability n. 能力;才智

grade n. (考试或作业的)分数 achieve v. 获得 flexible adj. 灵活的 re-plan v. 重新计划 basis n. 基础;根据 project n. 课题;科研项目 mid-term adj. 期中的 solid adj. 扎实的 schedule n. 计划表 alive adj. 起作用的;现存的;活着的assignment n. (指定的)作业 activity n. 活动 social adj. 社交的;交谊的 seem v. 似乎;好像 back adj. 以前的;过去的 Proper Names Elwood N. Chapman 埃尔伍德·N·查普曼(人名) Useful Expressions(常用短语)


高中英语词汇与语法练习100题 1、____ your help we ____ not have finished in time . A. But for,should B. Except for,can C. But,might D. Without,shall 2、I’ll start to think about it ____ I have to write my report. A. before B.as C. while D. when 3、It ______ long before we ______ the result of the experiment. A. will not be, will know B. is, will know C. will not be, know D. is, know 4、Nothing ________ disaster _____ come from such a plan. A. otherwise,could B. or,might C. but , would D.without, should 5、She _____ things around. A. always moving B.was always moving C. has always been moved D. did move always 6、It did nothing but ____ us ridiculous . A.to make B.make C.made D. had made 7、The ship ____ ready for a month . A. isn’t B. has not been C. will not be D. had not been 8、They want all groups ___ an equal basis. A to be treated on B to treat C to be treated D to treat on 9、He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _____ from the university next year. A. will graduate B. will have graduated C. graduates D. is to graduate 10、--- But how long can you stay in the house? --- I don't know. It _______ A. depended B. depends c. is depended D. will be depended 11、People ______ less tolerant of smoking these days. A.are becoming B.has become C. will have become D. will become 12、We ___ next winter in Australia A. are spending B. have spent C. spend D. will have spent 13、He ____ tomorrow morning on the 13:27 train. A. will have arrived B. arrive C. has arrived D. is arriving 14、The origin of the universe ______ probably never ______. A.is, explain B. will, be explained C.is, explained D. will, explain 15.You were lucky to escape ______ . A. having been punished B. to be punished C. to have been punished D. being punished 16. Anne never dreams of ____ for her to be sent abroad very soon. A. there being a chance B. there to be a chance C. there be a chance D. being a chance 17. Her hair curls _____ . A. naturally B. natural C. nature D. native 18\Your hair wants ___ . A. to cut B. being cut C.cutting D. to be cutting 19. It’s no good _____ to come now. He is busy. A. if you ask him B. to ask him C. asking him D. that you ask him 20. --- How did you get to the airport? --- I got Charlie ______ me there. A. drove B. drive C. driving D. to drive


2 015年6月13日全国大学英语四级翻译真题及答案 大米 在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。长期以来,大米在中国人的饮食中占据很重要的地位,以至于有谚语说“巧妇难为无米之炊”。中国南方大多数种植水稻,人们通常以大米为食;而华北大部分地区因为过于寒冷或过于干燥,无法种植水稻,那里的主要作物是小麦。在中国,有些人用面粉做面包,但大多数人用面粉做馒头和面条。 In the mind of Westerners,Chinese people have the closest connection to rice,basic food for the Chinese.For a long time,rice occupies a very important position in the Chinese diet.There is even a saying that "even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice".People in south China plant and live on rice,while people in the most parts of North China cannot plant rice due to excessively dry and cold weather. The main crop there is wheat. In China, some people use flour to bake bread,while most people make steamed bread and noodles with flour. xx 中国是世界上最古老的文明之一。构成现代世界基础的许多元素起源于中国。中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并正经历着一次新的工业革命。中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其中包括到20年建成的一个太空站。目前,中国是世界最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。同时,它也在海外投资数十亿美元。2011年,中国超越日本成为世界第二大经济体。 快递 据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier service)将递送大约120亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会。仅在11月11日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日。因此,快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。


练习4:虚拟语气强化练习题 Part I. Multiple Choice A. had taken, might still have been C. might have taken; had still been 句意:如果他听了医生的建议,他现在可能还活着。 解析:这是错综时间条件句,从句说的是过去听医生的建议,主句说的是现在的情况。因此从句中用过去完成时表示对过去事情的假设,主句中用“情态助动词might+动词原形”的形式表示对现在情况的假设。 A. were; would have let C. had been; had let 句意:如果你是健康的,昨天我就会让你去旅行了。 解析:这是针对已经发生了的事情的假设,健康状态及旅行说的都是昨天的事,因此从句中用过去完成时表示假设,主句中用would+have done的形式表示假设。 7. I lost your address, otherwise (or) I _________ you long before.

that that从句中用动词原 to the hospital as soon as possible. that从句中用 D. should know

解析:这是表达非现实的愿望。Wish后的that从句中,如果是针对现在的时间而言,那么动词用过去时表示非现实的愿望。 that从句中用动词原形表示主观 A. should not succeed B. would not succeed

Part II. Error Analysis 1. Your director would have been inclined to favor your request if you would have waited for another occasion when he was less busy with other more important matters. 修改:would have waited →had waited 句意:如果你能等到主管处理不太重要事情的、不太忙的其他时候,他是有可能愿意接受你的请求的。 解析:根据语境及句中时态判断,找主管提出请求这件事已经发生了,针对过去事情的假设,从句中应该使用过去完成时。 expects cast takes the time to


since 英音:[sins]美音:[s?ns] 副词ad. (常用于现在完成时或过去完成时) 1. 此后;从那时到现在 She left school three years ago and has worked as a nurse ever since. 她三年前毕业,从那时起便一直当护士。 2. 之前,以前 介词prep. 1. (常用于现在完成时或过去完成时)自...以来,从...至今 I haven't heard from him since last year. 我自去年以来未曾收到过他的信。 连接词conj. 1. (常用于现在完成时或过去完成时)自...以来,从...至今 It's been ten years since they married. 他们结婚到现在已经十年了。 She has been living a hard life since her husband died. 她自从丈夫死后,一直过着艰苦的生活。 2. 既然;因为,由于 He must have taken the book since it isn't here. 他一定是把书拿走了,因为书已不在这里了。 Since it is so hot, let's go swimming. 既然天气这么热,我们去游泳吧。 when 副词ad. 1. (用作疑问副词)什么时候,何时 I'd like to know when they'll let him out. 我想知道他们什么时候放他。 When did you last see Margaret? 你上一次见到玛格丽特是什么时候?


1. 中秋习俗 在中国月饼是一种特殊的食品,广受海内外华人的欢迎。中秋吃月饼就好比圣诞节吃馅饼(mince pies)。为了庆祝中秋节,中国人通常做两件事:一是观赏满月。二是品尝美味的月 饼。中秋节是每年农历八月十五日。据说,这一天的月亮是一年中最圆的。而月亮正是庆贺 中秋的全部主题。在中国人眼中,月饼象征着全家人的大团圆。 参考译文: Moon cakes are aspecial kind of food in China. They are very popular with the Chinese at homeand abroad. Moon cakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are toChristmas. To celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese usually do two things:enjoy the full moon and eat delicious moon cakes. Mid-Autumn Festival falls onthe 15thday of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. Itis the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest. And themoon is what this celebration is all about. In the eyes of the Chinese people ,a moon cake symbolizes the reunion of all family members. 讲解:第二句中的“……就好比”可以用“……s like…”,但译文中所用句型更好地表达这 个含义。如:“智力之于大脑,犹如视力之于躯体。“ Intellect is to the mind what sight is tothe body.” 由于香港的战略位置,面向国际的商业氛围,和优越的通讯条件,使她成为世界贸易的活动 中心和亚太地区的神经中枢。香港已和世界上170个国家和地区的公司有商业往来。与亚洲 其他国家和地区的贸易大幅度增长。香港的集装港口是世界上最繁忙的,而且还在进一步扩 建。虽然香港开始成为世界金融中心还是最近二十年的事,但现在海外贷款已占到香港银行 提供的总贷款的一半以上。当这颗东方明珠重新回到中国的掌上时,中国人民眼中的香港未 来比过去任何时候都更加光明灿烂。 参考译文a Hong Kong a tinyisland perched on the tip of Southern China plays a pivotal role in anincreasingly globalized economy. Given its strategic location internationallyo2. 传统艺术 皮影戏又称“影子戏”。它是中国著名民间戏剧形式之一。表演时艺人通常一边演唱一边操纵 用兽皮或纸板制作的人物形象。它们的影子通过灯光出现在帘布上。这营造了有人物在活动 的幻象。有时表演者需要控制三到四个偶人。皮影戏在我国历史悠久,元代时还曾传到世界 上很多国家,迷倒了不少国外戏迷,被人们亲切地称为“中国影灯”。 参考译文 The shadow puppetplay, also known as ?shadow play?, is one of China?s famous folk opera forms.During the performance, players usually sing while holing/manipulating humanfigures, which are made of animal skin and paper board. The shadows of thosehuman figures are reflected on a curtain through the light. This creates theillusion of moving images. Sometimes


大学英语B——词汇与语法 1、I don’t know _______ to deal with such matter. D./ 答案:B 2、I am not used to speaking ________ public. 答案:A 3、- _______ is your girl friend like? - She is very kind and good-looking. 答案:B 4、We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time. 答案:C 5、- Write to me when you get home. - OK, I _______. 答案:C 6、He _______ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.

on at that in 答案:A 7、I won’t make the _______ mistake next time. 答案:B 8、I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me. 答案:C 9、A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment. 答案:A 10、He _______ lives in the house where he was born. 答案:C 11、- Do you want to wait? - Five days ________ too long for me to wait.


考博英语词汇语法题考前恶补、 全真模拟试题 1. Although ______ Spanish, he attended the course. A. he was knowing B. he is knowing C. having a knowledge of D. knows 2. You ______th at letter to James. However, you didn’t. A. ought to write B. ought to have written C. should write D. should be writing 3. Joseph was very lucky ______ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room. A. to escape B. to have escaped C. to escaping D. to be escaping 4. Bread and butter ______liked by Westerners. A. is B. are C. were D. be 5. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ______very pleasant to sit on in summer. A. which is B. which it is C. it is D. where it is 6. He set up in business ______ his own and was very successful. A. in B. of C. on D. by 7. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ______last night. A. must study B. should have studied C. must have studied D. is sure to study 8. Frank almost never received any education, ______? A. would he B. did he C. didn’t he D. wouldn’t he 9. Even if his letter ______ tomorrow, it ______too late to do anything. A. will arrive...is B. should arrive...were C. arrives...will be D. arrives...would be 10. We can hear ______from the back of the room. A. just as good B. just as easy C. just as well D. easily as well 11. To obtain a satisfactory result, one must apply two ______of paint on a clean surface. A. coats B. levels C. times D. courses 12. The small mountain village was ______ by the snow for more than one month. A. cut back B. cut out C. cut off D. cut away 13. Miss Green was ______ $100 for driving after drinking. A. fined B. charged C. punished D. posed 14. Modern ______ perhaps causes more problems than it solves. A. technique B. technology C. tactics D. tendency 15. Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ______ when she was trying to go to sleep. A. sounding B. ringing C. ticking D. humming 16. Under this ______ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid. A. intensive B. weighty C. intense D. bulky 17. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ______of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. A. maximum B. minority C. majority D. minimum 18. Nancy was surprised that they have ______. They seemed to be a happy couple. A. split up B. broken down C. fallen through D. knocked out


2015年6月英语四级翻译强化训练 【翻译原文】 中国有句俗语是这么说的:不到长城非好汉,不吃烤鸭真遗憾。如果你想更多地了解中国美食、文化和风俗,北京烤鸭(Beijing Roast Duck)作为一道历史悠久、赫赫有名的佳肴,是最佳的选择。有一点需要注意:吃烤鸭的最佳季节是春天、秋天和冬天。厨师会将热腾腾的烤鸭送到餐桌上,然后切成100多个薄片,每片都带着脆皮。那绝妙的滋味一定会让你终生难忘! 【参考译文】 There is a Chinese saying that no visit to Beijing iscomplete if you miss seeing the Great Wall or eatingBeijing Roast Duck. As a famous and delicious foodwith a long history, Beijing Roast Duck is anexcellent choice if you want to know more aboutChinese cuisine, culture and customs. There is one point which you need to pay attention to,that is, the best seasons of eating it are spring, autumn and winter. The hot roast duck will bebrought on the dining table by the chef where he will slice it into more than 100 thin flakes,and each of them is covered with crispy skin. The terrific taste will make it unforgettable in yourlife! 【翻译原文】 饺子(dumpling)是中国传统食物,是春节最重要的食物之一,是北方节日的必备食品。传统上,一家人会在除夕夜一起包饺子,还可能会在其中一个饺子里藏一枚硬币,希望吃到硬币的人在新的一年交到好运。此外,饺子通常是为朋友或家人送行的食物。中国人擅长包饺子。饺子有各种各样的馅料,通常蘸着酱油(soy sauce)、醋(vinegar)或大蒜(garlic)吃。 【参考译文】 As a traditional food, dumpling is one of the mostimportant foods during the Spring Festival andnecessary during holidays in Northern China.Traditionally, all members in family will get togetherto make dumplings at the Spring Festival's Eve. Theymay hide a coin in one of the dumplings, hoping that the person who finds the coin will have agood fortune in the coming year. In addition, dumpling is often the food for sending offfriends or family members. Chinese are good at making dumplings which have variety of fillings,and are typically eaten by dipping into soy sauce, vinegar, or garlic. 【翻译原文】 中国传统认为孝顺(filial piety)是我们在父母有生之年应该一直秉承的、最重要的美德。成为孝子是任何一个中国人首要的责任,这意味着要尽可能完全服从父母,关怀父母,不惜任何代价满足他们的需求。中国传统认为孝顺还有一些其他特征,如父母过世后,长子需要一手操办葬礼;儿子必须确保家里的香火(family line)得以延续。 【参考译文】 According to Chinese tradition,filial piety is themost important virtue to be cherished throughoutone's parents' lifespan. Being a filial child is theuppermost duty of any Chinese and it meansshowing complete obedience to parents,takingcare of them,and meeting their demands at any cost as possible as one can.Chinese traditiontakes a view that filial piety has some other features, too. For example,the eldest son isrequired to perform all the rituals after the death of his parents; the son has to ensure thatthe family line will continue.


1. My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: "Are you feeling all right?" A. must be B. must have been C. had been D. had to be 2. It is only when you nearly lose someone ____ fully conscious of how much you value him. A. do you become B. then you become C. that you become D. have you become 3. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ___ the atmosphere. A. as it is B. so is C. the same as D. and so is 4. While driving along the treacherous road, ___ . A. my right rear tire blew out B. my right rear tire had a blowout C. I had a blowout on my right rear tire D. I had my right rear tire blowout 5. Jean Wagner's most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American Poetry is his insistence that ___________ it in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference. A. is to be analyzed B. has been analyzed C. be analyzed D. should have been analyzed 6. __ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect. A. Since B. When C. While D. Unless 7. This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of making more of an impact on the art community _____ any of them could inpidually and to promote Western art by women. A. rather than B. rather C. than D. other than 8. But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ___ suffering and poverty. A. anything but B. nothing but C. none other than D. no more than 9. After ___ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to step into the doctor's office. A. it B. that C. what D. which 10. The board deemed it's urgent that these files ___ right away. A. had to be printed B. should have been printed C. must be printed D. should be printed 11. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ___ on benches, chairs or boxes. A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. having been seated 12. __ in this way, the situation doesn't seem so disappointing. A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at 13. Nobody came to see me while I was out, ___ ? A. did they B. didn't they C. did she D. didn't she 14. You will see this product ___ wherever you go. A. to be advertised B. advertised C. advertise D. advertising 15. Suddenly ___ fire broke out in the room and everything in it was soon on ___ fire. A. /, a B. The, / C. a, / D. /, the 16. If you ___ Jerry Brown until recently, you'd think the photograph on the right was strange. A. shouldn't contact B. weren't to contact C. didn't contact D. hadn't contacted 17. Scientists think __ helps some trees to conserve water in the winter. A. when losing leaves B. leaves are lost C. that losing leaves D. the leaves losing


练习(3) 1. Ability to get along with people is an ____ in business. A) capital B) property C) goods D) asset 2. Many Africans were ____ to Christianity. A) changed B) transformed C) converted D) exchanged 3. The ____ scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye. A) significant B) magnificent C) superstitious D) substantial 4. A lot of traffic accidents____ from carelessness. A) arouse B) arise C) raise D) rise 5. The teacher____ me____ for disobedience. A) called ...down B) called...upon C) called...off D) called...out 6. Some areas, ____their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated. A) due to B) but for C) in spite of D) with regard to 7. I left for the school earlier than usual this morning ____ traffic jam. A) in terms of B) in case of C) for the sake of D) at the risk of


翻译练习1 2018秋季学期(2015-6-3) 在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。长期以来,大米在中国人的饮食中占据很重要的地位,以至于有谚语说“巧妇难为无米之炊”。中国南方大多种植水稻,人们通常以大米为食;而华北大部分地区因为过于寒冷或过于干燥,无法种植水稻,那里的主要作物是小麦。在中国,有些人用面粉做面包,但大多数人用面粉做馒头和面条。 参考译文: In the eyes of Westerners,the basic food most closely connected with China is rice. It has played such an important role in Chinese diets for a long time that there is a Chinese proverb saying “Even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice.” People in South China mostly grow rice and they usually take it as staple food,while the main crop in most parts of North China is wheat because it is either too cold or too dry to grow rice. In China, some people make bread with flour, but most people use it to make steamed buns and noodles. 翻译练习2 2018秋季学期(2015-12-1) 中国的父母往往过于关注孩子的学习,以至于不要他们帮忙做家务。他们对孩子的首要要求就是努力学习,考得好,能上名牌大学。他们相信这是为孩子好,因为在中国这样竞争激烈的社会里,只有好成绩才能保证前途光明。中国父母还认为,如果孩子在社会上取得大的成就,父母就会受到尊重。因此,他们愿意牺牲自己的时间,爱好和兴趣,为孩子提供更好的条件。 参考译文: Chinese parents tend to focus so excessively on their children’s study that they keep their children away from the housework. Their primary requirement for their kids is to study hard, get high scores and manage to attend prestigious universities. Parents are convinced that this is to the benefit of their children, because only high scores can guarantee their kids a promising future in a highly competitive society like China. Chinese parents also believe that they as parents will be respected if their children achieve great accomplishments in society. Therefore, they are willing to provide their children with a better condition at the expense of their own time, hobbies and interests. 翻译练习3 2018秋季学期(2015-12-2)
